FOUND WW2 MILITARY TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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sergeant yep right there sergeant all right here we go and three this is a world war two trunk and three to halo if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for today we're in Marysville Ohio there's gonna be roughly 15 units up for auction now the law of right of redemption still applies they can come in they can pay off their back delinquent fees and they can redeem that unit so they'll probably be a few less but we're still on the hunt for the treasure let's see what the Hales we can find a day my name is Jeff Reinhardt I'll be serving his rocks near my wife Carol's inside soaking up the AC with Noreen she's behind you after 50 years Noreen will be leading us through the process we have how many units month 14 years so today so you stay with us I'm glad to be here doing a complete mini storage it's been a couple months since we've been around so when I say sold you buy it once we unlock the unit the garage door will go up you have a chance to take a look inside can't go inside the unit can't open any boxes take a good look I'll give you a little bit of time we have a nice crowd today good weather but we're gonna move right along with totes in the back looks like grandma might have passed away and they stored it all up I'm not sure what what grandma was doing with the surf shop stuff come on real quick who do that hunters we're running out of enemy along come on come on give unloading you want your pity dollars 50 75 bidding me a 70 75 I have any $7,500 got to be 100 quarter and 50 and 100 hand now seventy-five 175 way you do or partner well they would give me 200 you have ten but if it's a bit of the $200 on 70 vomit among them in the quarter doing the quarter either we're doing the quarter where you'd be where I have to wonder they're doing quarter doing half 250 way you do or even money doing a quarter would you get to do a 15 doing chordal you doing have anybody else Holly Mr Bond I am doing a quarter right here in need two and a half and I sold a unit right here two and quarter your number today is number eight lucky number eight it's gone there is a toy it's a Tonka that'd be nice wouldn't it listen listen to her sell it to us listen to her sell it to us 20 gift an aroma let's do that 10 15 I have to hand that he not on out hey Medina I'll be there twenty dollar bill 20 now 20 pounds when you find out over here I have 20 up here 25 now 30 would you get 30 together any join you bomb 30 I don't evolve in them on 30 you on the is $30 bomb on 30 30 not bombing them on 35 come on 30 now minimum 30 now minimum 30 35 what do you think yes sir yes we're growing the bank 39 42 42 you buy when you get bored evine on a bill I am fourteen I'll vomit money but you get 45 last call for defeating a pony violin all in all for me to get 40 von on a now for anybody get Bernie bond on a non buddy-buddy good 45 you bought it 40 bucks number three lucky number three was $40 Hey hi Lutz youtube give it to me I'm gonna buy this unit here shortly you're gonna get that one yeah probably alright yep there goes I'm gonna do it yeah he's going for this one instrument right there gonna go for it yeah that's a big okay see this box right here this box right here says auctions sorted on it so this is most likely a person who went to auction and as a collector you didn't let anything that look right here that says auction sorted so this was a buyer so the question is is did they sort it all and sell off the good stuff or did they hoard it all and it's all in here you have a couple hundred bucks to do that give to and go your $100 you're 15 $50 minimum bending up and on and on about 50 70 mind I have 50 75 now 100 now $100 and a quarter wanna quarter now have now hand now 50 now 75 175 get 200 on the wave and I'll do in a quarter doing a quarter do Leonard ah what do you do in a quarter instrument case right there doing a quarter two and half do it have 271 I'll do 75 let's go Val 300 on a bill now three now three in the quarter we did you 325 I am 300 on an out when you bottle them on plenty of Amoz buy plenty by ie2 where we render the buddy here 300 on you plenty violin on over here 300 on a mini you 20 vomit upon 25 it among $25.00 Jeremy you want a piece of this 300 now 300 three and a half even money 375 partner three video something you find on it now everybody now $75 we eat uber you're on TV right now free video early 50 now 75 soldi in a 350 what's your number number love and lucky into one long lucky all right I didn't hear one yep from you all right dear one I was look I was coaching him and I told him I said at that number what's 50 bucks to miss that you're gonna go home and you're gonna miss Bush you bought that that's true that's true yeah baby this unit is a common owner from the one that just sold that one you bought that one for what 350 yeah like the tables over there and the chairs over here so you want to get but the good news is is nobody's gonna bid on this one because the tables are over there that's right that's that's called a BOGO that's not anybody know what type of okay you're making me call that here we go everybody ready you're on a novel give 100 give 50 where get $50 off any down over here now bid on I'll send a man gift for you let's go 20 now 30 wanting me to get 30 down I'll turn it on a bale now and wanting me to get 30 B to give them you now 20 now 30 30 40 video video party now $50 bill now video onion 50 60 video are now sinking down on that video sickening now suddenly no no some D 60 now something on now stinky dollar bid something now seventeen I'll see you on a now some