Fr Altman Catholic Citizens Luncheon 10/9/2020

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father james altman is currently the pastor of saint james celeste catholic church in la crosse wisconsin um a few weeks ago maybe maybe now months ago he posted a video on youtube which became quite viral and quite controversial father aldman has a bs in psychology in mba in finance and accounting a jd and several other theological degrees all of this before he kind of changed his his trajectory and decided to become a catholic priest he got his doctrine of sacred theology at saint mary the lake wonderland and was ordained to the priesthood in june of 2008. after that ten years later he decided he needed a bs in political science which he got from the university of wisconsin and a big us in philosophy which he also earned at the university of wisconsin before becoming a priest father altman my father altman at the time jim was a steel worker for a while he worked as an accountant a commercial lender an attorney and as i said well eventually the pastor of saint james celeste catholic church in la crosse it's a pleasure to introduce our speaker today father james altman [Applause] let us pray in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen no sweet virgin mary conceived without sin pray for the church during this time of great attack we trust in you that you will crush the head of the vile serpent who seeks to so grievously wound the holy catholic church you gave your fiat to almighty god's plan and in doing so you thwarted the evil of lucifer's cunning and gave birth to our savior we beg your assistance in this critical moment that you would purge the church of all malefactors our queen of purity and mother of all hope we place our confidence in your great intercession for all the faithful who seek the light of christ amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen well good afternoon to all of you and to those on the second floor i'm sorry i can't be with you all there's a baby there was a baby here i heard i heard the baby it sounds like i'm in church i love the sound of babies under family yesterday i was texting with michael voris and i mentioned to him that i would be coming to be with you today and mentioned him that i was was going to say something to the fact that i would eviscerate the new usccb's voting guide and i don't think he'd mind if i shared this with you but as to eviscerating that anti-catholic truth voting guide he graciously responded in in typical michael voris go kick some demon butt i'm not sure our visit today will accomplish that lofty goal but at least let's see if we can discern the truth about it as i tried to defend the truth of the catholic church from attacks both outside the church and inside the church as police to hear the introduction we so eloquently stated that we better be on guard because they're coming for us every shepherd should be trying to do what i do even when some may find the words of truth offensive for as the great saint augustine said or asked but what sort of shepherds are they who fear of giving offense not only fail to prepare the sheep for the temptations that threaten but even promised them worldly happiness what sort of shepherds are they so to understand truth always and everywhere and to apply that truth to every issue we ever face you must understand the principle of non-contradiction the pnc the the foundation for all learning and understanding wisdom if you haven't heard me talk about it before the pnc states that if something is true anything contrary to it is false true and false thus are mutually exclusive things so for example the one i used to use in high school to teach was two plus two is four that's true it's not five six or seven or whatever we want it to be that answer would be false a first grader learns that quickly enough so let us apply this pnc to the unchanged and unchangeable catholic truth so you may know this but for those who who didn't uh or don't the greek adjective catolicos is the origin of the term catholic it means universal as in everywhere so the truth is universal you know the canadian bishops in the and their little conference don't have a different truth than we have in the united states so in the team i'm getting off off the script here but you know the winnipeg statement where they said we're just we they told 90 out of 96 bishops in canada said we're going to have a different truth up here in canada humane vitae doesn't apply they didn't repent they didn't recant they're all dead now i see i get off track the earliest evidence of the use of that term catholic as applied to what we know is the catholic church you might know this is from the letter saint ignatius of antioch wrote to the smyrnans i don't think that's how you pronounce it schmeren's in about 108 a.d as he's being led to his martyrdom in rome remember he's the one that was going to be fed to the lions and he said i just want my bones ground into the wheat of christ exhorting christians to remain closely united with their bishop he wrote wherever the bishop shall appear there let there let the multitude of people also be even as wherever jesus christ is there is the catholic church wasn't a quick aside that sometimes brings up the question of obedience there's a the great saint maximum and kobe helps us to understand a simple premise obedience is not blind subservience he said quote a superior may it is true make a mistake but it is impossible for us to be mistaken in obeying a superior's command the only exception to this rule is the case of a superior commanding something that in even the slightest way would contravene god's law such a superior would not be conveying god's will in other words obedience never has meant blind subservience and no one must be obedient to an arbitrary and capricious tyrant who even in the slightest way would contravene god's law here's a good example what is jesus's big command as he's just before his ascension go and baptize all nations in the name of the father and of the son and the holy spirit and i'm not talking about those crazies that baptized they used the word we it was invalid or that you know there was this period of time when they would say uh in the name of the creator the redeemer and the sanctifier invalid what i'm talking about is just doing the baptism and yet as we know around this country of