Fortnite SMARTEST 200 IQ Plays OF ALL TIME!

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picking up the white pistol 50 IQ texting your girlfriend back in the pregame lobby now that's a 100 IQ play just kidding I know you didn't tech back eating food with autorun enable 150 IQ today we're visiting plays that are 200 IQ which doesn't exist until now watch it till the end to increase your intelligence by point zero zero one percent and if you don't subscribe Einstein's ghost will haunt your dreams that guy's pretty smart you don't want him in your head number 10 the door play kicking things off with our first 200 IQ play comes to us from reddit as two players start a fight in happy hammer the player in the century starts getting shot at and immediately boxes up in a one by one for protection noticing he didn't exactly have enough mats to try and build battle his opponent he has an absolutely mind-boggling idea in how to best take down the enemy as you can see that little edit to then jumping on to the door was genius it was great at letting him keep his help and shields at full to be fair it wasn't overly flashy but it's a simple enough trick where most anyone can pick it up and it would improve there came with us for nine players constantly changing up how we play the game it's nice to learn some new tricks like this number nine bug it didn't even see blink and you'll miss this next one this clip is from World Cup winner bugga while he was playing some squads he's just gone for a limbs and playing with his team when he runs out of a room in the Megamall area on the chapter one map as he runs out he chops at the statue to his right but didn't manage to catch the red nosed Raider on the other one the Raider is literally just emoting next to him as bugga runs in to finish off a player then you can see him standing still as a cactus while he runs on by the giveaway here should have been the sound effects the emote makes when you're doing it but even that didn't tip off bugga imagine if the guy eliminated him as he ran past that would make this clip even more comedy gold later number eight we've got the 200 IQ snowman rebuy with this next clip that reminds me to keep my eyes on those sneaky snowmen this player honestly had this poor opponent playing a game of guess who he just keeps tossing down snowman after snowman until it's a winter wonderland before finally hopping in one and sticking the respawn on his fallen teammate the most tragic part is just how close the enemy player shooting at them was actually getting them they shot out all but one of the snowmen and of course that was the one he didn't shoot it it helped that he was hiding behind the repo van though if I were the enemy I would be paranoid for weeks every time I saw a snowman not to mention he still would have survived the sniper because he had shielded by the snowmen at least they're out of the game now considering how buggy they got but number 7 he's 200 IQ trap counter trap a limbs might be the most satisfying way to win a fight but the soccer skin in this next entry might have found something even more satisfying in this next clip we see a pretty simple fight in a building within salty Springs our soccer skins put down a ramp and as a response the enemy puts a trap below it then proceeds to shoot him out honestly the thought process that made him move land on top of that door was so smart then landing on his own pyramid just to run into the room and finish off his opponent was the cherry on top the player who put the trap down must have gotten pretty mad but what can you do when a sweaty soccer skin comes after you will actually top by gaming leave the game nobody said you had to stay in the game in the first place right number six calculated if you were to tell me this next clip wasn't a 200 IQ play you'd be lying all things considered the Ice King in this clip should not have lived to tell the tale after running into that bathroom unfortunately the Technic skin also decided to run into there to chase the Ice King and rather than shooting him down with attack they decided to throw a nade while in the room needless to say this didn't exactly work out for them did it honestly I have zero idea how this Ice King managed to make it out of this alive it just baffles me that they walked into the room they were grenading and then somehow got strapped in there too I'm gonna assume they were out of ammo on that tack because if not I think it's time to try a different game buddy coming in at our number 5 slot we've got a pretty saucy play teeth as he laces a few shots into an enemy while they were moving in a boat after having his shields crack the player fails on his boat and builds up as tea food begins to approach seeing this tea foo swaps from the passenger seat to the drivers and begins to blast away at his enemies builds with the boat Rockets following up and rushing in on the player his opponent pops into the passenger seat and prepares to take some shots T foo being the technical genius that he has managed to eject out of the driver's seat and shoot his opponent at the same time it seems quite simple when you watch it but the way he reacted that quickly to them jumping on the boat was intense then again when you're one of the best players in the world I imagine this is just another day in the shop for T foo but number four this next play might be equal parts genius as well as pure luck considering how much it hinged on him hitting just the right spot with his impulse grenade with the final circles closing in we see our player taking down players with a scar before being melted by the last guy rushing in with the combat shot he's low on health the storm is taking away at him for damage and the only thing he could think to do