MOON vs COLORFUL | WGL Summer | Winner Bracket Semi | Warcraft 3 Reforged

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i have no goals [Laughter] mike thanks for the stuff this was a funny interview nice editing they're saying he's full of crap the production says because he's like yeah we're all kind of similar then ask who's the best night off he's like come on you need to make me say this moon of course they're like but you said we're all similar tabula just about i have no goals phil's high school man what does this say is a strong player he's particularly good at every area of the game that's true people can't score points against you if you have no goal smart can't beat a man when he's down it's like i'm gonna beat you it's like you can't i have no goals where does the ball go it says beats grubby multiple times that's not very nice when start the next game when it is dam well ready have you any goals moon is [Music] foreign yeah right [Laughter] soon in 2030. just play a little better and he'll be better than me what moon didn't say is that he is going to play better too hmm a little better moon clearly not scared of the orcs yeah he didn't even mention oryx my boss taught me to say soon whenever you're asked for something can you get the tps report yes soon all right map vetoes colorful removes concealed hill and twisted meadows moon removes lost refuge in northern isles remaining all the small two-player maps echo amazonia and tierne's stand funnily enough both players removing maps where you could say the possibilities are more varied you would expect the player that who thinks he's better to remove big random maps with a random chances higher so moon removing twisted moon removing uh but it is not so moon is a macro genius he's a very good at strategical decision making so he yeah i don't really get the the logic behind it so it's probably just about personal results against one another they're gonna have faced each other obviously uh before less scriptcraft more microwares amazonia is a highly aggressive map without expansions usually though it is possible to go with the possum first and do an archer dryad defense maybe even huntresses and you you eat through the back of the woods on amazonia to get your early expansion but usually amazonia has one versus one base to understand though it's the opposite a lot of expansions by both players due to the natural defensive layout of the the expansion you see that little sickle shape here well now you don't anyway let's let's go let's freaking go game has begun we have moon versus colorful moon in the blue right wait where's the color coding yeah moon in the red as i said moon in the red bottom right and colorful in the blue top left this is is this this is wgl summer mr retention time players will be playing on classic broadcast is on reforged graphics i am running a video link restream and even if i could circumvent the reforged graphics and go classic it would not be permitted wgl in its uh form that it exists in has very likely been able to be budgeted for by gold league because of the impending reforged game release we had wgl last year of course but we already knew reforge was going to happen many tournament organizers including esl gold league and dreamhack made provisions to run multi-year tournament series in celebration of warcraft its never ending popularity and the impending reforged even though reforged isn't everything we hope for it to be that is why we get this tournament so we can be grateful for that at least this is also why contractually most likely reforged graphics are the one that are going to be used for the entire wgo it did get a little better but opinions aside feel free to have your opinion this is how it is moon going with the slippers of agility from the one one one camp ignoring the other wizards uh same thing by colorful got the gauntlets of strength and continues the lightning shield instead of war creeping on the mercenary camp denying one of the creeps would be a massive blunder with insta4 neither made this mistake or did they moon made this mistake and this is funny you know this happens to moon fairly frequently actually it was the smallest grip he denied but deny he did a level 3 creep was self-denied this happens to him really really often and it almost never seems to make him lose though first skirmish should be uh in favor of moon considering he has slippers which is a little better on the demon hunter then in gauntlets priest goes down for moon colorful with the lead a 195 gold 20 lumber troll priest has gone down now as a level 2.2 moon looking to steal the forest troll berserker will be available in five seconds he routed the archer he occupied the mercamp and might be able to take the berserker moon gets his own berserker colorful berserker just one half second before colorful was able to do the reverse steal moon budgeted enough money to get both berserkers colorful now with the butcher speed and hitting moon's demon hunter 250 gold go has gone to a boots that moon spent 245 on the berserker colorful still has his priest moon going with a 120 life demon hunter and when you look at the 84 position for both players at the laboratory at the uh goblin laboratory you should know that colorful should anticipate this potentially if if whatever he's doing and if moon is doing that too he should be aware of this possibility when you have the boots you should be aggressive otherwise why spend 250. but he's gonna do his own camp moon got away with uh a risky route there recognizing colorful's not discontinued presence means he's gonna be safe most likely an amazing item for moon true shot aura allerious flute of accuracy 10 damage bonus to all ranged units it's gonna be really useful if he's planning to do a ranged army but potentially even better is scourge bone chimes and that is what colorful gets in a bear versus bear druid of the claw mirror scourge bone chimes reigns supreme with the second best item being boots of 12 alas which is so good for the demon hunter colorful always plays the same in knights of mirror demon naga and bears moon knows this and rather than playing in a mirror matchup usually you think of a player like colorful like a tennis player with an amazing service game the kilometers per hour of his balls is really high his comfort level with mirror bearer versus mirabear is great that's forrest troll from the creeps the tree of life is cancelled moon abandoned moon decides to play a brainy type of gameplay and tries to go for a counter with an expansion not mirroring bear versus bear and it ends up being quite a prophetic decision since he's up against bone chimes it's going to be tough