Forbidden and Arcanus! - Full Mod Overview | Minecraft Java 1.16.5

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[Music] hello hello people welcome back to another minecraft mod review today we're taking a look at forbidden anarchists for a minecraft java edition 1.16.5 and um today this is a big ass mod um it took me a while to compile everything into this because um there's quite a lot of features as we can see here this is everything um showing here and we're going to be walking through every single feature and explaining in detail what everything does um this one took me quite a while to make so i would appreciate if you guys uh if you like the video of course um like the video and also um subscribe if you're new here as well because i want to do quite a lot of this sort of stuff you know over the next few weeks i had a lot of stuff busy going uh i've been quite busy recently a lot of um stuff going on so once we move into summer i'll be able to upload pretty regularly and hopefully get more videos out and um close to 100 subscribers so that'd be quite cool if i could reach that um maybe by the end of summer but without further ado let's just crack on straight away because this is a big mod and i don't want to keep you guys waiting so enough with the rambling let's just uh dive straight into it so the first thing that this uh mod adds is it but i'll i guess i'd be better going over what it actually is first so this is a mod that um basically adds a bunch of new armor it adds new tools it adds new wars and it also adds add new gameplay mechanics with them stuff like magic adds um you know all sorts of runes adds a couple of new you know some decoration sets and things as well um it also just adds a lot of this new new game mechanics are really really interesting so definitely check this mod out if you um like that sort of thing and as always i'll leave the download link in the description below i've not really seen too many reviews on this mod i think i've only seen one actually one or two maybe so hopefully um this will be of some use to people out there but um without further ado let's just dive straight into it so first of all this mod adds in two new um enchantments one is called indestructible and one is called permafrost so the indestructible enchantment is pretty self-explanatory when uh when you enchant a tool with this or a weapon or a piece of armor it will make the weapon slash tool completely unbreakable so that is a very very valuable enchantment and the permafrost we're going to get on to a little bit later on because that's used for um that is useful for the edelwood lava bucket which we will talk about later um but that is the uh the the use for this enchanted book and it's a very very cool adds in a couple of enchanted books um which is nice to see uh next up we have five new ores which can be found all throughout the overworld so all five of these are found in the overworld starting with the first one here it's called stella arcanum is found low down in the overworld and it will drop stellarite pieces which are these things here when you mine it now be and careful because when you mine this thing it will actually explode and so we'll test it over here actually if i can place this down and then just give it a good old whack that will create an explosion which is um quite nice to see also quite dangerous so do be careful when you're down below binding this in case you accidentally mine it but um yeah that's the stellar arkham next up we have arcane crystal ore this is again found low down in the overworld and this will drop the arcane crystals which are the probably one of those useful items that this mod um you know presents to us so definitely keep an eye out for this this is found on similar levels to that of diamond so that is uh something to keep note of over here we have the x petrified ore and this is again found in the overalls and we'll drop x petrified orbs which are here and when you get these you can right click them and it'll um allow you to gain xp levels which is really cool so this is basically free xp on from those we have the first of the two runestones this is just the uh basic runestone again found low down in the um overworld this is more on this is rarer than a dark rainstorm which is this here this is actually um you know more uncommon and when you drop when you minus even you will get to this thing here which is called the rune again very very useful for later on and on from that we have the dark rinse stone and this is actually more common than the the basic runestone and when you mine this you will get yourself a dark rune so that is all the new orders that this mod um offers to us and straight on from that we have a couple of loot table changes so expect to um find some changes in your you know your mine shafts your end cities your um your dungeon chests all that sort of thing so here are all the items that you'll be able to find um you know um underground and in chests and stuff in loot tables so we have um orb of temporary flight this will give you um a creative flight for a duration of five minutes when you consume it so very cool to see dragon scale again another use any other item that's going to be very useful for later on i believe this is only found in end cities i might be wrong this here's the chorus peril which we'll get onto later on but it's a quite cool item this here's the edible bucket of suspicious stew which is again a cool item that we'll move on to just after this actually this here is the edelwood bucket which is um you know a bucket that essentially allows you to hold multiple of a source of multiple water multiple lava into one bucket uh very useful item again we'll talk about that later on the bat swing which is a used in a new food recipe a cloth which can which can be used in a new armor set obsidian with iron which is used to make obsidian ingots down here and they add up with lava bucket and as you can see here we can actually store multiple lava buckets within the same bucket which is cool you can also find obsidian ingots and the indestructible um enchantment book so that is all the changes that you will see to your lit and tables which is uh cool before we get into the yellowwood buckets which is one of the nicest features that this mod has to offer quick new food type um this is the tentacle and it will get dropped by um drops by squid and when you click it you will get yourself a cookie tentacle so a nice little extra food source there now moving on from that we have the elbow buckets now these are these are really really cool and i wish this was this was true for vanilla minecraft um this is crafted simply with three edible planks which we'll get on how to obtain and craft later on but this bucket here will allow you to hold multiple of a source like i said so um you know this is really really good and the esolute bucket which is this one here this allows you to hold four buckets of water and so