FOGGY vs WFZ | WGL Summer | Loser Bracket FINAL | Warcraft 3 Reforged

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and he walked away with level 2.8 warden went home after this follows a sequence of heavy of heavy moon well attacks by th I think he killed 10 moon was over the course of the game while getting up his expansion foggy crept so many peasants he killed so many peasants during that game but eventually Zeppelin started saving some and every time he went for peasants th was there killing moon wells fully made to proxy lures went for Dryad bear from one base and eventually got an expansion in the corner because he never crept his natural and th went 4 nights siege engines and breakers a long game followed the first avatar of vengeance was kind of wasted on 4 towers and just died instantly doing nothing ii was good many fights were had fogey did play a good game got warden level small stream like forking out warden level 7 tinker level 3 but th had MK 6 blood mates 3 paladin 3 and eventually he bled out foggy kills his base and took his base without started with foggy WFC but throughout all this i didn't get to see the vetos luckily i screenshot them so we can look at it together again foggy decided to remove concealed he'll oops concealed he'll and Northern Isles against WL see concealed here on northern ayahs and WC removes starless stand and twisted meadows oh okay yeah twisted this good night off map can expand everywhere at earnest and is a good warding map so we're gonna play on Amazonia echo last refuge did the small two-player Maps starting things off with echo isles let's go the final best of three of the day the first european of the day and potentially the last European in the top eight if foggy makes it he beat w FC 2-0 in the previous series first map was echo isles he used demon on tier and naga w FC went for a early creepin of his expansion spot and dropped a blight and in the rubian and tried this DK level to lich level one and a field two but I'm also kind of getting my expansion right now and I'm going to tier three but I'm still working on my expansion and we're gonna get some feedings and statues and bogeys shut that down real good this this expansion delayed or it delayed destroyers third heroes so much that WFC never got to play a normal gameplay style for he crept in Naga level 4 and kind of just slayed WFC fogey had an expansion he made a counter expansion when he saw the goldmine slow attempt and forget even decided to go for double wint so he had double wind double or 8 hippos 6 bears Dryad archer yeah it was just too much it was easy win for fogey but then in game 2 it was a lot closer Fergie got lucky items century words to control the pace of the game on last refuge and he expanded on the ogre Lord spot and it managed to win him the game Fergie played very good very well once again but it was much closer WC played a more standard style in that game he went for Naga glitch for the 50-plus food timing attack fiend one destroyer one or two a bombs with disease cloud movie managed to hold on no hypocrites that time no interests of wins just double or just demon Nagas double or with bears and dryads I don't remember if he eventually got a mounted giant now the rematch WFC managed to break down with Jordan thought oMG Sumiko 2-1 to meet foggy again in this losers finals mana burns on the DK how did demon drop so low on mana than the DK who's about a birdie who idk of course called circlets so it's a little bit more mana let's play this game with no hands and no mana so DK no mana demon no mana but it's fine for demons it depletes its own mana when he has no damage on him you versus me mana mana nice one voltage you wee ones are the bully shouldn't eat now interested for creeping the Merc up WC knows this because of acolyte ghouls were actually going to creep the natural I believe but they're now turning around to help creep Jack foggy at the mer camp that's an ancient of wonders greater info no pot Archer goes down to ensnare ancient of war falling as well detonate no not that tonight sorry ancient of wonders canceled because it was getting attacked DK is so fast he went to get boots of speed this guarantees Naga you don't see DK boots and I'm you don't see that and then you would not be prepared against Naga always DK boots means he's gonna give it to the Naga it's never like boots DK leash so Fergie knows that he positions carefully does loose the ancient of war and if you've seen how Fergie uses the same - the war - clearly won the other boot all game long not just one camp or two with all game that is a significant loss [Music] now Frost arrow is trying to block the DK out Naga comes in as well Naga needs to be careful it doesn't get ghoul skeleton frost arrows around it unholy aura together with that and it is this around great start for WFC oh the Naga is freed then uses in Ville you know TP is worth 350 gold in volt it's used it's worth 400 gold because the TP sells for 175 and an envelope or 200 so thinking that you're saving TP while using grazer in Ville is only worth it if you don't consider in will the full price of purchase which i think is fair almost no one ever goodbyes a potion of employability for 4 on the jewels only humans that get denied access to lesser invulnerability from the government shop but can reach the marketplace and for me doesn't want to spend anything period another one who spent greater involved doesn't want to spend TP at this point money on it anyway