to win in an even steven game with true shots versus bone chimes and the good start that color focus the moon might just be playing a full ranged army he forces himself to tp tree of life gets cancelled once again as moons berserker kills the creek berserker but a second tree of life cancel atp and moon's plan to go mass triads with an expansion using the layout of the map to his advantage has for now fallen to ruin this is risky for moon if like moon could be eliminated in the groups it's a pretty insane notion because he is the number one favorite of this tournament here's the third expansion attempt and colorful with some genius creeping removes creeps from moon side of the map moon comes in with a demon hunter that's low he has to force has to be forced to use a berserker to protect for the demon hunter 100 burn on the naga pulling back for a straw berserker goes down second one gets stacked by dryad there is no staff of preservation from one he's gonna lose this one as well this is crazy third tree of life cancel incoming colorful meanwhile working on bears moons moon wells completely dry they're wells now there's no moon inside them anymore tier three is on the way for colorful bears are going to be helping with rejuvenating the hurt demon hunters tier three only just started colorful at 43 food i don't know if he's making bears or dryads i still like the reforged lore animation so cute yep there we go first two bears on the field and moon finally stopped expanding going for true shots like finding true shots and going for range then expansion makes sense for the items it makes sense on the map but his bad start denying his own creep losing a priest losing a berserker losing health on his demon and then the multi-cancels leaves moon in a nearly unwinnable position even if he is moon archer is low one hp demon hunter getting packed as well by venom he should be careful demon on here is so low 13 12 10 10 11 10. this is insane he dropped to nine life if there was one more attack by the poison creep on demon that could just tag him and you know it's likely for poison creeps to attack demon hunter you know why poison lasts less long on heroes the ai for poison creeps works as follows well that's a lot of triads it's five triads poison lasts longer on units than on heroes and the a.i for poison creeps is such that they want to poison everyone they want to leave every unit in a constantly poisoned state a poison creep in warcraft 3 will never attack the same target that still has a poison effect it's always looking to poison healthy units and because the demon hunter's poison runs out so quickly it's like two seconds or something but a unit gets poisoned for like 10 seconds exact numbers may may differ a bit but it's roughly like this soon it's demon's turn again to get attacked so that was pretty damn risky moon is extremely weak right now all of his units are hurt his moonwalls are empty it's a daytime and he has no healing scroll or heal potion yet and colorful for some reason has really let up on the pressure he doesn't have orpha venom yet and he doesn't have master bears yet he doesn't have he didn't clear his own expansion that's sort of there's you we want to take creep he's got very respectable creeps now uh creep xp level 4.2 demon with the aura of venom he's got the naga level 3.2 no healing scroll but amazing items on the demon boots double ring circlet greater heel and he just got tp on the naga and colorful is sitting at a very strange 52 food minimum economy advantage minimum army advantage but he's got enough lumber to go over 56 and economy doesn't matter as much at this time we got glass gloves of haste because he's about to attack he knows that moon's expansion is finishing 57 food moon 57 as well moon is gonna have to do some legendary micro to stay alive here we've got two master bears full mana rejuvenation will not play a large role as it's can just gonna get dispelled by dry hats but the tankiness some of the roar depending on whether he has mark of the claw or not it's gonna be big i don't know if he has mark of the cloth costs a lot of lumber it allows you to cast roar while you are in bear form and somehow colorful doesn't like what he sees pulls back going into nothing at all taking a meaningless creep camp that gives a tone of knowledge which is half a circle it's worth demonary goes home sells gloves of haste buys a second staff and he comes back in again but you know colorful he has not been sitting idle he used the gold he got from creeps and the bank he had built up to make many bears this is 67 food and moon actually it's a perfect timing by colorful when you think about it because moon has not yet started mining or benefiting from the base and he just nabbed another creep camp so what happens now is that colorful has the maximum force possible for this time in the game and moon is at the weakest point possible after basically making four expansions and this first one just started mining and hasn't really paid off yet but now we start this period where how quickly can colorful end this game will moon be able to buy enough time to let his expansion work for him abolish needs to be used on these demon hunters does colorful not have abolish he's got auto attacking bears on illusions i think he doesn't have a polish upgrade oh there we go now he uses it he's just slow first bear goes down immediately gets remade dry out focus on dryads try it on dryad violence two dryads go down four colorful third one getting attacked meanwhile colorful demon under going on the naga moon and where's moon's demon going on the naga of colorful we have a bloodbath this is good micro by moon a lot of low hp dryads getting away having taken down many of colorful's triads the micro advantage starts to shift in the advantage of moon in the direction of moon so many red triads does he have a heel scroll he does he uses it [Music] he killed a lot here another triad goes down moon with the food advantage this is insane these bears did not seem to pack the same power moon's true shot ara perfect for his preferred style bone chimes perfect for colorful's preferred style and it's so typical that colorful would go all in that's really his style it's it's how he has to play this moon defending an expansion this is both players living their true form colorful didn't get enough values from staffs and they actually have identical hero levels now which just tells you all you need to know about that fight since colorful was ahead the entire game and now there's so many dryads their upgrades at least one zero oh it's two zero two zero means so much damage coming in together with that true shot colorful still