Movement 2020 + Corey Russell @officialcoreyrussell

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just lift your hands this is funny father we thank you Lord for all that you have done father we ask you right now that you would enlarge our capacity father we ask you a fresh that you would release the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of your son father I pray for light to touch our minds light to touch our emotions light to touch our spirits enlarged or capacity holy spirit father charged the atmosphere with lie and with your presence come on let's go for just one minute all over the room literature voice loud arabic arabic arabic arabic arabic arabic o swat o.o LMAO Yoruba you who search the deep things of God who rob Akata Arabic I a rabbit a rabbit a rabbit I Robo Soto you rabbit I a guramukh I a rabbit a a who rob Akata arabic o - yo Jean de la moto your rabbit I a Jesus you are exalted far above every principality power ruler and Dominion Jesus you have the name that is above every name all power and glory and Dominion belong to you Jesus we exalt you and extol you we magnify you son of man son of God glorious father we bless you we honor you sandal Abba Calle come on 30 more seconds here level two your rabbit eye a rabbit at a aerobic Oh - yo yo yo yo sandal avocado your rabbit ia horrible kata Aruba Soto hello - yo hey Liberto your rubber coat oh yo la moto you according to the riches of your glory strengthen us with my through your spirit in our inner man Christ with dwelling our hearts to faith enlarge our capacity Holy Spirit enlarge your capacity Holy Spirit spirit of Revelation touch us [Applause] chandelier Ibaka elbow to your Rob Acosta Arabic Arabic Allah below your rebecca de la boca to your Abba kata yeah come on just 30 more seconds I want the loud ones to get quieter and I want the quieter ones to get louder come on that's it let's just hear a rumble in this room hey leave o to You Father we thank you that we are here today in 2020 we thank you for all that you have in your heart for this next decade Whataya rebozo toy rabbit ayah allah bow to you Rebecca tell a bucket or a bucket Arabic Arabic Atta le bow to your Abba gotta Arab Agha Soto you're a bozo shun de la boat oh you're a baccata yoruba soto yo shunda lobato your rebus auto your rebus o todo el about Oh your rebus auto your rebus sotto you ooh Rebecca talib asoto your Abba kata yaropolk Otto you elbow to your Rebecca shot or avocado your avocado elbow to your Abba kata Arabic Otto your Abba Katia hoorah baccata Arabic o to you rob ikata a schandle about oh your Abba Katia raba cattle a hoorah baccata a we bless your name Jesus we honor you Lamb of God we adore you King of Kings we bless you son of man we love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus it's good to be here in your presence it's good to be here with you we thank you we bless you in Jesus name Amen amen amen grab a seat Salah Vittorio it's good to be with you guys go ahead and turn to Psalm 1 a lot of people ask me how are you doing a lot of times I just said I'm just glad to be here just glad to be here I'm so grateful for all that God did in the last decade in the last decades I really feel like we're moving I feel like Psalm 126 has kind of been an overarching banner I know for my life over the last decade specifically that phrase where it says those who sow in tears will reap in joy says he who continually goes forth weeping shall doubtless come again rejoicing carrying his sheaves with him I don't know about you but the last decade has been a decade of a lot of weeping many bottles have been getting filled Psalm 56 David says store my tears into your model and I believe that we're moving into a season where he is going to turn the water of tears into the wine of the Holy Spirit I'm not just trying to be the optimistic preacher who's finding something cool to say on January 3rd or whatever day it is second somewhere in there but I believe with all my heart those who sow in tears are gonna reap in joy and I believe we're going to see massive captivity captive set free in this next decade we're going to see much the release of joy and the release the atmosphere of heaven and the harvest in unprecedented ways harvest in our lives harvest in our families harvest in the nations of the earth and I believe that he's been taking us through and I feel like we're coming through on the other side into this and I'm excited I've been hearing the Holy Spirit saying Cory it's time to run it's time to run hearing the Holy Spirit say I feel like we're in that kind of season we're hearing that first Kings 18 that's showdown of Elijah after the three and a half year drought in the land and Elijah shows back up and I feel like we're in the season of the drought ending glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit so I'm I'm filled with great expectation I'm sober I'm stirred I'm alert and I'm glad to be here [Applause] just glad to be here makes you happy and hungry I'll keep wrestling over which direction I want to go Lord just says pick one go ahead and turn to Revelation 22 I might go back to Psalm 1 here in a second I've got about 30 to 35 minutes so I'm just I'm about to go let's do it let's look at the verse that we know well it's in most of our songs we're all familiar with it but yet I believe it's one of the clearest prophecies of what the church is going to look like before the Lord returns I believe Jesus is going to return because the church wants him to return and the church is going to want him to return because we see him like we've never seen him before we you will only want Jesus to the degree that you see Jesus you will only want Jesus to the degree you see Jesus you're not going to want somebody you're not seeing go ahead and look in verse 16 because this is what the Lord was speaking to me on the way over here he goes it says