2020 Fr. Peter Glas 1st talk

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so just before our next speaker just to say a big hello to the people at the North Pole are watching in the North Pole is a pub open bong Khurana that so hello from all here in Dublin to the conference in bong Khurana that you're all very welcome and thank you for joining us so a most unusual conference venue Boban North Pole at all is a great name so Brian Flanagan is organizing it up there so I said to Brian you've brought an expedition to the North Pole I said that's some dedication so thanks be to God so now our next speaker is a man that is a Polish national born in Poland he's been working in England for most of his ordained life he was he was the Exorcist importance and he was the Exorcist in Portsmouth diocese for over 10 years and now he's parish priest and Gosport and we planned today's talk so the father Pat gave us a fantastic platform on the whole scriptural basis of evil and how it manifests itself father Peter glass has been involved directly in exorcisms for 10 years so he can tell you from the horse's mouth what it's like encountering evil at first hand so please put your hands together her father Peter glass thank you use it yes a bit higher [Applause] good morning Islands it's lovely to be here it's a good grace for me to be in Dublin this conference my first time at this conference divine mercy and I'm so privileged so my dear friends let's start with a short prayer before I start my talk it's not just about the devil or exorcisms it'll be too boring but it's about this divine mercy the true divine mercy not the false divine mercy a lot of I think interesting things I tried to accommodate in my talk and I am aware about just one hour hopefully I've got six hours stolen already so so I will I will probably hopefully will say everything what I have prepared can you understand my English sorry this is just the pure water so because my throat is not the best so there's not vodka if I had to drink summer during my talk my dear friends which starts with prayer Almighty God whose hands hold all matters of life through the intercession of Saint Faustina I present priests me how so Portugal give us grace of success in the apostolic work that we do at the Divine Mercy conference this weekend come Holy Spirit come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary your well beloved spouse help us to give it the careful thought and strict attention that will lead to success watch over us and govern ours actions show us how to give our best and let us know the despise the toil that is necessary to complete it make our ministry we expect successful one in that every jutsu you give to us we do it will give us the blessing of your help and guidance we pray for the success of this divine mercy conference for its speakers that they be fearless inspired by the holy spirits and protected from the evil forces for its benefactors and their families for all who make it possible for all who attends that you touch each one in your most loving needful and merciful way Lord this is your time help us make it possible we ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen ah men ah men well thank you my dear friends this is my third visit in your beautiful country in Ireland the first one was with my friends or his God bless her soul my spiritual sister and there was a very socialize in late 1890s and very social visit with lovely Irish family and they taught me how to make the soda Irish bread and they told me the most useful word I used so often whose lunch is that what you say yes Wow that was in the past the second visit was in Cork and I was doing most serious stuff as an exorcist I was invited to lead the conference on deliverance for priests and lights a and was very difficult a lot of things were happening against about very very successful and this is my third time I had to be honest I don't know what I'm doing here but I hope I will do something for the Lord's and I will share with you a little bit of my experiences and whatever I'm going to say believe me I believe personally it's true there are no fairy tale stories there's not something what I read in the book it's something what I'd seen and I experienced as a priest and I've been as if he's working for 30 almost 31 yes my dear friends in 1981 I was my priest seminary year and we were all together there was 60 or 70 of us in one building I will say Monastery of the sisters of divine mercy and went there once I went to the kitchen and they were cooking for us there was a communism time and those one sister she was 95 and she was still sitting and peeling potatoes and I said sister by the way there have you ever met sister faustina and she said yes you no that wasn't father he said yes yes of course and I said tell me about is that true what they say about her she said no she said no I said what you mean he said what is in those books about her life it's true but you know it's very sugary her life was hell on earth it was hell on earth you couldn't believe what she went through because of that visions and divine mercy messages she received even when her a congregation among the nuns and I was so privileged privileged to to be with a nun who personally lived and worked with Sister Faustina couple of years ago I was doing a retreat for priests as they remember still in the Exorcist and was a very specific the priest came from all over it was in Poland and I was taking by the one of the priests with plays well for this approach go used to leave for me for the supporter was quite a distant man no sister faustina without a support cozily was just I get quite of a confessor but then I was with the nun with the room when he worked and died and the nan was telling me the truth and she said father you couldn't believe there the life he had when he was dying when he was on his in his last days he felt so rejected he feeling of total rejection failure abandoned by the priest by the bishops he was dying as a total failure I wasted my life on divine