has a town portal but he's now 10 foot down if the first fight went like that how will the second fight go the second attack these bears nearly took down the tree but moon always walks the tightrope of defense well look at all those bears chasing a single demon on here that's a good start that bear has one life that's a lot of bears though this is uh this is good oh no stop on that demon why are all the bears chasing the demon out here he's got like four bears chasing the d8 not really auto attacking and moon uh colorful really needs this at least one dryad to tag and chase units and his triads just keep getting taken down there should be another staff but he wasn't in range with his demon on her you always use staff on the demon hunter first because if he needs to get stopped the naga can still do so as she is the one carrying tp and he's the one on the front line moon just continues to buy time for his expansion this was again fairly equal fight experience is equal and moon is mining double this is some cool tags that's demon under level five two dryads go down maybe a third this is good for colorful but come on buddy throw up a counter expansion cancel one bear and make a counter expansion but oh a bear died here recently he must have walked back a bear that he staffed by itself he must have walked it into moon's base again this is common if you don't remove them from your control group still pretty close fight no more mana on the demon liner of colorful he cannot mana burn the naga he should love to do that no mark of the claw or roar oh there we go mark him to call yes roar yes two bears get stuffed this is a pretty good fight for colorful i must say three dryads dropping low colorful striat dies three dryads die in return and the tps can you save the bear no all right 56 versus 66 it looks like moon is holding and he's comfortable with his expansion all the moon wells are empty for colorful he has not got enough mana to heal all of his bears and still no counter expansion moon knows this he's got a wisp on most of the gold mines on this map not bottom left but he's got a wisp on the natural and the top right it looks really good for moon we are using uh unquenched reforged graphics mod developed by a chinese third party another attack colorful has a zeppelin but is he using it he bought a zeppelin for 240 gold rather than an expansion for 320 and is then not using it a mistake by colorful this is awkward well just wait for the laser games in the tournament pseudo donna of course a player like moon is usually gonna have an edge on colourful but when you consider how this game began it's pretty crazy what does the mod do they just uh re-render how some of the things look i think they like hack the game files and make it look differently water trees i don't know effects i don't know exactly what but you can find you can search for quenched or unquenched reforest and you'll find some videos ah in comes the zeppelin one ap it's good against dryads but it's more of in a position where it attacks tree of life rather than dry outs i would have liked to see the ap rather stand where the demon hunter is now roughly in the middle so that it has like an anti-dryad idea that they b did very suspiciously little damage on the dryads maybe dryads already have armor upgrades moon was 2-0 for most of this on his upgrades but now i think he might be two one or even two two sapper coming points out kevin that's true in comes a goblin zapper boom and it's dead nicely dealt with that was one issue that moon didn't want to have to deal with during the fight a lot of damage on the first player colorful is gonna staff it away second staff comes out no more stuff cooldowns available third bear getting focused meanwhile colorful is laying into the dryads bear goes down so do two dry ads but moon has got a little bit more stuff his dryads are now getting focused colorful heel scroll and involve moon steaming on her only a single slippers we have a scarier demon by colorful there's so many dryads left and without any dryads of his own colorful is unable to lay the chase into moon's triads he doesn't have that slow so it's gonna be as good this fight as moons micro is still heroes a little stronger for colorful demon under will get stuffed away 46 food by colorful zeppelin played no role whatsoever and it just shows that moon is 10 lolites better than colorful very nice wooden sound on that circling attack i can read chinese and it said miss mist why is he not going for the expansion well he can't like this is what moon is actually a super expert at kane vertis making an expansion and then as white russet defensing it always forcing an opponent to engage as they are partially distracted by an expansion he essentially uses the expo as a tank that's good stuff usage here this is one of one of the better fights for a colorful now that the position is not as awkward but he's not saving his dryads with the zeppelin one has gone down already demon under level six is looming colorful still has a chance with demon six make no mistake despite being down on 40 food okay make a mistake i said make no mistake you can go ahead and make that mistake i don't think even demon six will save him discipline is dropping a one hp triad and staff jeb 5.9 demon on it and the counter expansion finally finished but it needed a a tree of eternity to walk there because he didn't actually expand he just waited till his main ran out so that means moon's tree is also going to be on the move and maybe go to the corner there it is so that does mean that despite moon having 35 food more nearly we are now in a one versus well technically zero versus zero base situation and we will eventually be in one versus one base which since minute 10 of the game has not been the case for colorful i think now we're in minute 19 and a half so things have improved economically for colorful and he will start to mind slightly earlier from his expansion than moon colorful is now mining moon it will take another 15 seconds food two units i think moon needs to get metamorphosis but not a lot more for moon moon has 55 food ah sorry moon has a five and a half level demon hunter and a 5.6 naga he can either get level three frost arrows or he can go for tornado which is now only 125 mana and it does cyclones and a massive slow the chance of a cyclone and a massive slow on everyone that is causing it very good against paris and demon until actually [Music] tornado versus metamorphosis triple ring of protection for colorful demon that will create an unkillable superman now it's moon forced to attack after all moon does not wait actually moon is still mining from his natural like he's got