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I regret to inform everybody watching this video something really bad is gonna go on up the rain just turned on as I started talking that is never a good sign oh and there's thunder that's really loud okay what is going on oh so I've started to notice something I built this house not too long ago and then all the sudden diamond started appearing near my porch and somehow it's raining and I don't see any rain okay and it just stopped hey guys heard the rain sound right like I didn't see any rain anywhere and all sudden it was pouring rain anyways I started noticing all these diamonds forming near my house and this is not good we all know what happened last time I started to see random objects are you guys hinting at what I'm getting at right now I didn't want to see his name it's so sinister okay I'll say it real quick and I think that this Steve might be no no no not again this has happened so many times in my Minecraft world I feel like I just can't get out I don't even know if I would approach this but of course curiosity killed the cat and as they say curiosity also kind of killed the Preston I can't just ignore this Johnny at Diamond mansion of a house can I theoretically I guess I could but we're really not gonna ignore of each other getting nervous oh I don't even know I got to decide okay I decided we're gonna go ahead and approach the house although we're gonna do this very carefully extremely extremely slowly wait what is this but we're those who dare enter this house oh no and look the rain started but for real this time this is so creepy you have been warned okay maybe I should just go this way you know that guy's like did you just go that way yeah you know what maybe I shouldn't go this way maybe I just need to turn Taylor get on saying okay maybe I shouldn't no I gotta be a man I'm a married spud and I've got a that's why I put on the hater blockers okay very slowly yeah yeah very nice very easy okay oh okay hello I can't say anything in the window okay don't say hello much I just went oh hey do it okay no up see nothing what about this window empty no there's no way in tarnation there's an empty diamond house no oh boy oh boy oh what is that what has happened diamond Steve join the game why are you here I see you have been ignoring my warning so well before I kill you I will give you a chance to defend yourself please diamond I have a wife don't do anything to me please if you're gonna kill me at least let me plug my murderer all fats guys I just dropped brand new merch on Preston sales calm this is just one of the new items it's a tie-dye t-shirt and it's really fire okay what was the rest of the messages he said don't find some diamonds in my house to craft some armor and a sword see you in the ring is insinuating that we're about to have like a boxing match with sword because that my friends has me quite petrified like a stone gargoyle on a giant mansion of an evil henchmen stare and quite terrified but I must persevere so what am I supposed to do find diamonds like where am I gonna find diamonds in this giant diamond mansion of a thing like I see right here there's some boots ooh hold on can I take these boots oh thank you well at least I've got boots that's kind of good right Oh diamonds let's go okay I'm gonna take the diamonds and cobwebs are really good too because what you can do is you put them on the ground and since I can't because obviously I'm an adventure mode so yeah I can't put them down so I'm not gonna bring any more caught bugs but I am gonna try to get all the diamonds I can manage the scoop up inside of this house so far we managed to get four diamonds which is it's enough for a sword or enough for a pair of boots but I feel like we need a lot more than that if we're gonna be able to take down Diamond Steve entirely Steve's haunting my minecraft world they keep doing it over and over again and with no avail I haven't had any luck at getting rid of them if you guys are ever had Steve's on your world and you've got rid of them maybe you have like some Steve repellent please comment down below where I can get it on Amazon I've already checked that Preston sounds calm and I can't find it what the heck am I in a prison did you really think I would give you a chance well yeah I thought you would wait whose iron blaster is this a hired blaster last time I saw you you were a human yeah always a villager but before I help you you need to click the link to my channel in the description smart man he knows how to plug you know the drill go check his channel out in the description anyways buy a diamond pick from ion blaster break the door find some diamonds to make a sword she has plate and helmet before you go through the door what about boots didn't tell me anything about boots wait wait wait a second wait no I saw something in there you can't hide for me I see this what is this there's like a little area is there a button there no I don't think it's a but okay it's covering something important I'm telling you guys right now I know for a fact that something really important is inside there and I want to get to it but before we do that this painting is looking very suspicious I know something's in there don't even try to hide from me painting you will let me through there's something behind the painting are you kidding me okay there must be something somewhere else on the ground something in here because the thing is I only have four diamonds wait a second I can't believe I didn't see it it's right up here just enough for a diamond sword but even though I've got this where am I supposed to find a crafting bench you know I'm saying like I gotta find a crafting bench somewhere otherwise all of this is gonna be for nothing is there like some kind of invisible block so iron blaster will get okay yeah I'll make that trade no yeah yeah okay we've got a diamond pickaxe now what can this break unfortunately I don't know if this can break anything so is useful to me iron blaster tell me I literally can't even use this to break anything and there's no more diamonds in this area at least I don't think there are any other diamonds unless there's a chess behind the chest no chess behind the chest ah the dotted big gangs can't break the iron door I just had to try a little bit harder which means I bet there's other diamonds okay there's definitely gonna be something behind one of these paintings I can feel it okay it's not this one either but it did leave a very obvious chest out for me whoever made this is