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is this what you saw already or is this no this is a new post okay so we we'll read it we'll read it just so everybody has it up yeah sister location ma ma yeah hold on so just to give you guys an update hold on so you sent in what appears to be which we weren't aware of the real version of FNAF sister location mature Edition I guess or like the mature version so I guess he maybe is really concerned about it so we're going to what are we going to do Jason I'm going to start the downloading okay so this is the official release that Scott had yeah this is the press release hey guys I wanted to let everyone know what I've decided and it's just a warning a lot of you aren't going to be happy about it but please try to understand ever since I started making games I wanted to be a World Builder I never wanted to make gimmicky games or things that didn't mean something I wanted to create experiences that would really have an impact on people I feel like I got to do that with the first few games but somehow I feel like I let myself get too dark with this one things went sideways and I look at this game now and I'm unsure of how it will affect people at this time at the same time though people want a horror game and I get that I understand that this is supposed to be a horror game and not kid-friendly so then what am I supposed to do release something that offends me just to satisfy those who want to play it or do I take the time and effort to really craft something that everyone can enjoy the answer is obvious to me so this is legit okay like this came from Scott on Steam let's do it this is from his official account so here it is this is a disclaimer yeah this might be a mature stream we don't apparently this might be a really mature stream we just have no idea so this is the mature version of sister location the real version won't be coming out for another 2 months so here it [Music] is hello Internet welcome to [Music] [Applause] game a a spooky scary hey guys welcome to GT live welcome to GT live once again welcome back to GT live sorry about the technical errors uh YouTube is feeling cranky today we have no idea what happened uh it's just very are we good y Jason's giving me the Thumbs Up Great okay we're here yeah we're joined today by Freddy head uh this is from our game lab episode where I had to survive a night in a haunted uh atronic uh restaurant so we thought it would be appropriate to bring back the Freddy head and why is that well that's because today in anticipation of sister location which might not be coming out who knows it's a mystery I don't know if you guys have been following the news on this but as of yesterday's the news it's like like it's showing up on the scroll and CNN or something like that CNN is reporting on this absolutely because as of yesterday here this could be your safety Freddy oh thanks something tells me Freddy is just never a safety as as of yesterday uh Scott C went on Steam and like hey I don't know if I want to release sister location on Friday because it's too dark uh it's so dark that it makes me no one will be able to see to which I tweeted I responded hey uh dear Scott uh so Mass child murder serial killers killing kids and you know chomping manim matronics like smashing kids skull that's not dark but okay cool on that's like puppies in sunshine yeah obviously it's unclear whether or not sister location's coming out on Friday people are like oh it's a publicity stunt knowing what we know about Scott I would say like there might be a publicity element to it but I don't think it is I think that legitimately he cares about this franchise in the fan base enough that if the game does indeed deal with really dark themes that he would be pretty resistant to to do it he strikes me as the type of guy and a fun twist there's already fan games out for sister location before the game has even come out so we thought it would be fun today to explore some of those fan games uh and fan games that feature other famous people who play uh Freddy games and how meta this is this is super meta so uh Jason you could pull up the because I think this title screen is gorgeous it's Five Nights at Freddy's dungeons 3 I don't know about two in one do you know anything about two in one the lost the Lost Five Nights at Freddy's dungeons at those um for they don't match up with sister location he looked at previous iterations and they're quite a bit different gameplay wise this as well okay so so this is Five Nights at Freddy's dungeons 3 and as you can see there's some really impressive models of the sister location animatronics by impressive models you're looking at that ballerina's like boobies aren't you yeah I saw like where your eyeline was going and it was like straight to the boobies and it was like those are like robot you're like these animatronics are so beautiful these models are so beautiful I'm just staring at the booty anyway so the thing uh I mean bora's model is uh very revealing um you know so I'm going to save you in this situation and talk about vertical cleavage CH like like the cleave there is just it's like a Chasm that you can fall into like I said I'm going to save you right now and talk about how to engage with the chat you're the one who also threw me under the bus for this thing you're like oh I see you looking at balor's boobs oh I'm going to save you you you put me in danger and now you're trying to save me so as I understand as Jason told me you you play as Markiplier so forget Mike Schmid forget Jeremy Smith you know Jeremy and Mike and phone guy and whatever apparently you play as Markiplier trapped in a Five Nights at Freddy's dungeon themed around sister location how that comes into play I do not know we'll find out uh but like I said I'm excited about this because the models here including balora in all her exposed goodness or Badness or possessed animatronic uh it's it's impressive like this animation looks 100% maybe we should figure out how to play how to play don't know how to play this page will teach you what you know okay balora put clothes on balora that sounds like a good idea balora appears as the dancing ballerina on the desk in front of you at any time she will jump off the desk and take her full form wow that's not even her full form folks you haven't even seen my final form okay at this point you will have to shoot her in the sorry excuse me at I don't know why you're laughing Matthew at that point you will have to shoot her in the face you have force in the face shoot boom head shot uh apparently this is Five Nights at Freddy's sister location meets Call of Duty uh wait you have 4 seconds to react at 12 3 at one two at two are you working during the day and 1 second at do they realize this is p.m yeah this is day shift at Freddy's like we played on Monday I was say this is legitimately day ship this is so you're it presumably you should be in the presence of lots of little children at this point cuz the restaurant should be open these are Day hours it is bright as day on aggressive mode you have two one and A2 one and a half second okay what this time span also applies to baby okay fun time Freddy front time Freddy will laugh when he appears at this point you have to put your gun I like that you're just in Five Nights at Freddy's with a gun right the idea of having a gun in five nights is just hilarious I mean frankly it's a smart way to go any security guard who worth his salt should be having like right this makes sense actually or just a night stick or large flashlight uh Put the Gun Down by holding right click until he leaves you have 5 Seconds to react to 12 we' learned from lots of other games that flashlights are n affective baby you will hear baby crawl in the vents before she hangs down from the ceiling a like a bat at this point you baby the bat at this point you will have to yell at Baby by pressing Y no baby no don't yell while baby isn't there or she'll climb quickly through the vents and kill you wait yelling while she's there scares her away yelling while she's not there draws her closer draws her closer apparently so that you can yell at her again and drive her don't worry about it also don't shoot baby or she'll kill you because shooting things is clearly an ineffective way of getting rid of them but shouting shouting always works baby has the same reaction times as balora nightmare for okay so we have some of the nightmare animatronics okay during 400 p.m. nightmare fredbear will appear out of nowhere at random and laugh okay when he does you will have to shoot him and then move the flashlight left off of him by moving your mouse to the far left and then he will go away okay so you shoot you shoot him do I have to head shot do I have to shoot fredbear in the face or can I shoot him anywhere that is the question I have ear works yeah sh shoot him in the stomach shoot we'll we'll aim for face shoot him and then move the flashlight away because just shooting him isn't enough okay uh and that's it okay back to let's play this okay great great I am so curious about this game here we go play the game here it is Sister location dungeon 3 featuring Markiplier featuring Markiplier so here's my gun wait wait what do I do I put my gun down put your gun down do yeah okay oh man when she jumps we have to shoot in the face how do I and I shoot with How do I shoot click left click oh my God whoa shoot shoot shoot shoot okay shoot shoot okay so left click is shoot right click is Put the gun down honk the nose Works can I honk Markiplier's nose can I honk the deer's nose oh wait jeez what wait Mark said something this is incredible I love how it's like this beauty shot of Markiplier he's like right hey guys it's totally Markiplier's head shot which is incredible right you man wait I hear baby in the vents whoa yell yell why baby so it's is this supposed to be Markiplier's house apparently so Markiplier's I love how he installed a grandfather clock as an homage to FNAF for yeah he's got a grandfather he's got the obligatory deer head as you do oh shoot yeah shoot get on it get on it okay here comes baby her in the face get ready with why don't shoot baby why great I I I I lame we yelled I totally yelled did I yell too early