Found a Cheap Hi-Point Pistol Underwater While Scuba Diving! (Police Called)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I just got on scuba-diving and this is the best phone of the day man this is crazy dude I can't believe I found a pistol in the river every time I find a weapon in the river we always call the police just because of this weapon or any other weapon a fine could be used in an open criminal case and it could help somehow in some case and that's why I always hand over these weapons but for the most part every time I hand over a pistol to a police officer they say they most likely won't be able to get anything off of this just because it's been in the river for a long time right here it says 380 acp model CF 380 I think that's where the old serial number used to be and it looks scratched off or rusted off so I don't know what they can get out of this there's no clip right here but it could be loaded so I'm gonna treat it as it's loaded right now I'm gonna leave this right here I'm gonna hop into the truck call the police and we'll go from there okay I can't believe it did we actually found a real pistol in the river and this right here most definitely looks like epicentral murder weapon man this is unreal we're gonna call the Phoenix City Police Department and we're gonna see what we need to do from here I'm not calling 9-1-1 this is an emergency somes gonna call the police department hey how you doing my name is Jake I found a weapon in a river while scuba diving and I want to hand it over to the police yes ma'am this is always so exciting man to call the police to have them come down and get the gun and like it's just so cool all right so the transfer Meads to someone else in the department I guess hey how you doing my name's Jake well I'm scuba diving in a Chattahoochee River I actually found a pistol and I want to hand it over to the police okay yes ma'am but I got out on the Phoenix city side she like all the Columbus Georgia Police Department or should I remain here yeah anything in the water is gonna be Columbus City jurisdiction okay even though I got out of the water on the Alabama side unfortunately anything like in the water all right let's get I didn't know that I'll go ahead and call Columbus Police Department and I will go from there thank you so much for your time Trebek unless you're I decide now if you guys didn't know the river is actually divided one sides Georgia and the other side is Alabama and the river is I guess owned by Georgia I think the Columbus Police Department's actually closed I think it closes after 5:00 it's 5:15 so with that said I'm gonna call 911 right now and right off the back I'm gonna say it's not an emergency and then I'm gonna tell them you know that I found the gun in a river [Music] hey how you doing my name's Jake this isn't an emergency but when I was scuba diving the Chattahoochee River I found a pistol and I want to hand it over to a police officer okay I'm just right out here in front of the Whitewater Express building on the Columbus IDE I'm in a Ford white Raptor and I'm wearing a camo wetsuit so you probably won't miss me thank you so much ma'am I appreciate all you've done bye-bye there have an officer come down right now I don't know how long it's gonna take for the officer to come down but we're gonna stay here in a truck chill for a little bit and then when the officer comes by we'll get out the truck introduce ourselves and then we're hand over the weapon to him but let's go ahead and just I guess sit back and relax for a little bit I'm excited man like this is cool this is what it's about you know you find something really crazy in the river and the story that some of those things can tell it's just so cool like I found the gun and that gun could be used in some kind of active criminal case and if I hand it over to the police I could use it and what if it solves some kind of crazy case and you know they wouldn't have never solved that case without the help from me and to be able to find that weapon in the river you know like that would be such a wild experience and story so I'm sitting here waiting for the police officer and I'm looking at this gun more and more and it just really just dawned on me man the last person who had this in their hands could have potentially robbed someone and they even could have killed someone with this gun chances of this being using the crime is very high and it's just crazy and and I'm a static to be able to hand it over to the police today I've been waiting for about an hour and a half I'm out here sweating in my wetsuit man and I was just worried that you know maybe for God or you know they just forgot to put any order something I'm not too sure but I gave a call back and they told me that they're just extremely busy and that they don't know how long how much longer an officer would take to get here so I asked if I could just drive to the the police station so that's what I'm going to do I'm just going to go enjoy I've over to the Columbus Police Department hand over the weapon and I guess just walk in like this man I don't have any extra clothes but it should be interesting I don't have a bag to put this in so I'm at the walk and the police station with a gun like this in my hand I think we'll be okay but we're gonna kind of go like this if I had a plastic bag if it'd look better I don't know the best way to do this we're about to walk in I'm gonna ask if I could film in I'm inside I don't want to bring a camera okay sounds great okay so I guess I'm just gonna stay out here in the lobby I'm in a police station with a gun in my wetsuit just like chill I guess they're just super super busy it's okay I don't mind waiting but I just want to be able to give this to someone so they can use this you know all right so they can I told me to call 9-1-1 in there i'll call 9-1-1 they told me someone's gonna go in the lobby the guy just closed up the whole place they told us to go wait outside I guess someone waiting to do I guess I'm really determined to get this to the police and right now I think we've waited over three hours to just give this to someone but it is what it is you know maybe everyone's super busy so oh wait I don't mind found a pistol in the river you want to okay this is gonna look too bad though no it looks fairly new I think maybe right here was read the serial numbers were okay yeah yeah we'll take it back all right man we got it what's your next step oh that's right here so what we'll do is we'll take it obviously we'll run it see if there's anything we can do with it paperwork why does anything have anything on file for the weapon thing then log it in evidence it's awesome Intel so much appreciate it that's awesome man what a great way to end the story you get fleas everywhere now that's awesome man thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoy this video make sure you have a thumbs up subscribe if you guys are new we're closing in on 6 million subscribers I'd love to be able to break that crazy milestone this month I think you guys so much for watching I'll see y'all next time that guy kind of look like me little bit didn't it kind of like an older brother bigger brother [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 7,704,991
Rating: 4.8696856 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found gun, found gun in river, scuba diving, best river treasure finds, dallmyd, found gun underwater', river treasure hunting, found in the river, found underwater in the river, searching for river treasure, river finds, police called, found possible murder weapon, unbelievable finds, underwater discoveries, things found underwater, underwater finds, underwater, cops called, police, helping the police, river, swimming, vlog, gun found, found pistol, fish, finding
Id: 6pUBtNeuWrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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