Fr. Altman Unleashed on Cream City Catholic

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well hey guys cream city catholic is sponsoring a men's conference on june 12th of this year in hillsboro i'm going to be there big deal about that but father hallman's going to be there and doug barry's going to be there too and i just found out today michael morris is coming okay it's like i'm going to be around my heroes yeah so saturday june 12th be there because it's old you can imagine the conversations we're gonna have right up my alley so yeah let's do it okay so we're gonna start talking about some rather controversial things nothing that's nothing that's foreign to you yeah um you recently said that god damns communism and feminism yes what do you say to men as heads of households today uh especially in regards let's just be a man for crying out loud god created men he created us with different uh each gender there's only two uh with special characteristics and from the beginning listen here here's the deal god created the patriarchy so if you don't like it get out of the church quit pretending you're a christian because almighty god created a patriarchy he created women with gifts i'll never have i you know i can never i've said it before and i don't i don't get why people don't get this that when you can have your baby's heart here for you know roughly nine months in your heart beating here for nine months and uh what a gift i can't i could women have gifts i'll never have i don't know why they resent or uh yeah this is a good word for why they resent the fact that god gave men gifts that they don't have here's a funny way not everybody knows this is true if you if you ask me a question i'm going to answer it it's going to be straightforward you're going to know what i'm saying there's no no interpretation you just say what you say that's a guy thing it's why women can't preach because we need the truth when when you're listening to what matters for eternal salvation we don't need you to say does my dress make me look fat as the joke goes and then you don't no matter what you answer you're in trouble right so yeah the ambiguity or the nuance and it's like they expect you to read their mind sure um or like when if you man ask you a question he wants an answer like how do i fix this i'm going to show you i'm going to tell you thank you and you'll say thank you very much right yeah women just want to talk about it they don't want you as a man to give them the answer they just want you to listen uh at great length too it's it's just a gender difference it's not a criticism it's a fact of life it's a fact that god created genders and there's two of them and they're different so one of the great traits of men is leader father of the household and it's and it is called patriarchy and all those people out there that don't like it tough you know then or if that's your philosophy then get out of the catholic church get out of every christian church because god created a patriarchy whether you like it or not so um so therefore if that's the case and it is then god will damn anything that detracts from faith and family so i don't know why people have a problem with this half of jesus's public ministry was all about god blesses and god damns right the blessing heaven the curse hell and i mean this is this is 3 400 years old this is from moses right from the exodus the blessing and the curse that's why i think they i think they put that title on that other little interview blessing in the curse right oh where everybody's oh yeah you can be nice you can say god bless this god bless this listen when you're stan you're going to be thankful that i happen to point out that god damns these other things because he does those 10 commandments are there because you follow them what did moses say you're blessed you don't follow them you choose it's a choice like jesus said many will many will choose the broad road to destruction many will choose the road to damnation many will choose the road to what's it called um wailing and gnashing of tea i love that expression uh he came up with that i'm just quoting none other than jesus yeah so um so it is pr everybody's okay with oh god bless this but everybody's afraid to say god damns this sin the saints weren't afraid of saying that the saints weren't afraid not to yeah they weren't talking about the last 50 years of pansy wimps that have run our country and unfortunately our church we need we need men to be shepherds we need shepherds to be men and start acting like it instead of all this yeah i'll really get myself in trouble if i start yeah so i'm it's true they better be men they better act like it and they better be shepherds and leaders like they're supposed to be which means being a father listen if you're a father of a child that child is misbehaving that's your job to redirect them and teach them right from wrong that's your job and uh you know the whole famous joke is like well wait to your dad gets home he's the one that's going to be the enforcer where'd that come from oh yeah that's right from the gender so um the the real problem is everybody's milk toast in preaching pansy in preaching those two words go together um i don't want to listen to a pansy preacher listen my eternal life is my eternal soul is on the line hey tell me straight up what's the deal and unfortunately what we had now in the past but it's not surprising why the preaching has been what it was given who's doing the preaching and now a lot of this effeminacy is poured into the quote unquote that is the perfect word for it yes well it's it's now it's poured over into the pandemic yes and so now they're they're locking down the churches they're not allowing people to what college listen men are supposed to be courageous that is one of the we and we yes this effeminate pansy feared emmick charles will remain listen those charles boromeo right who is who anointed people in the the black plague that was that was actually something to be concerned about you got that you were dead right right um and he went out there he was anointing people given viaticum