was launch himself with an impulse grenade and make it within the storm landing directly on the floor behind his enemy he shreds their health bar instantly with the compact SMG and secures the win for himself and his teammate if he was off with his throw I doubt he would have managed to win the match considering his lack of heals but credit to the dude cuz he just went in he got the Dove regardless but number three is the snipe for a number three spot we got a pretty crazy player against the player using the pretty overpowered lightsabers from December if you play against them you'll know that with those things it's pretty easy to get up close and personal against the player by just deflecting their shots with the lightsaber well this player didn't have any problem with their opponent getting nice and close rather than looking to build or anything of the sort the gutsy player decides to look him in with the harpoon gun drawing him right up next to him before whipping out his sniper and knocking him with a noscope from point-blank honestly this took loads of guts but to top it off he actually got the results he wanted and it looks dope but number two is old but good y'all better bust out your calculators for this next century right number two slot we got a player vibing on a rooftop in a team Rumble match when he spots a plane coming in hot taking note of the plane's direction he shoots off a snowball with his launcher and manages to not only take down the plane but the player within as well the sheer skill required to pull this off is actually monumental considering the timing you'd need to not only do land to hit on a moving plane with a snowball launcher to imagine how the portion from the plane must be felt after being ambushed by some dude he didn't even know was there either way it's an extremely high key play definitely deserving of its spot on our list but honorable mention how much number one is the opposite of 200 IQ but still hilarious before we head into our number one slot we've got a couple of honorable mentions to get through and in the first one it's actually just the opposite of a smart play after breaking down the base of the building in team Rumble the player were watching decides to shoot the roof of the building and well it doesn't exactly end well for the poor guy I'm a number-two King Richard's reaction time is insane remember what I said blink and you'll miss it earlier in the video well in this one you can keep your eyes locked under the screen and you'll still probably miss in the clip we see King Richard blow up of players build with the snowball launcher before quick swapping over to the heavy sniper and demolishing his opponent with a headshot he didn't even stand a chance after looking over this clip many times I still have no idea how Richard managed to see him there when he took the judges that is crazy put on one bunch of number three lucky or calculated do jump at the perfect time can we hit the D foot you can't you can't tell right now but I'm about to do the default five this last honorable mention might have some of the luckiest timing in all of court night but maybe it was also a little bit of skill through this entry we see the guy getting his build shot out and he is quickly brought down to low HP before long he gets cornered you know a one by one by his opponents while breaking down his walls they shoot a rock which he somehow manages to rocket ride into an incredible escape I have zero idea how in the world he managed to get the timing right for the jump and then still not get blown up but that's something straight out of a spy film number one old one but it's crazy it's number one and for it we've got a pretty old clip for our top pick but man is it just wild to watch every single time we all remember our boy Kevin the cube from season six and his journey across the chapter one map so you should remember how shooting him or attempting to damage him would send you absolutely flying in any event the subcommander in the clip certainly knew the power of Kevin and used it to its full potential after not being able to catch a player on the ground with the first few shots of his silenced pistol which by the way those things were pretty cool you remember those the instead turned his attention to the big purple cube behind the player after Kevin retaliated and sent the enemy player directly into his build he was quickly taken out with a shotgun blast from point-blank I would have never thought to do this in a million years so it's pretty nice to see what you can achieve if you just use your brain stop panicking on the battlefield you've got this I believe in you get out there and start using that noggin or some 200 IQ plays and while we're at it use your brain and use code t5g because if you don't remember Einstein will haunt your dreams it's like the the flying dutchman but instead it's Einstein and these are pretty smart so I could imagine his idea of a nightmare would be pretty pretty dark we're not gonna get into that but what we are gonna get into it is this video on screen that you can click right now there's an annotation go and check it oh we are heading over there and checking out that video let's do it boys I will see you over there I love you smash like piece
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 2,471,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite top 10, top 10 luckiest fortnite 200 iq plays of all time, top 10 luckiest fortnite, fortnite luckiest, fortnite 200iq, fortnite 200 iq plays, fortnite plays, 200 iq fortnite plays, best fortnite plays, fortnite chapter 2, fort, nite, 200 iq, luckiest, plays, battle royale, new, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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