Foolish Refund Scammer Caught Cheating

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at the very top of the page at the very top of the page which is HTTP clone slash now type their www dot then 1 5 vo dot yeah door earlier www dot one five zero dot the Oh dot I see Oh everything some kind of one of this Heraclitus what it says now it looks like the tablets the commandments something like that do you see on the middle of your computer screen it says number one number two number three number four still performs there okay now you need to select the form number four which it says any days so I will be providing you would be you know like a different form on your computer screen once you get a different form when a computer screen alright uh you will need to fill the form out and you will get your we will be able to complete the reefing online okay so what can you see now on the screen is pretty password for your account okay that's creating the password okay so they can go ahead and send you the form okay why are you setting a password for my account I don't want a password it's not a password thing I don't want a password on my computer can you please take it off yes definitely okay first let me let me know what can you see on their computer screen okay please go back to the part where you you set my password and undo it okay just so long Rogers so can I go ahead and give you the form when your computer screen yes I just don't understand why you set a password for me no pants for your computer so don't worry ok madam it literally said set a password for your computer and someone typed in a password okay let me let me tell you this was from the server because they are going to generate a form for your computer and that is you going to fill it out okay so you let me know once you receive the different form so you can fill the form out and we can go ahead and complete your refund okay okay so the server set a password for my computer yes i canti the server different i don't do that because i don't want a password on my computer as yeah definitely definitely madam okay because service has been canceled and everything will be getting removed from your computer don't worry okay at the end of the call okay can you have it undo it now yeah so that's a refund form that yeah I hope you have got a refund form on your computer screen okay I think so we are the part of Bank of America but we do banking with Bank of America our company okay yeah this almost seems legitimate okay yeah I've seen this before you Google form for work it's pretty cool huh anyone can make forms even if I don't know anything about anything that's cool let's go yeah actually this is the only work that madam yes we will use we would use that yeah I'm not very good at and I don't know a lot about it I'll just go through and fill this out what was your saying about Google for madam we've used it for work before and this looks like the Google Forms oh no no no this is not a Google form a time again this is the our link directly from the bank server oh okay yeah it looks very similar it was one hundred and $29 madam akane your refund amount so what it says on your computer screen well I feel the format hello yeah I filled out the form and then I present okay I can see here there was having some problems when you're filling out the recent song okay you may have actually actually changed it to the form at the end it just as there was an error submitting the form and we have transmitted $29,000 oh my goodness what have you done what is this madam what what amount that you put it there on the bank when you've any feeling or the form this you know this reminds me of one of those choose your own adventure books the way they're like me reading it you can tell someone put some serious time in this that's great that's good it says a verbal authorization required so how good well I'll just make sure to not actually authorize it because that's a whole lot of money I just type in 129 I know that madam it's great but this is nice are saved saved by the verbal authorization oh good lord that would have been terrible all right we neither can you do it again like this time can you just send me that I can see that again it may be me it says it may not it may need the verbal authorization okay the verbal authorization means no it says a minute okay let me zoom in for you just in case you can't read it verbal authorization required it doesn't say it may be needed it says it is quiet required also the Senators Bank is requesting to obtain a transaction ID yes that's great it is actually going solo yet that's perfect for us because that would have been a mistake you probably would have been fine job there what do we do now is there a way that you can just send me one hundred and twenty-nine yeah when you're trying to type there one 2900 so at that time you may have not given the thought okay and that's why it's become over twelve thousand log into my bank man yeah people buy I speed up guess people look at the hand speed that's pretty quick isn't it but it was like they just saw like a rare oh my gosh I've never seen it I'll buy No whatever I don't even know what that would be oh my look at that you click don't accept I was reading something and then it suddenly closed it has a time limit decay oh maybe it was okay you need to try it again about it okay I'm here I think we're in luck I think we're in luck it didn't go through you're gonna be able to Johnny happen yeah I don't see it so ok madam let's suppose if you receive that money into your account how are you