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oh every day we'll bring me something [Music] new hey guys welcome back to the channel today we are going on our first ever proper family hack we're going probably going to be out for a good couple hours today we're taking three of the ponies panda is actually home I don't know if you've watched that Vlog yet but we've got Panda here at home for a while now um but we we're harland's riding cloudy mom's riding Panda and I'm riding popcorn I'm just changing popcorn's Bridal quickly because I took the fluff off of popcorn's normal bride the other day um to give it a clean but um I've lost it so I'm having to use popcorn's old Bridal and it's looking a bit sus pooke I don't know if that's mold or dust he hasn't used this for a while so I think it's just us I'm going to give it a little sponge off I need to find a sponge cuz there's one there's a sponge in the bush and I went to go use it the other day but bird pooed on it so yeah bird pooed on the sponge when did that happen so who are you riding today cloudy are we going to do walking trotting um counter in's a bit bit much I think for today and yeah we're going to get ice cream today as well yes right what ice cream you picking me yeah what are you going for might get two two the ponies allowed one M oh bit of dairy it's not really advisable is it not advisable no we could get a little small Mr whipping and they could have a bite each nah it's not healthy is it for them no going for an ice Lolly or ice cream um get I'll I'm going to get a lolly because like the ice cream will melt they were ice cream is like you know on the cone with flavor like the push-ups oh yeah no that's that's a that's a cream and then ice Lolly is like the is it made out of milk yeah okay like Dairy and stuff ponies can't have it I'll put a bit of sun cream Pok one's nose today cuz it's quite hot and you must have been standing here for about 10 minutes just smiling come on good boy is that bit the wrong way around I actually hate this bit so much I can never get it the right way have a look the arrows have got be facing I like popcorn when he does that I like that bit's got to be so that bit it's got to be going in the mouth like that so and then he got that pink s saddle pag from L and he got uh the tick as you see he's wearing mine you're wearing mine a't you cloudy right now he's in the bush don't know why he's in the bush poor cloudy had the look in look around in the bush at least he got some shade all you can look at is this weird um ugly Floy and the the SpongeBob Hollow was talking about with Bird poo on it and just a load of top of bricks and a blue thing there what about oh just made him jump oh my God oopsy dais and he got those hes for me you can see harand m just watch Popcorn a sec can you genery right here guys of course you do all ponies are going to come on a hack and I cannot wait to get my ice cream right do you want to hop onto the shavings Haren just don't fall off please shavings oh oh you bit far away aren't you yeah let's walk on again oh the make it more supportive oh this does not sound good for me right are you ready look like king of Justice you bit far away he need a leg up how about you should get on for the floor I can do it oh no oh God a poor cloudy can we do a swap Winer halfway there who do you want to ride poporn I can't who am I going to ride then I'm going to have to walk what I'm going to have to walk why cuz I can't ride cloudy why don't want to go on um Panda my mom's riding Panda oh Mom go in here what um right there you go oh got a ha either guys excuse cloudy's little plats it gets really sweaty so CL boy I was about to judge him welcome clouds I mean who on oh made the shavings a bit more stable let loose butts are together all right let's not have butts together get on by yourself there we go How's being annoying now right man your time to shine give me the camera oh my God Mom we got open the gate oh no good you just get on for the floor St it open the front G no I'm not getting on you're going to have to get on and off har St walking off F get mental you right if you check your G no the yeah I did but don't bellies change my bag's in the way it's very I'm on all right you take you take the camera thep yeah yeah stay stay I'm slow down Stay Stay Stay Stay he's very excited har oh my gosh it's not going well for me it's not going for me it's going Fine's fine you have the time of your life and get the skull my God cloudy boy what I will never ride you again if you keep on doing this a scruffy boy is a scruffy boy yeah are you a scruffy boy noart boy it's smart boy not anymore think clowy wants a truck should we have a little truck no he was was try to get um caner I don't think he was he won't cancer cuz he knows it's on like stones and stuff it will hurt his feet it's [Music] tratter what' you say a TR TR how's it going good no why why is it not going good Zer good Al what ice cream are you going to get I don't know what they've got yet um if they've got mint chot chip I'm definitely having that Min chip or a cppo calipo Panda's got hay fever Panda's got hay fever's popcorn didn't have something on his nose I'll cry why don't on that cheesy Nose getting cheesy nose isn't got a Cheesy nose smil it is cheesy oh cheesy Chey smile I will cry if