FULL EPISODE! | My Fair Nanny | Season 1 Episode 3 | The Nanny

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[Music] okay boys here we go these are your gloves this is the ball and these are the rules you throw you catch reverse repeat where's your cap oh I'm not really a cap person oh come on you'll look adorable my life's ambition try and be cool there oh yeah we cool come on Gracie we're going to the park I'm a little anxious about this whole kite thing why sweetie we're going to have fun what if I let go of the string and lose it I'm not good with separation you're not going to lose it Aid is like a really cute guy you give him some slack let him fly free then at the end of The Day You Yank his string and reel them back in and you hang him on a hook till you want to use him again and I'm teaching you she was working in a bridle shop and Flushing Queens till her boyfriend kicked her out in one of those crushing scenes what she to do where she to go she was out on her so over the bridge from flushing to the Sheffield's door she was there to sell makeup but the father saw more she had sty she had she was there that's how she became the nanny who would have guessed that the girl we prescribed was just exactly what the doctor prescribed now the father finds aing and the kids are actually smiling's lady ined when everybody else ising The Flash girl froming [Music] Nam okay last question what is the capital of Peru Lima very good boy if she could fit in your book book bag you might actually pass this test I don't need to be a genius I'm going to be a producer like Dad who said that good morning everyone I have the most fabulous news they've selected a dilatant for the biosphere I was at Elizabeth Arden getting a facial manicure and herbal wrap you know at Earl shop you could get the whole job done for $89.95 body work included anyway who do you think was under the next turban Aladdin yasa arit no that's not a turban that's a bonuse well whatever it is he could use a facial or better yet a chemical peel nny fine wow we're giving him the G of strip would it kill him to take a shave and put on a little Paco raban does the name Moren Wentworth ring a bell not even a jingle she invested $50,000 in our last production ah yes how is the dear lady $50,000 for a lousy play oh which I found delightful I'm still humming the tunes $50,000 is the kind of change she finds in her couch these are the wi worse they came over on the Mayflower how did they know what to pack I mean you go into a new world is it hot is it cold is it rainy there are no brochures they were pilgrims Miss fine they all wore the same thing and that was a mistake very few people can wear a big hat had a big collar and a big Buckle anyway Moren and her daughter Cynthia are very active in the catian society and I mentioned Maggie and they have invited her to be a junior dead CeCe that's Splendid what a nice opportunity for Maggie Maggie oh yes of course and it wouldn't hurt us to cultivate some new old money excuse me but does anyone care how I feel about this I know I don't oh you'll love it I was debutant it's the only way to meet the right people make the right connections marry the right man but you never got married good one I don't want to be a Deb but sweetheart it might help you come out of your shell I like my shell if you get real close to Maggie you can hear the ocean you know I agree with Miss Babcock I know it wasn't shock to me too but Angela I think it would be a good opportunity for you I don't care what you all think I don't want to do it kids I should have stayed in retail I mean who does CeCe think she is budding into my social life what social life I just went to the movies with Denise honey she's the cleaning lady you're 14 years old this house should be filled with obnoxious teenagers swapping sweaters and trashing each other I hate all those girls they all go to my school they're just so stuck up and snobby popular yeah oh honey you can be just as popular you're smart and gorgeous plus you got a double A WID the world is your Royster skinny feet cannot get you into this group you don't know what these clicks are like oh you think they're any different from the cosmetology Club at Flushing High true we had better nails but all clicks are alike you got your leader of the pack she's the prettiest the snappiest and everybody wants to be her friends that's Cindy forget her she don't need you find the low man on the totem pole and make you move you see no one ever listens to her so she'll be grateful and wide open for infiltration how do I infiltrate choose from the three un Universal topics boys cloes and Bobby Sherman Bobby who okay mocky Mark but he doesn't have half the talent of Bobby it also helps to unite against a common enemy a good choice would be your gym teacher you make it sound like a war it's worse war was just hell this is high school that's Bobby Sherman what's that that's his hair any he cute he's not really my type I'm toring between Barney and T couple yeah but Bobby could sing you should hear his records what's a record I just bury me that sweater you wore today is just gorgeous sure no wonder Jason Matthews has a crush on you don't you think he looks just like Marky Mark three Universal topics and sucking up Grand Slam can this be our Magie has a friend you live long enough you see everything where's Maxwell yes I've been feeling a little under the weather but I'm much better now he wants these contracts in London by morning well here hop on