him out mind again yeah that's gonna last for a while more this isn't northern isles where the natural only has 10k gold this is 12 and a half k gold expansion so moon does have the capability to create a really large bank once again this is a one week tournament i am huko this is the first of many days of wgl we'll be back live again tomorrow even earlier oh he's gonna he doesn't want to staff the demon hunter because he doesn't want to go to his expansion since the tree of life eternity is gone here the demon would be isolated away from moon wells and he got a nice mana burn on moon's demon until actually he should like to heal up his demon from the moon well get some mana did he use clarity because you want to have enough mana for metamorphosis he has to burn the demon hunter right because moon will have like 40 mana on his demon anterior and if he doesn't burn the demon then the demon will burn his demon then his demon will not become metamorphosis and he won't be able to shout i earn my scars and destroy the little wisp and now he burns moon's demon under 52 but by this point he doesn't have enough mana to ever go metamorphosis anymore two dry asses what colorful needs it gets zeppelin picked up half delivery hot pickup oh metamorphosis but he needs to get back and get mana and that's a very long disappearance for the mvp of this party the woman in red is gone comes back and says look at me i am beautiful and is he gonna cast metamorphosis yet there we go gorgeous now i do love this skin in reforms he's going to kill the zeppelin demon under his level 6 for moon 2. he kills the zeppelin and he can now in theory if moon stays here kill every dryad if if this is a 20 triad versus illidan then illidan will win easily but he's not gonna stay and moon basically oh they're blocking each other moon forced the defensive metamorphosis that's exactly what you want to do because the only way to beat metamorphosis is to not even fight you can't lose the game if you don't play it we smart so the metamorphosis runs out just as colorful's hopes do 28 food against 80. one versus two base economy and now moon has metamorphosis guess who else is beautiful just come here and fight fight like a man but we're not we're game say the dry hats as they get a heel scroll and get nurse nearly back to full life do we have tornado yes we do nice they have very short jumps don't they the reforged striats kind of like toy soldiers oh double goblet zapper get caught oh he's gonna use them on tryouts oh this is a disaster a hail mary played by colorful as he tries to get away he needs to get enough gold for the zeppelin but he can't moon wins 1-0 after a terrible start he takes his experience puts it in an old sock swings it around and clobbers colorful in the face with it take that ah and this and he wins the first game moon 1-0 colorful nice moon must have been ecstatic after a start like that to come back in such a way colorful can't ask for a much better start than that and his standard play was not enough to get the win here turn the stand a more technical tactical map due to the zeppelin plays the defensive expansions a nightmare honestly to go up against when you're playing against moon surprise colorful left this map up he should have a better shot in general on a map like echo isles or even especially amazonia easy to say now because if you see that start and you remove the names you call that a win for the blue night elf but they did have names unfortunately this is not the faceless man of the much maligned got show everyone has a name [Music] reptile bavarian thank you for the three months up it was a nice game versus happy you are amazing thank you very much wait i don't need to type to you guys anymore because we don't have a delay anymore i still like typing can you expand on how positioning affected the expo battle sure i would love to i'm glad you asked [Music] this is the gold mine this is the tree of life and this is colorful space [Music] no this is awkward but uh colorful needs to walk all the way like this this is other presents accidental anyway oh my god it's basically the same right like i didn't do this it's some kind of sick map maker did this okay see like it was pretty good but anyway he needs to walk all the way around here to attack and moon can use this concave to defend and he wants to attack this tree of life but if he attacks it his bears will be like this which leaves this bear very vulnerable to attack right and this one can't even join the fight so this is very awkward he either positions himself like this to fight the dryads or like this to kill the tree of life but you can't do both and this tree of life has like what 1300 health and nature's blessing so it's a really strong tank like that's nearly the strength of a mountain he got like a mountain giant which is also mining at the expansion this is why like the rush distance from wisp to wisp all the way here is well at least from peel to pee on is 62 seconds most maps have a rush distance of like 51 53 so turn this stand is one of the longest rush distances and then when you consider that the distance to the expansion is also about 60 seconds that means that your opponent has 60 seconds more of production than you every time you fight at the expansion if you compare that to some other maps where it's like one player starts here gold mine expansion the other player starts here gold mine expansion this rush distance on echo isles is like 45 seconds so you can punish someone 15 seconds earlier this one is maybe only i don't know 52 seconds so turn the stand is really one of the best defensive maps let's see how it goes on echo isles grubby you just drew two circles under an arrow pointing upwards i'm sorry but if you're that like thirsty you'll see something and everything guess there's new graphics in every way i'm gonna get some water i i got thirsty too moon in the red on the left opens up with an h24 creeping on the ogre warrior whereas colorful does the dangerous thing and goes for the mercenary camp let's talk about the differences in these two opening crypt gambits moon will get a definitively useful item on the demon hunter in a circle or ring of protection you will get only level 1.7 but he'll be able to go onto the map wait a second he went for bottom of the moon that's gonna be another tactical gameplay by moon with expansion 100 this is not a possum ap all-in uh i feel like colorful messed up this route that's not how it's supposed to look like the inch of war should have the level 5 creep oh he messed up colorful messed up this route this age divorce should be hitting the level five creep another disaster it's just gonna be a little