four buckets of water within the same bucket so basically what all that means is you can right click and get four um water source blocks within the same bucket so you'll be able to instead of placing them down one source you'll place you can place in four separate ones just from the one bucket which is incredibly useful over here we have the evil with lava bucket and this will hold three buckets of lava quick not thought this one this is a what we're talking about the the permafrost enchantment this will require the permafrost enchantment because if you don't use it the bucket will melt um or disintegrate in your hands and put lava on the floor so you don't really want that so uh definitely enchant this with the permafrost enchantment before you go picking up lava this is um of course three buckets of lava in this milk we have uh four buckets of milk in this and everything else here we'll be able to hold eight off so uh all the stews here these are all different juices suspicious stew mushroom stew and this is a beetroot soup and this is bat soup as well and i'm basically uh we'll get onto the bath soup in a minute or two um but so we can also hold in mobs in this bucket so we can see here we can hold um we can hold that just the one of each of the mobs and this allows us to scoop up mobs and place them down wherever we want so we can skip a scoop of the slime in one location and place them down in another location which is a really quick clever i do like that um and a quick note on the backstreet this is crafted with any type of mushroom one piece of net report wart a bull and a batwing and the bat wing which we discussed earlier on was uh obtained from killing bats so that's um a new food food type here and also the mushrooms juice here so this this mushroom stew is uh obtained from holding an edible edelweid bucket up to a mushroom and the um suspicious stew is obtained from holding a edible bucket up to a brown mushroom so that is quite cool and this only holds one portion of stewards this holds eight so that's just um you know something to note to craft this for example uh just because it's there's no way to fill it up you will just have to combine a nettle wood bucket with a one piece of beetroot stew and you can just keep refilling it so that is quite a cool thing so that's all the adult buckets and all that sort of stuff and we're going to get into farming now there's a couple of farming changes which are quite significant so you can take this thing called arcane crystal dust which we'll get into more detail later on and when you right click this arcane just so that arcane crystal does on farmland we're going to see it might not work here actually because i've already yeah yeah it won't work here if i right click this on the farmland you're going to see it's going to transform it into this here which is called magical farmland excuse the textures of the pack i have on magical farmland and what this magical farmland actually means is we can actually duplicate crops so we can um gain more from just the one you know the one crop which is really really quick so if we go and get ourselves some bone meal here and uh grow this up we should be able to see that when we harvest it or no i might actually i might actually have to put myself into um you know survival here so we'll do that just now and we will harvest it and we can see that when we do that it's going to give us more crops than it would normally do so here we go i'll throw this cart away we're going to harvest this you see we're going to get 10 carrots from the one patch so that is very very overpowered and something you should definitely consider doing with your um your your carrots here so that is a very very cool feature indeed it'll process back into gamewood creative here and we can carry on moving on from the quick little farming changes here we also have a new type of flower so this is the yellow orcas and it can be found in a flower forest it's quite rarely and it's just a nice little decorative um a decorative flower now previously it was actually um able so that you could harvest this and you would gain yourself some arcane gold nuggets but that has actually been changed um you're no longer able to do that or at least to my knowledge because the way you were the way you used to be able to do it it doesn't work anymore so i'm just assuming it doesn't work now but do correct me if i'm wrong i haven't had a chance to explore these uh flowers fully yet but um that seems to be the case so that is all the new stuff to do with farming and uh flowers as well um on the nature side of things so let's just move swiftly onto all the new recipes and some new armor and just everything really the main bulk of what this mod um has to offer so moving on we have a couple of new dusts and also a brand new gold ingot which we're going to go over today the first one here is the corrupty dust and this is crafted with a obsidian ingot a piece of blaze powder another wart a piece of arcane crystal dust and an enderpearl fragment don't worry too much about these three ingredients here we will go on how to craft these very very soon and so this is just uh um so you know this is a new type of duster you can craft and that is a nice little one that we can use in some recipes later on uh on from that we have the arcane crystal dust which is what is this is what this is and also what we can use to um um you know turn our normal farmland into magical farmland so the arcane crystal dust is simply crafted and well created sorry by smelting an arcane crystal and that will give you one arcane crystal dust so be um just you know remember that the arcane crystals are obtained from the arcane crystal ore and that allows you to get your arc and crystal dust with this this is only really useful in a few recipes one of which is the uh the moon divitter dust i think that's how you pronounce it anyway this is grafted with a piece of arcane crystal dust a redstone a piece of blaze powder a piece of gunpowder a phantom membrane and a bone meal that's going to give you your mind a bitter dust this is useful in a few recipes and also you can right click this on a creeper and it will turn into a charged creeper which is highly useful uh saves you getting waiting for lightning storms and getting on your riptide um or not riptide sorry the other the enchantment that allows you to summon lightning bolts um channeling that's the one so if you having to do all that so that is quite useful and that's a nice little thing uh on from that we have the arcane gold ingot and this is created and crafted by taking one gold ingot two minute beater dust two arcane crystal dust and four pieces of charcoal note that it will have to be charcoal it won't work with normal coal um so that's just a quick thing to know and this will give you your arcane gold ingot and this is a highly highly useful item for the majority of the recipes we're going to go on and talk about so that is uh