Cousin or IMPOSTER? The Lie Detector | The Fixies | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Wonder

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the lie detector SAA sh quiet I'm on a steak out here who are you staking out huh Tom Thomas we've got to bet that he won't be able to survive 3 days without any TV really can I be on the steak out with you shh Sima aha I got you what who you lost the bet Tom Thomas just tell me you didn't I didn't why didn't you it's because I I'm not Tom Thomas what I'm Tom's brother that's totally not true we know Tom Thomas doesn't have a brother I meant his first cousin then how come you two look so much alike it's cuz our mothers are twins so what should we call you who me uh John Johnson and who are you by the way as if you don't know who we are this room is beautiful sure is bigger than mine I don't believe you you're telling a lie and what is your proof maybe he's not lying there's a way to check it how yeah how with a lie detective you'll see a lie detector is a device that is used to help figure out if someone is telling the truth or if they are lying you see when someone is lying they always get a little bit nervous even though we might not see it we know that a liar's heart beats a little faster his breathing changes and he sweats a lie detector can pick up on all of these little things things and that's how a lie detector can be used to help find the truth but you don't have a lie detector but we know how a lie detector Works don't we or are you scared Tom Thomas what's that for to listen to your pulse how come so I'll be able to check how fast your heart is beating and noik he's going to keep an eye on how often you blink and what are you doing with the egg the egg is an old African method if you're not telling the truth your hand will automatically squeeze the egg and so the egg will crack well my egg won't crack we'll see about that humans have tried to come up with all sorts of ways to find out the truth for instance in ancient China they would put some dry rice in a person's mouth when they told him the crime they believed he committed then they checked the rice if the rice stayed dry they believed he had committed the crime in Ancient India a person had to bang on a Gong while answering a judge's questions if he started banging the gong louder then it was believed that he was trying to hide the truth and in Europe if one Knight accused another of lying then they would just take hard in a duel whoever won that one was said to be on the side of Truth No it's not easy to hide the truth but sometimes it can be even harder to find it answer yes or no you got that do you have two ears don't you have eyes just yes or no [Music] yes answer are you a girl hey come on yes or no no where do you you find such dumb questions we just have to check what happens to your heart when you tell the truth to us all right now answer this do you know the fixies yes or no yes uh no I forgot his pulse is speeding up are you Tom Thomas no ah his pulse is racing and his eyes have started blinking and the fixies tell us where you learned about them from Tom Thomas he couldn't have told you about us it's a secret he could not true it's true it's not true yes it is hey look the egg cracked just give up John Johnson all right I'm Tom Thomas guys p is it really possible to know if you lied just by measuring your pulse with pulse you really can but you probably couldn't with the egg you tricked me then that wasn't nice you weren't tricked John Johnson was huh you know what I think you've got to get checked out on this SL detector ha I don't think so you need to get ready to give me my wish cuz you're the one that lost the [Music] bet the [Music] zipper hey noan look why did Tom Thomas go to sleep like that maybe it was some kind of homework for one of his classes uh-huh gym class homework [Music] good morning good morning hi there you're looking good my parents just bought it for me isn't it a cool jacket and what you slept in it all night yeah once I tried it on I didn't want to take it off and I fell asleep in it yeah life's never boring with you around oh I think the zipper got stuck and so what you can leave your cat on no problem you're about to go to school right and you think I could sit in my class like this how could I have broken the zipper don't worry you haven't broken it not yet here is a simple zipper it is made with two rows of small teeth that pass through a slider the slider has two holes on the top and only one hole on the bottom when we pull the slider up along the zipper the teeth grab onto each other and the two rows join together into one and zip the zipper's closed to open it all you need to do is pull the slider in the opposite direction then the teeth will come apart but on mine they're stuck together and now what what do people do in the morning do what they do exercise and I'll have time to think it [Music] over 1 2 three and four 1 2 three and four and then what about me go exercise two 1 2 three and four and 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 3 4 Sima come on think of something I'm sweating already soon okay go get washed up in the meantime do you think I could help you think I think not I think you'd be better off washing how's it going Tom Thomas this we FL anything yet what didn't she think of anything yet ah gotcha nope she hasn't thought of anything so far it's so hot just pretend you're a polar scientist they always work in their parkas and you know what I'll be the penguin hey where are you going going I can't take it anymore all right just sit right here and I'll try to find the [Music] problem you see that polar scientist game's funny huh that's not it it's Simco she's tickling so hard stop squirming and you stop tickling me aha so that's why it won't open all the way it's only a piece of thread stuck in there pull the slider up Kish you can unzip it now thanks so much here it is a thread that's what the whole problem was you're kidding so I've been sweating cuz of some piece of nothing in technology every little thing matters I remember when scientists built one of the first computers around 60 years ago it was a giant machine it filled up several rooms and had more than a million Parts it was a technological Wonder but all of a sudden this technological Wonder went Kaboom and broke and no one understood why the computer just stopped working and that was that the scientists were going crazy they couldn't find the problem turns out that this huge computer broke because a little butterfly had flown inside the computer and got stuck in between some contacts yes it's true this huge machine went crazy because of a little butterfly and that's how it goes so you see every little thing really does matter C Thomas breakfast is ready what are you doing in your jacket it's cuz I was playing polar scientist H Sima what took you so long to figure it out I just just thought it would be funny to see Tom Thomas do his exercises and brush his teeth and his coat that's all that was your plan well yeah can I joke around a bit the alarm hey there I'm back yoohoo oo wait my chocolate bunny it was standing right here what's this a dog not that one another one I had two bunnies I just got them as a present you had two bunnies are you sure of that of course you think I don't know my ones from my twos huh then someone