Food Theory: MrBeast Is WRONG About Wonka's Chocolate River! (Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory)

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augusto sweetheart save some room for later oh uh augustus please don't do that my chocolate must never be touched by human hands please don't do that nice chocolate don't just stand there do something health police murder he'll be into marshmallows in five seconds impossible my dear lady that's absurd unthinkable why because the chocolate river would have finished him off much faster the suspense is terrible i hope it'll laugh [Music] hello internet welcome to food theory the show that's like a river of dark chocolate sweet but bitter in case you missed it earlier this year mr beast launched a new brand of chocolate bar beastables and true to his brand it came with a promotion and random bars are gonna have a mystery ticket inside of them and if you get this mystery ticket we will fly you out to compete for a chocolate factory in one of our videos well that video has finally come out complete with him bringing willy wonka's chocolate factory to life he even recreated the iconic chocolate waterfall and river don't ask me how but we put a chocolate river with a chocolate waterfall in the middle of this warehouse who would have thought a river made of chocolate is not very practical except that's where he'd be wrong a chocolate river is shockingly practical is he watching mr beast's version of the chocolate river really got me thinking for the first time ever about the actual physical realities of a chocolate river just so we're clear that river in both jimmy's video and the original film is supposed to be made of actual melted chocolate and not you know brown poop water look we were all thinking it heck even the movie calls it out what a disgusting dirty river it's industrial waste that that's chocolate this is one place where the 2005 remake with johnny depp is actually more faithful to willy wonka cannon that giant cgi waterfall and river might look more artificial but it's actually truer to what the texture of actual melted chocolate would be which if it's liquid it should be hot right like hot melted chocolate chocolate is solid at room temperature wouldn't poor augustus glute be boiled alive after he fell into the river how long could he actually last in there and speaking of lasting could he actually drown inside of a chocolate river we're told he can't swim but can you swim in melted chocolate does the ability to tread water matter here and could a factory like this actually have all of this chocolate mixed by a waterfall like wonka says like i said a lot of questions started to flood my brain while watching that mr beast video so today we're gonna be getting to the chewy scientific center of all these chocolate river mysteries and trust me you will be surprised by what i found this seemingly ridiculous wonka concoction isn't nearly as absurd as it might initially seem in fact this wacky movie is actually a heck of a lot more accurate to the actual chocolate manufacturing process than i think any of us first realized when we were watching the movie and augustus well let's just say that a scene would look very different so come with me and you'll see a world of cold scientific calculation as we explore the reality of wonka's chocolate factory now right at the top here can i just be an augustus gloop apologist for a second i mean i know that we're meant to think of him as a spoiled brat who's punished for his gluttony by falling into the river but was it really that wrong of him to start drinking the chocolate water i mean wonka introduced all the visitors to the chocolate room and then turned them loose to go ahead and eat anything that is the entire point of the room the kids are clearly meant to try eating all the stuff that they see from the mushrooms to the trees and there in the middle the giant centerpiece is a river of frickin chocolate it was not unreasonable for augustus to assume that in the everything is made of candy and you can eat it room the chocolate river was also up for grabs and yet here's wonka immediately throwing a fit please don't do that my chocolate must never be touched by human hands don't do that the johnny depp version is even worse because the oompa loompas just shame him through the medium of song [Music] harassment much just saying hashtag justice for gloop but okay now that he's in the river of chocolate what would actually be happening here well first we're told this he can't swim there's no better time to learn and while i love wonka's line here the ability to swim shouldn't matter at all when it comes to augustus's survival in fact he would have to actively try to drown inside of that river of melted chocolate you see chocolate is denser than water and the denser a fluid is the more buoyant force is pushing you upward when you try to float in it as an example the dead sea it's located between jordan and israel and it's 9.6 times saltier than ocean water normal water has a density of one kilogram per liter the dead sea because of all that salt has a slightly higher density