Forms of the male head and why? A beginner's sculpting mistakes and how to fix them.

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so guys in this video i will make from this hat i will make this hat and i will explain a lot of things i will explain forms i will explain shapes i will explain why this is what it is and some other very interesting things but um this video was inspired not inspired but it was started by this guy which is his name is offlinebot i'm not sure why he wrote a comment uh on my video uh the previous video that i make of that i made for sculpting mistakes and it was deleted by youtube but i saved it from my email it was deleted probably because of the link but i downloaded his hat and i asked for his permission and he told me that i can make this video and i kinda will make it and you will see it and the result will be this and yeah we will have some fun after that but let me not spoil it for you let's get started so guys let's figure out what is wrong with this picture here first this is not a picture this is a 3d model so yeah this is the first thing the second thing is that the face area which is this part here the eyes nose and mouth is too small or the head is too big so what we will do since we don't want to move the eyes and they are a separate object we want to shrink the overall head probably also from here we have to shrink it the neck is way too white we have to kind of do this but before we do all this and we have problems with the mouth we have with the nose we have with the eyes we don't have practically we don't have uh exactly lower or upper eyelids we don't have something like eyebrows we don't need to have exact eyebrows but something like eyebrows also eye sockets we don't have exactly so first thing what i want to do is i want to show you how important the ears are uh when you're sculpting a female or male hat in this case so for the female also by the way yeah so the male female doesn't matter ears are important so first the ears has to be in the proper position what is the proper position here a little bit more down so they will be in line with the bottom of the nose and the top of the eye here something like this then the ears should go i like to kind of make them a little bit like this more like big ears doesn't matter okay then we'll have to make their form a bit better so first the hole of the ear it should be a hole so we don't have hole in here let's make a hole like this a hole in the ear way down way down and then this here will be which is the ear hole now will be down here and it will be a probably earring hole why not yeah let's inflate it okay earring hole nice and then uh since i don't want i don't have too much material on the edge i will inflate the edge with my inflate brush wow and then i will go with the dash under brush and define this kind of area of the ear this part which is the border which goes in so it goes like this it's it's very much fine and then go inside here so we will push it inward i'm using various brushes as you can see i'm changing between the brushes with my hotkeys and yeah if you want to find the find out what my brushes are they're here in the bottom but how to make your shortcuts and everything i have a video on my channel zbrush for absolute beginners is one of the videos or for beginners there is a video about making your custom zbrush interface there are two videos about it by the way in one of them you can get this manual but yeah whoever is interested will find it so let's continue for the people who are interested just in the ear or in anatomy as a whole so this ear is starting to look kind of nice and he's starting to look like a mma fighter because some of them has this ears which is kind of curious why they have this ears probably because of the of the wrestling yeah the wrestling is kind of breaking their ears and they are starting to kind of look strange but whatever doesn't matter let's push this area inward and then here and then here in the inside we'll make this y shape this is you see y let me show you this is y shaped and why why is y shaped that's uh the question that it also asks it says why why am i here in this year because uh probably it's something about the hearing i'm not sure but this is a y shape here most of the time and you you probably will notice it it's here this yes so i will show probably some of the things here in my skull and my head too because it's kind of convenient i have it in my possession it's right on top of my neck so yeah also a good idea is to have a very very nice tool by the way i'm using sometimes when i'm sculpting human male head and this tool is i know it's not very uh logical but it's a this tool you see so yeah this tool is pretty important sometimes you can use it it's called a mirror yeah if somebody don't know what it's called it's called a mirror it's pretty pretty useful uh and also some uh things from the internet for example let me show you i just wrote head planes headplanes in google and i have some headplanes and i can look at them for example this one is a very nice of course uh this is from a neanderthal skull because his head the top of the head is too small but nonetheless it's kind of nice for the planes for the main planes of the of the face okay so you see the ears when we have kind of a human ears nice ears let's see before and after amazing transformation so that's why you need to make the ears so five minutes we are making the ears very nice now let's kind of uh make the overall shape of the head a little bit more appropriate so uh since the ears if you see me like this from the front you you barely see the beginning of my ear because the ears here the plane of the the head is going inward a little bit after the certain area is going inward so the ears are a little bit in so let's take them in a little bit like this and then this area will go out the ears will go in like this and now so now very important here we'll also flatten this and also make it small i mean not small but a little bit low lower it and here around the eye eye area we should make this so here on the nose uh we have to make kind