I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David the bright and Morning Star and then look at verse 17 we all know this verse but that's the problem we know it the spirit and the bride say come everybody just say that say the spirit and the bride say come say it again say the spirit and the bride say come I'll finish out the rest of the verse it says let him who hears say come let him who thirst come whoever desires let him take the water of life freely I love that this is one of the last verses in the Word of God and I love the fact of this because it took all of the Word of God it took all of history to get the church into this point this is a three-fold prophesy of where we're going number one the days are coming to where the church and the Holy Spirit are going to come into unity with one another for the last 2,000 years Holy Spirit has been on FM and the church has been on a.m. number two the church is going to come into a specific identity it's a bridal identity the revelation of Jesus as bridegroom and us as his bride his cherished longed for mature bride is going to come forth out of the earth and when the nitrogen of the Spirit meets the glycerin of the bridal identity we're going to see a global explosion erupt across the earth and it's going to be the global cry and our D is going to call out to his D and will provoke the son of man back to the planet God has two great ingredients to get us to this point great presence and great pressure is going to produce a great prayer I believe that we're in the middle of a wineskin shift right now we are in the middle of God rearranging and transitioning the body into new wineskins that can contain the new wine I believe he's raising up local churches local praying churches who are going to put ministry to God in intercession at the heart of the local church Jesus did not die for 45 minutes in 20 bucks Jesus did not die so that we would spend the other six days 23 hours and 15 minutes of our weeks disconnected he said my house shall be a house of prayer that's not a Mike Bickle thing it's not a young eacho and Korea thing that's an isaiah 50:6 john to matthew 21 this is the eternal identity of God's people is to be a house of prayer prayer wouldn't be a slice of the pie but it would be the pie from which all other ministries flow out of and what God is doing right now is he's rearranging wineskins and structures and he's putting him back at the center and ministry to him at the center and he's delivering the church from looking just to men and women on stages saying we'll pay you to go talk to God and God's raising up friends of the bridegroom who are going to get out of the way and come out of control and manipulation and who are going to begin to equip the Saints and the church and to their priestly identity of what it means to minister to God he's raising up leaders who are going to get out of the way and who are going to serve as John 3:29 Friends of the bridegroom who are going to stand like John the Baptist saying I'm not the bridegroom this woman belongs to another man I am the friend of the bridegroom and I stand and I hear the bridegroom's voice and I rejoice greatly not by how many people are coming to my church not by how much money I have in our bank account I rejoice in the encounter of the bridegroom's voice he goes therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled he's raising up a new breed of leaders that find their fulfillment not in numbers finances and initiatives but finding their sole fulfillment in the encounter of the bridegroom's face and heart and we're in the middle of a light-skinned shift of a new breed of leadership leaders like Jesus that provoke one question teach us to pray they spent three and a half years with the Son of God and they never asked him teach us to preach prophesy heal or do miracles the Son of God the greatest leader ever lived in such a way in his prayer life lived in such a way the disciples wanted his prayer life because they connected the dots that Jesus's public life was the result of his private life here's a good question for you does anybody want your prayer life I got a vision for leadership leadership and Holmes little Bobby it's seven years old waking up running in the living room and seeing mom on the couch Bible open notebook open worship music on and Bobby hits a threshold as he looks and he sees tears coming down mom's face and a revelation hits little Bobby in that moment Jesus isn't a once-a-week meeting [Applause] he's a real person I can't get fully to revelation 22 just yet because we're in the middle of a wineskin shift but who in here knows I believed in this decade we are getting poised and prepared because God's not going to release the fullness of his spirit and old wineskins and old paradigms in old ways of doing it he's racing up new wineskins that can contain the new wine and I believe that God's going to help the church get into unity with the Holy Spirit by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit John 17:20 to the glory you've given me I've given them he's gonna release great glory I mean who in here believes it in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit no we have a lot of attack on that these days which is it is it coming from above is it coming out of here where is it coming from it's coming from every direction that's just stupid little distractions don't waste your time whether it's blowing out of here or coming from up there just go radically after God and say God I want fullness in this hour I want geysers breaking out of me I want the heavens over me I want it all [Applause] we're not gonna get to John 17 unity by trying harder it's gonna take glory but it's also going to take they think about what's got you into the chair that you're sitting in right now presence and pressure he rocks you at a conference just to go back home and put you in pressure and