Create a beautiful, stylized nature environment in Unity, in 3 minutes

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this is the very first thing I made for my game the first tree which is actually the second level of the game and I call it the chartreuse Plains and like a lot of things I started it off with a reference photo that I really loved I just loved the contrast and the colors were a perfect backdrop for the Fox so this was the feeling I was trying to recreate in unity and the save even more time because there's a lot to juggle as a game developer I used the stylized nature pack and the forest animal Fox asset from the unity asset store and I'm gonna show you a really quick time-lapse of how I made this environment the first thing I did was modify the ground texture to match that dark brown found in the reference photo I also messed with the terrain shader and found a metallic shine which looked cool next I placed some trees using the unity terrain editor and tried to match that bold yellow on the leaves with this specific environment pack I could actually change the leaves inside the unity editor but normally you have to take a texture in the Photoshop to modify it I did the same thing with the grass texture I changed the color to a type of golden wheat so that the dark ground would peek through occasionally underneath the trees I would decrease the grass density but in the fields it was mostly gold and grass being moved by the wind unity does the hard work of adding color variety to each plane of grass which adds contrast in color after I was satisfied with the trees in the grass I played with the direction of light so that the strong shadows would be cast on the ground there are sliders for shadow darkness and light intensity so I just experimented until it felt right I also added a lens flare which seemed to annoy some people online but I loved how cinematic it made it feel next I knew I needed some clouds in the distance but I didn't have time to paint an entire sky box so I went to you guessed it the asset store I actually found an amazing free asset called fantasy skybox I imported that and adjusted the tint setting I thought a complementary color to the Fox would look great so I went for an emerald green I remember thinking how nice it was that the emerald green worked so well with the bright yellow it was just something that worked by accident like a lot of creative work next were the fine detail touches which actually added a lot to the scene in retros especially with the minimalistic art style I added some air particles which came with the pack added some falling yellow leaf particles which emitted from the trees and also some sun shaft particles near the trees as well to imitate volumetric light I added some fog to give the impression of atmospheric haze then went to the camera post-processing filters for some final touches I added a vignette a bloom and a Sun shaft effect and there we have it the second level the first tree maybe it's a bit overwhelming seeing all the work done at once but remember for you it doesn't have to be one of five levels you have an entire environment in a striking art direction ready to use you could start and finish an entire game using this level alone the amount of time you save by leveraging stock assets is astronomical I know making a game can be overwhelming but remember to ask yourself how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time [Music]
Channel: David Wehle
Views: 391,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low poly, environment, unity3d, The First Tree, quick Unity tutorial, stylized nature, unity lighting, unity post processing, low poly vegetation, image effects, fox game, speed level design, terrain tutorial, simple tutorial, forest, level design unity
Id: hZy2d8fJs1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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