gonna be was this money back to me why would i reverse money back to you you owe me a hundred and twenty nine dollars yeah no if you receive twelve thousand nine hundred dollars into your account how you gonna return that amount back to me only accept the hundred $29 because it was your money right I'm talking about I would get over here why would I receive a hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars that I don't want and did not verbally authorize it's not in my bank I mean we were already looking at it and sending my bank so we're all good there the amount okay which is in transport to your account it was Hunt 12-ounce 129,000 okay it was just twelve thousand nine hundred dollars which has been passed out to your account okay which has been transferred to your account right now no I did not receive any money I did not receive twelve thousand nine hundred dollars he read the Microsoft will never ask you for your baking details very clever madam I'm sorry what do you think you you you have much clever you think you can play with me are you asking are you inviting me to like play some kind of a game or nice the nice website that you created I swear tonight for a nice website of you have really created yeah I'm sorry honey I don't know what you're what you're talking about I need a hundred and twenty nine dollars from you Oh exactly you will get it okay I say what game are you talking about they made a little bit creepy there but you know madam sometimes we people are very much smart I get the people's like you and you don't know I have locked your computer ok that's creating the password ok because at the very beginning I was so you know like a I suspect you ok but who will be you all who will be you are yes so I was suspected that ok and I did what I have to do because I was mute I knew that I will get nothing from your end but I can damage you did you maybe back up and explain what you're talking about because you're not making any sense are you threatening me right now is that your bang no no I'm not writing to you is that your bank a what's the name of the bank LR Jenkins it's a financial it's not a bank personally it's like a final cheating okay yes can you just open the the one you have just logged into your bank its LR Jenkins that Bank ah not there not there okay I'll tell you one thing okay I told you it's a local investment team a large Angus that Bank I don't not even I don't think they want to be in Google you know you can tell Google not to track you what I wanna do I want to keep the computer law why did you lock why did you like my computer because you was trying to play with this camera but your scammer yes I thought you was trying to get play with that well I thought I was a real apartment know recently oh my goodness yes away from the apartment near touch well that's what she said you you you're messing with the wrong guy okay come on and so me you're a real real faith and real one real voice okay come on show me to your real voice and real place hey you know I don't know who you are or what you are doing but this is incredibly inappropriate you need to give me my computer back yeah definitely you will get the computer back but you tell me first okay that a why you tried to play with me I don't know what's going on oh my goodness you're trying to switch up the peuta give me control of my computer please I'm giving you a control of your computer okay now I am giving you the account number if you want this computer back okay you stay there okay because I need to complete the refund okay I need took my money twelve thousand nine any your money your criminal your scammer get off my computer no I'm not a scammer okay how can you see me that I'm a scammer you just said it you just said that you were a scammer how am i goodness you and hello take that you filthy criminal yes I'm here give me hear me yeah I unplugged my computer so you can't have it you think you can stop me yeah you know I have installed the software inside the computer which never needs your permission I can use your computer anytime that's very true what do you want from me I want from you from your end you tell me how did you created that bank website and I need that because I have to work with them and I will pay you five hundred dollars right now I need that website I need to know how you and you have created that link first I need to know how did you created that bank account okay because if I could able to create the bank account I am able to show up customers so I can distract their mind how did it it's one let me connect your computer check the compatibility and I'll get Y all sorted out I'm giving you my I'm giving you my why are you doing getting your accounts by the way why are you deleting all this I'm not believing it okay yeah do you think you want a simple like you think I'm a criminal yeah I'm thinking about that's why because when you were when he was logged into your bank you use a fake ID okay and I was recorded that I will I will be forwarding this to the authority okay so a scammer a criminal is gonna fall that's funny you're funny hey let me let me really quick I'll tell you what I'll make a deal with you okay if you can beat me in a typing test I'll pay you your money I'll give you a Google Play car all right everybody start it for you leave Italy okay now pop it right there in the box okay okay that's a shock now yeah yeah start now I'm starting in the game no you hit the top like you type the word look are you trying to copy are you literally trying to copy and paste all that what you