Four amazing AI tools for teachers || Best free AI tools for teaching

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hello folks welcome to Guru Tech Solutions  teaching is Noble profession and many of us   take it as career since it allows us to stay up  toate with the trends in World at the same time   teaching is hectic job as we are living in the  era of AI therefore in today's video we will be   exploring four best AI tools for teachers from  personalized lesson plans to real-time student   feedback these Cutting Edge tools revolutionize  the classroom experience stay ahead in the world   of Education technology and discover how AI is  reshaping teaching methods elevate your teaching   game with these Innovative tools designed  to make learning more engaging and effective   without further delay let's dive [Music] into AI  tool number one first of all all open your web   browser and in search bar type elena. us then hit  enter this will take you to the official page of   this AI tool I am scrolling down you can see the  interface looks like this here you can see some of   the highlights what this AI can do for you this AI  has been designed to make life of Educators easier   since it allows you to upload your document and  interact with them besides it talks about a prompt   like Library again this is unique feature as we  have a notice prompt library in various AI tools   available including chat GPT Google bard and bang  likewise this AI offers tailor teaching tools that   can be used to create standard aligned curriculum  such as lesson plan unit plan besides it also   creates quizzes various activities and many more  moreover it allows to collaborate with other   teachers and organize your resources in drive to  begin I will click get started once you click it   will ask you to sign in first for that I am using  my Google account let me input my ID and password   then you will land here to set up your profile I  will input my first name and last name as well and   then I will describe my role as a teacher besides  you can upload your picture click next then   you have to write your workspace name and then  again it asks to describe workspace it gives you   different options from here I will choose school  then hit enter and here you can write your email   address then again it asks Your Role I will Define  my role as a teacher you can choose yours as PR   your rooll by click next finally we will land on  this page this app is extremely userfriendly and   looks beautiful most AI tools for teachers are  superficial and create content that might be   out of context and primitive in nature but Elena  AI lets the teacher work with it at each stage   of the content generation process besides this  lets users create customized and usable content   this is the AI chat feature of Elena you can see  predefined prompt the AI chat feature comes with   prompt library with hundreds of useful prompts  however AI tools like chat GPT and others lack   this feature and this stands aena apart from  rest of the tools we came across so far here   comes the chat bar where you can type your prompt  to ask anything you want from Elena AI moreover it   allows to upload file attachments and ask the AI  related questions besides you can import documents   from Google Drive and ask AI related questions  more importantly it even allows to speak to the   chat with Mike and further it provides you an  opportunity to paste link of any website or   document to interact with let's explore further  The Prompt library and let me ask about classroom   management techniques by clicking it allows you  to choose prompts from predefined prompts let's   suppose I want to develop a classroom management  plan that outline rules consequences and reward   by clicking this AI will generate complete  classroom management techniques outline that   focuses on consequences and rewards pertaining to  classroom management in this you can use this AI   tool for various Purpose By choosing prompts from  the library the interesting part is that it allows   you to share chats as link with your colleagues  and fellows besides chat history is stored as well   which can later be accessed now let's move towards  its tools so by clicking here you will get various   options it allows you to create lesson plan unit  plan learning activities generate quizzes rubrics   and many anymore let's explore its lesson planner  feature to access this feature we will click here   and it will land us on this interface from here  we have to enter our topic around which we want   this AI to create lesson plan let's suppose I want  this AI to create lesson plan around understanding photosynthesis and then in next I have to choose  the grade level for which I am creating this   lesson plan here you have got various options but  we will choose grade six next we have an option to   choose our subject here you can see various  subjects have been given but I will go with   life and physical science moreover teachers  can use their existing content as point of   reference for the AI to generate content whether  through file uploads or Google Drive Imports then   the next option you have about instructional  model this AI has various predefined specific   instructional models that can be chosen to teach  any specific notion since we have chosen a science   concept therefore I will go with a most prominent  instructional model that 5e model then we have to   click get start this will land us here the next  step is to