slower what does he get ring of protection uh ring of regeneration that's pretty good actually demonic will definitely take a lot of damage from the possum of the moon and so much effective health and regen that is uh 900 health that's an eight to four so double inch of war for moon with a circlet and a hunter's hole coming out this could actually be an ap all in conversely oh look at the wisp this is a common place to build because this is where trees of life can be made there's two popular locations if you look at my mouse cursor it's here at the mercap and it's here these are the two places people build ancient forests and trees of life if you want to be worth your weight in moonstones then you should definitely check these two places when you're going up against someone so colorful knows it's doubling support he's going to be able to defend with demon hunters and archers against mass hunts but it doesn't mean moon needs to pump mass hunts in fact it looks like he isn't he's saving his money right now to try and get the berserker troll but it is colorful that goth is i'll be curious to see if moon will actually throw up a 30 food expo or we'll be doing like a 40 food hunters all in technically this is bottom of the moon since its moon agility thank you very much oh the creeps steal too long so oh no he's gonna get the priest colorful level two on the bottom of the moon he got a creep he got a troll priest but colorful will try to do this around though he did not position his demon hunter no he's just like no never mind i don't i don't think this is good and now we have the solo it is indeed a 30-foot expansion i'm not surprised i expected this 28 foot expo using merely three units and the insta war to creep that base those night elves man they're wily not last hitting with insta war of course experience is global as you could see in my experience guide no plugarino but if you look at the chat there's a cool link there for some later watching experience is global so the possum got level two and a half from that got some damage done with bottom kill the priest killed one creep didn't have to use tpp and has his expansion started colorful what i mean in the meantime demon on her level three he did insta-war creeping on the murlocs forgot the tone of intelligence or is saving it for naga or keeper later or panda it could be tinker even actually yeah tinker is always colorful's go-to against mass bottoms and it seems pretty bad usually when i see it but he always does it which means it isn't bad and it's just moon making it look bad so what the tinker brings if you look at my again i have a tavern hero overview excavation mark tavern you can check the guide if you look at my tavern overview you'll see tinker is one of the best [Music] it's one of the best tanks in the game because tinker's melee has decent strength for armor 600 health makes him a pretty good tank and the weird thing he's an intelligence hero but he has 600 health and for armor that makes tinker one of the most balanced heroes in all of the stats and then he summons a factory which is a pretty chunky building that gives xp when killed but it creates clockwork goblins that explode in splash damage all of those clockwork goblins also have a timed life and an auto attack all of those together the tinker the factory and the clockwork goblins are tanks they will help to whatever is behind them so and it's also great to take a position similar like the shadowhunter serpent words to put a factory somewhere take a position and then siege someone tinker's a great siege hero rockets factory and his old are all fantastic at sieging but the tree of life for moon is done the haunted gold mine is not even started because there's no undead in this game but the entangled gold mine has been cancelled once and is restarted it should be finishing fairly soon several seconds meanwhile moon is going to 50 food bottom level three half full hunters and archer army and colorful clears his expansion but does not take a counter expansion yet probably wise first need to do one attack i think he under did it last game or he overdid the attacking and no counter expo but i think if you're going for demon and tier three you do kind of have to do an attack first expanding now will take all the wind out of his sails and threaten a capsize because moon will be able to use the bonus gold from his expansion to launch a 70 feet attack and you would not be able to hold with uh demon and tinker level 2. thank you for the sub triangle appreciate it we have a colorful undoubtedly going for tier 3 with some bears tinker's now level three not a lot of mana left he would like to get a greater mana potion from here i don't know what that is click it greater heal also not bad at all bottom is level four searing arrows 20 bonus damage and if you manually activate steering arrows that is to say our left click instead of just auto casting you get 100 bonus range from it for that last snipe generally you won't need to do it like that but if someone is about to get away you press r left click and you can have bonus hundred range to sniper what's up read a book this is actually tier two by colorful so this is mass triads with demon three tinker three no never mind i did not recognize tree of eternity it's a graphics unfamiliarity thing i apologize tier three is finished he has arpa venom and is now attacking the main remember that rush distance i talked about main to main that's why colorful is attacking the main because it's closer why is he leaving did he see tp yeah there's a tp now moon has 66 food of tier one i didn't catch his unit upgrades maybe someone saw it should be at least one one at least yeah one zero okay you i would imagine he'd be working on one armor we have a split attack demon in four triads against ancient war and a tinker and two bears and two ranged against another inch of war if the plan here is to remove unit production capacity that's a pretty cool plan but there's still the merc camp as well so moon will never truly be beggared for production and the weird thing is moon is on two bases he's just getting more and more ahead he's 70 food he has a wisp on colorful's natural expansion and he knows colorful is not scanned or expanding so what i think is happening here and i think ethos i don't want to be too critical because you know it's moon every decision will look bad i think what's happening here is colorful is going for a 50-foot 2000 gold save up and what will happen is moon will eventually reach 80 food and my mood is 80 foods it is very unusual to go to 90 foot because of the large upkeep penalty moon will get a massive bank this is true and he will get all