I guess I have to like wait slightly longer I don't know stop boo in the game's defense though that was really awesome like as a jump scare that was really well animated good other than the fact that we didn't get jumped or scared I'm just saying we we get pretty spooped out some of these games sure but it lie I'm just impressed with the animation like the graphics on this okay put G down no gun here Freddy right you didn't see me pointing this gun at you with no finger to shoot right like 4 seconds ago what so okay so we have established that this is probably Markiplier's basement uh we are checking out his big screen TVs I didn't know about his I didn't know about his deer hunting uh Habit he's got a mysterious r on his uh sounds Mark applier oh shoot gun down gun down leave leave okay here comes baby baby there it is so you have to wait until she is done falling down to say it okay this is so bizarre 1 p.m. what a weird setting for a game again you're just standing in the middle of your basement in the afternoon pointing a gun at animate object turn around like turn what I it wouldn't let me move what and that was like the happiest little animatronic buddy ever he was like hey friend that was a really cute Bonnie okay on the plus side we're getting to see some early jump scares here this is fun every oh everyone's like y baby y baby hey yell and sniff so next time we'll we'll yell then we'll also sniff we'll totally Y at uh at baby okay Put the gun down no gun here by the way Jason do you know who made this game like where did this come from G it is on game jel okay so do you have a link in the description potentially I do not okay I can grab one probably yeah that would be awesome if you could do this cuz I think people would enjoy playing this okay down no gun here it's like the slowest putting away of a gun ever also worth pointing out Markiplier's random hallway that we're hanging out in it's very bizarre that the floor and the ceiling have the exact same design he is he's really into that tile aesthetic g i I understand a nice strong tile theme do he does well for himself he's he's customized his home like I said those grandfather flocks yell also sniff hey baby that you're randomly playing as Markiplier in like this isn't even like a a living room really no it's really the middle of the hallway gun down you're in the middle of a hallway yeah you're in the middle of the hallway and I also like that in Markiplier's fictional home he has a picture a big big picture of himself right in the middle of the hallway hey Markiplier is a work of art okay step when he's sitting there watching television with his like surround sound speakers or whatever he can just glance over and be like so attractive that man on the wall yell and sniff heyab sniff him away sniff him away balora we yft we yft the we yft baby away we yft baby bora's just hanging out bora's just doing her doing her G down her ballerina thing okay he's gone I like how he just leaves over he's like hey oh hi shoot okay I shouted slightly too early luckily you can shout multiple times wow what shouting multiple times yeah I mean if Markiplier was actually in this situation I'm sure you would be shouting a bunch of times oh no oh no it's Freddy oh my gosh hey hey baby what I thought it was that was good all right we're at 300 p.m. we are flying through this game right one night in Markiplier's basement that is what this name is actually called Dragon Lord says don't yif the baby can you can you y babies if if Ying is is a fur furry related thing no I think it's specific to furries right so it well I mean you can you can yell and sniff at pretty much anything so in that sense you can you can y anything y hey baby hey baby hey all right we're flying we're going to do this we're going to we now that we have this lockdown we've got this right putting putting lovers says yes gift baby oh hey okay shoot him and then oh that's creepy oh yeah oh yeah we can do that too yeah oh yeah suck on that Gabe H we can do that too totally worked we're done that was that was we're we're set hey baby all right so I got to I shoot what do we do with him you shoot him and then you move the flashlight away is what it said really right are you sure I believe so no I clicked out of the game here we go let me click back into the game uh in the meantime nightmare fredbear it said you shoot here let me double check yeah cuz there's also nightmare hold Z gamer says sister location demo is on game jol hold on nightmare fredbear will appear out of nowhere at random and laugh when he does you'll have a short time to shoot him and then move the flashlight left off of him so you shoot him and then you have one in a half seconds to react okay so I was just too slow that time cuz I was figuring out what to do okay we got this we'll be got this got thisy amazing here we go going to be great piece of cake guys I'm curious oh hey I'm curious what bit of lore this game might reveal unto us right this this is exciting but I mean it do make games like this make me wonder heyy uh games like this make me wonder if any of these like game jolt fan games that do appear all over the place like if Scott does make any like does Scott have another identity online outside of the ones that like people obviously know of uh like his troll face guy and this and that uh because like really these models are very good they're very good like they look like they could be straight out of the real game and and knowing Scott is the way that he is you know and likes to troll things and leave like secret messages and this and that I could see he makes whole secret games I could see him making these sorts of like fan games or whatever posing as these creators and yell sff hey baby uh and so it's just interesting like and games like this make me wonder if that's cuz if I se stuff out um cuz like if you look like it's really well done it's yeah and he does have like presumably the assets just kind of lingering around his computer anyway right so like I could see a lot of these sorts of games being just like test demos for him you know where it's like oh I need to test out the movement and I need to test out like this this gun feature or whatever by the way what sort of is this like a shot what sort I'm not good with with guns do we know what sort of gun this is I think it's probably supposed to be like a shotgun it looks like a shotgun right and so to me yeah like the idea that markier has just got a gun shot a shotgun hanging around his house to to shoot at his random balora do right so I said Steph the link also okay there's in the description of the game it actually like has a summary of okay oh okay there and I was also going to there's a fish L to this game and I was also going to call out a couple of people from the chat um let's see uh one that I thought was particularly funny with Parker Le said hi Matt Pat in economics today we watched a video with part of the description entitled Game Theory I was so excited until I realized it was an economics principal oh that's lame a lame sorry about that so okay here I'll pull up the description nailed it all right nailed it the the ambience music here is just right on point great on point music here yeah I want to I want to hear this descrip yeah it's loading up right now oh here she is shoot her in the face yeah yeah take that weird ghost animatronic ballerina half naked woman mhm okay welcome Markiplier to the nicest and most accommodating dungeon you will ever be trapped in this is the description from the game here we have and it was here I should probably say who it was made by as well let's see where did this come from uh we'll grab it in a second okay um let's see here we have a lovely accommodation such as a large flat screen TV some lovely tables what did you do I lost I shot him but I didn't move my flashlight away fast enough that is weird that is so weird didn't move your flashlight away you had time to fire a weapon not to just jiggle your flashlight a little bit don't you talk about me jiggling my flashlight Stu you're right actually I can do whatever I can jiggle my flashlight whenever I damn well feel like it okay your flashlight to yourself stop judging me for jiggling my flashlight okay okay you reload I'm going to read this so here we have lovely accommodations such as a large flat screen TV some I feel like Vanna White some lovely side tables a little dancing ballerina on one of the tables beautiful mask that you're go that you recommended not to put on and a picture of you make yourself at home it's not like you can leave anyway actually we're not sure you're the first one down here Mark oh we forgot to mention something we have an unlimited supply of killer animatronics that really hate you so if you're so even if you shoot them with your gun we'll have more we'll get you mark wow that was elaborate right there's so my question is does the Creator on game jel actually maybe like have it out for Markiplier is this a markiplier fan game or is this more of like a Markiplier I want to stick you in a basement with a bunch of animatronics Dark Fantasy oh this is totally a fanfic this is like I want to put Markiplier in my dungeon kind of fanfic my animatronic dungeon shoot her in the face shoot her in the face uh it's also worth noting here I'm a bit curious about it now I I really like the fact that uh that Funtime Freddy just pops out of the side here like he's right beside you the whole time oh yeah he's he's ready for fun times fun time Freddy all the time the quietest the quietest baby jump scare ever it was like it was like it was just like let me open my face unto you what here let's jump right back into it cuz this is a real fast load we got this time i' I've got it this is yes I accidentally pressed y cuz I cuz I'm an idiot Kevin Godwin says hi I'm new to GG live you guys are so cool hey welcome aboard I would give you a clap and a half but I'm holding down my gun welcome yeah welcome I'm hiding my shotgun from the animatronic that hangs out next to me cishe for Life says I ship Matt and Mark oh man mat applier ship it matap poo uh mato M applier I like itli here we go I'm gonna HSE again okay the squeaker Mark trick Mark as in Mark and Patrick Yeah Mark PAAD that's