do you know what presence and pressure is doing to the church because we're going to see a global outpouring but we're going to we're steadily moving into that great tribulation hour we're going to see the pressure cooker put on the whole global church across the earth but this is what glory and tribulation is going to produce in the church it's going to deliver us from Independence and it's going to deliver us from isolation there is coming a greater revelry and shaking does in your life it delivers you from the from the lie that you can do this in your own strength your own ability and your own wisdom there is coming a greater dependence on the Holy Spirit everybody say Holy Spirit say Holy Spirit holy spirit open your hand up right now that's what everybody say what's he saying he's saying get to know me no one loves Jesus more than Holy Spirit no one loves the Bible more than Holy Spirit no one loves holy like Holy Spirit and I believe that presence and pressure is going to deliver you and drive you into a deeper intimacy friendship and communion with the Holy Spirit now put your hand on your belly art many people that I go and lay hands on we have not learned how to cultivate the interior life of fellowship in with the Holy Spirit most believers love feelings outside but they haven't cultivated gardens inside we love to feel the anointing we love to feel the atmosphere but after the event and after the conference when we close our eyes there's not much going on God wants to take you on a descent into a deeper dependence and fellowship with the indwelling Holy Spirit I want to tell you that the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire is coming to the church I believe specifically the baptism of fire in all four Gospels John spoke of the one who would baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire and I believe fire is coming to the church because you will only unify with the Holy Spirit to the degree you submit to the Holy Spirit he will first confront you to conform you and I believe that the baptism of fire is going to increase in these next years as the fire begins to cleanse out his threshing floor to prepare for the week and the activity of God in the soul of man we have relegated Holy Spirit to meetings we love to talk about Jesus he's definable and manageable we can talk about father cuz he gives good hugs and he's just like Jesus but I believe that there is going to come an equivalent emphasizing of the third person of the Trinity the Holy Spirit in this decade like no other time because you cannot love Jesus outside of the Holy Spirit we treat I just want you to know as as you begin to cry out for the fire he's going to begin to jack up Christianity for you because religion will let you live on the outside with lots of high praises I'm talking about Pentecostal religion charismatic religion glory glory glory some people get turned off by tongues other people get turned off by weird manifestations that's the easy stuff the fire of God is coming to where he is going to begin to confront secret pockets of lying and deception and cheating cheating on your taxes lying small lies hypocrisy he will begin to get up into the places religion can never touch religion will let you look good on the outside it will let you have your tongues it will let you have your glory dances but it will never touch the interior garden of your life to where it's one seamless flow of the life of God in the soul of man the baptism of fire is coming the baptism of fire is coming we treat holy spirit I don't know if you have this but and I come from our consult to where there's usually a drunk uncle at Christmas anybody have a drunk uncle at Christmas anybody used to be the drunk uncle at Christmas anybody is working it out this is what you do you put him off in the backroom because this is what happens when he comes out at Christmas he'll begin to stir up all the elephants in the family he'll begin to stir up all the dysfunction behind our nice Instagram pictures he'll begin to stir up all the issues between mother and daughter and brother and father-in-law and sister-in-law and he just stirs up the whole mess and Holy Spirit is like that because when he begins to come he begins to get into the middle of the deepest and most intimate places in our soul and in our relationships jesus said it this way in Luke 12 49 I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled everybody says Jesus came to bring peace he goes do you think I came to bring peace no I came to bring division from now on it's going to be Christmas dinner mother-in-law against daughter-in-law son against father mother-in-law daughter-in-law father-in-law what Jesus saying when the fire begins to break in I will get up into the middle of the most intimate of family relationships and for a season it will look like division but we're going to have unity on my terms we're going to have unity on my terms he doesn't want a fake unity he doesn't want a plastic unity he doesn't want a plastic Christianity he wants a people who have left the fire of God begin to cleanse out everything on the inside of here and the inside of here the spirit and the bride the spirit and the bride [Applause] plastic is over it's not going to survive glory and shaking I can fool you I can fool her I can fool everybody else but plastic christianity is not going to make it any further Holy Spirit is coming and he's coming with fire he's coming to refine and purify and sanctify and set his people apart who wants the fire I don't want yours fire on me I want fire in me cuz listen listen [Applause] cuz if you just get the fire on you it's gonna crush everything all around you if you don't have it on the inside Holy Spirit I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled Holy Spirit is going to confront to conform Holy Spirit is our wedding planner Holy Spirit is your wedding