Food Theory: We MUST Stop Omega Mart's Secret invasion!

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So glad to see the followup! He mentioned he was going to do this after his previous installment. THANKS for sharing!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Torley_ 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

No shit, not like this idea has been in the wiki for months LOL

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Suspicious-Jelly8526 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
this i'm so excited see this is what i feel every youtuber needs 96 hour energy why stop at five when you can get 96. oh man flights are starting to flicker let's take shelter in this tent yeah i don't know if you're gonna be able to see this goes way back by the way oh boy oh geez oh geez oh wait what what is this i love this so much this is so cool this is unbelievable [Music] hello internet welcome to food theory the show that's here to give you some idea of what's in store for you earlier this year after hundreds and hundreds of comments from theorists i finally got the message and made an episode about omegamart meow wolf's creepy interactive supermarket themed art exhibit at area 15 in las vegas i mean after i looked into it how could i not do an episode on this thing there's tons of hidden lore some of which apparently will get unlocked someday if fans are ever clever enough to crack it now if this is the first time that you're hearing about omegamart and you're wondering what the heck a meow wolf is or why matpat totally just mixed up the numbers in area 51 or why this is a food theory well i'd recommend that you go watch our first episode on omegamart it'll fill you in on all the dram corp drama and grocery story that you'll need to understand today's episode but for all the rest of you omegamart theorist vets i have some exciting news we did it as promised steph and i made it out to las vegas we made several visits to omegamart and we lived to tell the tale so you have all the advertisements outside i am i'm liking the daikon friends flavor not included it could be completely overthinking everything i'm going to try e215 january i'm not allowed in that room okay that's not part of the game as far as lore's concerned i'm happy to report that everything we theorized about in our previous omega mart episode held up but before i matt pat myself on the back too hard for solving this one storyline let me add this friends the rabbit hole is deep if i impart one thing to you theorists today is that there is a staggering amount of lore littered throughout this exhibit in the form of handwritten journals emails blog posts letters conspiratorial bulletin boards documents hidden in desk drawers news broadcasts commercials corporate videos secret codes product packaging dram corp internal meetings telephone numbers that you can actually call glimpses into characters dreams theorists steph and i spent a lot of time in omegamart across our visits we were there for a total of eight hours that's not even including our other team members dan alyssa jerica and luke taking their own visits to grab footage take measurements get more details talk to employees and read literally everything in this place in total we completed both of their story routes resistance and dram corp where you can either join the ranks of the evil corporate overlords or fight against their takeover we got pictures and footage of everything that we possibly could and still there are so many little details and clues in minigames that i have no doubt that we missed there's simply no way to cover everything in one episode but today i'd like to zero in on something specific that got my theory brain churning more than anything else that we encountered inside the omegamart exhibit something that is never explicitly talked about or addressed in the story and is overlooked by 99.99 of people going through this thing but something that actually has huge implications for everything else going on in this world and that is a 2014 email from kaz matsumura vp of future ability to former ceo walter dram in the email we see kaz pitch the idea of using dram corps factory portals to deliver products directly to a flagship omegamart store in las vegas distribution costs kaz explains would be nada now what i can't stop thinking about here is the word flagship which insinuates that there might actually be more omegamart locations on the horizon so i want to know are other omegamart locations planned and if so where should we expect those things to spring up like am i going to be able to pop into an omega mart here in raleigh anytime i need some whale song deodorant in a refreshing can of dehydrated water well friends we found some clues in vegas that lead me to believe that dram corp and meow wolf have big plans for omegamart's expansion and eventual world takeover so something we found inside the exhibit was this key to the zenion alphabet which proved invaluable because it let us piece together a lot of zenion backstory littered throughout seven monolith village now that was a lot of lingo that i just dropped so let's back up and proceed with caution theorists because difficult spills and omegamart spoilers lie ahead basically the zenions were a fish-like alien race in the lore of omegamart you can actually visit a psychedelic room dedicated to him in the outskirts of the omegamart facility complete with dead alien carcass and a book of lore needing to be translated from that book we learned that source comes from the zenion home planet for those who don't remember source is basically this magical substance that kind of functions like liquid dopamine you have some it makes you really happy and if you have too much you get addicted to it it's what dram corp is infusing into all their products to fuel consumerism the source proved to be a double-edged sword for the xenian race on one hand they thrived and were able to gain the ability to walk on land thanks to its abundance but they also became dependent on it in order to survive their planet existed in a dimension that paralleled our own until about 50 000 years ago when something happened some type of cataclysmic event occurred in the wellspring where the zenion priests collected the source this event was so massive and so powerful that the zeneon's planet and ours were knocked off their paths and collided basically the zenion's capital city crashed into present-day las vegas covering it in water and making it super green and lush and that's how a small portion of each planet became permanently overlapped with the other which is what you saw at the top of this episode me crawling through that tent into the magical desert oasis with a glowing