probably the that's probably the EAS yeah probably I kind of like matli personally mli's nice I like that also this guy has no uh I think everyone's everyone assumes that this guy's named ennard um which is a weird name to begin with but I like that he actually has no role in this because no one actually know like all the teasers and stuff had haven't indicated anything about hey baby I'm uh so I'm I I am curious what this guy becomes loation cuz of all the animatronics that's the one that's been like the most mysterious and the most like under wraps bulletproof Picasso says you guys make me really happy lots of love that's so nice you know what makes me happy deer heads on walls do they no it's just very random I'm always like a you like what a cute mug up there when I think when I think of dungeons that I'm going to put Markiplier into a must have outside of the grandfather clock and big screen TV is obviously the deer mounted yeah I think it it sends the right message it really does this is homie but involves guns so this this tends to be a a lodge a hunting lodge but uh no guns here um the Gwen and only says # jiggle the flashlight jiggle look here I'm oh oh talking about my yes jiggling my flashlight crack Kraken does Xbox Ethan wien says do not yif the robot thank okay thank no yiing no yipping allowed good throwback to Monday's stream Monday's stream was so fun okay wait gun down it's on the GT live archive Channel soon be gone you can check it out it's up right okay yeah Monday stream where we play day shift at Freddy's which we'll be finishing probably next week uh it's hilarious I love it's really fun it's really fun uh Josh Zola says it's my first live stream can I get a clap and a half yes you can one sec I got to hey baby CL half fredbear okay ready go yes shoot shoot shoot okay okay okay okay here we go this is the this is the moment this is it this is it come on 4 in the afternoon I shot damn it I shot him I shot him you didn't shoot I shot Fred Bear in the face except that you did I did I shot him with my gun with my with my flashlight darn it darn it darn it darn it I'm so shoot I am sorry that I sucked that we're going to we're going to beat this no we're going to beat it it's fine it's a it's a quick load in the meantime we uh we have 20,000 folks with us today welcome AB board and we can spend a little more time in the chat so what I would say is in the chat and on and on Twitter let us know what do you think about a darker sister location yeah so like we said at the beginning of the stream Scott cin might not be releasing FNAF sister location this week because he says it's too dark it's so dark it makes him sick um so I'm curious what do you think about that do you are you okay with a a dark FNAF I feel like most people would say yes maybe you guys don't maybe you're like no bring it back like he says oh I'm worried about making it kid-friendly yeah it's like well it's a SC like horror games in general aren't kid-friendly like that seems weird to me yeah I think he's gone soft that's shots fired by Jason calling it out shots like out of Markiplier shotgun that I'm holding right now he hey baby hey baby there you go oh nice good Jason man salty Jason uh no but I will say this and we had this conversation uh when that post came out on Steam where already we're starting to theorize about what that could mean for a sister location cuz I think that is very telling about the type of story you're going to get out of the game yeah which is the fact that so how do you get darker than like child murder right how do you get darker than like serial killing of children yeah I mean really that to me that indicates it's either like pedophilia no I I don't think so I just no I think it's suicide yeah yeah I like I I it's an uncomfortable topic to talk about I just don't think so like I just don't think that's the way it would go really you don't think so nah I like when I think of like levels of Darkness right and you're talking about like this is a those things are very very dark but I just I don't know you don't think he would go to those areas no I don't think so well I think and I but to me I think that that's a big part of the reason why he's questioning whether or not to release it right cuz cuz one those are very sensitive topics and very touchy topics I mean suicide is too yeah of course I think any of those are and so if you deal with them wrong child murder is also a sensitive topic it is but it's his games have been about that for years child child murder is I mean it is but it's also like more fictional right like there's something about suicide it it feels more real and more serious I think and it also feels like news stories that are about child murder are not as controversial or heavy sometimes as other things I considered child murder fairly heavy personally oh wait wait wait what the heck a that was the game messing up okay that was that was that was disappointing and hey well in better news brought um Bru says congrats on the streamy thank you yeah we won two we were nominated for four streamy Awards we won two of them as of last night we did not get show of the year but next year but next year next year we have we have we'll start ear we have great shot yeah and cuz it's fan voted and I think we came close this year yeah and and like everyone did such a good job and everyone was so responsive so if you voted thank you it was so worth it and we didn't win this year but we like it was just awesome to be nominated and the response that we saw from everyone who like came out in force to like max out their votes was incredible yeah well the fact that we were so much smaller than a lot of the other channels that were nominated yeah and the fact that we still like gave them really solid run for their money I think says a lot and so I think you know and I didn't want to like shill on Twitter every like there's a lot of like every day reminding people make sure you vote make sure you vote I I did it like every other day for a couple days and that that was good um but it like voting had technically been open for a lot longer than that so now knowing that we came so close like we'll come up with a strategy all of us together on the live stream so that way 20,000 of us right here next time we will decimate the competition contest like all I would take honestly is like one live stream of all you guys watching right now to go to the website and just vote yeah and we can kill it we win that would be it that's it so we got it un lock for next year thank you for voting this year uh in the meantime I'm going to hop into the chat and call out a few things you absolutely should do that I'm going to do it then I'm going to go over to Twitter so yeah so go on go in the chat go on Twitter let us know what you think about darker a darker FNAF and if you're okay with that and then also what you think a darker FNAF might that yeah what does it even mean do you what does that mean um in the meanwhile Amanda Kate I'm eating dinner and about to go through Hurricane Matthew oh no good luck you are in the line of hurricane Matthew be safe we're thinking of you we're watching the news and yeah be careful out there yeah you're your is your family in it yet or no are they are they off okay my family's on the East Coast but um let's see just do it says more darker means more meaning um more darker means more meaning which means more theories theories uh let's see pickles says congratulations oh that's very nice um let's see hey baby hey baby sniff let's see fear my sniffing right everyone says check Scott steam page um so we will Dan Smith says that um uh derp dog derp dog 56 we we'll see in a second der 560 says what streamy did you win we won for best gaming channel for the game theorist yeah we also won for 360 VR series best 360 videos from gam lab um and those were not behind the pay wall so you can actually go watch the now streamy awardwinning 360 videos the they're all they're all free so you don't have to be on YouTube right to watch those at all okay here we go okay go go for it go turn turn away why is the reaction time so darn it darn it darn it go to go to here go to the Ste page darn it darn it darn it darn it okay skip is decided to join let's see skip is here what what's on SK is here hold on I'm going to you don't have to pull up whatever is on Steam yeah I'll get back you're not missing anything with I have a feeling people on Twitter have been sending it to us so I'll take a look over there let's see you can do this you can do it don't worry you you just deal with whatever's on Steam okay okay I'm looking uh let's see so there I know that there are people who are saying that Scott released sister location on game jolt I just don't really think so demo yeah there's they were saying there was a demo released I'm having trouble finding it if you guys have a link to it put it in Twitter with # DG live we'll look at it and see I I don't think so this is what this is so there's this is this is the sister location demo guys here it is yeah right I have he scaled it down a bit I have looked at game jolt and it says like there's FNAF sister location my version FNAF sister location fan version like why we're playing those games it's fun but I have not seen an actual demo if you have the link just send it in Twitter using # GT live um and I'm over there right now let's see um Emily Noel I feel like a darker FNAF would obviously be a darker story getting into more serious topics more maybe like some of the stuff that you've said um let's see for God Shake says um or probably the kids are stepped into the suits while alive oh man that would make it really dark uh all that movable Machinery of the puppets oh man yikes o uh at JV in in Sony says I have absolutely no idea what a darker FNAF game would entail but I'm definitely into it how I and I think most people would be put that away okay I am curious about the balora jump scare cuz we haven't gotten that yet yeah so if we do end up beating this without seeing it I I will let that happen cuz I'm C cuz to this game's credit it the game play is simple it's it's a little it's a little iffy at times like I feel like I've executed on what the game needs me to do and it just hasn't responded