FoodFight! - RaisorBlade Reviews

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food fight that's right the big one itself heavily regarded by so many as one of the worst if not the worst animated film of all time food fight has gained quite a reputation all over the internet being reviewed by some of the big creeks themselves like been sounder critic and John crime so where did it get this reputation you ask well I think a lot of that comes from the history of the movie see boom fight was originally supposed to come out around 2003 however due to a lot of issues involving copyright and lawsuits and eventually somebody actually stealing the assets of the film don't know who'd steal the [ __ ] but okay apparently the film was pushed back all the way until 2012 where we got this monstrosity of a film oh boy it's been rumored that this film has about 65 million dollars in its budget 65 million dollars that's quite a penny that's not chump change in Hollywood either no no no in fact there's actually a movie that came out back in 2009 titled well 9 it was produced by Tim Burton himself and the film was an animated film and to be honest it was a really good film I mean ok it wasn't perfect what her extraordinary by any means but it was still really good and the animation that film was extraordinary you wonder what the budget for that movie was only 40 million yeah 40 million that animation was great so what's the excuse for this movie well let's sit down and find out this is food fight the mother of all horrible animated movies let's begin so when the movie begins we jump right in without any warning whatsoever just so we can see how absolutely ugly looking the animation is just closing up nothing much happens around a year after my god is that hideous 65 million dollars was thrown into this piece of [ __ ] and now the models and characters look like they were molded by a kindergarteners play-doh set I mean give rats at winning some credit at the very least it's only about 40 minutes long so you're not suffering that long and I can only guess the budget for that movie was that of a box of cookies or somebody can buy a Walmart but 65 million dollars how what could have been done what could have been done with 65 million dollars that was a lot better think of all the farms that could have been built making food that could go to the needy think of all the [ __ ] oil wells that could have been dug up think of all the great things I could have been done for 65 million dollars and why on earth wouldn't ever go to a movie called food fight why why so when the store finally closes apparently the store kind of comes to life in the middle of the night and we see all the icons that are just absolutely horrific and will definitely give you nightmares come to life and just kind of do whatever they feel like doing [Music] it's so confusing I'm not even gonna bother trying to address it I mean this whole thing this whole movie is not gonna make a damn like a sense so there's no point in trying to address it so yeah the store comes to life at night when no one's around but later on they will come to life when people around so again it doesn't matter no those matters they'd earnest a [ __ ] it to the rules later in the movie anyway so what does it matter I think that we're trying to go for like a Toy Story slash wreckit-ralph kind of thing you know we're like when no one's around they kind of just come to life and you know they kind of just do their own thing and that's kind of what it is only they [ __ ] it up royally like they [ __ ] it up in the worst way possible so here we finally meet the main care to the movie dex dogtective who is a yes so after saving some lifeless kittens from a cat burglars I don't know again don't question nothing he returns home to find that all the Ike's are ready to celebrate with him yeah I should probably bring that up by the way instead of icons they're kind of referred to as Ike's you know I guess icons for short it's stupid it's so stupid here Dex also reunites with his best friend daredevil Dan who's a chocolate squirrel who is also very black stereotype - come on you man oh yeah that's not racist once so ever so the truth is Dex is actually really nervous because tonight he plans to propose to his girlfriend sunshine goodness who is this of course oh you guys are doing great I'm a superstar a really freaky cat hybrid thing but forget that thing yeah this is sunshine goodness who is Dex's girl yeah I'd be nervous too if Ida proposal a thing it warms my heart the way you love my raisins tough guy like I said don't question it like I said nothing else really makes sense don't question anything a dog what dog was he your raisin letting me raisins alright Yeats raisins I eat PlayStation 2 controller alright your tables ready we've got caviar flow it's meekness and an outstanding array of fruits and vegetables stay away from the Brussels sprouts and forget about it and I've got this Brooklyn accent that barely exists city boy capiche so before Tex can pop the question dan is just flying around for some reason decides to just start crashing for some reason it's never explained why he's just suddenly in a plane that's never explained why he's crashing he's just crashing now to ruin the moment it's like we can't have him propose now we got to say that for the end of the movie let's have Dan crash in the plane for some reason why not it looks like Danny's drawing a picture yeah gonna look down this way instead up in the sky like