FOR HONOR Full Movie (Samurai Vs. Viking Vs. Knight)

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[Applause] there were no signs it came without one doom came to us all the desperate few struggled to survive uh perhaps we had a chance for peace but desperation and trust are seldom allies so began a millennium of conflicts [Music] a thousand years of war the greatest warriors the world has ever known the reason they fight lost to the ages [Music] and yet here they still stand searching for a sign of peace i will show them i am apollyon i bring war many years ago the great warlords of the iron legion pushed the vikings and the samurai out of the lands of asheville we knights stood proud and strong and none dared defy us then like a plague peace fell on the land the warlords faded from history and the people grew weak and complacent when the viking raids began anew the iron legion was not prepared ashfeld plunged into chaos yet the vikings too seemed weak only a shadow of what they had once been and the samurai have not left the mire in years now a new force has risen within asheville the blackstone legion knights true warriors ones who still understand the difference between predator and prey we have come to set the world back on its proper course this will be an age of wolves wardens members of an ancient order fallen into dust sworn to defend the weak masters of the long sword their origins lost history still they fight for what is right but only a few may join their order that day i learned that i was serving the wrong warlord purvis defend the walls the day that i met the blackstone legion and holden cross come out dominique it doesn't have to be like this keep them off the walls my lord ah break it down break it down but i am a warden the black stones were coming up the east wall the fall of the last sanctuary in asheville a thousand years have passed since then our ancestors held out for six years against a hundred thousand desperate starving warriors or so the story goes through the breach stop dominique show yourself these warriors don't have to die child by combat right now what fight you that's not a trial that's an execution then fight my second you you will be my second all right then if i refused there would be a slaughter [Applause] we were still at that mercy it will not do for a night of the blackstone legion to be defeated by a common mercenary [Music] neil for valor in battle for honor and service i holden cross raise you stand knight of the blackstone legion [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're finished here [Music] come on that was how i joined the blackstone legion [Music] that warden proved more than worthy but there was still much work to be done the vikings were about to destroy the last iron legion sanctuary in asheville my blackstone legion would save them there are many legions the iron legion is the greatest among them but in asheville the iron legion was about to be routed their commander stone needed an army holden cross sent me blackstone where are reinforcements i'm it [Applause] is this a joke open the gate lead us out blackstone good luck the battle was already lost i needed to change stop [Music] not bad blackstone not bad at all pretty sure i could have done it by myself but we had the vikings on the run and in the mopping up efforts we also claimed the rest of the scattered legions bringing them under blackstone rule the warden i think had reservations about some of our methods i had questions about the blackstone legion the last of the vikings have holed up in an outpost up ahead one that the iron legion deserted need backup i can handle it careful with that ego ready lead the way deserters i wanted to see for myself stone was iron legion i trusted him doesn't look too hard everywhere we go we've abandoned our people what has happened to the iron legion wait here i'll clear the bridge they were members of the iron legion all legions share the same oaths what had happened here not why have you abandoned your posts a black stone dog has strayed from his back stand down your people need you what's a warden doing fighting for apollyon one of us should go home and change why have you abandoned your posts kill them [Music] that was the day i finally met our warlord um [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] a polygon gotcha blackstone huh [Music] do you know what kind of creature waits for its own slaughter sheep sheep welcome to the blackstone beach i had my answers but too late and the wardens oaths are not lightly broken the time came to show the vikings who they really were we would strike deep into the heart of their lands but first we needed to cross the mountain path and hold and cross would lead the charge where order has broken down where cruelty and lawlessness rule lawbreakers are justice we go wherever our armor has no equal it's construction a secret of our order pray that you do not need us and when we arrive we pray that you have done no wrong the snow was already falling on falconheim but we went anyway i am holden cross as commander of the black stone vanguard it fell to me to lead the way savages [Applause] we couldn't leave a force behind to guard the prisoners [Music] [Laughter] ah master this beast killed at least 40 soldiers including davis do you know how to tell a predator from prey you can't of course unless you see them in war 40 well done i had thought that her laws of selection only applied