appropriately but um but one thing definitely to its credit is the animations are just really strong so and the character models are great so I'm curious to see what this person's interpretation of The Vora jump scare is right exactly um I'm also just curious in general how these jump scares compare with what will end up happening in the real game if it comes released on Friday yep or on game jel right now isting down at pirate lord 77 says I'm fine with the darker FNAF I don't play them anyway I guess just watching them yeah um also going to say clowns uh let's see yeah so dark stuff and more dark SC and scary um stuff is fine uh at Halo Conor 17 seems to be into it let's see um more people who are who are watching from East Florida and getting ready for the hurricane so yeah be care got I turned this is a rage game this is a rage game this is a rage game not actually a FNAF game you just can't beat the first night this is one more time one more one more time one more time okay we have we have other ones too by the way so if we if I'm not able to beat this one which I should be able to like it's right it's just the the the the mouse controls on the flashlight are finicky and so even though I'm moving I feel like I'm moving it away like I also don't want to get stuck over there like I did that one time cuz it just froze over on the extreme side of the screen like over there so I don't want that to happen Okay so I'm looking at game Joel there there is someone who just sent us a link Jacob Wagner at Jacob Wagner 99 sent us a link this game is tagged for mature audience who is this actually actually though okay yeah pull up pull up what Steph's looking at oh we don't oh we don't you don't have no that's lame how do you tell if this is can you plug it in we we can after the it does say it's by real do we know Scott cen's game jol like is it actually real Scott cin at real Scott cofin uh it's a it's a fair question I am not sure what his game jol is he the I'll read the description again I'm super skeptical of this I'll like already what what what I said please stand up well the real Scott cin please stand up please stand up pleas stand up this is the ma edition of sister location I personally deemed this game unfit for steam at this time this title is not for children I repeat it is not for children anyone who is following the progress of sister location and of a sincere interest in the FNAF franchises in general should wait for the official relas lease a sister location in approximately 2 months thank you Scott that's weird I mean it's if it's a fake I it's a good fake if if it's if it's a fake that's really good a good fake can someone verify that real at real Scott cofin is or real s cofin is I mean an actual I'm just so skeptical there are so many fakes out there look at the steam page I'm going to look at this well I mean no we we'll we here how do I [ __ ] we might try it actually right I do worry a little bit about playing a game that's rated Mature on the live stream right cuz cuz it's live I mean we've done it but like who knows what it could could you could be brought to some like really dark deviant artes uh animatronic imagery uh yeah cuz this game inspires some weird reactions in people hold on ah get back get back right get back FR I got the disclaimer prepared it's cool great thank you which one is he uh I mean go to his go to one of the going to the public group hold on type in FNAF World on Steam it'll take you to or just she's on FNAF right now yeah I'm on FNAF right now that see and it's interesting that you guys okay oh shoot no yes got it okay wait wait wave here we go pressure's on go good eyeballs gone great here we go good yeah okay okay here we go this is the best I've done good shoot him and move away shoot him in the face go yes yes h a get out of there this is so stupid this is so dumb where's the ballerina oh god oh F it's five what the heck what the on ah here someone sent me a link to his newest post didn't say how to be nightmare it did and I told you nightmare Freddy and Nightmare and you where where where no no I love you to like ARG it's a nightmare Freddy no where did it come from I even mentioned it to you when you went back in the second time I thought you were being stupid about not knowing nightmare Freddy next nightmare fredbear nightmare fredbear yeah see you don't even know your fredbear is from The Nightmare pushing next nightmare damn D 500 pm. okay it says it's his game J on Scott game will appear right in your face at random and laugh when he does you have to shoot him in the face and then put down your gun damn it damn it I have to shoot him and put down my gun okay fine okay you win this round Jason you win this round last okay well Stephanie okay okay so apparently it is his real it appears to be his real game jolt page really it does if you go to Scott games it says his game J account there really yeah okay I have Scott games pulled up so okay steam okay and here's wait here's here's the link here's the link to the steam page as well okay hold on so just to give you guys an update all that so you sent in what appears to be which we weren't aware of the real version of FNAF sister location mature Edition I guess or like the mature version so I guess he maybe is really concerned about it so we're going to what are we going to do Jason I'm going to start the downloading okay right so we're we're going to start downloading it yeah we're going to start downloading it now I'll play through this game one more time I should be able to beat it and I feel I have a good handle on it we should be able to see the ending by that point I feel like the download should be complete we can install the game really quickly okay here and here's official game is this what you saw already or is this no this is a new post okay so we we'll read it we'll read it just so everybody has it up yeah sister location ma ma okay so Jason is this man leave it to the FNAF streams to always you guys always yeah that's it that's so leave it to the FNAF streams to like always just go crazy so fast okay thank you guys for letting us know so J real quick to give you the update we started playing sister location fan games where Jason is downloading what appears to be the official version of of mature edition of sister location so we'll put disclaimers on the bottom of the screen so because if Scott says it's mature it's mature wait did you just did it start did you download it and install it I didn't need to install apparently it downloaded and thenex file and I clicked run just open is is this like some sort of virus that's got go that's concered hold on let's see what what is this sister location ma night one download link okay this is so weird oh no this is okay so sure that's it so here real quick we sure this is him this is say Scott no this is him okay so so this is the official release that Scott had yeah this is the press release hey guys I wanted to let everyone know what I've decided and it's just a warning a lot of you aren't going to be happy about it but please try to understand ever since I started making games I wanted to be a World Builder I never wanted to make gimmicky games or things that didn't mean something I wanted to create experiences that would really have an impact on people I feel like I got to do that with the first few games but somehow I feel like I let myself get too dark with this one things went sideways and I look at this game now and I'm unsure of how it will affect people at this time at the same time though people want a horror game and I get that I understand that this is supposed to be a horror game and not kid-friendly so then what am I supposed to do release something that offends me just to satisfy those who want to play it or do I take the time and effort to really craft something that everyone can enjoy the answer is obvious to me and this is okay so this is interesting because this goes back to what he was talking about all through FNAF World cuz we did the FNAF World streams it was one of our earlier streams you can go back on GT live and watch them um but and we played the original we played like the original as well as the updated but one of the things that the the big theme of that game was Scott as the Creator being un like he's the final boss of the game and he's unsatisfied by having to constantly like churn out stuff for the audience and like you know he's he's conflicted about what he's making you see some of his past games being upset at him things like that so here finish up the statement Steph okay and now and no no one can decide if this is real or not by the way this this is real I think this feels this feels real this gu good right right no Scott games is still blank how weird my Tumblr hold on my twitch YouTube Reddit game jolt account is real cofin where we got it that's where we got it this is okay so here real quick finish off this finish off the steam message hang on um okay the problem is that the franchise has grown too much there's too much of a spotlight on this for me to really go and do what I want to do even the news sites jumped all over this and mocked me for delaying the game it just makes things difficult because I don't feel like I can really do the right thing anymore but I think I have the solution this is uh this is the part most of you won't like I'm going to release the mature version of the game by itself in sections not as part of the timeline not as part of the lore a we'll still pick it apart probably it's probably a little bit not and not as part of the story but just because I promised that I would I promised a game and I don't want to be one of those developers who endlessly delays their games release however I would recommend that real fans of the games and real followers of the lore wait a few months until I'm able to really make something that everyone can enjoy and something that will still be scary he's like it's still Gary um I'm going to release the game in chapters however not the whole game at once oh chapters however not the whole game at once since it puts a strain on the servers over at game jol all right so I mean so this is legit okay like this came from Scott on Steam let's do it from his official account so here it is this is