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[Music] hey guys puggo's pizzeria back with another video and in today's video as you guys can tell we are doing a entire plush collection video now yes i have a lot of plushies so this video is gonna be fun uh recently moved as you can tell whoa new room whoa this is epic epic new room so yeah brand new room so i have a bunch more space for my plushies i was recently sorting my entire clothes and i thought hey i'd make entire financial freddies plush collection video because there's a specific reason because i wanted to start making fanath plush videos similar to like gabe's world videos or sci-fi videos or fro-key videos i want to make my own types of videos like that or sml if you watch them too i want to make that boy final flushies just silly funny finance videos that i really hope you guys enjoy so i thought making this video showing off my entire collection would be a great way to get right into starting those videos i will be making them very soon probably in a few weeks i hope uh i gotta make characters and stories and stuff but i really hope you like them so let's get right into this video so basically how everything will go is first i'm going to line up one of every single plush here for my whole collection then after i'm probably gonna do duplicates then customs then probably sanchi and jumbos it'll probably go in that order i'll just have to see which ones i can grab easiest so of course the very first plush we're starting with is good old freddy fazbear freddy fazbear the very first plush he's a classic he's a silly little guy he's mine is very old as you can tell i bought them right when they came out because i'm an epic fan then of course the very first one after the main man freddy is bonnie the bunny i am really happy with how my body flush looks i think he's cute he's a funky little guy then everyone knows after bonnie is chica the chicken it it's very basic you know freddy bonnie chica and then after chica of course it's foxy now most people uh they're not really a big fan of the chica designer they're not really a fan of much of the funko designs in general they think sanji is better i can't lie i like funko's designs how simplistic and nice they are and then one that doesn't really fit in the wave but again it's still in the first wave is mangle slash toy foxy uh she was i'm pretty sure exclusive to somewhere but i don't really remember her being exclusive as i bought her at walgreens so i have no idea and then the three rarest plushies of all time i'm pretty sure uh and not in any exact order but first of all goes toy freddy because he's the least rare since he was recently re-released on gamestop's website i do have the re-release that will be later in the video then after that is gold and freddie ovaria plus who was re-released for a very short amount of time most people don't believe he was re-released but um people messaged me actual photos of brand new tags on him so he definitely was and of course the rarest plush ever made shadow freddy i was very lucky to get my shadow freddy i never bought mine in stores i got mine off uh probably i think ebay i got it for a pretty good price and i'm very happy with mine he does have the tag i just took it off for uh when i make plush videos and i have a tag gun so i can reattach it no worries about that and then after that we go on to wave two so wave two of the plushies is my personal favorite wave i love how they look there's so much diversity all the plushies look amazing and cool easily my favorite wave of all time and i don't think there's a single bad plushy in wave to in my opinion so starting off with the non-exclusives we have nightmare freddy after nightmare freddy is nightmare foxy after nightmare foxy is puppet again these aren't really going in any special oopsies these aren't really going in any specific order just sort of whatever order i grab them in i guess so after him we have springtrap a very nice looking boy then after springtrap we have [Music] i can't control myself around here [Music] joy chica very honestly one of my favorite flesh of all time not because he who uh she's sexy hot i just really like how she looks and i think she's a great plushie so toy chica don't mind my slimes here they're they're there they're gonna exist there the whole video and the very last non-exclusive plushie is the cupcake so now onto the exclusive some of the best plushies and worst plushies of the way is toy bonnie a lot of people hate toy bunny a lot a lot a lot of people hate toy bunny i mean look at him he looks deformed disabled he looks like a hamster you squeeze too tight so toy bonnie he looks very ugly i personally like him he has a little funky charm to him that i quite enjoy then after is mangle i would say the most common exclusive of the wave after my favorite exclusive fan of foxy people hate him because he doesn't look accurate at all but he's so cool and metallic i love him again another one my favorites nightmare bonnie i love that he's a jumbo flush i do also have them later in the video jumbo nightmare ronnie he's really cool and the final of them probably i'd say the most accurate plush we've ever gone to a real character is a nightmare cupcake he is very accurate then after this you would think there would be more plush from all these games but nope they jump right to central location so wave 3 was the most stylized wave so far and it was pretty controversial with how they changed all the plush designs and most people dislike them so very first one we have this baby as you can tell very different design of just the whole body how floppy it is how big the head is how the eyes aren't puffed out most people weren't a fan of this wave i wasn't i love the exclusive the exclusives in this wave but the main plushies not a huge fan of after baby we have ballora and when i bought her i got made fun of for