Is God Fulfilling Daniel's Predictions? | Perry Stone | Omega Center International

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[Music] are we live Jonathan wave your hand we're live okay thank you for joining us and I'll take just a moment for everybody to get on because I'm about to say something that's very significant and I don't see any lights on with those two cameras or those lights are they working or the cameras working okay son you know I just didn't see the light I'm going to I have an audience tonight and I know this is going against all the rules but I have an audience here that there is absolutely no way they will ever get this virus and go happen and so I've said that they could come to church and take a seat they can sit beside each other they can sit apart from each other but I want to introduce to you tonight the one group that will never get the virus oh here we go let's walk over here I don't know if we can get a wide shot or not of them but they're all sitting here they're all here in the church tonight there they are they're not real emotional they don't say much in fact they don't say anything at all I appreciate this brother right here can we see him this brother right here brought his tithe you can all see that aren't y'all grateful for he god bless you brother that's a face that only a mother could love you understand what I'm saying all right this brother right here he's got a sign that says Amen brother can everybody see that and he's my a man corner he's a mean lean green preaching machine this brother right here guys he must have got decked out before service started look at him down here look at him down here he's he's into it right there he's covered up already he'll probably lay there the whole service while I'm preaching we've got a couple more this sister right here she says you better say that can you see her sign her sign right here you better say that about to see that and that cool and then this brother right here god bless him he's an older Saint you can tell but look at him he's got white hair this guy right here he's got white hair he's brought his tithe an envelope this sister right here look like she having a balloon baby she's having a baby right in the middle of church I blue maybe and then for you that Jonathan were what camera am I looking at I don't know what camera I'm even looking at can somebody help me because I want to make sure everybody can see this can everybody see my sign everybody can see my signs of here that is not the way you spell hallelujah that was not me that spelt it that way okay just so you'll know and this sister over here let's see if we can get her on camera before we go the praise and worship these are these are people it's not gonna get the virus no way so I told her I said y'all come to church look at this man I got a crowd tonight Korona never bothered me anyway and we're about it and this guy this guy right here told me before church that the world was going to the dogs so I told him I said you just need to come in and get a word from God so this this brothers not too confident the world's going to the dogs now the reason I did that is I didn't plan this my daughter-in-law who's about to have a baby in about two or three days this was her idea she's over the children's ministry at OCI on Tuesday nights and I came in here right before service and saw this and I laughed so hard and I wanted you to get a good laugh we have so much heaviness and so much news that overwhelms us that sometimes we need just to join a joke of the joy a jolt of the joy so I want you to stay with me tonight as I'm going to be sharing with you something very significant from the Book of Daniel I believe it's going to help a lot of people I believe it will continue to explain some of the things we're dealing with but right now I want to turn it over to my man he's my buddy he's my brother from another mother he's a spiritual son wouldn't you say that eight years old started singing with me and now he's a great praise and worship leader we have a very reduced band as you can tell but all they're doing a wonderful job the anointing has been strong so go ahead and let's lead us in brother and we're just going to have church tonight a man let's go [Music] we're kids you and don't be arranged [Music] face head [Music] [Music] Paris Paris [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring all the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Prison shade at the sound of Jesus me - away Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gracie for you Tensei cooing has been lifted cuz grass the weight has been lifted Gracie's the way [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did great seas [Music] can't hide through weight has been lifted brace the weight has been lifted [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Spirit of the Lord Varis furry there is freedom come on the time just as you are into the foolish for the spirit easy let there be freedom let there be [Music] we think if a dream oh wait gibble for me [Music] I'm just begin to thank him right we are at come on just begin to lift on your hands right in your room this evening [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] you hear [Music] now [Music] what a beautiful name what a beautiful name the name of Jean my key beautiful name nothing compares a beautiful name oh geez [Music] you didn't want so Jesus you since grade [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hadden lifts his name up higher right where you are [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] des cannot hold they'll tour before you you silence the see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no other name above Jesus not even her own nothing nothing nothing nothing above the name Jesus [Music] come on right where you're at and I just begin to speak the name of Jesus over whatever situation you may be dealing with what Jesus Jesus Jesus would Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] oh Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] are you heard even broken within all the way another way to see Jesus he's called have you come to the end of yourself shoot this for a treat from she says his cold [Music] [Music] no reason [Music] sorry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what a savior isn't he see how Christ is risen we bow down before for years [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the altar the father's arms are forgiveness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah those who've you watching right now raise your hands where you're at father we thank you you know it's so different God than the way it was even a month to two months ago and the way it's been for my 44 years of ministry but Lord for some reason you've put people in place where they could pay attention and here everybody was so busy with work and business and going and going sometimes even on Tuesday nights there was a ballgame here practiced there something going on there but now God everything is shut down people have to find something to do but I want to thank you that so many people have been watching the work of God and the ministry and the word that we've been sharing and I pray tonight will be no different that every person under the sound of our voice through the recorded message or live message whichever it might be will be receptive to hear the word of God in Jesus name Wow well now you know I don't know I've all I've always watched different preachers sit in a chair on a table I never liked that myself for me I like to get behind the pulpit and hold a microphone and trust me I'm having to readjust everything I ever did but I kind of like this you know it says in the Bible we have made the pulpit standing behind the pulpit to tradition but it says in the Bible Jesus sat and taught them did you know that there was in if we were in a Jewish synagogue the platform is called a Bheema would be here the congregation of there the women set separate from the men in the balcony and there was a seat usually made out of rock I saw one in court azim in Israel in a synagogue and they cut it tore it had handles and you could sit in it's called Moses seat so what they would do they would read the Torah and and and and sometimes a person would find where it was written and they would read that section they would put the Torah scroll back in the Ark and then the person who was the guest speaker would sit in Moses seat and then he would sit and teach them well I tell you what see this chair it's a whole lot more comfortable than a rock a rock seat made out of volcanic stone oh so I'm very grateful for a comfortable seat at least a couple things we're going to get into before we get into the word and y'all excuse me I should have done this earlier I've got to pick a book up here so Jonathan just help your little camera guys to keep up with me if you can son I want to first of all show you something that's pretty neat I think it is at least my office manager Charlie Ellis got a very keen mind and he showed me this today and I couldn't let Jonathan probably get a picture of this so you could really see it but the spelling mistakes are so horrendous that I'm a little embarrassed to even show people this paper it's that bad this is an old typewriter this is called after the holy ghost then what I happen to keep everything I am a pack rat they would come well Peyman miss Tammy called me a hoarder they say he just he takes his he does I don't throw anything away literally it's awful boxes I have every sermon I've ever preached never done away with them this first message I've ever preached and here it says I'll just hold it up you don't have to zoom anything my first sermon Salem Virginia April 14th 1976 what's today April 14 thank you to all my puppets out there that responded to that April 14th is today this is the anniversary 44 years when I preached my first message and my first message was on the Holy Spirit and since that time we've tried to keep up with the actual numbers it's a little difficult because so many received that you don't know about but we know that in meetings we've had over 220,000 people baptized in the Holy Spirit and that's been a theme in my ministry since I was a kid and so I just want to let you know that this is my anniversary of preaching my very first sermon at my dad's church some of you may know this I'm gonna have to Justice see excuse me some of you might know this and you might not and it doesn't matter if you don't know it it's just something I want to share but I have been at this at a total burnout stage in many areas of my life and the Lord's telling me during this time to go go back to roots go back to where you built your first altar go back to where you had your big meetings as a kid and I am NOT a crier I'm not a crier at my dad's funeral whom I love dearly I didn't cry my granddad was like my father at his funeral I cried for about one minute and it dried up because for some reason I'm not that way my nature is not that way I'm a compassionate person but for me to cry I have I have cried more the past five days or six days probably than I've cried in my entire life and so I want you to please bear with me tonight that if for some reason it starts there'll be there'll be a story I tell or something I'm not trying to do that I really prefer not to I'll get him barest when I do I feel like that you're having a breakdown or something when you cry all the time no but the Lord is touching me and he's helping me and he's giving me straight so I'm not going to resist him in that area the prophetic summit on demand is bill cloud and I going to the voice of Evangeline studio April 23rd 24th and 25th and you can go to and get this information you can stream watch the live stream from 7 to the 11 Eastern Standard Time now I want to say something we have announced some messages we're going to preach but I'm getting downloads today I got one I said Lord are you telling me that I'm going to have to preach that one they're actually three and three messages plus Saturday four hours of a open discussion we're going to discuss at this prophetic summit online information we're getting that this medical device that they want to put in your head to track your fever is a preview of the mark of the beast and it actually could be we're going to we're gonna we're gonna have I've asked pastor Robb past robably come up here get ready to say something i've asked pastor robby to to share a few things tonight from his heart for the OCI family especially that's watching but my point is that there is a cost to this because we have a 7-point outreach that we don't want to stop we don't want to have anything hindered I want to increase our budget to feeding areas because they need it bad right now so the $75 it's not for me personally I won't get anything out of this financially nothing it's to help us with our outreaches and again look for prophetic summit on demand and there is a deadline to it that when we get to a day we cut off any other possibilities of you joining us online it's gonna be great also we just did something else different and Robbie bear with me just a minute son I'll finish these in the house much because you know me I'm I'm on rabbit trails all the time and the New Testament is one of our New Testament Bible King James translation we've had it for maybe three years and because we use the best paper the best leather or imitation leather in this case best stitching made in the USA it costs more than Bibles made overseas more and so we had to pay for it first and then we wanted to do something because so many of you are inside and the book the notes on the book of Revelation in this Bible might be some of the best notes in my opinion as far as you understanding the book that you might read anywhere not saying they are I'm saying it could be so we're doing and they've already told me that we're hundreds are already being sold we're doing five thousand of these Bibles for fifty dollars each and it's only gonna last for ten days I have a feeling we may run out before we ever get to ten this I can't do more than the five thousand because I have to save a bunch of them to combine with my Old Testament commentary and I'm not I don't want to reprint these so you need to know that will help you with that now pastor come over here and stand beside me you can flip that microphone on you remember that Judy Jacobs daughter daughter had a vision yes of a revival breaking out in this area yes absolutely and and it was called we call her urbane but it's the urban road which is right here urban road revival absolutely and we've talked about it for how many years three maybe even three maybe more than that probe out and we just we just kept saying yet one of these days one of these days look at look here this is crazy whoa that just means I'm getting quick into it I feel it god I feel it how do we I asked Pam I said what do you think about this she said Perry I think if the Lord is leading you you need to do it and I asked pastor who Pat Robbie James who's the pastor of Omega center international meeting with some of the staff and I believe that we're gonna do this I have asked Judy Jacobs and I to team up and Judy is going to do the music not we're gonna do Holy Ghost worship Holy Ghost can't meeting old school run the aisles shout fall out in the spirit I'm talking about we're talking about revival now like we grew up with we grew up with that some of these days I'm going home where Saro you know we grew up and the anointing would hit in that music people would run the aisles and I know some you've never seen that before especially this bunch yes but if you saw me from the beginning this match that I'm preaching to to not just have never experienced yeah if they run I'm gonna run if any of these move tonight I'm out of here you understand I'm a being you both we're gone baby we are gone yes for sure of the building and if you didn't see the beginning of our a program or go to the Facebook about them anyway May 11th right and I haven't given you the date but they're open May 11th on Monday night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and possibly Saturday we won't do it on Sunday because we're not interfering with churches right on this platform we're gonna have old-fashioned revival over the Internet and we're even Peyman I've even talked about some other things that are possible but Judy's gonna do the worship judy is spirit filled to the max yes and Jamie yes and they're gonna be with us and it's possible their daughters may even do some but I've asked her to come and head up camp-meeting music I'm a praise and worship person but I also grew up with camp minion when we used to have revival sure I'm not talking about a prophetic conference I may not even preach prophecy at this run we're talking about looking in the camera under and anointing and telling you to get up and be healed and God healing you I'm serious we're talking about conviction hitting you and you fall it right in front of your TV set with your boy that's a backslidden him come back to Jesus we will be announcing it heavy May 11 through the 15th I've not had a weeks week revival you know how many years since you've been with me have we had one no we did the Tuesday through Sunday Karthus you know Riano this is and I'm pride this is one I'm believing for okay come here come closer come closer give me give me a couple messages you remember me preach it I know you know one get gamblers at the cross one of them we always dr. Lao research there's another called how how big is God I never finished that one every time I preached it the joining of God faith faith hit people it was a faith message and people started getting healed of blindness and deafness and though and think I mean it was am I right summit in Alabama do you remember summit in the day oh my lord summit in Alabama it was a three week revival you probably didn't miss a night no you know who close the home him Tammy was raising the kids you coming - it was 22 months apart it's a far god bless you if Tammy's watching God bless you Tammy you're like Pam you've done a great work alive now there one Pam's favorite message of all times when God Slim's gosh chips in your shoes and I may go out I don't know if you'll preach what God tells you from but I might go and pull the classics out that made our ministry known around the world sure that people have never heard in 25 to 30 years out one just dropped in my ear Oh what are you gonna do with Ishmael oh no here's that conviction on me oh yeah what are you gonna do this man yeah here's what we're going to do now it'll be in girls the girls are the two secretaries that work at OCI pastor Robby's associates and assistants girls the dates are May 11th through the 15th if you get calls all right and we're excited and we're excited because there's a prophetic word and God tells you in the back my hair is just standing up we're talking about this the the Lord says to try the spirits now nothing bad can come out of this no but let us see what God does through the lens of a camera did you hear me what did the Lord say the beginning of the year he said revival will come through the lens of the camera I got up and told the prayer group I told us yeah yeah I'm excited cuz of and I thought it just meant the prayer Center where we pray on Thursday have y'all seen that yet you better tune in Thursday from 6 to 7 and join us and pray but that's not all of it that was a piece and no one knew no one now Rob pastor say something to the people just take time taking time talk about the community service whatever you want yeah we read our people we miss our Oh see our family Oh warrior I more believe godly the people in the in the stands right now in the chairs right now it's the puppets but huh but we do we miss you guys it seems like it's been forever oh and you know I now feel that in my spirit it feels like you know they keep extending things and keep extending things and you know the Bible says don't get weary in well-doing but sometimes this don't seem like well doing dust this seems like something we can't control it seems like something that we have we don't know what's going on look don't get weary in there don't get weird just because the waves is rocking the boat just because you don't see the other side of the all of us II know that as long as Jesus is in your boat and he's told you to go over you're going over to the other side it's gonna be alright people we we love you and you know I know that there's a lot of things especially we had tornadoes come through here Sunday night it was just it was very you know it reminded us about 2011 it was the same path seems like it run the same path and some of the same areas got damaged and it's you know it's always I did disaster relief for three and a half years for operation compassion and I've seen what tornadoes do it's devastating so we definitely pray for those people in the woods it's affected luckily our OCR people were safe and made but you know he's talking about communion we did you know I don't even know if I told you this we we had right around 500 people coming to communion at the process Friday that come up one at a time and it was just it was a great time the Lord will believe really touched people and people I know I enjoyed it great and you know and Easter we think Easter's come and gone but you know what Jesus is still alive oh he's risen every day I celebrate him every day and I know you guys do too but while your home in this time of heaviness this time of weariness of where this is going or what's going on like I said before especially the OCI people but if this is something that touches your heart do it also spend some time with your family get along read a scripture pray over one another especially the father's come on be the priests of the home and get your family together and lay hands on them prophesy over them pray over them and believe that God's gonna do great things through this in the unknown sometimes that's when God does his best work when we don't really see what's going on and we can't we don't know what's going on on the other side of the wall he's working he's already making it out for our good and we're gonna make it to the other side like I said I'm gonna get with the OCI people some and we're gonna start doing some even our small groups we're gonna try to do that through the internet and through different apps and things that we're looking at whichever ones the best way so we're gonna continue on for God and see great things we love you guys and can't wait for the first service back here hey I told pastor and I mean I'm in a season of re-evaluating things personally my own life I'm in a season of where does God going I'm in a season of how does this change affect the ministries ministries worldwide and I was with Nick Walker a young Minister who's watching and we just prayed and went to these little churches and some of you if you go to the YouTube channel hey Mandy what is that called back to my roots yes it's called back to my rich it's just a little five minute six minute clips of where my dad the church from my dad had the vision of heaven so um a lot of little things and I Drive through those mountains in my heart daddy was the same way I loved warrior fests I love preaching God has blessed me - you've been with me oh yeah God's blessed me to preach to large crowds for a preacher yeah most churches I go to are packed by Sunday night sometimes standing remotely doesn't matter where they're at chairs and the aisles because of our TV program that helps it's not because I'm a great preacher it's just people see you and they want to come hear you and I've told pastor I said I don't know how we'll do this now my wife is gonna watch me right now and she's gonna say this there he goes again with another vision oh god help us that's what she's gonna say oh here he goes again because she knows and you know me when your visionary you're always out there you're always saying what's next whoops I would like I need some people from West Virginia and Kentucky we think mountains of south south of southwestern Virginia West Virginia Toki I need some of you to go on and you tell me what you think about this others can't take I'd like to get a bus like John Kilpatrick has now I know if I could afford to buy one the motorcoach job but rent one or something yeah I said can't afford we could but yeah whether we want to do it or not it's a question she'd said that about not afford God's always able to help us he has sure and get something and you can drive it probably did yeah I know you can drive it I couldn't yeah but I need a healthy driver I don't want to get somebody like blessed heart one gospel singer had a driver they had a heart attack on the bus and it killed her roll the bus over so I don't want that I'd like to take weeks and every night hit a church of course to think about you gotta know where you gonna park the bus all that's copy playing now you know that's right that may be why you're like oh yeah we could get a car a van you know how they pull up y'all excuse me this is just me lately the older you get you do stuff like this you forget who you're talking to but you pull a car behind it right and sometimes we just take the car with three or four others for me and you and a couple preachers and go through these mountain churches and announce we're gonna come for one dot and just preach preach and just pray with people sure because the Lord said here's why I'm saying this the Lord said something bid will big what happened