I FOUND Gold Steve's SECRET Minecraft Sky House!

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I'm so excited to be back on cosmic sky guys although at the same time extremely nervous if you guys didn't see what happened in the last episode you need watch it okay I'm gonna show you guys hub 17 just real fast so if you type in slash hop on our server you can choose which how do you want to go to so we're gonna go to hub 17 this happened in my last episode and it still has not been fixed I even contacted the admins there's nothing we can do about it and you know what that means only one person could be behind this and I dare not to even utter his name so going back to my island oh and in addition to going back to my island guys if you want to you can type in slash is warp space tbh in our frags and while obviously you have to go to the server first but if you type that warp command in you guys can go to my Island and you can actually grind for me if you want to help me out I would not be opposed to getting free help from you guys if you have some spare time before my base right now I found something insane it looks like a house maid once again I don't want to say his name guys I'll let Diglett say his name okay because he can utter the name I just cannot I don't have the power yet in order to do so [Music] wait what is that him duh did you guys see that I swear I just saw him no it wasn't this guy no not you Shrek no no no I thought I just saw gold Steve Oh Joe did you see that I think I just saw gold see flying around my eye block sky boy yeah I think he has access to my oh I think we're in trouble what do you mean he has access to your alt account don't tell me your alt account has admin privileges oh no oh no dude what if he infects the rest of the hub zone or worse my eye Lynda oh this is bad well I mean my Islands already really infected Joe you're gonna need to have to do something about this I mean what am I supposed to do I'm a pleb I had the brain of a dead goldfish let me guess that right away yeah okay yeah very helpful Joe you know what it's time to get to the bottom of this once and for all I'm gonna do some investigating this is the house I was talking about okay do see this this is not normal this is not normally made underneath somebody else's Skyblock island unless they made it themselves okay wait that's him that's him I swear that's the guy I saw floating around what is he doing he just went inside and closed the door he's gone okay what just happened what is this oh I don't even know if I want to go into this just yet oh boy let me scout the surrounding area of the house see if there's anything fishy guys you have no idea what could happen what if somehow would you get my account information I mean somehow he got into Joe's alt account and Joe is a super secure admin that means danger all right spells it straight across the Aero board very dangerous Oh what is this I can see some sign so you found my secret gold house do not use the teleport pad behind this it doesn't take you anywhere promise okay I've heard my wife say that like don't do this because I clean the house but yet I still dirty the dishes and everything's fine when you get married somehow when you have dirty laundry and you leave it throughout the house it still gets cleaned I feel like this is the same thing going down I heard about these tepee pads these were added in the most recent cosmic sky update but I've never used one myself do I really want to go under this guy's I need you to answer the question to amble in the comments do I go or do I not I mean Diglett is looking at the pad right now and it's kind of telling me I mean look at his eyes those black beady eyes that are telling me to go do it oh here we go what just happened okay I just got teleported to this law hair welcome it is a lair welcome to my secret goeth layer Oh No I'm not liking the sound of this guys right now in my PB 1 I have all the brand new loot boxes that I missed out for Easter and the new sunny days loot box which was released on cosmic sky so I am going to open these right here because I don't even know if I want to continue on ladies and gentlemen that says look good really scary what's in the loot box what's in the loot box were only gonna open up one for now okay we got an auto crafting bot let's go flight orb and a gold block okay anyway sorry Diglett was telling me that I'm selling out too much I'm sorry also on the topic of selling out door to Preston style stock pump check out our brand new merch you know I know I'm a monster I'm sorry I promises the lash Amos pluck so what even is this place you cannot stop me I will take over yeah right but I'm gonna put it into you right here and right now I have something of yours that you want do you dare to come and find it what can he be talking about I have everything I want I've got myself my wife is at home I've got diglettz I've got Preston Stiles fire merchandise I really don't think I could be missing anything right now unless no you didn't think you I really hope he didn't do what I think he did I think it's actually a good idea for us to proceed I mean I don't even know how to get back none of my Warbeck commands are working oh and look at this he put parkour here you think parkour is going to stop me none of this none since it's gonna come anywhere close to stopping me at all and even made it to where I can momentum some of these jumps what is this guy some kind of pleb this might work on Breanna maybe even my best friend mr. wuffles but this will not work on me yeah look at this easy as chicken apple pie what is this find the button to proceed what is this some kind of like parkour find the button map and why does everything look so beautiful are you guys like kind of with me on the same track right now things are looking way too pretty and I'm not a big fan I mean not really at all this is really strange I think I've seen anything like this on your Skyblock server or on the server please report it on the forms we need to know if this is spreading to anybody else's Island or if it's just stuck on mine I don't even know I'm supposed to be