Top 10 FUNNIEST Fortnite Fails OF 2019!

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sometimes in fortnight we do things were not really too proud of you ever make a fool of yourself in fortnight whether it be dying by a falling damage on a clutch play or run out of Matt's endgame or even box yourself in the storm by accident oh you haven't well that's embarrassing I guess today we've got 10 embarrassing fails in fortnight chapter 2 and hey make sure you use code d5 G an item shop and join our discord for new updates whenever there's a new skin added to the game alerts on giveaways new videos open lobbies and so much more number 10 they thought they were hiding the one sad thing about fortnight chapter twos new swimming ability is that you can't swim under water nor can you even hide under water as the only way to get under the surface is to swim like a dolphin everywhere you go either way it makes the possibility of sneaking up on someone by hiding under water pretty impossible in for tonight's current meta as it happens it's not entirely impossible there are actually a few emotes in fortnight which can give you enough cover under water to be highly or completely hidden from your enemy these emotes sometimes work and the most popular examples are the warm emote and the Shaolin sit up email although in this clip this duo didn't exactly get the memo to try and hide from their enemies these two noobs keep spamming the action button on the flippin sexy emote because it's probably the only low enough dance that they both have because of this they keep popping their heads out of the water only to do a flip and hide under the surface again it's one of the worst ever attempts at hiding I've seen it for tonight and obviously another team spotted them straightaway and snipe both of them although the other team were just sad camping in a bush gross I would much prefer the flippin for dudes over the bush campers boo number 9 the bandage gun this next clip is truly from one of the biggest noobs I've ever seen I mean it's just a massive fail on their part they basically take out another player in a fair fight and the enemy just drops all their loot of course so this person goes over and picks up only one thing a bandage launcher they got a heal you know so naturally they point the bandage bazooka at the floor and what explode that's not supposed to happen right no I'm joking of course I knew they picked up a pumpkin launcher but they did it they actually thought they picked up a bandage launcher and straight-up blew themselves up it's hilarious to make this clip even more embarrassing an epic games employee actually saw it and laughed while also pointing out that the person they just eliminated was spectating them as they blew themselves up you can't really have any worse luck than this the whole internet the guy you eliminated and epic games have all seen your massive fail throw in the towel buddy it's time to quit for tonight in at number eight we've got his own rocket but there are some huge try-hards in arena I think we all know that but one of the worst are those who build a huge sky base that you can barely see because it's so high up and then when that final circle comes around well you're kind of screwed this clip is from the perspective of one of those sweats as they spam RPGs from the safety of a sky base they only have one opportunity to get down by landing in the water before the storm comes so they take it and as they fall down they land in the water are seconds away from getting the final elimination to win the match and and their own rocket and they were spamming from above finally reached the base and took them out they were eliminated by their own rocket oh man this is above an embarrassing fail and Instant Karma for being a huge triode ham number 7 the disrespect being able to kidnap anyone you want for tonight it's probably one of the best things epic is added not just in chapter 2 but in the entire history of the game between saving your teammate from getting thirsted and just trolling the person you down the carry feature it's so good it means that it absolutely sucks when the other team finds even more ways to disrespect you by using it in this video a squad completely trolls a down player by picking them up and putting them on their back and then rocket riding into the sky obviously that's not the end of it they then just eat the down enemies straight off the rocket so they fall to their demise from super high up you might be thinking well the guy whose rocket riding is clearly gonna just explode but when the clip switches perspectives you can see that they have a teammate waiting for them to jump off to easily pick them up well either that or he did some sort of MLG trick shot into the water or you know just exploded I guess either way they completely disrespected the enemy and I can't help but feel bad for them because it must have been so embarrassing I'm surprised they didn't leave the match before it happened to them maybe they got mad and smashed her controller and that's why they couldn't back out the world may never know six that point you think you're safe just when you think you've stopped at the perfect place in the game that you've built the nice little base which is nice and cozy and safe from all the scary soccer skins outside when you're playing the game and you just want a snack or you need to let go of the controller for just a second that's when they shrunk mr. fresh Asian also thought he was safe when he crouched behind a wall and took his hands off the mouse keyboard and in that small amount of time the enemies from the other side of pleasant Park shot an RPG straight at him and he didn't even flinch because he thought he was safe turns out he 100% was not safe because he forgot to place a wall right next to him and the rocket just landed and exploded the inches away from him thanks a lot in French agent I'll give you an A for afk I wish that's how grades work but I was in school number five they took the bait Michigan fortnight isn't the only time that you can throw bait and wait for something to be given to you in this case he can set up an elaborate trap and wait for a newb to