Fran Bow 5 year anniversary stream

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hello do you hear me my friends it's me natalia yes do you hear me say yes if you hear me please we need to check the sound the sound of the microphones yes yes you hear me it's not weird with an echo or anything it's okay yes yes fancy yes okay doshavi i think is okay do you think he said we do it yes and i present to you the version of issac martin's son frambo issac martinson as frambo [Music] he did it isaac made his promise and he is frambo how are you it's so weird to see you like this i finally have a mommy you're actually my daughter how are you feeling i actually feel a little concentrated the dress is too small for my big breasts no what are you saying fran is a little girl so it's okay yes but yes it's you like your dress i think i love your reaction when you look me in the eye it's silly i don't know it's so weird to to see it's like like this is the first time in like 10 years of marriage that i see you like this and it's it's like exciting you know really exciting i got eyebrows yes i see your eyebrows now i actually look like my finnish relatives it scares me a little bit i think it's you did a good job you did a great job with my dress thank you you didn't want to have just like this because it's really cold yes so it was uh we didn't find something that suited the dress properly but we did what we could with a little amount of time we had i think it was great it was nice right it feels pretty nice you feel pretty nice now i can say it's so weird to see a friend with that with a beard i mean it's a short one but it's still okay all right so i'm gonna make some shout outs right now on the on the on the chat so hello pokey and red eggs and kitty neko yami and the rocky brown and hello everybody beautiful friends i'm so happy to see you here and why are we here today because it's been five years since we released frambo and we are still able to be doing games because of rambo so yes it's a pretty big day for us yes it is five years ago we we released the game look me deeply i can't it's not easy i can't i'm a little lady yes oh my god okay but um yes so happy anniversary frambo and kill monday games and isaac thank you and to myself good work yay tv says he looks exactly like frambo vintage resolution are you are you getting hot i told you the the weeks were really hot no no it's okay okay you will start to smell sometimes yeah all right i'm here for the party is my week good yes yes it's okay okay it's like so instead of like playing fran bow we thought of playing the port we are working on which is a totally working progress yes exactly i mean the thing is that you know that we want to release frambo on consoles as well and we have been battling to get that done for a long time and then our creative mind gets kind of cut on other games and then we go with this project a little slower but yeah it's coming along good right now yes and we want to share with you so you know so the the the frambo with all the bags we haven't yet fixed it or anything so yes so what should we do have you done this shout out the shout out yes i think treymore channel hello and caillou hello the bad gamer hello hello everybody okay we we we start the game the game the game that is not really it's rambo but broken i guess more broken than it yes he's not frambo2 please we get these questions so many times and i understand franco is pretty cool but oh my god it's not tremble too it's just tremble the regular one that we're gonna be porting for unity so we can release on consoles so uh we need to do another sound check because the sound check that's yes we're gonna show you completely raw game development here so you're gonna see the behind the scenes spoilers big spoilers if you haven't played frambo then close your eyes okay the badgamer asks a question please is there a new game there is a new game in the making it's about benjamin you know the fox from little misfortune but we haven't yet said the big um picture of the game right it's like we don't want to spoil it yet but yes this there is a new game coming how's the sound with the game game music and good voice do you feel that the game is the game in your ears music is loud all right let's do it how is the music now is it better do you hear our voices and the game's music and all that we can hear it gone but you hear my voice still right oh this brings so many memories all right no background noise right now no music the music might not be loopable because this is a work in progress yes exactly so that may be a bargain so what you see here is frambo recreated in unity and we're gonna improve some things like the how the inventory works with drag and drop it's gonna be like the old one exactly but with optional improvements yes exactly it's gonna be really cool to be able to play it on the consoles as well so we'll see if that happens so i played so many times i still get can't get tired of this amazing game vikki says thank you vicky yes but um also the you can play with the control oh that's nice can i try i haven't tried it yet but where's the eyes they're not popping we haven't done the interactions you know when when one is creating a game all this small things that you get to work in the game is yourself yummy right and then when it breaks it's like oh we had it