where heat the plane would actually be today Andy's dead why is every movie I review there's always one moment where someone should die I better go check on Danny just to make sure he's okay I'm sure he's fine dan always crashes yeah I mean who cares of his foots hanging out the propeller there I'm sure he's okay anyway back to it so sunshine goes to check on Dan who crashed right over there and somehow goes missing like really really like he crashes like little eats 30 feet away from them and somehow she goes missing like did the villains have one of those men in black flashes things that just go where am I what am i doing this why is there a camera on I was it movie Cup food fight here hmm let's watch it Oh sunshine went to check on you right after the crash I told you dawg I didn't crash I just don't wish the hours that go where we see ours you waited hours to start worrying something that you took at the best ten minutes like I said before he crashed right there like literally right in front of you are you all just blind to reality how do you miss what happened to her seriously either the enemies are that lazy and just forgot to animate and now a way for it it really a kidnap or okay actually I have no idea this is a photo of the animators the fault of a screenwriter it's someone's fault I mean yeah they both obviously don't know if the [ __ ] they're doing all I'm saying is everyone's an ad at this point not just on-screen but behind the scenes too chill dawg you can pop the question tomorrow night don't worry and they like is the last time you're ever gonna see sunshine again so six months pass and miss sunshine is nowhere to be seen and what the [ __ ] is that guy you must be the manager i Bianco Brandis representative geez what am I looking at it's like freakazoids old disabled father how do I even describe this character model at all hmm got it if PTSD could be animated as a character model this would be that character models ugly nightmares what's even worse is that he's voiced by Christopher Lloyd of all people no not just some actor pretending to be Christopher Lloyd not an actor who just has the same name as Christopher Lloyd no it is the genuine Christopher Lloyd that [ __ ] sucked I got to make fun of him now Brand X hunt look at this guy even though he's horribly animated he still doesn't know what the make of this I don't want to make if this does anyone know the make of this I don't so it turns out this guy is apparently here to give the store something called Brand X which is apparently a new brand of products of we never learn I mean they say he's a detergent but all we see are like food icons so I am assuming Brand X is also a food they don't make it they don't make clear what the hell Brand X really is at all like it's so confusing give us one week know how they live how the [ __ ] is anyone supposed to take this seriously anybody it's like this is like a [ __ ] drug trip I'm swear oh it sounds like Christopher Lloyd was like really like you really had to go take a [ __ ] and he was in the voice from our room and he's like oh it's like oh I'm gonna crawl it's like I'm a space all my blood ah [Music] was a perfectly good never open never enjoy oh no that poor bag of chips set we've never met before wait why should I care about that bag of chips they built it up because I really sad scene like oh no those poor chips but we never met the chips and again there's so many of us counter so why does this matter I don't know it's weird boobies weird so after the store closes and everybody goes home and all the Brand X stuff has been put up we found that dex is having a dream sequence of trying to save sunshine I'll find you sunshine the only weird thing is that sunshine isn't really in danger she's kind of just running around asking to be saved like like [ __ ] throw a dog a bone come on do you want this detective or what hey pallie just just look at all these articles talking about all the millions of cases you solved oh yeah dude not one of those shows a successful mission they all just show how dex failed to say sunshine literally all of them do that you're a terrible friend so because dex failed in saving sunshine he decided to give up and being a detective and said we don't to become a club owner for a place called the cocoa banana so prepare for a big part tonight davis eyes are going without and did I mention his movies for kids because it was made for kids like eight-year-old kids yeah and it's got she like got in there like all over the movie it's incredibly inappropriate all these sex jokes and innuendos and stuff it's worse than Cat in the Hat guys like seriously I understand my movies like Shrek the writing is smart enough so that way when they have an adult joke in there like they sneak it in there they thoughts can kind of wink at it like oh I see what you did there but kids won't catch on because the writing was so clever that they wouldn't understand it that's what made a movie like Shrek so good in the first place like when you're a kid there's a lot of jokes for kids to laugh at but when you get older and stuff you can watch it again and think oh hey that's even funnier now that I'm older and I can't get the joke that's what makes movies like that's so clever because of the subtlety tell me what so subtle about this tell me what the [ __ ] is that thing I think John John was right guys this is literally a poop rat literally the rendering is so awful it's literally [ __ ] like no exaggeration that's literally