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hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is cupcake and today we're gonna be playing friend bow so I played the demo while back seems like a year ago I don't know how long ago was but the game finally came out and I just got back from vacation so I was like I need to play something new and fresh let's play Fran bow I'm excited are you excited let's play so uh we're gonna go ahead and oh my gosh it follows she follows her eyes balling the kitty alright let's go ahead and create a new game this game uses an autosave feature here we go everything's fine it feels like heaven are we dead I see my parents okay so we've played the demo before some of this has changed they look happy I think the eye actually animated this part they have presents for me I wonder or a present and it's the kitty a cat so sweet and pretty today dark as the deepest night oh it's mr. midnight my best friend my only friend mr. midnight we know what happens this turns really really dark oh look we are having dinner and I see Aunt Grace - I really like her a lot they left it's Friday and my parents are going out no babysitter oh she's with Miss grey our Aunt Grace takes good care of me look at them mr. midnight we have we are having so much fun it's Monday night I'm playing with mr. midnight but something feels real bad a strange creature outside my window and it gets dark I don't like it it scares me suddenly I hear something it's mom screaming I want to know what's wrong oh gosh scary a bright light shines from my parents room I go closer and closer uh mom dad oh my gosh please don't Oh God your mommy daddy oh no it's someone cut them up with just that tiny little knife my my my oh my alright so she's running away it was mr. midnight Oh mr. midnight take care of her [Music] mr. midnight looks angry and sad [Music] someone found her and they take her away so we played the demo Fran please follow my voice we know what the story is on the count of three you will wake up one two all right so we are in a hospital Fran how do you feel I'm fine I guess I feel like dying I feel like dying you have to click there we go I feel like dying I don't understand why you make me do this try to calm down this is part of your recovery I'll try Yes Doctor I'll try that's a positive attitude I'm just tired I'm just tired of course you are these sessions can be rough for you but now I have something for you Fran oh really see the desk there's a little package for you it's from Aunt Grace take it out grace this was my mother's purse Oh open it there's something inside okay I don't use we're gonna use that I can't use this maybe I should Oh examine can I my hotkeys aren't working for some reason so I'm just gonna have to click I'm gonna be a clicker dearest friend here is the purse you like so much I thought you would like to have it when I was thinking about you I remember that you like to examine objects and combine them with other things so I hope you'll always keep this person give it and give it and all other things you find a good use great way to you know show you how to use the keys and combine and examine things never forget that creativity is absolutely we the greatest gift you have this is very true all right she's worried about you Aunt Grace Aunt Grace well another reason to let me go well don't worry about her she is fine so tired of all can I leave now can I go to my room now yes you can leave but before you do it's time for your new medicine new medicine what medicine it's called duo teen and it'll make you feel very relaxed nurse we're ready oh no anything new today dr. Dern dear nothing actually same visions as before oh I see your friend take your medicine now I'm gonna pretend to take it now what I don't feel good oh that's creepy oh no take her back to a room and nurse don't let her take this ever again mmm well that was very dark that wasn't in the demo so beware Fran bow if you leave the house of madness I will hunt you down catch you and bring you back to insanity Oh fan wake up mr. midnight the medicine will help you escape I'll be waiting for you in the forest I love you Oh mr. midnight all right chapter one my sober day I'm still here hideous place I have to get out of here all right so this is a point and click game if you can't tell let's go ahead and read the patient was found near the Oswald Asylum showing signs of psychosis the bow dagon heart family tragedy details omitted treatment dr. Marcel Darion Dern has tried different medications and all have been canceled because of side effects sigh Co what I'm not so sure side effects effecting affecting one side of me maybe ok I will get your nose I will get it what locked good reason to get curious alright so this little thing down here oh sweet sweet melody look at the mirror window Oh a handy hook I'll save it to play pirate later can I use this I can't use it ok let's save it can I use it to unlock it I should get a key to this let's look outside corapi it's like a prison tower defense we have you we have for you a crazy person or is it defense tower I guess that is my I don't think my head would fit through the window all right so can we leave there okay so let's look behind this curtain we can look at the cross - I could still walk around and see what's on the other side okay let's look right here well am I stuck oh all right red and tiny you are hiding from me red I hate the monster I have to find mr. midnight I have to find him now I miss my kitty he hides because he's afraid he told me that the medicine would show me where he is okay hopefully this won't fall on my head while I'm sleeping can I look behind the curtain I guess not that's good to the right and we have our friend here hello good friend what's in here Oh a secret box okay let's talk to this fellow psychopath hello Phil hello hello I'm Phil Norway out how are you everybody says that I'm sick I have to find kitty now bye-bye you are a sick fill there's a lot of Dolly I used to have a blue dress like yours of