Foggy Friday Fishing. Dukes of Hazzard (Scott) Co Fail!!!

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hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh today we've been called by the highway patrol it's a very very foggy morning out apparently there is an suv that missed a sharp curve and went down an embankment about 65 70 feet uh as always we ask the prayers good thoughts well wishes for all involved uh we're going to go see what we've got hopefully nobody was injured i don't know how it shows up on the camera but it is very very foggy it's kind of lightened up here where i'm at now but a while ago it was you couldn't hardly see it's like fog soup are very froggy as we like to say sometimes anyway still on our way to the crash site again asking for prayers good thoughts well wishes so hopefully nobody was in here well i'm getting very close to uh the crash site uh there is a different tow company behind me not sure what this is going to turn into i'm not going to get into an argument with anybody that's for sure i know troop called us perhaps customer called this other tow company not sure i guess we'll uh work it out when we get up here regardless the main main concern is the people whether they got injured or not hopefully they did not anyway we should be there just momentarily yep i see red and blue lights you'll see what's going on here good morning guys here too i don't know what's the deal uh troop called us i don't want to get an argument with anybody so it's whatever what's going on brother morning uh no she wants to take it to scott city okay i didn't sit all i know is behind me troop called us where might this thing be way down there huh way down yonder i guess once you see it you guys can decide who wants it well that's why i brought the big truck because they said it was so far down an embankment and a steep embankment we figured we'd just bring the big truck to make sure we got enough ah okay yeah raw i don't think little truck will get it in here straight on off yeah well it's it was foggy man this morning it was real foggy may i go down yeah check it out okay driver okay okay yep okay doesn't look like it's hurt that bad no in all honesty compared to the ride it took yeah i bet she she stopped pretty quick oh shoot i left my phone up in the truck oh well i guess we'll work this out and go from there no worries we got it all worked out with the other company and the uh vehicle owner it's all good vehicle owner minor injuries uh so anyway we're gonna get to work welcome to the party mic there's headsets go get your first look at it take some rigging down with you uh either a v bridle or a sling just something it's actually on its wheels and it's in good shape yeah so we can get it out there fairly easy i believe i've got some uh i don't know if you want to use a red endless loop and just grab a hold of something underneath might be easier because those really aren't designed for yeah with that bent that straighten out j-hook well i don't know that we won't trust that but i like i don't want another one just grab endless loop somewhere i'm gonna get out of here you heading out yeah all right man i'd like to stay but got other things i gotcha i got you take care you too have a safe day now red reds red's cool but if blue's handy you just grab whatever red ought to be more than sufficient for what we gotta do have you looked up have you peeked over the bank yet to take a look it's pretty interesting down there you see it yet that thing extend out that far it'll extend out pretty close to mike not quite that far but it'll extend out a pretty good ways huh yep we're going dukes of hazard it yeah brakes what brakes hit the gas i thought you said go go does okay uh if it's got a hitch take that endless loop sling and i've got pins in here that should fit through the uh hen and we will uh take that pin put the endless loop sling in it and put the pin through there you understand what i'm talking about yup yup yup i can grab the right size pin here oh come on take here mike take both of these and see whichever one fits better either want to be good enough for what we got to do don't worry about yeah no once you put once you put pressure on it it'd be fine and uh well these are about the same length i was gonna say just you're good and you get to use this thing quite often don't you yeah i don't think you'll double it in that hitch yeah i don't think you'll be able to double it in that hitch all over the place i'm i'm working on i just got the boom extended out oh come on come on come on come on there you go oh yeah that works good be sure to save that other pin now yep okay oh slick well there were spots when i was coming in you couldn't hardly see it was so foggy look at that sun coming over the peeking through the clouds over the rotator that's a darn it darn it darn it i gotta go get my phone mike here hold this i hope somebody else hadn't tried to call shoot why didn't you all remind me i told you i left my phone in the truck earlier darn darn don't miss calls all right you're good no missed calls no other wrecks yet let's follow you for more than the pride yeah no kidding that's pretty shot sun's coming over right over the top of it that's just i couldn't resist all right now i guess we got a job dude don't we yep and there's power lines we're long ways from them though i'll just stay there i think that'll be that'd be good enough i think this may be one time it's uh better to not take the way it went in yeah that way that's what they were saying my gosh it doesn't look like she hit the brakes or turned or nothing probably just didn't see because it was so foggy oh now the wheels decide they want to turn all right every which way roll in everything well she's doing some pop in there just like me have been wrong before and we'll be wrong again let's set it down so when she rolls over there it doesn't uh just go nuts on us all right we got a flat spot there i didn't know well that's what the other guy said does it let's get look here that could be worse okay i thought maybe that was some kind of a pipe but it's not it's just a cup i never told you let me just leave it yeah well i was just going to spin it so you could i'll leave it kind of right there on the corner then we'll spin it the back end your way yep that's the plan oh and get that red up out of there and the yellow so don't hit the back of the bed came close all right in speed yep i see it i can't believe how good it came out for as hard and ride as it took uh that should be close enough to spinner around here i hope just so you can get to get around it and get to it a little bit more so you can get the front end i guess you can always spin the front end a little bit more but well i hate for you to have to come on i think that's all we're going to get there mike might get a little more but we're all right all right there we go sir thank you thank you thank you very much all right booming eight all right you get my pins put up mike okay thank you so so all right now i guess well you back up i can i can come back at an angle and go around the squad car if you can back up a little bit that'll give me enough room to get past him and then you can come past me i'll scoot over about where you're at just don't drop off this edge here that's pretty good little drop there i told you not to drop off the edge i might ought to heed the same advice can you get past me now or not all right oh that river didn't go all the way in give me just a minute i'll get up there to help you i know you're good but we work as a team i just uh the driver side outrigger didn't go all the way in for some reason there we go if it wasn't so wet this morning beans are ready to harvest oh well if you had if you had a decent rotator operator they would have lined it up straight for you but that's close oh except for the hole there we go yeah that's got good solid ones on this on this side if it went through there and landed as hard as it did and they're still intact i'd say we're good steering wheel ain't locked either so we got that huh i can help steer it let me throw it neutral if it will its keys are in it it has a release lever here i'll pop it oh you have your flat my knife knife's too wide yo nope i got her there's your there's your screwdriver bub all right now the parking brake may still be on because it's electric yep we're good free rolling there we go that's what we wanted recover yep got you tried to get that backhand over yeah i'd probably have to tilt the bed and i'm coming just inside the rails yep i got her i got it oh you're good right there i think you can you can over here yeah the tire yeah the tire's gonna hit over there you're not gonna pivot before you hit it yeah you're good you're clear you're clear other way bub other way other way other way whoa you're sliding sliding the front end's sliding over i think we're uh good enough it should climb over there you got a small block to put under there so we don't there you go just so it climbs over there instead of i just put it long ways there you go there you go like that there you go now i shouldn't have turned the wheel right there it should go right over the top of that rail on that block and then drop down beautiful there you go man hmm thank you that way i'll put these up and i'll get out of your way there all right guys he's about ready we're about ready appreciate it man brother shut it take care always try y'all be safe out there tell rex i said hi i will i will uh you need a card to give to the brother or the son i mean yeah mike you got a car in handy or i need to get one out of the truck okay if not i can go get one i gotta put the headsets up you do your thing i'll get it all right ladies and gentlemen the sun trying to burn through the fog here all's well that ends well lady had minor injuries i said which is amazing considering the dukes of hazard move as always thank you for watching and god bless you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 61,094
Rating: 4.971035 out of 5
Id: 2sItnBQEbj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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