mercy it's nothing happening it's all over and now he's a blessed father support Oh sister faustina is a saint but both of them they went to the way of the Cross there was tremendous tremendous suffering in their lives and especially the rejected the rejection from the on ones from from the church that was very very special to me divine mercy we very often say developers see you know I had some times as a being polish and say this is for pulse it's not for us now we are all okay we are going to to heaven this is for you Paul Faustina was a Polish woman you know John Paul the second this is my clan I was listening to this all the time I said excuse me so divine mercy is just for poles this is most needed message urgent message at the moment my dear friends is divine mercy it's so powerful and so needed now in this time we are living in my dear friends the signs of the special times of the Lord seems to be all around us massive faith crisis within the church then among the clergy among the priests and bishops fires a pyramus now that's what's happening from China unusual weather phenomena looming up the financial crisis people living in despair and living so many people suffering from depression and mental illnesses so there are the signs that something is not looking very well and healthy very difficult and spesh and special challenging time we are living in for us the followers of Jesus Christ and in my opinion this conference listening to me this conference of divine mercy 2020 here Island should not be should not be the party for devotees should another religious gathering another happy clappy gathering but it should be the hope the souls of hope it should be seen as the sign of hope for many people who are now confused lost people who live around us and within the Catholic Church lost priests who don't know which way to go faithful who are so confused and darkness by this evil powers now surrounding us and should be the refuge for sinners and the source of hope what is that God mercy message is the last word to people the last chance to cry of the loving father come back to me come back to me repent my people my priest my bishops Cardinals repent and change your life is the last call from God I'd like to quote the words of blessed me Xhosa Portugal the priests sisters Faustina's confessor who says that God's mercy is my God's love bending over human poverty once again giving us another chance to be safe to enter the Ark of divine mercy before it gets too late and a difficult truth is that only through that mercy God can save us in today's world Ahmed that's what Jesus said to Sister Faustina only from divine mercy this world can be saved in today's world we are distant from gods we say no to gods maybe your husband your wife your children grandchildren thank you I am done I don't want any church I don't want any God I don't want to listen to I heard it so many times where people come for help even if people come to church very often we worship ourselves we don't worship God in our churches not all of them but we worship ourselves we worship our bodies our health our happiness we worship ecology way mother earth but God is not included that is the problem today we place the creation before the Creator that's the problem my dear friends what's happening then what we should do wait and see I've made so many people have so hopeless and said father give us give us the advice what should we do and I say and I repeat the words of a I heard so many times please save those who wants to be saved there's no more time to wait and see save those who want to be saved this is the problem not everyone now because there's no time tower is running out in this present time in many places but is not just asking us but crying out he's shouting out shouting out serve yourself and your children save yourself and your children and we have no idea how much I will love in God's merciful God is offended by by us by people around the world every second every minute and even worse within his his own church he's been offended so much through our sins through the life we have the Catholics cafeteria Catholics who even attend the mass but their life is completely different from Monday to Saturday there's nothing left and they come to church on Sunday asking I'm asking why what for why are you in church to worship yourself to ask for healing to ask only to ask and ask and ask would you do for church public vote for God's or whether we won't or not my friends were all involved in the big spiritual warfare I cannot escape this conflict many people don't want this concept there's no spiritual warfare all happy lovely sweetie sugary it's not this is a massive fight I saw it as a work as Exorcist I saw it I saw what the devil can do to human being to the priests to an on to a bishop we're not free from his attacks is the matter our my life my my body is the battlefields my mind it's a massive battlefield every morning and bombarded by the evil forces that's why in the our Father we have and deliver us from evil and deliver us from evil which is not going to stop and he's working at his hardest at the moment we live in the culture and the era that is an undated with a falsehood and lies not many are pleading for truth and those who speak the truth a mocked and ridiculed as being extremists in the politically correct society that is based on the culture of death falsehood and ice that's we're living in the world full of lies and falsehoods God has chosen the church else the Catholic Church to be a bearers of the truth and the truth is all in the Catholic Church we must say this the whole truth is in our Catholic Church he's chosen us you and me and all of us to be a witness in this crazy crazy world were living in there's a tremendous battle that is ranging in the church today over the truth in my conviction that's that the Church of Jesus Christ the Catholic Church has been guilty of compromising and watering down the truth we are guilty we don't keep the truth we don't speak about the truth because we live in fear