having a girl's toy then after we have fun temp foxy i would argue the most common plushie of all time i have a billion funtime foxes then we have funtime freddy and then after that we have ennard i i think i have a black eye to entered not too sure where he is uh let me go double check i i have a plywood yes [Music] so after fun time freddy we have gray eyed entered and then after gray i'd entered we have black-eyed energy yes there is a difference that most people don't realize and i didn't realize it until a few years ago honestly and when i found them in stores one of these i'm pretty sure the very first flush that they made had the black eye and uh they just didn't like how it looked how you couldn't see all the extra details and stitching so they switch it to the gray eye so you can more easily see all the details and uh yes there are technically two different versions of ennards then we have the sort of exclusives one of these which isn't technically exclusive is a lull bit but i still do consider her exclusive and she looks a thousand times better than fox in my opinion funtime foxy looks like some middle-aged 50 year old man looks really gross mommy cute little funky funky girl i love her and then after we have bonnet sadly there is no bonbon plush i don't understand why funko loves the recolors and they the one recolor they could have done changing this literally blue they never did and then in my opinion the best plush we made of all time exotic butters no i'm not meaning this plush is genuinely amazing how all these plushies look and how you can take them out you can take out the butters you can take them out you can you can eat the butters i love it i love it this plush best plushie of all time i love it so much i have two look i have a second one and i will show duplicates later in the video don't you worry so after that wave we have in my opinion the worst wave of all time is the twisted ones wave this wave sucks and whenever i look at them i i hide them i don't want to look at them they are very disgusting looking plushies so first of all we have twisted freddy he looks very mediocre i also hate the swift for all the animatronics and characters they've never made into plushies they decide to make some random book characters in the plushies that makes me very angry we have ugly twisted freddy we have deformed disgusting twisted bonnie we have a bad molded twisted chica i really dislike her we have twisted foxy he's not too bad i i will say he's not too bad the worst plushy ever made of all time stanley vomit gross i hate him we all hate him we hate stanley we hate you we hate you okay then after we have twisted wolf i think he looks great twisted wolf is a great looking plushie and we have theodore easily the best one of the wave i mean look how cool he looks just compared to the other plushies he is definitely the best plushie in the way then after that i'd say the most controversial wave the black lights uh the black lights they were hated by most people when they came out but then people sort of like them so they're very controversial i would say with many many recolors so first of all we have pink blacklight freddy they're mine are a little floppy they're a little hard to stand then we have blue blacklight freddy then there are three foxes we have purple blacklight foxy we have green blacklight foxy we have blue black like foxy and we have blacklight cupcake i love blacklight cupcake he's very cool and and there was a extra one released in this wave again i love this plush people hate him i love him balloon boy balloon boy i love him people hate balloon boy definitely overheated sort of an unfunny fnaf joke but i love balloon boy he's a really nice looking plushie he's a funny little guy look how silly he's look at his silly little face then after we have again one of the best waves made ever we have i've blanked on the name but uh final six plus finance six plus yes uh pizzeria simulator so of course the very first one we have is rockstar freddy the very next one we have rockstar foxy with his little parrot looking very snazzy then we have helpy help he looks a little chunky little head chunky but still pretty cool then after we have orville the elephant a very nice elephant then we have el chip with his very ouchy hat that hat actually cut me i'm pretty sure once when i was sleeping is very sharp for some reason then after we have pig patch then we have lefty in the two exclusives of the wave yes i consider only to be two exclusives of the suede and that is happy frog who i really like and i had to go to walmart 10 times to get her and mr hippo who i also really like these are very nice exclusives and i really like how they look then after that wave we basically got a whole sort of wave wave you could say of exclusive plushies where they weren't in a specific wave but funko didn't release anything for a while only releasing exclusive plushies and these are all some of my favorite plushies ever made they are so cool so first of all we have spring bonnie genuinely one of the best looking plushies ever made i think everyone can agree and then candy cadet the sexiest plushie i love candy caddy i love him so we have candy cane he is very cool then after that we have security puppet one i'd say the tiniest plush ever made he is very tiny compared to all the other plushies he looks big but if you have him you know what i'm saying he's a very tiny guy then after easily my top three favorite plushies frost bear look how good he is i i was the very first person to ever find frostbite that i do have that video still on my channel if you want to look the next finale uh plushie chocolate bunny i wish they made more fenafire plushies and skins as much as i don't really like the the game in the animatronics how they look they look amazing as plushies and then the final one in that little exclusive wave is phantom pb i really like