the new dusts and a new ingredient as well on from that we have a couple things to do with obsidian so starting things off we have the obsidian with iron and this is crafted taking one obsidian and surrounding it with four iron nuggets and that's going to give you your obsidian with iron and over here we have the obsidian ingot and this is created and crafted sorry this is smelted by taking the obsidian with iron and smelting in a furnace and that will give you one obsidian ingot so yeah very very cool and these are this is another valuable item that will be highly useful later on on from that we have the cloth here and this is crafted by taking one piece of white wool surrounding it by four string and that will give you your one cloth this is useful in a couple of the armor as well and a couple of the armor pieces that we can craft later on so i just remember that on from that we have some of the edelwood stuff so this is the edelwood log here this can be found naturally but it only spawns quite rarely with uh two blocks high it's only a two by one spawn yeah i think it's easier to craft all we need to do to do that is to take one o'clock surround it by four with four soul sand and then starting that with four pieces of arcane crystal dust this will give you your one um adobe log on from that we have some dark matter dark matter is crafted by taking your edelweid log it's melting it in a furnace and that will give you a piece of one dark um one piece of dark matter and our useful item later on and here we have the edelwood stick and this is crafted by taking two idle with logs together and putting them and crafting them this is used to reinforce arcane gold tools and armor which gives them significantly higher durability which we will talk about later on and but that is just a quick note that you should probably take over here this is the uh skull and obsidian skull and the skull here is crafted by taking four pieces of bone block and surround and putting them in a circle like this and this will get you your skull and then the obsidian skull here is crafted by taking your skull four pieces of obsidian surrounding it and then surrounding that by four obsidian ingots and this will actually if we have a look this is going to grant you fire resistance one infinitely as long as it's in your inventory that is really really cool and really really helpful which i think is um and it's also inspired by terraria i believe as well as this is an item found in that game and the texture is very very similar and there is also another thing that we can craft later on which involves this which is another source of inspiration from terraria so that's a nice thing to see on from all that we have some of the new armor things here so starting things off we have the um obsidian armor now this is um this is like it's a bit different to what you'll probably have normally expected the obsidian armor to be but once you craft this you can either use it as it is or you can use it in a new recipe which is this one over here which we'll talk about in a second but starting things off we have the obsidian helmet here simply crafted with five obsidian ingots nothing too special here but this is where things start to get a bit funky so here we have the obsidian shoulder pads and this is crafted with five obsidian ingots which is inverted from what the uh helmet was and over here we have the city and knee pads simply two obsidian ingots very very easy to craft and then on from that we have the obsidian bits which is four pieces of obsidian ingot very very cool now this is actually similar to diamond so we can have a look if we take a look at the um the stats here we can see it's going to give us plus four armor and plus 1.5 armor toughness for the helmet the no the shoulder pads are going to give us plus three armor and plus 1.5 armor toughness um the obsidian knee pads are going to give us the armor and 1.5 armor toughness and of course the obsidian boots are going to give us 4 armor and 1.5 armor toughness so yeah kind of similar starts to diamond there but uh without the armor toughness of course on from the obsidian armor we have the draco arcana set and this um this is actually a very very similar armor set to the one in terraria i think it's called the shadow scale armor and it just looks really really cool with the horns coming off the side of the helmet here i love this one but it does actually incorporate the obsidian armor that we've just crafted so let's have a look at what this is all about so your draco arches helmet is created with four obsidian ingots one dragon scale and one obsidian helmet and we'll get on how to get this later don't worry too much about that uh just know that you will need it for this armor set the the draco arcanist chestplate is created using four obsidian ingots four dragon scales and one obsidian um shoulder pads and that's how you craft the chest plate the leggings is of course four obsidian ingots three of dragon skills and of course one obsidian knee pads uh to create that armor piece there and the bits over here are crafted using two obsidian ingots two dragon scales and one obsidian and one pair of obsidian bits so that is a you know that's the draco arcanus armor there if we take a look at this guy's stats they are quite so the helmet is going to give you six armor and three armor toughness the draco arcanist chest but it's going to give you 10 armor and three armor toughness the legions are going to give you eight armor and three armor toughness and the arcanus boots are going to give you six armor and through your armor toughness so that's a very very nice set of armor there and i love the sprites in that the art just looks really really good on from the draco arcanus armor we have the ter armor and this is a really really nice looking set with the gold and blue kind of um sprite art going on here and this is a crafted with two um sorry not two four aquatic dragon scales and one golden dragon skill for the helmet here we'll get on to the dragon skills later on the chest plate is crafted with you by using five aquatic dragon skills and three golden dragon skills this stuff is very expensive by the way and we'll see we'll soon see that when we do get on to how to craft the dragon skills um the leggings are crafted with three dragon skills four aquatic dragon scales and the bits are crafted by by using two aquatic dragon skills and two golden dragon skills so that is the terror armor there and i really do like the appearance of this thing let's take a quick look at the stats so we can see this one is going to give us seven armor four armor toughness 12 armor for the chest plate and four armor toughness turd leggings are going to give us 10 armor and four armor toughness and this herb bits are going to give us eight armor and four armor toughness so that is very very nice to see that four armor toughness is really really quite significant so um very very cool to see moving on