especially priests the demons of fear the spirits of fear paralyzing us don't speak out don't say this don't say that because of consequences and we do not do it we are not shepherds we are not not all of us of course a lovely priest and I think in Ireland the Lord's fighting priests fighters who wants to speak the truth he wants to be the Shepherd's to lead the people but they are the most one who suffered a lot an important addict in 2005 he said this words Lord so often your church is like a sinking boat boat that gets water on all sides we also see more tears in your field and grains the dirt on the garment in face of your church scares us but we ourselves stain them it is us who cheat on you every time after all the great words and loud gestures have mercy on your church in her atom is falling again and again with our fall we knock you down and Satan laughs mockingly hoping that you will not be able to get up again for this fall he hopes that you will be knocked down on the ground defeated end of quote beautiful words of Pope Benedict the sixteenth certainly Satan sneers today hoping that this time Jesus knocked down by the by the same of his church will not rise he hopes that we stay on the ground on the floor and would be crying crying where we become hopeless fruitless with no faith that's what he hopes for we can be sure that Satan would mobilize all his strength all his children all his people to multiply the offense of lies and deceit to manipulate the truth especially the truth of divine mercy so I'm just Paul Benedict says I quote but shouldn't we also think about how much Christ must suffering his church how often is the sacrament of his presence abused how often does he end the empty and wicked hearts how many times do we worship ourselves without even considering Jesus how often is his word destroyed and abused at the same time the nature of our pride is revealed the arrogance by which we want to free ourselves from God's when we are only ourselves the arrogant with which we are think the we are we do not need eternal love and we want to shape our lives ourselves this rebellion against the truth is the attempt to redeem ourselves become creators and our judges and lead us to fall and self distractions so in other words my friends we say we don't need God that's what the world says we don't need him get rid of him and it's there's been such a success the whole Europe is almost spiritually dead what's a fight into your country what's defined in my country right now as I speak what attack after attack I've the people around the world fantastic priests friends and mystics and people will fight for the church and they say it's exactly the same everywhere we need to stand up and defend our church my dear friends is Satan in his intelligence also tried to dissuade Sister Faustina from proclaiming God's mercy his idea of deterring sinners from returning to the Father was to fear God's justice people were to be afraid of God and through fear doubts and in consequence despair caused by the multitude of ferment false reject conversion but the father of lives the satan who never gives up his plant for our lives then adopted the opposite strategy we are to believe that god's boundless mercy must give up just judgment Joe won't she won't God is full of mercy and he will forgive you everything what you've done you're already saved you know this message from the different Protestants group God saved you already you are fine you are in heaven doesn't matter don't worry about your sins don't worry about the style of life so the sin sin and sin again don't worry about this without hesitation enjoy your life to the full that's what the young people do I heard harmonies about this from my brother priests let's say God will forgive you absolutely everything at the end of the day we are all going to heaven what's a lie walls a deception from the devil ones we are not we are not and we are not to take a new life but to seek excuses for our sins calculating forgiveness excuses father God you know for the gobby beautiful book for priests I always say this is for priests for this time father gobby and this beautiful words of Our Lady and our lady said to father got me this words we this in this time we excuse our sins and we just defined our sins it's 21st century everyone does it come on it's the modern world don't be old-fashioned we need to go ahead we excuse our sins and then and then we justified it oh why not and so what's happening with how these things to happen but we don't realize what is behind the scene what's happening I've seen like the devil was working so cleverly bringing you down crushing you children youth men and women priests nuns everyone and then what happened there was a massive problem spiritual problem so one of the sins against the Holy Spirit which are not to be forgiven remember that the sin again the Holy Spirit the Lord our Lord said and they're not to be forgiven was described as follows sin boldly is in the hope of the gods of God's mercy sin boldly in the hope of God's mercy do what she want God is a loving father and he will forgive you everything because the attitude of a sinner boldly calculating God's mercy has nothing of humble trust but is in fact the pride of rebellion against God and what we're going to do nothing I am the man I've the I've got a power I do need you got my brother and sisters the divine mercy message is extremely broad although often narrowed down to devotions oh I am so into divine mercy I'm everything is a divine mercy it's the same with the devotion Our Lady all just devotions and devotion but really understand the message of divine mercy do you understand the message to be a child of Mary the messages main thought is humanity will not find peace until it turns to mind mercy with confidence it is about turning to God with shine like trust throwing ourselves into God's arms like a small child the Lord says to sister faustina that there are no sins that he will do not forgive and this is important date if only man had the will convert