the disclaimer yeah this might be a mature stream we don't this might be a really mature stream we just have no idea literally Jason has not previewed it at least you know we always go in blend but at least Jason like does a a good job of screening stuff for us every time every single time he plays a good five or six minutes of each game before we do so so here you go ladies and gentlemen this is Sister location mature version mat edition chapter one okay apparently so let's let's bear with me on a yeah we we'll have to adjust everything on the fly yeah this is all happening in real time this is love folks this is the one ERS of live streaming guys so we we experiencing this together this is we've been playing banned Pokemon right on these live streams this is bandn FNAF basically this is the equivalent of ban FNAF yes this is wild okay awesome okay here and I'm actually updating the title of this live stream in real time yeah just so so that people know so you guys are going to see that title change if you happen to refresh but it's the same stream I am let's do it Let's Do It show picture yeah here it is okay so no title no nothing just and I think levels are good um so I think let me just double check because I don't want to miss any talking yeah of course oh it's not I think we're I think we're pretty good nextx but we'll just keep eye on keep an eye on it okay okay the music's pretty rocking all right I'm I'm digging the music yeah let's do this man I and legitimately I've been excited about sister location uh you know because this was a year in the making like it was a year after pnaf 4 so I feel like after kind of a lot of games coming out quickly he had time to work on this one so this is the mature version of sister location the real version won't be coming out for another two months so here it is this is preview of it okay so the new yeah cool all right are you kidding me are you are you eping kiding oh it was a troll it was a troll the whole time are you kidding me a we got troll are you kidding me this is the equivalent of getting Rick Rolled on the are you kidding damn it they were so good they were so the chat warned us damn it I yeah it's totally a troll lame damn it damn it Scott damn it you got got you click anything I I don't I don't I don't I don't want to even Grace this game with me clicking no get out of here screw you scre Dam this was so good damn it I was so excited I'm excited I was excited to I was so effing excited I'm like this is such a cool thing it they did such a good job I'm so proud of whoever this troll is they did like so amazing no this no this is Scott this is Scott I you're proud of effing Scott cofin for damn it no that actually does make it better that's L is clickable no I'm sure it is here money we have damn it cuz there could be Easter eggs well done claping a half to Scott cofin for this is actually wonderful screw everything well I don't know what this game is I I feel like I've seen this graphic before here I'm going to buy a rain cat I feel like this is the best part of the stream this is actually awesome this is hilarious okay here I bought a r I'm still going to change the title to official this is the official game right now this official wow umbrella okay I got a rain catch here I'm ready this is the equivalent of getting Rick Rolled by Scott this we got Rick Rolled by Scott up they going to let you down they going to turn around snap you oh Auto slick so this is basically like a tower defense Style game that Scott made what the heck okay uh first a k bat bait decoy off of the cap to you Scotty there you go come on come on on here I'm going to take another hit great what the ass is this game love it I am so blown away that we just got Rick Rolled by Scotty Scotty C we're also sick which sucks I'm going to get a bug zapper that will help sick and medicine and Medicine where's Medicine there was cold medicine work bug net bug spray what is that green stuff is that your snot or is that bug that is me being sick is that typical Scott coffin Graphics right there just that's it there it is I took it I'm good okay I'm going to save the rest of my money we're going to beat this game and unlock something like moon base maybe that's the secret of this game moon base storm satellite what is this what is this eping game okay yeah here we go at Tech techn toast X I don't trust this fake SC it is a it was actually the real SC it's real Scot he's just being a jerk he's just being a Troll he's just being a troll oh no it's cold now a guy now I'm cold so I got to heat myself what can I heat myself with's a heat is there a heat lamp how much is it oh great I can afford that done heat lamp boom suck on that game what the what the hell I'm sorry I don't swear much but ser seriously this is I got so trolled by this game I was so stoked so okay so does this mean that the actual game is coming out or no in chapters thanks right thanks I'm this is it are you excited actually a mini game in the actual game releasing in section that would what you got right now so this is chapter one of sister location guys at at Beach City made was like I was going to warn you but then I thought where's the fun in that # GG thanks thanks guys you're the best that's great can I buy a moat should I buy a moat iron umbrella I think you save up for that moon base oh yeah I'll save up for the moon this is interesting at real turps says this is Scot old game sit and survive with with Freddy's face on it hilarious I knew that I had seen it somewhere so that's what this is okay I knew that this was one of his old games at sleepy Telly says la LMAO I was uh I knew it was going to be a troll I have to say Scott good job for trolling # GT live oh we we totally got owned by all of this which is lovely actually I think it's pretty fantastic it's pretty it's pretty I have to admit well done oh no I'm getting sick okay I've got my moon can I buy my moon what's my moon base going to do for me best trolling ever got want to get medicine first or you want to go just go for let's go straight to moon base right all right what all right we'll we'll buy cold medicine is it bad that I'm not paying attention to anything that's going on here I can still here moon base moon base the Death Star the death I bought the Death Star at Draven Archangel Archangel says FNAF streams always have the best interruptions and trolls by Scott cin right Scott wasn't even in the chat for this one oh no I'm getting Oh no I got bit by a snake he like crawled up your butt what happened there where was my moon base why did my moon base not protect me from the snake oh damn I'm going to die oh my God all right well when you die you know it's time anyway so it's fine all right how do I I need to heal my body all right fine my moon base did not help me in that instance here I'm going to okay got a great umbrella bear trap here hurry up and die it's fine no so I need to okay I'm going to heal up how long do you have to survive you've been out there for 7 Days 7 days to die first aid kit first aid kit buy that great there you go so that'll help me with something it didn't really heal me up all that much um at the start of the day I should buy a sandwich maybe another sandwich and uh what else I got zapper I like this Miss Blake at Maria Vasquez on Twitter says mature very mature Scott yeah like you get it like how it's an immature prank yeah and he was like oh it's it's super mature you get it it's it's ironic there's irony anyway I got a bunny cook it oh I guess cook it I think that's what yeah I think that's what I was supposed to do my my bug zapper is is clutch right here come on now at a lot of puns says g g get trolled it's hilarious it's been out for two to three hours how did they not know two to three hours you it's as if we just sit around all day refreshing Scott game oh my gosh and end game jol in Steam just yeah two to three cuz we weren't at meetings all day today sorry guys uh what can I eat that will help me I need food bad I need food ice cold soda is that help you need just get you need to quit this no there might be a clue here somewhere Stephanie it has been out for 2 to 3 hours troll it has been out for two to 3 hours I love how we were skeptical for so long and then we were like yes this is it and then yeah we just got so we got wrecked we got wck got wrecked we got wrecked R KT wrecked wrecked with an R yeah it's brutal I'm we got just decimated by Scott cofin I like like hyper bunny says I firmly believe Scott coffin's intent was to troll Matt pet specifically SC Scott coffin legitimately yeah how long has this been out for 2 to 3 hours got I mean that lines up with our live streaming oh it does great and at Riley Rock says OMG kids turn away this game is so dark oh God the bear not the bear not thear where's my come on health pack Heal Me health pack my health pack is up you no no no not another bear not the Bear Dam it you're a bear I don't understand why isn't he just like hey up slightly cannibalism the health right be cannibalism and I'm hot and I'm sick and I'm cold you have hot and cold flashes I have no idea what's going on there W I'm I'm just dying all over the place right now okay I've got my lightning rod I I feel like I need a bear trap or two like jeez that was Beau need some more C medicine too I need that maybe get your moat now oh moat that's what I need oh I just spent too much screw this game what new Horrors do you have for me Scott cin oh a zombie zapper I bet I need that that's true right here I'm going to get a zombie zapper cuz that's probably what's coming up next round I'm also going to get a bunch of at leou 1342 a child having to survive in the wilderness in the cold with venomous animal an and limited food sounds like a mature topic to me oh oh another snake just crawled up your butt damn it y damn it yep Oh yeah F and snake oh I got I didn't get a bear trap at Rory storm 2615 says Scott totally timed this to F with you he totally did oh yeah we we got wrecked we got utterly wrecked I'm going to die of thirst damn it I wonder if it's because um like people have been asking for early releases of the game and so he knew that people would be looking I could see that and uh and this was a little bit of like an Fu and here I