stole one unless uh unless you went and ate it yourself me how come I don't remember anything about it maybe you're a Sleep Walker what is a Sleep Walker someone who gets up from his bed at night without waking up he crosses the room eats one of his chocolate bunnies and doesn't remember a thing in the morning but in the morning the bunny was still there yeah huh how about your mother could she have taken it she doesn't like when you're eating too much candy no she doesn't she says that candy is terrible for my teeth and so to save your teeth from these Sweets she snuck quietly into your room snatched one of the rabbits and ate it but Mom's the one who gave them to me as a present and so why would she take it yeah then I just don't know well I do I think it was your father he wouldn't steal it we know he's allergic to chocolate next he'll tell us how the fish took it you know I always thought there was something fishy about those fish no doubt about it they stole the [Music] bunny uh-huh and then they hid it in their aquarium oh noic that's funny you know what Tom Thomas you need to protect that other Chocolate Hair exactly it has to be eaten right away now before it disappears just wait a little you don't have to eat it let's think of something else of course we need a security alarm need what the alarm was invented to keep houses cars and other valuable things safe and secure the simplest alarm is a siren or light bulb that is connected by wires to a door or window when someone tries to open a door that has an alarm on it the alarm goes off making the siren howl and the light flash alarms can also be set up to call the police if they go off super but where can we get ourselves a security alarm you have an electronic construction kit remember you're right then bring it over here noik help [Music] me titties TI is the fixie Victory call when a job is well done and we fixies are proud of our work we exclaim t and raise up our hand with our thumb and first two fingers sticking out you want to know what it means it's very simple fixies love solving problems and fixing things that are broken and you know what you need to do to solve a problem first you need to find out what's broken second understand why it broke and third repair what's broken so it works again so do what the fixies do and first find it second understand it and third fix it TI it really is a great word and it sounds funny but we fixies surely like it a lot well Tom Thomas turn on the alarm you sure the alarm will work I'm sure without a [Music] doubt [Music] [Music] you're under arrest [Music] freeze chusaka why are you stealing my chocolate the [Music] vacuum what's the point of cleaning up toys you're just going to go take them out again later you said [Music] it Tom Thomas if you're done cleaning up go and eat your lunch okay be there soon no you wait for me uh-huh [Music] he calls this cleaning [Music] up [Music] uh-oh as we say Bon atit thank you you you're not going to eat me up are you how fixies I don't eat them oh that's my mom she started vacuuming please help help me help help please it really is is weird how's it possible a vacuum cleaner can take all that dust in and none of it gets back out oh come on it's simple they taught us about it way back in third grade of fixie school you can think of a vacuum cleaner as nothing more than a fan with a net the fan spins backwards so it sucks in air with dust and dirt if you put a net in front of the fan the net will catch everything that is in the air and let the air pass through then all you need to do is add a pipe and you've got yourself a vacuum cleaner but instead of a net vacuum cleaners use special bags to collect the dust and dirt it's as simple as that oh waa Simka uh no like could he get sucked into the vacuum oh no did he stay back there Tom Thomas what's the matter mom I can I can I can finish vacuuming you I I mean for you all right I'll go clean the dishes No Lick No Lick No Lick No Lick No Lick we better go and get help right away come on Masia Masia Nola got sucked up inside the vacuum it's impossible he can't fit in here no not in this vacuum into the big one the human it's just terrible noik my Nock he could suffocate in there come on quickly Yep this dust is just awful and it's awfully bad for you too dust is a tiny enemy it's so small and unnoticeable but if dust gets inside machines and appliances it's a disaster just waiting to happen it can keep gears from turning properly dust can make appliances over heat and if dust gets onto electric contacts it can create a short circuit that can even cause a fire that's why we fixies have to constantly clean the insides of appliances from dust even though a lot of us are allergic to it if only people would just dust a little more often than they do right nowo at least people could dust more on the outside that would make our work so much easier and their equipment would break a whole lot less [Music] often well did you find him no it's all my fault my mom asked me to clean up my toys and I didn't just do it like she asked now it sucked them in because of me Nock [Music] noic so what do you say Tom Thomas what I already apologize and I already promised to clean up my toys and why are you sneezing to keep you company so you'd feel a little better the mixer Masia why are we going to the dishwasher again we have a busy day ahead of us and we all need to be charged up with energy I don't like charging myself up in the dishwasher then how about the microwave noic or the Kettle no thanks I don't like it when we go inside anything at all in that kitchen there's not one interesting thing in there and where is it interesting huh in the computer Masia will you let me get charged up in the computer the energy there is sweeter our diet has to be nutritious no not just delicious people don't eat just candy do they humans get energy from food while the fixies get their energy from appliances humans eat all sorts of foods and so do fixies they need the energy that comes from different devices getting charged up in a car makes a fixie faster in a computer smarter and in a clock more accurate to get a balanced Energy diet fixies mustn't stay inside of one place all the time like a television it's healthier for us to move from one device to another [Music] good morning Tom Thomas what's the matter for breakfast I got cereal with milk mom says that milk is so healthy but I think it's just awful aha noic there you are go get charged right now I'm not going look at Tom Thomas he doesn't want to have breakfast either why don't you milk tastes awful to him tastes awful he just doesn't know how to drink it right look what we've got here what what a mixer a mixer is a kitchen appliance that's used to mix together different foods with a mixer you can make things like frosting sauces or an omelette but the most delicious I thing you can make with a mixer is a milkshake it's easy just put some fruit syrup juice ice cream or anything else you'd like into a container and then add milk now use the mixer to stir it all up until it's smooth and creamy and that's it you've got yourself a milkshake guys what do we have for a milkshake we've got a jar of jelly will it work that'll work and strawberry jam that'll be great here's a banana I found some chocolate too and I found strawberry ice cream start up the mixer when you get up from your B