unfortunately today the message of divine mercy sometimes poorly translated poorly translated many and once again I will repeat people think that God is so merciful so we can do what we want and God will forgive us because he is he has to forgive due to his merciless this is the misconceived interpretation of divine mercy the year of the divine mercy remember the year of divine mercy couple of years ago unfortunately was largely devoted to the dissemination of the false vision of divine mercy the message was passed through many conferences many meetings sermons organized in connection with divine mercy but not many priests maybe Nylund but not many priests said you must change your life you must convert it was all about loving God and loving mercy but they didn't say the whole truth why because of fear people don't want to change their life they won't convert they they won't develop merci that won't feeling a healing but they don't want to change their lives it was emphasized that God is merciful and for forgives everything people were persuaded not to worry about who you are God loves everyone almost nobody use the word conversion listening to this gameis impression that God must save us and show us mercy without our efforts in inaccurate portrayal of the divine divine mercy was shown which is increasingly being spread throughout the church is the false divine mercy it's the false divine mercy I think it is doing more harm than good whereas the Lord speaks to sister steena that yes his mercy is great but humanity convert humanity will not find peace until it turns confidently to my mercy so this all about conversion and I was doing exercise in my life believe me people are coming and I used to do tons of them people are coming even from Islands from around the Europe I don't know why but the first thing was are you ready to change your life no can you just help me because of a pain over here said goodbye no I'm not waste my time are you ready to change your life are you ready to give up you of free sex are you ready to give up this and Dad are you ready to go to confession solid confession there are lots of people say father whatever you say I can go to Rome on my knees if you want so they were ready and then it was successful prayer but those people just want to take the pain of them and treat me like a like a witchcraft man I said no sorry the door is over there I'm not doing this there was so many people wanted me my sir might might help my prayers but only because there was a pain I said no you must change your life otherwise sorry I cannot help you so it is all about conversion confession is a tribunal of God's mercy in addition there are two gates that the Lord speaks of if humanity does not pass through the gate of mercy it will have to pass through the gates of my justice how often do you hear about this we don't the justice is just putting away just God's mercy you know confession good confession I say to people when I was where I was working with people and the people were on the floor manifesting and I could do anything hours after hours I said and the devil was loving me you don't know where I am I'm well attached to something as sane he or she committed a language that person was was back to me I said what did you do whenever you're 15 or 14 nothing father really how do you know because he told me I cannot do any further unless you confess that same father I'm so ashamed I cannot do it I'm not talking about the sins that people for God I'm talking about one you didn't want to confess it believe me there was 90% of people work with the hidden sins I'm just talking about the validity of the other confessions so that confession was invalid you if you lied or you didn't say because you were shame of that I'm telling you the devil was clever he knew everything he knew everything all your life and he said no I'm not going to leave I'm not going to come out because of that same after the confessions that confess it now all goodbye and that person was confessing the same devil had no chance to stay it's all real but we say no oh come on just like little shopping glaze all the most important ones you know God is so full of mercy he will understand me it's not true you must stand before the Lord that's why I always say that conversion the confession of your life heavy done I had my down six hours confession but after I was converted sorry as a priest I went through my conversion I will tell you tomorrow but I had to do my life confession the priest was dying and I was almost dead you know after this but but that's that's life so that's that's what you need to do to make an appointment with the priest not just maybe today there's no time for it and and seed and seriously if you want to convert you need to help heavy done otherwise it's the waste of time mercy is only one for those people who wants to be mercy to get the mercy from God the one who can say father I have seen deliver me from evil one but I need to say my years to him otherwise is the waste of time so divine mercy is the last word of God spoken to the world it's not just another devotion for pious people is the most powerful message for the 21st century for Europe for the church now in such a mess and confusion for us priests for the bishops we it's the way forward we need to go on our knees and say Lord we have sinned and we need to then ask for his mercy as my must be my personal experience I remember when I was in Midori and I remember my time at the massive crisis do you want to listen about this massive crisis and I was fighting fighting after I don't know 20 years of my priesthood I was fighting always had a lovely time there but it was the moment of crisis attack utter talk and I and I couldn't even celebrate the mass I couldn't get confessions I couldn't pray and I said God what's happening and all for the first time it was years ago I said Lord I'm done I cannot carry on I've got the enough of this prayers of this exorcism of this deliverance of these healings of everything talking to people I've got enough