FOUND My Childhood Farm Truck After Sitting 20+ Years, Will it WORK Again?

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welcome back to P bar garage where today I'm buying my childhood truck back I was like 8 or 9 years old my dad picked this thing up to use around the place it's a 59 Dodge 1 T poly 318 fourspeed with a Dana 60 I learned to drive stick in this exact truck as luck would have it I got to buy it back there she is I don't know what to do with it but we'll figure something out you think you can plant this locust tree yeah I'll transplant it it's been about a week let's see if we can get the old 59 to fire up and pull off the trailer on its own that'd be nice you check this out so there it is right well I found some old pictures that would be like 7 8-year-old me daing away on that truck there it is there see the blue you see the tremendous amounts of body filler it's crazy how that's all still there I mean I thought the TV show guys said that would all fall out by now it's Cody JCS projects Cody young Cody 16 15 16 pink primer there it is painted just a quicky single stage black paint job held up pretty good for being abandoned for 20 years there's a 78-year-old me hacking away at the primer fumes bonus content yep my hot rotting Origins started with lawnmowers look at that full custom Murray there that baby had a tumpa in it and now that I'm older and uglier let's see if we can get this thing to run I don't know where to start really I guess we'll make sure the engine still rolls over let's DeForest the thorns out of here ah I I'm have to go get some clippers for that OU table Cutters will do it yeah there we go that over there so I step on it later so I had to pay $800 for this truck and that was about $2,000 too much I'm sure the dad sold this thing for like $100 so with inflation you know it makes sense truck is an absolute pile of crap it was a pile of crap all those years ago and it has not gotten any better with age there we go that is the polyspherical 318 we got any shoot yeah for some reason has a side post battery in it it's strange look at all that wiring you know that's all in good shape let's fish around for neutral oh yeah this part of the old bed it was built out of scrapwood the pallets back then should be neutral maybe it'll just roll over oh yeah yeah it's free okay yeah this shouldn't be too bad this is an oil bath air cleaner this is this is where I this truck is How I Learned what that is actually air gets sucked through here but it skims over the top of some used motor oil when you change the oil and the dirt theoretically gets stuck in the oil rather than suck down the carb they actually work pretty well yep and then you do that thankfully it's it's so cold it didn't even dump out this thing has any oil in that just Bol I'm pretty sure I did this as like a eight NY Old Carriage bolt shoved into there just had to cut the cables off it's so corroded I can't get the can't get them out of the terminals yeah I grabbed a new battery brand new one I literally ran out of batteries so had to buy a new one so let's just put a couple of these terminal ends on here now we see if it burns the truck did not burn to the ground but apparently my microphone did had some really bad audio issues here basically all we did was fill up the clutch master cylinder give it a few pumps to see if we can get it to bleed to try to pump up that slave cylinder for that we decided to go ahead and try to crank it all right let's see what happens I haven't started this truck since I was little I remember that we we got to go the starter is so screwed up in this thing we got to beat the hell out of it to get it to work that starters over here it's been beat so much I'm a little bit bigger than I used to be I guess uhoh I see fluid leaking over there oh yeah I go take a peek at that slave cylinder that slave cylinder would be fairly easy to get to except for I just noticed this this truck has one header on it and then one manifold oh genius good news is is I can see the bleeder on the slave cylinder down there we might be able to bleed that actually it doesn't look bad let me soak the line and the bleeder on that slave cylinder it's way down in there we can get that bleeder loose we can make it work so I've got the fuel line disconnected now and we'll get back to cranking here in a second ready yeah it you got to hit it harder there you go yeah it just crawl right under there let give the starter motor a few good wax all right I'm going to try cranking y so what it's doing is the Bendix isn't kicking out on it I found a starter it's $250 though and that's more than the whole trucks worth try it well I think we we got to take the starter off at least try to clean up that bendex or something so uh have fun with that just take those three bolts out while you uh try to get that off yeah I'll try to get this bleeder broke free on the slave cylinder j's got two of the starter bolts out he said so how how close are you uh I just got the second one out okay I'm going to go up there and see if I can get it the third one up on the top yeah let me see oh oh did the bleeder break loose or did it break hey it broke loose and it's bleeding right now gravity bleeding heck yeah all right I'm be leaking some brake fluid over here that's fine it is slowly coming out of there we will allow it to continue to do that watch that Reservoir drop and hope that's good enough cuz that's pretty much all we got that one's tight it is you want me to try it from down there yeah job is it working yeah barely I just took the cables loose up top so that we can you kind of work on them in a controlled environment I'm sure this thing only the weighs a few million pounds all right there it is let's uh see what we got here so our teeth are pretty worn uh but what's probably going on it's worring away which means the motor's spinning but this whole deal here is supposed to kick out when that motor spins and it's uh not this this should move in and out more than that we take these bolts out and then I think we can disassemble it and take a look at it take the end of the motor off everything just slides down in there I've never worked on this kind of starter specifically but