I Found a CRIMINAL ONLY Minecraft Server!

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everything today in this minecraft server is illegal watch as i become the most dangerous criminal in all of minecraft beautiful people we are a level one associate criminal right now but by the end of this video we are going to become a level 100 crime boss now in order to do that i found this criminal hideout where we can ask the other criminals on the server how we could hit the crime boss level excuse me gentlemen i'm looking to become a level 100 crime boss you think that you can just become a criminal ban him what we need to reconnect the server and look more like a criminal and i've got just the idea now that we have all of our ducks in a row we have only 100 days to become the level 100 boss criminal and it's not going to be easy gentlemen it's time for our first job there's a security guard and a warehouse behind us which we're going to ransack did you bring the stuff all right ducks follow me do not get caught by the security guard you understand me i have no bread for you capiche if we're gonna get that guard to leave that section of the warehouse we need to make a distraction and what better distraction than to explode things duck number that one yeah yeah you're right here all right the one with the knife that really scares me you come with me and you know what you come with me too baldi hi baldy i'm gonna need you to be placed down right over here hey ballsy yeah right there all right nice guy come with me i'm gonna need you right over here all right ducks on my what did i tell you about putting other people's skulls that you murdered in front of people it's impolite you're never gonna get a wife like this anyways on my marks i need you guys to place this tnt three two one mark he's taking notice he's coming that's enough he's going and i repeat ducks it's good let's move we got some to do all right block it up lock it up that's right don't forget the hay either everything in here needs to be looted all right i don't want anything left we're not leaving this place until we've got all of the iron just be careful because there's explosions happening oh oh my gosh there's kevlar events and military knives do not stop until the job is done i don't know about this one and just like that ladies and gentlemen we are an associate level 10 criminal we've unlocked the criminal recipe book so the first thing we're going to be making if you have a bobby pin and a screwdriver you can make a lockpick this is fantastic we are going to wreak absolute havoc on this village the first thing we're gonna do is let the dogs out okay technically it's cows and chickens but i really wanted to make who let the dogs out joke come my cows free the cows free the chickens come by chickens is it weird that a duck is freeing the chickens and cows or is it maybe righteous of me oh but we're not done yet because there's a crafting recipe for a giant hammer in here and we're going to smash this home now i just want to go on the record and say that i've never made a giant hammer before so this is the first time on the channel so that is massive i love it dude what's that in the background i think that's a karen i'm just going to egg her house a little bit maybe she won't notice all the eggs yeah there you go a couple eggs excuse me what was that i'm trying to become the world's most dangerous deadly criminal okay what are you even doing this is an illegal server excuse me you look like the illegal here and that beak of yours you're ruining the valley of this don't talk about my feet like that don't worry guys when a karen dies she doesn't truly die she comes back into a different place to nag people in fact i think we should trap this hammer on karen's house yeah do you like this karen all your plans to be in smith don't look at me oh ho-ho karen wait a second lock picking karen's house this sounds righteous what do you got in here karen a fuel can why is karen carrying cans of fuel wait wait hold on wait i think that was in the recipe book there is i think that's a flamethrower but you need whatever this is that and then these three things did i miss that on the outside was that over here somewhere oh it is flower pot oh when we needed this is this a candle this is like probably got to be the best crafting recipe i've ever made it's a little flamethrower there's no way this works right like does this actually work oh it works you just right click it once and then everything starts burning oh oh i'm sorry i'm sorry oh cameron i'm i listen it's no hands it wasn't it wasn't intentional oh my oh i've even like this thing works so well that i've even gotten myself on fire actually i am getting kind of hungry so let's just a few of these chickens we can cook now that is what i call efficiency to be honest i'm a little bit more of a steak guy so i'm gonna cook up a couple of cows oh that's the stuff right there oh yeah that's what i'm talking about baby we are now a level 25 soldier this is our biggest job yet we are going to rob a jewelry store now unfortunately these criminals are a little bit too tough looking they're not going to be able to sneak into the jewelry store and disconnect the power so we can sneak inside as you can see there are security guards patrolling the inside so with that being said server can you spawn me somebody a little bit newbier perfect go new go is he gonna make it he makes it all right we're switching to new perspective now okay that's not the way i would have done it oh no he's being chased as long as he disconnects the security system and the power we're gonna be okay well we took the elevator gentlemen we have confirmation noob has disabled the security system grab your water buckets and let's rob this store let's go do not miss your water buckets all right come on no that's a lava bucket that's the lava all right we need at least one more criminal thank you so we made this bad boy earlier but we can use this to cut the glass this is so sick