in America he said it in a prophecy you were there yeah honey and it's this yeah the church at Huntington Pastor Chuck if you happen to be watching for your members Huntington Tripler and we're seeing that right now I believe part of it sure but it said there'd be a rule revival can I tell you something I wanna be where God's gonna move absolutely he told me to go west and that's been greatly interrupted but I've not lost that I've not lost that idea there's already a lady talking about two states that I've never really preached it of going to these states next year Charlie Charlie knows who I'm talking about now I don't know where that comes into play I'm telling you that when I went back up there and saw these little churches with those little poor people and not everybody in West Virginia's poor don't get around this people they've been blessed coal mines are working in a lot of the areas God has helped people and I see these young people out on the streets with nothing to do my heart breaks yeah I don't want to start talking about it because here we'll go again but if you're from West Virginia Kentucky Mandy are we hearing from anybody from Kentucky or West Virginia or watch that you tell me where you're from there you go you go blog it right now I want these girls to look at this say I'm from Winchester Kentucky I'm from Lexington Kentucky I'm from tell us where you're from and then [Music] then we will look at that thank you Roberts gotta show me where my hanky is y'all excuse me just a minute here you get to get sinus drainage excuse me pardon me I just hate to do it on camera but it's all right you must do what you must do so we'll see ya now pastor let me say this he's not just a pastor he's a friend of mine for 30 years Robbie thank you for being my friend I love you bro [Music] you and Charlie have been my oldest friends and I'm getting older now I'm not old man yet but I thank you for helping me I thank you for standing with me and praying for me yes and the ministry and the way you love these people you love these people and I'll tell you something that Robbie we're gonna turn him loose I don't know Tammy may have to have a little bit of surgery done it so I don't know if next week will work or not but we're turning Robbie loose real soon here because he had priests listen to him listen the puppets are clapping the puppets should start clapping and he had preached in a while and I tell you when you when he doesn't in a while he'll come in here loaded with both barrels and the Holy Ghost flow in the oil flow it but even if our people aren't here be looking for that if you've never heard him and ministered and heard a minister with that anointing and then at some point a man to come up here and just stand beside me please I don't want to embarrass your baby but thank you so much for doing that now look y'all y'all gonna pray for me to stop crying it just messes everything up in my system god help Perry somebody out somebody home said lord please help here he needs it come here baby this is my only daughter whom I am well-pleased she is a blessing to me God gave me Jonathan to laugh at Jonathan's Mike Johnson is my comedienne funny jonathan is my comedian huh I'm funny you are funny yeah let's give her a hand all the puppets out there give her head but he gave you to me for joy now Jonathan brings me joy too but Jonathan makes me joyful from another rent area because we can just hang around him and he says something it's a dry humor and next thing I know I'm roaring then I'm just I'm just like but he he he gives me joy and humor you're a great joy both of you kids are and now my grandbabies oh my goodness see you parents that told me the grandbabies were great you weren't kidding now I'm not putting you on the spot I know you're supposed to do this but I want you to take pick a Tuesday in the next how many weeks you want to give her ten weeks seven weeks I want you to get a word from God oh and you don't have to preach like anybody you've ever seen you you you're your own person you're your own personality and when you minister you have a gift I'll say it to you publicly and I'll say it behind your back and are you got four of your friends here and they all know it the first time you stood up to testify and you took a microphone I looked at your mama I said oh my lord she has a gift to communicate to people it's a gift from God and you know that and I'm not building you up I'm just saying it's true but I feel like the Lord wants to stretch it a little bit and I would rather if I'm honest I'd rather for her to preach when the people are back and I'm a I'm a see where this is going in the next four weeks to see but I want Amanda to minister because she really gets a word it's amazing sometimes I hear her talking to somebody not thinking man you know I'm I've been preaching 44 years and I'm saying what she get that end and the Lord speaks to her would you just encourage the people from your heart honey just like you were talking to your friends you can do it for 30 seconds you don't have to do it alone but just encourage the people well we we really really miss you guys it's it's definitely weird coming in the building and you guys aren't here but I know that the Lord is moving just as strong in your homes and among your families as he would be if you were here tonight so I just pray blessings over you and your family and like pastor Rob you said over this time just be with your family you know don't take this time for granted I think it can be easy for all of us to kind of get stir-crazy you know go and just want to get out of the house and go somewhere but I just encourage all of you you know while we do have this time where we're not going going going I think it's really important for everybody to reevaluate you know priorities and putting family first and spending time with the people that you love and prioritizing the things that are important you know and getting alone with the Lord and making that top priority again above even gathering together for services yeah and so just be encouraged in that you know be with your family enjoy this time don't take it for granted and get with the Lord you know what let him show you things personally that you couldn't even get in the service corporately and yeah so we love you guys I have to say this to you nothing good is really there's nothing good about this virus there's nothing good about what it's doing other than it's making people search the Bible for prophecies is this even young people are doing it like I've never seen Nick Walker tell my kids were never interested in prophecy now they're asking all kinds of questions he said pops you're gonna have to help me because I don't know nothing about it it's it's turning people's hearts back to God because it's proving the Lord's coming I mean this is a sign it's a wake-up call it might be one of the last big ones we're gonna get before the coming go I don't know but I've said this laughing the greatest thing about this of everything for me is Mama's cooking and you know I'm telling you the truth Pam she's the best and you are too no I'm learning from the menu cooked something the other day what was it helped me yes it was a curry soup with noodles and it was as good as I've ever eaten in a restaurant seriously let's give her head let's give her head it was good it was great and then mama okay I don't know who did this thank you I mean I was it you teared me up somebody sent us and it didn't have a name so let me put no let me publicly say this because I didn't have to see a name and I want to thank you somebody sent us the best hamburger it was frozen for our family to have and you all ate it and I didn't because I was in West Virginia but Mama's gonna make my favorite everybody want anybody wanna know my favorite food is no of course she'd done a boring you to death but that's okay cuz I'm we're in charge of the service that will do it our way but it's Swedish meatballs and so you said the hamburger was incredible whoever sent it it's a Japanese hamburger and so Mama's gonna fix me when she go to do it did she stay tomorrow she's gonna fix me Swedish meatballs and let me tell you something they're they're incredible you just can't even imagine they're incredible so the good thing that came out of this if Pamela's watching she probably is is mom's been cooking and so I'm proud so we're gonna have a grand well what will you be aunt you'll be aunt I'm and I'm aunt he wants a aunt on how do you say it they don't man how do you say it here we used to say aunt and okay aunt you're gonna be an aunt I will be a granddaddy and give Orson give us her name Haruka and Arouca means healing and restoration Haruka Haruka Cait and so she'll be here probably by the next Tuesday she'll be here so you know what what happened don't you you know what hopefully you know what happened don't you there'll be pictures all over the place more likely you know and Robbie you need to get pictures of Tiffany's baby because both of the teacher two girls were born at the same time last time these are bought at the same time and let's just put what you'll Hana and Ellie and then put the new baby and the new baby sign and let's just show them how proud we are we got to we had to look at y'all's pictures four years four years they come grand baby brother selling hash it's most beautiful baby well now you're gonna have to look at mine amen Thank You Man let's give the Lord a hand all the folks out there all seven of you that are here oh thank you so much as you say getting of the word I found out the president was speaking and so we're kind of we're about to that point now where we can get that get that audience and we don't want them to miss the message that's why I'm saying that I want to do this right now and I want to say I have been overwhelmed at the response of the men and women from around the world actually that have supported the ministry during this time those of you that know me know that in 44 years I've only sent out one letter to a mailing list asking for financial help one in 44 years our partners never get mail from me asking for help we just basically tell them what projects were doing and what God is doing and that type of thing but you have overwhelmed us with your generosity thank you so much because it encourages my heart and the Lord told me years ago he said son don't worry about finances to meet the needs of the ministry minister to the people focus on ministering to the people and I have done that if you will and you'd like to in our OCI family this is our normal Tuesday service you can because our secretaries are stay at home now it's harder to come by the office go online and Jonathan put that up on the back screen and if this is how you can give and some of you already know this OCI ministries dot org right slash give OCI ministries dot org right slash give and we want you to take a moment now you can do it now or you can do it at the end of our message tonight I'm getting ready to preach in about three minutes by the way for those he's been waiting for that and we want you to know something I want to be I'm very honest I think Pam's told him before she says you're a little bit too what's the word when you're open it's not the word I'm looking for yeah she said you're way too transparent you tell people too much and maybe I do but I can't fake it I'm not a faker I've never been a faker if I'd been wrong I'll look at you and say I was wrong if I was right uh Santa wait a minute brother I'm right on this I know I'm right on this one I'm not a faker [Music] when I started the ministry the Lord told me to do it different and I have literally put everything every book the money goes back to the ministry the only time I got royalties was when I was paid by a company to write books charisma Steve strength for several years they gave me a personal royalty and it blessed me I was able to buy a vehicle and the next year another vehicle but it was personal money every cell from those books went back to voice of evangelism every penny every book tape video DVD on the table from the beginning of my ministry to this day goes back to voice of evangelism not me when I did this study Bible it took me seven years to write it I didn't ask for anything the board blessed me with a special bonus they said Perry you're going to help the ministry continue for years we want to give you something and my board blessed me but I didn't ask for anything from any Bible I've ever done and it's art it's actually our Bible it's our work that the Holy Spirit gave us but it's not we're not saying the Bible as long as we're saying that the commentary for seven years DVDs CDs everything on manna-fest you see this manifest offers I don't get one penny from it and I want people to know this I'm gonna tell you why