I've done a few like this and cleaned them up a bit BR them back together and it'll work for a while and if I screw it up then I guess I'm at 250 bucks probably the solenoid is going to come yeah probably huh H so o yeah that came out of there pretty easy I don't think it's supposed to be that easy and there's this these are your shims in this kind of starter let's take it all apart clean everything put it back together and see what happens just knock the end of this off there we go and it's in pretty poor condition those brushes are almost gone Bend these brushes out to make a little better contact I can't even find brushes for this thing I mean I they can't find any parts for it because it's a Dodge there'll be a new building here we don't need this grass let me take this little uh solenoid off of here and little clean its contacts up a little bit cuz this is what actually kicks that Bendix out I I'm pretty sure that's just like a ground strap for the case of this thing but it's really corroded and crappy I'll just clean it up with a little sandpaper see I'm rebuilding it right now brushes are new it's all brand new clean those brushes up a little bit oh like new again that's pretty bad yeah it's pretty eight up totally repaired only the best for this back installed here make sure everything moves I have no idea if we actually did anything but at least all that crap's out of it it's worth a shot right yeah let's uh put our bolts back in get this thing back together and we'll test it with some jumper cables before we bother putting it back on the truck look we can move it now we have some Bendix sing going on here is it going to work I have no idea but we did something that thing's going to jump off of there give me one second here hey it's stuck again yeah just get back in [Music] there it's kind of working we could give it a shot there that's how it's supposed to work yeah there we go all right just a few tries I got us all hooked back up up there you got one left that top one that's a pain in the ass also I noticed it does actually have both headers it has a this one's weird though it goes forward the she's got long tubes on her it's a Performance Machine well he does that let me clean up the points see if there's any points left so nice PR Lear to put the distributor in the back and then the points also in the back God look at that rotor that rotor is trashed if we uh can't start we'll look there they move pretty nice actually all right get some sandpaper in here and sand them up I'm not 8 years old anymore but I still fit in this engine bay it's very convenient no contact left on those points at all uh this might not work out very good I just noticed that there's no power running to the coil oh here it is probably yeah we'll just shove that random wire back in there I'm sure that's the one you want to go hit that clutch and uh I'll just leave it open just hold it to the floor and then I'll tighten it up holding oh we got some air keep her there all right let off I'm going do it again hang on all right go to the floor floor lots of air floor floor there we go we're starting to move the clutch God woo okay I think it's still leaking I don't well we keep it topped off it'll be all right well want to see if it cranks yeah hey yeah hell yeah dude we did it yeah we did holy all right go run Let's uh get a fuel system going I'm going to put my finger on the fuel pump see if I can feel it sucking while he cranks it I'm ready when you are all right hit her I am huh I am what do you mean you are got nothing oh that's good okay so we have no key now for some reason the starter's stuck again he that or we lost ground or something maybe just give it a couple love Taps maybe we're back to where we could just beat it to work yeah all right you probably use the key now or just do that nothing again okay weird um just jump it no fuel pump all right so let's get a clicky CL figured out get this relay is any good yeah so we don't have any power on the uh here this is coming from the key and I can't imagine why there'd be anything wrong with this it's a really nice connection they got yeah okay that's why I think that's probably why well let's fix that real quick you want to turn the key yep power turning it yep nothing huh I repaired that wire kind of and uh we'll see if that did anything you want to hold the throttle open just a little bit hit her nothing what I don't really know what's going on with that pretty sure it's just wiring it's just so old and rotten I can Arc this solenoid though to get done what we need done right now so we'll worry about that kind of stuff once we get in the shop I want to see if it'll bark off maybe we don't have spark I know I I said I was going to work on a fuel system but we got voltage coming out of the ballast resistor I need you to watch this meter as I crank and see if it's dropping yeah yeah so it should be bypassing to 12 volts on crank it might still try to fire off of that but when it's cranking it should have another wire here to bypass the ballast resistor and go straight 12 volts as it cranks I have no idea where you bypass for crank 12 VTS at so I just want to see if that's what our problem is though so I'm just going to put 12 VTS straight to the coil right now and then crank and see what happens yep yeah there we go well that's good enough for me to put a fuel system on it uh it probably just wants the real stuff you know yeah something like that there we go clicky clack on the frame here always Mount them you know close to the source of fuel and you know always just mount it with self tappers that's the way to do it some hoses ran to it and put a toggle switch on it it's going to be legit to put our toggle switch making right there thanks to everybody that sent in drill bits really appreciate that I needed a few sets super nice of you guys that'll work really nice spot right here see that J uhhuh that's where that's supposed to go just right to the floor right there it makes it a lot easier you know you don't got to drill holes truck already came came with them JD's got our fuel system getting ran we're just going to go straight to the carb with it I got a fuel filter I want to put that back here just run a little