him he looks really cool then after that we got the most unexpected wave i would say literally the black lights which are already recolors recolored again but i personally think this wave is better than the black lights it is the the color wave the funko colorway they are so soft the softest funko plushies ever made you can see how soft they look they're soft little guys i love them so we have uh pink uh colorway freddy we have blue colorway freddy i also think the colors just look much nicer we have purple colorway foxy we have green colorway foxy we have blue colorway foxy and very very very soft color wave cupcake he looks really good i like him then after this we got back to main waves and there are only two more waves before all all the main funko plushies in one wave that i am missing but we don't mention that so the next wave and one of my least favorite waves i'd say just because how gross the plushies feel the security reach wave for how big this game was i really hope they remake these plushies in a nicer way so we have glam rock freddy we have glam rock chica we have montgomery gator we have roxanne wolf and we have you fanny she looks ugh this looks nothing like vinnie in game really disappointed with the venue plush the rest of them not too bad i personally really like the chica she looks great and then the very final wave that i currently own because there's a different i'll explain that later is the the spooky wave i love the spooky wave it's a very good wave so we have dread bear we have guri and foxy and we have jacko chica and jack o'bonnie yes i am missing captain foxy i never found him at walmart and there is a wave i'm missing in case you guys were curious there is a black light color wave of the the four security reach plushies they are hot topic exclusive plushies i've gone to hot topic many times there's only one where i live that's close enough and they've never had them i trust me guys i'm trying to look if i do find them i might even do a review on them we'll just have to see so now after this we are moving on to the sanchi plushies just because uh i think we should do sanchi then the rest of the funko ones so for sanchi plush i really really really like sanchi plush and i think they're really great and they look really collectible so i do have every single sanchi plush ever made so first of all we have sanchi freddy next of all we have a second sanchi freddy then next we have sanchi bunny next we have a second sanchi bonnie boo who's a lot more floppy then we have sanchi chica i'd say the rarest of the waves she is very expensive then we have two different sanchie foxy's one sanchi foxy who looks really ugly and one sanchi foxy who looks really good and then the two rarest like ever we have sanchi gold and freddy who's really rare and then the one plushie that was never re-released in the second sanchi wave is sanchi fredbear he is really cool yes there is only a slight difference of his top hat and bow tie being purple and then the other sanchi's are the new re-released ones that i'm pretty sure you can still currently buy so for all the new re-release sanchi's which i personally think look much worse because look at these look how good these sanchi freddies look and then look at it him i don't understand how some of these plushies were messed up so bad he looks like he eated a bees very ugly not a fan at all he sucks i hate him he doesn't suck i just uh he's a bit of a chonker i don't know how they went from this to this but hey he looks boo like honestly then we have sanchi bonnie who's he looks really cute he has a little smile i like him then we have sanchi chica who's very similar i would say to this i i might have even got them mixed up these ones are really similar both of these sanchi's this might actually be the new one i'm not sure i might have got them mixed up i'm sorry if i did then after we have sanchi foxy who looks he looks like a good stuffed plush honestly and we have sancho and freddy who looks pretty similar to the other golden freddy so now i will show all of my duplicate plushies and all my custom plushies and then we will end it off with all of the jumbo plushies so for the duplicates i want to sort of get these out of the way fast because i don't think people care too much about plushies they've already seen just multiple times so i'm just going to grab them and throw them so exotic butters duplicate the re-released uh toy freddy duplicate we have foxy duplicate chica duplicate puppet duplicate uh nightmare foxy duplicate mangle duplicate uh pink blacklight freddy duplicate bonnet duplicate uh second mingle duplicate nightmare freddy duplicate toy chica duplicate a third mangle duplicate oh ugly freddy duplicate puppet duplicate cupcake duplicate phantom foxy duplicate pink uh i mean purple blacklight uh foxy duplicate theodore duplicate uh toy foxy duplicate springtrap duplicate another chica duplicate uh blue black light freddy duplicate uh circus baby duplicate puppet duplicate puppet duplicate funtime foxy duplicate spring trap duplicate uh nightmare foxy duplicate chica duplicate another nightmare foxy duplicate foxy duplicate another foxy duplicate another foxy duplicate stanley u duplicate another funtime foxy duplicate another springtrap duplicate a third freddy duplicate toy chica duplicate uh bonnie duplicate a third ugly standing uh duplicate and a little bit duplicate wow that's a lot of duplicates i never even realized i had that much i i have a lot of these i'm not i'm probably gonna give some away uh maybe at the end of my plush videos when i make that a series those are all duplicates uh i will get those all set up so they look all fancy want to see right now boom there we go set up all the duplicate plushies so they look nice now we have a whole sea of banana plushies so now after that we have to do the custom plushies and the jumbos and that's it and uh yeah so let's