planner this is what Holy Spirit's going to do to the church he's gonna deliver us from religious praying and he's going to awaken Bridal identity and Bridal language and intimacy with the father in the son oh no you're not hearing me see this is what the fire does it burns up the chaff it burns up the chaff of wrong views of God and wrong views of yourself Holy Spirit begins to deal with the taskmaster the harsh God the disappointed God the angry God he begins to burn up the disappointed father he begins to burn up all the chaff of dead religion all the repor mats driven Christianity he begins to burn up all the other fake identities and false identities Holy Spirit what he begins to do is he confronts to conform and then he teaches you how to talk to God he changes your language from yelling at God to communing with God and to God Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses we don't know how to pray as we are holy spirit is coming to wash away listen he's coming to release a great cleansing on the church and I tell you what's coming in this new decade new garments are coming to the church in this new decade new garments new turbans I got about 10 minutes and I'm just going to shoot things at you Zechariah 3 is coming to the church Ephesians 5 says that the church will be glorious without spot or wrinkle he's going to cleanse the spots and he's going to iron out the wrinkles that's Ephesians 5 26 and 27 he's going to change your views of God and change your views of yourself he's going to teach us how to pray we're gonna pray in the Holy Ghost we're gonna pray the Bible we're gonna talk to Jesus the church is going to come out of widowhood we're gonna come out of orphanhood we're gonna quit yelling outside in the yard we got a bunch of slaves yelling outside in the yard but he's releasing the revelation of sonship and Bridal identity to bring us into the house he's bringing the church into the house and the house is the place of acceptance and identity and it's the place of inheritance and it's the place of ruling and reigning with the Son of God I was going to preach to you Psalm 2 but here's some too in 30 seconds when nations are raging Jesus comes out of the chaos and he comes into the house and he makes eye contact with the father and he hears what the father speaks over him and then he asked for his inheritance from within the house as things get more intense in the culture your great act of warfare is to come out of the swirl eye contact with the father is the highest act of warfare you can make against the devil in this hour eye contact with the bridegroom is the greatest level of warfare you can make against the kingdom of darkness in this hour we have to come out of the counsel of the ungodly we have to come out of the path of the sinners we have to come out of the seat of the scornful and we need to get into a new dialogue called meditation it is word day and nights the spirit and the bride spirit and sons the Spirit of the bride new garments are coming strongholds are breaking lies are being destroyed and when the nitrogen of the Holy Spirit meets the glycerin of the bride we're going to see breakthrough praying happen it's time for breakthrough prayer breakthrough prayer in our lives in our marriages and our families holy spirit I got like five more minutes Holy Spirit hallelujah the last decade the last seven years have been the hardest of my life and in the middle of it all it was Psalm 2 this is what he said in the midst of the storm son come out of the yard quit responding to circumstances come into the house let me talk first and then tell me what I told you come out of going to war against the storms he's been talking to me I spoke this couple of nights ago Matthew 8 what Jesus doing in the boat he's asleep and what does the rest of in the house come from when Jesus stands up in the boat what does he do he speaks to the winds and the waves and they stop and there was a great calm and Jesus found the strongman over the region and we saw two demoniac delivered bound by the unclean spirit holy spirit we love you Holy Spirit we bless you Holy Spirit I love you with all my heart I thank you we're so grateful to be here God God teaches how to come out of the yard teach us how to come into the house of identity and sonship and beloved identity and rest as Jesus heard from the Father I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me what Jesus doing when nations are raging when kings are plotting when judges are conspiring what's he doing he's in the prayer room and he's speaking back to the Father what the father's spoken over him and the father is speaking over the church in this hour your greatest places of warfare are going to become your greatest places of inheritance it's time for the spirit of Prayer but most of us just define prayer as nice soaking rooms I love to soak but if all you'd have is intimacy when are you getting pregnant it's illegitimate intimacy to soak all day without getting filled with the deep burdens and longings of his heart we need a church that gets intimate but you're getting filled with something not just you having a nice quiet time we need a church that gets filled with the longings and the burdens and the dreams and the longings and the dreams of the father because the intimacy room is going to lead you to the travail room and you're gonna begin to enter into a contending and it's your birthday and into a travail so that that which God filled you with will get released into the natural I loved soaking but beware of soaking cultures that isn't leading to travail it's time for a contending and for a travailing and for a come Lord Jesus come to me come near me and come for me come to me and intimacy come near us in revival and come for us at your coming thy kingdom spirit and the bride say spirit of intercession is going to come on the church spirit of intercession is