looking for a button but I have no idea what kind of but it is it could be a stow all my gosh that would be such a good place for a button but that's like impossible for me to reach now there's no way the buttons up there is it somewhere around the tree I don't see anything around this tree not a chance Diglett am I crazy I'm just not seeing a button anywhere if you guys seen a button I literally have not seen any kind of button anywhere yet on the map though this is so weird there's even gold in the water I guess he really does live up to the name Gold Steve maybe oh that would have been such a good place for a button as if he didn't put a button there what about somewhere on the bridge nothing on the bridge so far but the bridge looks very suspicious to me if you're asking me he's even got like a tent or like a little camping area this is bizarre Oh what if he hid it under the bridge somewhere this would be the absolute perfect spot to hide a button nobody would suspect anything down here come on I know there's a button here it's gotta be somewhere and this is crazy I just can't believe I can't find a simple button I played so many find the button maps it's not even funny this buttons like impossible to find what if I'm not even supposed to be looking for a button did that say button I swear it did say button up there oh great I fallen down so I can't even read this sign anymore no I see it it says it says find the button to proceed it's got to be a button it's just hidden really really well we tickle you saw something under the water oh my how did I miss it it was right here from the beginning of yes we found the button is it supposed to open this door and I just not press it right what the heck the stores not opening these things broken or something ok there we go alright now you're playing funny with me aren't you door I see how it is now there we go I'm not finished with you yet hurry up look there's only two people in this world who could tell me what to do that is my mom and my wife they're the two most powerful women in my life ok and Diglett you're pretty powerful too but you ain't that powerful now what is this nonsense more parkour as we said prior ladies and gentlemen we are self-proclaimed parkour King this is not even gonna put a dent in us I don't even think we've missed a parkour jump yet to be honest if this is all gold Steve has got well man he's got another thing coming to him alright Diglett if I make this jump everybody has to leave a like oh oh you guys earned it you gotta leave a like Oh what is this head hit her jumps you think this is gonna stop me bud not a chance man we are nailing these jumps this is crazy I just want to know more like where did gold Steve come from and hurry to get onto our minecraft server he's hacking and infecting everything you're almost there can you defeat my last challenge oh no what is this amazed oh great you all know I've got a peanut brain I mean I was just telling Joe earlier in the episode my brain is like a dead goldfish and let me tell you something goldfish that are alive aren't very smart and dead goldfish are even dumber and I know I probably shouldn't be saying that about myself it says in the Bible life death is in the power of the tongue so I should say nice things about to myself and my friends even my enemies so I am going to say this gold Steve you are very shiny that's my one compliment to you for the rest of my life where the heck is the end of this maze though dude I'm never gonna find it we might get stuck here and be stranded Oh Diglett if we get stranded here you look like a chicken nugget I might have to eat you I'm so sorry Diglett but if I can't find the inn soon I'm gonna get real hungry I'm about to eat you big lips we're not finding the end anytime soon feel like I've seen this before like 20 times Oh No oh we've definitely been here wait what is this is that Rob's nametag what no one is safe what is he doing with Rob I thought Rob was in Australia oh this is not good why are there cactuses here oh no oh no emergency exit I can't just leave without Rob can i Rob we're gonna have to come back for you buddy I'm so sorry I'll be back soon oh I'm back at the base this is where the emergency exit took me all we need to go oh how can I forget we have to go check out Rob's island what if something is going on I mean Rob was down there and that is really weird he's supposed to be gone in Australia you don't think Gold Steve could have gotten access to his account or something oh man I really hope not this is bad oh man I feel like we can't even get to Rob's base fast enough he's at the airport right now I just texted him oh here we are okay this is Rob Sky base if you guys haven't seen on cosmic you can actually just fly to another person's base so if I fly west I'm able to get to Rob's base without even having to teleport to it it's awesome everything so far looks really normal I don't see any random pieces of gold I don't know what the heck this pink thing is for thank God I was really worried Paul man his base is honestly one of the coolest bases in my opinion on the server in terms of like the arts and just how cool looks overall like the last person's Island that I would want something bad to happen to would honestly be Rob's present you've had some problems what do you mean what do you what do you mean problems well have you seen this car look oh no how did I miss this it's at the spider spider is there anymore did you see any other ones this is the only one I found so far but is he spreading no no no no no we have to stop the infection can we break the block do you think it's too late and I can't do it I've tried you tried he wouldn't you click join Edmund no I costed it oh this is not good so rods at the airport right now he's going to freak out guys I need to go FaceTime him immediately Oh [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,493,446
Rating: 4.9431367 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, gold steve, sky, house, base, secret, steve
Id: Phxzt_HFKSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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