ours and perhaps around the world there were times when shepherds of the church told the priest don't baptize that's diabolical back to the german catholic from the second half of the second century the word catholic began to be used to mean orthodox or non-heretical because catholics claim to teach the whole truth and to represent the whole truth all wherever and in contrast heresy would arise from like an individual or group in a local area so it was not catholic or everywhere thus we understand what it means to be catholic to accept the universal unchanged and unchangeable truth which inherently defines what it means to be also defines what it means to be not catholic which is to not accept the truth on our limited time i know they won't kick us out right away and i get a little long-winded let me get right to a short three-point meditation part one the government swampy face part two the church swamp we face in part three the very left wing ussc usccb voting guide which absolutely misguides us as to catholic truth let us begin with part one the government swamp we face with the profoundly insightful words of the great and venerable archbishop fulton jason you can't go wrong with fulton sheen quote a nation always gets the kind of politicians it deserves if ever if time ever comes when the religious jews protestants and catholics ever have to suffer under totalitarian state i mean we've suffered on it already in the last six months which would deny them to them the right to worship god according to the light of their conscience it will be because for years they thought it made no difference what kind of people represented them in congress and because they abandoned the spiritual in the realm of the temporal so as we look around the country today as we look at those places where our free freedom of religion is being restricted our she knew about this was coming long ago and i could spend hours on a host of examples pointing out the who what where when and how citizens of this country thought it didn't make a difference what kind of people represented them in our government but let us just a few examples suffice firstly in 1963 and ever since the majority of people in this country have allowed godless heathens on the supreme court supported by satan minions and the aclu to enforce the removal of god from the public square we see this most notably in the prohibition of prayer in government schools and in the removal of ten commandments the ten commandments from all government institutions never mind the fact that since june 21st 1788 when the constitution was ratified by the necessary ninth state the constitution vested lawmaking authority solely in the legislative branch of the government the courts now literally act ultravirus which is a latin term meaning outside their authority outside the scope of their authority when activists on the bench act as a de facto legislative branch and dictate new law like tyrants such was the case in 1963 when the supreme court essentially dictated the removal of prayer from public schools listen our tax dollars those are our schools our tax dollars paid for every brick and mortar in those schools every book those kids read the tuition that or the the salaries for those teachers we paid those are our schools we got to take them back well this rule ultimately led to such things as the removal of the ten commandments from public display such as the courthouse yet the first amendment of our bill of rights specifically states congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion and that only applied by the way to the national government or prohibiting the free exercise thereof so from 1788 through 1963 a period of roughly 175 years it was totally constitutional to have prayer in our government schools and to display the ten commandments at places like our courthouses and the legislative body expressly was prohibited from prohibiting that free exercise of religion yet in 1963 as i said the godless heathens on the supreme court took it upon themselves to become a de facto legislative body usurped the legislative authority and prohibited the free exercise of religion understand dear family it was a judicial coup d'etat and the ramifications have shaken the foundation of our society ever since not that we could not have anticipated such horrific results as surely you have heard john adams our second president said our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other kind well that was 63 and 73 they pulled that stunt again in the abominable damnable roe v wade opinion here's here's a point of reference that should be should be branded into our souls truth is a nine to zero vote opinion is anything else even a five to four vote so fear the fifth vote for as we've seen over the last 50 to 70 years how much harm that fifth vote can do by the way 100 of real catholics are against roe v wade many have protested greatly i myself have been on six marches for life however precious few people have actually read the diabolical decision itself well keeping in mind god's immutable truth which is a nine to nothing vote here's a staggering fact in an internal memo to the other justices before the majority decision was published justice blackman wrote you will observe that i have concluded i have concluded isn't that special i have concluded that the end of the first trimester is critical this is arbitrary but perhaps any other selected point such as quickening or viability is equally arbitrary arbitrary he calls his opinion about when it is okay to slaughter an innocent baby tearing at limb from limb arbitrary for the record see edward coop surgeon general the united states stated quote in my 36 years in pediatric surgery i have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother's life you see dear family and i think you know this it is a lie to call it women's health it is a lie what does that tell us then about the godlessness of roe v wade what does that tell us about the strong arm of the activist judiciary that keeps striking down state legislatures duly passed laws against the slaughter of innocents here's another sad fact you might not know i just learned this myself couple days ago for the first and only time in its 60-year history a law in california was used to prosecute a young man who you may have seen the stories surely you have who filmed and exposed planned parenthood's