choose standards or Benchmark here you   can see there are number of standards are given  you can choose as per your requirement now you can   see we have objectives in goal we can type them  manually but this AI can write it for you you   just need to click AI generate and this AI will  automatically generate objective and goals for   your lesson plan once you are done with this step  then next we have to select the duration of our   class let's suppose my class is of 45 minutes then  Here Comes an option to generate lesson procedure   for that we will click AI generate and this AI  will automatically generate lesson procedures so   here we have the entire procedure to implement  in our class with specified time duration for   each procedure then the next step is to create  material and resources for that we have to   click AI generate and this AI will automatically  generate materials and resources for our class   in the next step we will hit generate lesson  plan and here you can see it's automatically   generating the entire lesson plan for grade six  you can see it's writing each and everything so   in the final look you can see this lesson plan is  about understanding photosynthesis and it's for   grade six level the subject is life and physical  science and the duration is 45 minutes here comes   the objective and goals of this lesson plan  and then lesson procedures and we are using   5D model to teach this particular concept once  you are done with this you will click continue   to Next Step it will process and here comes  this interface you can see this is the lesson   plan which we have just created next to this you  can see a suggestion this AI tool suggest further   modification you can read these suggestions and  if you want to make changes as for the suggestion   you just have to click it let me click it and  you will see this AI will rewrite the entire   lesson plan and it will ask you to confirm the  changes once you think you are fine with the   changes you can accept the changes otherwise you  can reject them as well once you are done with   these changes and suggestions you can save your  lesson plan for that you can click copy and you   can paste this entire lesson plan wherever you  want in a separate document besides it allows   you to download this lesson plan for that we will  click here and an automatic PDF document of our   lesson plan will be downloaded into our system  so Elena AI lets the teacher create lesson plan   and it allows them to work with it at each stage  of the content generation process this lets users   create customized and usable content besides this  allows to save you work in the workspace as well   which later can be access now this time let's  explore its quiz generator feature by clicking   this will ask us the topic around which we want  this AI to generate quiz the process is same as   discussed previously first we will type our topic  understanding photosynthesis then here comes the   grade level we will choose grade six then we  have to choose our subject so it's life and   physical science besides we can choose to upload  any particular document which actually supports to   create quiz once you are done with this process  you will hit get started then the process will   initialize and here comes the next phase again  you can choose your benchmark or standard from   here then content to be covered AI generate will  write down the entire content which this quiz is   going to cover once you are done with this process  then you can specify the number of questions so   let's suppose I want 10 questions and the time  duration we would prefer 15 minutes then Elena   suggests it will create six mcqs two true or FAL  FSE one Fillin the blanks and one matching item   once done with this we will hit generate quiz here  you can see it's generating quiz for us besides   it provides keys for every item as well once we  are done with this we will continue to next step   and here comes your entire quiz and some of the  suggestions this AI has suggested some changes   you can read them and apply those suggestions the  process is same as to discussed previously the   Elena AI can help with each step of the process  which truly makes it teaching assistant in this   way you can use Elena AI for generating quizzes  in single click this AI tool has got various other   features you can explore them and let us know in  the comments section about your experience with   Elena the next thing we want to discuss which is  unique that is its Drive feature it allows you to   save your work one of the essential features  is its Drive share feature Elena is designed   for multiple teachers to collaborate it means you  can share your work with your colleagues and even   work directly with teachers in collaboration here  you can see our lesson plan which we created you   can access it and still you can make changes in  order to make changes in your existing documents   you just need to select the text and then you will  get various options to make changes at any stage   whatever you create using this platform you can  make changes at any time let's suppose we want   to change objectives and goals in our lesson  plan this time we want to expand the selected   text you can see it is expanding the text once  it's done you will get an option to accept or   reject it once accepted it will be added in your  document automatically in this way Elena AI can be   used for various purposes I have tried various AI  for teachers but most