because I see blogs where people think I'm making all this money it's not true by the way don't listen to people's opinions talk to the person directly the dumbest thing in the world is read somebody's blog and think they know what they're talking about half of America don't know what they're talking about 40% of the people I've met on Facebook not you guys here and I'm not talking about y'all cuz you guys are great but in the past but when they let everybody see it forty percent of people didn't know what they're talking about they were talking about I know Perry did this and Perry taught that Perry but where did you hear that so people can say anything they want to say but it doesn't mean it make it correct percent people have their own perception sometimes they they they perceive things and anyway we'll get into that but they have their own perception so what I'm saying is you need to know this that when you give by the website OCI ministries dot org right / give we have the church app for some of you from omega center you can text to give all of that will work anywhere you're at is that right Jonathan will text to give also work anywhere that really see I'm so ignorant with technology so text to give right here your text to give type them out to eight four three two one see obviously can you see those are there on the screen so let's take another minute give you the opportunity to do that now again here's what you're doing you're helping us to keep these presentations going presentations the word being taught going you're helping us if the world prayer Center we bring a whole team in just to do world prayer over there stay believe it or not you're helping people cut the grass keep the buildings up even though we're closed you're helping us in for example the VOE part to get the magazine out you're helping us to keep air time on television five million dollars of airtime on worldwide television fifty thinking about this fifty workers whose children and husbands many times depend on the ministry income did you know can I tell you something for God's glory there are churches now this is not for the glory I should have prefaced and said let me make this statement there are churches that have laid off all their staff with no pay cuz they don't have the money I had an organization that I'm familiar with I'm not a part of it they're wonderful I won't name them but over 800 preachers start churches to this organization they are known all over America and one of their directors texted me yesterday and said we're in a situation where half of our ministers rent from school buildings and the schools are closed won't won't let people in not even to do like a webcast they rip from buildings in tents we may be losing leases in our buildings we don't know now think about this here are young ministers on fire for God starting churches but they've had to let people go to God be the glory and it's because of God I only want to say it's because of God but it's because of your obedience that our fifty workers part-time and full-time not one has been laid off some of them most a lot most of them are able to stay at home and work and most of them I try to get a report because we can track them on their phones believe it or not oh I shouldn't have said that but we can track if they're working how many calls they're getting and they're getting a lot of calls and they're getting emails and they're answering them because you have to keep your credibility up if you say and you're working at home we don't want you out in the woods hunting or fishing or taking a drive you know for 10 hours when you're supposed to be on working and our people don't our people have been so good all of them ociso VOE but you know what you've helped make it possible so give right now give right now in Jesus name I'm getting ready to preach thank you for give me a time y'all mind if I stand up and stretch whew sitting on a chair like that will get you okay now let's pray father I'm getting ready to do something here that is important I'm getting ready to get into the Book of Daniel 2 verses that as I was driving back from West Virginia I got a real quickening on and you told me to share it with the people it will give them another understanding of what all this is about so I ask God that they not be distracted I ask you to give them an ability to not be distracted at all by anyone or anything right now to hear one of the most important words I believe I've had in a while in Jesus name and everybody said amen it sounds funny I say everybody said amen and nobody said nothing you hear a big a minute of it they're looking forward they're looking for a chance to save me okay my subject for the next few moments is going to be called is God fulfilling Daniels predictions The Book of Daniel is one of the Old Testament books and even Jesus authenticated in the New Testament that Daniel was a prophet and that Daniel did say certain things Jesus speaks about that in Matthew 24 so we know that this is an inspired book of the Word of God the book of Daniel is unique in that it begins to give a series of dreams and visions some were given to Kings like King Nebuchadnezzar others were given directly to the prophet Daniel to share with them events that would happen in the future one of the most significant significant aspects of the Book of Daniel is in chapter 2 chapter 7 and chapter 8 how that God Almighty sent angels and visions and understanding to Daniel of empires that would rule from the time of Babylon all the way to the very end of days when the Messiah would come back as I was driving from West Virginia meditating on different things the Lord gave me two verses that I was to share with you and then he said expound on these verses in detail now I will tonight look at my notes quite extensively because some of these are Hebrew word studies and I want to make sure that I'm getting them right and I'm sure and I hope that don't look tacky if Charlie was doing my program he said the book looks awful it's distractive and the hanky looks bad so Charlie just bear with bear with me here where we're trying to do the best we can about I need to lift this a little bit where I can see it in Daniel chapter 12 9 through 11 this is the last chapter of the Book of Daniel here's what it says and he said and this is an angel of the Lord speaking to the Prophet go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end meaning they're not going to be understood what I've shared with you be understood till the time of the end and he even mentions that in Chapter 12 for in the last days ministry run to and fro and knowledge will be increased but watch this verse many shall be purified now when will this happen at the time of the end the time of the end is prior to the return of Christ it's the many signs that the prophets have talked about Matthew 24 Luke 21 mark 13 events that are going to happen that you and I will see with our eyes and experience before Jesus literally returns to catch his bride or the saints away many shall be purified and made white and tried but the wicked shall do wickedly meaning there will be people that while all of this is going on and God is purifying people there'll be other people that just get more wicked they're not going to pay any attention how many know there's people right now they're not paying any attention to this you know one guy pretty much said today that it wasn't God helping everybody it was his decisions that were helping everybody so that's how people are that's what that's how they're thinking I'm paraphrasing there of course and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise will understand I want to keep on this many shall be purified and made white now if we go back to chapter 11 one chapter before verse 35 this is the one as I'm driving down the road and you may have never read this you may have never seen this this is almost a shocking verse but I want you to listen Daniel 11:35 and some of those of understanding shall fall to refine them to purify them and to make them white until the time of the end because it is still and he's writing this the end is still for a point of time now I want to read this again and I want you to get the words of this into your spirit get it into your heart I'm gonna read it slow and in some of those of understanding some of those that have knowledge some of those who are following God some of those that know the Bible I'd look I did Word Studies on what does it mean for those of understanding that's what it refers to can I say it this way and some who are Christians and some who are churchgoers and some who are ministers and some who are doing the things of God listen to this this is very important and some of those of understanding shall fall but the reason for the fall is to get them refined purify them make them white and till the time of in oh my lord I just felt something pay attention to this this is important now I do not want to take a scripture out of context so I have to ask myself is daniel 11:35 something that's already happened or is it something that it will happen in the future such as our time so what I did I went to the verses before it and I went to the verses after and when I went to the verses after I promise you all the hair on my body stood up because first of all he mentions here this is at the time of the end now that's an indicator of the timeframe time of the end is used extensively in the Book of Daniel but in the references it's the time period and we don't know if it's months or years it's a time period that unfolds before the visible return of the Messiah both for his bride I'll mention that at the end of the message or it can't allude to the end of the time or time of in being when Christ returns back to the earth to rule and reign a thousand years and that's found in Revelation chapter 20 now this is important at the time of the end and here are two verses that allude to it there is coming a refining process now for you six on the front row look at your neighborhood say refining process refining process now as I said a moment ago you have to take the scripture in the context so what I did Wyn from chapter 11 verse 35 to the end of the chapter and guess what those particular predictions at the end of the chapter are predictions that can refer to the Antichrist I mean I looked at and I don't want to teach that because it would sight at me from the thought at hand so if I can say it this way and I want you to trust me on the interpretation of chapter 11 here and you can check it for yourself prior to the revealing of the Antichrist there's going to be a major season of purification the Bible said to try them the word Hebrew they rebrova try means to melt smelt melting metals it really it alludes to putting gold or a expensive metal that has junk in it dross because you see gold is taken out of the earth and there's a lot of stuff in with it there's quartz you can take silver if you've ever seen a silver mine there's there's these particles so you just can't pull it out you got to put it in fire and get the particles burn out so when the Bible talks about here and this is important that this is going to be God is going to try them hit means put them into a fire to ensure that the stuff that's hanging onto them that could recommed astray and we're Hendren will eventually be burnt off now this is called in 1st Peter 1:7 the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold which is tried in the fire and there's that word again there's that word try tried mentioned there and it's the same it's the same meaning in Greek as it would be in the Hebrew of being assayed or tested by fire in a precious metal to get something out of it so this is what God is telling Daniel in Genesis 22 in verse 1 it said in God this is how the chapter is introduced and God did tempt Abraham now how do you relate that verse when we come to the New Testament in James and it reads there God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man this is where it's important to look at the words in the original Greek in James or the original Hebrew in Genesis to see what does it mean the word in Genesis 22 in the King James translation God did tempt the word tempt in Hebrew means to test something to see if it bears up under the pressure or to test something to see if it can hold up under the pressure so God says to Abraham take your only son Isaac and put him on Mount Moriah on the altar and offer him so God says I'm going it wasn't a temptation that probably the translation would be better rendered as some new translations do test God did test Abraham now why is he testing him to see Abraham you've told me you trust me now I'm gonna test you inside to see do you really trust me Abraham you too I told you that this boy would have a nation but do you still