Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR: Now is the Time for Prayer

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okay some of you are pretty tired and concerned that you might might not be able to follow this talk right now you can get it clear in your mind so if anyone says what he talked about just say pray pray pray pray pray be very close to it you say well didn't he say anything else yes he said we ought to be men of Prayer and women of Prayer and that this is the most important thing that we can do you have to leave now go go ahead I have heard such a consistent word from the Lord to pray The Situation's urgent The Situation's desperate The Situation's confuse the Warriors a few the enemy is great there's chaos in the land pray pray pray [Music] as a passage in Isaiah 30 where where the Lord says don't rely on your fast horses your enemies are going to have faster horses you have to rely on me pray pray pray take a Hermitage day almost every Saturday down a little Hermitage which I tell it say to the students if you don't know where it is good if you don't want you to find out but it's a Hermitage and and what I hear every time I go down there is the Lord says pray and obey that's what your life is pray and obey pray and in prayer here sometimes weekly sometimes strongly but here the priorities I have for your life what I call you to do and go to him that's all he said it to me so often when I go to confession I the thing I most have to confess is I heard the Lord call me to do this and I didn't do it or what's more likely it me a week to do it and it was really late by the time I got around to it pray pray apparitions I mean Mary is appearing around the world you may have concerned about this one or that one you may worry about who exactly approved this one here and that one there but Mary the Mother of God is appearing around the world and what she's saying is pray pray pray magic or his most publicized famous is pray and fast and pray always and pray and convert and pray pray pray and if there's a new book out that we just put out here Mary among us from a lobitos Citra in Italy a little communist town which Mary decided to make it a visit to and the end of this book says Our Lady at a libertà Citra has a prophetic role in that she speaks to us God's call to conversion to prayer into penance a lady calls us most strongly and most repeatedly to pray especially to pray the rosary where else have you heard of the apparitions approved by the local bishop in Aikido Japan and in Koopa Nicaragua if you have you know that the message from that is get on with prayer or the message behind it or the behind the iron curtain where they've been having Africa there are many places we have a place just up the road here you probably read about in the newspapers where the eyes on the crucifix closed in the middle of the Good Friday ceremony the Good Friday liturgy right in the middle of it suddenly the older boys looked up and the crucifix that had the eyes open now we're closed they're still trying to work through that but what's the message in that pass in that parish it's to pray it's to pray that particular parish is run by the same Franciscans and run st. James Parish and meju goryeo there's you probably read about things that are having in Lubbock Texas we're at a parish there and the pastor was just here last weekend there have been regular visions and locutions Bishop set up a commission to investigate it there were three primary visionaries and people and people in the parish receiving locutions and in two of the three they said these are supernatural and in one of the three they said we don't find evidence that it's supernatural but what's the message of that parish pray that's what they're doing they used to gather they had five or six in their prayer meeting they were ready to shut it down they were ready to call it off and they heard a prophetic word to wait and then Mary was going to bring a sign the next week they had 2,000 and the message was pray the Holy Father John Paul the second at the encyclical Christopher dailies lychee which means Christ's faithful lady and in the encyclical he talks about the urgency of the times he says paragraph 3 a new state of affairs today both in the church in the social economic political and cultural life calls with a particular urgency for the action of the lay faithful if lack of commitment is always unacceptable the present time renders it even more so it is not permissible for anyone to remain idle that's strong you say well that doesn't sound that's strong to me read papal encyclicals read the language they usually speak in that's strong Pope goes on in paragraph 34 without doubt amending of the Christian fabric of society is urgently needed in all parts of the world but for this to come about what is needed is to first remake the Christian fabric of the ecclesial community itself present in these countries and Nations paragraph later to all people of today I once again repeat the impassioned cry with which I began my pastoral ministry do not be afraid open indeed open wide the doors to Christ open to his saving power that confines of States and systems and political and economic as well as the vast fields of culture civilization and development do not be afraid Christ knows what is inside a person only he knows Rosanna and says opening wide the doors to Christ accepting them into humanity itself poses absolutely no threat to persons indeed it is the only Road to take to arrive at the total truth and the exalted value of the human individual this vital synthesis will be achieved when the lay faithful know how to put the gospel and their daily duties of life into a most shining and convincing testimony where not fear but the loving pursuit of Christ and adherence to him will be the factors determining how a person is to live and grow and these will lead to new ways of living more in conformity with human dignity it didn't follow all of that and sickly coals have the