stream yep that's the two universes occupying the same space at the same time otherwise known as the forked earth the glowing stream that's the source pouring out the remaining zenion die off and humans take control of the main source well that's where dram corp's factory is located and where they synthesize the source into additive s a substance that they put into all of omega mart's products because it's proven to increase consumer satisfaction by 700 omegamart is where it is in las vegas because canonically there's a portal to the forked earth there omegamart is built on that portal between dimensions because let's face it interdimensional shipping rates otherwise are pretty darn steep that's one of the big reasons why dram corps advanced research team dart is trying so hard to understand portal technology because once they're able to create and control portals they'll be able to open new omega marts wherever they'd like to but they're struggling to master the technology and it's not quite stable yet how are things coming along so the good news is we did create a new portal yesterday a huge success there really great small caveat it opened in a mega mart and a tiny issue a customer i'm sure my crack team will figure that out actually that's not absolutely the name but the portal led to where i'm clear actually so if dram corp is gonna build a second omega mart anytime soon it's probably gonna have to get built on an existing portal which means it's going to have to get built within the geographic boundaries of the forked earth so the question now becomes what are those boundaries how big is this overlap between earth and the zenion's planet we talk in the size of the area 15 building the size of las vegas are other meow wolf exhibits in denver and santa fe involved in this thing well friends let me explain while checking out the happles in omegamart's produce department i happened to glance over and catch this clip of an in-store video that was playing [Applause] [Music] okay pause that and go back a bit if you look closely you can see the names of several eastern nevada towns ruth major's place lund and duckwater plenty valley then if it is indeed a real place would be located right around here some 200 miles or 320 kilometers north of omegamart's las vegas location plenty valley which also happens to be the name of a private label brand found on omegamart's shelves is the location from which many of omegamart's crops are sourced pun definitely intended because crops grown in plenty valley tend to turn out looking like this and this and this could plenty valley located way out in the absolute middle of nowhere really be within the boundaries of the forked earth it certainly would make sense from a distribution standpoint if there's a portal connecting the factory to plenty valley hey then those are savings that omega mark can pass on to you the valuable consumer but there's another reason to believe that plenty valley lies inside the forked earth see those bodies of water on the map those don't exist in this region of nevada as we know it their existence suggests that plenty valley which sure is awfully green and lush compared to the nevada desert that we know became inundated with water when the zenion's watery world overlapped with our own and the landscape was permanently altered even after the water receded so i believe that these fictitious lakes the fictitious plenty valley as well as the root walter apparently drove by car which also follows no real roadways aren't a mistake on meow wolf's part they're actually a very intentional way of showing us that this region is shared by two dimensions with half the landmarks being familiar to us earthlings and the other half alien but it seems like the forked earth might actually be way bigger than just the 200 miles across you see meow wolf has two other permanent installations one in santa fe new mexico the house of eternal return and another that just opened up in denver called convergent station now all three of these definitely exist within the same meow wolf universe for instance this is an easter egg that i found in the dart laboratories of omegamar which alludes to qdot which according to my research is the multiversal transit authority that you can find over in convergent station and when i think of an animal in a desert a hamster isn't exactly the first one that pops to my mind so this drawing in omegamart's seven monolith village feels like a pretty deliberate reference to nemcescu from house of eternal return so it would appear that the three meow wolf installations are canonically aware of each other's existence all three installations also feature portals very heavily but uh so far it doesn't seem as though the portal networks are actually interconnected for one thing the portals in different exhibits are apparently caused by different mysterious forces in omegamart it's the source in house of eternal return it's referred to as the anomaly now source and the anomaly could very well be revealed to be the exact same thing one day but until i get a chance to visit all three of these locations i can't know for sure who knows maybe dart will eventually figure out how to integrate with these other portal networks cause when they do dram corp will suddenly be able to put omegamarts in a bunch of different cities or you know they can just find marin who at this point has the ability to just make the portals herself anyway that's my prediction for the big picture expansion that we might see from omega martin years to come but i also think we're gonna see another expansion much sooner than that not a new omegamart location per se but rather an addition to the las vegas one consider meow wolf's first permanent installation house of eternal return it opened in 2016 was well received then in 2018 they opened a new portal inside the exhibit given how wildly successful omegamart's been it seems that they'd be wise to follow in their own footsteps and open a new section of omegamar right something fresh to advance the story and draw fans back into the exhibit after a couple of years and in the case of omegamart i have a theory a food theory that a new portion of the exhibit will be just beyond the source door for those of you who haven't seen the sore store is an actual physical door inside the factory section of the las vegas exhibit visitors to the factory can look through the window in the door and see the source well on the other side but here's the weird thing even after you successfully plug in the code to unlock the source door it doesn't open you just get regaled with a soliloquy from a glowing orb that has walter's voice [Music] cool i thought this would open into the source well but hey that's cool