course it's locked and what about Phil the patient came to Oswald asylum with his mother Rachel brownstone the boy has developed paranoid behavior paranoia has not yet diagnosed daily treatment with dr. Marcel gern we have not achieved a patient's trust and he refuses to be questioned okay let's look at this chair if I sit down and we'll eventually get up at some point that's true oh wooden mr. horse are you having a good time and what about little Teddy here I hope somebody loves you okay so I can only go let's go to the left I've got this chair my legs are just fine what's in here empty bottle empty glasses nothing useful towels towels I don't need towels I don't think I need any of this what's this I can't see through this window what about this window call repay all right let's see what are these books nurse I want to know what she's writing I'm curious I guess the nurse would never let me touch anything let's talk to her Oh Fran you're awake good how long was I asleep three days Wow was it the medicine was it the medicine that made me sleepy yes it was the medicine that's why you're not making you're not taking it anymore something happened well I forgot something happened see you are nothing but trouble what is it nothing so hmm boarded up linkie linkie talking to me um okay so what else do I look for let's go to the right maybe I can combine something together what's in here can I examine this a little box it's open can I open it use a key all right cool so let's see if it's the key to this door not that one let's do a key to this not a very good hiding spot let's use right there I got it and there's something inside Oh a little bow examine my hair clip I should give it a good use Oh on the door alright let's go use on the door linkie it fits but there are two holes I need something else okay so let's use the hook let's use that the shape is not right okay so I have to find something hmm let's look at this picture that I have examined it's my parents and my aunty can I combine this and this combined [Music] not sure what to do with this hmm okay we need to find something else then see does he have anything for us I I don't know what else - hello Phil no anyway out there are many ways out everything's locked everything is locked give me indeed but the office is the key what do you mean the office what do you mean I saw the doctor right a secret code a secret code to open the yellow door he doesn't want me to tell you who him oh shoot all doors are closed you are a prisoner in my games and nobody will help you escape oh okay that's normal leave me alone I hate you okay mommy daddy I need you so much right now no I won't let monster stop me okay so we need to find let's see something happened let's tell her I broke the curtains I broke the curtains I broke the curtains I was trying to cope then I accidentally broke the curtains accidentally I have to fix this follow me great somebody's grouchy somebody's Billy grab G fix the curtain something is missing have you seen the hook that holds the curtain up what's a hook well I have to find go find something to fix this you little girl I'm gonna go this way and see what she's riding I think this is where the medicine is that it looks locked my goodness this is terrible a gun why would the nurse have this she wants to kill us all I'll leave it as it was okay we're just gonna leave it there what was she writing the patient has been sleeping almost all the time she only wakes up to drink water but I don't think she remembers that after drinking she goes to sleep again she hasn't been social for three days some kids have come around oh wait what's this 8 H duo - 8 H that must be important ok remembering that what is this I'll keep these patches stop the blood violent trauma can have a great impact on children totally changing their normal lives for example children damaged by trauma can have mild to severe defect the deficit in some abilities such as trusting people near them seeing the world as a safe place may decisions etc blah blah blah drawing of the brain frontal lobe motor cortex alright and coffee what you don't like coffee come on alright let's examine this examine tiny patches to cure wounds and examine this my pills are inside I know it I have to crack the code let's crack the code hi so H is and I'm so bad I have to count ABCD is 4 e is 5 e f g h i is 9 ah the pills kitty told me these would help me alright so we got the pills oh I just used it watch your step okay you got can I talk to this get out creepy creature can I talk to her Oh miss nurse oh my got something yes okay so these only last for a little while empty bottle empty glass let's go to the right I don't know how long oh the rabbit they don't last that long it wasn't me can i oh gosh look at that who did it look at that ghosts I think if it goes hi oh my that's not good that's not good can I go down here oh my gosh we can go down no absolutely not you can tell her that but she has to know you can't keep me away from her the reason is more than clear grace no it's not I want to take her home now you can't Fran's mental condition is not appropriate yet and grace oh did I pass out again was that real oh dear Aunt Grace okay I wonder what she was telling me the doctor has no soul I'm going home tonight little [ __ ] oh no foxy Fox don't cry can we go behind here I can't walk around it okay let's go to the next room oh why are you looking at me like that you terrify me he has no eyes Phil is playing with his uncle and the uncle is mad mad to happiness all right oh your head mister dear okay so let's go ahead and use this we're gonna combine this or actually we're gonna use the hair clip on the door or can we combine those there we go okay so now we're gonna use that um daddy was not there mommy would not care what was that um okay there's daddy and mommy let's look outside the window super dark nothing there hey my beloved friend if you can't catch me because you haven't found me beep beep here my beloved friends beep beep firm if you want to hug me