stub yeah and then we'll just put our fuel filter right in here somewhere fill her up goer yeah this is a pro pro fuel system here only the best all right so we got fuel pumping we got any fuel I don't think so there you goes something happened yep come on trying I need to whack that carb a little more I think woo God damn [Applause] you alive a girl God damn [Applause] guy said it was knocking I don't hear a rod knock sounds fine I hear a lifter that ain't a rod knock buddy she's good to go wow it didn't even smoke yeah she's back in business oh yeah this listen to that bad boy that's a now that's a truck right there he's ready to go to work again had a girl we got one tire off a bead nothing like jacking up a heavy ass truck on a wood floor trailer to make you question your life decisions that's actually one of the wheels off of Old Blue uh this truck had a couple of decent tires on it my Grandpa that used to be my grandpa's truck old blue they took the wheels off of this torched the hubs out of them put them on Old Blue and it still got them H yeah be careful with that thing hey back on the bead it'll make tires like these two boy put a little more in that this we don't want it to come back off they could blow up at any time make sure you capture this those are good tires though uh-huh oh it's leaking gas we tieden them down pretty good yeah I know I'll fix it I think it's that stupid boat tank that doesn't have a vent yeah it just blows up yeah and I'm scared all right we're three out of four so far it's going nice hell yeah look how shiny those Wheels still are I remember dad spraying those it's Wimbledon white I think we had that left over from a Ford we did or something remember I remember being fascinated by this thing as a kid and taking it on and off like a thousand times now apparently I don't know how to do that come on we all talk about going green and stuff nowadays nobody was more green than the people the 40s 50s 30s nothing went to waste you know we didn't need single use air filter elements or Plastics we used glass for everything and you know made this work I'm using new oil now but you just use your used motor oil throw about I just a splash in there like that we're about ready to drive it off but yeah it's bone dry we should at least put something in it and just in case it does work see it runs right out the bottom I guess yeah all right and it's full so it has way too much antifreeze in it now great let's give her a shot huh hard to start I don't know what's going on down there but well let's see what happens I think it's got a no not sure it would be good to know where reverse is uh yeah we should kick that block out and let it roll back yeah I can shove it into a gear but I don't want to go forward yeah all right I can kick that block out [Applause] you want me to give you a push yeah all [Applause] right all right goodbye got no CL [Applause] damn a all right I kicked that clutch a couple times and started working there we go grany low baby anyway I'll see you later what that is a truck this some will pull a house over idling oh yeah I haven't driven this since I was like 9 years old yeah unsynchronized four speed that old paully 318s got some balls boy he's back got no braks but we do have punch is working now good okay so here's the deal Jesus look at that door damn the whole Cab's falling apart all right I got to pull the Grand Prix out of the shop yeah all right right so we're going to park this thing here where it probably won't roll away and pull it in okay cuz it needs brakes work again Sho huh oh what the hell uh sure yeah [Applause] it's uh pouring aners I mean no big deal but oh we you put something under that at least that is what I remember that is liquid oil pouring out of the exhaust pipe because the Rings are so bad have you ever seen literal oil pour out of a tail pot all the way back here pour out of a tail all this is the only vehicle I've ever seen in my life do that I don't know what we're going to do with this thing yet I kind of have an idea of welding my cherry picker to it and using it to haul engines around the property and stuff like that cuz I hate that cherry picker anyway it be more useful on this if we're going to do that we actually need it to have brakes so maybe let's let's see if we can at least at least get some front brakes out of it I got a new master cylinder and a couple of wheel cylinders for the front can't get anything for the back so I guess we'll just see what we can do kind of a funky setup here with that rubber hose now I did buy a master cylinder but uh well let's show them what's going on with that the master cylinder O'Reilly says fits this truck weird oh it doesn't look anything like it they gave me the right one this is what they list for it like what so with that being said I think our best bet here is going to be to just try to take this one off and maybe we can salvage it oh I have an idea what we'll just take the master cyinder off and then just spin it off oh yeah yeah that'll work there's a bolt head on the inside of the truck that's nice somebody's been here before butchering [Music] away you yeah there we go see just unthread the whole master cylinder off let's see what's in here it seems tied I don't know if I need to get this piston out but maybe it will come on it's understandable that you might be a little little contener am I stupid I mean what don't answer that I mean if I could pull this out I could hone that we but maybe it doesn't need it I don't know what usually when you take these things apart they just shoot so here's what we're going to do jie we're going to clean up what we can and then we're going to try to bench bed didn't see what happened get some brake clean down in there I mean ideally you just wouldn't have the piston in here it's working there's that I don't have anything new to put in here but we'll just clean this piston off see if she bench beds I mean even if it leaks a little bit it'll be good enough for what we're doing right is she working oh yeah feels good we want to get this to where it starts pushing fluid back out like that there we go this is good to go tightening that master cylinder yep using the approved methods yes of