longest sentences written since Paul stop writing epistles but the Word of God is a word of urgency for prayer as you turn back and see the Scriptures after I began to hear the Lord I wrote down a page of them of things that the scripture told me about prayer for Matthew 26 pray that you don't fall into temptation Luke 21 pray always and don't give up Ephesians 6 pray in the spirit pray on all occasions pray with all kinds of Prayer always keep praying for all the saints in Philippians and Colossians pray continually in Thessalonians 5 pray went in trouble James 5 pray without giving up Luke pray believing you've received what you're asking for for mark 11 pray abiding in the Lord with his word abiding in you from John 15 pray for each other to be healed James 5 pray alone in your room Matthew 6 pray in agreement with one another Matthew 18 pray is a people for forgiveness and healing of the land the famous call of 2 chronicles 7 those aren't all the passages but Scripture urges us the men and women of prac it's in prayer that we have the victory it's in prayer we have the conquest all major things events in the history of salvation our first one in prayer and then an actor it's one in the spiritual realm first not in the physical realm how should we understand this prayer that I'm going to give us two foundations upon which we should respond to the urgency of the times the need for prayer they need for God's power for God's kingdom to come forth first the basics about our life very simple very simple I've had about 30 years of studying theology or teaching it or writing about it or in it and I think that second question from the Baltimore Catechism and more of an impact on me than all the theological doctrines I studied why did God make you God made me to know him to love him to serve him in this world and to be happy with him in the next that's it but how are you going to know god you're going to know God by meeting him in prayer by communicating to by letting him communicate to you by opening your life so that he can reveal himself to you prayer the means of knowing the Lord like the old song King and I getting to know you know getting to know all about you we need a desire to know the Lord and without prayer you won't know the Lord you really won't you may know a lot of things about him but you won't know him years ago I remember someone doing an illustration who me about having visited China a person came back and talked all about China and as you listen to him talking all about China you suddenly realized he never was in China he only read the brochures sometimes we want to know God by reading all about him when we should meet him visit with him have an appointment with him have your appointment time with God let them in let them change you how are you going to be changed in the right way unless God changes you know the Lord what a great privilege what a great privilege George Bush was elected president I when I was in college I belonged to the same fraternity that George Bush and Dan Quayle belonged to and as a matter of fact when I would not the same place I didn't know them personally but I knew George Walker and he was one of the family I used to play squash and things with him and when you talk with people I talk with some of my friends people class and they say yeah I know so and so who knows George Bush I met George Bush and you know that was the thing to do around election time in inauguration for how much greater did you know the Lord you know the Lord what can be better than knowing the Lord and desiring ah know the Lord as fully as possible to know him and then to love them I love them you and I are built with a guard shaped hole in the center and it's there and people spend time trying to get a little Court here people spend time trying to fill that hole boys become men and they buy bigger toys to fill the hole some try sex some try drugs some try fame sometime high hyperactivity but there's a hole down there because that's the way God made you he said I'm just gonna carve out this little place for me in you and no matter what you try and stuff in there it doesn't fit it's a god-shaped hole by st. Augustus that are hard to restless until they rest in you and that's true I mean that is solid truth I've never met a person that has that peace beyond understanding peace the world cannot give that peace that you can say there is peace except that that person had is God hold filled with God now God didn't make the whole theater have it there he made it so that you and he getting to know one another to be found in love with one another and he's important distinction here with one day in prayer when I went it hit home to me I got so excited I think I made a lot of noise in the chapel that morning I just thought I got so excited because suddenly I saw the difference between loving God and being in love with them you know for years you'd heard you know the difference people getting married you don't get married everybody you love right but as soon as someone comes along and says I'm in love whoops something different or new dimension is happened in that whole business it's an unusual if not a little bit off them way person who says they're in love with a two and three and four people right because there's something that happens in the binding of being in love there's a linkage there's a coupling like on railroad cars there's a sense of completion that people feel with one another when they know they're in love I love a lot of people person you're in love with it comes together now I want to tell you that that's what God wants of you he's already in love with you he wants you to say and know and mean and act I'm in love with you Lord because you see once you're in love with God you have a link a coupling a binding that will continue to exist in all circumstances telephones ring ringing the porch is on fire your kids are screaming everything's running over underneath it all you still know you're in love with God and he's still linked to