selling of baby body parts and the attorney general for california who cheered and was cheered by planned parenthood about the about the prosecution was none other than kamela harris and i've seen several times now where there's on a rating of the hundred senators she literally was like number 100 she's more far left than bernie sanders if you cannot be democrat be pro-life which is what perez said then you cannot be catholic and vote for a democrat period i think that's pretty fairly obvious but it caused a stir when i said it one more example of a judicial coup d'etat was in 2015 when in a 5-4 opinion the supreme court overthrew about 227 years of the constitution when they struck down the u.s congress's defense of marriage act and overthrew 227 years of the constitutional right for each individual state to make laws regarding marriage and stuffed same-sex unions down our throats true story i was on my way to prague to pilgrimage to the divine infant of prague and i so i thought i'd better research to see if the visa requirements had changed to get into the czech republic so i visited the website on the u.s embassy in prague czech republic and there i was stunned to discover prominently placed on the page this kind of q a question i am a u.s citizen who was engaged to be married to a foreign national of the same sex we cannot marry in my fiance's country what are our options and what you've discovered is that the obama administration spent incalculable time and taxpayer money in every embassy around the globe to encourage and facilitate its agenda which was certainly against faith and family just like our blessed mother warned us it would be the final attack it's just another fine example of the anti-christian remember what remember what fulton sheen said we get what we deserve depending on who we elect all this is possible because the supreme court on a 5-4 opinion struck down the defense of marriage act duly passed by the u.s congress this means that the opinion of just one unelected appointed for life person the fifth vote defines law for 500 for 300 million americans again fear the fifth vote most people just do not understand that these and other decisions are nothing other than the usurpation of constitutional authority so let us pray that amy coney barrett takes her c before the end of the month it is time to take our courts back from such minions and make our courts great again i like that phrase i just made that up but we've heard it before who could possibly argue with make america great again you know when you visit the vietnam wall or arlington when you see those those homecomings of those as abraham lincoln said gave their lives that we might live there's been about a million i did the research a million who have given their lives and that says nothing about the many millions more the wounded and physically of course but internally and spiritually every one of those who take their own lives because they can't deal with what they endured so that we would have a great country it wasn't that they loved going to war was that they loved why they went to war which was for us what person worthy to be called american has a problem with making america great again this actually is a crucial time in history where catholics better get it right and the shepherds better get it right and they better be telling the catholics the truth which is nine to nothing they better be real catholics with a well-formed catholic conscience and better vote for unchanged unchangeable catholic truth or will be subject to the likes of the next hillary clinton in the democratic party to quote the new york post you've probably seen this it's chilling when she spoke to the 2015 women in the world summit and declared that our deeps she needed to use the law and the power government to force us to change our deep-seated cultural codes our religious beliefs and our structural biases how dare she honestly it's almost it's hard not to take almost sinful delight when we finally are getting the declassification of documents that reveal more smoking guns than we could possibly imagine about how hillary and her minions conspired with the full knowledge of obama obama and biden to use the power of the government the fbi the doj not only to spy on her political opponent but even to concoct that 100 percent phony allegation the handwritten notes from brennan testified to that regarding the russia collusion hoax that wrapped a nation in endless litigation all about something they all knew was completely and totally false justice better come the family in 2016 the people had had enough of the swamp and so they elected donald j trump to drain the swamp it was a far deeper swamp than he or we possibly could imagine the swamp was so wide and so deep that the swamp dollars were able to spend the last 47 months relentlessly undermining resisting and obstructing that was her mantra the glorious enterprise of making america great again let us connect the dots and realize the swamp hates us of this we cannot be surprised because jesus the lord promised it if they hated him they will hate not might hate but will hate his faithful followers their blistering hate is revealed so clearly in that trove of clinton's emails where her campaign manager john podesta boasted about funding at least two nefarious groups whose principal goal was to infiltrate the catholic church and undermine its integrity dear family i said it before i'll say it again you cannot be catholic and be democrat this is not rocket science no laity or cleared you like we'll have an excuse we're going to stand before our father in heaven and jesus the lord jesus will be flanked by moses who brought down those ten commandments to give them to the people he's gonna say why'd you hide him why didn't you put my commandments on public display we're facing jesus who's flanked by adam and eve after all god made them binary male and female who has a problem with binary we will face jesus we'll be surrounded by those 61 million precious babies here's one right there that he commanded let them come to him your family you cannot be catholic and vote for a democrat which brings us to part two the church swamp we face as i said recently to michael voris for the life of me i just couldn't figure out i tried i couldn't figure out why there seemed to be such an overwhelming swamp in the church and way back in