and then we don't have it anymore and then we have it again it's a struggle a continuous struggle are we going somewhere oh look at that you can drag stuff right now we have one programmer working full-time recreating this in franco and unity yes he's very he likes to set up even better animations if you find new ones and not stuff like that yeah this version is actually going to have more frames of animation than the original one because of bugs in the code sometimes skipped a frame or two yes and we found animations that didn't really play in the original in this version exactly was there a i i get lost on the questions i haven't seen if the red room effect comes here no shall we trade for that one oh yes it works yes that's so cool to see i see some stuff could be able to move around a little right now it comes here instead of starts yes there's so many little details that you have to shake on all the time also so lionfly says i can't believe that it's been five years since frank was released oh my god that's really a long time i don't get it either it's like we started to having this dream about making a game that there's something weird happening there and yes and then we're here five years after look it's fixed it's fixed yay but she shouldn't be there no actually but yeah robin told me why because you can't have the pills without the nurse have left the room so ah okay so if you you cannot really get rid of her i've asked this this before this be the last time i asked because i'm from a little sitting in the same universe night guy asked if rambo when the misfortune are set in the same universe and the answer is yes we are trying i mean we're not trying we are doing it we are connecting our games with the same universe so it's pretty amazing and fun to do so yes right and then we are the game that we are creating right now with benjamin is also set in the same universe so for each game we're gonna be revealing more of the lore and the realities right and so on hey it's like miss fortune and rambo is here today sometimes i laugh very well anyway let's do this is there something else we should okay i got i got the stuff what part is your favorite part in frambo if you already play it s esther encel asks what program did you use to make the animation of the game for frambo we used um anime studio yes anime studio yes moho yes right now it's called moho they they change the name but uh it's a program that you can put your 2d assets in pieces you know like a cut out doll and then put some bones in it so it acts a little bit like a puppet and that helps a lot to you know create stuff that are more alive and you don't need to draw all the frames because that takes too much time and i it was just i animating everything in frambo so it's it was a lot to take in yes somebody asked what happened to you isaac did something happen what's the code for this what's the code for the the the box do you remember i think that's a seven what we use the same code in misfortune is it the same i need a walkthrough this is so hard for me do you remember 89 45 10 89 45 is it yes good job everybody i don't remember yes the bad gamer are you thinking of making a new game we are thinking of making a new game and we are making a new game and tomorrow we're gonna test the new game yes every month we do like an internal killmonday games meeting and then we we try out everything that has been done under the month and it's always very exciting it's like a gala you go to and play the game and each games each month gets a little bit cooler and cooler so yeah but there is still a little bit to go until we can show it to you guys because if we show it now it will not be what we are looking for so we really want to deliver a complete idea so you know and understand what we are trying to make here right now it's not complete so it's not worth your time so oh there's a fox in there they just see wait are the heirs exist rambo 2 confirmed we confirmed frambo to a few years ago but we haven't gotten them to just swallow us always going in um we don't have the it's not the right time to make it you know like there's there's a timeline in our plans and it's not yet it will happen right yes yes it needs to happen a little later trust me trust me please it'll make so much more sense if you lose weight if initials uh all right question what inspired to create creatures from different realities oh i love that question you know everything it's like its own realm if you really go into and look at small stuff you know like insects or if you go to the plant world and or you know other animals and mammals they're all so incredible and so complex and it feels like i really felt like this i want to give them their own reality and their own ways and their own kind of ah you know all that the social and the the ideologies behind them that's really cool to make yes sven is saying that it's very sad because rainbow two is not coming yet oh too bad we have been very clear that we're not working on it at the moment there was a little moment a period where where we were actually working and we actually wrote the story and got even some tests on 3d because we wanted to see if we were doing the game in 3d or what and then something happened and and that happened was that we realized that we wanted to do the game in a certain way and we couldn't we couldn't be