anyway you do her last call hit her one more lick 50 now 70 now stinky down a now 70 all in all done I'll take you down announced how many anybody off solar units which TV box you just got it man nice job Jen Jen nice job there were $60 nice in pokemon balls we get talking once again you want the chairs okay so these two guys these two right here both bought units from the same owner so now they're trying to work out trading look at that brand-new stanley coffee mug are two nine seven here we go you good partner yeah okay here we go here we go I have 50 75 I have 50 75 80 75 50 mid 60 60 70 70 80 now 80 nominee nominee now I need money now under empty camp around right here I don't have much blog one buddy nah but they won buddy nominee one date your turn 150 now Ziggy domina fifteen sixty now seventy year what do you think yeah do you know 1801 700 81 Cimino emails only now 80 somebody's I mean there are 117 already there ones with me no lady all in hold on last call somebody yeah sold right here 107 dollars what's your number 412 sir 12 1 to 20 Oh easy now I'm on the onap where's my padlock I put on their cinder in a storage wars I don't want no you come over get to 97 you make sure you come back see when I'm unloading this alright I'm gonna line going how bad do we want to know what's in that trunk how bad I think it's not locked look II get minded I'll bail I'll take 50 real quick why do you follow fire yep I'll fit Dave funny mama men birthday 20 volatile bum party been 30 or 20 mom and her team are 20 30 now 40 and I'll put the $60 now something dollar when you do something you only know them take you down now 70 gone I'll see you downtown something at night I have $60 only I'm asking $70 60 now 70 last call are you sure partner 60 now 7 eolian all I was eating now 70 so do you number 9 $60 to figure out what's in the trunk this was a great auction bought three units two of them have trunks and one of them has a moped in all kinds of boxes and totes I gotta know what's in this trunk I know you got a know as well so let's open it up and let's take a peek this will be a quick clean out no doubt but here it is I saw writing on the top which made me think it could be a military trunk from World War to World War one I don't know we're gonna have to take a peek but before we look at it let's do this let's take a quick glimpse at the other two units that I bought which will be full videos after this one is uploaded this is the largest of the three units that I bought now I don't recall exactly how much I bought it for right now is 300 maybe 325 let's open it up we'll take it I'll actually come back later to pick this one up now I'm gonna show you some of the things I saw obviously this moped so we got a Advanta a VA nti Cobra moped looks like it's all in one piece you do need a title for that and so to get it plated I would have to have a title to mess around with it on my own I would have to have a piece of property where I could screw around which thankfully we could do that if we wanted to now also one of the things that I saw was Super Nintendo the NES right there hopefully there are games in here as well and look at this you got stacks of old phones why I don't know but I got a feeling there's gonna be more than just incredible edible snacks in here and I can't wait to dig inside and beat on them drums all day I got this one for $100 pretty sure was $100 if it wasn't a hundred it was around 100 I'm sure you know already because of the video and there's a ton of baby things in here which I typically stay away from because there's so many safety recalls it's so hard to actually resell some of that stuff but there were some things in there that I couldn't resist number one there is a treasure chest it's a trunk and number two I saw something that nobody else saw I saw an entire area filled with magic cards if you've never checked out magic cards before some can be worth hundreds some can be worth thousands and hopefully ars-art let's look inside before we dig into the trunk we've got a printer here it looks like it could be brand new we got it this year this is probably gonna go in the garbage there we go we got another oh wait wait wait wait wait look at this look at this I think we got sterling we do we have sterling silver we just found three sterling silver rings oh yeah yes see right there right in there right in there yes okay so we're gonna load that up we got a car seat as well so this goes to something I'm gonna load those two things up move a little bit of the garbage out of the way we do have a few car parts over here and a cooler and then we also have a pile of things over here let's look really quick we already have three sterling silver rings which is really cool here's a bear collection oh wow wow these are these aren't just cheap bears these are ones with the opposable arms and legs we got some tools in here as well I'm gonna set the tools over here because I'll probably send these straight to the warehouse to be sold look at that got some beanies in here well maybe that's not a beanie but this one is huh that's not a bad find right there you can see the trunk there and you can see the stenciling on it just cleaning everything up around it let's take a peek here we obviously got a license plate this just looks like cleaner soap stuff like that I'm just I'm probably all this this is like full so this stuff will hold on to that and the rest will go in the garbage we're getting further back we're gonna box we've got a tote on top let's take a peek here and we've got looks like you got a lot of pictures looks like we have a ton of pictures and usually that's Lonesome Dove part 3 usually that is something