the items he ever thought of christmas every day but it will remain an 80 food army his reproductive capacity will be amazing but it's colorful's goal to let everything come down to a single fight if he saves up 1500 gold on 50 food [Music] he can go up to 70 that's two units lost that's really unfortunate he can go to 70 food plus do one fight bottom will probably get level 5.8 during a fight like that or six he will try the mana burn to suppress her hey talents too with fairy fire that's so strong against bears cool cool to see talents and then colorful hopes to win in one fight win the fight moon reproduces colorful kills the tree of life and then wins the follow-up that's colorful's goal but moon forces his hand by attacking now he doesn't allow colorful to bank up like this where's the mana burn on the bottom where is the mana burn he didn't do it there's a wisp coming in to remove protection scroll i know it's not very obvious reforged graphic but there is a protection scrolls that little translucent triangle this is good fight position for colorful in comes the matabur bears can get healed colorful's bear on the right getting blocked three very low bears one goes down two goes down three one thousand four one thousand one there's still a full moon while next to the bear he's not using it another mata burn level four kills a talon kills a huntress an archer but loses more bears that was not a bad fight though all things considered i predicted 5.8 bottom it's 5.6 close though and colorful 46 food moon 55 can reproduce far more though colorful still no expansion of course he's back down to 50 food which was kind of his wish demon under 4.2 tinker 3.6 thank you pelican taksamiket for the sub 19 months wow early stream nice will be earlier tomorrow because we will be watching group c with x-lord fly focus and envy 12 noon is when it starts and kwaney who is 29 months thank you very much well luckily you got me elheim this is an upgraded team color mod yes so moon back up to 63 food colorful back to his old devices 50 food save up upgrades i presume uh colorful would not have any upgrades i don't think you really have space for that in a setup like this uh i'll be rooting for x-lord i think it's good for the scene if he does well as little chance as he has i want to remember when creole office was up against sky in the wcg 2007 grand finals i didn't think creole has a lot of chance and i like creo so much i was selfish enough not to watch because i couldn't bear the disappointment of seeing him loose i regret that and then he won and then i regretted it even more but i would have regretted it if he lost two because i needed to be there but uh yeah he won't so it is possible this upsets and you better want to be there when it happens another moon counter attack moon doesn't does have tp and so does the colorful now we see how that factory comes in just two heroes have the building pressure to kill the tree of ages it goes down nicely calculated by colorful and he tp's back home 62 food against 70. moon wells pretty healthy does he have wellspring i don't know bears in a very bad position but now filtering in first bear getting focused fired gets staffed will still die both of those are in terrible position when they die potter will get level six one bear goes down the second one getting attacked oh no level six yet he needs one more unit there we go with the bear and he gets level six instantly turns on starfall not enough mana burns by colorful and the four huntresses with the block oh this is beautiful focus the bottom to make it stop two bears very low get stuffed and healed great job by colorful wow that was amazing great play by colorful level 4.9 demon 4.3 tinker 40 foot each in fact 44 for colorful i like tinker second now he's really showing it so you use demon and tinker to apply building pressure i get it now moon with the esports headshake this is the most emotion you'll see from rts player it's called the esports headshake it should be used for moments of extreme desperation it is a moment of disappointment oh he went for the face torch oh i've never seen this before he just scratched his cheek oh we're in dire straits indeed i think we're looking at the 1-1 such an emotional moment if he touches his eyebrows or his hair i think we've truly been taken out of the moment when you see a player touch their hair or eyebrows they have become self-aware which is something you never want to do you want to remain in the moment in the zone touching your hair shows a concern for the audience for the future and you really want to live in the present when you're doing any kind of professional competition opens his mouth again he starts to move to the beat so there is still a chance but the setup is difficult he doesn't have any more moon while juice and the factory is going ham on history is forced to use units to protect against the factory but it's in such a good position all those clockwork goblins are zoning out units to get too close and now that very thing that was moon was using against colorful it's being used against them being forced to defend something in the top left as someone in the top right is attacking you causes a flank situation problem the bears now come in colorful manipulated this fight perfectly with that factory clockwork goblin is going ham on the tree it explodes it kills the tree the explosion was enough demon under gets level five colorful saving the low hp bears with staff with runaway through left ways or right ways starboard or port colorful has his 60 food set up goes back never had to make an expansion just killed moon's base he wins it's one one insane game by colorful really being down up being down 30 food for most of the game a very cerebral upkeep play by colorful and he manages to clinch the map from the top favorite in this tournament great great great job by colorful very very impressive 1-1 man moon had a good start in this game but lost colorful had the good start in the last game but lost i ain't gonna say you should throw in the start but the facts speak for themselves don't bring me that don't at me with your causality logical conundrums either soon is now old man yo what up elysium the score of lynn versus lynn was 2-0 for lim but i don't want to spoil which lane was it the guagua the nogu agua you can always type exclamation mark brackets to see the results i'll take a two-minute break to rest my voice and then we'll go back to the third map very hype series by this point it seems like our caster knows the game pretty well did he play warcraft 3 at some point i played sc2 actually and uh many rts's are quite similar so i kind of get the basic concept yeah we