in the midst of the black plague he wasn't afraid he wasn't a pansy hiding out uh aloysius gonzaga uh back when the jesuits were good i think i can say that what did he do he's 21 years old he didn't fear living i tell what they should be afraid of there's a pansies that are afraid to they should be afraid that then when they do die they're going to face the god of the living and and that will not be a good it will not it will not go well for them that day when he says to them hey i appointed you shepherd remember that it's from ezekiel isn't it i appoint you you watch guardian of the whatever that is the watchtower over over israel and you if you fail to tell them to instruct them correctly if you fail to do that oh i bet you well then i'm going to blame you too they're going to go to hell but you're going to go to hell too because you didn't speak up and speak out when you were supposed to you didn't guide them you didn't teach my my children israel several months back archbishop vegano yes just want to get your read on this yeah yeah uh or your opinion on it archbishop vegano did you see that that letter or that in that uh article in america where james martin ripped into all of us did you see this yes it did okay so like there's i don't know all the big names yeah burke of course vegan oh sure myself heilemann stika we got i don't know why he's mad at stika but well because sticka said biden's kind of a loser well and he was only speaking the truth um strickland uh father meeks a whole bunch of us right so this is james he's so pathetic it's just so obvious you can tell what yeah because of all the names i think only cardinal burke was mentioned more than once i think he got mentioned three times that he mentioned me 13 times what a joke well cardinal burke and archbishop vegano have both talked about this new world order yeah yeah um do you think that this is a real threat i mean do you think are you kidding it's completely a real threat i mean it and what does that mean what do you think the future holds for us um the i do have a prejudice and it's not against the people that james martin thinks i'm prejudiced against um i have a prejudice against a prejudice against stupid people because you know what god gave us the brain we're supposed to use it and there is no excuse for not knowing what we're supposed to know but see they dumbed us down you see because they've given us food and entertainment just like that roman philosopher said back in the year 150 if if our eyes were open you would know that since like the 2007 bank panic the the 2013 or 1913 1907 bank panic the 1913 shenanigans they played in order to get the establishment of the federal reserve system which was nothing federal about it very privately owned uh the the national income tax uh the the stock market crash in 1929 was completely orchestrated just like and here's the best part so you say oh you're just a conspiracy theorist hey look at what just happened with um gamestop right the little guy actually understood how they pulled that stun they were doing the exact same thing right they were selling short to drive down the price and then they would buy back at low price right and uh so the little guys found out about this and spread the news and all of a sudden they lost it and what did they do they shut down the whole trading thing because they were losing their shirt for the first time exactly uh the 2007 that whole thing you know the the international destruction of the they they came out of this looking pretty they came out with their money just like in in 1929 they all got they took their money out of the market made the stocks all go down then everybody had to that was borrowing money from the banks that they had set up right sure they they had to then margin calls if you understand the margin call in fractional lending you'll understand exactly how they pulled the stunt that they did and uh well i could go on and on we could uh you but listen it's it don't you don't have to take my word for it what is eisenhower right first of all truman sets up the cia right and did you know do you know the two brothers that used to be like dulles the dulles brothers one was had a state one was head of well you know this stuff one was head of the cia um anyway so truman regrets setting up the cia before he leaves office and then what does eisenhower do everybody votes for eisenhower eight years later three days before he he leaves office and kennedy takes over what does he say hey there's a military industrial complex that's taken over watch out that was back in like 1960 january of 1960. well it's only gotten infinitely worse since then you know if you read david rockefeller they boast about it now right but he had that in his memoirs yeah in his memoirs what does he say oh listen this is exactly what we're doing this is no big secret this is exactly what they're doing and then all this cabal at the top actually is a cabal what would that look like what do you think that would look like well ultimately becomes communism like three percent at the top and 97 at the bottom and nobody in the middle listen poor people can't pay the taxes right and the rich people aren't because they're running everything so who's going to end up paying they're going to take it they're going to destroy the middle class and what we're seeing in this whole fear demand because they haven't they haven't hurt they haven't made the poor people poorer right they're already poor they've made the middle class in all small business poorer so it's universal communism yeah exactly in one word that's two words isn't it universal communism i actually was pretty good at math uh two words universal communism that is exactly what they're trying to set up now how they're going to go about actually achieving listen satan rules the world right jesus said so satan said to jesus the third temptation of christ all this belongs to me and i'll give it to whomever i please if you'll just bow down and worship me i'll give it to you jesus said no worship god alone right so who has been whenever you look at very very wealthy powerful people