leave me alone and I was so agitated I was so unhappy and I said that's it I'm buying a ticket and going back to England tomorrow I've got enough of this place and I was fighting said okay tomorrow is my last mass let's go and then after the mass I'm off to dubrovnik and oft back to england and remember there was the you know ten o clock english-speaking mouse it was the Irish priest unfortunately I couldn't understand the world what he was but I know my attitude was come on carry on come on just don't say the long homily I fed up with his homilies in all this about our lady I don't know what was wrong with me and I said okay well sitting you know with the priests out there and it it was the gospel and the gospel was about a pizza and the bowls and when the Lord asked him to stand them walking on the water and I said oh my god the Gospels was finished and I said priest just five minutes a homily I need to go and the priest said I could understand this I think their Lord opened my ears and he said and he said you know once in your lifetime you need to leave your comfort zone you need to leave your boat and start walking into the depth into that Walter be with no fear I don't know what's happened to me I heard this gospel millions of times I preached it about it and all of a sudden the tears that the guy next to me the priest says are you okay I was the tears was running down and down and down I said Lord what's happening and I heard him I in my head this coming night stay in McGorry don't go to the hotel take the rosary the Bible and go to the Mount of the crew svet the Mount of the cross on your own and stay the whole night I said this is crazy this is not happening this is not happening and then I my dear friends I said to my mate I said listen I'm not staying in the hotel I'm just going and I was walking up there have you been there I was walking exactly that stony path and every every step it was Hail Mary it took about four hours for me I never ever prayed like this and then one it was then when I was walking like walking up there I reached the top it was like one o'clock in the morning no one there and I nailed down on the concrete floor and you know my friends what I put my hands up three hours later I was still there like that would you believe me yes please believe me but this is this is quite impossible for me to kneel on the on the concrete with my hands up on my way down at five o'clock in the morning I was floating I was float I could I don't I didn't understand I couldn't feel the ground under my feet I was floating I was filled with something I said God what is that all about but he gave me this this kind of it was a gift I didn't ask for it I was so ready to go but then that was that was the gift and was that his mercy over my priesthood over my life I would be and that would have been the end believe me but he said no man stay on the battlefield this is not time for you to desert to go to the trenches go and do it job my dear friends so the very mercy messages the divine mercy devotion are aimed towards the last day this is important I am deeply convinced which is supported by solid evidence from the diagnosis a Faustina Padre Pio many mystics and saints that we are living in the last days we are nobody knows when the world will end I understand it in such categories that it is the end of certain time certain period in human history when we think about the end of the world we often mean mean the end of the entire universe I am NOT saying about destroying this planet I think that should be understood rather in terms of the ends of the certain reality in which we live in we are living in a certain time very important nothing will be the same for the world in the church nothing the church never will be the same in Ireland there never will be the same in Poland other countries something is happening right now as I speak and we need to keep our eyes open and my dear friends this is at current time the era we live in during the operation Nikita in 1973 our lady says that one third of humanity will cease to exist this is the post purification or after a war or after the persecution of the church we don't know the world will be in entirely different place a different reality the devoid devoid of the the morning activity and currently observe society in society I think it is legitimate to say that after this great cleansing of the world yet another world will come but before it happens the great day of illumination will come have you heard about illumination exactly so the illumination will be the incredible gift to the world the eye of the storm this opening in the storm is the penultimate door of Bercy that will be open to all the humanity before the door of justice is the only door left open this is a great chance coming for us for us Christian Catholic Christians on the 21st century both John st. John and in his apocalypse and Sister Faustina have written of these doors Sister Faustina writes that the illumination in the sky occurs before the door of justice and will be fully open soon the doors of mercy and justice are thus opened shortly before the last days the setting of the Sun the evening of the church in this age is when darkness falls when there is a great loss of the light of faith friends that's what's happening now the great loss of light of faith and John says they are now the sign appeared on the sky that it tales swept away the third of the stars in the sky and hold them down to the earth in the Revelation Saint Paul the six and Paul the six the Pope says in 1977 quote the tale of the devil is functioning in the deaths integration of the Catholic world the darkness of Saint is entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit apostasy sinful lives of bishops and priests around the world the loss of the faith in many hearts is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church end of quote what the prophecy he said 1977 and how much worse is right now than it was in 1977 Saint Paul wants his readers that the day of the Lord will not dawn