of a dig a little bit and make this kind of a thinking here then the eye eye socket will be like this you see this is kind of the representation of the eye socket but we have to see it it has to be kind of visible because you can touch it it's one of the places that uh your skin and the bone are kind of touching because in some other places you have between the skin and the bone you have muscles and fat but in these areas you don't you have just the skin and here here you have some some muscles or fat but here it's only bone here also you see this line in here no in here this line very important line i'm not sure how it's called but it's uh like this plane in here of the forehead and then the back plane is here so let's make this line by the way it's very important so like this i'm digging in the back of this line and this line is kind of going to the to the corner here of the of the eyebrow if we have an eyebrow and then here i will flatten this area because it's kind of a plane and we will use this method of flattening some things just to make them a little bit more stylized in many cases because it's very useful to kind of start to start with with your shapes make them stylized then smooth a little bit then add secondary detail and so on and so on it will happen most likely so i will dig behind the eye in this area and dig above the cheek and the cheek bone exactly is kind of entering here the top of the ear so it's this in this area but be careful with it it should be kind of a in a in a male face it should be in it should go inside like this it shouldn't have so much cheek fat to look feminine so be careful with this so the the chin by the way and the the jaw is kind of wrong it has this kind of a bulging here which we don't want so i will push push it now it's looking a bit better and then we'll push the whole jaw and the neck the neck by the way we have a lot of issues here in the neck we should fix let's fix a little bit of issues in the neck and let's go back so for example let me show you first this here is you see this muscle it's uh from from short from thin to thick it's not exactly like this in the real life in real life it starts from from the back of the ear and it's pretty pretty long and thin here but then it goes to the middle of the neck in here and connects to your collarbone where it's a little bit more bulgy and thin but it has some other things going on but the idea is that we should do this and behind it we will have our trapezius and the trapezius between the trapezius and this there's a little it's not exactly hollow area but it's something like hollow area which will make so that the neck from front view will look a little bit like this you see because this muscle will come down it will have a little bit of thing in on the side again connecting to the collar bone which is here between the the two parts of the collarbone there's a one eyeball distance approximately then the collarbone will be here it will be something like this and then it will be the trapezius in the back but the main thing that we'll see here in the front is this neck part and then here we'll have a adam apple and then we'll have mustaches and then probably eyebrows and the chin the beard okay let's continue so let's make this muscle a little bit here so this muscle comes from the back of the ear frontwise and comes in here so you see from the side view wow a big you know alien head a little bit yeah now it's more alien but the i mean when you make it like this it looks alien it's okay when you make it like this it doesn't look alien it doesn't look human it looks like nothing so we have to be careful about that and okay okay i will not push you anymore i will just fix it so with the big move brush i will just push this and fix it it's easy it's easy fix easy fix yeah it's not a advertisement by the way so i'll push this also and push this so the neck will be kind of the back part of the neck and the front part of the neck will be kind of aligned to each other they will be what's the word not symmetrical but perpendicular not perpendicular but the opposite they will be whatever so we will kind of squeeze the head even more and you see when it's like this it looks like uh the golden mask have to turn come on which is like no so we need to just take it by the ears and just push it inward and here i will just push also this back part inward and this front part you know you see how we have this plane in the side here and it ends on this arch you see it's the same so basically that works now we see that we have problems with the nose with the mouth very big chin but whatever let's continue with the neck we have to fix this part in here to just take it in a little bit and the neck will start to appear nicer let's make this by the way you have to be careful here not to overdo it and with all the parts the animaple here with all the parts we have to not overdo it we have to do something some form like for example do this and then smooth it and then if we have to we have to kind of flatten with the high polish brush and smooth it again especially when we have a model which has a pretty high resolution like this one yeah this is this is the same model that the guy gave me so it's it's uh it's his resolution he just make made it this high the dynamesh so i'm using it and i'm not changing it at all so what i'm doing here is the clavicle it's kind of nice to have the clavicle uh like it is in real life it's kind of surrounding the neck so it's coming here from the from the front part and it's going a little bit around the neck and on the side and that's the clavicle or the collarbone and then in the back this will be the scapula and this will be the the traps trap muscles trapezius and here we'll have maybe some separation at some point we have to be careful also here for the back of the head it should look kind of a round and nice like ball shape yes it now looks kind of nice so the the shape of the head is one thing but also what we need to do is need to do the face features which now are a little bit strange but let's also just take a little bit this in since now it looks too