Free Game Fever

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guys I'm sick I'm sick again I thought maybe it was something to do with the winter sales and discounts but this time it's different this time I think I've got free game fever so many games are free on Steam I don't just mean free to play multiplayer games funded by loot boxes or clicker mobile ports funded by addicted whales there are actually a lot of full complete single-player experiences for free sure a lot of them are fairly short experiences but it's definitely not a lack of quality experiences out there whether you're gaming on your own Nan's old accounting laptop running games at 13 FPS on all lower settings or if you took out a small loan of a million dollars to get a computer strong enough to run Minecraft from literally every shade of installed none of today's games will cost you another penny what never was takes place in a little attic which is graphically just enchanting the neighbor's house is also graphically enchanting just not quite in the same way he plays a girl whose grandfather's sadly just passed away and he's kindly left all of his stuff for us to sort through what a legend Bert's through a heartwarming recorded message and a gradually pieced together diary it becomes apparent that there was much more to granddad's adventurous side than we first thought I'm not going to say any more about the story because the game is actually only around 30 minutes long yeah in that time what never was got me completely invested in the world inside and outside of this little English attic okay not this outside world but the one that were told about through grandpa's diary although it's short the experience is still very satisfying and utterly charming to play through even multiple times the developer appears to be just a one-man team for the most part which makes a quality here all the more impressive said developers Twitter implies that a chapter two or even a full game is in progress and given what what have given what what what given given given what what never was has to offer as a completely free my wallet is most definitely ready if there was another game to come in this exciting universe outside the Attic again not this outside you know what I mean in bird guts you play as a tiny creature who is too inept to be a worker bee which is literally all it was born to do who is then eaten by a bird and is immediately assessed to be too inept to even be useful as a piece of food so if this game isn't an allegory for my life I don't know what is the rough hand-drawn art style isn't exactly competing with artistic games like katana zero or Greece but the visuals are unique and stylistic nonetheless and they do accurately fit the tone of the game that tone being that you the player character is a dumb barely functioning burg solving platforming puzzles inside the digestive tract of a bird obviously what else do you think of rough hand-drawn art star could represent challenging platformers can usually grouped into one of two categories the first is games which are hard because they are fast and precise but in turn rewards skillful players who take the time to master the game's mechanics the second category is platformers which are difficult because of the controls are spongy and floaty where the game is less about precision and timing and more about luck and perseverance I think you can guess which category this game falls into when we're talking about a decent length around two hours plays through the full story start to finish single-player free game with apparently just one person on the development team it's hard to identify where the loose controls are the result of inexperience or if it's an intentional mechanic to guarantee that the player experiences the game's whimsical death animations and sounds at very very regular intervals artistically unique and conceptually satisfying platforming ly sometimes like trying to change direction on a slip and slide but generally good enough and absolutely value for money hello again and welcome to the rapid-fire round today's category Ninja Warrior simulators obstacle courses assault courses linear platformers basically games where you run forwards and jump over stuff neon boost it's neon and there's no boost mechanic so we're already off to a questionable start that being said the mechanics which are here are pretty satisfying you're sprinting jumping sliding wall running and rocket jumping through a classic sci-fi authors wet dream do classic sci-fi authors dream of electric gates I'm not sure of its Jacky controls or just my inconsistent inputs but every so often a jump would shoot me much further than anticipated and open up a huge level skip making for some pretty exciting speedy runs through the courses because of the general smooth controls opportunities for shortcuts and at least in my opinion a pretty cool aesthetic neon boost gets a completely arbitrary score of 300 to make from the Ninja Warrior simulator speed round frost runner it's got frost and it's got running so already it's got some bonus points over neon boost what this is the default mouse sensitivity this is like trying to find the sweet spot between hot and cold on a shallow dive no matter how small the movement I make it just seems to make a huge difference and according to the settings this is the lowest sensitivity dare I see what happens when we turn it all the way up you [Music] aside from the intense mass movement frost Werner takes the familiar ingredients of running jumping and sliding and throws in a little bit of grappling hook and secret collectible in each level I couldn't place my finger on what but something just doesn't feel quite as smooth in this game compared to others but hey if you're a fan of the genre it's certainly worth giving it a go for the price 260 made upwards 404 site I'm not even going to try and give points for that knee but credit where credit is due this game is by far the most innovative of the free Ninja Warrior simulators that I've played first off the game is one giant course divided into a series of checkpoints which effectively make up the individual courses there's nothing super groundbreaking about that but the running