just a walking talking stretchy taffy piece of [ __ ] right there and it's alive what's even weirder is that this guy is meant to be kind of like a cartoony thing like rubber hose tom and jerry looney tunes kind of thing which is so odd all the character models in this movie so far have been grounded to reality moving around like a real person would but this characters just dibs absolutely bobbing like Bill Cosby or something like why it doesn't do anything apply it doesn't change anything in this character for the most part has no real purpose of the movie 1 so ever except to just be here it's just it's stupid so thanks family arrives to the party where we see dancing that's so white even Taylor Swift with blush here we get to meet all the famous Conn's and brands that we get to see not Brand X no we get to see real-life brands we get to see the California Raisins Charlie the tuna fish mrs. buttersworth mr. clean and some of course ripoffs like this guy we see a chocolate vampire yeah we saw him in the beginning too and we see a Dairy Queen do I look like the Dairy Queen to you I'm not sure exactly what she's meant to be I mean I'm sure she's something but like I'm sorry I don't know [ __ ] food icons okay alright I care more about the food itself not the faces on the food alright don't judge me and besides haven't you had enough didn't he just arrived plus what the hell is not gonna do it sure does a body good well like yes it's hard to lose something you care about cab you better go easy on the potato juice before you get shit-faced ha shit-faced get it get it do you [ __ ] get shit-faced because that's [ __ ] hilarious Dex yeah in case you haven't guessed already he uses a lot of those kind of jokes throughout the entire movie throughout the entire film he's like referencing a famous line or something I mean all the [ __ ] time I had a reason for every time I've heard that one I got milk of all the produce bars and all the supermarket's and all the world she had to walk into mine time to banana split out of my club it gets really annoying there's one near the end that all men it's just the worst like I'll show you when we get to it but it is the worst of them all it left me dumbfounded so we finally get to meet lady axe apparently the IKE of Brand X apparently she's so dazzlingly hot that she makes just everyone who looks at her go absolutely gaga for all except Dex who's easily able to see right through her it's yo who's you sugar daddy yeah because that's totally appropriate for a kids movie you got something to say candy arse really oh my goodness is it really my fault your interior packaging yeah bro you ain't exactly new-and-improved PG ready guys made for kids eight-year-olds kids pg-rated totally got it we heard him he said it wrong now I'm gonna focus movie about so fight breaks into Coco banana and throw the entire thing I have no idea what's going on they're throwing joke after joke they're just painful to watch and I am left confused I have no idea what the hell is going on whatsoever time to banana split out of my club come on baby dance you man melts in your mouth not again what can I say chicks dig chocolate they're making it too easy I mean yeah it's too easy so having enough for the party dicks decides to go back as the depression of losing sunshine is just too much for him to bear however he gets an unexpected guest from crying over spilt milk oh no yeah you thought I was kidding you thought I was just joking with the innuendo stop lights all over the movie like okay so there's probably one joke here one joke there and that's really about it no we get [ __ ] like this I'm looking for a guy about your height same great build 9 on a new relationship what the hell how is this movie PG seriously this is like making Dragonball Evolution PG it's just a stupid idea from the start I mean Dragonball Evolution should have been pg-13 all the way but at least for the movie it sucks but PG this should never have been PG from the beginning that shot alone should have made this pg-13 seriously how much did they pay off the MPAA 65 million dollars that would explain a lot so yeah we find that Brand X lady is trying to seduce Dex in order to join her cause which we'll find out more about later but thank God I haven't shown you my secret ingredient the secrets inside that that doesn't mean anything so Dex finds out that a bunch of Ickes were murdered but how many exactly everybody we two out of the friggin banana everyone that was thrown out fight the entire store was there you mean tell me the entire store was wiped out we almost won a product loses its icon it's pearls it goes bad so woods can we do it nothing or the soul of our products without us there go real fast so that's kind of the loose explanation of why it's bad when I died apparently they're the sole of a product which means that if they died then the product somehow dies but wait they live in one store that doesn't make a lot of sense is there so connected to every other store that exists it doesn't make any sense like hang on say the UM say the Pringle guy here say he's the soul of Pringles entirely if I were to kill this one guy right here didn't somehow that affects every Pringle can in the entire planet how the movie never explains it it never explains it it makes no sense if it were to contaminate every item in that one store then maybe that would make sense but then again the threat wouldn't really be real now would it because by tomorrow the store would just order more