Food Stories for Kids from Steve and Maggie | Learn Speaking Wow English TV

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That there… and that there… and that… oh yeah - there. Great, finished! Oh, hey! Hi. Look. This is a menu for my new restaurant. Let me show you. Wait there. Hold on. Hold on. He-hey! Welcome to my new restaurant! Look at the menu. Oh-oh it’s delicious. Hey, this is what’s for breakfast on Monday. Lunch on Monday and dinner on Monday. But… what’s Monday? Ha-ha… This is Monday. It’s the first day of the week. Monday starts with a letter ‘M’ that sounds like ‘M’, for m-m-m… Monday! Yeah! Say with me: Monday, Monday, Monday. So hey, what’s the second day of the week? Yeah! Tuesday! Well done. Hey… what’s for breakfast on Tuesday? Oh-oh look! There’s tea and cake for breakfast on Tuesday. Delicious! So, that’s Monday and Tuesday. What’s next? Yeah… Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Well done. Oh-oh look! Hey! There are hamburgers for lunch on Wednesday! Do you like hamburgers? I do. Hey! Let’s play football, let’s play! Go, oh no! Oh, hey! Oh, Maggie! Oh, Maggie, look at my window! Sorry… Abracadabra! Ha-ha. That’s great. You fixed the window. Yeah! But that’s the easy part. Look at my menu... O-o. No, Maggie. No magic. I want to put you the menu back while I go and have a cup of tea. Ok, sorry Steve. Ah… delicious. I like tea. Ok, let’s see how Maggie’s doing. Come on. Maggie. Maggie… have you finished? Have you finished? I think so. Oh yeah, nearly. You just need to put the days of the week here. Yeah but I don’t know the days of the week. Ok, Maggie. I’ll help you. Eh… well that’s Monday. That’s Tuesday. And that’s Wednesday. Ok. Hey… we know Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, don’t we? What’s the next day, though? Yeah! It’s Thursday. Thursday starts with ‘T’ and ‘H’ and together they sound like ‘f’. Let’s practice that. Put your finger in front of your lips and say ‘f’. Is your finger wet? Ew… yeah! Then you’re doing it right! So say with me Thursday, Thursday, Thursday! Well done! That’s right Maggie. That’s Thursday. Yeah! Put it up. So hey. There’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, then… Friday! It’s my favourite day. Yeah! Oh well done, Maggie. You’ve got Friday. Yeah! Super! Ok. So, the last two are Saturday and Sunday. Yeah! Saturday and Sunday make? The weekend! Yay! Well done, Maggie. We finished! Yeah! But how can I remember the days of the week? Ok. Hey, let’s try to help Maggie remember the days of the week! Yeah! Hey… listen to this. (Rapping) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday is one week! Yeah! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday is one week! Hahaha. Yay! Great! Yeah! But, Maggie. Oh, what’s that? Oh. O-o. Ice-cream for dinner on Thursday. Hihi. And spaghetti for breakfast on Friday! No thank you. (I’m going to play football.) Oh, Maggie! Mmm… Oh, haha. Hello boys and girls. Hi. I’m eating sweets. They’re delicious. This one tastes like oranges. Mmm… it’s magic! Hi Steve! Oh, hello Maggie. Hi. Hi! Hey, Maggie, try one of these sweets. They’re magic. This one tastes like… mmm… apple! Wow! Mmm… Hey! That’s not magic. This is magic. Abracadabra! Oh! Hahaha. He-hey! Look. Look. Oh-oh. Hey, wow! Look. What is it? Yeah… it’s an apple. Delicious. Hey! Hey, come on, say with me: It’s an apple, while you pet your tummies. Come on. So what is it? It’s an apple. And again. It’s an apple. What is it? It’s an apple. Yeah! Hihi. I like apples, Maggie. Ok, Steve. Here you are! Haha. Oh, for me? Thank you. Yeah! Oh, look, a delicious apple. Yummy, yummy. Mmm… delicious. Much nicer than those sweets. (Eating apple) Hahaha. Maggie, that apple was delicious. Yeah! So hey! Do it again. Do it again! Use your magic! Yeah! Ok. Abracadabra. Haha, look. Watch! Hahaha. Hey! Oh, wow. Maggie, stop. Stop! Hey! Look. What is it? Mmm… I don’t know. Do you know? Eh… What is it? Hihihi. A banana. Maybe. Let’s find out. Ok, Maggie. You can finish it. Go! Hey, yeah! Look! It’s a banana! Yeah! So tap your tummies and say with me. Come on. What is it? It’s a banana. It’s a banana. And again. It’s a banana! Yeah! Oh, Maggie, can I have the banana, please? Yeah! Here you are, Steve. Thank you. Oh-oh, wow! Haha, a banana for me! Yeah! Oh, delicious. Yum, yum, yum. Haha. Mmm… mmm… Oh, I like bananas. (Eating banana) Hahaha. Ohohoho. Mmm… thank you, Maggie. The banana was delicious. Yeah! So, let’s do it again. Let’s do it again. Please, Maggie, please! Ok. Abracadabra! Ohoho, hey! Look! Stop. Stop! Hey, look! Haha. What is it? Oh! Is it a banana? No. Is it an apple? Hihihihi. Mmm… maybe. Is it an orange? I don’t know. Let’s find out! Finish it, please, Maggie. Go! Ok, go! He-hey! So yeah, look. What is it? Yeah, that’s right. It’s an orange. So, pet your tummies and say it with me. What is it? It’s an orange. It’s an orange. Again. It’s an orange. Yeah! Hey. Hey, Steve! I like oranges. Ok, Maggie, then the orange is for you. Here you are. Thank you! Oh! Hey! Oh. Sorry. Maggie! Hihi. Be careful! O-oh… I’ve got orange juice in my eye! Hey, uh… Oh, Maggie! Haha, sorry! Bye-bye! Oh… hey! Hello! It’s lunch time and I’m hungry. I’m hungry too! Come on then. Let’s choose something to eat! Do you like spaghetti? No, I don’t. No, I don’t. Do you like spaghetti? No, I don’t. No, I don’t. She doesn’t like spaghetti. She doesn’t like, she doesn’t like, she doesn’t like spaghetti, no. Oh, what about this? Do you like chicken salad? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like chicken salad? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. She likes chicken salad. She likes it, she likes it. She likes chicken salad, yeah! What about you? Do you like fish sandwiches? No, I don’t. No, I don’t. Do you like fish sandwiches? No, I don’t. No, I don’t. He doesn’t like fish sandwiches. He doesn’t like, he doesn’t like, he doesn’t like fish sandwiches, no. Look.
Views: 8,843,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food for kids, english for kids, steve and maggie, steve, wow english tv, maggie and steve, english stories for children, english stories for kids, stories for kids, kids short stories, stories for children, magic english, english for children, english words, learn english kids, learn english speaking, learn english, speak english, english speaking, learning english, speaking english, english stories, spoken english, esl, english lessons, wow, blippi, ستيف اند ماجي
Id: xQJeIPzG9mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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