I Found Red Steve's Secret Minecraft House!

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so check it out as you guys know things have been really weird lately in my minecraft single-player worlds I've been finding all kinds of colored Steve's green steep blue Steve TNT Steve and even golden Steve and today I just noticed something outside my front door oh oh did you see it to see it it's like a red block it looks like emerald but it's like Ruby like ruby red which is really creepy and I'm freaking out right now and you know what the weird thing is I've already battled the red Steve once so if this is red Steve's doing it's gotta be like I don't know his son or something like this doesn't make any sense we've already defeated red Steve I have no idea what's going on okay I'm really scared to go out of here guys but we gotta do it you know what they say risk it for the biscuit okay oh okay nothing do nothing to the left nothing to the right I think we're safe for now but these blocks are really really creeping me out oh yeah oh I'm not liking this not one bit in what way one is that in the distance okay we're gonna follow the path this is a really bad idea guys is this a bad idea please somebody climbing down below if you think this is a bad idea I personally think this is a very very bad idea and we shouldn't be doing this right now but I got to check it out I can't just ignore this random house that appeared out of nowhere literally this morning there was nothing here I was alone in my dirt house because I'm not really good at building in Minecraft please don't make fun of me but this wasn't here and now all sudden it is and it's terrifying me oh my gosh it's the head a dragon head is that it ender dragon head in the window oh no oh no I feel like we should not be coming into this nonsense there's red banners red carpet oh okay okay okay do I want to enter this do I really want to do this right now guys do me a favor go to Preston Stiles come check out our latest merchandise wearing the new pink camo hoodie boom call my nerves please let me plug my merchants piece arigato gozaimasu okay very carefully we just broke into somebody's house and there's a dragon head there's a chest with is this a cheese recipe yeah a cheese recipe okay a book there's a couple of other random items I don't know if we're gonna need this but I think we have the recipe no we don't have the recipe for cheese yet we have Cole but we need a milk bucket and what the okay read Steve um hey we're at sea what's up man oh okay look red Steve I did not know this was your house apparently I didn't defeat him I thought I did oh oh wait I'm just a tourist oh well then welcome to my most amazing escape room in Minecraft it is my house I'm glad that you are here I was just about to open it um okay my first mission is to prepare a salad is RIT's Eve really buying the fact that I'm a tourist this is ridiculous apparently he's hittin a recipe and the ingredients in this room okay well we're just gonna we're just gonna go ahead and and I'm really glad that for some reason red Steve doesn't know that I'm trying to steal things from his house but I gotta say right now we've got to be undercover I mean super super sneaky to be honest with you guys I do kind of look like a tourist thank God so red Steve wants me to make a salad he wants me to make some kind of recipe I do not his personal chef I'm a tourist as long as he doesn't start attacking me I think we're gonna be okay so we've got the first items we need to go ahead and craft our cheese this is so weird I'm pretty sure this is not how you make cheese guys but I'm not gonna say anything about that I've got the cheese oh my gosh it looks like real cheese look at it on the ground this looks awesome okay this is no time for looking at cool things Preston we've got to accomplish the mission and get out of here as fast as we can I noticed we have another thing over here this is called the redstone flour we need a tulip four pieces of stone I've got the redstone oh oh I can take these oh my gosh that's brilliant okay so we probably want to grab all of these little pieces of ingredients right over here this one yep this one too and then let me see okay so now to make this oh we have a crafting bench here but the redstone like this red tulip in the middle yes we've got the redstone flower oh my gosh it's the coolest looking flower of ever seen in my entire life now that we've got the redstone flower I think the next recipe oh my gosh this is a whoa three bones three flowers holy cow all inside of One Bowl whoa this is crazy okay we've got the items needed to make a bowl so now that we've got to make the ball-joint meat freak it out right now I'm in red Steve's house making a salad this is not how I thought my Sunday would be thought I'd be watching anime a read in the Bible or going to church or something so I'm seeing this right over here it says click to trigger so do I just oh my gosh that is so cool man holy moly I love this house I wonder if I could just take it from read Steve no no no Preston focus on the objective I wonder if he wants me to watch the ingredients is that what he wants me to do don't forget to watch the flowers and mushroom in the sink okay Steve you're lucky I am NOT a chef man okay I'm telling you guys that right now I burn almost everything I cook I'm not kidding just literally ask my wife it's kind of embarrassing okay so the mushroom is now clean and have cleaned the poppy I think I've cleaned all the ingredients oh I forgot to clean the redstone flour sorry about that okay clean the redstone flour there we go is there anything else we need to clean I think we've cleaned everything so now we just have to drop all the ingredients here so we need to put three flowers and a mushroom so we're gonna put the mushroom over here three poppy flowers which are now cleaned three bones with horse bones in their salad oh that's nasty all right you know what beggars can't be choosers and then he wants cheese in there too okay we need to put the redstone flour in there oh and he wants a baked potato oh my gosh this guy is meaty man okay let's put the potato in