walk right into it give you an easy and hilarious elimination this really smart tactic was done by Nathan from bot Squad who damaged the floor on a really high bridge 250 health right next to two unopened chests it's the perfect bait for anyone who's either desperate for loot or blind or we're both they got onto a mountain got their sniper out and waited for someone to take the bait that's when the poor old noob comes along and opens the two chests all it took was one sniper boy and bit they felt far down to be eliminated by fall damage to guarantee the elimination the trap setter even took the time to build floors over the river below the bridge and the waterfall near it to make sure the water didn't cushion their fault I guess the trap worked like a charm and that poor player was humiliated oh well pay attention to the floor next time I guess number four he just got destroyed this is one of the craziest 200 IQ plays I've seen all season and it's using the new harpoon gun to just devastate this player there seems to be a pattern in this list with Instant Karma against people who love to use RPGs at close range and I'm not complained everyone who used RPGs at close range I just wanted you to know that you smell you can clean yourself and smell nice by using code t5g in the item shop that or soap a soap bar to the mouth okay that that's no moving on this guy tries to use an RPG and instead gets joined by the enemy with their harpoon gun and then they build a wall right in front of them so not only do they go flying into the wall but then the rocket that they just shot the same law blows him up it's insane how good this play is and the guy just got humiliated I don't know if the person with the harpoon gun did that whole wall building rocket calculation stuff on purpose but if I was them I'd damn sure pretend I meant to do that number three kind of feel bad this is just a catastrophic fan this players literally outrunning the storm for a solid three minutes just constantly running trying to catch up to the storm they keep using bandages and medkits to keep themselves going and they're so very close to getting out of the store but no this is not your average getting eliminated seconds away from the storm video as you might think it is in fact they get past the storm and immediately fall off a cliff like it's Looney Tunes or something and get eliminated to make it seem even more lucky let's point out that they landed in the water and still hit land shallow enough to give them fall damage what a massive waste of time but I kind of feel bad because they spent like three or four minutes just trying to outrun the storm and immediately got destroyed by mother nature maybe that's just fate playing his part who knows only the four night gods that control everything and anything we do can tell later number two we've got the bush camper Phil Bush campers are probably the worst things to come out of Chapter twos new map and all their seasons we still had Bush campers but it was so much easier to see them because they stuck out like a sore thumb now with Chapter two we have people hiding in these massive bushes where they can see you and you can't see that it's pretty ridiculous but that's why this dude got out his harpoon gun and decided to just spam into a bush which he thought was suspicious of course you don't run out of ammo on the harpoon guns unless you actually hit something so he just kept spinning and spamming it and even his friends thought he was crazy which is red and he's shooting into this bush his gut feeling was correct though and the bush fishing technique worked when to all their shock he pulled out a bush camper and limonade them in midair if you're camping in a bush and you see it's none of our boons fly Batsuit it means shoot the guy with the harpoon gun don't walk into the heart food so you get dragged out of the bush oh wow that bush can't forgot what they deserve that I guess honorable mention damn this is an honorable mention because we've covered this clip in one of our most recent videos about the smartest 200 IQ for my place but it is just too good to not consider it as an embarrassing fail to those who dived off the cliff without even thinking about the booby trap waiting for them at the bottom especially the teammate why did they still dive off the edge when clearly the other dude was already down what a failed that's a fail if I've seen one before but in at number one we've got imagine being on this end the harpoon gun isn't just for bush fishing and RPG blocking but it's also for dragging people into your little dungeons hold spike trap it's a dangerous tactic that people have been using to get dragged into a room of traps by someone with a harpoon gun and it's super humiliating there's only one thing worse than getting absolutely obliterated like that in fortnight and that's getting obliterated in that exact way but by sight 4pk in front of his massive audience to then be made fun of on twitter we're getting destroyed by the harpoon gun for that clip and then to be reached weeded by the official fortnight Twitter account that is one of the most embarrassing fails I can think of and for tonight and for that you earn our number one spot to random dudes who got destroyed by cypher and hey don't click off the video yet you gotta check out this other video right here it's on screen there's an annotation for it go check out our other video and be sure to join the discord and use Kodi 5g in the item shop like the video subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next one keep it here on top 5 game
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 2,349,887
Rating: 4.8750982 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite embarrassing fails, top 10 most embarrassing fortnite fails of all time, fortnite fails, fails fortnite, fortnite fail, top 10 fortnite, fortnite top 10, fortnite best fails, fortnite funny, fortnite funniest fails, new fortnite fails, fortnite fail compilations, biggest fortnite fails, fortnite compilation, fort, nite, battle royale, new, video
Id: kIKpsExtSQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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