able to do it right now because of money and knowledge and experience experience is very important sometimes and you need to know when to wait for a little longer you know what so yes sorry about that so what is what is isaac doing i'm breaking the game isaac is breaking the game i broke it again so reviewer pull ask isaac is that you yes it's isaac i cannot look at your daughter no just leave me alone you're just okay so so um spiritual says oh no the the different galaxy circle again are we in that circle no no no no because we know we can pull this off yes now we're we're actually making it and what happened before we did little misfortune there was another game that issac and i worked for a few months come do you remember we never talked about it but we want to do it so we're not going to talk about the one between frambo and different characters yes oh yes that's also very cool there's always story about it yes there's always like a game in between that falls and it doesn't make it and no and then we have like this other two with the with the animals and the other one with them with the kitchen oh the kitchen part too yes there are many games that die on the on the go but yeah some of them are we really wanted to do them so yes can you make the shot visible the chat visible what it what live streaming you mean i don't know how you do this can you hear us do we have the microphone can you speak are we talking okay so just like twitch ah what's twitch twitch it's this on twitch streaming place you know twitch so you would like to see the shot going against this window on the window is it possible here i don't know i don't think so i don't know once we got banned from youtube so if they ban us again we can move to twitch because swen got us banned another dimension so guys do you have any questions for for us about frambo or little misfortune look he's talking about himself kitty fix this fix this who's that mr midnight it's another mr midnight from the past were we playing franco too the other one is a little smaller you see what oh okay maybe that cat was fran plot twist what so fran can transform herself into a cat is it that the plot that we're doing for the next meal i'm gonna write it down you like the idea don't tell anyone shh keep at least for yourself make this slide like this stream is private is this like frambo then is a cat lady no a cat woman like it's all in midnight's head it's the answer to frankie yes the illusions of a mad cat all right so there's many questions and i can't read them all that all of them at the same time i kind of skipped the entire talantras point palantrous i'm not good at reading the sharpie from left to right from left to right okay i get caught on there on the floor they're less emojis that way she can read because if you make emojis [Music] okay sorry when you thought you were going to create a game ah it was it on a train a train trip from home to work in the morning very early one day do you remember yes and i was i was getting this animation animation work like finished and i was thinking of my possibilities and i was started to think about working for video games instead of just regular movies to animate and then more we talked with this about it it felt like why don't we try to make our own game and then it grew from there right yes it was very not like oh i want to do games you know it it came slowly you know like figuring out stuff and taking that road somehow so yes we'll be there a boy character in the frambo universe we can call it for monday universe because it's not just only about rambo i guess no but we'll see we'll see guys benjamin is kind of a boy a boy from somewhere else he's a foxy boy way the name fran that's what i asked myself many times now i just wanted to have a name that was like um from both girls and boys and also very like strong somehow and just for me that name felt really frank like really strong and i just like that and i asked isaac if he was okay with it and you were okay with it i don't want to see you like this i will never take this off titty yam says hello everybody everyone and oh my god isaac as friend i'm in love again [Music] no it's my boy okay girl i don't know what are you right now i'm an 11 year old girl all right are you inspired by by coral line probably many things come from there also i i've seen both i i've read the book and seen the movie so yes i was sometimes a little bit angry at um what's his name again the writer that wrote billy idol no elon musk no what's the name of the writer from from from coraline oh my gosh tim burton no it's not tim burton yes sometimes i get a little bit angry at neil gaiman because when i'm reading his books it's like oh and that's happened with that girl and all that and i'm like that's rambo but i didn't do the game before so that's what happens with ideas many have the same idea look you can see here the extra frame of animation of kit word is it yes which one when it appears one of those animations is never seen before frame wow new content it's a deluxe edition yes fancy all right [Music] arthur caraballo maureen hey natalia isa great to see you we will get to see our beloved galaxy kitty in 3d i hope so really do really hope so right after that after a few more games we need to have more money and more money for you know being able to hire more people right now