from that we have the mortem set now i like the art of this i like the art of all of it to be honest but i think this one is one of the coolest looking ones so um starting off with the helm that we have here we're going to get ourselves five pieces of cloth and uh one skull and this is where the cloth from earlier would have come in useful uh for the chest plate we're gonna need three bones one piece of cloth three pieces of cloth through sorry three pieces of cloth and three bones for the chest plates the leggings is going to require four pieces of cloth and one bone and the boots two bones and two pieces of cloth so that is a nice to see for the more time set and now looking at the stats here we're gonna see it's gonna give us plus one and plus one armor and plus one armor toughness for the uh helmet plus five armor and plus one armor toughness for the chest plates plus ford armor and plus one armored office for the leggings and finally plus one armor plus one armor toughness for the so quite an early game set there but a nice little cosmetic i think that will look quite nice on your character the final armor set in this mod is called the uh the arcane gold armor set and this is a similar to gold but with higher durability and higher defense so taking a look at the helmets here we have uh five arcane gold ingots for this which is very very simple uh for the um the chess play here we're going to need eight our arcane gold ingots for the leggings seven uh arcane goldens and the boots of course is four so just your normal recipes but replace with the uh arcane gold uh for that looking at this guy's stats um they are quite good actually the helmet is going to give you four armor and 1.5 armor toughness the chest plate is going to give you eight armor and 1.5 armor toughness the bits are going to give you six armor and 1.5 armor toughness and the bits another lagging sorry and the bits are going to give you four armor and 1.5 armor toughness for that entire set so that is uh you know quite good to see that as well moving on from all the armor sets we have a couple new ways we're going to be able to get ourselves the dragon skills which are used in the turret armor set so to do this first of all we're going to want to craft yourself a mystical dagger and this is quite an expensive recipe this is crafted using the as a wood stick two pieces of arcane gold ingot uh one piece of dark matter and also a dark ring that's going to give you the mystical dagger quite an expensive recipe as i said but it is very useful for later on moving on to the first dragon scale this is crafted by taking or sorry gathered sorry by taking the mystical dagger to a dragon head and that's gonna give you three dragon skills that's nice to see it's not gonna give you the one it's gonna give you three and with these dragon skills we can use them in a couple of recipes but we can also transform them into three different um dragon skills so first off here we have the silver dragon scale this is crafted by taking your normal dragon skill starting with four pieces of iron and also four more pieces of arcane crystal dust so that is a nice recipe there the golden one is quite similar but with the the the dust this is the dragon scale and four pieces of arcane gold ingot and then on from that we have the um the aquatic dragon scale this is created using the dragon scale uh one piece of prismarine crystal one piece of arcane dust and one piece of um prismarine shard and this was of course useful in the terror armor that we went over before over here so we can see some of the recipes here and very very useful and these dragon skills for the armor and that is all the armor this mod has to offer offer as well as the dragon skills on from that we have the obsidian shield now this is crafted by taking your obsidian skull and surrounding it with four silver dragon skills and this is quite an op piece of equipment because you're gonna see it's gonna give you fire resistance one and resistance one in general so that is um a very very nice um you know thing to have in your inventory and this will of course do permanent sorry the things glitching out like mad but that will um allow you to have permanent fire resistance and permanent resistance uh while this thing is in your inventory um so that's a nice thing to see and with all the armor and the dragon skills and the obsidian shield out of the way let's just move on to a quick few miscellaneous items that didn't really fit anywhere else so i thought i'd just compile them into their own thing so starting with the first thing we have to offer we have the dark netherstar this is a very expensive material but useful for later on crafted with another start surrounded by four obsidian ingots next up here we have the lovely little chorus power which is crafted with an enterprise four chorus fritz what's cool about this is we can actually take a mob which this pig is very magically appeared over here and we can actually teleport them by throwing the satellite it's going to teleport them to random locations which i think is quite funny as you can see over here if we do it again it will tp him to somewhere random which is really nice that is the the chorus pearl [Music] on from that we have the spectral eye amulet and this is crafted with two arcane gold ingots three string one netherstar and an eye vendor and this will actually um show hostile mobs as having a red outline um mob the passive mobs will have a green outline and water mobs will have a blue outline so that is a cool thing if we go and have a look at the pig actually yeah here we go so passive mobs will have a green outline so it's like an esp and this will actually work through walls so if we can place a couple of blocks that we're going to see the outline through the blocks which is really quite cool so um definitely a worthwhile thing to begin to think about crafting on from that we have the the boom arrow so this is the boomer and it's crafted with one tnt surrounded by four arrows and it'll give you four boom arrows this arrow will um explode on impacts but it will cause no environmental damage which is really quite nice over here we have the draconess arrow it is crafted with one dragon's breath surrounded by four arrows and this will create a field of dragon's breath on impact note that the dragon's breath that gets created won't be retrieved during the uh if you figure out if you try to pick up the bottle so we can get ourselves a bow and we get ourselves some dracco marcus arrows we're gonna see this will create a field of a dragon's breath if we um if it impacts something so where's the pig come back here so if we if we ship this at him it's going to deal dragon's breath and stuff and you can't pick that up with a bottle which is something to know um and on from that we have the yes over here we have the seed built crafted with one ark in crystal dust and four pumpkin seeds are there's four of four of any seeds actually