going to come on the church tears are coming back to the church travail is coming back to the church tongues is coming back to the church I'm not talking about when you fall down at the altar and a couple of dribblings come out of you I need more than plastic charismatic Christianity oh I want to partner with the heart of God I want to be like Elijah that hears the sound of abundance of rain and then puts my head between my knees and refuses to get discouraged by the sound of there is nothing higher I'm not talking about just yelling for yelling sake that which is born of the flesh swallowed birth the flesh I don't need you to start yelling now but I'm here to tell you there is a global travail that's coming on the church there is a spirit of prayer because prayer is more than just you feeling comfortable tears tongues travail and let's ask him for it right now let's just stand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen listen whenever I begin a new year I always go to Philippians 3 Paul says I forget the things that are behind me not only forget your failures I believe for the prayer movement we need to forget our successes we need to forget our breakthroughs 10 years ago we need to let go of living in the memory of what it looked like before and trying to recreate that I believe there's a move of the Holy Spirit that's coming on us and he's about going to take us into that prayer room Bridal identity fueled by the Holy Spirit this is all open up our hands I just want to ask for that baptism of fire Romans 8 we don't know what to do or how to pray but he helps us he ask of me I'll give nations everybody say nations Jesus is bringing us into the prayer room for nations for nations for nations some of you are going to spread out over maps in your living room nations that are coming to our cities Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit right now just look up at it and say Holy Spirit Holy Spirit I need you Holy Spirit we want you the spirit and the bride say come Lord Jesus ask of me I'll give Nations as your inheritance further in the name of Jesus I ask you for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire let's ask him together to say father in the name of Jesus baptized me with the Holy Ghost and fire in the name of Jesus I receive the Holy Ghost and fire receive the Holy Spirit now pray there say deliver me [Music] of Independence and isolation god I need you and I need my brothers and sisters [Applause] Jean de la boat Oh your Ibaka father we ask you right now let the spirit of prayer rise come on decrease the spread of prayer come on three minutes all over the room some of you pray inside I'm gonna come into the house I'm tired of yelling in the yard I don't want to yell in the yard any longer I'm coming into the bridal chambers of intimacy [Applause] ha ha ha ha ha lift your hands come on ha ha ha oh come on Lord sweep across this room right now in the name of Jesus father I pray that you would release and awakening a spirit of prayer right now Wow ho ho Israel mark your people God my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel [Applause] that's it that's it come on it's getting on you now Israel will be saved [Applause] further in the name of Jesus we ask you to open the heavens right now in the name of Jesus and we ask you for the spirit of revival to be released released the prayer for revival break off the been there done that spirit break the I've been there before spirit you don't know nothing I don't know nothing we're in kindergarten it's time to run again prayer movement it's time to run again it's time to run again for runners it's time to run again yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Alijah ran up I had a vey happy chariot sandal about oh yeah [Applause] or Ibaka 30 more seconds then I gotta go come on come on let me hear a roar begin to pray in the spirit give me the spirit of prayer God give me the spirit of prayer God give me tears Jesus give me travail Jesus release the prayer of the Holy Ghost release the spirit of breakthrough in the name of Jesus [Applause] he's in revival to America send revival to America send revival to our homes send revival to our families send revival to our churches send revival to our cities God send the outpouring of the Holy Ghost God send revival fire oh that you would rend the heavens and that you would come down [Applause] le bateau Yoruba kata arabic @ IA elbow anybody never received your prayer language and you want to right now wave at me today's your lucky day for the rest of you in the room lift your right hand do this do this and do that you just threw your tongues badge in the trash I don't care if you got tongues my question is this tongues got you the greatest the plasticity that's breaking off the church is dead forms dead forms spirit of Prayer calm we want the fire of the Holy Spirit who in here the last decade has been really intense good good good [Applause] good this is what we signed up for this is what we were made for we're made for war we're made for war we're made for war let the cry of the warrior arise and the church that the cry of the warrior arise in the church good last thing before she takes it put your hand to the person to your right in your left say spirit of prayer spirit of fire spirit of glory spirit of Revelation glory when fire [Applause] [Laughter] just give Jesus a shot a man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh Jesus Jesus [Applause]
Channel: Awaken The Dawn
Views: 3,762
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: Awaken The Dawn, ATD, Movement, Tent America, Nick Rector, David Bradshaw, Furnace Music, UpperRoom, Bethel Music, Elevation Worship, Bill Johnson, Lou Engle, Sean Feucht, Worship Music, Prayer, Christian, Mike Bickle
Id: ti8eU7BIeg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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