you and that's why you can make it through all circumstances you can be an overcomer in all circumstances be quick about it fine person is truly in love with her husband a man with his wife doesn't say well you're tough week guess I better find someone else I mean some of that goes on but you question you question whether it really has the power what happens when two people are in love with one another they start affecting one another number changing one another go down to these retirement communities sometimes and you can't believe the husband wives all look alike you say how did that happen sometimes the dog looks like the other dude so you know and you can't they all walk along together an exact place well here's the good news you be in love with the Lord Jesus Christ you're going to start to look like them you're going to start to act like God no the Lord loved them they transformed in that love gotta let them love you gotta love them back you got to repent when you do things that aren't right you know there was a movie that was that the most ridiculous line ever written love means you never have to say you're sorry boy who wants to live with that guy ha ha ha ha how many times you have to say you're sorry a part of it is saying sorry to the Lord Lord I want to love you I want to grow more how couldn't your loving me I want to be bound to you in with love you know him to love him and to serve her I wrote in the book appointment to God something that I took from a spiritual writer in 60s low assembly we live the way we pray we pray the way we live show me clearly enough your life and I'll tell you how you pray let me understand how your prayer goes and I'll tell you how you live you may think there's two parts of you you may think you're one person one situation you're not you're one person your prayer in your life you want to change your most difficult relationship in the world the one who it takes you until you'll do anything to avoid that person the person who you say I can stand everybody but invite anybody over tonight except let's go on vacation as long as we don't go with you start praying for that person as the highest priority of your life you pray to love them the way the Lord does love her you pray to have the heart of Jesus Christ for it you pray for her first you pray for him the first part of your prayer in the morning you want only holiness and happiness for that person even if it's greater holiness and happiness than you've ever had and will ever have for yourself you just want it all for that person you'll start saying how's he doing boy he's changing a lot isn't he pray the way we live we live the way we pray another line in there no time to pray means no faith in God oh that one's always tough isn't it it's absolutely true now I didn't say you have to pray seven hours a day or you have faith to God but to say no time to pray means no faith to God it means I can do it better with my action than asking God to help me it means if I call up my neighbor or a social welfare organization he'll do a lot more for me than God so I don't go to God you see what I mean you gotta go to God prayer for the heart of our life we pray know love and serve the Lord and to be happy with him forever and to be happy with him isn't that great that that's what God wants and he fills your god hole and starts transforming you then you become fit for heaven he isn't try and keep people out of heaven they're just some people aren't fit for they don't fit in there yes it's change them and there's grids the Great Commission he gives us the second basis the Great Commission the Commission of a disciple all us are in heaven and on earth has been given to me go to all people everywhere and make them my disciples baptize them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded that's what he wants his people to do that's the server Matthew 28:18 great Commission case you think it's too much he says in John 14 John 14 verses 12 to 14 I am telling you the truth whoever believes in Me will do what I do yes he will do even greater things because I am going to the Father and I will do whatever you ask for in my name so that the father's glory will be shown through the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it that's strong stuff huh but that's the Lord's promise to his disciple why are you going to do greater things than he did because you're going to pray and ask him to do it and he sent the Holy Spirit and he can do more through you because you prayed he doesn't want you to come to heaven lonely he wants you to bring a whole Caravan a whole company with you give you some examples of prayer first one was kind of embarrassing right I thought it was embarrassing this is my daytime everybody know what daytime is are you know you put down all your appointments in there and this keeps life in perfect order well at the beginning of April I looked at my April calendar and I was in a horrible mess I summarized it I had committed myself to one week of TV programming with Ralph Martin on the choices we face and with Mother Angelica that's one week I committed myself to two weeks of fundraising in Youngstown Ohio I committed myself to ten days of meeting in Bloomingdale Ohio I was scheduled to minister three days in Dallas Texas and I had specifically told organizations on campus that I'd be here 14 different nights to preside at events I don't know how it happened I have it so well organized what happened is I scheduled in all the lower priorities and the higher ones that I'd said sure would you give me the time I do it I do it there I was oh I was desperate I mean that hurts you know that feeling I'm it's real personal but your stomach sky did not who do I talk to how do I get out I said Lord what do I do you know I heard him say ask me to part your schedule like I parted the Red Sea this looked bigger to me than the Red Sea believe me so I started Lord every prayer time Lord Hart my schedule for April like you're part of the Red Sea things started