Fran Wearing All Black | The Nanny

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Excuse Me Miss fleckman yeah there's a limo driver out back who has a message for you from a musician oh a stink [Laughter] you mean sting [Laughter] [Applause] oh my God Brian sets up Brian said something Brian baby uh Sheffield's daughter wants an autograph do you mind signing your CT oh sure what's her name for any fine thanks sweetie welcome oh I don't know Miss bleckman did you just change clothes oh I almost blew it didn't my friends [Applause] what's up go out oh Bobby yeah that's me we gotta talk about us uh you know it's over for me and uh it's time to move on what's over well it's obvious that you're crazy about me but it's just never gonna happen I mean I'm old enough to be that adorable Nanny's mother Bobby forgive me I I'm a little confused here I I I was under the impression we were just good friends what are you telling me that there's nothing between us whatsoever well I'm dreadfully sorry if I've given you the wrong impression oh no no that's okay that's okay you know I misread signals all the time at my age you tend to become we Desperado well anyway gotta go ciao oh Bobby oh Bobby forgive me I I don't know what came over me all of a sudden I felt something I've been fighting ever since I laid eyes on you 20 years ago what I thought that you said that we were just friends oh that oh no that's just a lion I use when I feel a woman's getting too close I've used it on my nanny thousands of times [Applause] you all right um yeah I mean it's just I I like your Nanny and uh I feel sorry for harenda I'm gonna go to her she needs no no wait I think I love you no get away from me leave me alone leave me alone call me crazy call me impulsive but will you marry me how could you propose to you know there is a band waiting in there and I do have a rabbi on speed dial that's five five you know it was me but of course I knew it was you all along well then I'm holding you to your proposal and in New York state a verbal agreement done pushing almost why were you kissing Bobby fleckman to thank her don't you remember Elton John dropped out of my show thanks to you vaguely well Bobby was kind enough to talk to Mick Jagger about replacing him oh so it's imperative we all make Bobby very very happy home is fine it's been two weeks the morning period has to end oh it's just so tragic I mean it shouldn't have been a lot of people screw up their first day now get out of those depressing clothes no I I need to wear this it's it gives me closure besides black is slimming and I'm gonna name it there's nothing more pathetic than a woman who eats out of frustration because she doesn't have a man [Laughter] [Applause] more of this machine Mesquite barbecue sauce because it's really yummy you can just forget it Brighton it's never gonna happen never gonna happen just because I screwed up with Elton John you're not gonna date me again oh you meant frightened I want a radio contest and the winner gets Brian Setzer to shoot a video in their house Brian Setzer I love him he used to be a stray cat I've been listening to him since the early 80s is it true back then people used to listen to their music on some sort of primitive large black vinyl disc doing a favorite pastime the answer Brighton is still no but what's the big deal I mean it's three hours on a Friday night look maybe your father has plans Friday night dinner for two Alfresco at nello starting with the fried odd a chance God willing no I do not have plans Friday night and I am not leaving this house he wears the doctor Dr crescentelli will be with you in just a moment Chris said tell me this is the manner of life or death I need a Glickman or a Schwartz Elli how are we doing oh I've been better I have a terrible terrible rash can you just give me a minute I need to settle in you're my first patient of the night no ever wait a minute princess Telly Chris is telling you wouldn't happen to be Frankie crescentelli from Parsons Junior High yeah yeah the best six years of my life your friend um uh finay it's fine again they didn't buy it would you ever become a doctor you couldn't even play operation calm down real people are a lot bigger than that little cardboard guy foreign [Applause] take it easy that was a long time ago okay I'm a professional now okay let's have a look-see okay oh what's the matter what's the matter oh God nothing I can uh I I could take care of that with a shot thing the man of my dreams is right across the street in a beautiful hotel room and he's finally ready to get intimate I'm going to give you this shot of cortisone it should straighten you right out okay and I'm gonna give it to you in your rear all right because a lot less pain in a big fleshy area [Applause] [Laughter] all right thank you you got a D in bedside Mana Frankie there we go oh wow gee you know I think that the itching stopped already we're gonna be working this fast it goes right into the bloodstream thank