to us we needed to reach the fortress at sfernguard before the vikings had a chance to respond but at the great cliff that splits the valley in half we found our way forward blocked fortunately we had a peacekeeper mercy among our ranks when wars end it is the silent blade that keeps the peace but when wars rage a peacekeeper's work is never done quick they can win a fight before their enemy even knows they are there dancers of death with dual blades for dancing partners what they know can destroy legends or create them our army needed passage the war-born can be creative when they want to be oh path's clear impressive don't encourage her the fortress of sverngard my goal for too long the true warriors among the vikings had been held back by the chains of social bonds of kin of law now we would knock down their gate and return their world to its rightful order i had questions master like this fortress it looks like it's just a storehouse it is and that's why we're here these barbarians they seem like they're good people they embrace each other like they were all kind but that is all a lie when night falls they stab each other with their knives if there are wolves among them should we not set them free now i had new questions ones that were much harder to answer keep the ram moving being a skeptic was a death sentence but doubt is a part of integrity hmm hmm [Music] on your feet i am appalling i have come to instruct for too long the fearful prey among the vikings have whispered their lies of peace now that era ends prepare to die i know now what haunted me that day this is the only way it's two or three right here hmm you fought well to hell with you mercy why are we here i think you know famine this place houses their seed grain there will be no new harvest by winter they will be killing each other over what little food is left i took an oath to fight for peace so did you all of you hey this food why are we not burning at all what do you imagine the clans would do if we burned it all they'd starve die they would unite but leave them scraps just enough for two maybe three clans they will fight each other over what remains the wolves among them will rise we're not here to kill them we are here to teach them who they are to set them free time to go home it did not take long for my lesson to spread across the whole of valkenheim but in the following winter a lone raider rose among the clan known as the warborne that raider set out to reunite their people sometimes a viking is born carries the spark of gods raiders we call them as a name that can summon armies ruthless fearless the moment of a viking's death is chosen by fate so what news a year since apollyon came my people starved when the worst of us fell on each other like beasts growing fat on their own people's misery ragnar was one of those let's face and so i came down from the mountains [Music] i joined the warborne and then we did something about it let's find the rest for our people they had stolen their own people's food we were there to take it back vikings record the exploits of their greatest heroes in stone the markers remind them of the debt of glory that must be paid to enter valhalla to die in battle is one thing to die a legend is another [Music] what's going on out there you face me [Music] come on in then this was what i had come forth we are a war boy i wasn't going to let ragnar get away [Music] hey why won't you die [Applause] hmm [Music] i'll roast your bones [Applause] [Music] what you've done is wrong [Music] you feast while all around you people stop you and your warriors will learn to live like the rest of us oh you will become food for crows child might as well ask me to pick up for me or vikings so that's a no valhalla [Music] you're in charge now join us we are with you [Music] they weren't much to look at but they were a start the war warborn grew soon much sooner than i anticipated only two warlords remained in balkanheim the raider and a vicious killer named siv with many of the war-born leaders held hostage conflict was inevitable sieve's work that's just barbaric i've seen you take scalps it's different [Music] so we'll just wait for your signal then the vikings worship gods of wood of storms and of stone the samurai gods are a fire of wind and of thought the gods of the nights are iron steel and gold but power that we agree on sieve ryder we had a history i know it's you i guess that was the signal ryder [Music] right radar what are you doing among the warborne you talk too much [Music] the old ways of blood stir our people we were united once more it was time to free the rest of the war born stegander what took you so long finding vikings you hadn't pissed off [Music] my thanks warrior don't disappoint me yara [Laughter] oh i like you [Music] now it was time to take back our birthright the vikings united and so quickly now they turned their attention to us i left some of my blackstones in control of their shipyards at valkenheim stegander their new yarl set out to take them from us there are traditions among our people that run deep as stone our shields are as versatile as they are strong our swords are lethal simple and ancient design and a leader who does not lead the charge is no leader enough we are called warlords a name is earned we are the shield of our people and we will not fall we would need ships and i had been out of action for long enough odin's beard [Music] those black stones had quite a