so he chooses to use involves so that he can remain active on the map and still potentially be able to TP his whole army home still it was almost an unnecessary use nargoth just got free but because of the lag he may not have known that on time and already clicked it it's a very forgivable not even definitive mistake if it is a mistake it's forgivable but it may not be like cause of attack for tanaka takes two older and runs smart just for gays on the way he was inaudible whispers on position for Fergie BQ note he's not expanding he only does that against the slow semi proxy Expo by WFC no Expo this time instead focusing on giving his triads and bear-sized white naga versus on dead he always goes naga against on this both players play naga in this matchup when you open with demon Naga has needed to suppress the demon and fogies naga is a safer and a more aggressive choice and going with pandaren brew last brewmasters like wanting us to become key hero naga is like the anti-hero era under Harris are the key of their phone panda would be more popular against cool gargoyle based tactics the demon wanted the agility so much that he nearly gave it to WSC he could have picked it on the Naga but he greeted the prioritization of the correct attribute for the demon and it worked at got there faster double statue now for WFC and destroy your upgrade lich and dual frenzy a perfect buildup of the strategy by Undead and it's quite scripted the order of everyone's are the very standard there's not much space to be creative and be like I'm gonna make a meat wagon or gargoyle that's pretty standard flow which now gets warp of corruption we did not see dreadlord at all in this event dreadlord Expo is not as good at the high level people will Scout it they will bring detonates double mana burn him that will free themselves from surrounds by detonating summons and before you know it you've got a demon dreadnought level 2 with no activatable spells that do anything dreadlord is really a pup stomper hero but he's not as good at the pro level periodic fatality double gloves on Naga and double ring on the demon hunter 50 food for foggy now the first power play of the game by WC he was going for turtle level 7 on the side of foggy saving part of his own natural saving his own Merlot camp and his own turtle 7 as well does Fergie sniff this out does he know it I think he does I think he saw with the wisp at the Goblin shop no he he's going for the murlocs he's not going for the murlocs he knows WC is here and he moves in the Murdochs are annoying him though accidentally and snaring a dryad and distracting the Night Elf Night Elf is getting a snare this is not good he moves with the demon past the murlocs and diddle and snare one goal down one Archer down second Archer third Archer arches are high damage low health the great to take out first well naga was actually attacking creeps bear goes down where's the stuff he has it didn't use it second stuff does work all the urges down at the start of a fight is not good now another bear goes down this is horrible for focus for froggy not only does he lose his own turtle 7 he does not creep Jaqueline time does not find it on time does not walk properly wakes up the creeps basically sabotages his own archers and then loses to druids of the claw and now he would be forced to go across the map to pressure the final three creep comes on the map which are all favorably positioned for WFC that's why it was such a power play by WC to take that turtle first he always had a TP to get out of trouble WUF sees reinforcements are closer and snare this time on the destroyer potion of inves on the demon hunter making sure you can't get nukes to smithereens before he even gets a skeleton revealed the approach of the Naga you heard the Chinese voice the attack alert demon is scouting but is not burning yet he knows his weak right now foggy he spent 320 goals 340 someone said I thought it was 320 he spent Gold's on the Tree of Life WC pushed over 50 coming out with an abomination over 50 and looking to pressure getting another ways no detonate Naga with the TP for fogey in this last two minutes for the demon on tier I should have another good 40 seconds left continues to scout in comes a mate nearly naked abomination just the best and that's about it he'll scroll the final investment for WC to empower this attack when you buy a hill scroll you know he's not gonna go 258 food this is it 55 and Fergie has 55 as well but a lot of that is wisps all the undead heroes are full Anna it goes with the mana burn on the DK immediately falls back didn't even go for an auto attack on the DK because he knows he's gonna get frost arrows no VAT coils and you have to staff his the big attack the test for fogey can he after such big losses come back into this there's the second abomination one goal being made at home for wfe presumably no that was the second destroyer first bear stop bata burn on the DK wisp detonates on the DK DK does have mana port second bear goes down bear focus on the fiends not bad destroyers attacking the Bears doing so much damage tryouts on the abomination not ideal focusing the Lich there goes the coil after the monopoles no more mana on the DK and focusing Lich is wise fogey takes a lot of criticism from the community I think unjustly for focusing the Lich against happy but you got to do it lifts just the main damage you deplete them out on the Duque you focus a Ledge which is low it's the wisest thing to do to reduce