believe me if I tell you that you've got to put him on an altar for me so inside of Abraham in his mind his heart and spirit he had told god I believe you so God says I'm going to see if you do because I am going to ask you to give up the thing of your future I'm going to ask you to give up whoa I'm gonna ask you to give up something that you feel is connected to your destiny and I'm gonna make you lay Isaac down and you will tie him up on the altar and you will take his life and here's the crazy thing God was never gonna let him do that but Abraham was willing and here's what the Bible says in the New Testament and Abraham counted God able to raise him back from the dead here's what that means if if Abraham would have taken Isaac's life if he'd abhart him as a sacrifice before God he could have turned to heaven and said God you cannot lie you gave me a promise from your word that my son would be in many nations now put him back together again and resurrect him and God would have had to do it because God made a promise and swore by himself so the test was to test was he true in his mind was he true as heart was he true to spit and the bottom line is that God said if an earthly man is willing to give up his only son of the Covenant then one day I'll send my only Son and make a covenant with him that's what it was about here's what it was about so that Abraham and Isaac on the altar on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem would be a picture and a type and shadow of God the Father with Jesus Christ dying on a cross sacrificed on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem we had to have types and shadows in order to prove who Jesus was we had to have a picture from the Old Testament that says he fulfilled it so that's what it was all about but it was still a test and then we find in the New Testament there's a word tempt the Greek word is Perazzo and it means to pierce something through take a vessel let's take this cup this cup has water in it now this is a clay cup by the way guys I need to get another cup these clubs cups no no not to not just make sure I get a real nice one maybe that says roll tide on or something like that Robby Robby would like that but but this has water in it now if I were to take a drill and drill right here then what is in it would come out of it okay I would be able to see what was in it by piercing it did you get that let me say it again I would be able to see what's in it by piercing it so let's look at this word pad rods OPA rods Oh in Greek to tempt it a tip what is a temptation now listen to me everybody what is a temptation I will tell you from the Greek it is a pressure on you to see what's really in you it got quiet in the house they're not saying anything out there let me say it again it's pressure placed on you to really see what's in you because watch what the Bible said out of the heart now I can't see my heart I can't see it godness proceeds what is it fornication adultery murder lying thieves stealing so all of that begins inside so there can be Oh watch out now there can be stuff in you that you really don't know oh now listen I feel the anointing right here this is really interesting let me say it again god help me there can be things in you that you really don't know are in you you really don't until a pressure comes and then you begin to react to it based on the pressure now can I say something in without fear of contradiction I have never been tempted nor tested to smoke because I really think it's a bad habit that hurts your body so even though nicotine may make people feel better I would rather sleep and feel better and get up you know but I've never been tempted now there are my friends that I have that have been alcohol is another thing I have never said boy if I could just have a drink I know I can't drink but if I could just have a drink I've never had that not gonna tell you why I've seen it in front of me I've seen it at restaurants I'd go to these fancy restaurants some of the most beautiful places for people and partners take me but they happen to have wine there I've never been tempted my partners most of them don't drink anyway and I'm glad for that but I've never said Wow I wonder what that bottle tastes like I've never had that and I can tell you why because it's not in here the Bible said that say came to Jesus in the garden right and he said the prince of this world is coming but he hath nothing in me Jesus was saying he's going to put prayer can I tell you the kind of pressure he put Jesus under his sweat became as it were great drops of blood that's the pressure Jesus is under he is becoming sin he that noodles sin became sin that we can be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus so all of this is being placed on him but you know what it wasn't the devil doing it that's what he was telling the disciples when you see me going through a go Nia go Nia and Greek agony he said it's not the prince of this world he's coming it's God allowing it to happen because he's putting the sins of mankind on me and God had never felt sin till that moment and it was Christ that felt it now please follow me because this is important so what happens under a test because here's what it says go back to the original verses many will be tried there will be a trial many of them will be tried Daniel 12 nine to ten tried tested Greek word pad rods oh why please listen to me ready it is better for that which is in the heart or that which is being tested to come out to get it out of the way than to care it to your destruction I got a hope somebody heard that it is better to for it to come open and there it is than to somewhere carry it to destruction let's go to this idea of understanding those of understanding shall fall the word understanding here intelligence proper information and I checked the old commentaries and it actually refers to people to have understanding of God people have understanding of the word people that study the scripture and I'm going to say it this way so that we will understand it and many of those who were Christians will fall to refine them and purify them oh it's getting quiet in the house now it's quiet Robby this is a good word this is a word for all of us I'm not preaching to you I'm preaching for you this will help you if you listen someone says well that's not a good word no you go wrong that's where you're wrong this is a good word can I tell you why it's a good word you ready God's trying to keep all of us out of hell I'll get into that in a minute so those of understandings shall fall the word fall Casal to be weak in the legs especially at the ankles what does that mean what do you do with your ankles you walk you walk with your legs but your ankles are the key if you lock your ankles up you're gonna walk awkward if your ankles are broke you can't walk at all so here look at this many of you shall stumble in your walk I'm glad I got four young people nodding their heads and understand my message but you're gonna stumble and you walk because you're gonna get weak in the legs that's what the word fall cuz Sheol means to stumble many times we stumble over a stumbling block there was a law in the Bible that you should not put a stumbling block before a blind person it was a serious crime if you were caught doing that Christ is a stone of stumbling in 1st Peter chapter two and eight well how do you figure Christ is a stone of stumbling because people trip over his truth he's not causing them to fall but they're encountering truth and they come to that foundational rock of truth and they go to climb over and they just can't take it so they just slip off the side and say I ain't livin that way I ain't doing that and nobody gonna tell me what to do so now they stumbled when it comes to fall listen to Isaiah 40 verse 30 even the youths shall faint and be weary and young men shall utterly fall can I tell you something this that we're talking about from Daniel is just not older people in the church this can allude to young people who in the last day pressures are going to come things are going to happen and it's even the youth are not going to have the strength young people are committing suicide why are they committing suicide because they don't feel like they've got the strength to walk on this planet and they don't have the strength to live this is what Isaiah 40 is talking about not suicide itself but something that's making them fall by the wayside now let's get into the important part a time of purification what needs to be purified they'll track with me because we get into a little bit of prophecy here in the book of Revelation chapter 7 there are a total of 144,000 Jewish men and there are 12,000 of men from every tribe of Israel except the tribe of Dan now that's a whole different prophetic message we will not get into the Bible says in chapter 7 that they must be sealed with a seal of God in their head before the great judgments of the tribulation break out so God is sealing them to protect them track with me John in Chapter 7 verse 13 and 14 sees a multitude of people dressed in white don't miss this this is important part of this message they're dressed in white and he says who are these and the angel said you don't know no tell me the Bible says this these are they which come out of Great Tribulation stop stop stop wait a minute but and many shall be purified at the time of the end made white some of understanding shall fall to purify them and make them white there's your two verses but watch this these are they which have come out of Great Tribulation who have made who have made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb dr. ray Brubaker studied Greek at Moody Bible Institute dr. guru Baker was head of God's news behind the news he he loved to use the Greek language to show the different nuances and points I heard him talk about this chapter who were they that have come out of Great Tribulation mid and post-trib people that is people that believe Christ returns in the middle of the tribulation or at the end of the tribulation they use this verse to say see these are people who have come out of tribulation making their robes white in the blood of the Lamb but watch this our robes are supposed to already be white because he's coming after a church with that spot wrinkle or blemish this is not the church here these are people who made and he did a great word study on made their robes white and he said from the Greek context it means that they were not ready that they had a spots and blinkers wrinkles and blemishes and they could not go in the coming of Christ for the rapture and they had to go into the tribulation and through the process of the tribulation they turned their hearts totally over to God and God allowed them to read it serve him in his temple day and night a whole different group the Saints rule on earth a thousand years and her kings and priests and rulers but this group serves in the temple day and night are you listening somebody yes now they made their robes white in the blood of the lamb they came out but they made their robes white now let's look at white robes for a moment because this is a real point in bringing you to where I want to bring you in just a minute there will be a marriage supper of the lamb in heaven and the saints of God from all the New Covenant we're talking about from the time of the thief on the cross first man to be covered by the blood of Christ and enter into a covenant with the all the way to the last person to be safe from the Trump of God sounds and the Archangel shouts and Christ says come up and the dead rise and we meet them in the air and we are with the Lord we call that it's a theological word don't get hung up on the word it's just a word people are familiar with rapture of the church 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 16 17 caught up how to pazzo in Greek out of pass out to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air but here's what it says about the Saints that are at the marriage supper that that would be us or most of us excuse me I told you there would be a little distraction and if you don't know I'm talking about check out the beginning of the message later it was granted unto her this is the Christ bride this is the church it was granted to her that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints now please don't miss this to make your garment white does not allude to a natural garment to make your garment white would be a metaphor or the image of making sure there is no sin in your life making sure you're pure before God and that's how righteousness and justification by faith occurs it's because you've made your robe white in the blood of the Lamb Jesus blood saves you sanctifies you justifies you delivers you and heals you what more can you ask for