when you get up from your B open your favor cere when day is ahead open your favor days ahead there is still something you need e there is still something you need a little milk in that make it delicious indeed a little milk in that F make it delicious [Music] indeed a you need indeed a little milk that you need a little milk you need inde a little Mil you need a little milk you need a little milk that you need wow this mixer's cool isn't it you think we can make one more Shake just one they were good sure if you want to oh where did all the milk go wait go looks like you drank all of it and I remember when you said how milk is awful I didn't know how to drink it [Music] right [Music] Sima what in the world were you up to and what happened to noic sh just come I'll show [Music] you Nock here you are didn't you say that charging up in the kitchen is boring for you the mixer's not boring it gives you energy that's yummy delicious and nutritious whipped [Music] cream Nock please stop your jumping your head's going to fall off don't worry it won't fall off mhm that sounds good okay I'll see you in a bit are you going somewhere Tom Thomas me nowhere K is coming over so we can do our homework then need some straw strawberries is she going to bring the strawberries with her you got it and my job is to supply the whipped cream they're so good together whipped cream do you have any I'll go and check wait for me SAA what do they make cream from it's made from milk and the milk you can get from a cow and what about whipped cream the cow jumps up and down like you so the cream can get whipped up really I'm joking Nock I looked everywhere we've got regular cream but there isn't whipped cream no problem we can whip some up right now cream is thick milk with a lot of fat if you want to make whipped cream you need to cool down the cream add some sugar and then beat this mixture very well this adds tiny air bubbles that turn the cream into a delicious ious white fluffy foam but it's important not to overdo it or instead of getting fluffy the cream will start getting thicker and thicker until it turns into Rich creamy [Music] butter how are we going to whip it up look there's a [Music] whisk ah [Music] no hold on how's that it's not working maybe we need to use a different bowl or something do you think that a bottle would work H that's a really good idea now I don't have to worry about spilling this cream [Music] anymore shake it with both hands come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on shake it harder Tom Thomas that's all I'm just too tired the cream looks exactly the same as when you started you didn't try hard enough oh really then try whipping it yourself I got it that's who's going to help us chusaka yeah awesome bring it down a little more perfect open it up suck with the bra [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rock telephone this is even cooler than jumping on the [Music] trampoline yeah but why can't you what a shame it's fine come on over anyway you can't reach us you can't reach [Music] us I'm so tired I'm sure that at least we got the cream whipped up oh see that Zima there's no cream left just some yellow stuff it's butter I'm [Music] sure we overd did it people make so many different things out of milk like cream or butter or frosting for cakes and cupcakes with dry milk sugar and boiling water you can make condensed milk and if you make it cold you get ice cream and if the milk gets sour no problem humans make all sorts of foods out of sour milk like yogurt sour cream kefir and buttermilk if you drain off the the extra liquid from sour milk you will have cottage cheese and by boiling milk a special way you can make all sorts of different cheeses there are so many kinds of cheeses made throughout the world that it's hard to even count them all and even certain kinds of Chocolat can't be made without milk you must agree that plain old ordinary milk is just one super magical extraordinary thing it's just awful guys what Kata is not coming over over she's coming over just without the strawberries she didn't know that her grandmother had already used up all of them to make some Jam so you're telling us that we don't need any whipped cream right KY is bringing a cake and she said that we'll need butter she wants to make frosting out of it butter I don't know if we have any we got [Music] plenty the microphone and what do you think should we go and see a [Music] movie [Music] Mo hey you didn't type everything that I said you should listen more carefully and you should try using less words no hey Al what are you arguing about uh well I was writing a letter to Johnny I was not you I messed up my finger and Nock offered to help me I had no idea that you're such a yapper now I see tell Thomas didn't you know that you can call Johnny straight from your computer you sure you see that picture of the phone just click on [Music] it hi so what movie do you want to go see hey there I don't care just not Pirates and those Rob robots hey D Thomas why aren't you answering me I am answering you hello hello talking to the microphone uh I don't have a microphone there you go end of conversation all right then talk right into there Sima come on you use headphones so listen it's a joke it's no joke we talk into microphones and listen through headphones but both of these devices use a special membrane to do their job the membrane inside of a microphone is used to capture sound that is then sent through wires as an electrical signal and inside a pair of headphones a membrane helps turn that electrical signal back into sound so it turns out that a microphone and headphones are built in a very similar way even though they are used quite differently and so I talk right into here Johnny hello just wait a second first we need to plug your headphones into the hole where the microphone gets plugged in ah I get it go ahead now it's a microphone Johnny I'm here can you hear yeah he can hear but you can't noic switch it over to the headphone jack I already saw robots and I already saw it no lick I don't think there's anyone who didn't see it you didn't see it then let's go see it no I don't want to I think the robots will be even more boring than the Pirates do you want to see the Pirates make up your mind do you want to see the Pirates or the robots I don't want to see either one Nock what are you doing what am I doing it's cuz you and Johnny don't listen to each other I've got a good idea you need to talk like police on their walkie-talkies when they're done talking and they're ready for an answer they say over great [Music] idea when we talk to someone using the telephone there are two channels for the sound we talk through the first channel and listen to the other person talking through the second one but sometimes two people need to talk to each other using only one channel for instance Sailors and taxi drivers use one Channel radio sets when a radio sets turned on you can hear the other person talking but they can't hear you talk unless you push a special button down then they'll hear you but you won't hear them so that means you have to take turns talking because if everybody tries talking at once nobody will understand anything so then to let people know that you're done talking and you're ready to listen to what they have to say say [Music] over Johnny hello why don't we try talking