I Played Minecraft Attack On Titan For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened

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this video contains spoilers for the attack on titan anime in this video i spent 100 days in attack on titan now this was hard to do because there isn't a full mod for attack on titan so i kind of had to mix and match different mods and data packs but i will definitely do this again when more mods come out if you guys want me to my goals for this world were to defeat all the titans i could which includes the colossal titan beast titan the warhammer titan and more with all that being said let's just get into day one on day one i spawned into a new world oh yeah i got a new pc so i played with shaders on let me know what you think i started off pretty standard by getting some wood and using that wood to get stoned i then got a bit more wood then went exploring around for a bit and spotted titan in the nearby swamp luckily he didn't see me and i took the chance to retreat into a cave that was close by and mined a bunch of iron for armor i wanted to craft some attack on titan armor but unfortunately i couldn't get any but you can by downloading pixelmondago's launcher linked in the description look at that they have attack on titan cosmetics they look awesome and you have a chance to get some of them by typing in slash brevis and pixel monogo's server as well as a custom brevis backpack if you're interested in that might be a big shocker but i personally think it's pretty cool and pixelmondago has a bunch of other awesome features as well such as voice chat dancing emotes and costumes they also run daily events such as big boss fights and entertaining shows where people sing or perform this is what the textures and costumes look like in game and it's all in this amazing launcher that you can log into with either microsoft or mojang all you have to do is press play to start your adventure click the link in the description to download for free and thanks again to pixelmontogo for sponsoring all that mining really took a toll on my hunger so i had the surface to look for food when i was smelting my food i also took the chance to make some of my armor but by that point the sun was setting and i wasn't trying to fight both minecraft mobs and titans so i ran straight back into the caves and found more iron and luckily some diamonds not just because you know they're diamonds but also because i could use them to make myself some ultra hard steel and i could use that to make some ultra hard steel swords which have insane attack damage and speed i mined some more on day 2 but didn't find much so i surfaced on day 3 and found some titans right away but i wasn't ready to fight them yet i did have the swords but i didn't have the odm gear and to get that i needed a lot of string so i had to wait till night time to farm for some all the while dodging all the titans that tried to come after me luckily i could run a bit faster than them so i was able to do that pretty easily anyway by the end of the night i'd gotten everything i needed and i crafted myself some odm gear i went to test out on some titans straight away but it took some practice to get used to and it didn't help that i needed to slice the titans in their nape to kill them just like in the anime but eventually after many tries and some close calls i killed three of them and got the spinal fluid i won't spoil what that's for but i will say that it'll be very important later oh and i also got just an illegal amount of xp from them too so yeah getting levels in this world wasn't going to be a big issue for me on day 4 i really needed some better armor the titans could kill me really quickly if i wasn't careful and yeah i can be reckless sometimes so i wanted to be safe in advance because i knew i was going to be stupid eventually even though i couldn't make attack on titan armor i could make the good old-fashioned diamond armor which was good enough i mean it's 10 hour bars i'll take it but anyway it took me until day 9 to mine all the diamonds i needed for full armor which wasn't too bad i've definitely mined for longer and gotten less before so i'll take it oh yeah and i also made an enchantment table for good measure i didn't enchant anything just yet because i wanted to wait until i had more bookshelves on day 10 i surfaced from the caves and found two titans straight away i'd gotten better at using the odm gear so it only took a couple tries to hit their names and hey i killed them both at once i've never done that before later i killed some llamas i think these are for leather to make some books to start working towards those bookshelves i mentioned earlier later i explored around some more with the odm gear did i mention how fun it is to use it by the way because it really is anyway i found some cows and horses and killed them again for some leather later i stumbled upon these structures there was a titan guarding them so i got rid of him pretty quickly and went to check it out i tried to mine the walls with my pickaxe but i couldn't so i made a diamond pickaxe and used that instead and after a long mining session like this stuff takes longer to break than