yeah so apparently walter isn't actually dead he just ascended to the ethereal plane of the source which is something that we might dive into in a future episode anyway once walter's orb fades away you're left staring at a locked door the source is still close to you and this massive door refuses to open now here's where i'm going with this if you watched our previous episode on omegamart you already know that there was a lot of talk of outdoors elsewhere in the store is a journal full of lots of juicy lore details in the journal one employee talks about accidentally bringing a number of objects to life using source these mascots as he calls them are small but surprisingly useful a note on one page has cecilia saying that they're quote like guard dogs for anyone trying to get into what's beyond that side door of mine and earlier we discussed how meow wolf's own ceo let's slip that there was a quote locked gate that's keeping people away from new story elements i believe that the soar store is that gate i believe that at some point it will actually physically open and visitors to omegamar will be able to enjoy an entirely new area and it's not just the lore that has me thinking this either i believe the actual floor plan of meow wolf's exhibit inside area 15 lends itself to this theory as well follow me on this it seems meow wolf is leasing a large rectangular two-story space within the greater area 15 building here's my super professional drawing of the first floor layout from memory because apparently there's absolutely no omega mark floor plans out there on the internet now right here is the location of the source door see that blue area behind it i can't tell you what's inside the blue area because visitors aren't allowed in there at least not on the day that we were there now some of you are probably thinking to yourself whoa easy with the conspiracy theories matpat meow wolf might not be leasing the space on the other side of the source door and that's a fair point there's nothing that says a tenant's floor plan has to be a rectangular space however check out the floor plan of the second floor you'll notice that meow wolf has the second floor space directly above that blue area yep that yellow space there is almost like a futuristic art gallery that visitors including yours truly can access that means meow wolf definitely controls the blue area directly below it on the first floor too now i get that there are going to be some employees only areas within this exhibit there need to be janitorial closets that aren't fake janitorial closets there need to be employee break rooms that aren't fake employee break runes but isn't it odd that there's approximately 700 square feet or 65 square meters that are unaccounted for precisely on the other side of a very prominent and famous door in the lore of the series a door that sure seems like it should have opened based on everything that we know about omegamart and isn't it odd that of omegamar's four walls the soar store wall just so happens to be the only wall that could be torn down to increase the wildly popular omegamart exhibits square footage if need be it's true two of omegamart's walls are exterior walls to the area 15 building and one is the exhibit's face to area 15's inner courtyard all i'm saying is that if omegamart has absolutely zero intention of ever expanding and zero intention of ever opening the source door why did they just so happen to place that door in the ideal position for potential expansion into adjacent places within the area 15 building which leaves just one major question what the heck do we have to do to open that source door well that friends is a 600 000 question i don't think it's going to be easy i think it's going to require us meow wolf fans to weave together a bunch of threads that food theory hasn't quite discussed in depth yet the resistance marin's disappearance the leadership ascension track this literal scepter in the drawer of cecilia's desk oh did i not mention that she has a scepter in a desk that she uses to quote activate the stones definitely keep an eye out for more omega mart episodes friends cause things are about to get dary interesting but hey before we go any further i'd like to give a massive shout out to our friends over at grubhub for sponsoring today's episode honestly if you'd asked me six months ago what's the one company that would never ever sponsor a food theory video i would have said these guys usually when you do an april fool's video making fun of their commercials and breaking down their quote-unquote lore companies don't take too kindly to that one but endless kudos to grubhub for getting the joke leaning in and having a bit of fun with us so today i want to talk about the grubhub guarantee with the grubhub guarantee you get your food delivered at the lowest price and on time guaranteed or they'll make it right for you i mean that sounds pretty great right perhaps too great as i always say trust but verify so i decided to put the grubhub guarantee to the test i bought lunch for the team at one of our favorite places here in raleigh i compared grubhub's price against other food delivery services and sure enough nobody had a better price so i guess they won that round but then the food arrived and this is actually really exciting it was delivered three minutes later than the estimated delivery time never thought i'd be so excited to get my food late but what it did was give me a chance to actually take grubhub up on this guarantee of theirs by submitting a claim in the app then it was time to sit back and wait to see if i got a response within 24 hours in less than three hours they sent me some money off on my next order so i guess that's one grubhub theory that survived the stress test but you don't have to take my word for it click the link down in the description below to order your local favorites and test the grubhub guarantee for yourself thanks again to grubhub for sponsoring today's episode again a reminder their link is the top line of the description thanks again to all of you for watching and as always remember it's just a theory a food theory bon appetit
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 2,016,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omega mart, omega mart commercial, omega mart las vegas, what is omega mart, omega mart explained, omega mart vlog, omega mart walkthrough, meow wolf, grocery store, supermarket, alien, arg, omega mart arg, meow wolf omega mart, omega mart meow wolf, las vegas, las vegas vlog, food theory, food theorists, matpat, food theory omega mart, film theory, game theory
Id: uWy_V9LDHWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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