like police on their walkie-talkies whenever you're done talking say to me over over all right so are we going to the movies over nah I don't feel like it why don't we go play ball instead over sounds good who were you talking to before over [Music] uh uh I can't tell you that it's classified and we policemen we follow the [Music] rules wow that worked out great you two are the best over oops we try our best over we do especially me I'm completely over the NightLight they're very close I can feel [Music] them help me help me help [Music] [Applause] me that's all you've had enough monsters it's not good to watch these kinds of movies before bed mom mom really I'm not scared let me watch the end what would you I told you that's [Music] all well good night [Music] honey who's there they're very close I feel them [Music] can you believe it he's sleeping and he didn't turn the light off yeah and so and so if every human went to sleep with a light on there wouldn't be enough electricity to go around everyone can probably remember walking into an empty room with the lights turned on or finding a TV on that know nobody's watching one little light or TV might not seem like much but just imagine how many people are living on this Earth well if everybody forgot to turn off the lights or TV when they weren't being used the amount of wasted electricity would equal the amount of energy produced by 100 power plants and each of these power plants needs Freight cars of coal or rivers of oil to keep running and all that fuel has to be extracted in burn constantly now do you see how expensive burning a light bulb is for the Earth so don't forget to turn off electrical appliances when you're not using them it's so easy who turned off the [Music] light [Music] [Music] they're very close I feel them I feel them I feel them I look what's up with him I think he's playing sleep hockey looks like his position is left out haha anyway he should get a penalty for wasting electricity monsters [Music] hey what do you think we are hockey pucks Nock Sima forgive me who did you think we were monsters huh well I see how you could mistake Sima for one but obviously not me Tom Thomas what are you doing why are you sleeping with the light on I was so dumb I watched this monster movie on TV before bed now I'm scared to sleep without the light on and that dumb old monster flick why were you watching it I felt like getting scared you're gr getting scared keep quiet or we'll wake up your mom and dad how am I going to fall asleep now here's a good idea you can use a nightlight a nightlight is a little light that humans who don't like to sleep in the dark use in their rooms the NightLight has a dim glow that's because it works with the special kind of light bulb that uses very little electricity these kinds of light bulbs are called energy efficient that's hard to say and you can find nightlights that use such low energy bulbs that they can work off of a battery but you know there isn't a nightlight here huh how would you get by without us tonight I'm here to help you I'm going to be your nightlight light look right there there's our [Music] lampshade thanks so much you really are a friend indeed Nock it was easy just go to sleep Nock do you know any good stories I know one about a big meat grinder nah no way You' better tell me a story about a nice kind fixie ah I know a good one and here's how it goes groose was working inside of a very big clock actually the clock wasn't that big and I'm not sure if it was grandpoo but it was a clock I think the tin [Music] can well what else goes a flashlight it's good to have when you're camping listen Tom Thomas just leave a little room for me me in there I'm good to have when you're camping too I'll leave you some room just hide in there so Dad won't see you and you can't tell Sima anything about me going with you all right and last on the list a few cans of meat hi Tom [Music] Thomas have you seen noik no then who did I just hear you talking with I uh I was just reading the label huh where did noic run off [Music] to Sima do you know how come these cans have no way to open them so you can taste what's inside what do you mean don't you know what makes canned food special it comes in a [Music] can the thing that's special about canned food is that it can get stored a long time without spoiling you see meat and vegetables spoiled when harmful bacteria start multiplying inside of them so if you can get rid of the bad bacteria or stop them from getting into the food the food will last a long time that's why jars and cans are sealed very tightly this stops harmful bacteria and air from getting inside and spoiling the food but you're telling me that nock's not here [Music] right [Music] huh so it looks like he's really not here who is that where all right now I remember there's another can I should take with me there's something fishy happening here hey guys my mom threw this can out a long time ago but I hid it for later I knew I'd use it someday and who were you talking to when you said guys mwah uh you're here and I'm here and that's two of us look at this great can I got there's nothing great about it put it down on the floor you see what oh it's crooked and so what so what it's all swollen and when it's like that you know that inside the can bad bacteria is growing and spoiling the food that's in there it went bad there's a way to check on every single can you can find the date it's good until sooner or later even canned food will go bad and of course dairy foods like y yogurt or milk can spoil in just a few days when you buy food in the store it's very important to always check the expiration date the expiration date is the last day that it's safe to eat that food without worrying that it may have gone bad you can find the expiration date on each box jar or can of food so pay attention and be very careful not to buy or eat any food after its expiration date has passed and if you see that a can is swall throw it away immediately if you eat it your belly can swell up too unfortunately when food spoils it's impossible to unspoil it and then even the fixies won't be able to [Music] help oh my mom probably saw that this can went bad over a year ago that's why she threw it into the trash right shame on you for picking it out of there you could have poisoned yourself and poisoned your dad as well yeah and the other cans are they swollen too they're fine goodbye then it's a shame I couldn't find noic around here Papo wants to give him a brand new packam mat as a present to me aha I gotta I had a feeling you would try to sneak away in Tom Thomas's bag you lied that's not fair and hiding that's fair right Tom Thomas are you [Music] ready I'm ready great then let's get going hooray we're going camping I want to go camping too don't worry I'll go camping with you really really really really to that house outside our window see how huge it [Music] is the cell phone H hey noik come on out and play he's not allowed he was punished can you tell me what you did I grabbed a pack mat and I forgot to ask how long do you have to sit there until masi and Papo come home from their business what did you say business a work trip they're in inside of your father's cell phone right now they were busy doing repairs in there when he left the house for work do you know the reason why a mobile phone is also called