there what other items as you want I think the baked potato is the last item we have to get for the salad baked potato is done okay put the baked potato in there and the bowl and ladies and gentlemen we have the salad completed guys leave a like down below if you'd eat this salad I need this salad personally okay Steve here's your salad don't hurt me oh he said oh my gosh he is literally levitating with fire awesome and now the second puzzle here you need to build an item transportation system first of all I'm not a chef I'm not electrical engineer why am i doing all of this a couple of weeks ago I was making a tour of my house and I accidentally turned up one of the visitors into the fish his name is akka PL and you need to transport fish food from the crate to the aquarium he turned a tourist into a fish I knew read Steve was evil but this just proves it oh my gosh there is oh I'm gonna save you buddy I don't know how but I'm going to save you there's got to be something here in the chest extractors what the heck a pickaxe oh my gosh okay whoa whoa whoa this is kind of freaking me out now so somehow I've got to wait there's an entire conveyor belt system outside so this right here is the inserter which I'm going to put on top of the fit I really hope I'm doing this right and what is this this just says okay this is the extractor so we probably want to put that on the fish food I think we just connect it just like this okay this is definitely not what was in my normal job description I did it so I read Steve sorry thanks to you I don't need to worry about him okay read Steve you are really freaking me out to worry oka I'll come back for your man he says he's terrible at taking care of pets will you have them in an aquarium he's not even a fish he's a human for Pete's sakes anyway the last point of our trip is the armory oh and how could I forget the whole what um I am NOT going down there I don't know what you guys think I am NOT going down there in that hole that looks terrifying nope not even no no wait where do you what do you oh no where we just lost right Steve wait what'd he say he says and that is it I hope you enjoyed now you can try to get back home and don't try to explore the hole bye okay we can't not just explore the hole right I don't know I'm feeling really conflicted about all these different emotions inside of me right now do we go in the hole guys okay say it pray for me everybody I'm going in the hole three two one oh okay Oh oh no red Steve is here this can't be good wait what are you doing here well obviously I'm here inside of the hole I told you not to jump into the hole yeah but you're a bad man who's turned humans into fish now I need to kill you no no no no no no read Steve you are not gonna kill me not today bud this must be read Steve's evil lair and this is why I've never found it to this date man so it looks like we have some kind of like park or something like that that we have to do what the heck there's even a moving platform okay I've trained long and hard for this parkour ladies and gentlemen at oh boy a neo jump are you kidding me okay nailed it on the first try let's go now we got to go to this ladder this ladder is gonna be a little bit hard for us to make but I think we can do it oh okay I barely caught that ladder okay now where heck do we go we're up here now I can see red Steve do you safe in the distance do I have to go here Oh ladies and gentlemen I think we have to go over here yeah I mean where there's no way we can make it to the slime down there so we're going right here oh boy quad jump here we go whoo okay okay Oh just nailed the double quad jumps now we gotta jump off the slime it's like red slime it's really creepy looking and then I'm assuming we need to go over here and then up here oh this is gonna be hard this is not gonna be easy I knew we can do it though let's go tater tots okay we're up here now behind Steve I wonder if we want to go into the platform behind him there's gotta be something in there okay I think we can sneak past red Steve I'm just gonna jump down here okay take a little bit of fall damage what the heck is this oh my gosh wait hold on hold on is this what I think it is is this what I think it is this is the red sword yes I finally managed to teleport I see that you already have the red sword okay what's about to happen Steve stay back Steve no you don't want to do this protip cool powers under Q F and shift Steve I'm telling you right now bud you do not want to do this you don't want to mess with me let's go oh yeah you want some of that yeah take some over the LK Steve yeah you think you're strong no no no no no Steve do not push me in the lava if anything I'm pushing you in the lava yeah these team oh my gosh the power is like overwhelming and if I hold shift I fly yeah you think you could follow me read Steve I'm literally flying right now I'm not going down anytime soon okay and then if we press f we shoot fireballs and if we press Q it looks like it spreads fire out everywhere I all want guys I'm gonna try to do some combo attacks on our boy Steve over here I'm gonna get to a safe distance okay getting a hang of this flying thing is really hard Oh take that Steve he's stuck in the lava let's go red Steve let's see what you're made of bud okay Red Team is way stronger than what I thought it was gonna be he's literally taking all of my fireballs and taking almost no damage how many fireballs can read Steve take man you will rule the day you messed with Preston please that's it I'm going down come here Stevie let's talk about it yes I just got him take that red Steve wait what just happen no you beat me now quickly to run no no wait where are you going where you going where do you think you're going Steve no no come back [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 8,586,369
Rating: 4.8817763 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, preston, red steve, prestonplayz, prestonplayz red steve, preston red steve, prestonplayz minecraft red steve, red steve prestonplayz
Id: t9-Uio8iYlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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