you thank you oh wish me luck okay bye oh hey wait a minute are you allergic to any medication I should ask that first right I failed I'm back wait right there don't you move don't move a thing oh how long have we dreamed of this moment [Applause] what's the matter [Laughter] oh my God [Laughter] Don't Panic Don't Panic it's gonna be okay [Laughter] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Applause] [Music] oh maybe we need to bring in a specialist at least a doctor with two days of experience if this reaction happens sometimes with cortisone prednisone Toblerone enlarged daughter do something oh Mrs Champions you're never gonna find me attractive again fish fine don't you be ridiculous there's two three six times as much of you to love oh man's very sweet and her new boyfriend smoke a Reds well I'm just glad she answered course they just had you know she's too young to you know believe me kids nowadays are you know it before you know it so what are you gonna do tell Mr Sheffield oh no I could never be Trey Maggie's trust like that then she'd start telling on me I've got a better idea I am going to let Mr Sheffield catch me smoking right in front of Maggie ah France that is a brilliant idea you don't get it do you Val when Maggie sees Mr Sheffield reaming me out she's going to be so petrified she's never going to want to smoke again here they come oh boy does this bring back memories you miss smoking oh no I miss you knowing hi sweetie you want a cup of it's fine what the devil are you doing oh my God I didn't expect you to come home and catch me don't you hate when that happens you lost your mind I know smoking in front of the children oh I know I've always known you weren't too bright but of all the stupid things you've ever done I'm what'd you say you think I'm stupid well I'd love to find some other explanation but there doesn't seem to be one look there may be somebody stupid in this room but it sure ain't me I do I do know who you are speaking to yeah I'm speaking to the guy that if he doesn't take back what he just said he's going to be looking for a nanny I've been looking for one for the last three bloody years and Niles feels the same way too tell him Niles who loves you baby since Miss fine is so damn smart if I were missing what would she do well knowing our Little Margie she'd run next door to Roger Clinton's and have him call the FBI don't be absurd no one in their right Minds gonna get my code hi I'm Maxwell Roger I'm desperate do you have any contacts in the FBI I'm sorry Max I can't fix any more parking tickets no Miss fine ran out of the house this morning I can't find her anywhere well I heard you called her a no that's that's what newt's mama called my sister-in-law you know newt's lucky Bill even let him on that plane I'd have made him fly Continental [Music] yeah sweetie you don't know whether the boys like you for you well because of who you are there is look my father was the president of the Jewish auto mechanics Club no it wasn't a very launch group let me talk to your mother Hillary's looking for a new nanny for Chelsea wow you'll pay me that much I'll match it and my room will be in the East Wing new Carpets New drapes I'll get to me Barbara oh Walters I I I'm sorry for what I said I really am and you and you're right I I was a stupid one hold on a minute how please come back you know that children love you and I I well I mean we were getting so close close well in a in a strictly professional way Hillary honey it's very flattering but I just can't do it honey all right are ready Hillary this is getting embarrassing thing it's fine what Camp David on the holy days Miss fine gotta go Hillary [Laughter] letting you think I was talking to the first lady that was smart forgetting to plug the phone in stupid honey it's a very classy joint I pick up the lid what's the matter sweetie too uptight to go in front of me me uptight no oh good oh honey you know I just wanted to say if ever we outgrow the townhouse boy this place is the kind of place we should move into man it's always I can't do it all right I admit it I am uptight now please I had two very large martinis go oh yes I hear you marriage is all about compromise this will just be something that you'll have to get used to gradually no never there are certain intimacies that should never be shared when I'm your wife yes I know darling and I love you very much but I'm English in my country people don't go in front of their wives well what's it a law or something yes as a matter of fact it is why do you think Henry VIII had so many wives they kept walking in on him but this isn't as if I was trying to invade your space or something I just I'm about to explode privacy I'm going okay oh hi oh you never know a person until you go through the medicine cabinet no Romo no tanka meant no little soap ones from Sheridan Hotel obviously not a Jewish household oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh well this is just ridiculous oh again