alienish once i was a kid a kid i was like 10th grade so i was like maybe maybe almost 18 years old i'm not sure 16 let's say 16. and i'm flattening this i'm flattened so i kind of shaved my head for the first time and i went after that to uh to the seaside and in the first or the second day my head was so burned so it just went like a balloon and it was like when i was doing this it was floating inside like something it was uh it was inflated i mean it was pretty strange but this was from the burn so yeah you have to be careful with that but we don't want that for our character so we'll even maybe just make it a little bit smaller so next thing the mouth let me show you a little bit more about the mouth so this is a very common mistake to make the mount and the mouth looks like this a little bit so what we need to do and what i always do is to push the corners of the mouth inward like this with a high porous brush and now with a downstandard brush and now it doesn't look perfect but smooth the bottom here just the side of the bottom lip and be aware that the bottom lip here is it's kind of flat area it's not it's not like it's it's like this you see this is not very nice so it's kind of flat area here and here we have kind of inward part and then we might even push this a bit more so now the mouth looks a little bit better but we can make it even better how we have to make the form of the upper lip this kind of a angle in the middle and also the mouth itself is rarely that flat between the lips it almost always has some form which most of the cases is pushing this down and pushing the corners down a bit and you see how it goes with the shape and the shape now is from here up down here like this i'm a little bit exaggerating now and like this this is the shape and we have to also make the upper lip like this and we have to dig a little bit here for this thing and then the nose by the way let me show you the nose since it's kind of on the screen the nose uh is the main problem of the nose there are a few problems but the main problem is yeah the the nostrils are not well defined so what i do i kind of mostly do is make it like this this plane this plane and this is one plane here this in the back is another plane this is another plane here in the front and here we'll have another plane then another plane here then we'll have another plane yeah it's pretty to say it's pretty planar no it's not planar it's complex it's a complex form you have to practice it here in the bottom of the nose the nose is now like it's kind of a glue to the face which is not good we have to have this kind of inner part that goes up and this goes down and this here is more sharp and this will go inward like this and now you see the nose is looking better and yeah and the eye the eyelids the bottom eyelids are pushed in this area so this is going outward all right because it's uh they're following the form of the eyeball that's normal yeah so let's continue let's continue with this the lips let's like push them together a bit in the middle let's dig here and we are kind of done but they still look a little bit on the front like this why because from the side view this is too much of an angle too big of an angle i would just pull the front part just the middle part of the upper lip near the nose i will push it outward just a little bit and now he looks more relaxed and the next thing that i like to do is i will like to go to the to the corners of the mount and just just add a little bit more volume there like this just just like this it's not nothing too much and smooth it of course it's uh don't have to be too much in some people it's too much but we have to be careful with it i will smooth this area here also smooth smooth everything just to have a smooth surface to work on and now it's starting to look kind of better but what we need to do is maybe increase the mouth a little bit so a little then i will probably go to the nose the nose from the side view needs more work so let's do this and this so just a kind of an angle shape then i will do a shape in here in the front and now i will flatten this area in the back flatten this area here flatten the the middle uh we have to define a little bit more the nostrils and here i will make an angle you have to learn kind of the plate and the planes of the face but don't this inner part here like i told you so it will not look like it's glued to the face very important there are people that doesn't have it that much but most people have it in one way or another so it's better to have it than not to have it and you see how it now looks kind of uh better but the nose is a little bit too white if it's a white male this guy it's a caucasian then also be a little bit like this and then we'll have a front part of the nose i will dig here and increase this just a bit so you see my nose it has a front part and it has the loops the back here the nostril that's what i'm doing here and what else we need to do now so this plane here of the nose is kind of pointing backward it's not visible from the front so this will go back like this and it can vary in size in different people but yeah and i will smooth it and then here you see from the side view the nose is like flat flat but it's not like this most of the time if we're making kind of a idealized idealized male we will make it like going forward the nose then going up a little bit with this and then having this plane in here but although this front part or the top part could be like flat like this it's not a problem at all and the other the other part the nose is a little bit wider in uh in this area here above the nostrils it's not that shrinked many people are making it like this shrinked and then here like this it doesn't look good this is a no-no you have to add meat in this area add meat add it you see my nose yeah my nose is pretty big yeah i know but still it has meat above the nostrils so it's it has to be like this of course if you are making a lightness sculpt or something you will see what your model looks like i will suggest if you want to make if you want to sculpt nice humans nice uh kind of a