twisting it get her up take a look at the front brakes well that's probably it we'll just look at the front brakes and then pinch off the rears let's see what the hell's behind here I'm stupid and I forgot that uh Chryslers before like 1968 are all reverse thread on the left side of the truck so you tighten to loosen why I don't know God I hate goar I'm going to guess these haven't been into since oh the Johnson Administration maybe there's only three spots on that castle so you know they've got a little slop to them you know it's okay if it's if it's over here they're a little loose that's fine it's totally fine that is uh it's less than ideal I would say but it is rolling and that means it's good enough for this truck a little hung up on the shoes here these are not self- adjusting brakes so I could probably maybe get to the brake adjuster back here and if I can just work this brake I'm assuming the brake adjuster spins make the shoes contract and maybe it'll come off there ran that adjuster in and there we go it's close go those things were they were in it man there oh my that's not in bad shape actually I mean it's got a little Ridge in it I mean other than the the brown recluse nest what what a weird wheel cylinder one plunger why would you push on both sides of the brake you know just push on the one so this shoe doesn't do anything at all cuz this one would move out up here here and I guess theoretically it would pivot the whole thing like that oh was alive oh that's you know I could be better I'm not going to lie to you just pry it out of there probably got a little issue here I was really hoping to not mess with this hose but we may have to unless I can get it broke free but it's very very tight we noticed the master cylinder was leaking yeah the fitting was cracked on it so just ran up got a new one I think we'll put that in reassemble all this and I've got this wheel cylinders in here got to hook the new hose up wasn't able to salvage it but that's all right get that toss back together repeat on the other side let's go ahead and put some new wheel bearings in it yep and uh so that's done and yeah so just take a little of this and and yeah there bearings are packed good to go next huh there's way less wildlife in there I don't think this one's worked in a while I mean it's just a guess what do you think uh probably a week ago or so yeah well um die die die all of you die goodbye yeah all right I actually managed to get this brake line broke free so I guess we'll change that hose I mean she put in her 65 years I guess it's time to retire you know just like the rest of this truck except for it's not time to retire it's time to get back to work I want to show you guys something especially those kind of perfectionist types out there you know oh my God you like on that Grand Prix when I packed gutter mesh in there and fiberglass that'll never hold see this lower Fender here it's missing from about here you can see the crack right here it is popping out after over 20 years look back behind here all the expand ofoam window screen God knows what else shoved into there it's all completely made out of fiber glass it's fine it it's fine it it holds up for a long time people longer than you'll ever own the car probably well this wheel cylinder was trying was it that's done let's do the rears okay they're done all right so uh let's bleed brakes and hopefully that master cylinder hole it is just sucking it down is it pouring out of the firewall all right hit him God it's sucking down so far it's got to be going somewhere it's leaking out of the M yeah it's the seals of the master cylinder are bad oh that's really bad oh yeah that's not good at all like it's like a few drops every time you push it there's a river what are you talking about yeah but like I've been pressing it a lot yeah that's what you do with brakes no I think that master cylinder is just going to leak everywhere let's use the vacuum bleeder and at least we can bleed it the lines out here and if it takes a few pumps to stop that's all right something's happening that is sucking it right down look at that now we got some FL oh yeah got something cool how much how much fluid did we lose doing that oh God do they sell stop leak for brakes I found a New Old Stock master cylinder rebuild kit I think it's old but I'm going to try it says Dodge truck 59 to 67 Ford 57 to70 I can't find a master cylinder or a rebuild kit for this so I guess we'll buy this 50-year-old box here and see what's in it let's fix the uh key switch I haven't really done a lot in here uh but I do have a few things I can point out this uh crappy steering wheel cover I put that on when I was little and then the jeans we had no money so I stuffed these we would cut we cut up our clothes use them for shop Rags just like anybody you know when they wore out and I'm guessing these are probably a pair of my dad's jeans at some point maybe mine and uh yeah they're all they were all stuffed into here to pad the seat work pretty good let's get this out of here now I'm not going to replace this if I don't have to it just wouldn't be right if this vehicle didn't start with a flathead screwdriver you know what I mean I don't know I guess let's hook the battery up and then we'll test for voltage on here and see if it's working or not yeah so the key switch still works let's just take off this yellow wire here completely and we'll run it right to the solenoid we are just going to remove all of this old eaten up wiring here at least as far as the crank circuit and the coil power circuit is concerned and we're going to run us a brand spanking new crank wire off of there and then a brand make a new coil power right there and run that to the Ballance resistor and then we're just going to ignore everything else hey does this thing have any headlights or anything shall see no none it doesn't do anything no it's got turn signals though does it yeah it does this one's broken yeah it does Bo we got turn signals by that's all we need oh well all the essential lights work at least this JC Whitney map light works great while I do this you you uh shovel the wrap poop okay what is this it's a light really big flashlight like a spotlight God go plugs