of them are superficial and   create content that might be out of context and  primitive in nature but Elena AI lets the teacher   work with it at each stage of the content  generation process and it lets users create   customized and usable content the best part of  this AI is that it is extremely userfriendly and   looks beautiful let's discuss AI tool number  two open your web browser and type education   co-pilot and click the very first provided  link this will lead you to the official page   of this AI tool to log in we will use our Gmail  account you can follow the same process to access it after signing in the final interface looks like this now we just have to click workshop and  from here you can see various features have   been given under same page now let's discuss a few  of them one by one let's explore recipe Builder by   clicking on it this window will appear before you  here you can see it asks about the topic around   which we want this AI to generate content just  next to this it asks about inputting the grade   level next to this you will see four checklists  the first is about lesson plan second is about   PowerPoint followed by context Builder and  educational handout so let's suppose I want   to win input quadratic equation for grade 10  then I will click generate resources this AI   will generate content around the input instruction  we just need to wait for it it will process and   bring forth the results one by one boom here you  can see the results in the top right corner three   different PDF documents first one is about context  Builder second one is about quadratic equation   educational handout followed by a lesson plan  now we will open them one by one in check let's   open the context Builder you can see a separate  PDF document will be opened in this PDF document   the details of the notion have been provided from  vocabulary terms to each and every concept can be   seen here read the ready-made context Builder to  have a strong grasp on the concept of quadratic   equation before appearing in your class once  you are done with reading you can download it   and save it on your system now let's check the  other autod developed PDF documents this time   we will be checking the AI made lesson plan a  very detailed lesson plan can be seen here as   created automatically on our quick prompt check  out the aim and objectives followed by possible   materials that might require to execute the plan  moreover modeled practice and guided practice are   also available more importantly this plan contains  the common areas where students struggle most of   the time the lesson plan ends with a suggested  way to close the lesson you can download it by   just following the same process as discussed  earlier let's dive into discuss AI tool number   three type in the search bar this will  lead you to the official page of this free AI   tool so the interface looks like this now we just  have to sign in for that I will be using my Gmail   account once once you are done with inputting your  account details it will automatically sign in here   you can see so this is the prompt bar here we'll  ask this AI tool whatever we want as teachers we   always find it difficult to develop lesson plans  for our classes so let us explore whether this AI   assists in this regard or not so let's suppose I  want this AI to develop a detailed lesson plan for   grade seven around the notion of ratio besides  I want this AI to suggest to two best activ   activities to engage me students in effective  way once you are done with typing your prompt   hit the enter key this will process and will  generate results in a few seconds boom here you   go you can see that this free AI has developed  a well organized lesson plan in a just single click now let's analyze a little  deeper the provided lesson plan the very first step is defining objectives  and it can be seen here this depends on   how you input The Prompt the more  precise prompt could lead to better results moreover a list of resources has been  provided as this can assist the plan in a better   and productive way again it depends on your  prompt to ask for specific resources and then   this AI has suggested 10 minutes for introducing  the concept for that it has emphasized to link   the concept with daily life for instance teachers  are supposed to provide a few contextual examples   like how ratio is maintained while cooking  something this will help them realize that   they are familiar with the concept it will help  students to connect what they are studying in the   classroom with their daily life this AI has  suggested 20 minutes for defining the notion   of ratio and explanation of its mathematical  notation moreover 30 minutes minutes has been   suggested for practicing problem it has clearly  stated how to practice the concept by providing   worksheets containing problems related to ratio  more importantly it has dedicated the next 30   minutes to group activities where it has been  suggested to divide the class into four equal   groups and further details to execute the activity  is provided finally it is suggested to include   some games to teach the idea in hand to make  the understanding better again if you do not   have any game in mind pertaining to the concept  and class level this AI will surely help you in   this regard as well so in this way we can develop  lesson plans to engage students in the teaching   and learning process sometimes the student asks  about practical examples of