completely different and personal okay I have to go through all of that yeah that's all personal stuff we want to see what we can do and we'll set that over there this just looks like pots and pans from I love bedroom end tables because the most random things you find in them here we go in three two one all right here we go drawer number one back in there a little bit better there once I do that go back to camera up a little bit okay okay well captain fumble notes is back so we've got a stapler and that's aa stapler we got a hole puncher now I'm all frazzled we got a cell phone we have a mini digital camera we've got the gambler cigarette rolling machine with the Pete I think the pieces on the curve floppy disk okay see we got one of these combs which is never good because that usually means the family had lice or somebody in the family had lice so we want to be very very careful it looks like somebody must have worked at KFC potentially and we got a buffalo yeah KFC pins see a mini wrench and there's another one unless that's the same one maybe it's the same one all right let's see what fell on the floor we have prescription drugs fall on the floor red GI Joe Garfield undeveloped film and George's favorite look at that George's favorite is teeth do I wait to be able to find out about that you might want that let's see it's in drawer number two jour number two is cooking I paperwork and this old thing yeah you know what that old thing is you know exactly what that is that is for adults it's a hand holding massager all right oh man I dropped that one too all right we've got this little thing here and we got paperwork I bet you alright disability benefits that's what it is it's making a mess right now I apologize I will clean it all up and in here it's like we have paperwork the Narnia story best friends Al Capone sweets all right I have to go through it all with the fine-tooth comb see what we have back here we've got prevail underwear mine are pretty holy I need two new ones I got two packs of them that's perfect that we have look at this got got a crossbow now it's going to need a little bit of work getting it back together but there's no doubt we can get that back together that's we got some more tolls got a little DVD player portable DVD player some perfume at least I think that's perfume more perfume personal paperwork dental floss [Applause] drill bits tools and stuff like that all right I'll go through this in detail if I find anything better I'll share it with you oh there's a solder gun all right let's go through this better the trunk is behind us I wanted to see what was in this fridge nothing in the fridge but I think I paid 60 bucks to sure it was 60 bucks for this unit so the fridge itself will solve for 60 bucks we'll be okay there oh now this is where it gets gross that is a dead mouse inside the laptop case we got the extra bonus there huh no laptop mmm stinky dead mouse I don't I really don't even know I know what's the lessons in there so we've got some books I'm just gonna set those aside not trying to be disrespectful I'm just a small space and I I've got to work within that space this looks like mail and shoes clothing yeah I'm gonna set that aside as well and then looks like we got a nasty dirty old pan that's garbage obviously even if the fan still works I'm not gonna spend hours cleaning all that garbage out of it when I could just find another fan oh look at this there we've got a National Guard something so this is filled with paperwork yeah all kinds of stuff what is that Pittsburgh Steelers in there all right I'm gonna set this aside I'll go through that later since there's so much personal paperwork and let's see what's in here we got Devil May Cry a bunch of books I'm guessing oh look we even have the garbage can or the garbage bag normally okay when you find a garbage bag inside a storage unit typically means this they got evicted and they had to move out quick because the bailiff came and removed them from the property dad to take all of their stuff they put it in storage and then they can't pay the storage fees so they'll get that discount of $1.00 move it all in or I was signed up for a month and then it's gone because they can't afford it and they have no place to put it so that's pretty much what it looks like this story may be but we still want to look at that trunk and see if we can return it if it's military on the plus side in that box I found this external hard drive so it's priced brand-new 29.99 I'm guessing we could easily get 15 bucks out of it now for the trunk we definitely hear anything I'm looking for any signs something something's pasted over there something was here and here and no doubt this probably was from wartime this all looks like it has Army World War two would be my guess this all looks like it has army green underneath of it like here here and you have the stencils sergeant yep right there sergeant all right here we go and three this is a World War Two trunk and three two one [Applause] three yes well maybe if I it's not locked oh there goes it was just swelled I knew it wasn't locked because we had it right there all right here we go in three two one here we go that's cool it even has this piece and it's got newspaper newspaper dated Thursday Tretton evening times Thursday and that's all we have except for I'm looking for any dates in the actual stories and I'm not seeing a single date listed now now we have it folks [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 35,000
Rating: 4.7890248 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: avW60adAu2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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