obsidian i finally mined it and in return i got this a crystal i didn't know what it was for so i just kept it for the time being and went to check out the chest that spawned in the structures it had thunder spears in it which i was really excited about until i realized that they didn't work at least i couldn't make them work let me know if i missed anything in the comments they also had muskets and bullets to go along with them the muskets basically worked as bows that you can spam which hey i'll take that's all i really need in the projectile weapon on day 11 there was something in between the walls so i mined it and got more crystals i mined another and when i got four i combined them to remake the block and it turned out it was a titan crystal basically hardened titan skin the structure spawned kind of weird so it wasn't completely flat on the ground so i had to fill in the gaps with some cobblestone before making it my new enchantment room i then tried my best to get silk touch on my pickaxe if you didn't know you can reset the enchantment selection by enchanting something else so i made a bunch of stone swords and reset the enchantments over and over until i finally got silk touch and you can probably see where i'm going with this i thought if i broke the walls with it i could pick them up instead of breaking them into crystals but alas it didn't work well that's just great not only did i waste levels but i wasted a pickaxe too because i got silk touch which is probably the most annoying pickaxe enchantment of all time unless you need it for something specific later while running around i ran into the cart titan peek stands you might want to look away from the screen because things don't go too well for her i tried to use my oem gear on her but we were in the planes biome plus she wasn't big enough for me to use it on her directly so i was forced to just get in as close as i could and spam click her with my sword and or just spam my musket on her which ended up getting me the win later i thought it was finally about time i enchanted since peak showed up who knows when stronger titans would as well so i needed to get ready for that possibility straight away i didn't get the best enchants only tier 2 and 1 tier 3 piece but that was good enough for now on day 12 i spotted a rune portal really close to my new base and decided to repair it so i mined all the obsidian i could and replaced the crying obsidian in the portal with it but when i was done i was still one obsidian short so i had to go on a little excursion to this mountainside to get the last piece i entered the nether and my goal was to find another fortress which took me the rest of the day to do which isn't too bad it's definitely taken me longer before and it probably would have taken me longer without this odm gear it's insane how useful it is to travel with on day 13 i farmed blazes until i got the amount of blaze rods i needed for a certain something then left another i then spent day 14 to 20 farming for endermen i could have traded with piglens but i played this on version 1.16.5 where the pearl drop rates are really low except for dream am i right kids brevis making trendy jokes god i'm relatable aren't i anyways so yeah that's why i'd rather farm enderman manually than trade for pearls in this version and yeah it's pretty obvious what my plan was i was gonna go fight the ender dragon why you may ask well you know how i said that titan's spinal fluid was important earlier well if you combine it with dragon's breath you can make yourself a titan injection so yeah i was gonna be a titan shifter but before that i had to kill the dragon and i started that process on day 21 by finding the stronghold and spent the rest of the day finding the portal room on day 22 i filled it in and let's just admire how gorgeous that looks with shaders by the way i entered the portal and the fight began i started by destroying the crystals pretty standard but what wasn't standard was my method i used a musket instead of a bow to destroy the crystals closer to the ground but that wasn't really an option for the crystals really high up i mean it was possible but the muskets have a shorter range than a bow so i'd have to build up and it would just be really hard so what i did instead was use my odm gear yet again this thing was a lifesaver and made it just stupidly easy to destroy all the crystals in just a few minutes with the crystals out of the way it was time to tackle the dragon itself this was a rare case in which my odm gear actually wasn't useful so instead i had to rely heavily on my musket whenever the dragon was in the air with that being said when it perched i could use my steel swords like any other melee weapon to damage the dragon and a lot quicker than most weapons because of its insane attack damage and speed the dragon flew away so again i shot it it then perched again so yes yet again i hid it with my swords and just when i got close to killing it it flew away so i absolutely spammed my musket while i was close to the ground and with that i was able to beat the game but this was only the beginning i still had a lot more work to do on day 23 i found another one of these structures while