Trashed Rupp Mini Bike, Will It Run? pt2

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hey guys and how's it going hey we're going to continue on this early 70s rupp mini bike that we dragged out of a it was like a shipping container on someone's property that it was a basket case let me tore it all apart and never put it back together so we are in the process of putting it back together on the previous video we kind of figured out what we had and got into getting the drivetrain trying to get the drivetrain to function which is what you see as far as the rear wheel the the jack shaft the chain setup engine parts and we got that kind of squared away so we have that going and see we got on the other side threw a tire on the back bought new tires for it but as you can see we're just trying to scab stuff together and see what we have and what we don't have so i ended up having to stop in the last video because we did not have a decent drive belt for it and we're trying to find a spring that was correct for the rear clutch tried making one out of i think it was a seat spring for like a tractor but it's just way too heavy since then i went and did a little bit of shopping and we have i'm not sure if they're the correct ones but they are much more correct than we did have we have a belt i got another one coming i think it might be a little bit skinnier from the old comic clutches compared to the modern ones and then the spring that should uh possibly take care of that clutch setup and while i was contemplating on what to do for an engine in the drive setup the original engine that came with it was the black briggs that is on there it's kind of beat up pull starts all messed up we went to my stash and we grabbed this original briggs probably a three horse has the right uh shaft set up for it for the front clutch but it is not threaded in the center now that not that we can't thread it i'm like oh yeah we got another one let's go get that one so i went back and grabbed that one that one is threaded but it has a stepped shaft on it so that clutch is not going to fit on that engine either so between the three of them we'll get one together it just doesn't know it yet so let's go get set up let's get back in the wrenching and continue on this project and hopefully get the engine to run and spin that back tire is my goal my guess is we'll probably go with this one and we'll just draw parts off the other but the problem with this one was trying to get the clutch set up to go fit on that was really screwed up we already cleaned it up with a wire wheel and all that so i'm gonna go take a little bit more time and probably take a file clean up the groove on the inside of it and i don't know maybe some emery will kind of polish this up see if you can get this clutch set up to go on here because this one also threaded so here's the center of that clutch you see the key that's in there it's not even trying i took a file i kind of cleaned up the leading edge i thought possibly somebody just whacked it with a hammer and a hammer and peened it over doesn't seem to be the case though i don't think the width of it slightly off if you go over this is the other engine that we're going to use it went right on on this one well kinda right see the difference on that so hopefully a little bit of cleaning up we'll get that one to go yeah i don't think that was gonna work out for us just because of the fact that it's actually the depth of the key that's screwing us up how far down that tongue is going yeah you can see the air gap is trying to make above it so the diameter shaft is okay it's just how would we grind that in there oh we could but i think we're better off maybe trying to drill and tap the center of the other one that we worked with there's not much there is there we thought they would have been the same foreign and a couple little drops of oil i say we go risky we need to get her off a clutch cracker up the drill [Music] might have to go a little larger on the hole we got it [Music] [Applause] hopefully i think after we clean those threads out just needed a better bolt that's all you guys got it now we just need to polish our shaft up everybody likes a polish shift that's upside down nope had it right shiny let's go see how the clutch fits on it i don't know if that's supposed to be part of it and like lock together but it doesn't just kind of pops in there now but there's nothing there to hold it on the shaft so i grabbed a couple of washers before just so that we bolt it together something's going across those two surfaces there we go and then the other half we are missing is a bushing that goes on there we could probably get rid of one of those yeah because without it it's just yeah the ring's gonna go pop off of it nothing's gonna be there to hold it together and there will be that and then that gets a collar in the middle i gotta go find it that the belt rides over when you're kind of idling kind of when you're idling and as you spin up this disc will walk out pinch on the belt and this is low speed and as you get the belt travels further and further to the outside the speed of the bike picks up and the pulley on the back does the opposite it gets pulled in and shrinks down on the other side we'll get that in a second let's go finish this up it was right there yeah that rides on there as the belt goes over it gets something to slip on or stay still while the clutch is spinning all right so we need to get a longer bolt and a washer to hold all that assembly together and then i guess we can probably play with the other clutch and get the spring on it mount this motor get rid of the carburetor and the the uh exhaust because we're not gonna use either one of those we're gonna come up with our own stuff so anything i'm worried about is there's a little bit of a gap you know about that much in between where the end of the shaft sticks out and where the hub is and i got i doubled up washers i'm just afraid that like over time they're going to want to kind of kick in a little bit and then loosen up plus the pulley's constantly getting tension on one side and this side is always open the belt side has always got pressure pushing it apart so i'm just a little we'll just keep an eye on that if that wants to back off on us that's my only