damage our boots on your army naga now getting attacked he has no way to save himself except TP now that he's getting slowed from the Naga demon can't kill the Lich easily anymore abominations blocking him he found a way through naga getting focused by dryads demon on there getting a bit stuck Nagas lo a dangerous game for foggy both the Naga and elites are so low down goes it bear that had no druid claw staff of teleport back demon hunter comes in with full health with repair on the tree but it goes down focusing dry it again but didn't remove frost arrow frost armor too quickly there is a staff on the demon but the real win here is WFC didn't lose any heroes killed the Tree of Life and kills a lot of units level 43 and almost 3 Lynch against 4G 3.8 3.5 and a dead tree many whisper lost as was the tree there's a lot of dry ass here as well whose only purpose is killing destroyers and maybe killing heroes they don't do much against fiends or statues they're ok against a bombs but they're very chunky Doce bombs blocking the entire army as if to prove it the final camp that WC safe for a rainy day yes no teepee but he's killing the cert so so fast ah turtle get away from him the ring betrayed look they can't even slow the statue no reexpansion fogies all in what item did he get ring +4 fogies saving up on 50 food or pretending an attack this is meant to mana burn to maybe kill a unit while staffing everything he's got double staff the goal for foggy is to make the 50/50 plus last for as long as possible to hopefully some time get a double mountain giant pump for he wants to go straight to 60 for food with two mg s you will need lumber to get the mountain giant upgrades resistant skin hardened skin beerus will no longer cut it druid of the claw is getting attack upgrades the first one here we level so much in favor for WFC they have to say mix be among their first two heroes almost slightly more 4wc and then there's a hole of a three lids so I think WC has about 550 XP more than foggy like 2500 vs. 2k or something holy 66 food there we go with the Dawa MJ's I think he already has the mg upgrades he's producing two wisps and two mgs even on it getting attacked hard to break through that wall once a mana burn but he's taking abomination damage moon well going down he meets the wait for his two months in Giants there's still a lot of gold here the mountain Giants are kind of stuck in the back you know that goes forward get some butter it any dice no time to stop eSports headshake by fogey it was a really quick snipe and to be honest so tough to stop it considering the pain bear Goes Down stop misses because it died so quickly another bear goes down deep in on that isn't here this is over sad for bogey but good for WSC one abomination goes down other gets coils Naga taking heat has TP t g WC wins the first map against foggy good yo thank you for this up rody prime thank you very much and YouTube directness and directness and asks do you know what happy isn't in the tournament he elected not to play [Music] now floating resources in Warcraft 3 is not always indicative of a macro mistake that Starcraft 2 you looking at in worker three floating resources can have a multitude of reasons either because you are looking to stay under 50 foods and leverage the bonus goals for not being in upkeep or because you are delaying your investments after receiving more information sometimes you'll have floating gold because you're looking to rebuy your tavern hero you're repaying your demon from the tavern it's not always a clear-cut case the clearest case is where no a player needs a unit you know yes the money in food but he's not making it that's a clear error it used to be 40 in Reign of Chaos virus that's fine kübra that's fine but let's not forget that Fergie lost way more units than WC throughout the game furgus want to I didn't hear people talk about balancing those games now he's lost one I would say it's not so much about whether the balanced arguments is correct it's about people's emotions they annoyed that fergie lost the map very understandable Fergie is a player that does get nervous when it matters the most it's happened before he played a lot cleaner in the first series WC though he opened with a weaker strats on ecco both players announced their race in private to the referee so there can be no rock-paper-scissor abuse MHS unless the referees like are dirty or something it's like hey he said he's gonna go undead do you still want to go night off now I'll switch the orc okay demo Gorgon thank you for subbing can a player choose random yes in fee played random in many of the tournaments this year that we're not as important look at this WC gets the purge proc to delay the lightning shield scraping and to miss position the creeps the slow sound focus creeping by at least seven seconds and the Arkell I didn't even die now he's gonna coil lightning shield creep his own camp not the fastest but clean and oh oh he did get it oh there was a delete like the shield removal effect it was a great job by foggy he got the detonate removed the lightning shield in the war of lightly shields control WFC wanna battle and forgive on the war there was a really small delay of the Lightning shield animation removal that's not the case in classic graphics I would like to see that again but anyway now fogey does a cool thing where he brings his Archer from over the trees he is within the three range of the trapars to ensnare the archer but outside of the