and the IKE would be back right no they chose to not make sense in order to keep a coherent plot when it just made it even more incoherent it's dumb this movie so dumb so because Dan is missing he's accused of all the murders of the Ickes which gives ladx an idea meanwhile oh my God he's back why is he back oh just look at the [ __ ] mess seriously what kind of company just thrash as a store and what kind of store owner just lets it happen like it's stupid it's all gonna be stupid Brand X replacements for every bike lost last night yeah I had that mr. clipboard going now it looks literally the same as before literally nothing has changed there's no X stuff anywhere do you see that any X stop I don't see any X tough it's stupid I let you down sunshine I just can't throw in the paper towel on Dan I guess this means that Dex loved his best friend more than his fiancee hey bros before hos all right so when dex dogtective leaves to find an the store Ike's come together in order to have a meeting to find out about what to do of Brand X and not anymore general X our steamed potato chip icon has just discovered oh boy this ought to be good so yeah trying to fool everyone into thinking that Brand X is on their side lady X begins to bring up issues about the detergent and wait what general X our steamed potato chip icon has just discovered a diabolical plot against cleaning product Ike security around here you stole the tangle aside from mr. clean over there what seriously when is his movie had anything to do with laundry or detergent I didn't know detergent had mics at all I mean I this movie's stupid it's not making any [ __ ] sense I mean I thought this was about food for [ __ ] sake the movies called food fight don't cry for me Charlie tuna trust me Brand X will make everything better you have my promise we will take care of you wow it really sounds like Eva Longoria does not give a [ __ ] about this role I mean to be fair who can blame her this movie's [ __ ] stupid but Wow I mean she is a good actress she can do good roles but I mean again who can blame her this script is so damn stupid and the director obviously didn't care she was trying or not in fact I don't think anyone this movie's trying some off or sneaking into Lady X's Tower we even find that lady X's death sorry I'm not dressed no no I don't want any more of this please please pg-rated how about joining me to warn me I'm not that dirty now the beads it can be loads of fun there are some stains you can never wash out let's try I will just scrub your bubbles - I want to know how you rubbed out all those lakes last night oh how did this get a PG return so after Dex refuses once again to join ladx of course who could resist all that he gets locked in a dryer with Dan what about the laundry stuff again when was this about laundry so while Brand X begins to rub out the other Ike's nor to make room for more Brand X material Dex and Dan are able to escape the dryer by latching on to a sock which always gets out which means they can just automatically get out because did I mention this movie stupid because it's really [ __ ] stupid so Dex and Dane decided to try and gather all the icons together to form plan to stop rain Dex Dex and Dawn's first stop is this giant knows guys poison oh come on what the [ __ ] it's bad enough already start for life what the hell is this so while Dan index decided that there's no other option they decided that in order to warm the other rikes in time and trying to figure out who ladx is in the first place they need to try and travel through day time which is strictly forbidden the chill are we supposed to cross over ten miles of that Jesus cries the Black Friday in there what now from what I've heard this is easily the worst thing in the movie now to be fair I've seen some pretty bad [ __ ] throughout this entire film how bad could it possibly get away from me Oh God Brendan you take over check it off the screen Croatia check it up the screen good wizard is taking up the school pick up the screen really think of the screen drink it all stop okay oh [ __ ] oh God Oh Matt you take over you take over man oh god you're not helping at all um let's see uh hey you help you help out oh come on that wasn't even you uh let's see Josh Josh you gotta help right Oh God you're useless you're not [ __ ] useless that's worth the where's the stand remove best work faster lower let me doing my life they warned me he warned me his hands his eyes will never be pure again I need a minute and here's something for you guys I prepared in advance enjoy may it bring you comfort may it bring you comfort but if it doesn't I understand yeah come on come on come on you got what you got you ain't got nothing uh-huh you ain't [ __ ] on fact you ain't even [ __ ] you're just you [ __ ] you ain't even the [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what you are yeah oh hey guys what's up my name is Georgia blade in case you haven't won in case you haven't guessed I'm definitely a big fan of gaming in fact this is a gaming tattoo and I'm playing a game right now don't ask what game it is I have no idea either but um the point is I love to game secondly pause it for a second I love to game a lot and I actually have another channel completely dedicated to gaming it's called razor blade gaming I know very original isn't it but there I love to livestream and I try the live stream as much as possible so yeah well I'm live stream I'm also good to talk to you guys so hopefully Bob will leave a