a cell phone mobile phones are connected to other mobile phones with the help of special radio stations that are put on top of towers and building roofs each one of these stations sends signals to its own area below and each area is called a cell a mobile phone works anywhere it can find a nearby station that it can connect to so as long as there is a station nearby you can talk as much as you want you can even move from one cell to another and without you ever knowing it your mobile phone will switch from one station to another one so your conversation can keep on going even if you're running after a bus or riding on [Music] it Tom Thomas hello there you go my dad came back home already hi Dad how are you can you believe it it looks like I lost my phone what do you mean you lost it where I have no idea so what I'm going to have to sit in here forever now you our parents are [Music] missing the foone stopped shaking a while now we're probably already at home not home to me how can we ever get home to our children where's my Masia don't whine we'll work something out don't worry I got a phone let's give him a ring they can't answer your call but what if they answer us call them Tom Thomas [Music] I don't even think it we're not allowed to talk to humans we're not going to talk to them we're just going to listen we need to close the [Music] contacts it's no use oh they answered the phone let me talk papus Masia it's me Simka Sim yeah Masia where are you in the telephone the phone part is not what she's asking you oh it smells a lot like gasoline in here ask your father was he anywhere around [Music] gasoline dad dad did you go anywhere today where it smells like gasoline gasoline uh I had to go to the gas station that's the place your telephone disappeared are you sure yeah well I've got intuition intuition intuition huh you know what I'll go [Music] check come and check out our fixie ringtone telepone teleph telepone telepone telephone ising telephone is ringing telephone is ringing telephone is ringing you answer pleaseing telephone is ringing telephone is ringing telephone is ringing won't you answer please your phone is [Music] ringing it's just incredible you see I found it son you're one Clairvoyant I didn't notice when it fell out of my pocket back at the gas station my children oh My Maria Papo a my [Music] sweeties so uh just by any chance you think you might happen to know where I can find that nice watch I lost no don't worry there's no rush just use that intuition you you've [Music] got the magnifying glass case number one let's begin well well I see evidence of the criminal the criminal's fingerprints to be exact he won't get away with [Music] it why do you think she's just looking at us instead of chasing us oh maybe she can't see us and we're invisible then how come I see you Sima no be careful don't destroy the tracks what kind of tracks whose tracks are they sh I have to solve a crime a crime what kind someone stole a wing from this plane but I'm on the trail take a look at that fingerprint I'm looking well and so each fingerprint is unique so if you can find fingerprints that means you have a good chance to find out who left them class it's been known for quite a long time that all humans have their own unique fingerprints it's true no two people have the exact same fingerprints and this fact helps the police catch criminals it starts by finding fingerprints at the scene of the crime then the police canare those fing fingerprints with the Fingerprints of someone who may have committed the crime if they match they found the criminal this method is called datal locop besides catching criminals fingerprints can also be used to replace ordinary Keys when you press your finger against a special electronic lock the lock recognizes your fingerprint and then it's please come on in by the way unlike humans we fixies don't leave fingerprints anywhere and that's why even the police can't find us now we'll put a dog on the scent of the criminal chusaka sniff pick of the trail now go find hey what's wrong chaka's broken we've got to fix her then how she's not a vacuum cleaner she's a real life dog fixies know how to fix it all not true almost all the first thing we have to do is a thorough inspection let's see now her eyes are looking quite healthy good tails in one piece ears are clean yeah tongue Rosy pink Tom Thomas stand her up on all four feet no pause I mean uh-huh chusaka go on you're fine now I understand here's what's out of order it's her right paw but I can't see what's wrong I wonder if something's broken on the inside wait maybe something really small is stuck in her paw there Tom Thomas we need your lens here in order to examine a small object you need a lens a magnifying lens is a special piece of glass that is thicker in the middle than on the sides it bends the light that passes through it and that is why if you put this kind of lens between your eyes and something small it looks like the thing got bigger if you put two lenses in a frame you get a pair of glasses and if you add a handle to the lens you get a magnifying glass there it is a splinter it's glass I think looks like it you're right it's possible it's from the lamp in the hole way it broke yesterday and I guess not every little piece got swept up chusaka hey there you're all better now looks like we fixed her T she's all repaired and [Music] working maybe we shouldn't have cured her ungrateful [Music] dog Sima noic here it is the wing that was lost yeah yeah that's great only you still have to figure out who hid it underneath the bed there yeah you still need to match the [Music] fingerprints the fingerprints on the wing are the same as on the plane but whose are they and did you check your fingerprints out huh all the fingerprints are mine so I guess it was really my own fault I just lost it somehow so it turns out that you were the [Music] criminal hooray the crime's been solve and you Tom Thomas are the [Laughter] criminal the piggy [Music] bank Tom Thomas why are you throwing away your money that's not what I'm doing I'm storing it this is a piggy bank oh here's another coin I don't like it snout that's one very suspicious looking Pig are you positive your money safe with her don't worry whatever I put into my bank here is not getting back out this piggy bank won't give up a scent you greedy piggy come on noik Sima must have taught you about how Banks work humans came up with the idea of piggy banks because they wanted a good place to save their coins for storing lots of money people use a safe a large metal box with a very strong lock now that kind of piggy bank's almost impossible to break open the biggest safes are in Banks Banks use them to store their customers money and other valuables there are even safes in banks that are whole rooms you'd need an awful lot of change to fill up one of these piggy banks [Music] so why are you saving up all this money for roller skates how much more do you need to save I don't know I can't see if there's enough in there then just go and open it but there's no way to do that the only way is to smash it real hard so smash it- forget it I have nothing to put my money into but what if there's already enough for roller skates and what if there's not all right then I guess I'll count your money for you [Music] Tish oh W Tom Thomas you've got a fortune in here there are