all right i want everything cleared out every piece of jewelry needs to be in our inventory oh man um dude talk about the bag right now ladies and gentlemen oh and we're not even done yet look at this it's nothing a laser cutter can't get through i think oh i didn't realize it could even break iron listen we got to get out of here soon the cops are going to be here any second don't be greedy there's only a few blocks left no no no they're coming in the sheriff is here just get out come on we've got to go and eat them all you don't need them all just leave all right then i'm going to leave you behind i'm waiting for you i told him not to be greedy he wouldn't listen to me oh now he's dead on a positive note the mission was a success because we are now a level 50 capo in order to level up to the next criminal status we have to raid this military warehouse there's a guard standing over here and i know just the trick we're gonna give him the hammer of justice now somewhere inside of here is the chest with some of the best criminal loot that we have gotten and throughout the entire video the double chest baby literally everything from diamond military gear which is a huge upgrade from what we're currently wearing look at this dude yes oh that's so sick to even some of the most op weapons look at this what is this a grapple weapon a bison i haven't seen these since i played call of duty and then of course all the ammunition in the world that we'll ever need plus some extra diamonds what criminal doesn't like diamonds and oddly enough some see pickles strange this is amazing what's that sound oh no no no no no hold on we got guards coming up we got military guards coming in ladies and gentlemen but you didn't see this one coming did you boom just like that we are now a level 70 consequently consiglier console yeti behind me is a bedrock and obsidian person where they're currently keeping all of the criminals on the server we're going to do the most evil thing anybody's ever done and released all of them but in order to do that we have to get all the blueprints to find the tunnel to free the criminal so the best part we have to ask the construction workers for blueprint pieces and i see one right up here hey buddy look behind you not god all right dad we're not at church hey please leave a like on this video i know you have a piece of the blueprint to the secret tunnel this i am willing to give you 17 diamonds for that that's a lot of diamonds that's right you're poor sir take the diamonds give me the blueprint and nobody's got to know about this i won't say a word if you won't say a word okay buddy give me the blueprints hey give me the other blueprint i can't allow that to happen put it down okay okay i'm gonna put my gun down i don't trust you we got the second part though we've got another construction worker do you remember that grapple blaster we got earlier watch this for some reason it works on other people so you can do things like this the third part of the blueprint this is getting ridiculous another one loading gravel not anymore he's not oh my gosh no what is this don't even think about going to the water buddy i'm throwing it away you can't get that you know i don't like swimming i'm made of luck oh never mind i made a duck this is the fourth part this is great absolutely stop doing what you're doing and just take this part five i don't get paid enough for this [Laughter] oh i'm diseased back up hey hey is the next part of the blueprint in there it better be the last one thank you thank you i appreciate that he didn't die you got to tell me this has got to be the last part okay the prison blueprint oh my gosh okay let's put this bad boy up here so we can see the entire picture oh yeah oh this all makes sense i know exactly where the tunnel is now thank you blueprint this is it right here the blueprint showed me you break this obsidian block boys you're free one by one let's go okay whoa i like that one came out of the womb backwards where'd you get that dick stick oh you got a piece of the prison all right you look pretty familiar how many people are in this prison again the guy with the black hat i've seen you before oh mission accomplished baby we are now an underboss level 90. we have now gone from land to the sky with our helicopters and this is the millionaire mansion once we get this secured we are going to become the biggest baddest illegal criminal boss on the entire server gentlemen meet me on the top of this roof that's right yeah park it in park it in all right gentlemen there's only one way to get into this house the security's tight so let's get the laser cutters out oh yeah that's a big hole all right gentlemen let's go go you know the mission dive dive dive all right find the chest secure the goods you understand all right everybody's infiltrating the dealer i'm gonna find the supplier what other stuff do we got going on in here huh oh my gosh dude is this gonna be oh no what was that i didn't even see a trip boy or anything like that oh no dude how are the cops already here hello attention if you come out right now you will get a presidential pardon i'm not coming out right boys you betrayed me i can't believe this we had one goal when we started this video and i'm not finishing it till we're done look what we just found in the closet it's time to come out inside of a match oh my gosh dude what that issue tnt i think oh look at this angle how do you like me now traitors all right let's blow a bigger opening over here i gotta see the look on their faces when they get eliminated dude this is like a real life ent cannon this is insane yeah what do you what what do you got to say now no it's a new place okay oh my god i'm like godzilla and that my friends is how we became the level 100 crime boss
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,446,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: A2Jy4ufah3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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