into your uh cigar cigarette lighter yeah and the rest is just poop so I'm just going to leave that there JD I want to teach you a very important lesson here yep always run all your wire in the same color that way it's very easy that way it's super simple to diagnose it later that's Pro tip no free your charge here we go wow okay hang on need you twist that and give me that meter let's see if it's even sending any power oh now I have power how is that not doing anything I'm going to stick this right to here all right twist it yeah so if I go straight to the starter side of the solenoid it works but the solenoid is bad which is probably the problem the whole time we'll just land it on the starter side of the solenoid it'll work fine so how many cranks you think that starter's got left in it 16 okay yeah we better not use it any more than we need to somehow I just don't think any of this wiring was really cutting it it worked okay 20 some odd years ago and that was about it we're going to run a power right off the back of the key to this side of the Ballance resistor then come out here and shoot over to the coil go in the ballast out to the key and and uh this all is a little bit better than it was let's see what happens that's pretty good let's try to get some headlights out of it at least one or two you know this thing ran for 2 seconds and did that maybe we should remedy that first so we can't just be driving around leaking oil everywhere it's bad for the environment you know I cut a a reducer can in half this through here that's what these holes are for actually you just put these up here like that it's very sharp you know what it's not going to work no I drilled another hole here so we could run another piece back to that cross fimber to uh tension it properly like a torsion line oh look at that oh my it's perfect yeah see and then when it fills up we just remove it and uh put it back in the engine you don't get that on just any other channel you know what I mean this is a it's a pole bar and exclusive allow me to demonstrate some electrical diagnosis for you see this is the headlight wiring harness that all looks pretty Factory untouched uh except for this uh part here you might notice that that doesn't really look like it and it does seem to go to that toggle switch up there so I wonder I wonder if I just take this wire is red so if we just cut that touch it to the battery I wonder if the headlights will come on well that wasn't it good thing I just cut that wire I am kind of a pro with this sort of thing this is a headlight wire oh there we go there we go yeah okay maybe we just kind of dig in here let's let's see what's going on in here that toggle switch is a three-way switch in the down position we have dash lights and marker lights uh so if we have that I'm going to guess it's probably the dimmer switch actually it's keeping us from having headlights so what I'm going to do is just twist these together and then we'll try to jump past that dimer switch and see if that gives us headlights so on these cars power always comes in through the dimmer switch and you can see it right here this is coming out of the back of that toggle switch this itty bitty little wire is scotch locked into the power for this this mle pole here that has power right I turn the headlights off we'd lose it power so these other two p here one of them is going to be your low one of them is going to be your high and whenever you click this switch it's just moving a a paddle down or up to make one of those poles how we'll get around it is we'll just take two Spade connectors jump across it and you'll have headlights so if you ever lose your headlights in an old car in a pinch uh that's just make a little jumper cable keep it in your glove box you you just stick it in there you can have headlights at least to drive home with there we go see that little Jumper in there you got headlights yeah and off off on on is say are they brights or they're the brights all four uh no just two just the inside uh the outside okay so that's low let me try some right if we get all four to go that's all well that's that's all three perfect that's fixed forever now we need to give this truck a purpose don't you think yeah it can't do much right now so whenever I was a kid this truck had a pallet bed we made out of pallets that actually this building was shipped in on fun fact I bought my parents' house from them when I was 20 so I just moved back home so this is where I grew up actually out here this truck was painted right here this building had just been built at that time long time ago and the pallets that the lumber came in on we turned into a bed for this truck I couldn't find any pictures of it after W in that spirit I think we should just build a bed out of literally whatever we can find and then weld a cherry picker to the back of it JD and I have been trying to figure out what we should use for a bed and why not a truck bed this is an extra Stepside bed I had for the silver dollar and it's you know pretty much junk but it will definitely serve its purpose on that thing yeah let's bring these bed sides around and that whole floor it's wood these are on some kind of 70s custom show truck with a power ton cover oh look at that huh yeah and then with that little overhang there yeah picker just stick right [Applause] out no work look at there we got a truck bed yeah that fits on there pretty good so let's just weld it exactly where it's at it looks pretty centered we'll just weld it all the way across here everywhere it [Music] touches hold looking good HH I didn't really take into account that the bed is running downhill so what we'll do now that I've welded the bed floor to the truck uh we'll space the bedside up come around here JD show our genius here you see our genius yes so I will weld the lug nuts to there and then to here and then weld all the lug nuts together and that'll work [Applause] fine oh just a little fire no I'm going to put a weld back here right where the factory weld would be on a Chevy Stepside bed that's going to hold this in place and then we could stack some lug nuts under there and build little pedestals and just attach this whole thing we get the other bedside