with the time difference you'll just make it Fran I'm on the phone with Cindy Wentworth and she'd like to know what to bring tomorrow I told her potato salad and not the German Co Niles why is Miss fine using the words Wentworth and potato salad in the same sentence Miss Margaret and Miss fine are hosting a mother daughter debutant te you're hosting a society tea yeah I thought we' do pot lock that always goes over big what meanwhile with all their money go find someone to bring an entree you're asking Moren Wentworth to bring her own food well fair is fair I mean we're springing for the make your own Sunday bar the Cosmetic demonstration and the gypsy fortune teller come on kids let's go wrap the gifts for the grab bag Miss fine a moment does this mean you're not leaving sorry to disappoint you I'll bounce back okay kids start without me oh and Maggie make sure you take the best gift and wrap it in aluminum foil that way you could always grab it for yourself always the gracious Hostess oh you should have seen my sweet 16 at Benny's Clan bar we took over the whole half shell room I'm sure it was the highlight of the flushing social season now that was the atoria boulevard block party they had two of the Four Tops this fine my point is a society Hostess should have style flare and a proper degree of social sophistication yeah so so you're grossly underqualified and yet still Maggie's first choice it's fine this is not a popularity contest and I won anyway I'll have you know I have traveled in some pretty exclusive circles I sat at the Captain's Table on the Carnival Cruise past the A1 to Kathy Lake Miss fine this is not frunch with Captain stubing these women are vicious backstab having judgmental harpies I know they're my closest friends oh you don't scare me I have sat in on my mother's Maron group ah my fears are allayed Maggie's social future rests securely in your capable [Laughter] hands well at least her fears are getting [Applause] allayed you know I'm really getting the hang of this baseball thing rather enjoying it actually don't toss the ball in the house sir n I'm such a stick in the mud go on no man get out in the hall I'll burn one in Dear God in heaven right ready it was old ancient actually oh well one less thing to dust maybe I'll just pay some bills oh and I was so hoping we could toss the frisbee around who's Madame Alesa why am I paying her $200 she's the fortune teller Miss fine hired for the party a fortune teller at a society tea perhaps she can read the leaves oh n I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this can you really picture Miss fine in a room full of New York Society matrons wouldn't miss it for the world you want to hear a good one miss Babcock was saying I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb at tomorrow's tea party well jump in any time with heartfelt reassurance don't worry Miss fine these ladies tend to be a bit stuffy but you'll be a breath of fresh air a delightful novelty in other words a freak in the sideshow well everybody loves the circus but I don't want to embarrass Maggie 14 is a very vulnerable age I remember when I was 14 my mother came to pick me up after school in a halter top and pedal pushes oh I'm still looking for the right support group all right Miss fine let's suppose for a moment we shared your concern it's really too late to cancel the party now or is it oh no don't you can't cancel Maggie is counting on it can't you just teach me how to fit in come on Niles you know all about that fancy schmancy stuff yes I'm very proud of my command of both the fancy and the schmancy so tell me what is the difference between me and those ladies I wouldn't know where to begin her clothes her hair her voice her laugh boy you came up with that list pretty fast it would be a monumental TK impossible oh go for it I'm an empty canvas a blank slate an at your sketch right after you shakeing all right you're on we have 24 hours to turn this breath of fresh air into a stale pretentious snob in other words Miss Babcock why George I think he's got it [Music] round tones Miss fine how now brown cow how [Applause] Brown enough with the marbles I've swallowed three and passed two already how now brown cow not that there's going to be any cows at the party that's what you think party Miss fine yes let's try to capture that elusive letter r what your accent it's so odd inescapable I don't see an R coming out of your mouths that's because we're British yes we can say anything we like and people think it's [Laughter] Shakespeare all right repeat after me Mark went on a lck after dark in Central Park gee I hope he has a gun Miss fine focus all right but the kennedies don't have an A between them they pack the car in the river and get away with it no no it's all wrong I'll say this book is flattening my whole poof it it's your hips Miss fine well I've never had any complaints before it's a way they move from side to side well I've never had any complaints before what's the matter these ladies Don't Have Hips not really no and flat bums but who's looking perhaps we should move on to conversations sir oh now that's my area of speciality I am never at a loss for words there are several topics which are appropriate in any social setting the weather current events literature I'll take literature for 100 Alex what I shouldn't laugh if you must try a soft [Music] breathy and close no no no no I can't believe you're knocking my style I'm known for my style except for that brief cornrow period