I preached a message one time called this Bloods for you it's kind of a play on a commercial TV if you know what I'm talking about here's the need for cleaning now that's gonna get interesting you that are watching me at home pay attention it's going to get interesting this is where it gets interesting everything here was sort of some word studies to show you that Daniel 12 and Daniel 11 alludes to our time but why is need for purification here's why he is coming for a church without spot wrinkle or blemish and that alludes to the imagery there is a wedding garment they haven't asked you this how many brides are gonna march down the aisle with a coffee stain right on their belly I mean right there just right there's bees you can't be no coffee stain you know got this beautiful totally white garment on and there's a coffee stain right there we all excuse me I want to apologize before we have our wedding but I had to have my coffee before I got married and I just spilled it all over me you know what people would look at the whole time tell me the spot maybe said OS distraction oh look at that spot what if a woman on her wedding day came and everything looked like cotton and it was all wrinkled there's just wrinkles wrinkles wrinkles why you say what a lazy woman why didn't somebody on that thing you don't know and on your wedding day you do it well some people do it more than once in your life thank God - once 38 years you're married that one and you what you're wearing white one time and you get married one time and you're gonna put a wedding garment on that looks like it's been in some kind of a cupboard fold it up for ten years think about it so what he's saying here is he wants when he comes for the church for all the spots to be washed hello for the wrinkles to be ironed out for the blemish in a blemish a blemish on a wedding dress would be where it was so sewn am I saying that right and it opened up and came apart maybe at the sleeve or the back and it would be a blemish on the dress something got undone hello something got undone in the righteousness don't just think dress in the righteousness the right standing with God something got undone so what got no watch whoo so here's what I want to tell you and I really have part is the message everything up until now was to get you to this part and I'm telling you as I'm driving back from West Virginia I'm on a road somebody gonna have to drive for me next time I go up there cuz when I'm on this road and I'm getting revelation you know I'm not supposed to be on my phone I got a I don't want to forget and I'm going to my phone over here and I'm trying to do that voice text at notes but I want to share with you what the Lord told me pay attention everybody I'll do this to my office workers look look at my eyes look in my eyes pay attention that means that means give me ur under I do it to pay off a lot pammi look Pam here that means give me your undivided attention don't look down don't type something look at me how do you women know it's it's distractive when your husband's looking away watching a ballgame you're talking how many young people do the same thing you're trying to talk to somebody on their attention why am I saying that just because I want to okay here we go before the return of Christ there will come a major season of purification for the entire church did you hear me the entire church and the church is made up of people so we're not talking about a building or a denomination we're talking about the people the Bible says this let us cleanse ourselves I'm talking purification here from filthiness of the flesh in spirit now everybody looked this way everybody in the building looked this way about home look as well Pentecostal people are experts at spotting the flesh adultery fornication lying stealing cheating jealousy we know that but do you know what never gets preached on filthiness of the Spirit filthiness of the flesh filthiness of my flesh you can see if I have a habit or a problem you can see it because of my words or actions will reveal it but we're in the world what ever happened to filthiness of the Spirit unforgiveness gossip bitterness negative opinions jealousy you know where that stuff works where you can't see it on the inside you only know I'm jealous by how I talk about somebody then you know I'm jealous otherwise I can walk in a church and hide it from you you don't know if I'm bitter unless you hear me talk and then you hear that bitter to spew out of my spirit but you'll never know I'm bitter I can woo hallelujah glory to God be totally bitter toward that person sitting right over there and you never know it but I know it and God knows it and your jealousy and your bitterness and your unforgiveness never gets preached on in a church service very seldom because people will justify their conditions by talking about their hurt and they have the right to be angry at someone and bitter at someone because they're hurt and the hurt gives them the justification I hate to disappoint you but that's wrong because Jesus said more let me just blow your mind right here Jesus said more about the condition of the heart as it relates to your relationship with people with unforgiveness than he did about adultery because adultery can be seen but your unforgiveness cannot but your Bible says your unforgiveness can keep you out of heaven yes but you don't know what they've done to me do you know what they did to Jesus do you understand they beat him to a bloody pulp they placed a crown of thorns on his head they spat upon him they mocked him and then they nailed him to a tree with his hands and feet bleeding and he says Father forgive them because they don't know what they're doing now you listen to me if the son of Almighty God can hang on a cross and instead of saying I could call 12 legions of angels and I could destroy this place and he could have said why am i doing this this is stupid I'm the son of God I was with the father at crazy and I'm letting human men do this to me are you kidding me and he could have screamed out Sandom father and he said 12-lead in seventy two thousand angels would have come and he didn't you know what listen do you know why he forgave those men publicly with his mouth do you know why he forgave because he knew that if he was to be the high priest of heaven and he did not forgive those men of what they did how could he ever forgive you what he did was demonstrate to you what you have to do whether you want to or not because there's not just filthiness of the flesh my lord the Pentecostals preached on it all the time constantly that was their message and would turn around and bat bite the pastor across town in the lobby and turn around and hate somebody in the church because of how they were dressed I'm preaching anyhow so listen to me you you have to cleanse yourself from the flesh filthiness of the flesh and of the Spirit now there's three methods in which God cleanses and I'm almost done believe it or not and I'm going to give you the three and I'm going to lab right on it for a moment now these are the three ways that God will purify you number one is through a fiery trial can I say something and just because you're in a fiery trial doesn't mean you did something wrong I heard the Holy Spirit say clarify this because I don't want people getting self condemned what did I do wrong why am I going through this because the enemy would take how many know this the devil will quote the scripture against you he did that to Jesus however Ephesians 6 says that there are fiery darts of the enemy now let me explain to you what a difference is between a dart of the enemy and a fiery dart there's two different kinds a dart of the enemy that word can translate as an error that's from a bow really it can it can actually be a word used for missile so that's pretty bigger than an error a normal arrow is what's common to men there is no temptation taken you but such as common to man if you ever come across anybody that says well I've never been tempted they are a liar going to hell I'm sorry I'm just sorry to say it that way now they may have gotten victory in areas of their life but if if they ever wanted to lose their temper and tell somebody off they were tempted if they ever felt like getting in unforgiveness they were tempted but stay with me for just a moment a normal arrow is something that people battle that's common for example I guarantee you everybody here at one time or another lost your temper everybody's sitting here at one time another said one thing one thing and you wish you'd never said it probably many things but at least one thing you wish never said everybody sitting here did things you wish you didn't do but some of that's common stuff everybody deals with it here's what a fiery dart is a fiery dart are thoughts that enter your mind that burn that you can't get rid of we would call it an obsession and so it's something that hits you that is like a fire it's like it still burns next day it still burns third day you can anybody ever been there where it's something it can be depression it just stays on you and you wish it would live but it stays on you and I look I'm going through it I have very big compassion at and I have a little bit of a neurological problem that don't help me sometimes most of you know that you're me I'm very and by the way for you to get tired of me saying who you know you have a little autism you can't believe the hundreds of parents that have said cried and said thank you I have a son who suffers with this that I heard you say that and a little boy little boy nine years old that has autism said to his mommy mommy did you hear what brothers stone said if God can help brothers stone preach maybe I can be a preacher so you hear me say that and I know sometimes my staff gets tired of or think I'm using it for some excuse for some kind of weakness of God but I have it I have a neurological issue that I have to deal with okay but I tell people because I'm not a social butterfly all these kids and you see me goofing off with him and not if I'm comfortable with you I'm I'll cut up and talk to you but if I don't know you I'm awkward socially I would admit it to you first here's them here's my question hey what's your name what are you from God bless you that's requested that's it in the truth these kids have been with me when I sign people's books and hey what's your name are you from God bless you hey what's your name where you're from god bless you where's your name where you're from god bless you and that's all I know to say because if I don't know them I have no conversation area unless I'm talking about the Lord they're not gonna talk about the Lord forever let's go back to this so at times now listen to me some of you want to know why you're going through what you're going through it is possible it is a trial of your faith which is more precious than gold being put in fire more precious listen to what the Lord said to Peter Peter here more precious than gold which is tried in the fire that it will come forth pure so listen don't despise a fiery trial seriously when when you're in a fiery trial let's say you're just being harassed you may live in a house where you were totally harassed and persecuted by people calling you a nut a fanatic and you following these cults and you just get harassed every day go to your bedroom and say Lord you said in your word that when men persecute me for righteousness a great as my reward thank you I'm getting them my reward just growing everyday living in this crazy house you know that's how you have to treat it but there are times you will go through a trial that you just said I don't understand why I'm going through this why am I going through these series of trials and I want to say something sometimes it's demonic attacks and sometimes it's spiritual attacks it doesn't mean you've done anything but I am making a point that sometimes it's purification because it can be a trial that burns something out that purifies so by still here say Amen the second thing that can happen and I'm gonna save the third one for last is going through a time of tribulation now a fiery trial is a single trial often but tribulation watch is a series of events that come all at once we would say fiery trial and then trials different level and have you ever heard it said that when it rains it pours and it's like if one thing went bad their Lord than three things are gonna go bad and trouble comes in threes has anybody ever heard of those expression trouble comes in threes and sometimes it does so my point is in the tribulation in Revelation it says they made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb the third one I want to talk about is one that nobody wants to deal with chastisement the third way that God purifies you is it says as many