on we could tie the two bedsides together at the front with a 2x4 or something you know it's not great but it really needs the front bed panel I don't know if we have one of those or not ah very flam leaves next the boat tank full of gas anded your Sparks flly all over the place so the bedsides are attached kind of very floppy though so this is the tailgate from that custom truck bed with some sick louing on it by the way but JD thinks we should put this side in uh we're just we got to notch the bottom to sit down a little bit further down here so very professionally we will just you know then we'll just weld it to hold the entire bed together small fire no big deal oh yeah the boat Tank's still down there oh we're all attached up front we're pretty sturdy but back here we're still moving because everything's rotted away where the factory weld would have been down here so couple pieces of all thread we'll just stick them in down here and try to brace that up a little bit I hate this cherry picker it is the worst cherry picker I've ever used in my life it might work pretty good stuck on the back of this and using it to pull engines pick up logs H maybe even P around a car we'll just set it right on top weld it there weld it here and I mean I don't know it at least we do something with it if anybody's got good recommendations on a good cherry picker that's not the you know these are just H so chiny and junk it I mean it almost killed us in the 4x4 van build so let's put it where it it will be more dangerous look at that one leg fits all the way through it was meant to be the whole time just set it on there yeah just set it on there come on you got it yeah oh yeah it's perfect wow my physics engineering degree I have tells me we should put something right here uh just to help it out a little bit I cut it just it's a shade short uh don't judge me we put a little something extra here when it gets levered on I think that will help us come that's booger [Applause] [Music] welding not they say if you can't tie a knot weld a lot my God that I trust that about as far as I can throw it it's not very far yeah if it'll hold you it'll definitely hold a car last Finishing Touch to make sure that this uh bed doesn't just break itself apart here's our tail gate right here it's one of those aerodynamic ones it's fuel mileage and it'll hold the bed together there oh it's good now oh yeah yeah now we can relocate that to the bed now we got those holes these what they're for see that one right there uh-huh yeah I think we're going to need more hose though I have this random piece of weather stripping here that will work well to retain this I think there that's better that side yeah has to be cuz it has the padding M you don't want to hurt your boat tank yeah it's going to work pretty good though yeah it is and last thing for the night I put a mirror on it for some reason and dumped a box of screws on the ground you'll have to Pardon some of the noise today we've got uh something special coming concrete work starts on a new building over there just a cheapy carport style building is what we're going with spoiler alert might ask yourself how are you going to fix all those filler cracks from this truck being beaten to death for the last 70 years well I'm not what I'm going to do is just grind and feather all these cracks out and refill it it'll be good for another 10 or 20 years [Music] souvenir so you might notice that this is all popped out well I can tell you why there's no fiberglass in here it's just filler and that would have been cuz Dad wouldn't have wanted to spend the extra time or money or effort in putting glass on it for just a piece of crap Old Farm truck neither do I so I will just be covering this back up and fill it I pretty much got it all ground out you know just kind of digging for the cracks and we're just going to smear it you know Dad's half ass body work is far better than my actual body work so this isn't going to be as pretty as it ever was but it'll look good for 20 ft away while we're pulling stumps out of the ground now I'll take some 80 grit and just kind of smooth everything out rough up this whole Fender this is the worst part of the whole truck so let's get it fixed first key here when you're just scabbing over old filler just feather the edges of it you don't want any hard like angles or anything or it'll pop back out pretty quick I'm going break out the TR for this one they sell putty spreaders at bigger sizes just for jobs like this [Music] oh dear me we have a rust hole let me just treat that rust there stop that in there a gutter mesh I will now carefully sculpt this into the shape of a fender spot putty in few little spots here that all looks pretty good this part here needs one more coat you can see that's where we ground out all those cracks it's thick but it should last so we'll put one more coat on that and then we'll knock it down with the airboard that'll take care of that so almost all of this back here like that this it's under that blue this is older than what we did that's probably 40-year-old body work that's finally decided to come out uh and people say oh Bondo doesn't last all right everything's looking pretty good this Fender's done uh it looks good the hood is done it's little spot right there this Fender is almost done I got knocked down some icing I put in there a little bit more spot putty JD's sanding around everything just roughing it up I got to hit the roof with some 80 knock all that loose paint off there not about it back the cab and then I mean this is beyond Redemption all this stuff I'm just going to try to feather it out and make it the best we can oh oh boy you know it's a good thing nobody could see the roof I don't think Dad ever painted it I think he just sprayed around he did look you can see he never painted the roof well I'll rough it up and we will treat it to paint on on the roof JD yes all right we're ready to rock let's get this thing taped off JD you keep saying to these edges I'll start taping let's see if we get a coat of primer shot on it at least there we go we're ready for primer I've got a little left over from that Grand Prix so let's get that shot this is the upole primer I had left