have to type it God you can't you can't cheat it this you can't cheat it everything son just type it oh you need to go out first why do you want me to go first yeah because I need to check whether how I would speed you are then I will prepare myself okay so that's not very fair that is matter because its first time okay first time someone someone challenging me okay okay I did I did my best there yeah what was this speed what was in speech I was actually like a little nervous I was like shaking 95 100 minutes 95 words per minute yeah yeah actually my speed to be honestly my speed is only 55 words per minute telling me something different I will I will ask you some questions about computers we can take a quiz and if you can answer all the questions correctly then I will yes then I will help you yeah definitely okay you asked me the question what the question that do you need to ask me what does FTP stands for File Transfer here's a summary from dummy stuff oh that's embarrassing an event that is very embarrassing you had to look that up do you do you cheat everything you cheated everything do something something that you and me we both we both have knowledge of that okay you don't have knowledge of computers I thought you were like a mastermind I thought you owned my computer right now I thought you locked me out of it and you didn't know what you don't know and I'm ready okay and I'm ready again I'm ready to like it beat you okay what does ciske do ciske just keep this key lock the computers okay they gain able to block your computer they can able to secure your computer if you do if you make success key on your computer you cannot be able to get inside the computer if you have no password with all of the 60 passwords what is the tree command used for this we command we can use it for to make the customers mind distract respected we can destroy the customers minds okay what is the Event Viewer for do you know who the President of the United States of America is don't know John are you sure we just had an election yeah you might want to look that up what are the selections you have is it Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Arnold Schwarzenegger or Leroy Jenkins oh I don't know Sam locking Donald son okay yeah I wasn't I wasn't sure I'm glad that you mad they had one question are you unlike are we playing who wants to be a millionaire or something can I ask you know this is this is the end of your time now my time will be start okay I know you needed some pita back so honey you never got my computer for me anyway okay I'll see you but I have another key for you I go ahead and no user I don't have to give me a second I got it safe Wow what are you 12 years old we're asking each other questions about computers no need to be crass here I would like to know about what if they ask your mom ask your dad I don't know maybe ask your ask your pastor but don't ask me that question all right before we do this let me download any desk again because I got my computer working now support is connecting to my conscience what kind of joke is that okay can I see my screen now you see the corn let me show you my user accounts that you deleted really quick okay here they are I thought you deleted those accounts huh I thought you I thought you said a password oh Lord I can either back up nope just a bad fire nope it's a little bit more complicated than that I don't think you'd understand it you're it's not you're not a same ID yeah I know it's pretty it's pretty cool ain't it I can I can switch up my a lot of stuff about my computer it's magical I understand man you tell me are you going to work with me so awakened oh no you didn't meet me in the typing race or interning the question are you telling me how old are you at the simple I'm asking you directly Amelie direct personally I feel bad for you honey I'm the first guy who understand that he was doing something bad again I mean are you trying to be a clever in yourself so I was I heard the any other style I ever got because of people like me yeah because you're some kind of criminal genius I guess I know that you know you know genius zoom you know the game but what I am saying I have you ever faced two people like me before little boys huddled up in some kind of office pretending that they there above everyone else that's okay to steal from people oh yeah thousands of it's change tell me one thing out [ __ ] you zero to sixty just like that yeah the criminal mastermind got a bunch of kids who are full of themselves they think they're all that and they can own people's computers you know what's sad is most people are at a virtual machine that he talks to most people he talks to he actually would have owned their computer and in some sick way he thinks it's okay to like flaunt that I'm I'm glad to have kind of gotten to his mind a little bit for a few minutes yeah he's gonna ask Siri to tell him the answer that was I haven't had that happen before that's funny they actually hear the scammer ask Siri the answer to a question that was good [Music] disconnect the call just connect the call does this connect across because [Music] connect the call disconnect the call so disconnected [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 1,250,482
Rating: 4.9453263 out of 5
Keywords: caught cheating, prank call, scambait, scammer, tech support scam, microsoft refund, refund scammer, baiting scammers, voice actor, messing with scammer, scammer caught
Id: PItn4xssVyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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