of 1.24 kilograms per liter and let me tell you with even that amount of difference floating in the dead sea is incredibly easy wow steph and i actually did it about 10 years ago and it feels like someone is just actively holding you up in the water it is a wild experience so now compare that to the density of melted chocolate which is even more dense than the dead sea between 1.28 and 1.31 times the density of normal water basically it would be hard for augustus to sink below the chocolaty surface and honestly this is kind of reflected in the movie for someone who can't swim augustus seems to be standing above the surface pretty darn well at least until the pipe suction pulls him down he's had it now the suction's got him that said if he even had a little bit of swimming ability for as wild as it sounds there wouldn't be anything preventing him from swimming in a river of melted chocolate according to research published by the university of minnesota if you put swimmers in a liquid that's more viscous than the water they're used to swimming in they'll still be able to swim without their speed being diminished in fact according to everything we know about fluid dynamics you'd have to have a liquid that was around a thousand times more viscous before people swimming noticeably slow down good news here chocolate is only about 50 times more viscous than water and that my friends is why don't skip your little guppy swim lessons it'll save your life one day when you're swimming in a pool of chocolate but wait a minute this whole time we've been talking about liquid chocolate like it's a perfectly normal thing clearly it's not chocolate is solid at room temperature that is melted chocolate inside of that river in other words hot chocolate even the oompa loompas talk about how they're gonna let augustus boil for a little bit of extra time in the 2005 remake [Music] so how hot does that chocolate river have to be in order to be you know a river well it turns out melted chocolate might not be deadly but it can be damaging for a flowing dripping chocolate fountain you usually want the chocolate to be reaching temperatures of about 110 to 120 degrees fahrenheit or 43 to 49 degrees celsius it's pretty darn hot for comparison hot tubs in the us are prohibited from going above 104 degrees fahrenheit or 40 degrees celsius specifically due to safety concerns and 100 degrees fahrenheit or 38 degrees celsius is the recommended safe temperature for adults according to johns hopkins university exposing skin to 120 degree fluids tends to cause serious burns after 10 minutes of exposure which admittedly is a lot longer than we see augustus in the gloop but it's something to be concerned about especially considering that hot melted chocolate is gonna be a lot stickier than water it's gonna be important to wash that off his skin immediately we see this very clearly in the johnny depp remake where the chocolate really sticks to his body as he flails around so getting that stuff washed off as soon as he's shot through the pipe is gonna be a top priority he wouldn't be crying out due to drowning he'd be crying out due to getting boiled to death also is it just me or is this like the third time that i've mentioned the 2005 johnny depp remake as being the version that's correct do i do i somewhere deep in the recesses of my brain somehow think that this is the better version of the story good morning star shine the earth says hello nope no it isn't let's just say there's a reason no one was talking about this one getting a sequel during the big johnny depp trial okay then let's move along but safety concerns aside let's go back to what gets said during the mr beast video oh what a thought a river made of chocolate is not very practical is this a practical way of producing chocolate well this is what wonka has to say about the chocolate waterfall the supposed crown jewel of his factory that's the most fantastic thing i've ever seen 10 000 gallons an hour and look at my waterfall that's the most important thing it's actually churning my chocolate 10 000 gallons an hour you say is that actually realistic for a waterfall of this size and more importantly should i be impressed with that number or not 10 000 gallons an hour seems high but this is an international candy company after all is 10 000 gallons an hour enough to provide candy to the entire world well let's tackle the size question first as it turns out that number is almost perfectly on the money according to a vendor that specializes in artificial waterfalls the water flow rate for waterfalls is going to vary depending on how splashy you want it to be a slow non-splashy quiet waterfall would have a flow rate of around 100 gallons per hour per inch of waterfall with but if you want yourself a splashy frothy white water effect for your waterfall that's gonna make some noise like the one we see in wonka's factory you're gonna be looking at a flow rate somewhere between 200 and 500 gallons per hour per inch of waterfall width that means that for a flow rate of 10 000 gallons per hour like wonka claims the waterfall would need to be somewhere between 20 and 