link in the description sending me to that channel as well I understand some of you might not be in the gaming and that's perfectly acceptable you can just continue to watch me talk about movies or you can help me talk about movies or whatever the [ __ ] I feel like wouldn't it be something special of course it is so that being said be sure to check out that channel and if you're interested in some gaming live streams or whatever and there's oh and always I hope to see you there peace out now back on to it come on come on you random villain who I don't know about come on [Music] all right doctor playing some games and eating chips I think I've finally repressed that memory now hopefully I won't relive it until my later 80s and I'm on my deathbed ready to die they probably problem is I still got a rest of a movie to review so this was pretty much pointless let's continue shall we so after whatever happened they're not gonna try and remember you later discover the I guess the graveyard of the Ike's you guessed it it's stupid so we're not even gonna bother questioning it yep questions are officially out the window and I've been hit by a truck we're not even gonna bother pushing anything that happens in this movie anymore guys alright whatever happens happens this movie can just do whatever at once and it will not faze me hell we can have some weird homoerotic vampire it wants to [ __ ] the share of a squirrel for all I care about is that the enticing scent of rich creamy chocolate oh you topless are you made of chocolate really that is so sweet hi Vlad chuckle chocolate vampire used to have cards do you work out I use the ThighMaster I was kicked why is it whenever I suggest a bad idea as a joke the movie thinks I'm being serious and decides yeah that'd be a swell idea homoerotic vampire it is I want the [ __ ] this [ __ ] have the squirrel why not again with this what can I tell you I am the undead alright the undead you know you're not dead but you're not exactly living either it's sort of like being in summer school oh come on that's funny now that's funny let's not lose our senses of humor so Dex and Dan are able to get to the computer whether you mean IBM wow I haven't seen that in years nothing because most of those computers end up being just BM alright so the you know trying to get the company to try and recall Brand X and they discover a shocking secret sunshine recalled who ordered it no name address only Brand X ordered both the recalls Dex I just don't get it Brand X took my sunshine away wait what Brand X is a prune I thought it was a laundry detergent what was it lying why why was it lying about being a larger detergent if it was a prune who cares you guessed it guys it's stupid so before they can make the recall Brand X not only locks them inside the room but also shut the power off to keep them from making the call do you all see it get darker - oh good for a second I thought that was having what a mood lighting though you devil dog this movie like yeah you know it would be funny homoerotic vampires that wants to [ __ ] other guys who are uncomfortable with it wait that's not funny that's actually just really creepy and kind of insulting the homosexuals everywhere you not just realized this movie's really [ __ ] stupid so Brand X begins to call for the extermination of all the inferior products and this is beginning to look a lot like Nazi Germany I mean I have no proof of this but I'm just I'm kind of a feet I'm kinda I have a feeling about it it's a visit my gut I have a feeling about this Oh so the moose guy whose name I don't care enough to remember gathers up all the Ike's the coca banana but Brand X comes to stop him but Dec shows up and they begin to sing duh French national anthem fight is on between decks and the iooks versus Brand X and this giant and long gated battle sequence that lasts well over 25 minutes oh my god it is unbearable to watch I mean it's bad enough the animation so grotesque but it just goes on and on and oh it's like what the [ __ ] am i watching anymore it's gone from an ugly movie with no coherent plot that just just splat on the screen that's all it is it's just bored bored bored bored Barbara I'm as will be doing this to the camera for 30 minutes straight but my arms will get tired so I'm not gonna do that Plus you guys deserve better than that so yeah I'm just gonna fast-forward through all this and only point out the worst of the worst parts of the east of this entire sequence it's gonna be kind of hard to pay because all of its [ __ ] but I'll try my best let's see no that's pretty generic as as this battle scene goes it's just again more is on the screen dan flies a plane with the pickles bird the pickles stork or whatever his name is I don't know either I guess that's something that's weird it's like a spirit bomb a tag um I don't [ __ ] know it's weird it's stupid putting a noodle is what I think about done myself I got nothing to say about that I really don't I just did it blew my mind I mean that's like cool cat jerking off in front of a little girl's face and Dericks that was being fine with it it's like that really elongated dance sequence at the inner Kirk Cameron saving Christmas it's like yeah it's stupid but no one in their right mind would allow that to happen why does every movie I ever of you have a scene like this am I just doomed to have my mind and my vision just be completely contaminated by these weird [ __ ] scenes I am aren't I thanks Bob thanks for that so we cut back to