casting range of the ensnare so both creeps go around the little caveat in the forest to try and ensnare the archer all the way around and chase her but they never get to her she's already gone so the demon doesn't take any damage from the trappers it's a cool little thing for that first camp WC now comes in to finish the two trackers ring slippers cloak and gauntlets mediocre items you can be happy with the slippers ring is fine notice fat and gauntlets is actually pretty good anti-nuke ability but because it's a low level item it's unlikely to make it through the rest of the game good awareness by fogey once again knowing exactly where is WL see with that wisp but WFC is gonna get the item it's a devotion ara the lion harvest storm winds such a good item and WSC secures it for himself sometimes Warcraft one-on-one feels a lot like Warcraft FFA in the sense that you can choose to prioritize items XP or expansions and these kind of maps with four really key items granite Co them and already great wizard at the Mercatus sometimes you see players just getting that renegade wizard level 5 early if you have devotion ora one-and-a-half armor on all of your units the entire game that can be worth pure experience creeping efficiency and WC got one every race has a way to do it you need to creep Jax so early in order to stop someone from doing it it's almost impossible you wonder you need to follow them around all the time it's done in an instant had he found content plus 6 would not be as big of a deal but that's a devotion it's really good who will get the other eventually remains to be seen both get their Naga now you see why tech timings are so important they get their knock out the exact same time imagine if one of them Tecton seconds slower they could guard the tavern against the other with the Naga but Fergie's done a good job of creepy using his archers in various places to creep up to level 3 now the monomer in level 2 that's good he wants Montebourg level 2 on the naga and WC wants to prevent that so he walks away now WFC is looking mostly to prevent foggy to do anything he would love to slow down the game where neither player is getting anything of worth the foe he is really good at this multitasking using the demon we was not able to harass and scars and gets the mana burn here on the Naga presumably there we go hunted mana do it twice Morris is empty meanwhile fogies Naga is ancient of war creeping to ko volts I should be level two he also killed skeleton so that will be a level two naga slaughterhouse tier 3 and 2 to cigarettes coming on the way ring of protection mediocre item would love to get closer circlet I think circle it is best as it offers health against nukes Naga can be coiled by decay but only the enemy Naga mana Bernal de Naga damage on the DK good containment strategy before ghee now goblin shop is the major point of contention Fergie can creep this but he knows WFC will stab him in the back again and a lot of damage on the DK o''h 6 life and WC with nerves of steel does not even by healing potion he wants to save money to just use statue to heal up and this but this does give Fergie the cream which is what he wanted he gives boots to the Naga and gets century war on the demon can't be too obvious with where you place it though it could get removed easily there still a dust on the death knight he has demobilized WSC for a while ancient of war dutifully getting into the next position it's already done three creep camps now fourth one the good old ancient of war what a good old guy helping with all these camps first bear comes in naga on route set you agree to level 3 sentry word reveals to DK at the show what does he get in Ville now I got level 2.8 tome of intelligence and mystery item greater monopod pretty good the best is greater heal the matter pods pretty good more force lightning not a vernal the DK minus 100 good play by foggy this game better than last better it results for him but undead can never be underestimated forked lightning level 2 roar archers getting focused one Archer goes down hit him with the knock Nova second arts are getting attacked no staff of preservation for fogey he focuses the Lich dry it goes down to three ghouls down for two arches and the dryads demon getting attacked only has TP forces lich the TP walks away the demon one more burn maybe no he's scared to archers and a dryad for three ghouls and a DP greater mana potion was also consumed by foggy this feels like a win for WFC a TP is not worth as much you wonder doesn't have mana but statues are so strong they will heal under heroes up and the Nagas in no time especially when there's no fight Fergie cleans up the remainder of the creeps where the devotion are was stolen he knew this was a depleted camp still values the experience and he needed to find a way it tries to pull the creep with ghoul doesn't work get a ID on you son ghouls you actually coils the ghoul and then get smarter burned on the Lich I believe now demon Naga comes in so that was kind of a failed creep routine now comes in demon Naga is their staff of preservation yet no there isn't no healing on the demon he needs a rejuvenation but fogey is here to disrupt WSC he's expanding he has a century here so he can be very surgical with his harassment the devour on the demon which had read you've also removed part of the century world if WC saw that the destroyer got twice as much mana as it should from that devourer then he would know that there was half a century