hall [Music] where did these come from samurai ships washing up all summer long full of this chunk the samurai they're weak we outnumber them ten to one and they've had a good year we're gonna need a fleet it was time yeah hoping for quick spoils and perhaps the glory of victory the vikings turned their attention on their neighbors across the sea the samurai lands were guarded by an ancient seafort one that the vikings believed to be poorly defended apollyon's war had taken us to the edge of extinction but that raid reminded us of who we are we began with a fortress on the sea but they knew we were coming thanks um ready your weapons to the gates i welcome you all the gates of that fortress had worked for a century all we had to do was get through them roads grapples here go lead the climb what's i need to open that gate wow up [Music] [Music] foreign that day reminded our people what viking fury can do the great raid they would call it and it had begun to reach the great city of the emperor the vikings now faced the mire here brute force would not suffice skill and knowledge would be needed to cross safely the war-born valkyrie roona was sent to find a way through the valkyries warriors who have made a deal with their gods each one can earn glory for our fallen dead in time they can win a place for the deserving but they alone decide whom they fight the masters of the spear and shield scouts trackers an app named for a terrible place i was sent to find a way through let's start by finding an outpost or a camp or something [Music] whoever that warrior had alerted was probably who i wanted to talk to so what did they tell you i don't speak japanese well now what we need maps there's a monastery how do you know [Music] [Laughter] wait here i'll get reinforcements wait for us here ugh archers i had what we needed a way through the mire the city would be ours koto the emperor city high on a stone cliff defended by crumbling bridges and gates and by a force that was far too small for such a vast place the city was ripe for plunder three days we fought on that bridge behind that bridge a whole city full of plunder and if we failed now we would leave with nothing to show for [Music] it is no gate it's more like a door it's not a bad idea you might live [Music] the all father's favor is a fickle thing impress him with your audacity and he will see you through to victory but let audacity grow into overconfidence and he will deliver you to your enemies [Music] [Applause] it was a great raid well hello [Applause] outstanding [Music] [Laughter] god [Applause] ah [Applause] gates open we had done it beyond those gates riches spoils plunder the great raid of the war-born clans would become legend [Music] if the commanders of the iron legions knew about now we can speak freely well that's a relief we're all your humble servants master so what is the real plan what the natural state of our species yet these monsters flee from it they're cowards we must be brave for them we cannot hope to trigger war everywhere we can if we recruit our enemies to the cause the city was open there was one warrior among the samurai who could have prevented that disaster a single orochi locked in a prison cell for years that imprisonment was about to come to an end we samurai are outnumbered each of our warriors must be the match of ten of our enemies each orochi is a match for a hundred sweet strong the truest masters of the katana their armor a perfect balance of flexibility and strength we are the finest warriors the world has ever known home we samurai lost our true home long ago now to us that word means something different we made a new home but we have to fight to hold it i wasn't going to be fighting anyone from inside a prison cell but my friends my daimyo saw an opportunity and took it [Music] uh they're burning the city we're leaving i said we're leaving let's go we can't this is how you ended up here in the first place uh [Music] what were the black stones doing in our city uh [Music] huh knights from the blackstone legion where's are you the vikings broke into our city they didn't know who they served ah the last few daimyo your emperor is dead will you take his place never would you the emperor after i killed the rest of them i'm coming to kill you a wolf leave the palace to say gero the others can fight for the scraps who do you think you are war i am war i left five daimyo to fight for control of their people we would see how strong their unity truly was i gave cejuro the palace the other four survivors of my test i left in the swamp it was the daimyo ayu who made the first move every army needs warriors whose specialty is victory kensei sword saints the guardians of our people every great ruler since the fall has trained as a sword singer every and we are formidable our armor is the strongest of our people [Music] as is our will [Music] i was the last daimyo set free in the mire nobody happy hunting happy hunting apollyon thought we would fight each other to claim the emperor's power she was right every daimyo who had passed her test was a war criminal we would tear our people apart or i could finish it before it had a chance to start you are a warmonger the enemy attacks i had done it our emperor is dead the blackstone legion has done this apollyon wants us to go to war with ourselves i refuse we are being forced into a new age um vikings regret leaving me alive i expected the samurai civil war to last for years