many different kinds of money and they're not just coins either long ago people paid each other with shells and squirrel skins and even parrot feathers and of course metal coins are more convenient than any of those things and paper money is even more convenient than coins one piece of paper can be worth as much as 100 coins or even a thousand all that needs to be done is to print more zeros on it and that's all today humans can pay for almost anything without paper money or coins whatsoever if you have enough money in the bank you can just walk into a store give the cashier your bank card and take your purchase home with you without hand in over any money the bank knows how much money you spend and they pay the store for you later it's so [Music] convenient so will you count him here we go one coin and two coins wait Nock what one coin two coins what are you counting you have to add together all of the different numbers huh you should have told me that before uh I never learned how to yeah that's what I figured come on [Music] out what can I do what if you try stacking the coins so they're like stairs that's what I'm already doing why don't you try tilting the piggy bank over hang on stop I'm getting buried put it back the way it was before this is worse just put the pig down no look hang in there please I'll get some thread and lower it down to [Music] you I can't get a hold of it it's too far away hey Tom Thomas smash the piggy bank what just smash your piggy bank but I like it and what you don't like me of course I like you well who do you like more [Music] you're my friend aren't you of course then smash the piggy bank will you okay noik I'm going to do [Music] it noan are you okay I'm okay thank you Tom Thomas thank you my friend nope problem at least now you can count up how much money you have nah there's no reason to do it there's no way it's enough for roller skates you sure what a shame but now you've got all of this money here to buy a piggy bank that's totally brand [Music] new paper hey Tom Thomas you're watering plants not only I'm writing an essay for school I don't get it I have to write an essay that's called how I take care of nature only I have to write what's true so I'm writing what's true watering my plants oh [Music] chaka chaka come here girl stop don't be scared why did you pick her up I want to pet her a little so I can write about how well I take care of animals Tom Thomas I want to take care of nature too that's sounds good and what should we be doing we could try saving air by not breathing as often awesome idea way to go saving air let's go for it and [Music] ready humans invade nature and Destroy more and more of her riches with each passing GE they extract her minerals and oil cut down her trees and pollute her air in water they do all of this to produce food and all sorts of other things it's a shame that people don't really need all these things that they produce they often buy something and then just toss it away when it's still almost new and then there's all the food that humans buy and just throw away so if you want to help nature try not to buy anything that you really don't need and take good care of the things that you do buy and you can be sure that we fixies will do everything we can to make your things last as long as [Music] possible that's it now we can write it uh-huh write this I also do my duty by Saving air a whole 20 seconds worth you got it what's that [Music] noise huh I must have left it running when I needed some water for my plants Tom thas I think you should write that you're saving water too it really matters cuz there's not enough of it Nock that's a good idea let's add [Music] that [Music] hi there what are you guys up to we're writing about how Tom Thomas protects nature it's a homework assignment for school uh-huh I've already written how I'm watering the plants I'm good to living creatures how I'm saving air and water and how I'm conserving carrots too I never want to eat them especially in soup not eating your vegetables no way doesn't count you sure that mhm [Music] why did you rip your paper out you won't let me say how I'm conserving carrots right so I'll have to rewrite it ah you're not taking care of nature what where' you get that idea from that's all I'm doing no when you keep on throwing your paper out it means you're not taking care of trees out there what trees are you talking about didn't you know human hum make paper out of trees humans make paper by cutting down trees and shredding the pieces into chips the chips are then placed in water chemicals are added to the solution and then it is all mixed together into a mushy watery substance called pulp next the water is drained from the pulp and with the help of huge rotating drums is flattened Into Thin sheets of paper so you see to make make new paper humans have to keep cutting down trees and you should know this if every person on the planet would use one less sheet of paper you know they'd save a million trees all together you sure I'm sure and now that you know about trees and paper what are you going to do next hey you know I've decided not to write any essay for school you what I want to help save more trees by using paper that's all oh Tom Thomas you're my [Music] hero the cartoon yeah like that yeah Tom Thomas aren't you done yet yeah show us your surprise and quit drawing but this is the a surprise so make yourselves comfortable quiet on the set and [Music] action great crash huh you should put a huge bump on his head it's just like a cartoon that you drew in there he did draw us a real cartoon there all right real cartoons they only show them on television but they make them exactly the same way animation is made with many many pictures called frames each one of the frames is a little bit different from the one that comes right before it for example a character can lift his arm up a little bit at a time and then if you watch the frames very quickly one right after the other it looks like the character is really moving and that's how cartoons are made and you know what to make one minute of a car cartoon you might have to draw more than a th000 [Music] frames oh wow I'm not patient enough for that it's no big deal that your cartoon is short especially since it's funny yeah it's so funny Tom Thomas who's this cooking guy you drew here you're just joking Nock you don't recognize yourself so this is supposed to be me on here did you already forget what happened to you this morning morning Sima you're it you can't catch me I'm too fast for you you weren't too fast for the pole SAA you didn't have to tell them about that real sisters don't treat their brothers like that and your cartoon's not funny at all no lick don't go it's okay he just needs to sulk for a while while he's gone there's something I want to show you do you have a cartoon you can put on the TV I have [Music] plenty what should I do let's watch it again but now I want to show you the same cartoon a frame at a time here take a look this is a frame and here's another and another Isn't that cool uhhuh so cool and then back at regular speed there's 25 frames every second what should I do it's magical s you [Music] know I feel awful for noik yeah I feel awful too there are many different ways of making animation handdrawn animation is of course drawn by hand and stop motion is made like this the