there it's a bit big brain but I've never heard of anyone like seeing that but nor would they say it if it did happen lightning shield or Nagas for Fergie he sold it he's almost level four what does he buy still no stuff of preservation he gets in Ville and he'll scroll moves in again he cannot afford to give this creep to WFC let's just getting close to level up expand finished model burn on the DK minus 96 bear the bear without form he's just moving through the whole army going for the Lich another bear going down one bear for free because it was in the wrong form demon going on the Lich level 1.9 no frost armor yet in Vilna Naga things getting focused demon has boots chasing lips killed the Lich he killed the Lich dust of appearance foggy making some good place as well getting some fields now there's no mana left on the DK this is looking very good for foggy WC does have loads of money though loads of money there is no TP on the DK is there any way where this doesn't end in disaster for WFC - 61 for lightning Naga comes back in has the TP and stops this bear can live if it moves it does moving meant that he doesn't take another hit from abomination doesn't take another hit from the destroyer with the detail it says if foggy actually also made wisps go on his gold mine during all this he has a massive advantage if not still an advantage gets the love of five creep to the victor go the spoils runed bracers he found ruined bracers herder coil Lola hitting like a wet noodle this is a huge item the best one you can find against undead maybe even better than true shelter bone chimes it means that demon will be almost unkillable has three strengths three armor 33% spell reduction and three agility that's it Thank You demon WC with all's heroes back again tries to go for a hill Mary play with no time portal trying to get the granite golem is it secret is it safe asks Gandalf no Bilbo said but I had to do a high-risk high-reward play because I already felt so much behind so I wore the ring rich getting focused has no in volt passed by the Nagas now didn't I guess a new target clickety-click and naga is bound to go down WC cozy the score is 1:1 everything down to the final man a strong play by foggy on his chosen map the final map is going to be last refuge a fitting name for the final map of the day imagine tuning in late for Game of Thrones you've seen all the hype but you're there only to see the final episode of season 8 are you like that's what everyone's excited about laughing but also crying inside guess I am good at hiding my feelings are you insulting these players no it's not Amelia Clark's fault how the script was leave emilia clarke alone all right guys final map last refuge foggy you won this in the first match you expanded on the auger lures and he prayed a great pleasure he great he played a great pressure game while creeping his Nagas sea witch great pleasure fifty shades anyone focuses it a super demon Naga again there's no way he's been hiding opossum first bills right WC with the crippled heart yeah I feel like that'll be two critics Naga is popular against demon underboss cough because demon on tear has a short range for mana burn every time demon hunter moves in you'll get a chance to slow him and damage him with Naga frost ara no other hero provides the same consistent slow on a hero that is designed to go in and out like demon to go for amount of burn more than that mana burn will always get some victims there's no way to prevent all mana burns you will get many bottom burns in the course of the game if your cheapest spell is Fire Lord lava spawn and for 150 vana your cheapest most important spell you're in trouble cuz you're gonna get mana burns and you will not be able to do anything if your cheapest spell is a actually I don't know how much frost our costs I think it's eight if you're cheaper spells each mana you will have it very soon after you get mana burned so you can always eat out some value of your hero abilities post mana burn coil is fairly cheap but it's also essential auras don't need mana so picking things that have our us like DK or lit with Dark Ritual to replenish that also has frost armor which is cheap and Nagas with frost arrow that's cheap you find ways to use spells despite the presence of mana burn going panda with fire breath drunken haze for WFC would not be wise that's a 145 mana spell rotation this is why we see Nagas a lot further mentions for the reasons mentioned she's also great at focus fire and enabling destroyers fiends and lit with orb to do a lot of single target damage on bears archers demon Naga what-have-you Naga is one of the best counters the Naga because she's such a strong early game hero Night Elf does the same thing back to undead alright enough over explain about that let's go into the game demon under level 1.7 eight kill the skeleton and kill the creep camp gets the boots and tries to find WF c WC finds a fantastic item sent reward many games have been decided by this information giving protective item nice positioning on that tree cannot be auto attacks by melee you can creep this with no fear because of the sentry word he sees demon are coming in which also means he knows he should disengage from the final two trappers if he doesn't see the demon he might try to creep the whole thing because of the Sentry he sees him and he leaves on time mana burn nice wisp locations by foggy on the high grounds WFC finds a surplus of nobility archers are killing skeletons