God of a little bit of a dummy I don't like these that word because I think it's kind of offensive but let's be honest these people clearly aren't too smart if they're leaving chests out in the open with diamonds in them I literally can nab them all day out any day now what are you supposed to do I don't know I'm gonna come back to this later because those are a little bit too difficult for my brain to comprehend right now I'm telling you there is something behind this painting there has to be come on I knew it what did I tell you guys I'm always right that's a big lie don't listen to me I'm definitely not always right the diamonds required to make the diamond chestplate I've found them wait so with 18 pieces of diamonds how much gear can we actually make I mean so technically in the chat he said to make diamond chestplate helmet and legs and I believe we have all the required gems to make that I think okay don't like don't quote me on that but wait we're missing a diamond are you kidding me we only wait we're missing wait I'm pretty sure I found every diamond in all of the cells unless there is something somewhere else I have managed to miss you know what desperate times call for desperate measures ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna improvise there are blocks of diamond everywhere here Diamond Steve won't know I took any of his diamonds and if he does I don't even care because I want my diamond helmet bazinga got the diamond helmet and I mean you know just because we got a little bit of extra diamonds let's go and make ourselves some diamond boots too you know what I'm saying get rid of those leather boots we don't we don't want any of that nonsense now we got to find a way to open this door there's got to be some kind of oh I just accidentally nailed the combination wait what is this excuse me okay parkour oh shoot oh okay if we fall in the lava we die so let's not do that all right wait oh my gosh this guy's a monster he put literal head in her blocks above us and I don't know what's going on but with my pickaxe I can't even break that which means we're get the parkour through this 100 percent legit and it's not gonna be easy look we're done this we must carry on oh you know what guys I need to buy serious shades yeah now we're gonna make this jump okay let's do it and who told you guys serious shades are the best okay come on Oh oh my gosh oh no this is a quad jump with a head hitter I've only heard about season in the demonic Bible not that I read that I read the Christian Bible because I'm a Christian but you know I'm saying like this is straight from Satan more like Satan's bootie but we're gonna make it regardless Sears we're gonna do we're gonna charge up yes oh did you just see that if that isn't deserve a smash like down below I don't even know what does at this point and we go through what I want to say is the hardest part of the map Oh neo jumps always terrify me okay we can do this we can do this we can do this yes yes climb the ladders b-dawg climb the ladders and now weave the parkour backwards you gotta be kidding me diamond steve is not making it easy on us not even in the slightest okay okay be careful Preston whoa one wrong move and everything goes into the lava bits oh I didn't think we were gonna make it that fast but we did it because we are professionals boy what I'm gonna maze now I don't even have my headset on did you think it would be easy going to the maze and find all seven diamonds to make leggings okay I don't know about you Steve but I already got diamond leggings because the foolishness of yourself you didn't decide to close your diamonds off and you gave me a pickaxe while you didn't give me a pickaxe iron blaster did but I'm just saying you know if you're trying to actually take me out once and for all you should probably learn how to not include diamonds in an area where I need diamonds you big dummy I know I don't like to use that word but seriously this guy is a pleb of plebs I bet you this is where we have to exit once we find everything so we've only found one diamond thus far I know there are six more in this maze aha another one but I've left to go guys this is literally cakewalk oh my gosh I just found another one that's three ladies of German oh and I see number four right over here and let's go now we got number four in the bag where is diamond number five you cannot and for me buddy you might try but you won't succeed and I'm gonna tell you this right now diamond Steve if you're trying to keep me from finding your diamonds maybe don't make a maze out of grass blocks leaf blocks whatever you know what I'm saying they're porous okay I can see Susan all right that's what a pleb would do and I hope you listen this right now down and see if you are bread thank you for dumbing noble Falls now we just gotta find six and seven and it's gonna be lickety-split I'm gonna have it done in like two seconds flat and wait hold on diamond number six thank you very much and the last and final diamond number seven now let's get out of this dadgum maze I think I saw the exit right over here this sooner the exit are the entrance this is the exit Lata and is this the exit Oh garbage okay that is not the exit that is the entrance which means the exit is somewhere else dang it is this the exit aha I made it back take that diamond Steve oh wait what is that I just saw a diamond Steve is that you diamond steam you think you can take me on in a PvP battle you've shown me a booty I don't want to see any of that I'm sick and tired of you doing this to me putting me in this position making me hunt through mazes deadly lava parkour and so much more it's time to fight come at me with all you got come on let's see it oh yeah you think got it look you might have a diamond sword but I got a pickaxe and I already know exactly what I'm gonna do to you mr. diamond Steve as soon as you get a little bit closer I'm gonna be taking you downtown come on Oh Steve Wow to be honest very underwhelming performance Diamond Steve I was actually going to knock you in the lava but yet didn't even need to didn't even need to now what does this do way twice no you have defeated my minion I must go into my portal that wasn't even a diamond Steve are you kidding me I just did all that for nothing
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 9,239,229
Rating: 4.9137621 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, secret
Id: mjjABu4ZQ1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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