don't have a stream delay in chat anymore entropy i started today with a six minute delay my three and there three added on top of each other that was a miscommunication between me and the organization mainly by them it's okay we have a cave troll have you thought about playing some starcraft 2 on stream recently i have played starcraft 2 recently i have played more than 10 hours of sc2 multiplayer this year and more than 30 hours of situ this year in general on stream yeah they trolled me it's okay ladies and gentlemen we will start again with map number three between colorful and moon scary stuff for moon he does not want to be in a position where he drops to the lower brackets talking about the likely consequences well first he will face linguist who might be capable of beating him unlikely very unlikely since lincoln usually hasn't been able to is the correct way to say it recently but lin guagar is a threat for moon if moon wins that as you would expect he would then be forced to go up against either colorful again or if colorful somehow upsets and beats lin as well moon and lin would fight for the second spot in group b an unthinkable situation and yet i just thought about it so it's not that unthinkable is it chat as of right now though moon may be on the precipice but fear is not required the map will play out all the possibilities are still here it's risky though some bad items for you some bad some good items for your opponent and you're suddenly gonna be packing your bags and going home with a story i got unlucky you don't want to have a story you want to have a trophy colorful with the demon hunter first moon bottom gotham will he got him with the possum or will the demon be beaming we shall see it's gonna be more dryads defenses or it could be mass hunts again it was double h the four huntresses by moon last game but we have also seen huntress archer dryads on this map with possum foggiest games moons games i've played it heck by copying it from some other people let's see if anyone denies the experience on their heroes this would be a hell of a way to start the decider map for this one so far so good for moon he's fine he will not be denying no one denied gloves of haste on the demon moon circlet i think possum wants claws of attack and i think demon wants circleth but everything is good mantle and demon not so much moon gets slippers of agility luckier for him to be honest circlit is both the most expensive item and slippers the best so moon has luck for himself in this game with block on the archer will not be successful angling was off a lot of damage coming out on the archery though with the searing with the true shot man burn on the bottom colorful attacking to tier two in comes the tree of aegis and moon if i'm reading the situation correctly has a second ht4 i'm looking at the mini map [Music] there's an ancient of war at the little 131 camp wait is he going to eat his way through the trees to the cobalt level five i suppose he might i haven't seen that a lot but he may actually be doing that oh the title yeah yeah my bad sorry i'm new at this streaming and stuff colorful versus moon man i'm so noob i've seen this before possum hiding buying time there's the third moon well no tree of ages yeah title updates in real time now isn't that cool i've only been streaming for 10 years give me a break it's okay you came from the se2 scene i know it's all new to you keep it up i will thanks to your words of encouragement two hunters in an archer colorful four moon wells nice base layout for colorful ainst of war gonna eat his way through the trees towards the natural expansion 29 food is when moon made history of life last game but now he went three of ages instead didn't he this is the final map of the day i will be back tomorrow with focus in the x-lord and fly and maybe wfc's group as well wfc and uh let's see foggy th and kamiko it might be fun to do that one too boom with the creeper out demon hunter is coming in but it's still away demon under goes back to the tavern presumably to hire naga no creep jack i won't say he will get a lot down here but it would probably be better to be here can at least cancel the tree of life but for some reason colorful uses the most valuable unit that he has the demon to stand at the tavern to hire the tinker you could use a wisp you could use an archer but he used his demon so that means that he could not harass with demon maybe get a mana burn in or anyway he just wants to get demon hunter level 3 first he does not get it oh look he was removing the tinker so that the global xp will give xp to both so demon on the level three he's gonna pull it with the demon i think he's gonna put some damage on the level five with demon and then leave to let the tinker creep nope he wants to use the dps off okay there we go he lets the level 5 go only to the tinker that makes sense intelligent stone for tinker that's good he is an intelligence hero gloves of haste will be given to the demon until later moon wakes up the creeps at the left maybe he was chasing a wisp or maybe he wanted to hire creeps from the murkamp uh but the problem is he has no moonwell capacity i just saw 600 gold for moon that's a bit old and maybe because demon came he didn't want to do such a difficult maneuver i mean it was not difficult but maybe he wanted to do this maneuver it's a little technical oh that's a lovely surround great movement by the archers this around he's gonna get it i could just tell he was gonna get it i called it before it happened great control by moon now triads and factory moon goes for the goblin shot creep triad taking too much damage clockwork goblins doing a good job tanking though engineering upgrade this triad also taking too much damage this is a big problem dryads do not get healed well from moon whales the cost of healing a dryads health is five times higher on a moon well than an archer and he keeps getting level one creeps attacking his dryad this is really really bad it cannot be understated once a dryad's mana is full it will heal at the same rate as archers but healing mana on the moonwell costs twice as much and gives twice less gives half as much so a dryad will consume four points for his mala and one for his health and archer only health so full hp dryads full mana dryads are fine to heal but you cannot heal new dryads well without absolutely devastating your moon wells you can reduce them but every rejuve is destined to go to demon and tinker it's just really bad micro for creeping however tinker did get level three and a half which is amazing he got scroll of the beast which is the worst that he could find i would say everything else literally would