after I saw a 10 what about this beige frock that's my dress bag Two armholes and A String of Pearls good work this is the fish knife the steak Knife the salad knife and the butter knife you know one amazing ginu could do it all all right let's start again the salad course has arrived and you pick up your the salad fork and wrong again that is your shrimp Fork well I don't know about you but I'm getting shrimp salad all right we we finished our meal what do we do now well if you at my mother's house you open your pants and flop on the couch guess again oh yeah tart but refreshing no Miss fine that is is your finger bone it's for washing the fingers what these people can't afford wet [Music] naps oh God this is worse than an opening night and the critics here are much tougher whatever happens Niles I've enjoyed working with you same here sir somehow I feel closer to you well let's not get carried away all sorry sir say old man we did it we did it we did it we said that we would do it and indeed we did hello how do you do how now brown cow Morin CeCe how lovely to see you kiss kiss hug hug uh tell me who is that lovely creature on Maxwell's arm that's The Nanny oh and yet what a stunning outfit thank you Mrs went withth I'd like you to meet our Hostess Miss Fran fine Charmed I'm sure look who discovered the letter R please excuse me for being tardy but I was on the phone with my mother and she can be such a yenter this is a great party Maggie it's almost as much fun as algebra look guys it's going to get better really Fran has the whole party all planned what a lovely artifact is it may no it's his in Niles mayday I'm on a turn would you care for a cucumber sandwich oh thank you don't these look yummy please enjoy I've had the seeds removed to avoid gas come let's meet our other guests gas Miss fine I was just trying to make conversation indeed literature the weather and the Lively Arts are such narrow topics one must invariably turn to flatulence for inspiration would you like to come up to my room and play with my Game Boy eat dirt dead my uncle was right there on the couch only nobody noticed until the seventh inning stretch when he did not and close Frank can I talk to you for a moment if you'll excuse me we'll shmoo later Fran my friends are bored I thought you said we were going to have entertainment well we're going to sing magicals with the harest is this classy or what no it stinks what this is the worst party I've ever been to she obviously missed my cousin Iris bris I take it in there you aren't entirely thrilled with the party what happened to the party we planned well I thought that this would be better you know classia more like what you're used to I'm used to sitting home alone all right so after this party things should be back to normal what have you done to yourself that hair that outfit and where did you get that voice well I got a little from Niles a little from your father but mostly Mrs Howell what were you thinking oh I wasn't I listened to miss Babcock why I don't know does she entertain in all the time I've known the woman she's never had me over once I can't believe you dressed up like a geek and ruined my party that's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me a don't mention it ever again you know you didn't have to change aren't you always telling me to be myself sure when you're you Perfection you could be yourself but when you're me diamond in the rough are you kidding I killed to be like you really I kill to be like you so what do you say we go through a party that'll kill CeCe oh now you're thinking like a Deb kiss kiss hog hog come on take my hair out actually my people came over on the Mayflower oh of course the cola the Bucko I didn't put it together without the Hat we landed on Plymouth Rock my family can be traced back for 500 years we landed on Ellis Island they changed our names and now we don't know who the hell we were okay who want sprinkles your father is really cute you know they say I look just like him they lied you know these are just delicious you like huh marshmallow rice krispy treats always a big hit you must give me the recipe for cook honey buy the cereal it's right on the side panel what you're going to make me write it down Maxwell this woman is a gem oh Marine enough bran tells me you're mounting a new musical I want in do you think that you have room for one more investor for Mrs went with anything and I'm certain this one's going to be a monster headit I know the fortune teller told me I tell you for the hund time I see no tall dark handsome nothing in your [Applause] future this is a great party Maggie I hate to go home what do you say I give you a ride in the limo just me and you in the back seat okay oh God Gran thanks for everything oh Angel H I never DED you for a minute come on I want you to pick first from the gra me oh I wasn't going to pick all right oh I wonder what this could [Music] [Applause] [Music] be
Channel: The Nanny
Views: 91,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the nanny, sony, sony pictures entertainment, hbo max, sitcom, comedy, fran, fran drescher, fran fine, peter marc jacobson, charles shaughnessy, lauren lane, maxwell sheffield, 90s, 90s sitcoms, queens, daniel davis, niles, cc babcock, fran fine laugh, maggie sheffield, benjamin salisbury, nichols tom, bette midler, Madeline zima, brighton sheffield, grace sheffield
Id: EPRg2fU2dWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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