animators pose the model and take a picture of it then they move the model a little bit and take another picture and they do it again and again and again until there are enough frames to make the characters look like they're moving very smoothly across the screen another popular style of Animation is Clay animation in these films everything is built and rebuilt out of modeling clay but today most of the cartoons are made on a computer at first they make a computer model model of a character a sort of digital puppet after the models are built they are colored and animated to move this is the kind of Animation that's used in the fixie [Music] cartoons Tom Thomas what are you doing are you drawing a new cartoon nah I started fixing the old one so no look will stop being angry good keep drawing and I'll go and get him no lick I'm not here Nock forgive me please don't be so mad there's a cartoon to watch I've already seen your stupid cartoon so what' you do now put a huge bump on my head not a chance I did it all over again I'm sure you'll love it you're sure of that all right go ahead show me your cartoon quiet on the set and [Music] action there you go now that cartoon I really liked good cuz I'm all out of paper well I think the first cartoon was funnier whoo but this one's much better of course yeah the internet well maybe it's a don't think so it's probably a you call for me children what's the matter take a look I've never seen anything like it [Music] H what in the world could it be maybe it's a bathroom scale or a clock with a digital display wait a sec are there instructions around here for this thing I couldn't find them anywhere that's a problem well then let's try to figure it out what are you trying to figure out up there what a h huge hockey puck it's big enough for a monster and the name is so silly t robot why don't they just call it the troll butt or I got it the troll booat please stop the racket so what could this thing do huh I have no idea we could try finding it on the internet where just run along you two we don't need any internets we can handle this go on go don't interrupt us sure whatever you say come no Nock we'll find it out by ourselves yeah uh how so you remember what it was called uh-huh uh a troll booat nah a trollbot you're right hop to it no H Ah that's not it oh t robot you're right there it is a robotic vacuum cleaner you mean it vacuums by itself it's a robot so yeah class there's just so much cool stuff in this computer no this information is not on this computer it's on the internet from your computer you can send a letter to another computer you can also download a song or a photo from another computer that's all possible because most of the computers in the world are connected to one another as part of a huge web and this worldwide web is what we call the Internet thanks to the internet we can take a peek at just about anywhere in the world and find information we need about [Music] anything it's an electronic Vegetable Slicer no it's a printer for round sheets of paper there's no way gro we found out what they do with it you're back again you mustn't interrupt the adult just wait a second noik turn it on uh turn what on don't you turn turn on anything Ready Set jump help me no no no hold on what was that it's a robotic vacuum cleaner it runs itself and where did you find the instructions for it on the internet just ask and it tells you you can really just ask and it tells you uhuh if you want we can show you we'd love to see it sure why [Music] not wa on the internet hey hey hey wait for me what's an elepant what's an elephant way what's an elephant way the answer's easy to get it says it weighs 5 tons it says it weighs 5 T it says it weighs 5 T here on the intern it says it 5 T it says it 5 T it says it 5 here on the intern you send a letter to me I send a letter to you you send a letter to me it's just so easy to do writing now fun to send writing now the internet now fun send them wri letter now through the internet [Applause] what and how what and how what and how the answer simple to get every fact you need every fact you need every fact you need is on the internet every you need you every is on the intern the [Music] scale you Saka that's enough already but what if it's something important come on she's just a dog they say that cats and dogs have a sick sense that we don't have what's that well they feel all sorts of things that we humans don't I better let her [Music] in mom and I will be home before dinner please remember to give chusaka her food love Dad oh how could I have forgotten this I just can't believe it you believe in a six sense now don't you uhhuh only it looks like for chusaka it's a sense of [Music] hunger how much food should I give her look it's all written on that chart for each kilogram of the dog's weight Ser serve one level scoop at every feeding uh-huh I got it how many scoops is Chaka oops I mean how many kilograms I don't know then what should we do you don't know we'll wa too Saka that's what we'll do with what with a scale there's one standing in your dad's office you're right let's [Music] go I was wondering does it bother your mom that only your dad dad has his own office and not her nah mom says she's got her own office it's called the kitchen hey look there's a scale did you know that humans have had scales like this for more than 7,000 years if we want to find out how much something weighs we need to compare it with something that we already know the weight of let's say you need to weigh a watermelon you put it on the scales pan and it drops down now you keep adding weights to to the other side until the two sides balance well this one is too heavy but this one is just right since the weight is 10 kg it means that the watermelon weighs 10 kilos and that's just how simply a scale [Music] works well should we start chusaka right like she's going to come running how are you going to get her away from that bag huh I know how to get her [Music] here hold this little piece of food while I wear this may be little but it's way too heavy just hang on please hurry [Music] up come on hurry up done her weight is 2 [Music] [Music] kg okay now we can feed you soak chusaka weighs 2 kg so two cups will be just right then do you think that you can feed your pets any kind of food at all oh no for them to be healthy pets just like humans need to have a nutritious diet today there are special pet foods for Birds fish dogs cats and all sorts of other pets these foods are made with everything your pets need to stay healthy like like meat fish fruits grains vegetables and vitamins these kinds of foods give pets a well balanced diet and there's no need to cook them they're ready to eat just pour them in a bowl and your dog will be happy and so will your cat and your bird and your fish too just be careful not to mix them up because what's good for a fish isn't good for a dog each animal needs its own special food stop what's wrong what's wrong you have to take out a piece she ate one already H all [Music] right so that's six sense you still think it's true [Music] right what did you bring that for oh oh Mom is calling no way how could she know it would ring I knew that chusaka had it hello it was a six sense wasn't [Music] it [Music] candy nice black eye Tom Thomas did you fall how did you hurt your eye I had a big fight with Johnny