concern at the moment let's go get the muffler off and the gas tank out of the way it's already loose it says governor on it too i'm not gonna use it i think we're just gonna hook a throttle directly up to a carburetor governor is kind of like the cruise control in your car you set it so you set your car at 60 and you want to just cruise at that speed and the car will give it the gas as it needs to that's kind of like what a governor does wants to maintain an rpm no matter what the load is on it so as you're going up a hill it's going to give it more gas maintain 60. going down the hill it's going to let off the gas and still maintain 60. there we got a little kill wire that is when you go off the gas all the way how's that on there you let off the gas all the way it grounds out the coil that's out let's go get a punch in a chisel we'll try to tap that collar off of there it's actually kind of okay if it doesn't come off because we'll just we'll cut it right there and we'll attach that other muffler to it let's see if it'll come out though that's just a locking collar hopefully it'll twist maybe maybe not i'm gonna go grab a pair of channel locks put it right there for good measure there we go save that for another project i think it's just a piece of uh pipe thread you usually come out of there all right now that kill wire's off there let's see if we got spark on this one i don't think we had before but the throttle may have just been off we're gonna go yank that pull starter apart anyway but get to the let's just see we get come on now get on there now still no spark let's get that pull start off and take a look at the points should just be three bolts holding it so this is the uh governor air vein and it moves the engine's air cool fan down here air comes in here comes up and exits across the cylinder head so as the flow of air changes it moves this uh governor and that in turn is tied to the throttle and just kind of compensates the throttle to try to maintain a certain airflow which is also a certain rpm that's how they work so we're going to not use any of that i'm not concerned about it we're going to pop that out but we need to get down to the pull start so we got to get the pull starter part which has got four screws on it pull start the magneto four screws on it we're gonna try to get this magneto off to get to the uh points that are behind it because i have a feeling they're corroded up let's go four screws off that held the fan on the screen on rather and this is essentially it's just a big nut with a one-way clutch in it for the pull start so hopefully we can just undo that there's a set of ball bearings inside here as this spins they excel to the outside and allows it to ratchet in one direction but not in the other direction when you kind of pull start all right a little love tap should do it and then under that cover right there is going to be a condenser and a set of points don't want to lose our key neither let's go take a peek at them generally the tips of them just get kind of corroded they look really clean though no matter what we got enough parts to fix it so the other engine already has spark let's get you close in let's go see i see some kind of like hair going across them let's go make sure they're closing they close they do look super clean though it could be a bad coil too so here's the wires that come in you got one wire that runs up to the coil and then up to the plug and then this was the kill wire again sometimes if that's grounded it'll get you it all looks original i don't think anybody's ever i don't know i don't know about that buddy i'm going to go just quickly we'll go run something over that surface [Music] i don't have my meter with me usually i put a meter across you could tell it's got to open or closed circuit but we'll file that real quick and see if we can get contact [Applause] i feel like you have to grind them to death you're just trying to get any coating that's on them often just make sure that they close the gap looks about right too i think it's supposed to be 20. somewhere between 16 and 20 i'd say let's go pop that on real quick we'll give her a spin and we'll make sure i don't see anything going on there we're gonna clean this off with a wire wheel looks like it's been rubbing i see rub marks on it and we're looking right there see if we can spin it fast enough there we go she's back awesome got spock let's get rid of this we're not going to use it it's just more it's going to be a pain get in the way i'm going to grab a little pair of pliers look at these tabs down it's really not much to it some of the other ones some other engines they're a little bit more elaborate they're internal not on this one though someone's having a party there's fireworks in the background oh yeah yeah off with that uh the kill wire we'll leave that we might hook that up to a kill switch let's go let's go kind of tuck that and i guess we could put the pull starter the rest of the way back together i'm going to tighten that down a little bit and put the pull start back on we actually set this motor on the uh bike and we'll set the belt set up on we'll get that where where they want to be we can start thinking how we want to uh fabricate the intake manifold we gotta actually come up with a car too in the exhaust let's pull that dust out first but first i gotta throw a little bit of gas down there see what she does right she'll give us a little bit of fire the clutch came out too did you see it if your angle was good nice ripped out my screw what that clutch held up on the on the bushing in the center doesn't quite look like it went back all the way no the bushing's free looks like that should be i don't know if we should pop that off kind of take that apart a little bit give her a quick little look make sure the pieces behind here are doing what they're supposed to be doing just seems like it that'll just cycle a couple times not sure ah let's just fire it up again it's more fun that way right we'll keep an eyeball on it i think we already lost the screw in the back holding the engine down so i throw it on the floor so be it just don't catch it by the spark plug all right it looks decent it looks like like i said ah yeah see that last little bit there that's what i was concerned about