what goes on inside   the classroom in that case we can use this AI  to learn more about the Notions let's suppose I   want to know a few real life applications  of Ra ratio just type and wait for the response here you go a few of the Practical examples as it has provided many however ratio  can be used while cooking or it can be used to   differentiate between students who passed the  exam and those who didn't in this way various   examples can be extracted from this free AI tool  and can be used in classroom to make sense of the   abstract Concepts more specifically if I want  to know how ratio can be used in cooking I will   just type and let the AI respond over my concern  here you can see how it has generated a detailed   response in This Way teachers can use this AI  tool to make sure that they are in position to   respond to every question from students send  and the important part is that on the right   side various website links can be seen and to  learn more we just need to click and this will   lead us to the official pages of various websites  from where this AI tool has extracted this very   information moreover if we want to add pictures  in our lesson plan or in our classroom activity   we can just use this AI for that we have to  click images and it will open various images   which can be used to visualize the concepts in  hand similarly if you want to make your lesson   More vibrant by adding various videos this AI  can provide that as well for this you just have   to click here and various videos can be seen  around the notion of ratio in nutshell under   one free AI everything is available teachers  just need to be familiar with these AI tools   to make their classroom more engaging last but  not least AI tool number four which is chat GPT   Yes you heard it right this free AI tool can also  be used by teachers for various purposes so let's   explore how this can be used by teachers let's  suppose I want to develop a lesson plan around   the concept of slope for grade n I will type it in  the prompt bar it will process and generate autor response boom it has started generating  a lesson plan around my input wait for a   few seconds to make your lesson  plan ready you can see that it   has developed a detailed lesson  plan including predefined lesson objectives also suggested resources  required for the lesson to be taught   besides the detailed description of the  introduction part is provided moreover   it has suggested specific time to complete  the direct instruction guided instruction   and independent practice in addition suggested  ways to assess students learning outcomes let's   explore further as sometimes teachers feel  it difficult to decide which activity works   better to make students understand the concept  so to have better suggestions about activities   we can use this free AI tool let me ask this AI  tool to generate an activity around the concept   we are interested in just type in the prompt  bar and wait for the magic here you can see   that it has suggested a detail activity which  can be performed in order to make sure students   understand the notion very well now let's search  for real life examples of the lesson we intended   to teach type this in the given prompt bar and  you will get numerous examples related to the   practical usage of the notion as teachers we must  have practical applications of these Concepts in   our hand or mind otherwise there are chances to  stuck at some point read between the provided   lines and select any particular example that you  think fits your context or classroom besides if   you are not satisfied with the examples provided  you can ask for more examples in this way you can   make various examples part and parcel of your  daily routine lessons moreover teachers can   use this AI to make themselves acquainted with  various misconceptions that could arise while teaching for that you just need  to type and this AI will help   you to figure out possible misconceptions  that could interfere students conceptual understanding teachers having knowledge about  possible misconceptions will surely help students   to get rid of them and make better understanding  in the same way this free AI tool can be used for   other purposes that include quizzes classroom  practice work preest post test and assessment   rubrics as well I believe the AI has the potential  to assist teachers in make their teaching more   effective and engaging using the discussed AI  tools in the video you can expedite your teaching   process and make your teaching more Innovative  I hope you like the content if so let us know   by commenting on the video besides for more  such AI based content don't forget to subscribe   Guru Tech Solutions we will meet in next video  till let take good care of yourself [Music] bye
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 4,893
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Keywords: Four amazing AI tools for teachers, ai for teachers, ai tools for teachers, ai tools, ai tool for teachers, ai tools for research, free ai tools, best ai tools, ai tools for learning, ai tools for students, ai for students, ai tools for language teachers, ai tools for research paper, free ai tools for teachers, ai tools for researchers, ai tools for texts, ai, ai tools for university, ai tools for 2023, free ai tools for researchers and teachers, ai content writing tools
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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