mainly looking man faces manly looking so i'm just squeezing the the joint here if you want to sculpt many looking faces you should try to sculpt john cena his face is pretty manly although what he has is his lips are a little bit down like this so just make john cena but make his lips a little bit more up to the nose and he will look more manly even than john cena which is yeah i know impossible but sometimes it could happen the other thing is you see from three-quarters view he has a tumor here or he was hit very hard and it's swollen uh we have to fix that so since we are doctors we will fix this swollen just by pushing it with the alt and the move brush so move brush has this alt option that it can move through the normals of the surface the other thing i would like to do is to make this thing in here just drag it and then smooth it and then from a side view you will see will have kind of uh those ridges over the eyes over the eyebrows but it has to be subtle it i mean some people have it very very not subtle but most of the time it should be subtle and now you see it's starting to look pretty nice although the eyes looks odd he looks a little bit asian because he doesn't have a proper eyelet so let's make proper eyelets for this guy how to make them with the standard brush i will go and just drag a little bit this is the upper eyelid by the way the eyes looks very much far apart uh the distance between the eyes if you see my eyes it's not very appropriate but the distance between the eyes most of the time is one eye here between the eyes and between the the corners of the eyes and the back of the and this widest part of the skull this distance from front view is also kind of a one eye so what we need to do here is push this a bit inward so like this and maybe more in so it's around the eye more and this is looking kind of better now what i will do is very simple i will go with the downstandard brush and just make the crease over the upper eyelid and it goes from side to side parallel yeah that was the the word parallel to the eye bro to the eyelid and then the bottom here will have this kind of thing you see how it goes a little bit up and then goes let me show you so it it's kind of like this most of the time and then here we'll have this but if the guy is kind of frowning it's more manly it will go like this then it will go like this and i will show you why it happens let me show you so first now oops now it looks fine so if somebody wants to again ask this is the program that i'm using for drawing this is called epic pen about epic pen it's business license because i bought it it's pretty nice program to draw on the screen i don't know if you want to use it or you need to use it because it's kind of a drawing on on your skeleton since i'm teaching people i'm teaching in an academy i'm teaching an internet i'm teaching in a lot of places so i need this program it's very much useful for me so i was about to show you why this happens the flattening of the you see my eyes it's kind of flat the top why because we have fat pad in the in the outer side here uh rarely we have flat fat pads here in the inner part in the inner side if you touch your inner side of the of the eye in here near the nose and a little bit more up it will be kind of touching the bone in here so there is a bone let's say it's a bone but here we have fat it's very thin very nice fat for the female it's it's bigger the fat there is bigger but what happens with the male is when we kind of mask the lower eyelid and we can just dial down this fat so it goes above and just covers the eyelid almost completely which is kind of more mainly and yeah this was strange but whatever so and there will be our eyebrow for example and you see how he looks more like frowning yeah man i'm a man yeah man who's the man yeah so yeah this is why it happens and sometimes this covers even more here but the idea is that it it kind of makes and people are drawing it when we draw it so i have drawn it too they are drawing it like this shape like this and this and then this it's more manly shape you never draw a female like this and unless yeah you maybe do sometimes but most of the time you don't so this is the thing so now what else let's continue a little bit on the ears we have to push them a bit this our smooth and the eyes are starting to kind of look nice but the bottom eyelid we have to fix it from the side view it's kind of tucked in but not too much we have to push this push this push this because the bottom eyelet is kind of going around the eyeball and the eyeball is is a sphere so this is this will be a half a sphere you see yeah this looks a bit better although not too much better let's kind of make the neck a bit more like this and kind of squeeze this let's see it from three quarters it looks kind of nice although from the bottom view maybe we can push the eyebrows even more down these corners of the eyebrows they shouldn't be they shouldn't be like this you see it's it's not good so push them back most of the time you need to push them back and also don't make uh the cheeks like this this will be if our guy is a japanese guy or if he was again hit with something there or some other thing i'm not sure maybe some malformation or whatever but most of the time uh for a mainly skill we have to push this back we'll have a kind of a cheekbone but we have to push it not not too obvious there yeah this is even too much i think all right but this looks kind of nice let's just push behind the eye again a little bit more yeah so from the front view it will be more visible there of course if we overdo it it will start to look odd but it's better to even is better to overdo it than to not do it in my opinion and here for example uh this is how it works so this is going down and it's going into the cheek which is here so let me try to draw it for you not sure that i will be able to but let me try so this is the eyebrow for example or the eye ridge is going here and how it looks in this from the surfaces it's kind of maybe a little bit closer to the ion it's kind of going like this and starts to get this and here we