not that we can't figure it out and free it up right i would think when you have a belt on it too the belt's gonna help try to push it back out third time's a charm yes no [Music] have a feeling we're going to be playing with that a little bit later so the next thing was that the back clutch and the spring that we had on there which just fell out of key yeah and that okay that's what i was trying to make but it was just way too heavy and i'm guessing [Applause] this may be what we need it's a little hole for that to fall into maybe just like that right and that puts tension how's that gonna line up with here just drop into one of them i guess yeah so we're gonna go put that set up on there and that should be back half of the clutch once i get the key in it so i'm gonna go struggle with that you guys don't need to see see that do you looks pretty good i'll bring you back in a second he's trying to put the wrong half on so that has a little spot right there it looks like for to lock into here we go that's more like it but it's got to get close to the ramps that feels pretty good then this goes on get in there with the key you know i'm gonna launch this whole assembly right across the room huh work with me welcome me goose don't let me get the good hammer get in there here we go probably a good place for our washer huh all right take a look at the backside of that yeah that looks better i'm better than that come on i tried and again this one this is going to try to hold the belt all the way to the outer position and then as the front one squeezes in as it revs up it wants to pull the belt to the outside and this one is just reacts to whatever tension that belt in uh is pulling and it drops down into this pulley so they kind of fight each other and the gear ratio changes as the front one goes from small to large the back one goes from large to small spinning the back one faster and spinning the back tire faster as it's allowed all right to get the motor on there and i i still think i have the wrong belt but uh let's go see if we can work with what we got this one this i think is supposed to be 5 8 the older ones and the newer ones are three quarters and i have a three-quarter belt i we think let's go plop two bolts and caddy corner of each other missing one there it is the other thing too as you can see our alignment is this way hopefully we're uh we're not even close [Laughter] whoops we got something wrong i don't think that's going to work for us either that one's got to go in a ton but this assembly's got to go this way hmm was there any difference with that other engine i didn't think so let's go look yeah i'm pretty sure they're exactly the same the bolt holes look the same case looks the same i know we have that one washer that's in there do you think this assembly needs to get spun around like that can we do that would that hurt anything then you wouldn't need the washer right maybe i just have it on there wrong let's go spin that around see if that'll work what fun would it be if everything went right the first time right hmm let's go give that a couple of love taps pardon me come through so we can get rid of that hmm it's going to have to come up with some kind of spacer though because that's it's already hit the bolts actually we could take those off this was what was on here a it was a metal guard on here for a belt let's just go eyeball that real quick and see if that did anything for us so this would now be the outer all right so that would be the outer and then when you bolt it you can put a big washer on it that would hold it that's looking much more promising let's go plop that on there real quick let's go through let's just go throw something in there to hold it real quick and if they line up which i think it's gonna yeah we could fix the rest of it i'd definitely say that was looking more promising so a bolt or two in it get to claim its spot now it looks like it's too far the other way but we could shim it all right well we want see the thing what's weird is why i was kind of going the other direction maybe no i can't have the back one wrong is this is the movable part on this one but this is the movable part on this one you would think they would kind of be on the same side so the belt doesn't change angles hmm i don't know let's go look uh there's a clutch set up on the beaver upstairs little amphibious vehicle i put together it's a it's a modern one it's not this older style one let's just go see how they're set up real quick and back to my beaver beaver people people my beaver thank you what do we got yeah so that's on the outside so both of them are on the outside of that one which makes sense you know they move together equally hmm let's go take a look on that back clutch see if we can flip that over i don't i don't think so though i think that's the way it was supposed to be i never took it off but you know it's not saying anything's wrong yeah hmm i don't know we could try we could try taking this back apart again i don't think so i don't think that's gonna i have a feeling this has a shoulder on it that holds it let's take it apart again we'll see if this slides off of here and we're going to flip the whole thing over i could probably google the topic real quick and take a picture what they got because it's not like it's lined well i like it it's not like it's lined up close you just look at that surface in that one with that it's going to push the belt's going to go way over here is that right and then this one will okay so this is going to want when it rides up the belt's going to come over this direction when this spins this pulley is also going to go that direction i don't know i think maybe we should just kind of move forward with what we got a couple of you yelling at me right now i can't hear you yeah let's go throw a belt on me real quick and just see if there's any chance of working [Music] [Music] nope that sucks it's not gonna work first yeah so hmm i'm going to google real quick uh rupp mini bike clutches and see what pictures come up see if you can see anything that will help us make sense so what i think is happening is the back clutch is the original one and the front one is a later addition i think this is called a 20 and this one is called the 30 so it's a mismatch of parts and