FOUND 23 Years Later! Richard Hoagland

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome to another found video and today we're talking about a missing man Richard Hoagland but before we get into that I would like to thank our sponsor for today June's journey June's journey is a free and captivating hidden object mystery mobile games set in the 1920s with beautiful glamour scenes and a riveting story the game is super relaxing and I actually love playing phone games for relaxing I play little games on my phone all of the time and I really like this one because it's very mellow it's a good one for like in the bath or laying in bed and most of you guys would like it because it's a mystery type game you're looking for hidden pictures which are the clues which will help you solve the overall crime playing the game is very relaxing and really lightly challenging so it's a great tool for self-care it allows you to take time for yourself and improve your sense of observation while having fun part of the game is decorating an estate like a little area which is fun I love anything where you're decorating your own little mini space and because June's journey is currently celebrating their first anniversary my viewers can click on the link below and get a free bonus decoration for your miniature estate this decoration is very rare exclusive and can only be received until the 15th of October so definitely check out June's journey remember it is completely free there are links to download it in the description box now let's get right into this story so Richard Hoagland he was a man from Indiana he worked for an insurance company and he'd actually been previously married but he ended up getting remarried to a woman named Linda Eisler in 1982 Richard and Linda had two sons Matthew who is nine at the time and Doug who was six and Linda describes Richard as someone who was a lot of fun to be around she said that he was really high-energy and a very positive person what did you love about him um he was a lot of fun to be with and his life seemed to be pretty great I mean he had a good income a nice house can he often even travel to exotic locations they went on vacation so things were pretty good for Richard and his family but that all changed on February 10th of 1993 that day Richard did not come home from work Linda was at home and she actually got a call from Richard and at this point he was still in his office and he quickly told her that he was feeling really really sick and he needed to go to the hospital as soon as possible now obviously as his wife Linda was like okay like I'll come there I'll help you get there but he didn't want to wait for her he said he didn't have time and he went to the hospital and hung up the phone now he never told Linda which hospital he was going to either obviously she was really concerned and started calling all the hospitals trying to see if he was at any of them and after calling all the hospitals in the area none of them had a record of Richard checking in what's also weird is Richard didn't take any of his belongings with him all of his clothes were still at home and his passport was still at home he didn't pack any clothes it was cold it was in February so obviously Linda was getting really freaked out at this point I mean her husband was just missing everyone was trying to look for him they had friends and family out searching and as a few days passed there was still no sign of Richard until police found Richard's van in a parking lot at the Indianapolis International Airport and they believed that the car was just abandoned Richard's sons were heartbroken and his son Matthew was really hopeful that he was going to come back one day your dad's there the next day gone gone I thought you know initially you think okay this will this won't last too long I'll be back so time went on and there wasn't much buzz about this case definitely not much coverage or anything but what's really strange is that following summer the boys actually received birthday cards from their dad and these cards had $50 cash in them and they were so confused because at this point they still didn't know where he is or what happened to him or if it was even really him writing these cards and one of the cards Richard wrote maybe sometime soon we will get to see each other I bet I won't even know you it has been so long mind your mother dad so after this police start seeing Linda as a potential suspect because it was weird I mean they were getting cards from their dad who was missing or dead and that is really odd so they thought that maybe Linda was just staging the whole thing and that she actually murdered Richard they didn't know if maybe she was straight-up involved in it but they thought that maybe he was involved in drug trafficking of some sort and that Linda knew something that she wasn't telling them that maybe she knew that he left and went somewhere because he was in danger or something like that so the authorities interrogated her they were thinking that you may have been either in cahoots with him exactly what you may have bumped him off exactly they interrogated me over and over and over and even though they were convinced that Linda knew something that she wasn't telling them they weren't able to come up with anything conclusive or anything to tie her to it so the case just remained unsolved and because Richard was the primary source of income for him and his family Linda and her kids lost everything they lost their house that lost their car I was broken and soon enough ten years had passed there were still no leads to where Richard was no one knew what happened to him and so at this point and this is pretty common the police decided to go ahead and declare him dead they figured the chances of him being alive are slim to none eventually Linda decided to get remarried and moved on with her life it's like wounds they heal slowly over time however everything changed in summer of 2016 Linda was settled into her new life her kids were older and will talk about them in a second but Linda got a call from detective Anthony cardio of the Pasco County Sheriff's Department in Florida and he asked Linda if she knew who richard hoagland was of course she said yes that's my ex-husband but he passed away and that is when they told her that he didn't pass away richard was actually in their custody at that moment can you imagine how you would feel if you were Linda so I'm sure you're wondering where the [ __ ] was Richard this is when they found out that Richard had actually been secretly living under someone else's identity this other person that he took on has been missing since 1993 police said that in 1993 Richard left Indiana and went to Florida when he got to Florida he rented a place and this is so odd like what are the chances of this but while he was living in this house he found a death