you're shushing me I don't want anyone finding us in here do you know what they'll think we're doing tangling God that's worse than thinking what I thought they'd be thinking you know you either let me go on for help or you learn how to tinkle in front of your wife those are your choices I'm insane I can't scream you can't go to the bathroom in front of your wife what do you want me to do you almost done yet yeah just one more secondary oh Kevin you should see the master bedroom suite oh they have that comforter set that I wanted and the sales lady said it didn't come and came oh you know if they have those truffle two heads will well [Music] [Applause] my God ashes to ashes dust to dust we commit thy servant Wendell Kent to you try and be a little positive I mean I heard that Wenda left the rights to his place to his wife I think he still might have his shot you landed on her husband and crushed him to death what kind of shot do you think I still have don't be such a Negative Ned meanwhile you're here I don't see Andrew Lloyd Webber paying his respects he doesn't have to his wife didn't Crush Wendell to death sorry I crossed your radar it was a freak accident these things happen I'm lucky that I walked away with just this it hurts much worse than it looks that's the Widow you know none of this would have happened if we weren't trying to change each other so much I don't know about that well let us just recapture you tried to loosen up I tried to beat demure and an innocent man now I just say that we learn to live with each other exactly the way we are or senseless Bloodshed shall continue together there's practically no one here well honey what do you expect a man was hardly a saint I mean he cheated on his wife stole money from his family that's the mother can we go [Applause] I've got enough shrimp to feed 45 people oh don't worry Niles I'll invite mine a brunch tomorrow oh great now I have to go out and get more I just don't understand it is it is it me did I say something to offend them well you know honey a lot of people drive Jaguars so uh you're bound to get some anti-british sentiments sweetie you know you did do something you're such a rich classy Society guy and you're marrying soap beneath you what are you talking about why nobody is here tonight is because they hated me they were all laughing behind my back I'm the reason why you're losing all of your potential new backers Niles what time is it it's 907. remember that time this is the moment Maxwell Sheffield realizes he couldn't possibly marry Nanny Phi well to hell with them oh my poor darling don't don't you realize you're worth more to more than any of them love you 907 in 10 seconds far that Love Takes you when you in your corner with the sign around your neck that says we'll produce Revival of Brigadoon for food good evening sir hello I believe I was invited oh my God would you excuse me it's right oh no no I'll take care of this I met him in the park and uh I told him that if you were hungry he can come by and I'd give him some food and maybe a couple of bucks this is Preston Collier I invited him what what when Bill Gates needs to borrow a cup of money this is the door he knocks on Preston I'm so glad you can make it you have a wonderful woman here Max you know she thought I was hungry and she invited me right into your home me someone she just met on a park bench that is so sweet and so like her don't ever do that again so if you're rich then what were you doing hanging out in Preston Collier Park oh wait a minute you know Max I don't ordinarily invest in shows but you obviously have impeccable taste whatever amount it is Count Me In oh I'm calling it time of death 9 10. it's fine it's fine wake up [Laughter] oh good it worked I'm back it's fine did you pick up my blue suit from the cleaners uh Mr Sheffield I'm sorry I I sleep during the day well yeah I do but you don't usually catch me it's fine I I don't know what you're so upset about this reunion for you have absolutely nothing to worry about your feet are beautiful you are beautiful you know the children all have plans for this evening oh my God wait a minute okay go ahead well I just thought with the house empty that would leave you and me free too too to go to the reunion together Larry Union that's not the way it went back [Laughter] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Nanny
Views: 118,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the nanny, sony, sony pictures entertainment, hbo max, sitcom, comedy, fran, fran drescher, fran fine, peter marc jacobson, charles shaughnessy, lauren lane, maxwell sheffield, 90s, 90s sitcoms, queens, daniel davis, niles, cc babcock, fran fine laugh, maggie sheffield, benjamin salisbury, nichols tom, bette midler, Madeline zima, brighton sheffield, grace sheffield, fran fine outfits, halloween inspired outfits, halloween inspo
Id: FJ9xXuCkv9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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