Mistakes were made....

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hello-hello-hello memories it a--just seen dreams Oh [Music] closing buckle closing it while it was open so we stall her chars got my gang sling gates absolutely sure does hey no okay that's the one you wasn't recording what I swear by doing this on purpose [Music] really wind gypsy law pool are you recording yeah I am well I don't poster my Twitter but I just use it to stock the Wendy's account cuz it hit those that it is a but slow trot [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am being super extra with the flower crown because you are what you eat oh my gosh I'm so hungry so hungry hungry you gonna go get this sure we're gonna go get it well I feel like nowadays I'm Way hungrier [Music] and that kids is what I call perfect egg notation the yes look at that detail whoa whoa this is me walking on the thing I have an itch under my helmet oh I could take it off I don't want to do that because my hairnet is good okay well and three No at first second and 2/3 that was a three that I held up we had two thirds we got a first second and two why did I keep doing for a second and two thirds my face looks really pink I always go off to the left I should go off to the right sometimes like bye say thank you for watching join me next time God and dream believe achieve bike but I did it wrong how many times [Music] I'm a child giggles let's plug merch merch
Channel: Justine Palmer
Views: 143,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mistakes, Were, Made, Bloopers, Rideing, Fails, Justine, Palmer, Pony, Haha, Comedy, Mess, Ups, Bad
Id: iXWtV2PYD04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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