certificate and if you didn't know you get a desk search if they actually do give you like basically receipt a death you died and here's the receipt for your dead boy it's kind of weird but anyway he found a death receipt for this guy's son and his name is Terry Szymanski and Terry was a fisherman and he actually died in 1991 from a boating accident so Richards stole Terry's death certificate and somehow used it to get a birth certificate which I'm really confused cuz weren't they like yo dude says you're dead right here so I'm a little confused on that but once he had the birth certificate he was able to get a license under the name Terry Szymanski and that is when took on his identity he even got remarried in 1995 to a woman named Mary and they even had a child together Mary said that sometimes she would bring up his past or ask questions about his family but he would always find some way to play it off Richard ended up buying a house in Zephyrhills and Florida's Gulf Coast and he even got his pilot's license he basically just started a new life so how did his plan come crashing down well they figured it all out thanks to and we just talked about that one talk Tuesday this is a great example of how they're using DNA to solve cases like this but back in 2013 Terry's real family was looking at their family history on and this is when they found out that Terry had gotten married two years after they buried him so obviously they know something is up however it actually wasn't until three years after this discovery that they decided to contact the authorities weirdly enough in July of 2016 police contacted Richard and said gigs up man like your Cod and at first he refused to tell them that he was actually Richard he said I am Terry even showed them his license which they already knew was [ __ ] and that's when they pulled out a death certificate for Terry and Richard finally hold it and confessed that he was not Terry we were told glad to hear that he was still alive I don't remember that feeling and get this his new wife didn't even know that he wasn't named Terry like she had no idea that he was actually Richard Hoagland tonight the Pasco County Sheriff's Office is investigating what they say is one of the longest and most complicated cases of identity that they have ever seen he's living a life he has a child with this third wife they have no idea about his previous life everything is in his world is going smoothly nobody has an idea of what's going on he owns property in Pasco County Florida a lot of property in fact all of these homes around his house in Zephyrhills homes he rents out all under a dead man's name none of his tenants would talk on camera but I did talk to a barber across the street one time I seen him he just one or two times walking up and back and forth and I just said well never had much conversation no he never he never introduced himself for nothing and you'd think that Richard would have a really good reason for just completely abandoning his life but he really didn't have a good of a reason basically he just said that they were having family issues and he wanted to get away from them so it's kind of like why didn't you just get a divorce I mean he'd already gotten a divorce previously so it seems weird to just fake your death and get a new identity like that is extreme so Richard was arrested and in February of 2017 he pleaded guilty to aggravated identity theft Richard served two years in jail but this past April of 2018 he was released back to Indiana and this story is actually really sad I mean the kids grew up without their dad because of his selfish decision to just leave him and not even give them an answer I mean I think that's so cruel it'd be one thing to leave and say hey I'm leaving and you know just own up to it that you're a shitty dad but like it's a whole nother thing to just disappear and leave your kid to wonder whether or not you're dead like who does something like that and Richard selfish acts definitely really affected his family especially his son Douglas when Douglas was in high school he started doing drugs it actually started when he broke his hand and he was given narcotics for the pain and he never got off them like so many people that's how it starts when Richard was arrested Douglas was actually already in prison serving eight years for drug possession and this is crazy but Douglas actually found out that his dad was still alive because he saw a picture of him on TV with a news reporter talking about how this man abandoned his family and got a new identity he knew immediately that it was his dad so while he was in jail he wrote his dad a letter and here's part of what it said for a long time I wondered what was wrong with me that would warrant someone being able to just walk away I'm sure the big underlying question for everyone is why what was so bad that you had to disappear at a very young age I lost a person that I thought loved me I had a very low self-esteem and that affected my drug use even more I used drugs to get my confidence since at times I felt less than I really was and Linda as you can imagine was absolutely furious I mean she was probably mourning his death for a long time I just cannot imagine how livid he would be so she sued his ass and rightfully so she basically sued him for child support because he hadn't paid a dime towards his kids in the past 20 years and in June of 2018 a judge ruled that Richard owed Linda and her son's 1.86 million dollars however Richard is currently not in good financial standing I mean he went to prison he's going through a divorce with Mary who had no idea that his name was not Kari and his assets are frozen so it's likely that they won't see a dime of that money so it's really just a sad story I mean these kids got totally screwed by their dad but I thought it was just so crazy to just up and leave I find those types of stories so interesting because I cover so many missing persons cases of people that want to be home and want to be their families and loved ones who are looking for them because they're actually lost and it's crazy to think that someone just like left I mean those cases are just super super weird to me but that's it for me today guys I really want to know your thoughts on this case so definitely let me know in the comments be sure to hit the thumbs up if you liked this video and subscribe for more and that's it for me today guys I will see [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,890,216
Rating: 4.9474382 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, true, crime, mystery, conspiracy, true crime, richard hoagland, hoagland, indiana hoagland, florida hoagland, missing person, disappeared, found, police, criminal justice, found 23 years later
Id: Q76XM00GV28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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