get right to those custom plushies my custom blushes just so you guys know a bit of a warning beforehand they are very outdated i made these custom plushies a few years ago but i thought it would be fun just to include in this video but once i start making my plush series don't worry i will update every single custom plushy so they look nice and new and a lot better i'm going to make them a lot better oh uh i did not even realize i have these they're these little fnaf plush keychain things so i'm just going to sort of take these and yoink you eat them over there we have a look a little a little foxy yoink oh oh there he goes little troy bonnie away he goes foxy fell over here joint there he goes we have a little black light puppet yoink the way he goes little blacklight bonnie away he goes and two toy chicas and you ain't going away they go off into the ceo plushies so now we will get to all the custom plushies so the first custom plushy which i was very proud of until they made a real one is frostbear i personally really like my frostbite and i think he is a great looking plushie i'm still really proud of him and i'm really happy with how he looks i won't have to remake him since funko already made frostware then next up this one i'm in like five minutes not sure why i even have it still but uh paper pal the third paper next up we have actually i really like this one i'm probably never going to remake it just because i like it we have phone guy yes i don't know how this is i found a phone plushy and i thought i'm going to make that phone guy so now i have a phone guy plushie next up after that very ugly compared to the actual one to the actual dread bear is um yeah that yeah that's interesting that is a very interesting plushie that i won't acknowledge um next up we have fun time cupcake i really like this one i think he's a nice looking plushie i've been tagged him to make him look official with a pizzeria simulator tag so uh yeah uh fun cupcake i really like him next up we have airless weathered foxy i had him for so long his ear fell off and i have no idea where that went uh it's very sad that his ear fell off i still really like him i think he looks pretty cool he was one of the first ones i've ever made so yeah with it foxy next up we have um not sure how i can really improve this one but nightmarion i think he looks really good it's a really simplistic design for a plushie so not really much you can sort of do with that mariana i guess next up we have nightmare mangle i really like this one i try to keep the funko style uh it's it's pretty good i had to color these arms on it is not a normal mangle i need to color those all gray snow looks a little wonky it is a little floppy but otherwise i think she looks pretty good when i start making more new custom plushies i'm hoping to sew them this time just so they look a lot nicer than all the other ones sort of the same but this one i really like i don't ever want to remake him just because of how funky and nice he looks ned bear i really like my ned bird blush again i tagged him to make him look official i really like my ned bird i feel like if you showed a young enough child this you could get him to believe that a fredbear plush is real so yeah i really like my ned bear next up after that one i'm not too huge of a fan of we have the shamrock freddy they made uh the easter bunny and the christmas freddy and they never made the in between shamrock freddy so i thought i would give him a shot and make him as a nice little plush i never colored his back actually because i got too lazy too so he's only a front short next up we actually have nightmare fredbear i never know why they never made nightmare fredbear he would have been a great pleasure to make i tried my best with him i think i did an okay job making a nightmare fredbear plush and then next up after that is nightmare i like him a lot more i think he looks a lot better than nightmare fredbear he looks pretty good i'm not sure if i want to remake him i'm just really happy with how he looks so yeah nightmare right there then next up after that we have jacko chica jack uchigan not gonna remake her because again funko already made her i don't know if it's better or worse but i still like my jackal chica i think she's pretty cool again one of the first plushies i made i'm really proud of how i made her mouth and everything so she's a pretty cool plushie jaco chica right there i never made jack up on next up we have jump scare funtime foxy this plush was a very interesting one to make a entire sort of box head is a fun time foxy i don't think i'll be remaking this one just because how useless it was to make but it's still a pretty cool one and again i i bought on clearance i would never pay 12 for funtime foxy but i think i also tagged that one just to make it look official then next up after that we actually have dark chop he is sort of a funko only uh piece of merch i would say uh basically uh funko made of a funko pop a mystery mini and a pint-sized hero of a character called dark trap who we have never really seen before he's never really been a official fungal plush so i thought i would make him one because he's sort of a item only fnaf character if that makes sense he's never really officially been in a game next up after that we have weathered freddy i thought we needed all the weathered animatronics yes i did actually make every single withered animatronic whether freddy was the very first custom plush i ever made and i really like how withered freddy turned out next up after that is a love it head i thought we only see lullaby in game as the head so i would make a little bit ahead not much explaining to that one next up we actually have nightmare chico oh that oh looking british over here with those teeth uh we never got a nightmare chica sadly we got neymar freddy bonnie and foxy and even nightmare cupcake i thought we needed