exploring a bit which gave me more bullets which is always nice i then spent the rest of the day looking for and killing titans for the spinal fluid it's starting to rain towards the end of the day which impaired my vision a bit but it wasn't too bad and i was able to get all the spinal fluid i needed and by that point i was pretty damn exhausted so i just went to bed bright and early on day 24 i used the spinal fluid and dragon's breath to make a titan injection then i went a little bit away from my base because you know things get a bit lightening-y in the show and i wasn't trying to blow up my base i used the injection and turned into the female titan i'm pretty sure i could have gotten one of three other titans but yeah naturally i got the only female one don't make fun of me i didn't choose this but it wasn't all bad because in this form i could absolutely demolish titans like all i had to do was go up to them and beat them up which was a huge time and effort saver compared to what i had to do with my odm gear to kill them before i was feeling pretty powerful so from day 25 to 40 i went to the nether and farmed for wither skeletons should i have gotten a looting sword maybe but was i bothered to keep enchanting over and over and over again until i got it no i'd much rather just grind out with the skeletons normally now you may be wondering why i got wither skulls well just like the ender dragon fight this actually had a purpose i needed another star and four iron blocks to summon the warhammer titan so with that being said i first needed to kill the wither and so on day 41 i spawned it in then transformed into a titan and waited for it to finish loading when it did i rushed in as per usual in this form but uh i couldn't damage it i don't know if that's a glitch or what but yeah i had to rely on my odm gear for this one so i waited to transform back and i started fighting it properly i went in with my swords but it quickly flew too high for me to reach i really should have fought in the forest to take advantage of my odm gear but oh well it was way too late for that by that point so instead i just slammed my musket on it which worked really well i mean it was tricky to do without getting hit but overall i would say it was about as effective as an enchanted bow sometime later it launched me into the air i didn't even know the wither could do that but luckily i had my odm gear to save me from certain death because of that ordeal i lost a lot of health so i had to run away to regen even having to use a golden apple but i kept the faith and continued using my musket until the wither finally came down to the ground where i could spam my swords on it and after that it didn't take long for me to defeat it well that was intense especially since i didn't have a helmet yeah for some reason when you shift into a titan it just takes your helmet if you're an expert on this data pack please tell me if that's normal or not because to this day i am beyond confused i then spent the rest of the day and night mining for those four iron blocks i mentioned earlier on day 42 i farmed yeah farmed the entire day i had a lot of bones on me from killing weather skeletons so i turned it all into bone meal and spammed out wheat for bread because i was dangerously low on food but yeah doing this pretty much one at a time took a while hence why i only finished when the sun came down oh and i also made a new helmet it totally won't magically disappear in a day or two definitely not on day 43 i threw down the materials to spawn the warhammer titan and this lady spawned lara tiber she didn't have a head for some reason textures are super glitchy because i have to use a bunch of different resource packs at once to make this all work so sorry about that anyway i hit her and that got her real mad so she transformed again the textures are glitched so the warhammer titan doesn't have a warhammer you can check out the video in the description to see what it actually looks like if you're interested i'm sorry again there's nothing i can really do anyways back to the fight i didn't transform for two reasons one i wanted to keep my helmet for a little bit and two to beat this titan you need to do something that doesn't really work if you're too big you'll see later on my strategy for this fight was to use my musket to damage it from long range and my sword to damage it from close range and although my sword did a lot of damage so did the titan so i tried my best to keep the fight as ranged as possible so i didn't die eventually though i did kill the titan except no it regenerated his body somewhere else and this was the key to defeating it wherever it regens its body is where laura tiber is but she's underground so i needed to mine down to her which is why i said earlier that i couldn't beat her in titanfall now that i knew where she was i tried to lead her titan form away a little bit before using my odm gear to go back to the crater above where her main body was and i tried to mine down to her but i didn't get the titan to go far enough and it made me panic and dropped my pickaxe and then it blew it up yeah it blew up my pickaxe while it was on the ground so it despawned and it also almost