you have to ask yourself i wonder who they're worshiping and it's fairly obvious because they're not catholic they're not they're not coming to church on sunday and actually professing the catholic faith right i mean you can say i don't know i biden even gone to church on sunday since he's been in office i don't know but but is he really worshiping god i doubt it no he isn't because he's worshipping all those well i don't know if he knows what he's worshiping because he's kind of demented now right so going full circle are men strong enough to fight the new world order that's coming or do you think that they're going to capitulate right um obviously just a subjective right no no so um there will be martyrs remember mexico right yeah mexico in 1926 plutarco cayes the catholics voted him in complete atheists he's a catholic church they vote him in any way well they get you know you get what you ask for it's like it's like first samuel eight or first time late right that uh when the jews are we need a king we need a king and and god says no you don't want a king because he's gonna do bad things to you no no no we need the king all right you're gonna get samuel had to tell him okay you're gonna get your king and when he does those bad things to you i'm not gonna help you i'm gonna say i love that i told you so right so now i know there's a lot of men out there that are going to be thinking right away they're so do you just expect us to roll over and die oh no no no no so the point i'm getting to though is is now go to mexico they voted in plutarch yeah who then shut down the churches and there were some men some real men in fact one of my great heroes of the last 100 years is it's uh he's got several names so i always get them mixed up but it's saint jose luis sanchez del rio 14 years old that that movie or for greater glory if you haven't watched it if you're catholic and you haven't watched it well then get busy get get her done uh that little boy right he signed on he helped out the christeros no i don't know did you see the movie i did oh good do you know after what i just said i know you said no that wasn't going to last time did you remember the the uh the freemasons in the u.s government because every president has been a freemason up until maybe i don't know what joe biden is many of them everybody up until kennedy but then his dad was a freemason and then you keep going forward anyway so the freemasons that were running the government i think was calvin coolidge at the time wasn't herbert hoover right it seems to me it was coolidge they sold the mexican government gatling guns to shoot the catholics right remember that's right in exchange for extension of oil leases oh my god people are so stupid like what is your uh what's this getty j paul getty the original guy yeah he'd be worth he'd be where he'd be the most rich person on the he would put bezos or piezo services and he'd put him to shame well and in paragraph 18 of red davini redemptoris pius x talks about the secular press covering or covering for the mexicans yes overthrow yes okay so so so what ha so you the question i guess still on the table that i haven't fully answered is what are we supposed to do what are real men supposed to do um here's here's what i found out and this goes not just in the secular world but in the church they got a lot of they got a lot of blowhard is that the word were they but if you call them on it they back down because ultimately bottom line they're a bunch of pansy cowards right so uh which is which is why they close the churches because they're they're fraidy cats is that the word we used as kids you're afraid to get you coward you're pathetic spineless effeminate coward if you stand up to him it didn't take that many cristeros to defeat not just the mexican government but the mexican government backed by the freemasons who hated the catholic church in america right so what's it going to look like i think there was over 30 000 christeros were killed in that fight for freedom which is part of our constitution freedom of religion they they died are we afraid to die i'm not i'm not afraid to die it's likely going to happen next time james martin watch was watches uh it's not i'm not worried about james martin he's too big of a pansy to try to come and do anything to me but he'll he'll dox me like he did before he'll get his minions going against me because that's the way they work isn't it pathetic just come here james martin right here yeah let's let's yeah let's have a chat awesome well look i'm really excited for this men's conference yeah um but did i answer the question you did yeah and we're gonna have to fight in the end listen when it comes down to it what's your job what did adam not do not you what did adam not do in the garden he was there when the viper from hell came and tempted eve he didn't defend her what what are we going to do are we going to defend our faith our families are we how many real men are they're left back to stand up yeah how many people have a real backbone to stand up and i here's what i would say god does not need numbers right it doesn't matter if there's only a few of us i think sort of people get will get discouraged because there doesn't seem to be that many of us uh who have a little backbone who have a little spine or a little bit of courage a little bit of faith god just needs a few who at least will be faithful that's right and and yeah people will die so what if we're martyred so what what if we die well if we are truly catholic then we know we're going to a better place he doesn't need many he just he just needs a few faith ones and he can work with that he can multiply them like he did the bread and the fish and great things can happen so as it has throughout salvation history as has happened in the catholic world since since whenever yeah father james god bless you well god bless you too thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cream City Catholic
Views: 49,410
Rating: 4.935503 out of 5
Id: aKQVyhkOqoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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