days seminary days we all pretty much realized well there was some bad actors out there some swamp creatures and many times we heard estimates that the swamp dwellers were in the majority that was fairly obvious because sketchy ideologies and aberrant liturgical practices were everywhere we saw that when they destruct when they recovated our churches i don't need to go into any detail about all the sordid activities of the swamp the family there were sordid activities and the proof is in the pudding billions we've seen the proof of assorted activities in the unrelenting relevant revelations over the past 18 years that's so naive as a seminarian but priest after priest after priest and seminary and teacher after seminarian teacher confirmed and reconfirmed time and time again horror stories of the swamp so i don't know i doubt i don't doubt the breadth and death of the swamp that was not one big but the question inquiring minds really want to know though is whether the swamp is still there well let me see god gave us a brain let's use it jesus himself gave us a way to understand this jesus explicitly taught that a bad tree cannot produce good fruit that's not my opinion jesus taught it and we all know many seminaries perhaps even most seminaries in the 70s 80s and 90s were awful places and produced many they were bad many were bad trees and think about it dear family just like most churches were recovered and destroyed we're in all devotional life such as ultra rails which fostered reverence for the holy eucharist the statues of mary the mother of god all were desecrated and destroyed understand that theology and formation in seminary similarly was desecrated and destroyed the good priests that survived had to go underground i talked about that it was may 19th the stories are legion and have been confirmed over and over again the vice of promiscuity between seminarians and between some priests and seminarians and as we know between some bishops and cardinals and seminarians and in addition throw in the diabolical suppression of the devotional life many perhaps most seminaries were hell holes and while it is true that most perhaps almost all have gotten past those hellhole days what is the historical truth of being a hellhole why is it so important for us today is because dear family as generations age the oldest generation retires or dies and is succeeded by the next generation and so on and so on in psychology we describe each generation in the experiences they experienced as cohorts now watch the fact is at the age for making bishops typically roughly mid 50s which means they've been a priest for about 30 years so if they're a bunch of a bunch of bishops in the hierarchy that are around the age of 65 to 70 it means they were cohorts in seminary days in the 70s 80s and 90s when the liberal and unorthodox hellholes were operative the good ones survived and they remain good and we can tell who they are all you have to do is watch them around the tabernacle it's it's it's like if mother teresa walks in the room that's going to be halo around her so big well now especially but i mean before when she was with us so you can tell priests that believe by how they act around that tabernacle wherein lies the real presence of our lord but do we understand better now why over the last six months there were so few masculine manly fighters who stood up for holy mother church when godless governments did all they could to suppress faith and family remember you might have heard it when i talked about those minnesota bishops that finally got together and in one voice told the governor if you can let 50 ball of america be occupied 50 then you we're going to have our churches be 50 he back down the next day bullies usually do do we understand better now though why a bunch of cohorts in the german episcopacy virtually our apostate as they openly advocate for the normalization of same-sex unions artificial contraception abortion and women's ordination why is it that despite such heretical positions advocated so openly they don't even hide it anymore that the vatican does not immediately crush such nonsense like the poisonous bug that it is i don't know whether the swamping still exists all we need to look at is the continued silence of so many and connect the dots one final example totally on point you may have seen it as a recent dismissal of cardinal i don't know if i'm pronouncing his name correctly but bet you that's i think he's italian it's another fine example of the heart-rending lamentation it just doesn't end it is august 2018 testimony the great cardinal arch archbishop carlo maria vigano alleged that betchio he was second in command at the secretary of state knew in every detail knew in every detail the situation regarding mccarrick and his sexual abuse of adult priests and seminarians reports of which had reached strong and in his capacity as second in command betsy had direct contact with mccarrick on numerous occasions and further according to emails that have been leaked by a former aide to mccarrick betcher was also involved in helping arrange a 2016 meeting between pope francis and mccarrick well pope francis made bet che does anybody know how to pronounce that name okay you know what i'm talking about he made him a cardinal on june 28 2018 but he just had to resign about two weeks ago watch now he's accused of wiring more than eight hundred thousand dollars to bribe witnesses against cardinal pell whose conviction recently was overturned because it was such a farce let this be enough of description and examples of the swamp that still is within the church itself so that we know we must seek the truth where it is found because jesus promised if we seek we'll find and follow his specific gospel teaching accordingly do all things whatsoever they tell you but do not follow their example for they preach but they do not practice all of which brings us to part three the final part the very left-wing usccb voting guide which absolutely misguides us in our catholic truth at a most crucial time in our history to fully grasp how bad it really is let us have a short history lesson let us ponder the true catholic teaching about left-wing socialism and marxism the russian era about which our blessed mother warned us because dear family there are a lot of people who have a lot to say about about a lot of things they know nothing