to happen I couldn't believe it you know those two weeks of fundraising every time I called up for the appointment the person had already given the gift to the private foundations there wasn't any point for me to come I finally there finally were five calls left I was supposed to make somewhere about 40 calls 35 were taken care of and there were five left so I scheduled them all for one day and I woke up that morning with the flu they gave their money anyhow I just didn't show up I just got a notice today that this was the most successful year in the Youngstown campaign last a week ago that's Sunday before last what two weeks ago you two weeks ago today I was leaving for New Hampshire I had one of these involved schedules they were going to Creech that night in New Hampshire then I had a luncheon with friends and alumni of the University the next day and then I had to go up that night for a reunion from my school the next day give the commencement address the following day be down in New York for the 25th anniversary of my brother and sister-in-law who might married right after I got ordained and so we had this whole thing planned out perfectly it comes time to get into the car and I say here I go boy I pack my bag an hour in advance that's unusual for me it was packed I look in my pocket no driver's license and I'm supposed to rent a car no money no credit card what do I do I was going to drive me to the airport shows up Lord what do I do as soon as I prayed said well you know I'm going to miss and I'm sure I caused it Lord so I'll repent now just show me where the heck the things are and I got this picture in my head of these things on the front seat of the car under one of those arm rests that go down I said now it couldn't be together so once more I went through all my pockets in the wardrobe Almighty give it to this all the drawers who looked at the same place four times I always say I won't do that but I do what I say probably wasn't working my last finding desperation go out to the car there it is right in the armrest right underneath the whole time and it amazing what God will do if we give him a chance now he doesn't always do that formal but who really bails me out a lot but I went up then to New Hampshire and it went through the particular ministry at night and the the luncheon and then I gave the commencement address I got to just tell you something about the commencement address it's too good passed by i preside over commencements here and i'm very concerned about them being just right everything went wrong at this one I'm the commencement speaker this is up in northern New Hampshire and as there as it comes time for my talk on the program they skip me so headmaster starts calling up the graduates for the degrees finally the fella next to me says that's not right you're supposed to speak I think I'll go up and tell him so he gets up and goes up says yeah you know we first have to commence okay he said sorry sorry to everybody get back down we have to we have to have the commencement address first just about then the dark clouds are coming over Thunder start it's an outdoor commencement no protection people look at this guy look at their watches look at this guy look at the watches that isn't it now this is no exaggeration while I'm sitting there a great big black dog comes over and he lies down at my feet as as the president starts to introduce me and give all my great credentials over the past 40 years since I graduated the dog starts to bomb it [Applause] [Music] and then it starts gagging and choking on everybody in the whole place is looking at the dog a lot of my classmates had come in we supposed to have a class reunion and they said they wanted to stay for the commencement address well I got up there and you're not fine I begged them to remember one thing and I collapse commencement address to less than seven minutes just topic sentences because they're looking at this guy and looking at the dog gotten they're getting at the dog it was only one of my classmates left afterwards till you know for us if he well anyhow I suddenly had time on my hands I thought we'd be involved a lot of activity after we didn't and I really have was able to spend that afternoon and night in prayer and the next morning before I had to drive down to get my plane from Manchester and you know in that time I sing Oh Lord just do with me what you will just use me you know however you will you schedule my time and that's a kind of great thing to do when you suddenly have some time you know Lord put me in your priorities and do it so the time kind of went well you know it's a good prayer I will I relaxed I took a swim did all these kind of things so the next morning I'm leaving in plenty of time to go down to Manchester and as I get on the highway suddenly over in the corner I see young man all hair you know type you know that feeling you have when you first do this kind of a scroungy clothes hit here on all four sides and I didn't figure he was getting it but I just felt I really since I have a commitment to pick up hitchhikers I really sense the Lord saying you know you and he go pulled over and I picked him up and as I as he got in the car he was a he was clearly my heart just went out for him I said hi he said hmmm I said where are you going he said doesn't matter I said where you come from oh trying to see a friend what's going on in your life I don't know I don't know where to go and what to do it's a lord take over you know when it's important Lord what should I do you love this fellow I heard though I just heard the word lost in me so I said to him you're you sound like your loss he said that's it that's it he says I am lost I don't know what's next I don't know where to go I don't know anything that's going on so I told them a little bit about when I had senses of being lost in my life before I'd found God and I said you know I have a lot of guys your age well before then he said to me what do you do anyhow you know I said he said you have