over from the Grand Prix and if you remember it kind of sucked on the Grand Prix and gummed up real bad and you know super iffy uh which means it's not good enough to use on anything I really care about but is more than good enough to use on this a little extra in there help that out a little I still haven't bought any reducers since uh the Grand Prix so this is going to be really thick again I'm covering all the body work and bare metal first cuz that's really all we care about this is it uh show quality paint job pretty freaking straight actually there we have it kind of looks like that picture of uh when I'm 8 years old looking at it that's rough as a COB but all the body work I did is pretty straight primer set up pretty nice overnight uh truck looks you know pretty much awful we're just going to take some 320 rough it up and get some black tractor paint shot on this thing and should be back to looking more or less like it did when I was a [Music] [Applause] [Music] kid JD's pushing a broom I'm going to wipe this thing off with a tack cloth it's basically a piece of cheese cloth with a little glue on it pick up all kinds of dirt and debris that you can't get off with your air gun so always worth a good quick wipe down with these and really we probably ought to use Degreaser on it but uh cuz this primer was soft and I don't trust it just like on the Grand Prix here's what we're using today Rustoleum tractor paint I'm not a fan of this stuff actually I prefer vanle but I was in the wrong town and this is all that Tractor Supply I had was this so uh they didn't have any of the magic brand I actually like it a little better than this uh this reduces with mineral spirits and I am going to throw some hardener in it from vanle just I think it'll probably work now that's a fresh can of paint there I'm just going to guesstimate that it probably wants to be about 8 to one on the hardener I hope this doesn't do anything bad and uh we did learn in the last video that the Grand Prix didn't mind the fish sh a remover so maybe just a couple drops of that probably not too much though it seemed pretty thin all right we'll test somewhere really inconspicuous like right on front of the truck not bad that's pretty good I'm going to do a really light dusting over the whole thing then we'll get it with this next coat really fill it in well except for the roof I'll go up and bury the roof in a second [Music] [Music] [Music] n I prep this for paint real quick all right it's ready hey yeah I'll just pain it off only the best for this truck it never got the best it never cares it ain't no Little girly Mall crawler this is Happy look good 20 ft away be ripping houses off of their Foundation and fixed forever just prep as you go with this stuff you [Music] [Music] know I'm going to mix up just a little bit more yeah that last coat it was coming out real dry and I came back in here and I thinned the out of it with mineral spirits and suddenly it started flowing real nice as long as it sticks to the truck that'll be good but that was almost two parts thinner to eight parts paint so 4 to one so I need you it should be 4 to one with mineral spirits would be my recommendation [Music] was pretty good well I think the sh is good so uh let me just rro this uh rest in peace Harbor Freight spray gun I think we got kind of lucky that that's stuck to that truck at all barly the Rustoleum paint doesn't like that hardener looks just like it did that is exactly how I remember it got a good shine on it it might have cost us a paint gun but I think it worked out pretty good is it drying oh yeah cool yeah it's already tacked up prettyy good it's nice when you shoot in good weather yeah even this all back here looking pretty good well I guess the only thing to do is let it dry time to begin reassembly you might notice this isn't the right emblem for this truck that's because that is actually off of my grandpa's 87 Dodge uh that he had when I was a little bit of left over for some reason can just go right back on here I wouldn't have it any other way just painted the grill and the headlight bezels while I was at work it pained her to do a half ass job like I asked her to but she did they're white that's good enough there much fancier now so the other half of this dodge emblem has been screwed to this wall here since this truck was painted let's put it back where belogs super glue held this on here for about 20 years I suppose it probably will again and it might look kind of crappy but I don't really care now I will stand here forever well this tire has uh exploded so that's not going to work uh I don't have any other tires to put on but I I think I got a spare in the truck that ain't going to work had to cut the middle of that wheel out which is what they did on that one day in the' 60s got a bigger Hub than a 14 bolt I guess after a lot of Butchery got that to fit just uh maybe not quite as good as the original person who did but it'll work this is perfectly fine you might notice that we never changed the oil that's because it does it itself our uh our brakes they came back just now but they were gone for a minute it's nothing to worry about it's totally normal all right so see this engine here let's see if we can pick it up we need a chain though so the clutch kind of comes and goes the uh brakes you know they kind of come and go about two of the cylinders they uh they kind of come and go uh but other than that I love it it's just like I remember a that low gear man look at just crawl bed Works let's go ahead get this extended it's the tow truck [Music] yeah [Music] ha all right well hold dodgy break time's over it's time to get back to work that's all it knows how to do though it'll be fine I have it attached to something I trust my welding oh look at that now is that chain going to hold I doubt it oh oh yeah that's going to fall off right away is it no it's fine that's okay all part of the you see just uh don't get underneath that no I won't uh for any reason okay yeah I kind of know what I'm doing take two of our brilliant creation this is going to work now we actually put bolts in it see what we're doing is we're just simulating all the possible scenarios that could happen when using