as he loves he chastises and the Bible even says this that if God does not chaste a person for disobedience they're illegitimate in him you know what that means they have no real relationship with him he only listened to this guy this is great he only chastises those who he loves what's a chastisement chastisement is correction for error but it is severe correction for error and what happens at times is God will expose what you are or what sin you are what you're dealing with in it it becomes open sometimes it becomes open to people but sometimes it just becomes open under situations and you feel the humility the shame or the embarrassment of what you've said or done and so you go through chastisement I do not say this in any way to be what's the word I'm looking for this sounds special like I'm unique that I can do this I have been chastised by the Lord and raised my hands and thanked him every day and I'm gonna tell you why I said lord thank you for this thank you for this whipping thank you for beating me so that's it thank you Lord for this whip and thank you for chastisement thank you look and you know why I did it because I knew it would correct me and realign me so if you've ever said or done anything and later you say oh boy why did I do that and the Lord hits you let me ask my little Amen Corner of young people has anybody been there a little bit can I get a hit can I get an amen look at it everybody the building everybody the building are you serious raise your hand that's no better now raise your hand if everybody and by the bills been okay you just did something you didn't use wisdom or you said something and you should never said it the next thing you know conviction comes Wow and then you get this really severe whipping by the Lord you feel you get broken God why dad say that why'd I do that why did I act like that why'd I treat them that way why did I tell them off when I lost my temper whatever it is but you know what the best thing that can happen is that here's why because it humbles you back before God and then it realigns you into his presence and here's what I want to say to all of you watching me when you're going through it don't be angry at God oh my goodness the last thing maybe you're totally embarrassed with it don't be angry at God say this to the Lord Lord I just want to thank you watch that you love me so much you love me so much that you would let me see myself as I am and you would let me go through this to make watch to purify me can I can I tell you our something let me ask y'all young people something do any of you remember when you really accepted the Lord like when the moment you really did it not just you erase in church can you remember the moment raise your hand if you remember the moment there's anybody here remember the moment do you can I ask you this how did you feel after you really knew you were saved what was the feeling talk to me I mean you're ruling the oh my God Jesus come into my heart did you feel different help me you felt different did you feel like something it lifted off of you so many times in my early revivals they would say I feel so grab never felt this great my life when it's not about feeling but we know why they felt great cuz they felt clean that great feeling that you had was the guilt was now gone oh and you know what when you get out from under guilt shame and condemnation you will feel different because you're carrying something God does not intend for you to carry there's a reason behind the chastisement there's a reason behind making your rose well watch this now this is the good part this men's part of the old message pay attention during this time of the coronavirus and during this time of people staying inside and during this time of people and they really have evaluating their walk with God backsliders lukewarm people you just can't believe a Baptist pastor preach Sunday and had 7,000 people say for the first time did you want to just hit one preacher one pastor called me from West Virginia had 400 people say these are people really coming to God say I heard it all my life I was raised in church I've been paying no attention oh my god the world's about to end no the rules not about to end but this is the wake-up call from God as it was in the days of Noah when the world shut down it is from God it's a wake-up call from God so I want you to understand something I want you to track with me right here this is important why is God sending a complete purification to the church to our hearts to our spirits to her mother why it has to do with us being the Bride of Christ he is now this is this is all in the parables in this story's book revelation Christ is the groom we are his bride he has planned a marriage supper for us in Revelation 19 but to attend that supper your garment of righteousness has to be right remember what it says he prepared a supper and they were dressed in linen which is the righteousness of the saints at the wedding of Cana this is so good I gotta stand up I'm sorry young I know the Cameron fella slope was bet fell asleep right there oh no I was sitting in one spot this is too good to sit down the track with me I got to tell you this at the wedding of Cana of Galilee in John 2 there was a wedding Jesus was invited to the wedding and they ran out of wine and the connector will you trust me on this this was not 12% full alcohol wine they called wine wine in the New Testament when it had no alcohol in it too this was like the pure blood of the of the juice okay and so I'm talking about the wine Jesus created whatever they were drinking before don't know but the wine he created was different but watch this side I want to tell me to make this clear watch Mary is concerned because in that day you've celebrated a wedding seven days and the whole neighborhood showed up and it was an embarrassment to the family if you ran out of anything and Mary is now saying we have run out of something they've run out of wine Jesus you've got to help us this was somebody related to Jesus because he had brothers and sisters if you'll read it he had family that was getting married because Jesus and Mary both were there and she was very concerned it's interesting it's thick that adds another light to the story why she's really wanting him to do something because the family's about to get embarrassed really bad cuz Nazareth and Cana are very close to each other I've been to Israel thirty-eight times and can tell you that okay mat one mountain here Mountain over here Jesus asked them to get six waterpots of rock they're made out of stone they're cut out of solid stone and your Bible says in John two after the manner of the purification of the Jews I never understood what that meant till I did a study on the ashes of the red heifer and we're not gonna get into that but watch carefully these water pots were made of stone because they were this was water used for two types of purification number one every wedding guests had to wash their hands and their feet to come into the wedding because you know there were dusty roads back then so you wanted to be clean so these water pots were taken to Springs and filled and brought back to the guest and poured into different containers where people could wash but there was another thing they were used for it and this is where it gets real heavy there was and is in Israel something called the mikveh the mikveh is a baptismal pool we would call it this I'm trying to explain it to people never seen one and I'm standing at a platform and I'm about three foot down to the floor the mikveh was cut into rock and has steps that went down to it and it was filled with water sometimes it was rainwater where it would rain and the but in some areas it didn't rain much so here's what they did they use spring water and they would fill these containers up with water and carry them watch and pour them into the mikveh now guess who has to submerge before the wedding the bride the bride in other words the bride had to be purified all over her body and had to go into that water of the mikveh before the wedding that's my point about the purification that's my point about why it's now I'm telling you I cannot tell you the number of people who've said to me God is really really dealing with me about stuff stuff that never bothered me stuff that honestly it's not gonna send me to hell it's it's not gonna I mean it got it'd gonna look at me a judgement and rebuke me but it's a distraction you know I spent so much time on my phone I never pray I spent so much time on my computer I mean pray during the week I just pray and sure I'm not talking about me but I'm too met people who have said I just haven't been close to God I go to church and the music's good the preachers good and I hoop and holler a little bit and go home and a week later come back but I'm just not think I have not been close I've I've been lukewarm if something else come up I'd go do it if somebody for some friends said let's go to the theater Tuesday night instead of OCI yeah we got OCI next week carnal and just lukewarm and God is saying God is saying this returns coming and I've got a supper and it's too many wrinkles I've had them I've had some wrinkles that's one thing about you I'll tell you when I was wrong I've been blemished I've been wrinkled and so of you so of you but now the Lord says this I love you enough that when you stand in front of me I want to say to you well done wow you really man you showed up every money to practice you didn't have to do that but you love you love worshipping me so much you're willing to Brad you drove all the way from Georgia every Tuesday everything good job son you my spirit moved and you bless the pastor Robby Pastor Robby you got in that old truck you got in that truck and pulled that product there for Thursday come back on Monday and come back to this office hey Robby guess how many people got saving feel the Holy Ghost cause you pulled a truck full of product your hands were on the boxes your hands was on the product when you hand it to people guess what pastor you weren't just working for Perry stone you were helping people get something in their hands that change their life Oh My Lord Jesus and I want to thank God for tests Iseman I want to thank God for purification I want to thank God for trials my trials have made me what I am today my trials have made me understand people's problems bedroom my trials have have given me compassion for people who go through stuff be careful criticizing what people go through because if you become too vocal about it you'll have to go through the same thing with the same judgment you judge he'll make you judge it he'll say you know what you're talking about them that way I'm gonna put you under and you see what like watch preach I want anybody to look at me right here because unless I'm talking to and we're gonna pray and then in a moment don't do it now but after we really pray and touch God I want you to blog to these two secretaries because I'm gonna pray a sinner's prayer and here's what I want to do I want to ask anybody watching me from anywhere in the world that you know about God and you know about Jesus and you've heard people talk about him maybe you even grew up around Church you know now you know a little bit about the Bible but you really have not truthfully from your heart made Jesus the Lord owner of your life there's backsliders watching me right now there's people that have had a relationship with God and maybe connections with the wrong people just a minute I'm getting a word of knowledge there's a woman watching me right now you and your husband both were Christians and actively involved in a church I know of which I say by the revelation of the word of knowledge and he walked out on you for another woman and you prayed for him to come back because you really loved him you were very hurt he never came back and you became angry at God and you have walked away from your faith because you were so hurt and the Lord said come back come back home to your father come back home to the one who really does care about you he said to tell you I never really left you you left me he said to tell you but I've watched you because I'm an all-seeing God he said to tell you that there had been times that you've had just a small touch of my presence that she would feel but she would turn from it and he's giving you an opportunity sister to say lord I don't understand what happened but I'm I'm gonna use a phrase from an old preacher I'm not going to hell over a mystery I'm not going to be lost over something I don't understand I want you to pray a sinner's prayer with me I want backsliders to pray it I want people that have been Luke when I'm talking I feel like rain come on up here I feel like I'm talking to people and I think it's a I think it's a