and when you throw this is actually going to um it's actually going to give you random seeds so we can see here that's going to give us some potatoes that's going to give us some pumpkin seeds this is going to give us some more pumpkin seeds let's go together some more pumpkin seeds this is going to give us a carrot and etc and that will give you random um combinations of seeds which i think is really really nice to see uh which is uh very cool over here with the antiperspirant fragment which is kind of a mesquite crafted with one ender pearl it's gonna give you four of them your fragments and last but not least you have the gold feather and this is gonna be crafted with one feather and one arcane gold ingot which is yeah all very cool onto tools now we have the bone tails which is a kind of your baseline uh not much going on with them crafted with one bone uh two bone blocks for the sword and basically let's just repeat so you just replace the sticks with bones and you replace the um the material with the bone blocks so you can see all the way throughout here which is very very cool over here we have the arcane gold tools uh crafted with a normal sticks you can craft them with normal sticks and arcane gold ingots but that's when they give you the baseline materials you can you can replace the sticks with edelwood sticks and that will um reinforce them and give you these um we'll give you reinforced arcane tools and we have a look down here yep so we can see we have the reinforced arcane gold sword and the normal arc angled sword it's gonna give it 700 700 more durability points that's a lot so upgrading from the arcane gold star to the reinforced arcane gold will give it 700 more durability points in the shop which is very very cool that goes with all of them um on to this we have the obsidian items uh these are actually similar to diamonds with more durability so here with the obsidian sword we have the obsidian javelin the pickaxe the axe and the hoe here so that is all just normal crafts and recipes one thing that doesn't have normal crafting recipes however is the draco workers materials so every single tool here will require the scepter this is the uh the draco workers um scepter and you will need uh this to be included in every single uh tool that you make with the uh draco arcadis um tools so the this um this uh scepter is crafted just simply with uh five of the new ingots and one ender pearl and one under parallel fragment i'll give you one scepter and we can replace what the stick would usually be with the scepter with each tool so for the sword we're gonna need ourselves uh five dragon skills and one diamond and a scepter a staff sorry um over here we're going to need a staff a diamond two um obsidian ingots and a dragon skill for the shovel this is the recipe for the pickaxe so four dragon skills one obsidian and gets one diamond and a staff the axe here we can see is quite similar with the uh the layout there the hoe as well is a bit more sophisticated than the normal one and of course the last thing that we're going to go over is the draco arcanis um staff here which is uh very very cool i really like this thing this is uh this is the scepter um i keep i always mix up this with the this is the scepter and this is the staff but this is the sector here crafted with a staff uh an obsidian then gets two diamonds and a dark nether star and we can see that if we drop up this back like a bow we're gonna launch a little end crystal our little um you know bolt of lightning our enemies this will not consume durability when you use it by the way so this is infinite use which is really really cool and these these tools do the most damage and the most durability and they're just the most efficient in the entire game and the mod so we can see if we take care of the uh drag quarters sword this thing does 12 attack damage that's very very good and the um the axe over here will do um i believe it's 14 yes 14 that's very very cool as well so yeah that's um something to note two special tools we have in the game the inferior pickaxe and the slime pickaxe the inferior pickaxe is crafted with two other wood sticks two blaze powder two magma creams and one obsidian skull this pickaxe will mine it will turn any ore into its smell into its smelted counterpart so if we take this and we get some iron ore so let's just uh you know get ourselves some um iron ore down here if you place this down normally you get the iron ore when you mine it but this time you're going to get um why did i just try and do that in creative that was a really stupid thing to do let's put ourselves into survival and test this properly so if we place down our iron ore and we mine this with inferior pickaxe we're going to see that it doesn't give us anything or no that was lag it gave us an iron ingot so yeah when you mine something with this um pickaxe it will give you the smelted counterpart not the ore which is really really cool i think that's amazing instead of having to spend ages smelting in the early game you can use this if you don't have a super smelter so yeah that is definitely something to keep note of and moving on from that we have the slime pickaxe the cymex pickaxe is going to be crafted with here we go two edible sticks three arcane gold nuggets a gold ingot sorry a golden feather and a slime ball and this will actually have um it'll come up with infinite silk touch so we can see here it's gonna it has silk touch on it this is a nice early game pickaxe to get yourself if you can't be bothered finding silk touch or enchanting about 40 pickaxes to find some touch because we all know that can be a pain so this is a nice early game pickaxe to get yourself and that is all the tools added to this mod moving on from all that stuff we have some bottles and some pixie stuffs now the bottle this is the bottle block by the way it's crafted just with seven glass and one plank and when we place this down you can see it looks very very nice and this could be in a multitude of recipes so the first one is the pixie in the bottle now currently there is no way to get the um there's there's no way to get the pixi naturally uh as of this video but there might be one in the future but uh just as you know uh is crafted with a pixie and a bottle and this acts as a light source as well it will emit light as we can see here and it just looks quite cool similarly we have the corrupted pixie um in a bottle now we'll get on to how you can craft this thing because you can craft this in um in survival but when you place this down it's going to look a bit a little bit different and will be also emit light to purchase very faintly so there are those two blocks and moving on to one of the bigger things this is the um this is the sole extractor this is very very cool tool so what we can do with the soul extractor is right click on soul sand and it's going to actually extract the soul from it and give us a soul so we can see if it i don't