about and one of them is the church's teaching on socialism we don't have to reinvent the wheel on this we don't even have to study world history over the last 100 years which reveals in all its horror the evils of communism socialism we do have to pay attention to the unchangeable truth handed down to us through the one holy catholic and apostolic church the last 10 vicars of christ on earth have taught us about the evil of socialism from pope pius ix through benedict xvi from 1846 to 2013 167 years straight pope pius and 9th pope from 1846 to 1878 published his encyclical no c set in obiskum on december 8 1849 the feast of the immaculate conception quote you are aware indeed that the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of the socialism and communism by confusing them with perverted teachings i don't know if his manner in tone would fly today pope leo the 13th pope from 1878 to 1903 wrote in his 1878 encyclical quote apostolici muneres that socialists were a sect that threatens civil society with destruction and 23 years later that same pope pope leo the 13th wrote in his 1901 encyclical gravis de camuni socialism was the enemy of society and of religion pope saint pius 10th was pope from 1903 to 1914 in 1910 he wrote his apostolic letter notre charges apostolic to the french bishops condemning the french socialist movement li silon listen to his words about how the dream of reshaping society will bring socialism quote but strangers still alarming and saddening at the same time are the audacity and frivolity of men who call themselves catholics and dream of reshaping society under such conditions and of establishing on earth over and beyond the pale of the catholic church the reign of love and justice what are they going to produce a mere verbal and chimerical construction in which we shall see glowing in a jumble and in seductive confusion the words of liberty justice fraternity love equality and human exaltation all resting upon and ill-understood human dignity of pope second pious attempt could have witnessed for the united states in 2020 moving on we find pope benedict the 15th pope from 1914 to 1922 who wrote in his 1914 encyclical advaitissimi apostolorum that the condemnation of socialism should never be forgotten pope piu how could i come how could a catholic vote for bernie sanders when he might have had tattoos socialism tattooed on his forehead pope pius 11 pope from 1922 to 18 1939 wrote in his 1931 encyclical quadrigasi milano that socialism was fundamentally contrary to christian truth so so you just heard from five straight popes from 1846 before our civil war to 1939 on the eve of the world of world war ii a period of 93 years all saying the exact same thing socialism is evil then we have pope pius xii pope from 1939 to 1958 the pope who endured so much during world war ii in case you don't know in 2007 we began to discover communist records revealing that pope pius xii blessed pope pius 12th as a victim of a soviet plot to frame him as a nazi sympathizer on his 1952 radio address in vienna pope pius xii said this the church will fight to the end in defense of supreme values threatened by socialism it's no wonder the russians hated him pope saint john xxiii pope from 58 to 63 in his 1961 encyclical mater at magistra wrote that no catholic could subscribe even to moderate socialism the most liberal of the last 10 vicars of christ on earth taught in his papal encyclical no catholic could even be a moderate socialist pope saint paul six from 63 to 78 wrote in his 1971 apostolic letter octogenians too often christians tend to idealize socialism saint john paul the second pope from 78 to 2005 wrote in his 1991 encyclical sentiment the fundamental error of socialism was a mistaken conception of the person and finally pope benedict xvi pope from 05 to 2013 wrote in his 2005 encyclical deus caritas we do not need a state which regulates and controls everything and the state which would provide everything absorbing everything into itself would ultimately become a mere bureaucracy incapable of guaranteeing the very thing which the suffering person every person needs namely loving personal concern so again the last 10 popes last 10 vicars of christ have taught us about the evil of socialism from pope pius ix through benedict the 16th from 84 1846 to 2013 167 straight years unfortunately the many out there through their culpable sins of a mission are clueless regarding the truth about progressives socialist communists and so thus they support persons politicians and one particular party political party in particular that openly professes agendas and ideologies that are pure socialism so let us then strive to be informed instead of just opinionated let us strive to be faithful on purpose and not by mere accident in your family this is no small potato sort of thing because we do stand again on the precipice and the future does sway in the balance let us recall the great words the words of the great pope saint john paul ii we are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced i do not think the wide circle of the american society is talking about us you do not think the wide circle of the american society or the wide circle of the christian community realizes fully we are now facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti-church between the gospel and the anti-gospel between christ and the antichrist this confrontation lies within the plans of divine providence it is therefore in god's plan and it must be a trial which the church must take up and face courageously we must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life in a total dedication to christ and for christ and here's how he finished his ferverino with your and my prayers it is possible to mitigate the coming tribulation but it is no longer possible to avert it because only thus can the church be effectively effectually renewed how many times has the renewal of the church sprung from the shedding of blood this time too it will not be otherwise we must be strong and prepared and trust in christ and in his holy mother and be very very assiduous in praying the holy rosary this truth given to us by that saintly pope certainly gives rise to the great words spoken by father terence henry of steubenville the age of casual catholicism is over the age of heroic catholicism has begun so let us apply this truth all this truth