unless the apostasy comes first and the man of sin will appear sitting in the temple of God and then st. John says then I saw a beast come out of the sea to eat the dragon gave its own power and thrown along the great authority sin Pope Pius the tenth says quote you understand venerable brothers what is this diseases apostasy from God there may be already in the world the son of prediction on whom the Apostles speaks and then st. John says it was caught up in the spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a voice as loud as a trumpet which said right on the scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches and of quote it's striking that both in German say Faustina are told to write both of them write what they see and hear instructed by the loud and forceful voice write it down and tell my people they are both given to understand of the open door that both at the point of the illumination of the church so the door of Mercy has been open now for how long how long I don't know it could be the last year it could be the last month or maybe this this conference is the last one the way we know it we don't know we are on the threshold of the door of justice we are the message to prepare could not be louder and more urgent that is nouse but to be honest who cares how many of our brothers and sisters cares how many of my brother priests care they did say business as usual everything is fine friend of mine mahir the very famous phrase saying chosen but frozen chosen but frozen where is that fire where is that weakness ways that salt he'll be chosen by frozen everything will be fine business as usual another meetings and other plans and other visions and waltz and waltz we cannot see the fruits because there's not the real conversion our hearts when the Lord revealed to Sister Faustina the message of divine mercy he didn't reveal something completely new to her it was in something new or coming from Poland's now after all the Holy Scriptures mentioned God's mercy in many places I have no time come to quotes but the message is of divine mercy Sister Faustina hurry up this is no time this is no much time left in contrast the Lord through the sister faustina sheds new light on God's mercy he calls his message in a new way he adds devotion to his mercy and the messages go and spread the divine mercy around the world the powerful favors of these elements that Sister Faustina o our Lord sister faustina speaks of the favourites what the favors are you know the two images two images of our Lord the first one is they what was during the filesystem Faustina life was painted in 1930 34 and wasn't the best picture and she didn't like the picture at all and Sister Faustina was very upset about the first picture she was angry is nothing like the real reality of Jesus and you know what Jesus said to her not in the beauty of the paints or brush is the greatest of the image but in my grace we don't talk and pray to the image it's my Grace flooded image coming so it's not the beauty or not beauty is the grace coming to us how blessed we are this the second image which is this one is a quite well-known non picture and was this one was painted after the death of Sister Faustina she didn't see this picture but it's important to know the grace of the Lord that's what it is imported the Jesus attributed great favours to the image of God's mercy and this is one going to is what I'm going to say so important you don't know this few know about this greatest grace because there's no mention of it in the diary Wow Saint Faustina met make made a note of Jesus's words on the on this subject on the tiny piece of paper and that tiny piece of paper was given to father support Co her confessor Sister Faustina did it and she was very obedient and then when she had a lot of this little piece of peace papers because father's Portugal said to her you must start writing the diary not just piece of papers but must start the right diary but is one piece of paper which was not included into diary and you know I couldn't I never heard it it is from the source of divine mercy shrine from the very good source and they say and I will end and Jesus said when I come to punish the world I promise to keep the people and houses where my picture will be Wow I haven't heard about it this is an icon the sign for the last days this is similar to what happens remember in Old Testament when God came to punish Egypt remember with the blood and this did and missed all houses and past all the houses where the blood of the Lamb was around the house as exactly what Jesus said to Sister Faustina when I come to punish the world I promise to keep the people and houses where my picture will be their presence this is amazing news I wanted to share with you because it's something absolutely new whoever turns to God's mercy will be saved this is going to be a sign this is going to be a sign in the last days that if people have this picture with Jesus I trust in you in Scripture the host people will be saved that's what it was written on the little piece of paper Jesus says to Sister Faustina that the vessel which which we are to come and draw from God's mercy is one just this image therefore the image of merciful Jesus should be in every country home in church really I wish it was in every church when i-i've how they can see and development mercy pictures in churches proper in Ireland very popular but don't think so is so popular in in England but there are some churches so what is the mass essence of the message the message of the picture is to call to put total trust in God I know if you heard it many times but we don't understand it there is no picture of merciful Jesus without the signature Jesus I trust in you for the support you said that this is a picture Jesus I trust in you when people ask what is most important this picture I always say the signature not the painting the signature Jesus I trust in you why it is so important this is not important to just keep 10 commandments to be a good person is not important this question is