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[Applause] [Music] hello everybody welcome back to my youtube channel so today we have the cutest and potentially the funniest vlog that we're gonna do this little dude here you know we are gonna try free jumping him yeah one of the biggest requests i get is to free jump my horses and they're all dressage horses except for teddy which means they do not jump very well and they do definitely need direction so i thought it'd be really funny and potentially entertaining to try and free gym blackjack the mini shetland he isn't known for his dressage or his jumping skills we have actually jumped once or twice um i slightly had to drag him over but he loved it in the end so i'm gonna get him in tack him up tack him up he's got no tack i don't know what i'm saying i'm gonna brush him not tack him up and we are going to try free jumping him and see how that goes what are you doing this is my little grand prix jumper let's get him in come on little man scooch squishy scooch prickly hi dude are you ready to jump oh yes you are i need to get some of that chub off you anyway come on babe i'm gonna obviously warm him up like normal i'm gonna take him for a little trot let's try a little practice you want another truck come on come on hi teddy so i can actually walk when he trots it is the cutest little thing come on daddy come on you can pre-jump too come on princess come on jack you're not feeling super energetic mate in your own time buddy okay so you actually hate going in there i'm not sure why but he literally hates going in the wash box it's just a quirk for him he does not like it so we're gonna put you here aren't we baby aren't we baby get a little brush he looks filthy excuse me chubster you've been out all day oh wow he's just gaining his new not new it's not new he's gaining his winter coat and all the oh gosh look at all that floof and dust why are you so fluffy little mountain man oh gross look at that okay well you know fighting and losing battle so we'll just give him a quick flick and josie stand still steed give you a little oh jesus oh much better almost time for you to have your rug on dude his cute pink rug every stallion needs a pink rug funny story when our farrier comes he actually has to sit down to shoo him or like to trim his little little feet oh he's got one of those burrs in his tail jackie what have you been doing mate what have you been doing ish look at all i think i've made the dust worse oh well we'll just leave that okay y'all thought beautiful would you like a treat for being so good yes you would sugar oh you performing go and do it again again okay dude i've done a really bad job of uh grooming them you need a bath soon dude come on come on come on i might get a lunge whip just so we can encourage him over said jumps come on baby grab one at the same time because we can multitask with my little man ish okay there we go come on jack jack come on i'm going to make my life easier and not do too much i'm not gonna go too far away because he's tiny you don't need so much room do you i'm just gonna leave you here come on i'm gonna leave you there for one minute be good be good oh my goodness i feel god jumping is not for unfit people because carrying the jumps it's just exhausting exhausting i'm gonna put these way way down maybe not that low don't you be pulling that over oh he's loose and while the stallion is free you can go over here then tie against this one for a minute stay there stay there what's that one on i think it's there we'll just i'll get one more and some polls i'll be back okay you're gonna follow me a bit jack you're an escape artist oh look at you are you ready to go ready you are a regular houdini you oops sorry come on try but okay thanks okay ah we are so strong okay this is the setup i'm thinking i'm not sure how this is gonna go this is like to keep him in do you think i need this one or do you think just a pole okay good to go nearly cannot for the life of me balance these i'm so silly you ready jackie jack baby boy grass i think i overestimate underestimated how big the poles were jesus i can't okay i'll try it's on a bit of a hill but it'll do it'll do yeah this is taking shape ish [Applause] dottie leave jack jack alone ow that did land on my toe yes it did so so far i've nearly lost a toe and i'm out of breath but you know what this is all for the good of entertainment it's all for you on youtube that looks a good size if i can do it jack can all right two more try and not decapitate my toes i really underestimated how big these are i am unsure why maybe like here so he doesn't try and escape one more and then we are good to go what a setup i was i think this will be really fun what is with my judgment skills today what is this they're actually not that heavy i'm just being really dramatic what a shock have a little pep talk right you just need to jump it okay see that i don't know if you can see do you see it you just have to jump it and then you'll get a treat so we are just going for a little walk as a warm-up you know horses are athletes and they need as much warm-up as a human would have before they perform normally not ones of i don't even know where he is that size only ones of this size need a good warmer but we don't want to pull a muscle and i think he needs a good oh so i think we'll go for a run in a second go for a little trot feeling particularly particularly hyper and i think it's just because he's so cute i've still got a bit of a husky voice from all the chatting at hoy's and talking to everybody so please don't judge me i'm not a man i don't sound like a man should we do a little warm-up come on that's it get nice and warm i i could actually walk with him but i'm running to show support i'm supporting his endeavors let's change the rain it's really important that we warm up from both reins come on dude oh come on chubby come on if you guys can hear me on this microphone i'm really out of breath i promise i'm not there i don't know why just keep swimming i'll have a breather he did well i'm so out of breath it's actually not even funny i do go to the gym i do cardio and weights and whatnot i don't know what's going on my lungs are burning all right let's get in position shall we oh he's trotting now oh someone's so willing good boy right oh he's raring he is raring to go i do let's get you in a good position come on a better position than that stop that go on i'm gonna ride go go no not this way go oh no wrong way jack jack that wasn't the plan come on come on go go go go go go go go go not quite getting it but you know what the day's still young so excuse me mr houdini we'll go together and i'll show you what we do are you ready let's go go go go go yay oh my gosh that's so cute let's do it the other way you love that look at that he's raring come on come on come on come on come on you're so good close do you know what that was really good effort jack go check go go go go go go go go maybe not a natural but that doesn't mean to say he's not showing talent i think he's showing really good initiative i think he's trying his best and what more can we ask for this way this time are you ready little dude i know you are going little little love taps on the bum go go go go go go go go go yes yes yes oh excuse me mister right we've had a reshuffle and this is gonna work better i think he just needs a bit more motivation so gonna give him a little a little love tap go go go go go go go yes we ready you ready ready go go go go go go go this is far too much fun i don't understand why it's so cute i get now why everyone enjoys free jumping it's so fun and you're so talented wow he just bit you're a bad boy but a good push we do one more so good luck and then we're finished yeah gonna pick up the whip but i don't think i need it because he's just he's got it going on look at him he's he's pronouncing and he's ready you ready baby go go go go go go go go go oh god black jack you are so cute man you are so gorgeous i think he is showing amazing prospect as a jumper so that that was great high five are you loving life are you loving life you are so cute so guys that was my first attempt at free jumping blackjack i actually think that was a success i mean took a minute he didn't excuse me g he didn't quite get it to start did you dude and then it was like a light bulb moment he just knew he saw the jump his eyes locked on he got all feisty and he went for it didn't you yes you did so i think that was really successful i really enjoyed filming this video i hope you guys enjoyed watching it please do like and subscribe otherwise blackjack will be offended he will and you don't you don't want to do that so thank you for me and blackjack from watching and we will we will see you next time [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Erin Williams
Views: 458,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K29nKtEQDOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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