not days nothing unites like a common enemy the vikings had not had time to escape the mire with their bounty that orochi iu and their new allies set out to try to stop them i followed apollon's trail into the mire i was searching for iu well well well do you know where iu is a lot of dead daimyo around here i was stopping a civil war guess the emperor was wrong about you our neighbors are persistent that they are secure the dock we'll meet you there [Laughter] archers delay that order we have more pressing matters say judo napoleon gave him the palace it will take more than a palace to rule our people we will remove the pretender to the emperor's throne within a month iu brought her newly reunited army to the front door of the emperor's palace now there were only two daimyo left she and cesaro but it was that orochi who would determine the course of history the imperial palace a fortress within a fortress our people bleed put down your weapons then end this and kneel before me cejuro wasn't giving up and he had strong warriors at his side but we had numbers we just needed a way in i hadn't been inside the palace in three years [Music] not since the emperor had ordered me imprisoned only the best for the emperor our army is on the other side i don't think that's a very good idea [Music] you are outnumbered put down your sword [Applause] we will not be execute me i will be remembered as the greatest warrior our people have ever seen [Music] these warriors won't follow anyone else you will be forgotten the emperor's champion will defeat you the emperor's champion is rotting in a cell in the lower city it's you the champion just betrayer hero more like [Music] prison has done nothing for you [Music] what are you waiting for we need commander cejuro you dishonor me we need you you are a great warrior i won't serve beneath you then slay me take my place command our armies you've gone mad apollyon did this to us not cegero i will not fight the legion's war for them [Music] um the emperor's champion heading our armies again i'm going to asheville our enemy is there before the emperor's champion led iu's army into asheville they came here on a scouting mission they would need to find safe passage for their army to my fortress but asheville has changed napoleon had been as generous to her own people as she had been to ours [Music] unorganized i saw warden leading a group of knights away from the fortress we should follow them napoleon's borders were open who had done this i know that one warden are they rebelling can they do that i think we should leave why i think that's it see not so bad we are not your enemy champion you executed the imperial family we are no longer black stones no this is my fight [Music] huh [Music] hmm i was right you are the emperor's champion your army will find the path to the blackstone fortress clear [Music] good luck i had taken my measure of that warden once you cross swords with someone you know they're hard all the lands are awash with viking looters our own legions war against one another and now the emperor's champion knocks at my door with an army this will be a day for wolves reinforcements do not lose this courtyard the samurai have reached the second gate here they come master iron legion outside our walls there you are and what are you doing holden at last move [Music] hold the samurai i'll deal with the iron legion the fortress of the blackstone legion the gates had fallen the escape tunnels were all blocked we had them the catapults were on the upper level go you've got this i couldn't risk apollyon escaping i had to find her finally the dawn empire have arrived yield face justice no pass now i needed to survive um her skill was greater than mine i would have to exceed myself a warrior is someone who does not let that stop them from doing what must be done come one it will be the end oh no it's over we will have peace peace so what happens now you all just go home you came into my home and you brought your armies what did you think would happen peace that isn't how the world works so speak to me of your virtue [Music] beauty you've forgotten what you are [Music] you want war only war all i want is for you to admit what you are all of you [Music] my wolves [Music] [Music] you know the rest seven more years of bloody war napoleon played us all one against the other for what to weed out the week why did you call us here cross i didn't i was sent by the new lord warden to make amends [Music] thousands of my people dead well here's your chance for vengeance we've shared our stories like your lord warden requested now why are we here peace peace even if it were possible we're no peacemakers is it an unworthy goal well no but is this how it starts it would have to start with us we will die in this attempt you know that but it would make a worthy tale [Music] you
Channel: lzuniy
Views: 11,467,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: For Honor Campaign, For Honor, All Cutscenes, Movie, for honor all cutscenes, for honor movie, for honor all cutscenes game movie, Knight, Viking, Samurai, Full Story, PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox one, PC, Full Movie, for honor all heroes, for honor all executions, for honor all classes, for honor apollyon, Apollyon
Id: yacXJqRFzj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 13sec (5473 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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