believed him an ice cold soda Coke Hatter xeres was like we were trying to warn you on Twitter and we believe like I was the last one to believe that cuz we get so many fake Scott things sent to us all the time all the time we never fall for them I I always take much pride in that real Scot thing real a SC thing that is the dilemma with this one it is a real wait right we just got trolled man right well we got trolled by the master troll well done Scott coffin right and I didn't even get a chance to beat that other game I want to beat the other game n at karoth 315 says resource man resource management is a very mature topic I'm D hey don't worry Riley love GT says I really love Matthew he's a beautiful and talented human I look up to that's nice sometimes he gets trolled though everyone gets trolled sometimes little too Gul for my right it was really Scott it was him it was the guy we should have called in like an expert consult we should have been like Ras Bowski have you seen that no we could have called it rbow what do you you know about this what do you think and he like hey hey hey hey hey hey it's not really Scott hey hey hey it's a Troll game thanks Raz thanks a lot oh good thanks Raz by actually just hung out with Scott Coffin by the way yeah all right real quick help me out with this game cuz at this point I want to get as far into it as I can I got a bear trap what do I need I'm SI so come on man no cold medicine I need that great I'm I'm healthy what else do I need at um mic says # GT live my first viewing did not disappoint well done welcome aboard glad to have you with us not embarrassing at all here I'm going Mo go Mo there is ready God this bunny keeps taunting me with his tasty flesh right he's not you have a trap right there move your effing hands and grab the bunny and eat its flesh e eat the oh I can't eat the bear I can't eat the bear Freddy's like no that'd be cannibalism yeah zomie kill the zombie damn rabbit I want the damn rabbit screw you rabbit a now yeah oh no there's a there's a tornado tornado effing tornado that looks like a like a cement column just wiggling its way through the forest oh no typical Scott cin Graphics oh sorry sit and survived we sat and survived that round all right yeah we did day 12 man right we're doing great you're going to develop some rheumatism can't you like stand and survive for a little while you're going to get all sorts of weird blers on my butt point they're called bed sores bed sores thank you bunny snare that's what I want I want to get a new bug Zapp also there's a lot of things I want in life Jason everyone is also like um I bet he's watching like at Olivia J dangelo says or dangelo any I bet real Scott cofin is watching uh hash GT live right now and is like aha run around and panic I have mastered the art of trolling you we we got we got wrecked yeah I I admit it I'm not ashamed to admit when I've been defeated if we were going to get wrecked at least it was by the real yeah at least it was by the real guy uh heat lamp ice cold soda first aid kit bat bait do I need bat bait at Angel King says uh Scotty C is saying totally get a troll Mr Game Theory today he probably knows when we stream by now CU we've done so many we always do it at the same time it's always at the same time and just for good measure we're going to go rain catcher great and a berry bush done we got we got we are so tricked out right now we're going to we're going to win this game I still have my moon base my moon base has done literally nothing for me Meanwhile my zombie zapper is is doing wonders zombie zapper lightning rod is this Minecraft those are creepers it's not a creeper definitely a creeper car it away yeah take that yff and bear oh no he fell in the moat thank oh good he fell in the moat that's cute thank goodness moat where's my what's my Moonbase doing for me in why are you still on day 12 it's a it's a brutal night this reminds me of um like snaf world with all the random crap flying around every no not another tornado sh avoid that what the f I think that's the storm catcher or whatever yeah I know it's the storm catcher Jas never been around a tornado in their life here it's he from the tornado pit or whatever it's called over there in the midwest what does the black light do that's my Tornado Alley that's what it is here we go tornado pit here a pit of tornadoes at all time at all time in the middle of Ohio storm satellite I got a storm satellite now cuz cuz I you met Matt is from tornado yeah yeah I met Scott apparently bug net oh I need shoot I need another bear trap damn it I don't have enough bear trap shoot shoot shoot you have a mo I do have a mo that is true thank you for reminding me of my mod right here I'm going to buy some cold medicine too for the heck of it great awesome L did you get a heat lamp no I don't I don't I got know cold right now am I cold shoot you're right I am cold what do I I need a there's a fire pit right there right this fire is doing absolute garbage for me right now we got so Dr yeah so this so I I now think that the game like is totally on track and is going to be released on time because this the link to this game was provided at the bottom of his official steam page so that whole thing that whole thing about oh poor me I can't make what I want it's so mature gave I gave you the benit of Doubt Scot know so nice I'm like oh Scott is the type of guy who would care about this sort of thing and guess what screwed me over oh B bait yeah take that Ying bats great oh another round of bats how many days do this go on oh my moon base what a shoot I don't bats on the moat and it's hot and it's cold he the cold balance itself oh come on come on come on all right thanks thanks a lot game uh decoys I should buy a Decoy for myself at some point so what do I need I black lights I don't know at this point what do I get I need more bat bait obviously this is so goofy ice cold soda Auto slingshot ooh Auto slingshot that sounds like it could be useful right anyone no y oh maybe if we had read the comments on stream on Steam we would have realized this it's a troll now troll troll troll troll yeah okay okay okay so fine there were like 5,000 comments that did say that it was a Troll game but we weren't reading those comments on it's dangerous to read the comments sometimes see that's yeah could have could have read the comments there that would have made sense you know you know how pro pro tip guys read the com this was this this was pretty funny uh shoot I need to De something at al1 s uh uh al1 SEO says I expect to see a game theory out on this tomorrow evening oh it's coming guys it's coming y here I I I did I had all this intention what is this acid rain are you effing kid acid effing rain right now geek and proud says I forgot how Savage Cy Patrick can be sometimes I'm just giving Scott a hard time except that it's on great so now I'm being affected by all like the Nature's hellscape what is this what is this what is this this are those bugs I don't even know what that what what was that oh no not manette not Manet a now you have malaria not yet I'm just going to get overheated oh snake woo snake got you some rain great I'm sick fantastic best does this just go on best game ever 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 best game ever are those oh Kaz who killed me shoot shoot stay alive get no Auto slingshot kill the bats kill the bats Auto slingshot got an electric right how did I you're still alive how did I survive that how did I live you're not you're not looking too good to be honest though in the meantime at techn toast X says fun fact from Stephanie Matt Pat is from the tornado pit what's black light to I think that's the mosquito stuff and also maybe the Kazo at Wy Sky Treader says I am also from the tornado pit have what I I I can't I want to get the black light but I recognize I need like health help me someone here's cold medicine bandage do I just need to bandage myself up at this point yeah okay there you go you're pink again huz there I'm full health I got 300 what can I get I need a lightning rod right I think lightning rod is important no oh oh the lightning Rod's still something died though my lightning Rod's still there what what disappeared I thought there was something important that disappeared hly buget disappeared my bug net did disappear and your snares got used oh I need my snares snake trap bunny snare great bug zapper do I invest in a bug zapper someone sent us a um a version of Rick Ashley's Never Going To Give You Up with the Scott cin logo over the face thank you thanks thanks everyone you're all fantastic uh decoys heat lamp I'm going to get a decoy actually yeah yeah look at my decoy can't tell it's me psych what is this game what is this garbage you're getting meteor you got hit by meteor obviously those day 15 meteors screw you oh how are you making money just sitting out here by the fire can we just can we talk about this for a minute I'm milking it I'm it's Scott coffee I'm making money off of you're actually you're actually vlogging this entire time the whole thing you're getting that sweet sweet ad Revenue yeah it is yeah no you're just you this is Scott cson you have like uh you're living off of residuals at this point you have passive income you're basically retired just sitting around in the wood right making troll games making troll games and talk mat p on the live stream all I wanted to do is play a fnap sister location fan game themed around Markiplier but oh no it's like oh I released the game going to be in chapters no none of none of it get out of town none of it I'll never believe anything you say anymore scy you Scott cin I believed in you how can we believe anything you say nothing ever again on the plus side whatever excuse me we are in day 16 I am impressed with our progress well done we are pretty prolific out here we're seriously we are seriously sitting and seriously surviving so I got my ant venom I need I need definitely my snake trap um this the first episode of survival Theory yeah welcome hello Internet welcome to survival Theory uh at this point I think what an iron umbrella would protect me from acid rain was hoping it would end after five nights like you know I was hoping it would end Five