at the bottom troll camp in comes a graveyard there's also a nerubian tower shop is well hidden and tucked away at the back definitely Balin believe if he can move away spin stead of healing it against skeletons it's it's a big advantage now waking up the creeps starting to attack them because he knows Naga will come out perfect timing by foggy you will use Naga frost arrow to keep the creeps with him for as long as possible WFC goes around and I think this looks like a 2004 fourth esque timing rush to cancel ancients of lore but I definitely aunty hyped this up over hype this because actually it's just creepingly not drawable getting another circuit-level item from the ogre mates denying future Naga XP and also at the same time neatly checking for the possibility of a tree of life maybe being here it gets the three five three camp a lot of XP and finds gloves of haste this time WFC is not going with a Naga second perhaps due to foggy getting there earlier perhaps because of the map this time WFC is going straight into the niche second interesting adaptation what does that mean for his third hero will he get a third hero is it gonna be kripp Lord Yui one Naga third or maybe the old happy style I don't know if happy still does that I haven't seen this matchup against myself in a while tinker third guess we still do that this is a best of three and on her name bites the dust demon comes in does not waste mount a vernal in the DK obviously gets no Vaught nobody is 125 mana if this gets burned it's 100 technically using nova on demon is even worse than the mana burly except of course he gets hurt since load ancient of war died two creeps this is absolutely because multitasking got stressed with the demon he actually Forks this so that everything doesn't get poisoned as much rage the ward died he would have loved to use it for future camps over and over there is we have rained ruined bracers again that's true ruined bracers once again that's a great item for for Genji and bad for WFC Fergie sells the one of Man of Steel buys in this and invoke acting like a little blade master there is a sentry ward and dust Gould died two creeps which for the troll coils now for he knows he just needs to mana burn the Lich and then let's cannot last hit this ogre mana burn village and move in on the rest there we go mana burn moves in on the decayed blocks blocks no blocks try to use to dry out to block demon to damage there are no spells for WFC that could have secured the creep steel because he coiled the ghoul and he got the Lich mana burned bogey finds Book of the Dead it's 200 gold item gets the ogre five Fergie has access to expand but elects not to do it a little bit of a supply block by foggy 40 out of 40 let's go him 40 instead of foggy goes for the Overlord uses the book on the ogle art which baits the shockwave in the opposite direction thanks a lot of damage and allows him to do a camp that would otherwise potentially be too difficult second shock wave coming though what does he get cloak of flames and he immediately pound Turtles Archer dies immediately for those Nagas third pick up the red staples because cloak of flames which I believe is 10 damage per second to all units around the demon hunter doesn't have to ruin to bracers on the demon yet and doesn't have town portal yet and he's still at 40 food foggy with a huge supply book dryads now trying to block does not get the block we know how much this hurts lie when he messed it up did not get the auger if he gets the block he would have probably had the creep now WC gets it bad item Hellmuth Fowler plus 4 strength plus 4 agility it's been pretty good on the demon but ultimately not game-ending staff up reservations on the demon archers get no vote what Archer goes down to art just goes down to ghouls die as well d DK drops low beerus comes back in he still has a stock barrett drops low he has a staff uses it focuses two heroes WFC heroes drop low what did they have only TP DK drops low DK DK lives mana burn wouldn't have killed him no mana for frost for forked lightning and another Archer goes down at the very end mother bird would not have killed him it was 41 933 mana 33 mana that's a 30% damage reduction of the mana to HP would have been something like 23 damage you would be a life still bears getting focused what is he doing what the hell why doesn't he just use his bears to attack history of eternity now sometimes AI goes haywire but I think if you take both bears and you attack your tree of eternity they would have morphed and it would probably be the better play than morphing them to an even weaker form as they're getting hit by the trolls a huge loss you won by foggy I think he's still ahead but a huge loss demon comes in with the mana burn Birds the DK no mana left undead heroes at level 3 to 2 but he has access to the goblin laboratory the remainder of this most of it was taken remember I think there's one troll level for all the most important creeps are in the perimeters of the map top left turtle 7 bottom right turtle 7 and the golden laboratory by foggy and again with that in this if WFC is a keen observer he will see that the inves potion is missing from the northern goblin shop and he would know there's a demon around him he has dust and that could help keeps the rune basis on the Nagas to provide an anti-nuke buffer in comes the demon mana burn on the DK fork lightning on the feed strides is exposed kiss attacked good pullback doesn't die dust on the feeds kills a