oh wow how could you what was the fight about we argued over who's cooler A raser or a boxer a race driver's cooler of course that's what I said to him but Johnny had to prove Vince a boxer well he proved it all right can't you see you don't prove anything at all by fighting what a profession a boxer yeah now your dad he's got an amazing Prof profession a journalist he gets to travel to different countries and brings back all sorts of funny stuff they even show them on TV no what do you mean boxers are cooler everyone's really afraid of them don't be gloomy Tom Thomas have a [Music] candy I've got a good idea how about a taste tester that's the best job and what is he testing a taste tester is someone who tests the tastes of drinks and food yeah how come they want to find out if the food is delicious and what all the flavors are in it super what a great profession but a taste tester is not a job just anyone can do I can do it then let's check so open your mouth and then close your [Music] eyes try to figure out what the flavor is inside of this piece of candy M strawberry that's right good job Tom Thomas and [Music] this that tastes like orange you missed that one it was lime yeah Tom Thomas if you want to be a food taster you're going to need to do some serious practicing let's do [Music] it raspberry you got it Sima how do they get the candy to be hard on the outside and filled with liquid on the inside don't get distracted you're training hard candy is made like this first a sweet syrup is cooked until it is thick and stretchy then the mixture is pulled into long hollow tubes that are like noodles as the tubes cool down they start getting harder and it's right then that the tubes are filled with the soft fruity Center and then cut into pieces it all has to be done quickly before the tubes have a chance to get totally hard and that's how candy is made that is hard on the outside and soft on the [Music] [Applause] inside it could be strawberry only I just can't tell anymore ow ouch what's wrong my tooth was I hearing things or did someone [Music] yell oh I got it come on let's take a look at your [Music] tooth a taste tester has to be the most delicious profession in the world they taste all sorts of things like cheeses and chocolates and decide which ones taste better everything is tested for Taste even water because different Waters taste differently there are also testers who don't test food and drinks but rather they test the smells of things like deodorants or perfumes not everybody can become a really great tester first you have to be able to tell apart all the different tastes and smells you also need to know when it's time to stop or you can make yourself sick and lose your ability to tell things apart that's the reason why taste testers only take very small bites of food and very very little [Music] sips if you're going to have a bad tooth it's good to have a mom who's a dentist that's true she's a good dentist she'll fix it in no time she'll pull that tooth right [Music] out [Music] so did she pull it out nah she just gave me some medicine to gargle your tooth does it hurt yeah it hurts a little hey now I definitely know who's cooler than a boxer who who else a dentist even boxers are afraid of going to the [Music] dentist the thermos where should I put it put what Tom Thomas oh it's you uh my ice cream are you joking eat it I can't Tom Thomas are you all right I'm fine it's just that it's a present for my mom today is Mother's Day then you need to go give it to her I can't dad and I are going to congratulate her together what's your dad going to give her I don't know but when he gets back home the ice cream will have melted then put it in the freezer and what if mom looks in there and finds it the surprise will be ruined so where won't she find it I'll tell you where inside of your dad's office I don't see any place to hide it here there's no freeze or anything why don't you take a look inside the Box here's a thermos but what good is it to me thermoses are for keeping things hot the ice cream will melt in there it will not a thermos is made by putting one bottle inside of another between the bottles is an empty space and that's the secret of a thermos that space stops heat from getting out or in so if there's hot tea inside the empty space doesn't let the heat from the tea get out and if there's ice cream in the thermos the space stops the heat that's outside from getting in and that's how a thermos keeps hot things hot and cold things [Music] cold that's it I'll go and play for a little while he didn't even say thank you did he Nock where are you noic I'm here where in the thermos what are you doing in there I wanted to see that vacuum you talked about just don't touch anything and don't even think of licking the foil the ice cream's so cold your tongue will stick to the metal it's already stuck what did you say it's already stuck already stuck uh try to unstick it well is it working and what if you breathe onto the foil hang on Nock I'll go and get Tom Thomas winter is a wonderful time of year holidays presents snowballs skates sleds but the cold is also something serious that you shouldn't fool around with the most important thing is to dress warmly cover your head with a hat and your throat with a scarf then there's less chance you'll catch a cold or get a sore throat and to keep your hands from getting chapped don't forget to wear gloves and never walk around in wet shoes in the winter that's a sure way to get yourself sick and there's one more thing I want to tell you it's great to have fun in the cold but use your head don't eat snow or stick your tongue on metal fences poles or door knobs your tongue can get stuck so strongly to the metal that it will be very hard to get off I wish you all a glorious [Music] winter Tom Thomas no's tongue got stuck where in the thermos hurry I'll explain everything later dad you're already home mhm dad why are you taking my present what do you mean your present I mean this one since when did it become yours oh hi there what's the fuss all about oh it's nothing at all I uh have a surprise for you I want to wish you a happy Mother's Day a thermos how wonderful thanks so much is there something in here I don't think so inside there's a present from [Music] me vanilla ice cream my favorite and how did that end up in there thank you so much my [Music] sweeties noi you got me so scared thank goodness you thought of turning into a screw inside of there uhhuh does your tongue hurt uhhuh do you think you can talk again I can talk oh that's good we better hurry we still need to go and wish our mother a Happy Mother's Day and you should too
Channel: WildBrain Wonder
Views: 2,504,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons for children, Grandpus, Nolik, Papus, Simka, Tom Tomas, animation, cartoon, cartoon films, fiksiki, fiksiki english, fixies, fixies cartoon, fixies english, fixies episodes, fixies russian, fixiki, fixiki 2016 new in english, fixiki english, fixiki episodes, fixiki in English, fixiki in english, the fixes, the fixies, the fixies english, the fixies episode 1, лунтик на английском языке, фиксики на английском, фіксіки англійською
Id: wri3sBgxdMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 29sec (5609 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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