sliding and jumping that we've come to know and love is supplemented by unique ping ability which reveals boost pads and jump pads to enhance your run but also simultaneously reveals hazardous areas and motion slowing goop the result is a game that requires you to constantly think about your route and how and when you're gonna toggle your ping the entire game is actually made to raise awareness and support for net neutrality now I made a promise to myself that I'm gonna keep politics out of my videos and I intend to keep that promise even on issues as one-sided as this one so all I'm gonna say is god dammit save our Internet's a little bit rough around the edges but a cool concept decent game 295 points last and maybe least is gizmo theme wise the game is inspired by 90's 3d platformers and we all know how successful they've been in recent years the character play is acute and athletic robots but the droids you're set out to destroy for one reason or another are frustratingly difficult to avoid and they're often in venerable to your chaos even when you're nowhere near their projectiles and not only is the extreme default mouse sensitivity cumin frost runner area run for its money but gizmo doesn't even have a mouse sensitivity setting a moment of silence for that absolutely hilarious tornado jet from two minutes ago the graphics and theming are honestly pretty well punished and this games short single-level definitely wouldn't be out of place alongside games like Spyro the Dragon or ratchet & clank and i have a huge respect to these developers who according to the game's description realize that they probably never finish this project so rather than go into an infinite early access and leech money out of hopeful gamers despite having no realistic intentions of ever finishing the game they instead just tidied up the base mechanics and finished off the one level they were working on and they gave it to the world to play for free huge bonus points for that decision and a fair number of points for concept a solid 250 completely irrelevant Kaspar points which means neon Boosh takes the price of a jar of fresh British air deep in the corridors of my mind and not very deep in the drafts folder on my computer is a video I'll probably never finished called every puzzle game is a portal game it's based around the idea that so many puzzle games today take the concept of a disembodied voice guiding the player through a series of puzzle based rooms where at some point it becomes apparent that the player was the experiment all along now don't get me wrong a lot of the games following this formula or one similar to it absolutely do enough to be unique games in their own right but I can't help but feel that there'd be a whole bunch of games that wouldn't exist today if portal hadn't come first what I'm trying to say in a really roundabout way is if I ever was to make that video then gravitas would be front and center witty computer voice guiding me through the game check a series of puzzle based chambers check in-game tools with ironically long names check there's a bunch more checks further on throughout the story which I'm not gonna spoil for you but believe me they are they're all that being said this game is bloody excellent I play a bunch of puzzle games from barely known indie games all the way up to the triple a big boys and all sorts in between and there's a certain quality to good puzzles that is generally only seen in the big boys a low-quality puzzle often boils down to trial and error where you just banging your head against the wall and never really get the satisfaction of solving it you turn around and realize that something you did in game triggered the door in the end of the room a high quality puzzle is the opposite puzzle which without giving it away gives you the tools to work out the solution in your head and when you do you giggle excitedly like a stalking hyena as you go on to solve the puzzle for real knowing already that what you're about to do is the correct solution and despite being pretty much as India's indicates gravitas hits the nail on the head with this in pretty much every puzzle I marathon through this game like success kid on a juice box bender and I would have loved to have had more to play the one time I did finish a puzzle by trial and error the game even had an achievement to acknowledge that I hadn't solved it in the intended way and that just shows me that these developers understand their game and their players very well according to the game's description gravitas is nothing more but a well executed student project so unless gaben swoops down from the heavens and takes them under his wing to build portal 3 gravity Edition then this sure that very fulfilling puzzle adventure might unfortunately be all we'll ever see of gravitas there's no shortage of free bangers on Steam I found most of these featured in this video through steams personalized discovery queue and the new experimental deep dive tool obviously both of these tools are built by steam to convince you to spend more money on scene but with this one easy trick you can save all of your money and that trick is well just look out for the free games when you're using these tools if you start the deep dive tool with a game that's already free then the recommended games are also more likely to be free at the very least cheapest crisps another thing that I've noticed when searching for new games is that a huge number of games have actually got free demos available but that video is in another castle if you did like this video please check out some of my other content linked on-screen and of course subscribe so you see when I upload my next video and always trying to be better so if you like this one and your extra like the next thank you everyone [Music]
Channel: Casperr
Views: 39,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc games, free games, free pc games, free steam games, funny gaming, gaming infotainment, indie games, free indie games, best indie games, best free indie games, gravitas game, what never was game, neon boost, frost runner, 404 sight, birdgut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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