Nights by the campfire I was hoping it would end at two weeks cuz FN BTC Five Nights by the campfire doesn't have it and it's probably one of those long one of those right I know come on so let's just yeah I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm going until we die at the very least we got to go until we die what if this just goes on I don't Steph I know I appreciate you thinking how good I am at video Gam games I will eventually die in this game do you understand the the the troll the level of troll that led us here do you understand the level of troll that resulted in us playing this game at all I could see this going on forever no I'm going to I'm going to survive as long as I can you and your scarecrows you started creating fake people what is that that's my that's my bug spray guys I got bug spray got bug spray what did you it's like mustard gas that you're spraying at the mosquitoes oh he ate my decoy why didn't he just fall in the moat first right I know if only oh and there goes a bunny screw you why is the fire not protecting me from coal God meme Lord says at least your moon base is destroying alderon thank you wonderful it it's at least it's good for something cuz it has literally done zilch for me in this game and at d uh 1016 says I see why this is rated Ma you are brutally murdering those bunnies great come on come on buddy come on buddy oh I want that bunny yes I think we've seen the map layout right we have seen the map layout the also there are two hidden rooms in the map for a sister location if you look uh there are multiple hidden rooms so so now you know at born star 20 is Matt Pat seriously try Harding at this game I am I am seriously try harded at this game at bornstar 20 my thoughts exactly yes I am absolutely try Harding at this game cuz I am determined okay so first off I want to kill off those weird things uh which I'm assuming must be the black light it has to be right that's the only other thing um other than that you can bet though what bunny trap bunny trap certainly yeah you can bet though as soon as this game actually does come out we're we're going to be all over it so in the next couple of days assuming it does come out we're going to try and stream it basically as quickly as we can um so you know we'll be back we will be back with the real thing oh yeah no we'll we'll absolutely be and you can follow us on Twitter and stuff cuz we'll be making big announcements about it when we when we start streaming it yeah no we'll absolutely be streaming sister location there's what is this ghost are the black light is killing off the ghosts I'm hoping is that what's going on here okay great fantastic no so yeah we are inations you've just spent 17 days sitting in the same spot in the woods and also how are you Gathering more campfire wood you're just sitting around and is all of this stuff being delivered by Amazon what is this game game this is this is super compelling gameplay Stephany that's what you're seeing right now at least the bunnies conveniently convert themselves into hunches of meat for you great I wish the Bears that would fall into the lake would would convert themselves into meat yeah my iron my iron curtain here my iron umbrella is phenomenal yeah take that fall into my mode of death right love it I need to like refresh my mode or make it stronger or something come on come on auto shot ah one of them got through I feel like we're doing I think we have a strong performance in this game right now Step at m3m Lord 420 says on on day 17 you find out that you are on alderon and the moon base destroys you that would be amazing that great go go this game lasts until you die it's a remake of one of his earlier games says Huts a lot great I'm telling you man telling you what are you telling me step I'm telling you like create a benchmark here make it to day 20 and then and then call it quit can I refresh my mode I'm going to refresh my mode I think I did okay iron umbrella shoot I just monotone oh no Dam my iron umbrella disappeared no and I'm 10 10 cents behind Sidney this is really compelling gameplay guys okay don't judge me I need a rain catcher is that what I need yeah let's get a rain catcher uh I have antivenom I I need a snake trap I a bear trap yeah need a what else do I need I need a bunny snare I've got 10 sho I'm going to this is the round I die I think I think I made some bad decisions okay my moat my MO save me at stobo when you do stream sister location can you get the archive footage up quick in case we miss stuff yes absolutely we will when we are yeah we're going to be turning we're going like yeah it's already planned out we're going to be like watching like a hawk as soon as it goes down we're going to try and move it over just you know chop it up a little bit and then get it back up on the archive channel right away let's see at 6 ad at adland 6 GT says sister location will be out just in time for scary games Friday we think Scott we think Scott planned it that way that was the original plan at least yeah uhoh got robots on the moon base my moon base came in handy yes you're looking a little sickly there bud yeah I'm not doing zes I'm not doing too hot right now I need water and life and heart oh this is bad news I am so D oh no oh oh shoot oh no my heart this game might be closing come to a close on day 19 uh sod yeah you think soda I think I have more if it's Diet Coke it would help you okay so my moates protecting me from something what else okay what do I need I need my iron umbrella certainly that was crucial I need Edwin at slith says can I get a clab and a half for sending you this the stream to Scott's uh link you Absol absolutely can here you go clap in half funny snare uh all right so now I need just a bunch of food and medicine right you need water water je all that's the soda is the sod no is the soda no soda if I buy the soda it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't hydrate you no it didn't it didn't I thought it was doing the slow tick up over time mm I don't think so it could be I don't know okay let's there we go there's that I don't have enough for anything good now umbrella no cold medicine I have snake venom snake trap can you get a heat lamp or is that too much bug spray uh heat lamps too much get I still have a rain catcher my berry bush is still going strong bug Nets I should get another bug net that worked well and bug spray there we go done I can't believe that this happened yep can't believe it can't believe we got so wrecked by Scott coffin I'm telling you just make it to to day 20 and and hey we played some Scott official Scott coffin material just released today yeah new mature sister location released today on game jel guys this is it this is the game play that you've been waiting for come on moon base kill those bats hey GI yeah keep killing those Moon Bots woo acid brain protected nice skips checking out old Freddy old Fred head nailing it here we go yeah moon base taking down the basss it's got It's got incredible aim actually all right day 20 I think we're going to make it okay I think we're going to make it as long as we make it to day 20 I feel like it's been a good run day 20 here it is it's got to be coming any second now oh no my bug net come on oh I got water yeah water water replenished yeah just need a fat bunny come on bug spray boom again again yeah yes made it to day 20 all right all right we made it to day can I save and quit no all right no okay so we made it to day 20 there let's do I want to do the game that we started with one final time okay so that way we can see the ending of this thing right so this is if you make it yeah like I don't know it's going to be another troll it will be another troll that's the thing that's the thing you shoot him and then put down your gun yes yes okay okay all right here it is we're going to get trolled Again by Five Nights at Freddy's D I say you give it like three shots cuz it's like come on we like we played through this here we go we played through it but we didn't get the ending Steph I was so close that one time we yes I was thank you here for those of you who didn't there's Mar's lovely Faceque Markiplier's deer head on the wall Mark's television Markiplier's grandfather clock great thank you we don't need to just saying all right here comes baby hey baby y baby sniff y him y baby this is I'm aggressively honking the nose because I've been trolled today can't believe we fell for it man well done Scott well done painful does make me more excited to play the the real game though cuz if he if he has extra time to be trolling the internet you know the game must be super polished and ready to go challenge accepted a well done step I'm feeling a little salty today yeah you feel a little salty Sal put down the gun this is it SE this is actually sister location right here this is the sister location markipliers basement dungeon great thanks awesome that Fant that was wonderful wasn't that great I'm I'm I'm an expert at playing the nose come on just fast forward me to 4m. this this opening section is not particularly hard hey baby so nightmare I got to shoot in the face and then put down the gun MH for fredbear I got to shoot in the face and turn the light off him obviously obviously because after I've been shot in the face Lord knows I don't want the light on me anymore hey [Music] baby yell y baby sniff sniff yell and sniff y scratch and sniff okay we're going to win I feel it okay you feel it stuff I feel it there and yeah for for anyone who's in the chat and Confused this is the game we started out playing at the beginning of the stream we did not manage to beat one I I was going to say night but it's not it's 300 p.m. we're actually playing through the afternoon noon in this game one afternoon in Markiplier snaap d i do wonder if that's intentional I'm kind of thinking maybe not hey 1200 a.m. versus 12:00 p.m. is very confusing so in the basement I guess it doesn't matter right there's no windows down there here we go or the the dungeon the dungeon as it were this was a very confusing stream for many people okay there you go shooting yeah there you go nice nice nice that was beautiful good nice on point man he just keeps coming back keeps coming back for more jeez