with we are seven developers and we are doing a new game that is in 3d and requires a lot more of everything and we are all supporting this game frambo and also i'm kind of trying to run this little shop we have with the merchandise so for seven people that's a lot a lot so we need to have more money yes we'll see what happens in the future fran beau was made in gamemaker yes and this is unity yes maria asks killmonday next game it's going to be totally in 3d yes we are trying to get a game as much as possible like as we want you know there's a lot of things that isak and i don't want to have like in um how i call it we really want to just be able to expand a little bit more before we can kind of say yes or no to new things right so 3d is really something that we want to experiment with it's really amazing and it feels really fun actually to work with it so maybe you could show the new game in the livestream future yes we're gonna totally share the new game and you're gonna have so much to do it's gonna be really cool and yes there's many of you that really would like to have rambo like in the same style and we'll see we'll see what happens i personally want to do it so much more complex and if that requires that we do the story in another environment like 3d then we'll go for it but if the story it's like very suitable for a 2d environment i really would love to you know show a little bit of our new game sometimes it's so cool because we have a build already but we can't show it because if we show it now it will change and then we'll be like oh no why didn't we show it then yeah exactly plus you can see yes tiny friends the bad gamer is look saying all the time look behind you i look behind me and there's nothing okay there's nothing stop scaring me i'm telling yeah i'm like you know if i can say whatever and it's like i'm gonna be be so nervous until he really tells me that he's just joking i'm and yes so today we have the five-year anniversary of rambo and with them with all of you we did this thing on the social medias right the poem competition and there came a lot of beautiful um oh no what happened to from sorry friend got pushed into super mario and maria jumped what why but you need to go like her can you do that walk i i can recognize myself so you're saying something about yes about the poem that we have a winner for the poem of course and it's like won't you do me the honors i fran i mean to put the name on the screen of the winner of the challenge of the poem for rambo five years it was about 50 words and the theme was frambo the entire thing yes let's let's look at the winner's poem [Music] we actually linked on them on our twitter i think yes those that were the top five favorites so if you want to check them out but this one was the winner and in in the big picture is because you really did a beautiful picture with words and you actually follow the rules also to make it about 50 words so yes congratulation should i should i read it with you know emerge so diana pogore lova peels beyond dark trees and lifeless grass i close my eyes becoming something new the fear of breaking ruby color glass controls my thoughts and everything i knew the moon and pale stairs turning red they cry for my exhausted soul and mine this flaming bullet floats through the head and i'm blind yes so beautiful just really love all the the pictures you get from it when you read it so congratulations then and we're gonna contact you directly after today for sure tomorrow all right so yes congratulations i don't know if you're there yes maybe i don't know but anyways very nice right yes woo frombo uh has uh inspired a lot of beautiful poems so if you want to check it out you can find it with the hashtag frambo five years so yes and thank you all for participating if you if you didn't win i'm sorry okay okay let's do this are we done yes are we going to show a little bit more of them no you can see it this this port will be free for the pc users and then we're going to release it on consoles yes everybody that has the game will get this version of course and i i wanted to share with you a little thing we have a very important meeting in one hour and i'm very nervous we cannot say what it is but um it's really cool so isaac needs to get i need to look more present yes um freshen up freshen up you're very beautiful as friend right isaac did a great job i'm i'm very proud of you by wearing a dress you've been told told me sometimes that you wanted to try out next time i'm gonna be misfortune okay because i want the lips that looks like a heart yes the lip shape the heart lip okay guys so this is the end of the stream i very thank you very much for coming along and let's see what the next year the anniversary of rambo brings us together with right it's it's kind of cool to be able to share a little moment and go back to some some memories with rambo and thank you for being around love you a lot and see you soon yes yes bye-bye bye bye bye did you do that follow us on there follow us on the social medias killmonday games okay okay everything we're gonna say bye for one hour or more okay bye-bye little little little it's not over yet you no
Channel: Killmonday Games
Views: 10,789
Rating: 4.9713945 out of 5
Id: cSe4Mwg4mJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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