fortnites greatest update ever

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alright ready 3 2 1 default dance oh right now you can now have 16 people in one lobby in the same squad so when you play big team modes you can coordinate with all 16 people so we're gonna play some big team modes and absolutely dominate and also dominate the memes you've been seeing me where this merch for months and it's finally released ladies and gentlemen you can get this hoodie there's a shirt with gingy space on a bunch of other sick t-shirts go check it out as a link in the description it's a great way to support channel bring everyone into the lobby Alex's are all on your friends list cuz there's no way the going on mind this actually looks wicked we literally have everyone we're bananas on my command I want everyone to do your favorite emo we're all gonna try and default dance at the exact same moment we have to know everyone way I will peel you I don't peel you stop right now alright ready three two one default dance Oh close close and there's just the two in the middle just like hey guys what's up what are we doing here this is the most terrifying sight I've personally ever never seen [ __ ] I'm banana beam I will lead this banana bunch into battle our sava get all 16 bananas in a box like we've been shipped off to the fruit store but jokes on them when they go to eat the fruit the fruit eats there alright where's the box boy I say we do it on top of this hill I've got the door at the back come on boys come on boys form in the box now the metal box is being constructed okay come on mate you can you please get off that whole bit just it just right Bernard a bunch get in this box and wait for the enemy to come no no there must be the silent killer we're gonna give them an overdose of potassium and overdose of vitamins yes you guys can paint the wall you guys are doing some fantastic artwork there I'll give you that be quiet Shh Shh all right coming out the walls coming into a secret banana books let him in wait a min imagine see in this side imagine just playing a casual game a team rumble and seeing this [ __ ] we got we haven't won rain of non banana but we can accept him as one of their own he's a banana that got really rotten no killin no killin no I'll join our squad he's a random enemy give him some space let him in my man my man we've we've recruited one of the enemy players to join our banana Bunch we've converted him Shh don't hold the wall let me join in let him join in let me jump in I'm gonna hop in hop in but no I quit get in hold the balls shh shh don't coming in over us we're gonna have to move to another box boy have a rift yeah yeah rift this rift is quick go go go go the very center of this new shaft when we're boxing off actually no because that will give them a vantage point from their mountain we need to go behind that meant they enough to slide up in here where I'm going come through the trailer cream quick quick quick yes we're in the next circles beautiful we have one job to do make them overdose with potassium yeah from this point on we have to hold the walls holy you're never gonna get it is you're never gonna get this you're never gonna break into this box you're gonna have to come over here and see what the mystery is you never get an inmate is what you get for global warming you bastards this is a banana trapped up in the top view they're trying to break in right now bananas Roots they may take our walls but they'll never take out banana peels the wall the walls hold the roof hold the roof somebody sold the roof old banana brothers right they can see through these walls right now and they can just see such a banana retreat and they want it they want it the whole team's here bro the whole team's here I'm just spinning and walling right now we got to hold it lads we gotta hold it that car man they're wiping themselves out with their own explodes they're coming from everywhere I'm on 200 ping this is almost impossible look we're bet to lose this game but I think overall we won because our meme was mostly successful like we had people show up and go what the [ __ ] am I looking at and we've lost it but we won the meme war so I'm happy we are gonna make a vehicular banana hoard imagine being a random default a random six-year-old trying to get some good you're trying to get good at the gaming team rumble then a horde of bananas mounted on quad crashes charges over to kill you you all you want piss yourself you gonna be crying for your mummy oh look at me I'm drinking and driving wait that's illegal alright squad we're looking like a Mad Max movie out here [Music] oh this this looks like a dream come true mate and we even have an Australian so this is basically Mad Max or this is the most terrifying sight I've ever seen people the distance yes death to the dead charge let's hit your honor on night [Applause] [Music] it's rather far and back do a drive-by oh yeah page shades I call the pain I'm not hitting anything climbing I'm sorry I tagged him oh [ __ ] I almost got him oh I got him finish him off let's there's no escape in the banana convoy I heard you ordered some bananas online beg you didn't expect this oh there's people over here yeah yeah tagging boys tagging they trying to run all over you it's Donovan dr5 mr. Holmes I've got it landed you flooring me off for the cosmic drawers boy complete have you daily Dyson for potassium yeah a vehicle I exploded so uh that kind of I kind of killed that alright then so full plan for the final battle bananas spend all game fashion trees which kind of goes against my like pro-environment message but you know whatever we gather as many mats as possible we go to the final circle and banana vic star had a fantastic idea we dorita we do nothing but doritos spam the whole final circle everyone preset your Doritos basically what you want to do is get a pyramid I can't recall exactly how to do it but okay my prick Doritos are set I've got a buff Lee 1300 Matt's not bad not bad we should just start the rest of our brothers can join I feel like this is the beginning of something sacred something great okay I got snot oh my god yeah this was a good idea get Dorito and boys honestly Doritos hit us up use this as a Super Bowl commercial let's go I'm sure I'm joining the Dorito spin you just run around rotate your builds and spam Doritos but just keep Dorito and boys keep Dorito and for the common good don't Rito Dorito everywhere there's no way they can bring this down so I'm not worried everyone's gonna have their game the final battle will be on the Doritos for spam Oh might I've got to say this I've got to go die Murr hey hey when sixteen bananas put their banana brains together this is full with curry the fact that we're actually also winning this game is the best part [Music] oh my god from this side you've got to see it from the south like you've got to see it that is actually gorgeous forget Ilsa forget me missus I want to marry that oh my god it's still very thick but the enemy team is trying to resist it guys we can also still win this game we must we must maintain the spire of Doritos and also we in this game you kill it as mad as I can yeah I'm taking something out I want to go I've got like 700 mats I've got to go help keep constructing this Torito for a bit Oh guys I'm trying to strengthen the Dorito okay I got someone I'm just I'm making a thicker we're winning the game boys we're winning the game got one is the RPG oh no I'll feed you in the middle hot metal I got ya pj ger I've got the top but I only have 18 bullets I needed a shot he shells just for some races built the giant Dorito tower what a sight to behold that is legendary imagine playing a damn normal gamer for a night and seeing that piece of [ __ ] get constructed see this is what I hate people for imagine seeing that beautiful thing and then go on I'm a [ __ ] destroy it that is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen lads we did something great here see what happens when you can have a 16 person squad and coordinate
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 15,460,130
Rating: 4.9295197 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, update, game, video game, new
Id: N7FVjozTrZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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