that's why it's not going to work but it does look like the outer is what moves on this and then the inner is what moves on the other so maybe we can kind of play around with it i wish i had that other belt coming the one that's the 5 8 but maybe we can make this one work uh maybe i'll just move that engine around what do we need to do so this has to come further away we can fix that with putting a couple of shims behind it and then that's a lot though let me free the engine up i'll move it over i wonder if it'll line up to those holes right there instead of the sliding ones maybe somebody even drilled them for just such an occasion so that dropped that in it actually doesn't look terrible it's not a little too far the other way i'm gonna go take it apart we'll get rid of these these little spacers that are in here and get these bolts out and get see if we can close up this gap a little bit more and if that will line up for us it's better it's definitely better and it also has a little bit of play in the belt too you can't have it so it's right taut down against the pushing that's in there it'll cook it again i think this is a little too fat for where it would normally sit i think these would come together and rest and just maintain a position where this belt's so fat it still wants to you know i don't know if you can turn it it's going to want to jump up out of that groove more and if you can see it or not i'll show you yeah so this belt's kind of fat so that's where it wants to rest just like that it won't it's not going to stop until it tries being that fat out and it's going to be pulling on that front pulley yeah unfortunately i think we're stuck until the other belt shows up i don't know if i want to invest any more time trying to set it up to something that may not work for us i think the skinnier boat will still work in the front you know it's just it'll take another second for it to squeeze in that much tighter on that belt what a mismatch of crap huh i can look real quick and see if i have any kind of belt that we can use to mock up i don't think so now this belt's too long but it's the 5 8 belt you see how it sits even in the groove that's the one i got coming how's that going to fit up on there i actually think that one will be okay because you know worst case we could slot we can slot them and make it do the same thing this one did or just to tweak the belt a little bit you would think all the junk i collect wait for it i would have something but i don't [Music] would be right in this area right here on the shorter ones well none of those are going to work for us so not saying that we can't move forward with something else right so let's go work on setting up the carburetor making a manifold for that and we'll wait for the belt to come in and we'll chase it we got you know his front wheel he can go do we'll fix up a bunch of other stuff and we'll just keep moving forward one way or another that engine is going to drive that pulley it just doesn't know it yet so let's get that thrown back on there we'll probably use the holes that were closer to what we needed bolt it down and we'll start trying to make a manifold for it let's talk about that noise in the background that is the heat because it is winter so this is the setup that was on one of these small engines and of course that's how it was set up and this carb could actually run this way this is one of the diaphragm carburetors it doesn't have a float ball on it kind of can run any direction with that diaphragm i'm not convinced that that's going to be any good and if i can get a carburetor kit for that so i would like to try to set up a manifold that kind of comes straight out and then we if we have a bad carburetor we just switch over to something else but i think we maybe go with that for our preliminary let's just go pop we'll get rid of the air cleaner we'll pop the diaphragm out we'll take a look at it see if it's any good i also like this one too because it's got a separate air fuel mix so we can kind of tweak it a little bit for some of the modern carburetors it's just preset it's down about 19 degrees outside look at that picking my blood up for winter still used to summer i think we're going to 67 degrees in like three days now unfortunately this the car got a diaphragm in it and the diaphragm is hardened up over time if you can't get a replacement it kind of screwed so hopefully we take this apart and it's pliable it's not pliable i'm gonna go look over my stash i seem to remember getting a carb kit for something similar to this i'm not gonna hold my breath it's not a good sign but it doesn't even want to come apart there you go so i just stabbed it it's got a rust sitting in it does move a little damn it [Music] sort of pays that long fingernail there we go so this kind of takes place of the float ball it meters how much fuel is in there [Music] it's pretty stiff that needs to be able to move back and forth fairly pliable and it and turn that's kind of like you oops that's like your needle and seat right there that setup [Music] it was stuck for a second but it's moving now i mean we could try it let's go get the screws out that was a half one one and a half so one and three quarters that one that's got a ton of rust on it and this one forgot to count we'll figure it out and they'll have a little bit of packing in there it'll be a washer and like an o-ring i'm going to leave them alone for now real quick i'm going to go look at my stash and see if i have one of these we have one of these we're golden if not it's going to be questionable whether this is going to run for us yeah not very good part of my stash i thought one of these i may have bought like extras of them these pop right out what's that right there looks a little big though doesn't it that might be a carp kit for it in stock usually what i try to do is if i need one i order two at least two while i'm doing it did something actually i shouldn't say anything no they're the same size this would tell wouldn't it bolt holes lined up those holes line up the plate on the back's a little different but that's okay i think we'll be okay with that see how much see how flimsy that is you see how not flimsy that is awesome and i think we got all the little bits there's the needle and seat