yeah that that is so F no no no a no the problem was I was the problem is see this game is is I don't know about this game not sure about this game damn it five afternoons at Marky Mo I like that one I five afternoons with my buddy Mark last time I've got it this time last time last time the problem with that last one you heard it the problem with the last one was that I these games man I feel so trolled today so far I just feel so trolled today and like the gun drifts with it does the gun drifts it's weird and so you have to like go go get out of there and so like you have to be here and it's just slow and it drifts right just God I have I am a defeated man on the last stream honestly I like that I like that Funtime Freddy is like hide your gun from me other I'm going to kill you it's like great thanks Funtime Freddy it's like Funtime Freddy do you have no peripheral vision like I had the gun out like it was literally in your face and you were literally standing right by me right there right there you got to have seen it buddy like really you got to have seen it ah garbage get out of here no gun here Freddy no y hey and sniff hey baby great fun time Freddy hey not carrying any guns are you no not all fun time Freddy oh no fun time Freddy no guns right here oh not at all putting it away is that a gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me I'm just happy to see you no no gun just no gun just happy happiness right so much happiness exuding from my pants right now oh there it is oh jeez oh yeah oh oh jeez Dominic Davis says quote last time last time this is it dragon queen says creepy copsy yep which I couldn't agree more there you go uh let's see clap and a half for that troll though says TNT Hunter absolutely not have any guns in your Andrew Andrew cin says Scott actually he says Scott bork you I think he meant broke but it could be bork he could he could very well have bored you yeah Scott did not pork me though so that's good as long as Scott didn't pork me I'm good yeah uh Riley grassy hoing says hey Matt and Steph I had a really emotionally draining day today thank you for being here I love you a lot I've had an emotionally draining stream that's nice right this this stream has been an emotional roller coaster friends right I I'm like no way we got snaap no no I defended you Scott 5 afternoons at M hey Guerrero says # sassy staff I know it's just just feel so trolled you know you know when when you think that Scott cin is releasing a demo and then he doesn't and then it turns out to be a pixelated campfire mess you know you know how it is sometimes when it's just like that that feel win Jake that feel win Jake Pace says this game is actually less troll than the official true oh absolutely this is so much more legitimate Jason Civ don't forget to do a theory about that troll Kelly and Joe says don't get too close it's dark inside this is GT live this is GT live like that there was a song parody that was going on there sorry I'm focused ghost dragon says Matt Pat is love Matt Pat's life okay here we go here we go here we go we're getting to five he's SC out of here stop it okay good shot him good done oh great jeez great get out of here so Random this is so weird oh my gosh Come on come on come on go get out of my face nightmare seriously just keeps coming back for more man this is the troll part he's like I love you it doesn't end he's like I love you I love you oh my God come on six five six it was already five it was already five six yeah oh God this stream bad ending bad ending oh screw you screw you bad ending screw come [Music] on you're Lo you're losing your chin Lo losing your Los your chin that was our game lab Freddy by the way OMG what a stream okay one round of aggressive mode no no I refuse to get the Stephan come on aggressive mode one one one round come on one round no cuz it it's not going to be one round it's going to be it's the exact same thing you just have to react faster shoot okay it's the same thing I want balora to jump scare me okay good that was one round that was one round that was one round it's the same thing it's the yes it's going to be amazing all you're doing is letting this game troll us even more I can't take the troll the trolliest stream ever I can't take the troll today this is the troll tastic come on this is it last round this is it this is it you're trolling me now yep 100% God absolutely ah it's never one see the even the chat knows you are such a liar not a liar I'm just determined what does one mean does one mean one or does one mean something else it means something else you're a liar I'm just persistent Stephanie no that's not God it's not called lying it's called being persistent persistent in altering the truth hey baby I just wanted to hear Markiplier's voice a couple more times okay I live I live for Markiplier's voice did you yeah you know he has like 2,000 videos online you can actually hear his voice like 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you want to it's not enough Steph it's not enough I just want to hear him say hey baby over and over and over again this is it fry heene is like lies I gu I guarantee you the ending to this turn is like lies it is not it is going to say good ending and it's going to be the same picture it unlocks the game it unlocks fastness location the demo version chapter one I I heard that it unlocks it we have to we have to see we have to see the truth step Steph you don't even know this is chapter one sister location FNAF Markiplier basement s survive this the I can't get trolled anymore the stream has just got off the rails oh we're going to win this is going to be the best ending ever it's going to it's going to solve all the lore it's going to it's going to open the box absolutely hey baby sniff y y and sniff but if you lose on this round we're done right yeah we're done we're done depends on how far I get honestly no no come on God feel good it's getting fast now the reaction time is getting fast my reaction action time has to get fast step we go like Sonic except it doesn't matter cuz this is the same it's you realize this is the same thing we just played Sonic got to go fast it's the same thing though with faster reaction times that's why it's aggressive mode just wait till fredbear comes it's going to be super hard here we go here we go here we go he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming oh yeah nice look that fast reaction yeah that was so fast bless you goodness gracious come on come on come on come on okay oh go yes good I don't know man good yeah compelling game playay no one said it's compelling gameplay step I just it's faster reaction times we're going to have the best ending Steph it's going to be the best ending okay okay it's going to be the best ending the best ending of all it's going to be the happiest day you guys it's not going to be the best ending I I just I don't think so been trolled one too many times happiest day Steph happiest day happiest nervous okay however you justify it man okay here we go five cuz get away good shoot away there big just saying just saying reminding [Music] you sounds like he's saying something he's not saying anything so maybe the ending will reveal what he's saying okay you're the worst you're so trolly it's the theme of today today stream I'm going to start calling you Scott cofin the ending is going to yeah nailed it aggressive mode Bea here it is this is going to be totally worth it going to be aming hey baby six good ending show it to [Music] me it's got music yeah it's got It's got a music box it's got a music box it's music box just leave that up here for a couple minutes if you'll if you'll just drag could go to something if you'll just drag the controller back about 10 minutes in this stream I think you'll have heard me say it's going to be the exact same image and it's going to say good ending it's got music Stephanie the music is important okay good job got to leave there could be a cut scene it's whatpp to be a cut puppet is going to show up at the very end we have the music box is going to wind down and puppet is going to jump scare us that's true we have to wait at least for the music box to stop playing [Music] it's cuz it's not on Loop I guarantee it's not Lo quit you guys I'm done I quit I'm out of here this is over trolliest stream ever [Music] God what a stupid stream this is crazy how ridiculous was this so we went from playing FNAF sister location fan games to what we thought was going to be the mature version of sister location that SC released to being a Troll game to being trolled by the fan game clap and a half to literally every single person who trolled us to two claps and halves there it is that's just a stream a live stream thanks for getting trolled with us thanks for getting troll with us this was fun this was a lot of fun good on you Scott we'll see you tomorrow yeah we'll see what you have released tomorrow Scott final shine says bye Steph Ruben Ray says yes I'm dying final shine goodbye zebra girl says no Steph wolf wolfkin Fang tale says y the fox don't the fo Fox gosh uh starus game says step is triggered you were triggered step I know I know hey man sometimes you just the trollin just gets too trolly John Sanchez when you wait till the good ending for 1 minute you will play real sister location here by the way let's double check is no still music box still is not exhausted itself so we'll be here waiting until the music box is done
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,702,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fnaf, fnaf sister location, sister location, fnaf markiplier, five nights at freddy's markiplier, sister location markiplier, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan game, sister location fan game, Sister location MA, markiplier, jumpscares, jumpscare, jump scare, baby, fnaf clone, sister location clone, fnaf 2, fnaf 3, fnaf 4, fnaf 5, freddy, halloween, walkthrough, lets play, playthrough, gameplay, scary, spoopy, scary games, game theory, gtlive, game theory live, game theory matpat
Id: 6FGJdhr4Ts4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 41sec (5921 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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