a church or something I said well I got this University and I've got a lot of young men that have been through what you're in they were they they were lost at times so he said all I said did you do you know God you have any experience of God he said well he's there once or twice they said it was gone by the next day just some kind of thing I said how about Church you go to church she said I used to prayed again I just sense God saying Satan sorry turn to him and I said do you believe in Satan he said I sure do so do you believe that Satan can put a block in someone's life so he can't move on so he can't respond to God and can't respond to church and he's always restless and he doesn't have pieces I believe that says tell me how it happens I said well for instance and again it was just a quick prayer hey I heard so I said for instance if you started to present someone and then you lurch at it you thought how terrible they are on the way they treated me and they get their just desserts and all that and then you started to really nurture hate over that person they said you're not just hating but you're creating a presence of hate in your life and that presence is really just not a thing it's a person it's what we call demons it's what we call the influence in the block of Satan he said that's it he says that's exactly what I've done he said I paid it and I've been hating through a couple years now and I said to him and it might be more than one thing for instance I tried to pray a little lust you've been trying to satisfy your needs through sex and lusting and seeking after those sexual experience that gradually as you give over to it creates a bond and a pleasure to the presence there that locks you up you can't get by they went on a few other things drugs do things he said what do I do about it how do I get free I said to him he'll give me five minutes to lead you in prayer and pray with you you can be free said okay I want it say to him let's go to the next exit I mean the exhibit where he was going to Concord and I and his name was Brian and I said Brian let's do it right now there's the moment so we pulled off the side of the road I said Brian I want you to repeat after me but I don't want you to say one word you don't believe it don't want to believe and so we went through the repentance of sin in his life then we went through deliverance and coming against the presence of evil blocking in his life and he renounced him rebuked and went through the things you do in your baptismal vows only went through specific named objects and blocks and cast them out then he chose Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior asked him to come in his heart to lead him he has for the gift of the Holy Spirit the empowerment has to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and just at that time this great vehicle was winging lights came up behind me I straight to Cooper Todd to come out and I jumped out and he said you got some problem here and I said we're just doing a little counseling he said you're picking the wrong spot you could get hit here he said go up to the next intersection get off there so I said Thank You officer get back in the car and had one final prayer with him and we started to drive off to the next ten minutes this is what I heard it's gone I'm free this is new this is peace this is freedom this is what I was looking for this is life I feel good I haven't felt like this before and he started to say thank you God and I said yes let's let's stop and give thanks and praise to God and we did and he prays thank you god bless you Jesus and let the praise go out of his mouth until we were just about we're coming near the outskirts of Concord he says this is where I live but I said would you like to read some things that I've written said yes and gave me his name and address I said I'll have some people contact said there's a lot more a lot more you can be part of he thanks me zipper sleeve really jumped out of the car left over the barricade went over to hedges and into some backyard that's what God wants that's what God will lead us to that's what prayers about so that God can lead us in doing the things to save the world we have the Great Commission and he'll do even greater things through us all I had to do is listen a little bit and repeat you know the psalmist writes in Psalm 123 I lift up my eyes to you to you whose throne is in heaven as the eyes of a servant look to the hand of their master as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of their mistress so our eyes look to you the Lord our God now you can you get that scene that's a throne room you've seen these things in pictures from TV somewhere before the King reigns up here on the throne and he's got the great big room and he's got his servants around and he goes like this and they come running up give him grapes you know he goes like that and they throw oak somebody out the back door like this and they finally bring someone in the eyes of the servant looking at the hand of their master and the eyes of a maid looking to the hand of the mistress just getting God's directions for our life it's nothing too small for God because he loves you he wants to be in love with you he wants to communicate with you more personally than anyone else in the world can possibly communicate with you you were built with the guard hole so that he could fill it and marriage part is a wonderful way to enhance our life we come to in one flesh and friends are great and comrades to walk with us but fundamentally your life is to be lived as a life with God I was recently praying with Senator Mark Hatfield and he told me about his visit to Calcutta to mother Teresa and he said to mother Teresa isn't this discouraging to you isn't this discouraging look it you only have a few of the poor and the sick in your house but they're millions all over Calcutta doesn't it bother you that you've really made such little impact we don't usually think of mother Teresa that way but that's the