i was talking about we got the o-rings for the seals as long as they don't damage it i'm going to go take the carb the rest of the way apart we'll take the body we'll throw it into carb cleaner we'll pop these out i'm going to leave the welch plugs in there we'll just get rid of the rest of the crap that's on there i think we might be able to have an operating carburetor we can make a manifold too while this is uh doing its thing we can uh probably take where the gaskets go that's all we need right is the gaskets yeah so this gasket and this gasket those are the two mating surfaces we have we can make some steel flanges and try to weld a piece of pipe between them that's the needle and seat coming out of it it's got a spring that pulls it up definitely got some corrosion going on that too oh rings petrified come out in three yeah yeah pieces the other one looks like somebody hammered the crap out of the choke plate too it's all bent up i might just leave that alone it's functioning maybe somebody went too far that way and crushed it the car's in the ultrasonic cleaner we need a flange like that too bad this wasn't steel we just cut cut it right off and make what we want right and a flange like that i seem to remember making something for uh an oxygen sensor i made a couple of flanges um that i'm also thinking of a vw exhaust the heat risers look very close to that i'm gonna go poke around a little bit see if we can find something that's already made instead of us having to try to fabricate one and they would look something like that i feel like this is going to be oh wait a minute they're the same that might that might work yeah i made these up for all lawful purposes honest actually if that gasket fits on those what about the other side that one's slotted we can because we need that one too right that one's much smaller we got one you can hack one of them off of there let's go take a quick look like i said that the vw stuff so we're going to want one of these and see if that flange for vw fits it would look something like that problem is the holes are offset too though that's pretty close i'm not going to cut this one up this one's too good see if we can find one hunting in my stash i'm looking at this i wonder if we could steal the that's a little small see if we can find a piece of pipe it's got a curve in it we can cut the section out that we need to make the angle while we're shopping we'll keep an eye out for that i don't want to take a good one but one of them's junk so with these these are vw this is what's called the heat riser heat comes up through here and it keeps the intake manifold from freezing you can blow air through them they're good yeah that one's good i'm not gonna kill that one the exhaust goes through them though so they do clog up and kind of die hmm because the other side is the muffler side too which is going to be this piece that part right there is the same thing i don't want to kill a good muffler neither you know that's what i get for throwing rusty crapped out stuff out i'll find something thrill the hunt you ever get the feeling i've done this before yeah it's a little a tad fat that's like an eight horse i was hoping i'd find a hunk of steel manifold connected to one of them so the vw engine that we fired up that had really crappy cylinders has a intake manifold on it but the preheat is rotted right through right there so let's go cut that side off and we'll use that one start [Music] actually cut both sides off of that you see the artery how much it's closing up a little cholesterol build up there huh looks like the makings of a intake manifold for me i'm gonna need the carb though maybe we'll finish cleaning the carb up put that back together and then we'll build from there it started at 30 minutes it's not really up there that we're like 22 minutes in [Applause] i think we'll go with it [Applause] quiet [Music] usually i like to go longer than that but not today cleaned out the carb and going through the parts this is that new needle and seat here's the old one you see how much further the pin sticks out of that one compared to this one this one is me uh me is neat one more time missing the seat is like a little nylon seat that the needle pressed against yeah it is not in there i looked in the kit i didn't think i dropped it looked around and i don't have it look at the old one you can see it looks like there's one in there doesn't that hole look much bigger than that hole like something else should be in there and that would put it in the right location uh so i'm like well now what do we do we could probably either use the old one over and try to clean it up where i went looking back again i found another kit [Laughter] and this one has not been opened the other one i think was open has a zipper on the top this one's got the bag seal on top so let's quickly go look at this one and see what this one uses and see let's get the same large hole there it is right there a little green so i may have stolen it out of that kit for another machine i don't know but we have one crisis averted yeah sometimes certain machines definitely put up more of a fight than others that's why i like try to get them when they're complete even if they're all busted up and rotted and shot at least you know what was there you have something to go by where you get something like this where it's a bunch of the parts are missing and swapped over you don't so that seal has to go in there and the best thing to do that with is a drill bit the back of a drill bit find the one that's close enough to it you push that down in there and seat it and the other thing too and the other one the spring the other kit the spring was smaller let's see if this stuff matches up yeah this one's more accurate i think to what we need to replace it with compared to the other one all right so i'm going to take a few minutes we'll put that back together there's really not much to it it's essentially putting that seat back in the center of putting the two set screws on it putting that back on the top of it with the four screws i know people are going to ask so the groove goes in so that the needle is going to rest against this side of it it's the smooth side and like i said you're going to take a a drill bit works you get one that's close