Grunkle Stan Out of Context

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and then there was our great uncle stan that guy was worth it i wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walk through that door right now [Music] oh not good today we're gonna have some real family fun now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car yay wait what hey want to hear a joke it goes my ex-wife still misses me but her aim is getting better her aim is getting better you see it's it's funny because marriage is terrible what we're heading into town right now to interrogate the murderer we have an axe ah this seems like the kind of thing a responsible parent wouldn't want you doing good thing i'm an uncle and i'll just take him when you're not looking what i said i was gonna rob you i will pardon nothing the entire ponds family have invoked my fury you will all pay recompense for your transgressions what you got like a word a day calendar or something you call that ben franklin he looks like a woman oh kids i can't find the remote and i refuse to stand up stay tuned for the friday night movie the duchess of starring sterling stumble burgess as the duchess and granted saint rumped for frable as the irascible cox wayne chandra blood and hamper fluffage kids [Music] no no ah couldn't find the remote lazy susan there's my little ray of sunshine where were you yesterday i got hit by a bus hilarious can i scratch myself now no no no no is that throw up on your shirt i don't know how to answer that right like i'm gonna fall for that [Music] give me that funny buddy go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit grunkle stan is that legal when there's no cops around anything's legal wash off the shame stan wash off the ha shame thought he could scare us [Music] that's funny go to commercial go to commercial hey uncle stan ever kissed a pig before i'm not gonna answer that question nothing like sitting in a moist tub with strangers it's like the bust but what carpet is amazing yeah if you're into things that are terrible i i i should really be no way out of it look it all begins with this little fella the pituitary gland he may be little but he has big plans and now you know where babies come from goodbye childhood finally a good reason to punch a teenager in the face let's roll people don't roll around in their own filth except for seuss okay how's about mabel knit zeus a pig costume i like it and we use zeus as a human sacrifice i like it sir would you like to buy a stand vac vacuum stand vac it sucks more than anything gotta work on that wait a second is something rooting through our trash hey hey get out of here darn beautiful men always eating eating out of my trash wait what that picture's taken out of context 30 long years and it's all led up to this my greatest achievement probably should have worn pants wait you're just gonna give it to me just like that what else do you want a kiss on the cheek i i gotta go what i wouldn't mind the kiss on the tree not gonna happen is it legal for a child to wear that much makeup holy smokes someone in our family actually has talent everybody out i will not hesitate to use the hose on the elderly the only wrinkly monster who harasses my family is me take that and then who wants stand cakes they're like pancakes but they probably have some of my hair in them zeus would it be wrong to punch a child i don't know we'd have to break in and just kidding let's break in i can make noises with my body sometimes intentionally whoa children fighting i can sell this [Music] sure he's a little rusty around the edges but old goldie's a classic showstopper like me huh kill it [Music] sure are a lot of stars out tonight well this is getting weird zeus a little advice you need to get rich or lie about being rich outside of that i don't like your chances no one tells i'll get your orthopedic back pillow thank you all right you horrible wench you got me stealing is wrong etc take it now can i have my hands back i have a certain gesture i'd like to share with you shaky scratchy i've missed you old rascals you're all right sister [Music] will you be my boyfriend now nope never well i learned nothing movies are great you watch the movie you scare the girl the girl snuggles up next to you next thing you know you gotta raise a kid your life falls apart forget that last part everything about this is bad well that just put me 90 minutes closer to death hey what about work kids why is zeus eating his own pants i even petitioned the government to have this day removed from calendars now i'm not allowed on airplanes what the h zeus i need to scratch myself in two places at once and i mean anything coming mr pines it's him the horrible old man from the sky you know what being loved by the youth is overrated being feared now that's priceless come on kids want to go vandalize mayor tyler's mansion vandalism not so fast kids there is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous illegal fireworks without me uh guilty i mean in a guilty um can i have my phone call wait i'm alone i can swear for real does anyone else know about this portal no just us also maybe the entire u.s government the what i say it again buttress there's no cops in the forest we take this to our graves mabel i am so confused and so proud right now whoa let's not take this line there's an old person in it yeah he's probably gonna pay with like pennies and war bonds hey for your information i was gonna shoplift most of this security and what do i have to show for my life do i really want crooked grifter on my tombstone how about crooked mayor hi there stan pines here let's get real do you think the women of gravity falls wear too much makeup jump in jump in what would you do to help educate our kids simple put them on an island and make them fight for dominance also teach kids swears that'll bring them into the real world what would you do about the crime in gravity falls wait do you mean crime in general or just the specific crimes committed by me stan now just the ladies now just the ladies my age stan woof never mind taxes are the worst i propose we stimulate the economy by waging wars on neighboring cities we have the cannon we're sorry grunkle stan we should have supported you win or lose probably lose i can still drop you you know kids if i die make sure i get a bigger tombstone than ford [Music] we will dedicate the rest of this broadcast to listing stan's crimes first degree thermometer theft pug trafficking at least they didn't list any of the bad ones ah it's the cops just sign these non-disclosure agreements none of your parents are lawyers right man coyotes down a lot worse than i remember please i don't know if you're really up there or not but if you are please save me paul bunyan mr pines whoa did that really work hey that's it goat it's time i threw you off this property for good one second thought i'm gonna run like a coward now quit it waddles i'm trying to remember my life story uh it's cold out i had to what but it's like 80-something degrees out today [Music] welcome aboard kids you knuckleheads were nothing but a nuisance and i'm glad to be riding it we'll miss you too uncle stan
Channel: Marngel
Views: 424,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -68Jxnnlul4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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