that if that smile goes away way guys is this the best idea you idiot you're sneezing C you stop shoting near the dumb IDI Cloud you're so desperate to never dir Cloud's tail oh P cloudy's tail never gets dirty he's so clean like me just like Haren harland's a very clean boy aren't you yeah at school I don't need a single thing oh we never loses anything at school oh yeah do you yeah but I only lost my shoes and that's my train is like go you didn't lose it you just left them at school you didn't lose them very good aren't you Air Forces they cost too much don't they I know they sell so much don't know shoes are just for your feet oh oh oh Pony Jam Pony jam oh de right keep going then not up the bum H I don't think that's advisable oh they've turned the engine off right keep on going guys oh my God you go you go I can't go I'll go you got go I've got the most sensible one here oh hello I can't Ste her I'm sandwi King of the living Pony you're supposed to be staring properly every day froming the right there we go oh no maybe not minute ago little child said this one's the baby doesn't it doesn't amount it doesn't matter about the brand of the pony matters about the age of the pony yes it's not the brand it's it's the breeze yes I me I meant the breeze it's not the breeze of the pony the BR this very ex I mean yes it's the age do you know how old he is 11 is he 15 14 14 I think I think he's 14 no he's 11 yeah cuz we got him when he was 12 Oh I thought he was 11 since I was six well no one come up was but he's I thought his birthday was it September I don't even know where Cloud 18 when is cloudy's birthday oh yeah fart Trot fart Trot is he pooing yep they've got a track there m a track oh yeah a tractor tra ready then we go don't step in the PO house you um popcorn you smell he's going to get spooked he's going to get Spooks popcorn is he weing no har just wait bab he's not moving ah stop it stop oh no right turn around turn I can't children these days he hates this oh Hol Hol stop dressing I can't stop what happened you in front are you in front now oh no I don't think let me go turn popcorn turn around and kick him Qui take the whip darling cuz we we are so traffic jam right now we are like sandwiched and I don't popcorn Haren you walk on that's it perfect yay there we [Laughter] go D mom do not let Panda go in the ditch good boy is see it breathing oh yeah it's moving I'm afraid I can't get in front of you babes it's just not really possible got a bit of you know infront anxiety normally oh my God I all end up for the ditch oh he's so naughty he probably go in the ditch deck me off and then run out B di will be in there oh Panda pants you been so good think Cloud's enjoying it yeah yeah cloud has had his ears forward the whole way he's loving it keeping fit aren't you babe yeah thank you okay you got come okay you all right thank [Music] you don't you dare cloudy all the efforts we did it not racing youron over yeah oh finally peace now look at a bench certain things that people normally use are Ben great Trot in har Panda's never kicked before no Panda's a good boy like that Panda's one of the best boys at never kicking I mean I can barge him as much as I want and he'll never kick I mean look at him he's never going to kick B not pollen oh my gosh this is the most pollen I've ever had in my life no no no you walk cuz Panda like the Ben now Po's going to think something's wrong because you where's that man G I'm CH this oh I wish we got the man back he's having a poo cloudy he walk oh no no Ben right there's another bridge this one is a bit more less suspect oh look cl's not scared of the bench aren't you one by one there oh look this bridge isn't not so scary where where's the ice creen to the right they got like Magnum dupes cornet dupes they got Mr whippy pushups they got Mr whippies and they got the the tub things have they got vanilla strawberry chocolate mint choc chip Blackberry cotted clotted cream caramel and vegan raspberry ripple and lemon sbip tub yeah I want M chip in a tub everyone wants make chip in a tub yeah three mon Co beans that makes my life really easy Ponies are having a snack break now so see what we got to deal with and I got I got to make sure Cloud doesn't break his drawer because if I Le the lead there he's going to break his jaw Mar why did you take so long me ordered 10 whippies I'm not even joking what happened I took so long because people in front of me ordered like 10 whippies take a pop I can't I'm Ting a whip Dr your whip put on Flor oh my God they're pooing Cloud's pooing it's not yours it wasn't us so Mom hold him hold him mom hold him what's going on with he's got why what's going on with the brow band what's going on with his ear oh that's the man he pulled him on the a oh did [Laughter] he no no look they're doing bumper cars now what [Music] funny am I funny yeah okay I've just got cloudy slobber all over my ice cream it will taste nice I def enely realized it was cold cuz he jumped back oh mint sh ship what are you doing babes trying to get a bite of mine now oh my God got P panda panda bum hello popcorn was your ice cream up to standards oh I loved it it's good yes it's amazing now cloudy knows we now all the ponies are calm because they know we're coming back way do they so I can just sit down and just let these just