i have a uh a pick that has a really close i want to lose this one let's get it started i'm just going to push that down until it seats and then that new needle can rest against that and should have a stick out a little bit more than that might not be down all the way it is as long as that diaphragm can push on that to open it this should be fine yeah okay we're going to touch it i was looking at the other one where's the other one much more stick out that one's got yeah unfortunately that setup is not going to work for us because the needle does not protrude far enough out to ever get pushed off at stop and i'm looking at the two of them and that one's definitely got a little bit more room to it so i think we're gonna end up cleaning this one up and this one goes through yeah and that's able to open and close don't know but i don't think the other setup was gonna work for us at all not quite sure what was going on there all those pieces were in the same package you would think that it would go together and she would protrude but she did not protrude don't lose parts i'll launch it probably should have put that on first time and where were we that's more like it i gave it about a 50 success rate that that it's gonna do what it needs to do at least it opens and closes before you couldn't even push down on this this is how it came out so i'm putting it back together with this orientation that may or may not be correct somebody could have been in there before us and just like totally screwed it up and parts are not laying right that it's supposed to flip over the other way and that little tab could fit down in between i don't know the answer to that but what i do know the answer to is i need to wash that and then we're going to set that back on screw her in so i i do know they've they stack the gasket sometimes on one side and sometimes on the other and i don't quite know why i'm sure it's for shimming and how much uh fuel gets let into there and also this is more of like a very common on like a two-stroke setup and again it can kind of run in any position is is what its benefit is whether this is going to work for us on this four stroke i don't know i i seem to remember these getting used on four strokes and again if this was already on one of these engines that we got so we're going to move forward with it it's definitely been hacked together you can see somebody kind of raised something kind of linkage to there the flange setup on it is the same as you would find on a regular float ball carburetor so if this does not work for us then we'll go to just a regular float carb and uh again the flange will be the same so we'll be able to mount everything to it but i want to give this one a shot so that's the carbon that's built up and that is the flange that essentially is going to be mating to to that so we want roughly the bore to maintain that or else we're going to choke off how much is there so let's see if we can get this flange itself opened up that's how much carbon was on there [Music] we'll slice off the rest of the plumbing that's on there we got a ways to go yet let's pick up the speed i think my battery's dead yep i don't have gaskets on them yet but just have them bolted on so we need to get a piece of pipe to make that carb sit right about there something clear actually it will come back a little bit we'll give the exhaust a little bit of room let's um because you can even kick it on an angle if you have to too let's go see if we can find a piece of pipe that'll fit in there we'll put that in its location just to claim its spot not that we're not going to heat up and bend it and change it anyway but let's just let it let's just do that it's like the only piece i have and i can run that in there yeah we can we can cut that and change the angle but let that clean its spot let's go on the other side with the carburetor and again i want to leave room if we're going to go with the one of the other carbs i'd like to try to get it right about right about there i think your leg would be out of the way we put an air cleaner on it you know we claim the space behind it i think what we got that has a bend maybe a bicycle handlebar we can cut like the section out of that part about the right diameter too right let me go see what he got we'll check here first is this is like the the land of the lost that might maybe you can use that band right there and more what's that that's gonna look that might be on the large side that might do it see if we could find something something maybe right in between those two if not we'll go back for that that red could like upstairs to where some scrap bicycles are i don't see anything else over here see anything what's that right is that the other end of what we were looking at and there's a flange that we were remember we're looking for a plan here's one on a muffler let's grab yeah that's the other end of the hand that handlebar let's go see if that's gonna that might work because i gotta open up that hole a little bit more yet it's still a little shy of it uh this is i think harley handlebars and then there's so there's two different sizes i think one seven eighths and one's three-quarters i'm guessing at that wow that one hurt that was thick too all right so we'll go with this and we're quickly going to look upstairs see if there's any uh bicycle maybe a little bit thinner bicycle junk that's not bad right there right on top too do i want to cut up a good set of handlebars some of you say that's is that's a good set of handlebars yeah these are a little smaller again the motorcycle ones these are bicycle ones this is more the size we need i think actually we just kind of like eyeball it we know we're coming out like that right so maybe we'll nick it we can always shorten it up later we'll cut it there and we're gonna want it so it's level and on the angle out i would say all right there and we just go a little further out again if we need to we can shorten it up so harder to go the other way you agree because we could rotate it to get the the correct angle that we want so we'll cut this one off we'll cut this one proud and then we'll sneak up on it all right so if we went i would say that's almost three can we flip it around will it do anything worse it looks like it gets away from the