be better because scroll is just 200 gold he's going to sell it as he's going to rely on bears for roar anyway he sold it already so we mask from the mercamp he would have loved to get bone chimes true shot qualtholas but soby is not bad defensive position by colorful and a lot of gold 800 gold he's gonna do solo hero actions again while keeping his units in a defensive spot colorful won the last demon tinker game he's not that much food behind yet moon's expansion was considerably later than in the other game but i'm a little worried for colorful because he has two staffs but no staff of teleportation and no tp no inval if both of his heroes get surrounded at the same time one will die sophie's choice colorful choice you know it shouldn't happen bottom now comes in and decides let's burn some bears he reduced himself players will be playing with classic graphics raw gonzalez poker asks how good is moon nowadays worse than the light question mark low light is number two elo rankings in the world at the moment and moon number one it is very close but moon is considered a little better still and definitely more successful not just historically but also recently granite golem creeping wait tyrande is level 4.9 oh it's bottom that's a funny face because usually it showed the show the saber cat he's level five what's he gonna drop for this item slippers or use protection he dropped slippers the worst item he could get plus four strength plus four intelligence but it secures a lot of gold and possum level five colorful saved up a lot of gold he's getting his own granite level nine and gets the same item perfectly balanced as nothing should be for strength and for intelligence not quite as bad on the tinker if he gives it double moon while getting attacked by sapper not quite perfect angling it was just a little too high to get that second moon well to one percent life as well it's very difficult actually you need to constantly move spam it into the corner into the corner into the corner then explode just a little bit off oh wellspring got cancelled hunter's hall is d e d dead no well spring we have mark of the clock coming out this was a great attack by moon because he trades what he has superfluously money and the tp he trades that for pulling out the rug from under colorful's production tinker four rockets new engineering he went for rockets by the way sold sobe mask as well no new production for colorful can be forthcoming presently because he doesn't have moon well capacity so this is a disadvantage fight two very quick insta wars coming out we're coming bears getting focused a lot demon is getting focused this is true shot level three there's so much damage here on the side of moon he's got zeppelin to micro he's got two inches of war fighting the factory is very far back and he's not rallied towards moon to army one final kill for a moon and not everything tp's oh moon destroyed this fight with a wonderful concave two defensive ancients of war didn't even have to use his protection and heal scroll no wellspring remember it's gonna be hard to heal back up and moon in a show of complete understanding of the situation goes over 80 food these moments have only been sung off he will get four gold per second per mine but that's still eight golds per second on two mines colorful with low upkeep gets seven gold per second the moon only has a 15 income advantage right now but the current gap is 24 food and colorful will not be able to make up that gap ever because moon will be 100 food by the time colorful will be 80. another attack by colorful as he recognizes the dire straits of this game 96 food for moon can we get a hundred i remember another game that moon won against colorful a few months ago it was actually one versus one base and moon saved up on 50 food and two and a half thousand gold while colorful kept pumping but not fighting or attacking no it was foggy actually it was moon and foggy foggy was like 70 food when moon was 50 and still moon wouldn't produce and it was on this map moon ended up winning that one it was so it was so greedy and so crazy but so right 100 food almost i hope moon makes a wisp just to go to 100. bring all your wisp for detonate make an extra and let's get that set straight on the record 100 out of 100 but anyway 99 pretty much there 70 food bears coming in they're kind of two layered bears not every bear attacking some have to run right as they get to the front line he's using bottom to tank you see that it's smart heroes have hero armor agility heroes have high armor class even though she's ranged she doesn't have tp but she is very tanky and every heel scroll will self-benefit possible 5.8 level six he will move forward one step two step three step he's like he's not gonna go starve although is he just ruckus he is gonna go starve because it is pretty it is very pretty it's very show boaty and it's the equivalent of a manor mule that we and i as a starcraft 2 player have seen so often heel scroll comes in bears are falling colorful loses both heroes and moon with the third map victory [Music] nice games by moon when do we get to watch moon vs lin i will show you sir today july 12th the semi-finals winners of group a and b tomorrow cnd semifinals july 14th a and b winners finals and losers round one july 15th the same for c d and then finally who advances in second place from every group four best of threes to determine it all moon vs lim will happen on tuesday [Music] tuesday tuesday 3 p.m i will be here will you [Music] and then the playoffs will happen after that with a one day break 17 july is media day they'll record interviews and stuff no i'll be at home nice you won't be here but will you be on stream will you be will you be watching this stream while you're at home [Music] i don't really watch many starcraft 2 streamers sorry grovie oh man [Music] how many non-asians are in this studio um two [Music] i'm gonna throw it to a commercial break now and uh [Music] [Music] foreign foreign this game was harder than i expected why did you use dryads when going up against tier three bears is it not disadvantageous he said it was harder than expected foreign [Music] i plan on using talents in game two but i decided to go with dry ass instead oh because he did foreign it wasn't decided appreciated [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 17,667
Rating: 4.874608 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, moon, tournament, cup, wgl, gold league, reforged, colorful, korea, china, cast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 38sec (5378 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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