to the way we live out our public lives more specifically how we can vote catholic as we now eviscerate the catholic voter guide that's what you all been waiting for the guide itself begins trumpeting the proposition here are the issues and then it gives a list of 47 issues and compares biden to trump on all those 47 issues and then at the bottom it tallies its determination its opinion on those issues and makes a point of telling us at the end that biden aligned with catholic teaching on 38 out of 47 issues but trump i know it's just ridiculous isn't it the trump only aligned with 11. therefore it's clear from this document vote for biden well they say oh father altman you're just too political there's nothing more political than this document there's nothing more slanted than this document and the document so transparent to be laughable but for its damnable consequences the first section of the guide is entitled dignity of the human person now we know dear family we know that recently the majority of bishops voted to maintain see the truth doesn't change it's immutable it's unchanged and changeable so if it was once true that the preeminent issue is life our babies maybe i heard that that when i said before i've said it a few times i wanted 13. i i just don't understand how how anyone the preeminent issue regards the slaughter of innocence in the womb we all should be horrified then that there were some amongst the last usccb meeting promoting the heretical seamless garment theory which essentially proposes that all issues are pretty much of equal weight but we know even if that minority of the bishops do not that the slaughter of you know saturday is the busiest day do you know this it's about twenty thousand a week roughly half of them are on saturday why because that's the day everybody has off work and they just got paid on friday so they can pay for it so it's about ten thousand every saturday what judas of a cleric what brutal vipers dares to compare the butchering of about a million babies a year to any sjw issue well the producers of this voting guide use this innocuous term aligns or does not align as they rate trump biden and trump according to an alleged catholic view on each of these 47 issues but so ironic it's ironic that we find that on the preeminent issue of baby slaughtering it's the first one the first of 47 issues it says the guide says actually says it confesses and admits biden does not align with catholic teaching isn't that something bride and harris run about this country saying there's so he's a practicing catholic i don't know what he's practicing but he isn't catholic on this preeminent issue of murdering a million babies a year he does not align and and amazingly enough too that the guide also does confess and admit trump aligns of course we knew that when he was the first president in history to walk up on the stage at the march for life unfortunately not accompanied by a certain archbishop biden is on the wrong side of this absolutely non-negotiable intrinsically evil issue and trump is on the catholic side end of debate about who we check off when we answer the voting booth the next issue in which the guide says biden and trump disagree is yet on another of the five non-negotiable intrinsically evil issues cloning and destruction of human embryos for research biden again is on the wrong side while trump is on the catholic side again dear family god gave us a brain let us use it being catholic means being catholic and it means not voting for someone who openly and notoriously opposes catholic teaching on two non-negotiable intrinsic evils always in everywhere wrong cardinal burke put it succinctly joe biden is not a catholic in good standing kamala harris figure it out the next day oh let's get on we're going to have some fun it's been kind of depressing talking about these now we have some fun now if i didn't see it with my own eyes i wouldn't have believed it the next section of the voting guide is entitled promoting peace and it has a list of six sub-issues in which biden is the clear favorite how recklessly stupid can this voting guide be on the issue of avoiding war and promoting peace the the guide actually says biden aligns but trump is inconclusive now factually and in contrast to the time biden was vice president president trump not only has significantly drawn down troops that were put over there long before his time in office in the last month you know this it's it's like there is a god in heaven in the last month trump has been nominated for three count them three nobel peace prizes i know really is that if that qualifies as inconclusive we surely must wonder well what in the world did joe biden do that was so conclusive another subset of promoting peace was promotes the reallocation of resources from armed conflict to the urgent needs of the poor and the guide says biden aligns but trump does not align let's talk about the urgent needs of the poor and to understand it let's keep in mind a simple adage give a man a fish and he will eat for a day and that is exactly what lyndon baines johnson has done with the democratic party since 1964 he gives them a fish to eat for the day and then they have to come back and vote for him again so they eat tomorrow he has enslaved people teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime that is a republican view during biden's time as vice president he praised communist china which is socialist which gives you a fish for the day so long as you toe the party line he praised communist china which pillaged the u.s through utterly imbalanced and prejudicial trade deals by and through which china took away so many of our jobs and impoverished so many in our country and he praised him and remember obama famously stated that the united states of america essentially never would be a manufacturing powerhouse again yet in just the first three years of the trump's administration where he has been opposed resisted obstructed in every way imaginable even as he pursued a policy of restoring u.s ability to defend us all to keep america great defend us from aggression from communists and radicals much to the light of the military and to patriots everywhere even as he did this also due to his policies the united states restored manufacturing and gave all-time record prosperity to every single major minority in this country and yet the voting