a nightmare chica i remember her looking a lot nicer than this but uh yeah there is her next up we actually have my most complicated plush i'd say i made well second most complicated actually tangle from finnaford as you guys know i love fnaf world i'm actually currently working on a amazing fit afterward video right now you guys are gonna love it and i thought i had so many fun time foxy's i would take a shot and make a tangle plushie so tangled she is very interesting uh her head and i really like the endo head i think i did a great job with that the rest of the body it's a little floppy it would never be an actual funko plush just floppy so yeah we'll put we'll set her right here that is tangle next up we actually have scrap trap i'm a huge fan of fanatics as you know and we got lefty and that's the only one we got we never got scram uh scrap baby molten freddy or scrap chop most people made uh scrap baby and moen freddy plush because of frankie's plushies no one really made a scrap chop so i thought i would make us a scrap custom plushie and i'm pretty happy with how he actually turned out the next custom flash we have up after that is weathered bonnie i'd say the most requested plush from funko ever to be made that they never made is my weather bonnie plush's head a little floppy because i understand it but i still think he looks pretty good for having to make a plush like this i i kind of really like my weather uh bunny bunch he looks really good next up after that we have phantom mangle i have no idea why i made this i think i had extra mangoes i never even had enough marker to color in all the ears uh phantom angle she looks very interesting uh not too bad looking a lot like a watermelon though but again not too bad if an actual made plushie as phantom angle we're getting down to the very last few custom plushies so the set the third to last one i made is one of the easiest ones i think anyone could honestly make and probably should because it's it's pretty easy and it looks pretty good beakless toy chica funko will probably never make this as a plush i just don't think they will literally all you have to do is cut off her beak and put two like three pieces of felt over her eyes and mouth and then glue on some teeth and eyes and she is really simple to make i really like her i don't think i'll be remaking her just because i don't think i can really improve on her anymore and then the second and last one which i'm not really proud of it's another one of the wizards it's weather chica yeah she's very very interesting to say the least again she has the ugly weather chica head style so it's very interesting and then the custom plushy that took me the longest time to make this one took me eight hours and i won't be remaking it because of how long it took me to make which i honestly really really love yendo this the endo plushie took me forever to make as i had to cover the entire funtime freddy in pipe cleaners this took a absurd amount of time and i think i did a great job making this the endoflash i even gave him a little exclusive tag because i thought it'd be cool if he was exclusive so the endo plush and that is all of the normal sized plushies as you guys can see here we have all of them here our entire sea of fines and freddy's plushies the jumbo blush i'm going to try to go through quick just because uh not too much to say about all the jumbos but yeah this is a entire probably the thumbnail is all these plushies as all my friends are freddy's plush collection that's really cool i don't feel like doing a bunch of cuts for all the jumbos so we're just gonna look at them fast we have jumbo black light freddie i remember buying him and the amazon i mean the ups worker ready to ship him to me absolutely hated me because i bought him as the same time that i bought the giant black light foxy so they had to deliver these giant jumbo plushies to me and they were very angry me then we have giant jumbo foxy along with giant jumbo freddy down there then we have giant jumbo helpy giant jumbo nightmare foxy giant jumbo mangle giant jumbo nightmare freddy and my favorite of all giant jumbo nightmare bonnie he is so cool easily my favorite plush not too sure one of my other black lights uh the green and jumbo black cupcake and then i i don't really want to get the new jumbo vanity and stuff they look very ugly but yeah that's basically it for this video i think i really hope you guys enjoy no i have not counted all these plushies but that's a challenge for you if you guys want to count all my all my plushies please put them in the comments below i don't feel like counting them but if you guys wanted to count them that would be super cool uh and whoever gets the number correct i will get i will count them all after this video i will harp your comment you know and i'll leave you a little reply saying i love you i don't know something like that yeah that's it for this video i really hope you guys did enjoy my entire plush collection of all my financial friday's plushies this was a really fun video to make and i hope you guys are excited for me to make my final plush series i'm very excited to make that but yeah that's it for this video i really hope you guys enjoy and i will see you all later [Music]
Channel: Puggos Pizzeria
Views: 158,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf 2, fnaf ar, fnaf vr, fnaf plush, fnaf plush collection, fnaf funko, funko fnaf, all fnaf plush, fnaf plushies, scott cawthon, fnaf plush video, slypie, maso 777, froakie, fnaf claw machine, fnaf 3, fnaf 4, fnaf sl, fnaf 6, fnaf song, dawko, fnaf custom plush, fnaf ar news, fnaf ar update, fnaf ar teaser, fnaf meme, bendy, batim, bendy and the ink machine, FreddyPopCollector, freddy pop collector, fnaf news, fnaf movie, fnaf movie 2020, FuhNaff, fuhnaff
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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