have our cheek bone this is a front plane it's going back it could have a little bit of a inward here but here it will have outward curve and it will be like this see something like this i don't know if if it's kind of shown but this is in the front and this is always going inward and back even if it's kind of a fat butt on the female it will be more bulged bulk here it will be more like uh like this but on the male it will be more flat but still it will cover kind of the the upper eyelid okay let's wait for for uh zippers so the other main thing that we haven't done but it kind of naturally came is this here i will let me show you this so this is very important for the mail not exactly this but let me show you so from let's try this from the corner of the eye around this area down we can dig it we can dig this and this will be our bottom part of the bottom part of the eye socket so this will be the skull your skull will be visible there not visible but bear it's basically visible yes it will be visible it will be more back than the top you see the top is here the bottom is here and then the cheekbone is kind of continuation of this so i'll push it a little bit more like this yes so what i like to do is go from here and start and then go back down like this and from here from the from the upper side of the of the nostril go down just near the mouth and then when we smooth this so i most of the time we make something and then we smooth it but it stays there it stays just a little bit and it looks manly so if we want him to look even more manly i'm flatting here a little bit if you want me to look even more manly i will push even more in this area and you see how from the front wheel you we have this kind of a chin that's but you have to not overdo it don't make it like go in like this here no this is not good although it could happen because you see the the skill below will be kind of kind of straight but if it has more like fat in here it will bulge and it will make you more like a big job big joe guy but in our case we don't want that much and then here maybe this will be the cheek and it will go down and we will dig a little bit behind this yeah it's starting to get a bit wonky but still it looks kind of nice and even more mainly i will make his uh clutter mask to it or whatever chewing muscle here and then flatten the sides of it going to the ears and i don't want to see the size of it so i will just increase this and i will push the ear part in from the front view i don't like to see too much of it although it could be visible a little bit so you see but everything it has to be moderate and if you want to make a certain model for example you have to know that those things are there this is here it's like a triangle because it's kind of disappeared up this is here but for the for the younger people it's kind of smooth especially in in here the young people will have a very smooth area it's if you want to make it the the your guy looks younger you'll have to kind of smooth it here and also this area and and this it's important because there is a fat pad in there are fat parts in here and we have to kind of have we have them uh young people have them old people have them the distribution of the fat pad is a little bit different in different people but most of the time if we want a manly male we do those things and now he looks kind of an average manly superhero type of guy maybe let me just think a little bit we don't just work i've practice for this guy like always like i made like 15 or more let me almost 20 25 heads maybe before i make this i will push a little bit because i think it's again a bit too much the width of the head in the back it's a little bit too much let's push also the clavicle or the collarbone and let's see if it's not the neck is not too long but and i think now it's now it's best now it's best now it's the best i was just the best so he's looking fine let's compare it to uh to this yeah i think a little bit better but uh we can even let me show you some other things yeah we have time i can show you some other things since my videos are almost an hour almost always i can show you some interesting things so if we want this guy to be more manly more fighter type we can do certain things and now comes the fun part let me copy this guy duplicate it and now uh we wanted him to be more fighter guy so i will push the nose in you see then pull the the this pull the the lips a little bit on the top and now he looks a bit more like kick your ass but still not not too much so we can increase this part of the nose like this since the nose most of the time is coming forward not forward but a little bit more forward and then if it's broken it will suddenly come down so it will make this kind of a break in the nose which is interesting we can even you know make this and now he looks more manly we can also increase the size of his mandibulus or whatever this top part here is and also we can make him more neck heavy like this he's a fighter and since his ears are kind of fighters but i will make them a little bit bigger and the neck pretty huge also those kind of traps let's go up and also the top part of the head yeah it's a little strange but let's make it smaller let's just see what happens it will start to look a little bit caricatural or whatever but it's it's kind of nice a little bit wider jaw and we may even make those muscles that are uh arnold schwarzenegger like here pretty cool and then we may push this even a bit more and then we can dial down the eyebrows more down and you see it's kind of a fighter-ish type of guy maybe bigger mouth or smaller mouth let's try smaller mouth is okay but let's try bigger mouth yeah yeah it's starting to get uh caricature it's not but it was not realistic in the first place it's just kind of a nice male head it was now it's not that nice it's not now it's a little bit intimidating which is kind of okay since we may want to make this kind of character sometimes let's increase the size of the joy one like this and he's looking very you know but if we want our guy or this guy even to be more like uh yeah let's make