very important difficult however the answer is simple false Tina gives the answer when she says to the Lord Lord Jesus do what you like with me that's what's the Jesus I trust in you are you ready to say today Jesus do what you want me to do are you ready well this is your brave people but it's so difficult to say Jesus do with me what you want it's always my ego my my big I do what I want Jesus blessed my idea but not not I don't want to follow your way and Jesus through the requests of trust address the sister faustina expects us to tell him Lord Jesus drew whatever you want you want with me I accept absolutely everything you said me because I know you love me there's a very touching passage in the diary when Jesus says what else should I do to make people trust me I was nailed to the cross I died for people on the cross and people don't trust me anyway people don't trust me anyway I would say that I would like to put you on the higher level I know I talking to the converted but you are the soil that the good soil you are the fire if you fail here in this conference if you fail who will do the job I would like you to go on the highest of faith I would like you to take you on the very spiritual journey we often think that I believe in God because I believe that God exists is not that kind of faith God wants from us now the the faith God wants from me and you and the priests and bishops is the faith of surrender the faith of total surrender and Trust to be able to say to him Lord do with me what you wish so from the lever lock lever lower level of faith I know that God exists i'ma write to the level of faith when I say God do with me as you wish in the time of this confusion in church time of of Kells in our hearts many questions mess with your children when you say father what to do with my son and my daughter what to do you know what kind of faith we need supernatural faith supernatural faith charismatic faith we need we priests specially to lead you you need to see that all I'm saying I believe personally is not just a lovely talk or another homily or another whatever you need to see that I do believe this is the kind of faith that move the mountains this is the charismatic faith supernatural faith and is so much easier today for the clergy for bishops for the priests in this in this very difficult time when Sister Faustina was dying and she was suffering from tuberculosis so much Jesus then said to her I want the convent you have to set up you have to establish a convent what I'm dying I've been pain in what you want me to do Jesus and she said what even if you killed me I won't stop trusting that's it supernatural faith even if you kill me I will not stop trusting you that's what we need right now tomorrow our cooked I will talk to you about father Dolan door have you heard about father zilean door this is another message another Saint a man persecuted by the church suspended for 20 years for saying the mass the last prison of the Vatican and now he is a servant of God with his message Jesus I surrender everything I will lead the Holy Hour tomorrow based on the prayer given to him by Jesus this is the man for me and the priests I surrender my life because I don't know which way to go I'm lost this is the man who suffered so much from the hands of the people's church people but it's the man who never gave up but now what we doing we this is such a movements around the church now people go and trying to be healed everywhere going through all this services all the time prosperity go of the most means happy clappy people coming healers and this cafeteria Christians I want to be healed I want to be okay I love you Jesus but if you don't heal me I don't love you anymore you know even nothing happens to me I'm going to another healer who is just coming and going to lay hands on me I'm not against this because I do this exactly the same but just the attitude from healing to healing to another healing but what our lady said to Saint Bernadette in Lourdes she said I do not promise you happiness on earth but I promise you heaven this is the most important if you expecting happiness and health and prosperity in the wrong place he she said I don't promise you anything on earth I have promise you sir I'm too long a little bit I still got five minutes I promise you and promise you heaven this is important what I'm going to say sometimes we pray for health and instead illness comes did not God here is where is God why I am not healed people come to me father why I'm not healed the answer is because you haven't converted yet but sound this dodgy here is coming and say oh you have not enough faith God wants to heal you but have not enough faith they make you feel guilty what's the deception it's not about enough faith or not enough faith sometimes God wants to heal us straight away but sometimes you said no you need it over it up for your child who is not going to church anymore pray this is the gift of suffering don't ask just for healing but this is the gift I'm giving you because you're asking for your children grandchildren whatever I'm giving you this gift but he wants to be healed he wants to be okay so my dear friends this is so important I remember a couple of months ago we need to fight we need to fight all the time because God needs you your big YES on this battlefields he needs your yes God do with me what you want I put my home I trust in you whatever is going to happen and then God perform miracles then is the time where the goddess steps in and is the power coming from him st. Augustine said God created us within us but he cannot save us without us you needs your yes you need to be a fighter you need to start fighting look at these confirmation programs I don't know here but in many places I worked you know people come for confirmation day after confirmation they are gone they go on this is the official way they say to say goodbye to the Catholic Church why because confirmation is not preparing us for battle but giving us gifts and Walt they don't care I don't need those gifts I