50 inches wide or 0.5 meters to 1.25 meters and looking at the waterfall it looks to fall exactly somewhere in that range so good on the film's writers for actually doing their research and yeah i'm giving credit to the film writers because the 10 000 gallons wonka says in the movie is actually a lot more precise than in the original book where wonka just says quote thousands of gallons an hour my dear children thousands and thousands of gallons but the real question here is whether the waterfall is up to the task of mixing all of wonka's chocolate i mean we just established that the waterfall could handle 10 000 gallons an hour but is that enough for willy wonka to maintain a worldwide chocolate empire well i did some calculations and based on the weight and volume of milk chocolate wonka's ten thousand gallons an hour translates into over half a billion pounds of chocolate per year it's a 519.5 million pounds per year to be exact but is that number enough to be a global chocolate juggernaut well in 2011 hershey's said that they were producing over 1 billion pounds of chocolate products per year obviously over one billion pounds of chocolate products is a huge range and a very vague definition but we're gonna assume that it's somewhere between one and two billion pounds now at first it might look like wonka is severely lagging behind he's only outputting around half a billion pounds of chocolate but remember that wonka's factory here is operating in 1971 when the globe's population was around half of what it is today in other words wonka was definitely keeping pace and seemingly had what it took to be a global leader in chocolate and here's the part that's even more impressive that billion-ish number for hershey's yeah that's based on the output of all 19 of the plants that they have operating worldwide meanwhile wonka is over here processing all of his chocolate in a single factory one wonka factory is the equivalent to like 10 hershey's factories huge kudos to those oompa loompas so that's all well and good and super impressive both in terms of scale and also in terms of mathematical accuracy the numbers all shockingly check out honestly it's almost enough to make me forgive the biggest issue of all in the scene the fact that using a white water waterfall is the exact opposite of how you'd actually want to mix your chocolate you know no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall there's a good reason for that bill you don't want your chocolate to get all frothy like that all that white frothiness you see when the water hits the boulders at the bottom of the waterfall that white water effect is what happens when the liquid's flow is so turbulent that air gets trapped within it creating a frothy unstable current and air bubbles are something that you do not want within your chocolate in fact most factories have processes that are specifically designed to eliminate and remove those air bubbles when creating chocolate bars at home in fact an important step in the process is banging the molds on the table or shaking them in order to let the air bubbles rise to the surface and release thereby leaving behind a nice smooth even chocolate bar and before you go thinking that this might be a secret ingredient or something while aerated chocolate is indeed a big trend nowadays air is not the gas that you use to create that stuff in short as we just proved wonka has a chocolate production process that would enable him to be a world leader the only problem with that is the quality of his chocolate would flat out suck and that's probably why he needed a giveaway to promote it uh no offense meant to mr beast by the way feasible chocolate really solid but hey that's just a theory a food theory and hey while mr beast's initial giveaway is over he just started a new one where he's giving away teslas xboxes and chances to appear in future videos and here's the really shocking part you can win all of it without spending a dime actually did a video all about how to do it right over here so if winning those prizes sounds at all interesting to you check it out and hey mr beast's food empire isn't limited to just chocolate i did a video exposing how mr beast launched his own burger chain through the magic of ghost kitchens to find out how he and pretty soon five nights at freddy's did exactly that check out the video right there as always my friends i'll see you next week bon appetit
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 4,306,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast, mrbeast wonka, mrbeast chocolate, mrbeast chocolate factory, mrbeast contest, mrbeast winner, willy wonka, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, willy wonka chocolate factory, willy wonka river, willy wonka chocolate river, mrbeast willy wonka factory, feastables, mrbeast feastables, mrbeast factory, food theory, food theorists, matpat, game theory, film theory, food theory mrbeast, mrbeast food theory, mrbeast matpat, mr beast, mrbeast gaming, mrbeast reacts
Id: vdnfGR2Q8yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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