your homemade to Tru and uh yeah this is perfectly safe I'm pretty sure that's not going to rip off of the truck see this is just like pulling an engine out of a car I can now do it by myself thanks to the homemade tow truck it's an amazing thing really you should all be jealous anyway I'm off [Music] we must deposit this in the scrap pile but first I think I need a drink oh God not constructed bad ass look that won't even touch the gas pretty steep you do it of course it will like nothing nothing I didn't touch nothing God it's good to have this back is our tool box in here oh I think we need that for this dude this actually is very handy that works really well it's a good toolbx I think I had this whenever I was little it's a good spot for it there truck box all right let's see see if you can learn to drive in it like I did you want me in with you uh yeah this thing's obviously far from perfect so goe put your clutch in let's go for granny low first that'll help you okay up and left it's going to grind a bit but it'll be all right there you go uh bu your foot on the gas yeah which is that nice Rod sticking out of the floor okay you don't got to give it much just a little bit there you go okay good job I you never touch the Gest do I I you got give it a little bit just so it doesn't try install on you well to drive no no you could just idle okay do you want to go for second though or are you good right now I'm good right now all right see you oh let me get that door for you there you go the brakes need a couple of pumps make sure you push the clutch in and then hit the brakes all right how am I going to stop like up and stay stopped well pump the brakes a couple times and hold them okay with the clutch in yeah it died it's all right now you got to push the clutch in you got to te pump the brakes you got to pump them all right there you go you got a little pedal okay now push in the clutch see if you're going to roll hold the brakes you got to hold the brakes we're going to die I have all there you go you're [Music] stopped go ahead all right let the clutch out here in first there you go best way to learn is under pressure okay you got it you want to go for a second uh oh you got it all right now get a little speed up just a little cuz you're in graany low you're really not supposed to shift at a second okay clutch in take her to second is it down yep clutch in there you go now let out there you go now we get a little speed this is technically first okay I can just drive around the property now yeah it'll be a little bit easier that was scary take a little gas wow it's got some torque listen to that horrible rod knock this thing definitely has is it horrible oh yeah couldn't use it for anything you know just an old worthless truck here drive around wherever just remember you can't loop around where we're building the new building yeah yeah oh there good a little gas trying to die got to be smoother all the throttle we'll see you later oh oh no starter yeah he you broke it you fix it all right you going to get her started yeah I can try you might as well cuz you can drive it anytime you want so okay get used to it move it hold it open a little bit hold it open steady hold your foot still re clear it out cuz they have electric fuel pumps they like to flood them not race car uhhuh yeah let it clear out you're in low already doing good just give her a little gas let the clutch out there you go good job that let's take her back by the neighbor's house no let's it deserves a better spot okay think it'll move that thing might maybe it's kind of worried about this thing getting hot but the temperature gauge works it's just sitting at 150° happy as can be we didn't touch [Applause] anything that's how you know she's a good one anyway let's see if this will pick up an entire truck that's a good idea and it's not no truck I mean it's a big it's a big truck yeah ah yes which wheel is locked up I don't know well don't you think if you lifted up it just roll you are smarter than me a lot of times no that'll be fine oh okay well if it could just get subraction it would do it wouldn't it yeah it would all right so we take that off yeah and then just pull straight that straight on it now this held yeah I I think I think this works really well it was yanking out of hard yeah no we I think we thoroughly tested that meanwhile this engine that's you know completely wasted oh there's been comments on Instagram like oh put a modern LS in it why would I do that you think an LS will be around of 65 years running on 6 cylinders I don't think so or how about that electric Amazon van give me a break this is going green right here you can tell by the smoke just some better tires would help tremendously I me they're just Caked Up it was dry it would do it oh yeah look at the smoke wa don't we get this one going who knows if we can pull with this baby you know that's a real truck too well with that I'm going to call that a successful Revival you know this uh this truck's Road days probably gone but it can absolutely live out the rest of its days working around here and that old 318 will run till the end of time like just like this it's got to keep oil in it o speaking of which I wonder if I can caught any oh yeah probably not it was flinging around oh my it did it worked probably hot it a little bit it's got some oil in but it mostly just sprayed all around it I think that's going to do it for this one guys uh I don't know what we're working on next might be that old 50 Chevy I don't know let me know what you thought down in the comments I don't know we need to put a bumper on it some tires you want to see that maybe we kind of throw that in one of those work on everything videos we'll see you guys next time on pole bar garage thanks for watching this truck means a lot to me and I'm glad I got the opportunity to get it back
Channel: Pole Barn Garage
Views: 208,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pontiac, gto, bullet goat, pole barn, car, junk, pile, roadkill, rat rod, project
Id: vvV4w1yxmys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 48sec (4428 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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