come because my mommy and daddy wants to be happy but confirmation is not preparing us for fighting for the battlefield this is the tool this is the gift you must the enemy is over there there's no more ambient enemy wishy-washy everything is sweetie sugary no enemy I'm telling you that's why people are leaving that's why we are not using the gifts you have that's why confirmation is not needed for many people or First Communion yes but confirmation I don't need it because it's the battlefield couple of months ago there was a mother who was just bombarding me calling from the from America can I come with my son can I come with my son help me Father I said sorry I don't do this stuff anymore I do with priests sometimes when they ask but I don't do this the father can you help my son is only 14 I cannot do anything we've been to all the doctors his his vine and his are not happy who is suicidal father help and I said Copley the cake hum so she flew over stayed in in England for four days and I had only for three days with the boy loved the guy but it was something wrong with him and I worked with him for for three days under the last day I said that command God now just use my hat I don't know what to do next I know there's something inside him he's sending was sitting next to me his mother with us praying and I put my hands and was praying hard and all of a sudden he went into trance the demons started manifesting I said what he's only 13 and the demons started manifesting he was completely out and all of a sudden I said whatever our lady you take over out and he and he goes open his eyes and he it was I said but I'm telling you two things godmother was the fight say a lady was a fighter but on the other side so sad there was no priest on the other side of the ocean to help she had to come to England do I need to have calls from Islands I cannot do it people listening to the conference's and this but okay but I cannot physically help everyone how we need to wake up that is the battlefield a people are dying spiritually dying that desperate but they cannot find lots of priests and people to help them so that is the that's the message so my time my dear friends I'm just coming to the end is that always the the words of the Lord who says but will the Son of man find faith on earth when he comes what do you think he will church will survive but there would be a different church everyone says this is not that on my words there will be a different church that we may be smaller Church liquor pockets like now in different countries but powerful speaking the truth during the deliverance exorcism you know what annoys me so much when people come and say asking for help and I say God so the other eye says whenever you come from going to the diocese and alfred's assist so they they go they come back say or they told me there's no exorcist in the dice what every fish every single Bishop nicest exercise his the Exorcist come on there's not exorcist so there's no the best shop in the diocese that's reality I wouldn't like to be invent five minutes in their shoes to be honest because then when they face the Lord the thousands of thousands people they on their conscience what have we done with them send them to psychologists psychiatrists stuff them with tablets that's what I see normally of them they don't need tablets they don't need psychologists they need a faithful priest who to the job and you know before I get murdered by the organizers you know they I'm just really landing now you know that the choose keywords today is to choose I'm not taking responsibility for for anything else but for my actions I need to choose to choose God to choose the truth as a priest as a Lyautey you need to make the decision today on the dis conference not another PI's conference and what is the next one I'm going to attend you need to make decision to choose to fight not to be chosen but frozen but to be chosen and full of life and faith and fire that's what you need when you go back whenever you come from today take fire from this conference take it back but be ready for the battle be ready to be you will be punished by many people but don't you worry this is the fight of the Lord's so my dear friends the treasures of mercies widely opened but how long I don't know saying so we need to come out we need to be ready and we need to say to the Lord today yes I'm going to quote the Pope Benedict the 16th when he said to the bishops beautiful words the judgement announced by the Lord Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 21 refers above all to the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 yet the threat of judgment is also concerns us the church in Europe Europe and the West in general with this gospel the Lord is also crying out to our ears and the words that in the book of Revelation he addressed to the Church of Ephesus if you do not repent I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place light can also be taken away from us and we do well to let this work warning ring out with its full seriousness in our hearts while crying to the lord help us to repent give all of us the grace of true renewal of true conversion do not allow your lights in your midst to blow out strengthen our faith our hope and our love so that we can bear good fruits and he says is the threats the last word there is a promise that this is the last the essential word I am the vine you are the branches he who lives in me and I in him we produce abundantly in the end he wins love wins and mercy wins so we have to make my friends the choice my time is out now but make a choice and remember always God is full of love and mercy awaits us with open arms amen [Applause] [Applause] and father Peter said his time is up I hope not for another 20 years
Channel: Divine Mercy Conference
Views: 32,710
Rating: 4.9317408 out of 5
Id: EZZz5PMysE8
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Length: 66min 57sec (4017 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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