killed me so i had to use my last golden apple i ran away and made a wooden pickaxe and went back to the hole and found lara type her shell i tried mining it but her titan interrupted me before i could and i had to transform into a titan to get out of there before it got me stuck i ran back to my base and quickly made a golden pickaxe then ran back and snuck up on the crater while the titan was still a good distance away from it but by the time i went in it was right on my tail so i had to block off the entrance so it couldn't hit me it was unbelievably dark down there so to let you see what's actually going on i'll turn up the brightness just for you you're welcome anyway i broke the obsidian and lit a fire really quickly so i could see and then i killed lara typer and with that i defeated the warhammer titan that was a really chaotic fight but hey it was all worth it in the end and even though she didn't drop any items to quote a brilliant man didn't get much in return but it's not about the drops it's about the ego boost alright kids on day 44 i went exploring for a little bit to clear my mind after that intense fight when i heard some lightning i looked around and uh yeah it was the colossal titan i transformed into my titan form and ran up to it it did hit me back but not very much i wasn't sure if it was armin or berthold in there but now i know it was berthold for sure he was going easy on me because he thought i was annie i guess my female titan transformation did have its perks after all from day 45 to 56 i formed with their skeletons and iron then killed the wither again we've already been through this so i won't show it to you again and i did this to fight the warhammer titan again i know i know you may be saying oh didn't you also do this before well this time it's different alright when you kill the warhammer titan it has a chance of dropping its warhammer like when you kill the titan form itself and since it keeps regening itself you can keep killing it forever until you get it so since my goal is to just kill this thing over and over and over again this time i could transform into my titan form and that's just what i did nothing to really say i just did a bunch of damage to it then i killed it it didn't drop its warhammer but it was only the first time so i didn't really expect that to happen anyway so i went in for round two and killed it yet again and again it didn't drop it that's fine let's go in for round three and oh no my titan form ran out so i retreated for a bit to have it reload itself but uh when i got back the titan despawned yeah apparently that's the thing that can happen that's 10 minecraft days of my life in another store that i'll never get back i think you can understand that i was pretty annoyed by that so i really wanted to win the cheer me back up so i went on a quest to find the final boss the beast titan he's insanely strong much stronger than anything else i fought so if i killed him this whole journey would have been well worth it so i set off i ran thousands of blocks over the next five days straight without stopping to kill anything without stopping to do just anything all i wanted to do was find the big monkey that's it my odm gear did speed up the process and it was fun to use as always but it was still a grind to go that far but finally on day 63 i saw the boss bar appear on the top of my screen i zoomed in and what i saw terrified me he was surrounded by massive titans like probably 20 meters tall each there were only six of them but still that was a lot when you consider how big they were but i had no time to think about them when the beast titan was right there in the middle of them so i just transformed and charged in i did some damage to it but he was way too strong he killed me in one hit all i can say is that he definitely lives up to all the hype around him i'm pretty sure levi is the only one who can beat him and unfortunately i'm no levi so i didn't stand a chance let me know in the comments if you think you could beat the beast titan and if you try tweet me at brevis underscore xd with a video of you doing it i'd be interested to find out how to do it and if it's even possible i really enjoyed playing in this world attack on titan is in my top 5 series of all time yes even after the manga ending that i won't spoil for you anime onlys i did only say this video had spoilers for the anime so i'll keep my word on that anyway as i said when more mods and data packs that are closer to being finished come out i'll definitely be doing this again but i hope you appreciate what i could do with what i had with that all being said subscribe for more and i'll see you all next time peace
Channel: Brevis
Views: 1,769,845
Rating: 4.9048815 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days minecraft challenge, minecraft 100 days challenge, 100 days of minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft luke thenotable, 100 days in minecraft modded, 100 days minecraft survival, minecraft mods, attack on titan, attack on titan mod, the true gingershadow, shingeki no kyojin, snk, aot
Id: TW-a9NpIwBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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