think it works there did it work there no it doesn't appear like it did that's strange if we try again we get we can get ourselves some soul sand then hopefully it will work let's just place uh this thing down here and we extract it like that and when we see when we um hold this for long enough it is going to give us there we go it's going to give us a soul and once you do that it's going to replace this um this block with soulless sand and this can be used to craft um some decoration blocks later later on like we'll see this will give you one sole by the way that is it um from each piece of soul sign so you can get you can get yourself quite a lot uh quite easily and there which is a very nice to see and this is crafted with two pieces of narrow brick um one block of quartz one bottle block and one nether quartz so that is a relatively simple recipe that you get yourself quite early yeah very very cool to see uh similarly from the soul i love the sweet animation i think it's so cool this is the dark soul and this is crafted with one corrupted us and one soul and that's going to give you the um the dark soul here which is uh quite nice to see the corrupted pixie is crafted with two feathers uh arcane crystal dust and a dark soul and you don't actually need to combine these two um the cryptopixel in the bottle block to make a uh corrupted picture in the bottle you can actually just right click on the uh the bottle there to craft to create into the um the corrupted pixel bottle which is quite handy and that is all these stuff do with soles and stuff moving on from other pictures there's one little feature that i wanted to quickly go over so this mod now gives rot inflation new use take five rotten flesh it's going to give you some rotten leather now when you smelt this rotten leather it's going to give you normal leather so that's a nice new way to use all that rotten flesh that you've got sitting around that does absolutely nothing and so that's a nice little feature there that we can um be thankful for over here we have uh some rim bags now these are they serve no purpose apart from just storing runes in bags and not having them not take up too much inventory space so here we have uh we can the normal rune bag and this is uh crafted simply with four runs and turns into just the one item which is nice to see this is the dark room bag and this is crafted with four dark ones and i wonder these if do they stack let's see if these stack oh they do that's very handy so that's a nice way of storing all your runes in your dark ruins a nice little feature there now let's go into actually an alternate method of getting ourselves some dark ruins because while you can find them underground there is another method and we're going to go over that right now it's quite a lengthy process so just stick with me so first of all we're going to take some dark stone dark stone is found underground and very very low down underground mind you and when we smelt this we're going to get some polished dark zone bricks take our polished arc store bricks and turn them into slabs now the slabs are crafted of course just with polystarstone three polystars that's going to give us three slabs um and once we um six slabs sorry once we uh take our slabs we can now make ourselves some uh chiseled polished dark zone and the chiseled polystyrene is crafted of course with just two polished dark stone slabs and once we get the chisel to polish dark stone we can combine it with a rune and that's going to give us runic chiseled polished dark stone with this runic chisel's polished arc zone we can now craft a runic terribus core this is quite expensive so you know you might want to take note of that we have one dark matter four vernica tender chisel polished dark stone and we also have uh four arcane gold ingots and we put all these into this uh recipe here and that is going to give us our uh runic tennis core place this down like so when we take a dark netherstar and we right click it it's going to turn it into a terrorist core which is powered so we can see here this is now powered and what we can do with this this is permanent by the way this won't ever know we can take our runes and we can actually just feed it into here it's going to give us however many dark rooms for however many uh runes we right click on this so this is an easier way of getting dark from julie and it's quite a cool thing it just looks really cool i mean who wouldn't want that in their base that just looks um amazing so that is the um the vinix turnabout core uh that we can um get ourselves here so uh yeah that is a very nice thing to see moving on from that we have a couple new things that can spawn underground so this is the uh this is the petrified root block and it's a very strange looking bushy block that can be found in caves and what this actually does is not really too much design but when you break it it will drop the strange root which can be grown and planted on any stony surface so it's already grown because i've been away doing other things while this has been you know doing but um it do its thing but we can see here initially when we plant it down it will just uh start a small and it will get bigger so it's a nice little you know decoration block that you can add which i think looks quite nice so that is underground and this this route here so serves another purpose currently apart from decoration but uh hopefully it will get one in the future because it would be cool to see uh what sort of thing you can do with this maybe a potion ingredient or something i don't know but uh on from that let's move on to some decoration this is the last portion of the mod uh we'll hopefully get fire through this stuff quite quickly so starting off we have this wax which is crafted with just one site one slime ball and one piece of honey now this wax is going to be useful for candles and it feels like loads of mods i have incorporated candles after uh they really the announcement of 1.17 so that is quite nice to see because i do like myself by um some lovely candles but once we come out of here we can see over here we can make ourselves some candles very very easy to craft we just need one wax and one string i just think they look really cool they act the same way that uh most candle mods do so you can place them in groups of one two three or four and they also they act the same way as sea pickles the more you place the brighter they're going to be and i think they also just look really good so that is the um the candles there when we move on from that we're going to see we could actually craft ourselves some candelabras so there's a stone iron and arcane gold variants of the candelabras uh recipe is very very simple as we can see here six um stone blocks and also um that's going to give us three stone candle eyebrows and just replace that with whatever material you wanna get three of it three different ways to place this we can place it on the wall we can