try to catch me if you catch me it's because what do I need to catch him I'm trying to catch him what do I have to do hey you something I'll use it on the cat no I just left ok here but we're in the other rooms it's a clown from the painting in the hell gosh it's so weird you should blame yourself be quiet and who was this girl why do you look like a fabric though tiny tiny hands over you eating your soul um where do the clown go even the purest of things die in this place ok so I can't go any get out of here I can't enter this room can i I can the King likes drawings somebody wrote something here interesting I don't like this ok get out of here can I go down this wasn't here before do my pills just last super long I want to hug you and I'm trying to catch you kiddy so maybe I oh I just click on the pill and it's gone okay so we escaped ha ha no little girl hello you see them you do right what see what the creatures that follow everyone the shadows I can't see them but I know they're there you know they are you know what they are yeah I guess tell me please you like to draw I love to draw I love it too but tell me more about the shadows crayon a crayon I want to find a crayon I draw all the time I want to find my cat draw a cat if you don't have one I could draw my cat but I'd rather find him your cat is in danger the shadows took him I know who told you that the one that follows me I keep coloring okay look look at the Teddy's in the toys let me see a red puppet and a serpent a teddy and many other things okay okay let's go oh the nurse huh there you are you should be in your room the door was closed you left it open I'm sure it was not open I know because I locked it how did you get out then are you sure you told me to go and eat did I hmm alright then carry on all right so we're walking around down here this gate is very locked sir Oswald Harrison a bearded old man and there's the yellow door the way out the sign shows where things are in the hospital the reception room okay so let's keep going this way hey get your hands off the door okay let's talk to this guy sir the key hanging up there can I have it sure I could give you the key if you give me a kiss [Music] creeper you should kiss your butt you'll give me the key a kiss are you serious and then you'll give me the key sure come here and sit on my knee I'll kill you die with a pineapple I'll kill you never you are disgusting and I will kill you if you touch me all right the blackboard is empty no drawings that's the office key and but how can I reach it okay so we can't go any other way so let's take our happy pillow wait nothing I think let's let's take our happy pill so you're able to think you should think about getting the hell out of here I will bye bye or let's take our happy pills happy pills pighead meat all over the floor okay wonder what part of the body that is looks like intestines and mr. pig is naked you know what crunchy pig head okay reach the key I can go this way though we can go this way Oh oh my gosh the Teddy Teddy what are you doing here poor little teddy I will laugh at you I will lie to you I will hide you into the shadows alright Wow his head just exploded alright so let's look around hide your pain good night Chinese boys a little elephant here elephant sir you're a very pink and soft oh no they did it all wrong Vivi oh I'm doing ok I can change the channel look channel 3 kinda looks like friend alright what about this guy look at me I say I care while you're dying of hunger and thirst oh we got a sash Yee okay um the action men could either of you help me find my kitty let's see this little paper boat um twice soldier you'd like to help me escape wake up Isabella the black shadow is touching you okay let's get rid of our happy pillow is this a bill dead Isabelle she's dead hello what are you doing it doesn't work the paper is not working what do you mean the paper should be working like they told me what does the paper do I need the paper to show me what's on the television why isn't it working the waves must be powerful change the channel please okay so can I look at the paper we're losing the waves chain change channel okay daddy I will change a channel for you human testing approved is it working now still not working paper vision negative change again it's working now the waves must be powerful change a channel it works a miracle thank you paper Vision+ great can I see no this is mine if you want you can take the papers that didn't work wouldn't that kill me you told me that would kill me I never said that you liar I'm busy paper vision revision in action let's take the pills and let's watch the channel oh I got the paper okay let's use this use on the TV or do I have to be in crazy vision paper use on the television it won't work okay let's take the happy pills and see use television nothing okay okay well I guess I'm crazy for trying that okay so I definitely need oh hi there are you all right what is that supposed to mean I wanted to know if you feel okay I don't want to tell the doctor will cut your head open if you don't leave he likes to eat brains he already took mine he ate all of my thoughts he ate your brain he will eat yours too I saw you inside the doctor's office you were dead oh no that I have to go I hope you find new thoughts bye alright okay guys well I think I want to go ahead and end this here we still haven't explored this room and we can still go down hopefully but I hope you guys enjoyed this and are excited for the full game we've already seen some new stuff that wasn't in the demo so hopefully it's new to you but thank you guys so much for watching I am super excited to continue playing and yeah I will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: iHasCupquake
Views: 4,226,702
Rating: 4.8392487 out of 5
Keywords: fran bow, fran, bow, creepy, game, gamer, games, gaming, demo, scary, raining meat, rain, ihascupquake, cupquake, quake, funny, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2015
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