guide dares to assert that trump does not address the urgent needs of the poor the next section is entitled marriage and family life on yet a third catholic non-negotiable intrinsic evil biden opposes catholic teaching the guidances supporting this is the category supporting a definition of marriage that is defined recognized and protected as a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman biden does not align so ladies and gentlemen that's three strikes you're out [Laughter] murdering babies cloning and embryonic research same-sex unions but there's more the next category is religious freedom that should prick our ears immediately the stated issue is watch promotion of religious liberty the guide says that biden is inconclusive but i know i know but trump allies biden is inconclusive again are you kidding me biden is all for hammering the little sisters of the poor and forcing them to pay for artificial contraception there is nothing inconclusive about his mindset in contrast trump created an executive order for the first time since 1964 and the johnson amendment we have a executive order specifically to protect our religious freedom strike for joe i won't go into all the other sjw i'm actually getting close to the end if you're wondering i won't go into all the other sjw subsets the guide disdains to put out there except to say that trump's entire history was all about love and care for minorities and for women both of which were equally represented in his business world before he took office and in his administration after he took office so the guide's proposition that trump does not align with combat any unjust discrimination is pure uh baloney i'll say i sort of had initials here for another word that's close to baloney the only other matter i'll mention regards to guides assertion that joe is all about seriously addressing the global climate change and i said to somebody is it yesterday just go out at night look up the stars in the universe and realize god is in control my very great catholic response to that allegation comes from the great margaret thatcher quote global warming provides a marvelous excuse for global socialism and as we discussed at great length through 10 consecutive vicars of christ socialism is pure evil period so in conclusion then dear family each of us has a responsibility not to vote our conscience but to vote our well-formed conscience which means a conscience formed in immutable catholic truth the truth that is unchanged and unchangeable why cardinal burke put it perfectly when another bishop got in his face and he responded your excellency at the last judgment i will stand before the lord and not before the conference of bishops yeah the fact is that we will be judged by him on whether or not we were witnesses of the truth of catholic teaching regarding those non-negotiable intrinsic evils and as is clear the mighty biden has struck out so let us conclude with another great quote this from pope saint gregory the great pastors who lock lack foresight hesitate to say openly what is right because they fear losing the favor of men the family better we lose the favor of men than to lose the favor of our lord and lose our souls let us pray father in heaven may the body and blood of your beloved son jesus christ give us the grace and strength to be catholic may we never hesitate to be witnesses of our faith at all times and in all places may we be a light of christ and of his truth to all others so that one day we may live in his light forever and ever amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen thank you all oh oh yeah i'm supposed to say i'm supposed to answer questions i thought i just answered them all let me let me just uh point out a couple of things real quickly number one when i saw father's resume i thought to myself this guy is obsessively educated i don't think a penny of his time or money was wasted secondly would also point out um with some satisfaction uh the controversy about cardinal victor however now actually our website has been covering that the last week and a half and so if if you do go to our website you would be aware of these things and these are not long articles these are articles from catholic websites all over the place but that's an example of the benefit in my view the great benefit of this website the second thing i'd just like to point out is father's history of um the vatican's the vatican's opposition to communism and socialism we had a speaker in march of last year went into that history and one of the amazing things i discovered from that and i'm encouraging you to come to our luncheons frequently that encyclical the father cited in 1946 came out two years before the communist manifesto okay two years before so socialism even before marx was doing his thing uh was already a maryland um force in europe and the vatican recognized it at the time and came out against it and if you come to our lunch in march of 29 you know that now i'd like to just take a few minutes for questions um i don't think we're going to get pushed out of here but i didn't want to interrupt the presentation yes um i would ask father altman could you give us advice on how to avoid crossing the line between hating the sin and hating the sinner yeah okay so for those people downstairs the question was how to avoid crossing line between hating the sin and hating the sinner that's it's not easy especially when the sin is grave and people say well you should pray for your enemies and those who persecute you that doesn't make them any less an enemy just because you pray for them praying for them is good for your own soul so forgiving them is good for your own soul if i forgive someone who has harmed me that's good for me it doesn't they still stand guilty before god until they repent so um it will be a long story i guess well i woke up in the middle of the night once it's two minutes to three and i previously made a deal with god if it's five to three or five after three am that i would pray the mercy chapter because he was waking me up in the middle of the night and i attributed that to him every time and i was just getting tired so finally i came up this deal well i looked over at my digital clock i woke up it was 2 58 and i was exhausted i said lord i'll just do it in the morning out of the blue out of the blue an incident from about 30 years before when i was an