Grubby | WC3 | [EPIC] Well Lamed!

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i think ripler has changed the matchup i i don't know you can do it like that anymore all right another over explain for i will be done for the requester jp search i'm a little better at this matchup luckily and it's a little bit more straightforward i call this more scripted undead needs to do the right thing at every point against human there is no real creativity unless you want to be an off-the-wall out of the box that always does something different than expected but generally you need to kind of follow a game plan number one priority make their expansion hurt as much as possible you cannot outright stop it but you can try to slow it down as much as you can use your first acolyte to make a shot that is behind the semicircle of your necropolis make your nerubian two seconds quicker than i did your cigarette send your acolyte to a make graveyard at 205 gold send your acolyte to find the critter and kill it and make sure to hit it in the direction of your base there's a 50 chance that the pig i gladly gets one shot and there's a 50 chance it gets too short if it gets too short it will run away from the thread in the direction of your base and that means that the corpse will be closer to you don't be afraid to kill critters immediately uh with your acolyte the corpse will last over a minute i believe yes use your acolyte to stop a rock golem creeping since he's doing this right away i'm actually not gonna creep with my heartmate with my death knight i'm going to harass his archmage the standard creeping for human to do is this one when they're actually hard focusing hard forcing the rock column you can just go there right away i believe attack as soon as you can kill as many skellies as you can without taking too much damage second cigarette and then first fiend no nerubian at home let's battle detroit i mean the arcane tower like at this point when he starts hitting you stop entering his vision he's just waiting to do maximum damage on you a lot of undeads that harass they feel like they need to be there all the time but you only need to go again when they start creeping their exposure he's trying so hard to stop my dk from coil harassing that it's not going to be worth it to do so and once you're this low you do indeed just need to leave ideally you kill more peasants but you gotta accept the truth the next thing you need to do is to get level 2 death knight as quickly as possible i think i took too much damage at the rock golem camp which is why i was not able to keep up harass for as long as i ideally should the median result is three peasant kills when they fast expand i didn't count the medium result is three peasants the amazing result is five the very good is four two is the minimum amount you need and if you don't kill any you lose glitch and slaughterhouse at tier two you take only the necessary camps to reach certain levels so i need level 2 and now i need to pressure if arc mage shows up alone just hit him oh crap don't do that get burrow upgrades we actually need to walk past him is there another rod there is it might be worth getting no i'm not gonna i'm gonna go tier three we need to cancel our arcane tower oh it's already finished my timings are not as good as happy that's weird your goal is to delay his power spike when he starts benefiting insanely much from the expansion but if he's not doing anything then you have to creep it's probably obvious to him that i'm going to create now i have not dealt enough damage kill every water you can nice denied by him another deny it's worth it getting the cancel feel free to to focus water elementals they're not real units but they still do real damage and we need to cancel that tower you can get lava creeps and you have to worry in particular about mud golem get backpack put your feet next to shop as long as he doesn't have towers you're better off third hero will be usually hitlered if they have a lot of towers like three minimum to fire rain their towers kill that much golem and swap the type of your statues dark ranger if they have mostly units actually you should have gone frost armor that was pretty bad by you jp search you should have gone frost armor you just went ritual big mistake bro black arrow first foreign uh get one destroyer before they get flying machines and keep busting try to burrow block any bolts like bait with fiends when they drop low you can tell which one they're gonna bolt by looking you can also just coil you can actually position yourself very safely behind their base the skillful approach is destroyers in a group by themselves so that you can pull them back anytime you need to but it's perfectly fine to put them in the same group as your army as long as you manually pull it back from time to time trying to be mindful of what is the follow-up check to the sparrow block disease class the uh i think the chinese humans don't make rifles at all they go for a few breakers paladin a third and then knights and flyings i believe but i'm not 100 sure thank you for doing it twice man i can't believe i picked dark ritual what a rookie mistake one question during your fiend opener against manfrotto would cigarette before alter be better for early third lumber ghoul no the build i did was perfect for my opener but i would like to reiterate that no i would like to revise that in undead mirror if i were of medium skill i would always play lord first all in or crippled first expand i believe it's the best build for mortals i don't know what did i say el real awesome thanks again thank you man my pleasure do you mind playing another undead game like my request yeah i would love to settle you let's do it it's still the right time as well for my account damn destroyer means a lot early can't believe yeah it's very important to get destroyer early i never use hair gel cosmic that was a joke ariel i gladly wait didn't i play this build before did you repeat it or did i maybe it was low quality are there many americans on w3c um not enough we need more oh yeah you mirrored it yeah not enough we need more yeah that's true i didn't have time to read it though my life foreign do i actually act like scott yeah criplord lich ritual beetles impale and beat us okay i'm gonna cancel the acolyte for now it made my ghoul one second faster summoning is complete yeah it went to youtube the the night elf who took my base oh damn the damn i wish yes very broad question baker conspiracy can someone explain to me why there's no official ladder yeah pete stiller can explain to you or bobby kotec i wish no one else can summon my life i feel kind of proud when i see your heads until opening night kinda where shall my blood my life see just wait just wait right here cannot be matched i'll consume my might cannot be matched hey at least we're not winning too earlier now we just need to worry about the winning parts oblivion awaits wait damn snare guy didn't get him built can't get thrown up in the air i guess when you're tied down oh no come on is fleeting he's looking for expo again but he has no tp let's just go and kill him guys endurance oh embraced is yeah but i also killed that's what you didn't expect yes should i get superior let's go scout with this beetle is he didn't creep at all so he might be doing the red spot tier three raiders probably style he can creep really big with this composition cannot be matched nice is is my frozen i go ritual level two to do justice to the to the request is break cool look at ritual level two i am foreign oh is i thought there was a low unit here find the halfling oh he did my slaughterhouse no he cannot do my slaughterhouse my sloth house is a building he did my mercenary count there we go oh yeah nova upgrades cannot i think we need meat wagons we have to outrange him come on i have heard the summons sure i allow you a bit upset it's allowed by blizzard as far as i know rebinding your own keys i mean there's hardware that does it back in the day in tournaments it was not so that cannot be matched well you're not playing tournaments right nice is level five come on where's my unholy aura uh foreign this hello i knew that mouse meets dragons would be the answer my might cannot be matched i serve only the frozen our forces let's go get involved he's still pretty low let's go get zeppelin take your time [Music] oh not going to expand i'm just going to eliminate him [Music] while to camping time is fleeting are you threatening me got it i've heard the summons i serve got it yes [Music] are you threatening me full speed ahead [Music] cannot our forces are under you i bow to your will my life for nazuo speak i wish where shall my blood be spilled are you threatening be me is okay are you driving me is uh this is the good old request days that i missed zeppelins he's not wrong well lamed is the only thing you can say right now never attack into the undead base ever i hate it it reminds me of so many of my games against undead you got lames too at exo he had more experience but we have two level five heroes the price of a level 3 hero is considerable imagine having more xp but not having two level fives and how do you win wolf like tsungsu's rtf4 prescribed trying to win the smart commander first make sure that he does not lose before trying to achieve victory make yourself indefeatable undefeatable [Music] foreign
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 24,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, lame, lich, undead, ud, reforged, base, attack, wc3 champions, ladder, rank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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