ladx and wait what so what wait there was a traitor this whole time really yeah parently turns out the guy that was going bald it was apparently a traitor and but apparently at the last second he has a change of heart it's pointless no one ever figures it out or calls him out on it he doesn't get punished for it and this scene has little to no impact on the movie so it's completely pointless I just thought I'd bring it up to show you guys that another pathetic ike bites the dust no one puts polar in the freezer even though that's where he goes wait so Dex finally has enough of Brand X and decides to go to the tower to finish lady X himself and there he finds hold it right there of course because no no none of course why is she alive she should be dead I don't care if she's the good guys girl she should be dead there is no reason she should be alive one so ever I always knew you were damaged goods I'm not the one who's gonna be puppy whipped you cold farted hitch you know what I don't think this movie was meant to be PG rated I think originally it was supposed to be arted you know [ __ ] the kids but the company decided to last second no no no it's an animated film that means it automatically has to be made for kids there's no animated movies out there that will not only be successful but can totally not be for kids like it's just it just doesn't happen it's been unheard of so we got to make this PG ready - guys okay then I'll just leave you to it I love how she's able to untie her hands to throw a raisin but then Dec still has to like entire hands like that's nothing compared to everything this movie's throwing me that's welcome actually I'm sorry I thought you were I'm here we're together my world is whole again kitten I never stopped believing in you Dex you just took your sweet-ass time but I never stopped believing in you how the [ __ ] is the Billy not falling over yet so with the building about to go any second Dex and sunshine prepare to meet their fate but Dan comes the save the day you can do it pal just believe it I love kittens face it looks like she's got to take a really furious [ __ ] wait a minute now I'm the weird crazy Salman is a part of their world again why am i crushing it the movies almost over thank God it's almost over let's just end this thing so yeah the Robot trips over in big shock it's lady X in disguise somehow she was working your robot I don't know how it works I don't know I'm not gonna question it it doesn't it doesn't matter just end it end it but how did you get in and out of the store you're an IKE humans when you look like this you can get them to do anything I don't know if a tiny little woman like this big just started walking on my dad's and said oh hey good luck and not be kinda be like so yeah we get another in long gated fight scene that goes on for too long just looks ugly doesn't look realistic in the slightest and tell me something those melons really that one wasn't even necessary ugly gross it doesn't have to end like this oh so that's the message of the movie if you're fat ugly and female then you can't possibly be a good person that means you have to raise an entire nazi-like army to try and wipe out entire people yeah fat ugly women just can't ever win that was burn in hell like the Atheist oh I really wanted was you well you world domination frankly my dear I don't give a spam it's over DJ I just let it go so the big nose doctor discovers a cure that just magically brings the iyx back to life everything goes back to normal dex dogtective proposes the sunshine and the movie ends and that was food flight they can't possibly have any more for us can they we've been waiting now that we're married I want to see what's in it I love you kid we see things so much okay well that was painful all right so that's less food fight you know fluidity realm was [ __ ] a dear but there must have been that read on dude this is all so beautiful clear way to express your emotions [Music] all right you done please tell me you're done okay so that was fine [Music] [Music] is it is it finally over thank God so that was alright enough just stop stop stop stop movie stop [ __ ] oh my god guys Wells there say this movie was [ __ ] stupid I mean what are the word is there to use it's stupid how's the plot it's stupid how's the jokes they're stupid the animations [ __ ] ugly and stupid how are the characters they're all stupid this entire movie 100% stupid everything about it is stupid and I feel stupid or just by singing through this piece of [ __ ] in watching it I think there's only two things that actually we're entertaining in this film there was that one weird scene where the Nazi was spanking the air pretending he was [ __ ] some [ __ ] I don't know what dings doodle this part i tink about myself it's not funny I just like what the part I didn't expect to see that and the second thing was this okay that was funny that was the only thing that made me mildly laugh but that's it it's the only thing I actually made me lacked but other than that other than those two minor little things that still don't make it worth it this film was absolutely dreadful stupid my numbing mind-boggling ly stupid that's the best way I can describe this movie it was stupid [Music]
Channel: RaisorBlade
Views: 19,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FoodFight, Review, RaisorBlade, Guestsheaux, Bobsheaux
Id: RL794oCMcrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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