undergraduate school and was was poorly treated by a woman in the administration it came to mind and and i then i started stu about it i started having these imaginary conversations like maybe some of you do and started telling her office about 40 minutes later i'm now in a rage i haven't been able to go back to sleep and i thought if i would have just prayed the mercy chaplet i'd have been sleeping alone so so i was in i i realized that uh i had not forgiven her i didn't want to at that moment but i also knew i had to uh and so i said okay lord it is your will and i will to forgive her and all of a sudden this grace of peace washed over me and i was asleep in five minutes it was gone and you see it's like you know jacob marley from that one um ebenezer scrooge he's got the chain links dragging behind him it's almost like purgatory and uh god gives us these moments to forgive to not hate the person but the sin in our lives to practice so for our good uh and we'll we'll get rid of some of those links in our own chain before we die if we if we do practice and all i can say is uh from my own experience but certainly theologically speaking that grace comes when we do his will even when we don't want to just like jesus in the garden not my will father but thing be done grace will come and and you you'll get over it can i tell you one more quick story about that then so when i was in seminary here at mondeline you might remember it was in 2000 it's the fall of 2005 and two seminarians were killed on campus in a car wreck they were in the back seat and the driver was a drunk driver and and they were i don't know if you know about mundo life there's a three mile road around it and it's one 1 30 in the morning and they just wanted to set a i guess they were doing this setting a record running driving around not a good idea to do under normal circumstances certainly not when you're drunk and it's nighttime and deer kind of came in front of them i guess the driver swerved and the short story is the two two young men great great seminarians well loved by all the rest of us certainly well loved by their own diocese they were killed so um the driver to his credits accepted responsibility for what he did and uh it came time for sentencing in the chicago court system and victims have a right to come and speak to the judge about what they wanted the sentence to be so the two mothers showed up in the courtroom and it was their turn to speak and they both said to the judge we do not want you to send that man to prison our sons would forgive him and we forgive him too that's the kind of attitude that raises up priest isn't it yeah and the judge this old judge well i've seen some tv i guess it seems like judges in chicago can be cranky he said in all my years i have never heard anything like this so they didn't hate the sinner they certainly hated the sin and no matter how much they forgive their sons are gone you can't change that actions have consequences that are irreversible uh but god says don't hate the sinner hate the sin but you have to let them know true love true charity is to let them know uh we've forgotten that in this let's all be nice day and age is that does that answer your question yes okay all right okay how about one more quick one yes joe father yes yes i hope he doesn't regret that now by the way yeah yes you know i don't want to exclude anyone that um because i can't know everyone uh that really does strive to be that beacon of light um which it's almost easier to pick on the ones that are like the opposite like the third that said propose the seamless garment um uh you know bishop apracki i've heard nothing but great things from him uh bishop strickland of course who came out in support of me when all the world looked dimly upon me there's a good tobin he's up in rhode island as opposed to the other one down in newark vegano awesome uh bishop snyder i'm gonna have the privileges being one of the speakers with him at the cic conference in pittsburgh at the end of at the end of the month um you'll know uh archbishop sample i think he's a great one out there in portland he's really suffering out there in the desert yeah yeah portland is kind of a desert of faith um you'll know the problem is if you just watch the may 19th homily on complicit clergy it's not may 19th because they put a couple days later but it's one that says persecution or something like that it describes why so many priests are so afraid to say anything either i'm stupid or just i don't ever call myself courageous i just love my faith and i love our lord because he loves me and he loves you you can't hate so love is what drives every one of us to step out and be a beacon so just look at look at the love that they have and true love isn't just this nice nice i'll just be nice you know true love is calling a sinner out from the sin and bringing them back here's i'll finish with this thing because i think it's time's running out did everybody know who they said his name's penn gillette penn teller penn jillette he's an atheist and he once said he said uh this is almost verbatim i have no respect for a christian who does not proselytize because if you actually believe that that if i don't follow your way of life your theology that i'm going to end up in hell for eternity how much do you have to hate me to not tell me that says i respect a christian who proselytized i don't agree with them i'm an atheist i'm not going to agree with him but at least i can respect him but i cannot respect the one who doesn't love me enough to at least try to lead me to holiness and salvation so uh just look for those who really tell the truth and you'll know who they are because as fulton sheen another one of his great quotes said was uh if i was looking for a church to join i would look for the one that the world hated and that's why he talked about the catholic church i look for the one that the world hates because the world of course is not holy and we have all the evidence around us that tells us that i think that answers it okay all right good oh that's yours [Applause] thank you all so much
Channel: Catholic Citizens TV
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Id: DikQrtt7RF8
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Length: 64min 38sec (3878 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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