exhaust a little further i think that's going to get away the pull start though right by the time it's got an air cleaner on it and it's getting kind of far away you can shorten her up quite a bit too you don't want to go too long on the it intake your torque curve and your horsepower i say we go with that the angle is good but i think we need to get rid of about well that much of it that'll get us that much closer in i think that should be about right all right so we will like that probably go a little shorter huh you spin it around does that help us actually kind of like that a little bit better again that pulse plus you know when your legs on coming off the seat in this area with the air cleaner i think we can even afford to maybe knock it's going to knock about that much more we'll just use the bend so that's that third time's the charm we are third fourth and we're going to want that so that the carb is sitting straight i wonder if we should probably weld it to the carb flange first then we'll just rotate it to where it's level right about there looks good huh let's give a quick a couple of quick witness marshall give it where they were yeah how good are we on that one kind of crappy yeah so we'll do our best to center that one we'll get a couple attacks on it and then we'll bring it back over to the bike we'll attack it on the bike if we don't like it we'll pop it off and we'll try it again [Music] [Music] looks like it's a hair like that trying to see how i am centered on that flange i think i could tweak her a little bit too you know all the carburetor actually tweaks got some room in it good so enough of room to get it yeah that's a level i gotta bolt it up couple of gaskets in there again still not sure if that car is gonna work or not but i think now is a good time let's go get a fuel supply hooked up to the input and give her a couple of tugs see if she'll go on that and that's our setup for now anyway i'm going to give it a little extra idle speed then we can back it off from there and see if anything happens the pulsar sounds horrible [Applause] let's give her a little bit of a prime i think what happens is there's a few one on a two stroke it's got like a pulse that kicks back and that's probably what fires that diaphragm get in there get if it just runs and dies fire more fire so [Laughter] it's shaking this up the dust the noise was the clutch i for we forgot to deal with the uh the clutch that was rubbing on the bolts that's what all that racket was that'll run on that carb though that's a good sign it definitely loosened up the uh the bolt on that see that we were talking about i think i'm going to miss the shot there a little bit sorry about that we can just get rid of the clutch for now yeah i was rubbing on them let's get rid of that for now because that's not going to be able to tighten up against those let's get the bolts in the motor and crank down real good so i'll wait for the engine to fall completely off but i was going to let it happen i'm like well wait a minute the fuel line's connected to it and that's really gonna make a mess all right let's go fire it up again and then we're gonna try and dial in that air fuel mix it was shaking so bad it was hard to even kind of hold on to so uh let's give her another shot iron hole [Music] [Music] so i don't know if we can get the idle down low enough i do know that throttle plate was a little beat up which wasn't hitting anything i think we can get it it's good right now we're not even on it the screws backed out so far might be having a fuel delivery issue too a bit of air in that line i think we can get it i should probably throw the now is that gonna be worse i'll be trying to dial them in where's that muffler we just shove that right on there for now and i might direct a little bit of the heat away from us try it again see what it sounds like too fire up for me the black smoke that came out of it that sounds better yeah i think the idle circus can be a little on the screwy side i'm not sure which one's the higher the low i'm going to go play with them a little bit see if we can dial in an idle and if not maybe we'll switch over to one of the other carbs and see how that does [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i lit myself up that'll wake you up i don't know the other thing too is i want to take a little bit of sealer and kind of seal around these right here i might have a slight intake leak and it might have a slight intake leak on these gaskets right here yeah i just threw whatever i had in on them it's close but i wonder if we might have a little bit better luck with just like a regular snowblower carburetor let me go try one of those i mean that's what i mean by a snowblower carb very common one let's go try putting that one on there again the problem with this is it doesn't have any air fuel mixers on the old ones did but this one doesn't so let's see if this does anything for us laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] none of them like to idle down very well though i think i got an intake let's uh spray it down with something there you go yeah we definitely got an antiquity so that's what i gotta go deal with that's why it's not idling well uh i don't know maybe that carbide even seems to suit us a little bit better it's a little large for this engine that's made for like an eight horse there's only three so it may have an issue where it bogs a little bit i don't know well i'm waiting on a belt and again we'll take those intakes apart i'll make some good gaskets up for them so the ones i shave the hard ones i shaved off with a razor blade and then we can get up with setting up once we get that belt in where the engine needs to be comparatively and how that clutch gets set up and we got ourself a belt this is a 5 8 wide belt this is the one that should uh normally be on the bike when it was new back in 1970s and it looks like it has enough room for the front clutch pulley to go fit around and we still have some adjustment with the engine so let's continue on unless you can get this thing buttoned up and get that back tire to spin from firing up the motor and for the first thing what we're going to do is we'll get rid of these two bolts because the clutch is kind of running into it there's studs or spacers