truth in terms of numbers and her response which you've heard before because she's used it before she says God doesn't say anything about success only faithfulness the gospel calls us to faithfulness I have two of those little placket navigating by them over in the bookstore a little grounded faithfulness not success our life is to be lived in doing what the Lord calls us to do pray pray and obey pray and obey and say one thing about that kind of Prayer pray specifically pray for a definite object do not use random general prayers and petitions if you really want to be part of God's prayer warriors if you really want to make a difference in the world if you really want to move in the urgency of the time gets the thing you to pray for and pitch on to it grip on to it stay on to it prevail in that prayer persist in that prayer and know what your object is and keep asking God for we all heard about praying for parking places just last week we were going up to Loretta with by the dancin Ian we couldn't find a parking place around this hospital in Pittsburgh we wanted to visit one of our friars because we started the second way around I said Lord open up a parking place I never thought I'd pray for parking places but I did and just within seconds there was a space there you know and you knew it was God the Lord does he answer specific prayers famous man how bredesen was here at our commencement this year and the night before commencement I got food poisoning and I was to preside at the ceremony the next day so I prayed in the mornings hello Lord just give me health to get through commencement just to get through that's all I ask and I it was great I was good that morning I went over I talked with the parents I talked with the graduates I greeted people I prayed with people I came in I presided at the commencement I felt wonderful handing out the diplomas greeted everybody commencement was over in whammo I started to give woozy and dizzy and the rest I said to bredesen well I guess I should have prayed for longer he said you sure should have he said do you know that God specifically answers our prayers so that we know what is he and not circumstances he said I'm convinced if you'd pray to get through the reception and the rest of the day you would have but now you got to take care of yourself years ago I learned a valuable lesson from a cousin of mine I couldn't believe this one I didn't have the faith for it one of my cousins had prayed with to be baptized in the Holy Spirit I did it during a confessional one day he got a great gift of faith now leads the prayer community in Philadelphia this particular day as I was going out to the airport his mother decided after many days of coaxing yes she would like to be prayed with before we left so we started to pray with her pray for the full power of the Holy Spirit as we finish the prayer I realized we were now 1/2 hour late for the airport so I said daniil let's let's go he says I know a shortcut so we went through the shortcut of backroads only after we got down three blocks he looked he says we're out of gas do you know a gas station says we may be able to make it there's a gas station up here just a half mile well we'll pray let's pray for it we get up within a quarter mile the gas station the train comes across the railroad tracks I don't know how long that train was but I would swear with the longest train in the world nobody ever made a train that long Neil just said O Lord show us and I'm sitting this I gotta make the plane if I don't make the plane I missed the appointment I missed the appointment and Neil says Lord we get to the gas station have no cars there I say yes Lord he said Lord when we get to the gas station at the gas attendant standing outside I said okay Lord said Lord when we get to the gas station had the attendant standing outside holding the nozzle in his hand I said it's his prayer Lord but you know uh like I ain't that faithful train pass we went down to this gas station the strangest sight I ever saw empty and this guy's holding a nozzle up in the air now don't try it because it's your idea it's God's idea why you do it it's a sense of God's direction but that's what he'll show us to show how much he's involved in our life how much he cares how much he wants us to pray seek Direction seek what to do next seek it in small things seeking in big things be specific you know if you're praying for the wrong thing and you're praying in the right way God will change your mind he'll let you see somewhat different and many of those situations in praying with people in the anointing of the sick most priests don't tell you but there's a bunch of different prayers there one emphasized is getting healed and restored the other one emphasizes a happy death the priest is doing the anointing he chooses I just made some trouble for our brothers done the point is it's built into our care to be following the Lord with the eyes on the hand of the master it's not gonna happen all at once but if you get to know the Lord Jesus Christ if you get to love them if you are bound together in love if you're willing to serve and if you're willing to serve according to God's plan you're willing to respond according to the Great Commission if you believe that that you can do greater things in the Lord as long as you ask him to do it in you and through you then then you'll know the greatest freedom will be a man of Prayer a woman of prayer and you can change the world through prayer praise God
Channel: Franciscan University of Steubenville
Views: 128,586
Rating: 4.9015207 out of 5
Keywords: Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, Catholic, college, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Franciscan University of Steubenville (College / University), Fr. Michael Scanlan TOR, Fr. Mike, prayer, Prayer and Intercession Conference, conference, Steubenville Conferences
Id: bBOT6hfG9aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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