larger number I think it would surprise me if I knew how many there were there had been lukewarm the Bible says the cares of life deceitfulness of riches that means working for money without you just wanting money money money cares of life that's all the pressures of living deceitfulness of riches less of other things choke the word and you become totally unfruitful but not only will you become unfruitful but you'll become totally lukewarm and and the Lord said this is a heavy word if you're lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth on the day of judgment meaning you're not accepted in the kingdom that's a hard word but I'm telling you the Lord sent me here to tell some of you that your trial is for purification this coronavirus has come it is not there's nothing good about it other than God could allow this and you this to get your spirit right with him and to help you understand that we're in the last days of the time of the end all right I'm gonna lead you in a prayer I want you to pray it out loud there's a hat this man there's several people watching where there's more than one there's several of you gather together you have a smart TV it's pretty good size and your watch I don't know how that works but somehow you've you've hooked up in to be able to watch me on TV or something you got a wire in there you got some figured out words it's it's not I always think of little screen this is a big screen and there's a whole bunch of you and there's a boy there's a son you're a teenager and you said if God's real let that preacher say something to me he is right now that's right son that's right don't act like don't sit there and act like I'm not talking to you he's kind of hanging out there with a couple folks yeah it's fast most family hang out there kind of listening and you're lost as a goose man lost is a goose in a hailstorm don't know where it's going don't know where it's flying he said we this is real Memphis real what Illume say something to me the Holy Ghost did so now it's time for you to get right because if God will stop sit make a guy in Tennessee stop doing what he's doing he's getting ready to pray to get your attention you pray this prayer don't you be ashamed to pray did you pray it out loud let's pray everybody at home let's just pray together said it's with me Heavenly Father in Jesus name tonight I've heard your word tonight your presence is touching my heart I'm asking you in the name of Jesus to cleanse me to purify me by the blood of Jesus God take out of me all disobedience all evil thoughts all carnal desires everything that's in me forgive me for all my sins cleanse me tonight by the blood of Jesus come into my life and help me to serve you the rest of my life in Jesus name now say that's with me right now I'm forgiven right now I receive Jesus as my lord [Music] hmm now lift your hands and begin to praise them I've got a crowd here not a crowded group with let's put our hands up let's praise God right now father I thank you everybody that's at home everybody that's at home let's praise the Lord right now father I thank you in the name of Jesus I praise you in the name of Jesus I glorify you in the name of Jesus I thank you for the anointing I thank you for the spirit I thank you for the power of God I thank you for the young-shin of the Holy Ghost father in Jesus name let the power of the enemy be broken that the life of God be released in every person that's hurt me God those who are who are right now going to their computer and they're sending me a message right here on this webcast God that we're doing right here from OCI Omega center international father I ask you to minister to every one of them in Jesus name [Music] now I know I would normally tell you to find a good church to attend but you can't attend one right now but if you are from a Christian home then get your Bible and or get it get your Bible and get books that you can understand get subjects that will build your faith up and will help you in the things of God to understand let me tell you somebody study I'm addicted to the Word of God I'm addicted to studying the Bible I really am because I like to dig out things I didn't know I like to learn things I do I love learning stuff I didn't know I study every day to find out something I did not know that's what keeps me motivated just study the Bible and I've been studying for 44 years I've I have way over 170 thousand hours of studying do you know to this day I still find things I didn't know a word it's I didn't know the Greek word of the Hebrew word or a history I didn't know but I want you to I want you to get with a church family I want you to consistently watch OCI whoever is preaching if it's me Amanda pastor Robby pastor Cutshaw dr. Cutshaw I want you to tune in and let me tell you sooner or later and this this is I told Pam today I said this is the part that that frightens me more than anything else more than anything else sooner or later things will get back to some normality they will because in the days of Noah they were eating drinking marry and giving in marriage until the day so we're going to go back to eating drinking marrying and giving in marriage that's gonna happen has to according to Jesus but what scares me is people are so stirred stirred about getting sick and dying and losing their job and losing their business that they're turning to God but I don't want them to turn back to what they were just because things get better and they do it they do it Jesus told Israel don't forget don't forget don't forget when I bless you don't forget don't forget he kept telling him that but I want you to follow him because out of this up I believe it a great revivals coming a great move of God there's one more move of God coming to the earth a great outpouring and God will do it in his time right now he's got this is so crazy he's got you locked up in a house like the children of Israel Egypt behind doors to where you can eat the land oh god I felt the Holy Ghost storm that would where you can eat the lamb eat the word learners I felt something right there praise God they sat in that house and they ate the lamb and life came and the more they ate life came and healing came now they're there over here getting your messages that you're sending me and Mandy and Ashley pay very careful attention to anybody who said they've prayed the sinner's prayer and I don't know who that boy is there was a boy watching me and I don't huh oh you do did she send something can you come up here is it I don't have to have her name I wouldn't person this is the woman that the word of knowledge came for is it alright if I look at this bear with me here I am the woman whose husband left me after 22 years of marriage and that would be 1995 I guess I lost my faith and you just hear what the Holy Spirit said right I was saved in 75 I'll never deny my lord however I waned in and out and I prayed that prayer with you see how the Holy Ghost will stop something now I want you to understand something that when a person receives a word that's pretty direct like that don't ever look at the person and say wasn't that amazing look at an amazing God that would love a lady watching I'm not even sure where she's from about a whole nother country hold another part of the world a whole nother state and God loves that person and that now sis let me tell you something the Lord loves you and I want you to be encouraged I want you to be encouraged that the Spirit of God had you tonight I don't know if that if the boy watching sometimes people don't have direct access to a computer if they got it hooked up to the TV but if that boys watching that prayed that prayer somebody needs to let me know and I know a lot of times on the blogs they go by so fast and the girls have to go by later and oh hey man can you come back up here Paula y'all come up can you give me I want a rejoicing song I feel like there's a victory that has happened you got one of those you know you know what my favorite one is you - glory glory can you do that give you glory girl everybody just we have the crowd here the crowd we have about we've got under 10 trust me so we're safe but stand up and let's worship together they're gonna sing and I want you if you've been saved if you come back to the Lord if you pray the sinner's prayer I want you to go and blog me but don't forget if you did not give him the offering to help us you can do that right after we go off the air be sure to do that here we go [Music] are you lord shower indeed Monsieur [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh just keep on streaming John [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right here's a young man I'm just gonna call his name Dawson that says I am the teenage boy that you talked to somebody I wish I had a house full of people here but but heavens worshipping angels are worshiping it's just one moment and you know set me free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you became [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you say me [Music] [Applause] that same [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] she [Music] jeez [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you became [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they said face they just said that many many people have rededicated their life to the Lord now Thursday night we will be back at the world prayer center here this beautiful set and we're going to be really really seeking God very very heavy and just praying for you please tune in you need this we need this and continue to do the will of God continue to do the best you can under these circumstances that you are under and just well I didn't wasn't gonna say anything about this it's sitting here but this is the book that's on manna-fest now secrets of the third heaven you can get that online at but thank you for so many people you know I had a lady this that she wrote me and I asked Andrea to contact her to send me the details she had a little granddaughter three years old that actually died went to heaven and sat in Jesus lap and talked about playing with a lion and how there was another animal coming with other animals but that lion was playing with these animals as I was afraid of it at first and Jesus said don't be afraid it's not gonna hurt you and it was real cuddly a lion and she started talking about and this is a three year old she talked about how Jesus took me to his daddy and she just saw the father and says he has a big seat that's blue and the Bible says he sits on the Sapphire throne are you kidding me and so I got to I got to here read that today thank you and for those of you that and I don't need Mandy and Ashley the later look at these or give me a report on West Virginia Kentucky and southwestern Virginia I don't know where all of this is going we are going to have the revival in May online wouldn't it be a wouldn't it be so cool if by the middle of May the governor said well you know what we've come through most of this and we could have like a week's revival with OCI and Judy's people that would that not be like insane that would be that would be crazy so if do Jim and Judy and Jamie I'm not sure if you watch that we're gonna plan that so thank you for joining me it's hard for me to shut up because I'm so filled with what I see God doing and I give him all the glory and all the praise and I thank you for your giving thank you so much people I'm telling you I have been encouraged in that because I have not traveled I don't know if everybody knows this I cancelled everything in May I had two services we can't do so I've been I have no travel March April and May that's not a preacher not having a job you know I'm saying because I traveled that's what I do but the Lord showed me I told you all this the Lord showed me this would happen years ago and so in my spirit I kind of knew something would happen but the Lord's given me the outlet to be able to preach to all of you and to pray for all of you and that's what I like to do and I appreciate my puppet crowd tonight if Jonathan wants to get one more shot of the of the church congregation because some of the people did not get to see the wonderful you know that was about the boringest bunch of people to preach to though because they didn't respond they didn't move I didn't hit they didn't clap they didn't do anything anyway god bless you we're going to go off the air now Jonathan we'll put this on YouTube immediately immediately Jonathan go ahead and do what you need to do and get it on YouTube
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 153,028
Rating: 4.868082 out of 5
Id: vihQmIbWyGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 49sec (9349 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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