Fnaf Plush-The Sleepover (GW Movie) 13+

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[Music] hey foxy I got your popcorn that you asked for thanks Freddy just put it by the blazing Dorito chips okay go you got the coca-cola ready Barney yeah that's yeah awesome so foxy you ready for your sleepover oh heck yeah Freddy we're gonna play the Nintendo switch we're gonna drink coca-cola we're gonna eat some blazing Dorito chips popcorn and also play some board games and we might watch a movie you're right Bonnie we might watch a movie well it sounds like you guys are gonna have a good time Oh somebody's here hey what's up dudes Hey oh hey guys thanks for coming oh this party better be dope oh it is dope yeah we got everything set up wait a second hey oh is that an eternal switch heck yeah it is back off I've heard the news about toy Freddy and you about the Nintendo switch oh I didn't steal it after that oh yeah this ain't a party without coca-cola I know I can't wait to have some of that nice caffeine juicy yeah we also got some blaze and Dorito chips and some popcorn I don't think I'll be able to eat those blaze and Dorito chips after that talkie challenge yeah the one that I won hey I won that round yeah he ended up in the hospital I've never been to a sleepover before I'm so excited oh I know so I brought somebody with me whoa whoa whoa you brought somebody with you yeah yeah I brought somebody with me come on see you guys this is my girlfriend I am NOT your girlfriend toy Bonnie I was your girlfriend [Music] guess who just joined our party oh yeah a vaccine what's up so you rented a partay uh-huh you're nowhere oxy what city with his voice don't judge him he's from England now I think we're waiting for one more oh hey guys I made it wait what I never invited him I invited him don't come on toy Bonnie alright guys since we're all here how about we start off with a board game or something like that um ok fine with me sounds good to me let's do it uh yeah mate ok alright guys so the first game we're gonna play is called Jenga Jenga what the heck is Jenga I think it's pronounced Jenga hmm yeah it's definitely called Jenga Jinga janga Gingka Hagane got poop balls who cares let's just start the game ok so we all know how to play the rules right yep yeah yep yep yep yep okay alrighty then I'll go first I got one out there we go careful my turn I'm just gonna poke a little one out here alrighty might I got it alright now it's my turn alrighty here I go snatch that and I'll push oh let's go ahead and fix it talk oh well on the bright side half of it fell off though no oh come on spring-trap you just got the whole thing over way to go spring-trap hey I almost got hurt okay that's the good thing I didn't get hurt oh that was a close one British foxy alright let's set it back up alright guys looks like we finally finished hey foxy the next I know Jenga isn't supposed to have a toy body on top right what do you mean a toy Bonnie on Bobby get down from there okay whoa [Applause] that's it we're all done with Jenga all right everybody I got a new game for us it's called fantastic gymnastics basically you get him goin like this and when you want him to jump it's simple as mariokart all right so we all understand what to do right okay all right new value a he's my turn all right so who wants to play little gendell's baby that just it's just me Wow baby just look at that I'm afraid I'm in charge of the switch here you don't touch it all righty guys I got the switch setup so what do you want to play we got Mario Kart a deluxe arms Mauro tennis aces Legend of Zelda um Mario RC and splatoon court first all right so who's going first I'll go first I'm gonna jam it to the music oh I like it okay I'll go first all right at night I want to eat it who are you oh I'm sure guy black shy guy let's go baby okay just go over there yeah [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] do [Applause] [Applause] my big job I came in third well you know like a 212 yuck let me once please haha I win oh yeah hmm pillow to this hmm all right hand on the control it's my turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa all right guys we played the switch until it died sadly so what now how about snack time [Music] oh I think I'm drunk on coca-cola may tell night huh I'm glad another Yomi I love plays Doritos so much popcorn Bonnie are you eating a bowl I mean no I'll tell her popcorn in this oh well that's nice guys that's not even the end we still have to watch a movie I don't think I can foxy how does slow [Music] places these blend Dorito chips on you never Freddy wake up go on the floor Bonnie why are you inside the popcorn bowl as well what is going on oh hey Freddy you were just about to watch a movie and here's the movie that we were gonna watch more you tense aces no that is a video game foxy looks like you all of you need to go to bed no one turn yeah Freddy oh we're having a very fun time well clean all this up tomorrow not everybody sleep tight [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 20,454,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gabe's World, Maroi Muffet Adventures, SLYP1E, Five Nights at Frokies, SuperMaroiLogan
Id: z2NObKYGbM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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