the neck a bit bigger from the side view also yeah now it's kind of nice it's not the best but still yeah so what we can do if we want him to be smarter and uh uglier not earlier but a little bit like like me like a potato for example let's make him a potato so potato will be with a longer nose maybe his lower jaw will be in front again but but not exactly the whole thing this part will go back you see the neck of course will be way way way too thin and the jaw not that particularly visible i will even smooth here we'll have not so visible joe those thing also i will smooth in here will have even a little bit fat in there you see how he is starting to look let's dig this up let's make even his eyelids a bit more potato-ish a bit more forward and open maybe like i'm scared of everything and the head of course the upper part of the head a little bit bigger and now he's looking like almost like me like a potato but you see he's sad why am i so oh yeah of course the neck should be way way thinner it's too much so yeah you can kind of make that if you want those are the things and they are the chin much much smaller chin and those things also not so pronounced basically uh not so uh you know crushed face not so much planes to see just a regular guy said maybe even those things will go inward and those type of guys will have even a little bit of female characteristics so not so pronounced ridges here of the of the eyebrows and this not so pronounced this areas although if it's a thin guy it could have this pronounced but if it's a young guy better make this a bit like this because we have a muscles in here even if we don't have fat in there we have some muscles that are passing and uh yeah it's looking interesting so that's what i told you it's the fun part it's uh just interesting and fun to do this kind of things to experiment so uh if you make kind of a decent just started to look like me if you make kind of a decent human face male you can make it uh whatever you can make it fat you can make it thin you can make it strong you can make it weak you can make it whatever whatever you want you just have to have the base so the base is this this is our base and the base is pretty nice i never start with the base i always start with the sphere of course but this is this is my thing so uh i want to show you just a little bit this thing this is my new will be my new course that i'm making uh but this will be about this guy it will be absolute beginners zbrush blender substance painter of course and also a little bit of a bonus rigging of the low poly in blender and rendering in blender it's almost done but uh it will be time until i put it on so let me show you all the hats that i've made i will just shift click so these are all the heads and i will expose and those are all the heads that i've made until now so they are four by four by seven oh a lot almost yeah those uh four at the end are still the main head but still you see uh the beginning it was not that bad i mean it's it's fine they are they're all kind of fine at some point i was a little bit you know i made this kind of a fighter i mean this kind of a weak guy see and then i make kind of a afro-american or the i don't know how to say it without offending anybody but you see what i mean i made it a little bit of asian but it's it's not exactly good ah i have to show you the let me show you with this one with this guy these are by the way the places that your skull is kind of very close to the surface and that's why those places are very important for you to kind of make so this is here in the in the side of the of the eyebrow in the bottom in this area this is the bottom of the of the eye socket this is the nose area here which is the the corner of the nose because this is the bone and after that is the cartilage then here also you have kind of a can touch the bone this of course you can touch this is kind of a it's not exactly a bomb but something like this of course here and yeah i may forget some things but this is kind of the areas and uh for that i will suggest for you to kind of let me just decrease the visibility just the eyes i will suggest for each and every one of you who wants to make faces or hats likenesses whatever doesn't matter to make skills make a lot of skills i have a video about making a human skull it's i think it's pretty useful uh if i have to be honest if i have to be modest it's the best video about making a school sculpting school or even drawing a skill in internet but yeah let's not be that modest so you can check it check it out i have also a course for female anatomy but probably most of you already know that it's paid but it's not that expensive like the most is like 20 dollars i think and yeah make a lot of skills if you want to make human faces school is the base and then you have to learn after you make a lot of skills or in between you making a lot of skills you can kind of learn the other things like fat pads muscles and overall forms but uh for this it will help you to make likenesses to try to make people that are that have this kind of uh pronounced futures features like uh mma fighters or www wrestlers or whatever they have this kind of a more pronounced malice features or very beautiful female actresses for example you can draw or sculpt so you can learn a lot of things from that some anatomy books also will be useful but it's not mandatory of course you can always write on google for example face fat pads or face fat distribution or something like this and there will be some schematics and again very important very useful planes of the face of course so let's see side by side comparison between this and our oops shift s and this one yeah it's a yeah it's an improvement we may say so this will be it for this video thank you for watching and yeah see you in the next video of course which i'm not sure what will be about but we'll see maybe something interesting hopefully
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 18,008
Rating: 4.9816933 out of 5
Id: cAr2cZsxdng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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