place it on the ground here and we can place it hanging from the ceiling and what's going to happen when we place our candles into this well the more we place is going to extend the candelabra so we can pistol migrates of one two and also three which i think looks really really cool and also that alternates with what direction that you place them in um like so so that is a nice thing to see if we get this i can show you what i mean by that so it's going to go in this direction instead of this direction so um you can swivel your way around and find out what the direction you want the the candelabra to extend from which i i think is quite cool of course with the uh the gold arcane gold one here is similar [Music] so that is the uh the candelabras which i think are really nice decoration item and i really wish they were in vanilla because look at them they just look amazing perfect for like banquet tables and medieval uh castles and stuff but that one from that we have a couple of chains this is the iron chain crafted the same um way that uh vanilla is so uh two iron nuggets and one iron ingots that's going to give us the chain of this could connect from the ceiling and it's a nice little way to hand hang your candelabras we also have the arcane gold chain this is crafted with two arcane gold and i'll get some one arcane gold ingots i also can also be hung from the ceiling like so and then lastly over here we have the beautiful candle lamp which i think looks amazing as well crafted with two pieces of stark stone four arcane gold nuggets two arcane gold gold ingots and of course one candle in the middle uh look at it it just looks so cool i really like this it's a nice little detail but yeah that's all the kind of light source decoration blocks that this mod has to offer uh let's move on to some trees this is kind of environmental stuff and this here might look like a tree but it is trust me um this will be found in a dark um you know drift forests and this is the edible log that spawns naturally now you see what i mean by this is easier to craft because you know there's two of them and they're quite rare and you have to go to a specific biome it's not really handy so i do advise just crafting these but these can be found in rift forest just naturally spawning on from this we have the cherry tree which i think looks amazing look at that it's like a cherry blossom and it's like in this style of the savannah tree and this can be found anywhere in plains biomes and stuff and then lastly over here we have the mystery wood tree and this can be found in flower forests quite rarely but it's quite easy to stay quite distinct to see as with the leaves here and also emits these lovely little particle effects from the wood here which i think gives us a little bit more magic feel to it and that is the uh the new trees that could be found also one thing to note with the cherry um tree rarely uh the leaves will drop cherry peaches which are just you know these little food stores similar to apples um that you can use as well finally let's move on to some you know decoration blocks and uh all the sets this mod has to offer there's quite a lot so we'll fire for them quite quick here we have all the eda wood planks and the edelwood set we have the arcane edelwood plaques as well which is just uh incorporating a um arcane gold ingot into that crafting recipe so here we have the planks the stairs and slabs all that sort of stuff you know this wee thing it's going to pop up a few times it's the texture package but the texture back i'm using is not loading it correctly so just ignore that here we also have the uh ladder the edelwood ladder and this actually allows you to climb down it faster than it does with them vanilla which is quite nice so we can see we're just gonna drop down the edge like that quite quickly on the side here as well oh yeah with the cherry wood stuff this is my favorite i think it looks amazing it almost looks like a brick and this is the entire set here as well similar to acacia almost similar inspired by acacia but again just looking really good here and over here we have the mystery wood now this is really cool because you're going to see the um the you know it's going to change color i wouldn't advise building your house out of this because that would probably be quite trippy to look at and make it make it feel like you're on lsd or something all these colors changing in your in your vision but it's quite a cool thing to see that you can use about decoration but i do like the door i think the door does look very very cool and that is the new wood types over here uh the solar sand that we talked about earlier can actually be crafted into different sandstones so this works the way as normal as normally with normal sunstone so here we have the solar standstone these uh so cut solar stance and the polished little sandstone and we have variants for all the different um you know types here we have the normal we have cut and we have chiseled and we have all that sort of stuff and this car is on over here really nice um blocks that we have going on and over here we have some dark zone stuff so this is the three different um uh dark stone variants that we can get we can get the normal we can get polished and we can get bricks this is just the normal set here and we can also get some arcane gilded gla dark stone which is going to drop us um the arcane gold nuggets which is quite cool to see but from this we can also craft the uh polish dark stone and the polished dark stone bruh chisels apollo stark stone and the also um the polished dark sun brick so we can kind of you know craft with uh that material so yeah a lot of little things we can craft with that and it's nice to see you know some of the decoration blocks being incorporated into this mod as well including new pressure plates and new buttons which is a nice that's a nice dark block that you can decorate maybe castles within dungeons and stuff we look very very cool with these blocks lastly we have some of the arcane and polished dark sun stuff again looks very very cool i particularly like this pillar here i think it looks cool and obviously it will extend when you pile it up like so uh decorating museums and stuff with this would definitely be something you might want to do and we can also have the dark zone rods as well which again um you know stack up on top of each other like so very very cool and from that we have um the arcane glass here and this is a new type of glass which does look very very nice as we can see here and we have the glass frames as well and we also have the arcane dark stone which is a which is technically part of the set by included separately um just because i did um and over here we also have some of the runic stuff so this is the runic glass and the dark grenade glass and their pain counterparts again looking very very nice here it's nice to see some new color variants and i like how the um color actually