behind it that have these two sticking out too far let's get those out of there try to find some shorter bolts and get that hardware sucked in [Music] yeah they're too long and one good thing about having several engines those look like they'll do just fine we'll throw these back in their place i think the biggest thing is now is left to right it looks like it clears everything just go throw it together and we'll see how we line up i think the engine is going to have to come towards us somewhat though how's the tension look too we could probably go forward a little bit on that engine also we just need enough of that when it's idling it doesn't want to try to drive drive the belt that's in all the way it's just mocked up i think we got a bolt or two sticking in the fixed factory position i just kind of want to see it really doesn't look too bad my only concern is again the clutch they're not a match set so when this one goes to shrink up this one is going to move this way this one is going to move the back one is going to move this way so i think the belt might rack on us a little bit i guess the best thing we just fire it up and see what it does i don't know what else we can do to kind of get around it we could flip that front clutch around so this point is going to stay the same fixed and this point is going to stay fixed well what happens when the belt moves we shall see all right let's go get some gas going to it we'll fire it up again [Applause] get that back tire to stop [Music] so [Music] [Applause] run out of gas come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] of course now it works right [Applause] i think it's screwing with me [Music] [Applause] give it a little bit of choke [Music] that worked out well [Music] i guess we should have checked to make sure the nut was tight on the back huh well hopefully we go find all those pieces it looked okay i need i was trying to get a streaked shot down on i want to see how the belt tracked one way or another but it looked like it went up in the top gear fairly decent i'm going to go get all my pieces back see if we can find them all found everything but the key but i got more of those take that well i think we just wing it with the belt like it is and we move on to trying to get it to run a little bit better then we'll cinch down the engine the intake manifold the gaskets are leaking real bad on it so i'm going to go around we'll pop them off make up some gaskets for them and try to reseal that back up that way should just kind of idle and do what it's supposed to do in rev it's all really takes a piece of gasket paper and a ball peen hammer and you use the round part of the ball beam hammer to make the line cut all the way around so and you get one perfectly cut gasket when you're done let's pop out the little holes that's actually some sticky back if you wanted to stick it to it but if you're good if you're not trying to dance around too much and you can hold it just walk your hand around it like i did not let it kind of shift around on you you'll be able to get it without that one more to do on the other side i think we're good [Applause] oh i got that original two-stroke carburetor back on there now that i did the intake manifold let's go see if that performs any better now if not we'll go with that other one but i want to give this one a shot the choke's on [Music] big fine line where it'll run on the high side i think next is fixing the pull start [Music] [Applause] all right that's the high side's gonna back out on the low side it's in too far just go with something like that [Music] so [Music] [Music] we'll do a burnout [Music] [Music] [Applause] well i know a lot better that tire is so stickier she wants to stick to the bench it literally in 10 seconds did that when we get the nubs off right maybe the other cardboard seems uh sounds like a run ran a little bit better probably going to go swap that one out i think that might be our better bet i could dial it in it's close we still don't have an air cleaner on it so you have to kind of dial it in with that also but uh i'm gonna go swap over the other one one more time we'll pick the best of the two look how much you pulled that chain forward on that sprocket that probably wasn't helping things neither i don't have the keeper on the right side that thing i should have put on the other side to hold the wheel from getting pulled forward i done screwed up and with the snowblower carburetor let's give her some choke do we get a fat lip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one's got a funky idol to turn up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah slower to go [Applause] so could die i think it's about as slow as we're going to go belt's got to break in too i think that's pretty good i got as far as i wanted to get i wanted to get the power to the back wheel carbs still up in the air what carb i want to use i think we get an air cleaner on it we tried down they all got a flat spot right up off of probably idle die if i try giving it some [Applause] rips pretty good curious to see how it does in the trails with a load on it you know all right that's coming together pretty good i got a lot to do yet but at least we got power to the back wheel we still got exhausted route bolt the motor down in a good location get the air cleaner set up throttle setup clean the gas tank out shocks need to be addressed front wheel doesn't even have a axle and it has whatever this thing is that we just shoved in there to hold it it's stuff in place but i guess that's gonna be for another video guys right now i'm happy with this i'm glad i'm happy you guys are hanging out with me for this long too so until the next one i'll see you then later bye all right one last start i turn the idle up just a little bit i want to see how it recovers and a pull start fix [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i might be a little bit of fuel delivery problem too if that float ball might be running low not sure
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 449,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: 2hz4O4A_xdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 53sec (5573 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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