field coil mrs. bear no star two fiends are down coil miss and that one is frost arrow this fight is turning sour a bit for foggy his trials are low the Destroyers uncontested but the Lich is getting attacked is it turning sour hue pots on the Lich very getting attacked will this one get staffed he has plenty of time to do it and he does it early just to be safe demon honor is completely uncontested foggy defended his expansion DK dropping low and TPS this is a massive success for foggy he kept the dryer to life he staff to Bears and he stopped one bear saved two and kept the tree alive demon and Nagas level four always carrying that the so importance now going for the level 4 creep all the undead heroes are low statues are great at healing up the undead heroes but you need time the more you move to go to a creep camp the less healing you get from the statues the more you stand still the more you give time for the Tree of Life to start working foggy with another burn on the Naga the biggest mental mistake fogey can make now is to think that he's winning you need to stay on your toes and remain paranoid what would my opponent try to do next how could I still lose as for WFC he's doing the smart thing is going quickly over 50 many players will feel tempted to come on 50 food to try and offset an enemy expansion with your own upkeep management but with your hero levels already being lower but on the cusp of being 433 all the WFC needs now is extreme army superiority he needs to force under heavy duress creep camps on this map burn on the statue he wants that overseer 5 that gives him one level up the purges will give him the next level up I think every creep gifts in one letter left no no DK 4 yet no Naga oh yes he's one more camp but it's either the laboratory or the turtle 7 the turtle 7 would see WFC go so far away from the tree of life that it is prohibitively far DK moves to the shop has the money for one Invo or one he'll scroll what does he get he'll scroll makes sense just micro so you don't need info and use he'll scroll for value did most dangerous points if the game is here for fogey he's got only bears and gets two destroyers three dryads only and mostly bears huge know about fork like me staff perfect staff on the bear will he rejuve hits in his base so if you come back with full life it's a lot of multitask second bear's going down DK level for this looks very good for WFC actually there's not enough on tre yet the stream lags I'm still live with the stream lags another staff on the bear WFC still at sixty food one abomination goes down and mana birds are starting to pay off this bear came back with one life and it gets no VAT which goes down let's go down as well the bear management and the staff management by foggy was not so good he brought back a low hero back a blow bear back into the fight but he did kill the Lich now in Ville on the demon Naga chasing Frost arrow now no mana for frost arrow he needs to dry at to tag the Nagas she's going down Naga down as well so many bears have fallen but two heroes have gone down the DPS is gone for WFC he only has the death knight left and a few fiends they can attack Lich they can attack the dryads but without the Lich orb empowerment's WFC uses his last money to get back the Lich this Naga has ruled bracers Amster was in Vil he's baiting damaged on the Naga and stops it goes for the demon once again it has no frost armor demon with the chase she loses an only arodd40 one mana burn 18 life a single attack will he go up to high ground no she the demon was an auto-attack but he goes up anyway let's is still there the creeps wake up and DB gets the last it level 4.9 on the demon Lich has gone down once again bear also has fallen but foggy still has an expansion throughout all this undead has better army and hero efficiency generally but Night Elf has a chance to force an expansion and then come ste continually fight at the edge of reason to keep it alive demon playing with fire trying to get the mana burn on the DK DK is sooo fast he stops it foggy with 1000 gold here II bought the Naga the moon walls are all empty where's the illusion of Wonders lives his back he's creeping DK getting closer to Ocean's eleven 5:53 food WFC against foggy the closest match between them yet 0-0 dryads that's how pressured fogey has been to reach a fighting army in time to protect this expansion WFC creeping in order to buy time for his Naga and fill in the gaps get a bit of gold bit of experience guys good job by foggy not using a new cobble unit means he can't get coil no that and unless fiend and lich was there ready the Dryad lives through such things foggy with the attack he has heal ports monopoles info for double star demon level 5 goats in with the mana burn - 100's didn't skill mana burn on time to get the mana burn this could matter later on down the road DK still has a coil but he doesn't use his - 100 and his staff during the mother burn has a cool little green effect nari level 5 hats in Ville Fork lightning level 3 now there comes in lynch goes down GG foggy has done it one Ukrainian in the top eight foggy has qualified here's peace in WFC once again after giving his fans a massive heart attack losing the first map foggy into top 8 beating WFC twice [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 6,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail
Id: 5g1n_kI0fts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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