changes the shade changes from like a um you know a darker sort of purple and slowly fade into a light pink i think looks really really clever and cool they're similar with the dark green stone over here we have some you know just kind of missed stuff and also some stuff that doesn't have any use yet which we'll get on to later on um but first let's just start off with the uh last few decoration blocks here we have the arcane um crystal block i think it looks really really cool it's actually semi-translucent as we can see we can see through onto the planks there this is crafted of course with just nine arcing um you know nine arcane crystals and this block is kind of a nice uh decorative like you can you could maybe use it as like glass actually because it is somewhat translucent so uh maybe decorating windows and whatnot with this wouldn't even be that bad of an idea but on from that we have the dark netherstar block this is a huge flex to have because this requires um nine separate nether stars not just darkness stars but nine separate netherstars to create so yeah very very expensive um but once we do craft it with this very very cool looking block like so decorating um you could decorate a throne with us or something it would look cool that goes really well with the uh the dark stone here that looks very very nice you could definitely incorporate this into some build with that but this may just get carried away let's move on moving on from that we have the arcane gold block here which looks very very nice and we can also have weighted uh pressure plates counterparts and doors well this acts the same way as an iron door um it's just a new kind of variant here of course crafted with nine arcane gold ingots on from that we have the stellarite block which is crafted with nine stellarite pieces that we get from the um the other ore that we start at the very start of the mod the one that blows up and on from that we also have the end crystal gem which i think looks really nice it doesn't have a use yet but maybe there will be in the future who knows crafted with one end crystal surrounded by four arcane crystal dust a relatively simple thing apart from this isn't very simple but uh apart from that is a nice little block to have and could definitely be using some sort of like sorceress tower movie would be a nice thing to incorporate this with them as like a uh some orb of some sort which i think just looks very very nice on from that we have the arcane dragon egg this is crafted with a dragon egg and surrounded by uh these dragon arc golden dragon skills and i think this looks amazing look at that it even has like a little particle effect coming off of it and as we can see here and it just looks very very nice like so i know that you when you right click this this won't teleport so this is a permanent block that will stay here which is nice to see on from that we have a couple items that don't yet have uses and so this here is the excuse me have faced this forge um no i've tried everything and this doesn't have it you see i've um tried with books i've tried with um you know weapons let me know in the comments when if and when this does have a use yeah that way i can have a look around and just to see what it actually does but this is the uh a faceless forge it's a cool looking block um but uh yeah no no you know really you see it same with this here this is the uh the arcane crystal obelisk i haven't found personally i haven't found a guest for it yet uh let me know if i'm wrong but um i haven't found anywhere online that has said anything about it so i think this is quite a newly incorporated um block here but it still looks very very cool uh also the dark beacon here i can't even right click this there's not even like a menu to open it so this also is uh not yet in use but it's a nice um looking block though i'm excited to see what the devs do come up with with this finally on from that we have a thing that well we'll have a use which is a new item and this is the um this is the quantum catcher crafted with spawner scrap which is uh obtained from mining a spawner and we'll give you a couple pieces of this and a arcane crystal block uh doing all this in the smithing table will give you the quantum catcher very very cool thing it allows you to pick up and uh drop mobs here so we can see we can pick up this pig if i uh actually you know try it correctly um that is very very strange why was it not picking that guy up oh there we go that was very weird it wasn't it wasn't picking him up there but as we can see we've picked him up and it says entity minecraft pick it's going to show us what entity is inside this i know that we've got this minecraft pig in our um quantum catcher we can just put him down like that and there he is he's back down again so yeah very very cool uh thing that we can use there also we have the uh edible dial currently i don't think this has a use yet you can get it from the adwords log over there naturally spawning and there will be a little pool of oil that gathers inside of that you can just right click the bottle on and it will and give you your edelwood oil but i know nothing currently for that and last but not least we have the eternal stella this is a very uh quite an expensive item but it's really really cool this is crafted with one celery piece surrounded by four eggs petrified orbs and this will repair all current items uh or sorry all current tools armor and weapons in your inventory everything over a pair to fill durability three times that's what this means here the um right click uses left three this can be used three times to fully repair everything in your inventory which i think is really really cool and really op so um definitely get yourself some of them if you're gonna be playing this in survival but with that that is absolutely everything uh this is everything that the forbidden arctis mod has to offer at this point they are updating it fairly regularly so um if there are any features who knows i might come back and go over them because this is a fun mod to go over um but again this video might be a bit longer length just because it's a bigger mod but i tried to get it compressed as well as i could but yeah apart from that thank you all so much for watching and also thank you for the support on the uh some of the more um you know recent videos and also buzzier bees has done very very well um i think it's just over i think it might be about 1.5 k views by the time that this comes out anyway so yeah very very appreciate the support on that and remember if you're new here consider subscribing it would be very very nice and highly appreciate it but as always i just hope you guys have a great day and thank you so much for checking in bye
Channel: AHisstocrat
Views: 21,489
Rating: 4.8690476 out of 5
Keywords: magic, minecraft, mods
Id: ucDAMmdr9TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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