relax yeah hopefully it's a bit smoother for sailing on the way home yeah yeah oh come on cloudy do do you want to catch the pise or not no my pony does it h I promise you cloud is not going to like it when you go in front oh not polling Mom this is why I can't get on the hack again it's the pollen it's pollen po pollen no the pollen yes oh look there's the Poo popcorn D thank you oh butterfly oh not more pollen I think P I'm going to go get his double bit and I'm going to try andn it and just do a bit of schooling when he gets back manom oh panda panda and popcorn squishing poor cloudy oh my gosh oh cloudy he's been Deniz you know squished oh cl's had enough oh he's had he's like let me start real quick to show him a Lon stay seated he's like a little he's like a little plane stay seated go first then me then Mom and we got to wait until everyone's off cuz this bridge is wooden and it's a bit dodgy dodgy so you [Music] go oh oh my gosh oh we did it oh oh my gosh he's going what's he doing hello stop making a be inoon my Pony's an autopilot yep my Pony's he's chilling my pony my Pony's an autopilot he know where he's going now he's been through this I think three times now so just let let boy cook let boy cook it's cuz this this autopilot guy is going fast [Laughter] hello popcorn you're a little bit close to that SL what my Pony's not P it for blo sake quickly go over this who all right going this way yeah and now let boy cook for 1 hour straight wa py I thought you were an autop pilot not driving pilot all right we going TR here cuz I'm not I'm not trying to Trop no bro this Pony's trying to caner thisis Pony can cuz I'm going to scream okay back hey okay guys guys guys guys slow down look oh okay God oh my go stop cing I'm going to weigh my body on you now oh pulling my nose is itching oh my nose is ditching so badly cloudy I said walk you're not cooking boy I've got the most itchiest nose ever think there's a fly on it oh oh yes is there more pollen mom H stop Shing I'm not I can't oh I knew it more pollen I stop walking f oh no I let go my rain wello popcorn you trying to show off cuz I will show off more oh there better not be scooters oh not bikes oh we've got some bikes ahead of us Mom the electric bikes hope not a stop it cloudy going the is out of me jezy out of me oh thank God they're not electric bikes say motor bikes I'm I'm done I'll be to use this oh my gosh I like it to be panda I know cloudy likes having a little sniff at Panda's but Panda got the softest hair thank you thank you thank you oh there we go oh back to the old day days bet the boys will I bet I bet the ponies and the boys I bet they'll like it when they come up here next time cuz we let them have a good taste of the grass so they might they might want to think of it whilst they come up here next time um I don't think I'll be up here next time cuz the hay fever and all the pollen coming up my nose why you going near me can said enough are we going to sort your rains out or not babe you're not even holding him properly I don't care not my problem I think it is your problem when you can't stop him oh my God oh my gosh poporn oh my gosh put a whip outside I don't want on your RS oh hello Panda you haven't look nice aren't you I'm have a little chat with panda whil H struggles to get through oh put the there it's over this he's just rubbed his sloy mouth for Cloud's bum popcorn hello popcorn right up we go guys oh please don't get your St on me wait is who's cloudy's best with the best frienda wait who's popcorn speci the best friend no one no one he tries to kick everyone does he kick yeah has to be someone me it's me how what how how you sing like that I go off should I do around the world no why about R I don't care I like it like this whoa you got one rain at the front and one at the back you got to get a bit even even rain are [Music] better can you even them up I'm trying let me take a couple hours all right guys stop stop Stop's got do hisain won't be a to stop with it like on the ready yeah go no oh no I'm going oh no don't push her in the in the ditch this is what happens when we stop he go get the PO popcorn's mouth is green it's Hur to mom um your shoulder ring oh all you know what's happening now boy what's happening now he's going on he P's hacked up well everyone put their ponies at their stations what put your Pony at your station come on my station's over here yeah station report put your big fat nose right guys that is the hack all done we are back home and they are the pares they've just got their saddles on so I need to just take them off now but I'm going to leave them here I think they're all a bit sweaty so I might give them a little hose off that was a big success guys no one fell off no one bolted um and yeah I mean we did have to get a random man to help us across a bridge but that's fine I hope you enjoy our Vlog it's a little bit chaotic at times bit of Madness but that's fine anyways guys we're going to get these ponies all properly un attacked now take their boots off I really hope you guys enjoyed today's Vlog and we'll see you soon for another video bye
Channel: Harlow and Family
Views: 97,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CpHnUsJYBr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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