FNaF Plush - The Banana Flix (Banana Splits Movie Parody)

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[Music] hey kids put on your hat happiest faces because the banana flakes show is about to begin [Music] poor dripper it's always him again spied in the face hey I was watching that um I don't want my son watching that baby crap but but Dad it's my birthday it's my favorite show I love the banana flicks yes it's your birthday you're turning nine you're too old for that crap such an embarrassment hey what's up a little bro you excited for some birthday cake I know I am yeah I guess hey baby what's wrong you seem sad oh nothing dad isn't it no huh no it's not I am I am getting too old for that crap I guess what too old for that kind of crap that doesn't sound like you at all you love that show mm-hmm not anymore I guess hey come on baby if snorky heard you talking that way oh boy he probably would never want to talk to you really I can't disrespect snorky like that that's the spirit I'm gonna go find dad what oh my gosh really so sad I'm sorry no no no it's fine it's fine well tell javi I hope you feel better bye hey what's up help II can't go to a baby's party oh how come he has a fever very well can't you just invite someone else well maybe doesn't really have any other friends really no one else is age really likes that show anymore miss shouldn't yeah well BB loves it okay I just want his birthday to be special hmm maybe you don't want to come I mean they're not really best friends but I mean friendships good start right right yeah but I don't want to go see the banana flicks we weren't even friends well this is a chance to make one your friends but babies weird yeah okay says the one who still watches my little pony's dad all right we'll go get dressed they'll be here in an hour okay hey Lefty um excuse me you're supposed to call me Dad remember yeah dad whatever leave Vivi alone he loved that show don't ruin it for him okay well he can learn to like something else just don't mess with him you can't tell me what to do puppet or should I say son you don't mess with me all right boy whatever you'll never understand me happy birthday to you I'll blow out the candles bud yeah good job baby thanks mom all right I'll go cut this cake hey BB what's your birthday wish hmm I guess it would be to meet snorky Big B best friends a lot like him you know oh you are yeah quiet and I talk sometimes though all right Stevie are you ready for your birthday present you're gonna love it baby oh really I'm excited okay okay we are going to see the banana flakes really yes really yeah yeah baby we are yeah you're way cool thanks dad anytime son oh my god I can't believe I'm actually gonna see the banana flakes I wonder if they know me I'm not sure if they know you baby but they'll know you after this oh my god when are we going well we're going right now oh my god you guys are the best oh we're glad you're happy and there's an extra ticket oh really can help me go I'm sorry honey he'll be sick has a fever but I invited someone else to come with us they're really excited oh okay let's go all right calm down [Music] all right come on everyone we're here whoa ooh look baby it's the flick studio sign I can't believe I'm actually here oh my god they're inside this building hey Theo who's your favorite banana slicks character mine snarky the elephant I don't know wait did you ever watch it of course he's watched it that's why he's coming right oh yeah you can't I definitely watched it um it gives I like the cat there's no cat oh wow oh he needs Rupert the hippo obviously close enough yeah duper duper pretty cool he always gets pied in the face though yeah poor drew per head hey come on Lefty coming coming so stupid hello everyone I need your tickets please oh yeah here let me go get him out Oh oh my god you know the banana flakes sometimes at night I see the flicks round around their little buggies [Music] not gonna give me here tickets or something uh yeah I got him okay thank you now enjoy the show okay come on guys boy this is happening hope this is quick wait up all right sweetie you got those come on stick deep breaths oh my gosh babe I'm like so excited to like you know see the benefit why babe I know it's gonna be like so fun oh my god lndeed dude are you excited oh my god I'm so excited who's ready to see the banana flakes [Music] like hashtag we are ready okay awesome now before the show starts I ask of you to please give me your cell phones because there is no recording during this performance wait hold on yes sir I'm actually on call for all work so I can't really give you my phone oh well I'm sorry sir it's against the law um I'm sure it'll be fine but but I'm sorry sir I can't do anything whatever whatever thank you yeah you can take my phone okay thank you sir it's time I was really bad shut up trooper here's my fumus thank you who's your favorite character I mean you not really have a favorite but yes I'd say fetal Hydra hi my name is Phoebe boy hell balloon boy why would you walk into the middle of the road he almost hit you but mom drippy would never hit me he didn't say hi though well probably because he's in a rush to get to the show so we should get back in line yeah I guess you're right mom he's okay he be okay yeah he's fine Oh what happened he almost got ran over by a banana buggy that would have been a stupidest way to die oh shut up don't tell me to shut up boy my name is puppet die stop arguing whatever all right and everyone the show is about to start come on in come on baby oh my god oMG babe it's gonna start yeah oh my god yeah come on sweetie put on a happy smile I don't have a mouth let's go in the flicks is are waiting for you [Music] oh boy [Music] let's give you a little bit shall we [Music] oh my god I can't believe this happening yeah me too you're gonna love it I'm actually really excited too hello everyone this show is about to start in five minutes hope you enjoy I'm fine oh did you hear that five minutes only five minutes oh my god I'm gonna see snorky oh my god this is really exciting so mad right now when I say I need a big mallet I mean a big mallet not a normal-size out cheek oh there you are what do you want I'm busy complaining what this time the prophecy people cannot read scripts yeah I can't okay well since you don't have a lot of time I'm gonna make this short and simple what we're canceling the show what yep we're canceling the show already it's already a settled yeah why you have enough money yeah well the flexes are getting old I mean it's all the same stuff every show anyway they've been out since the 60s it's 2020 yeah but the kids like him well chica it's time for the kids to start liking other stuff sorry we're all out of a job can't you just to me sorry chica this is our last day enjoy it see you later all right you guys ready for show okay legal bingo snorky and trooper hey chica do you know where drooper is show starts in like two minutes it's over what the show it's cancelled wait what do you mean this is our last performance hey got a good one you've got to be kidding me I just got this job I hear you so stupid also I don't know where dripper is whatever I'll make something baby maybe he got stuck and springy Spencer yawn or something yeah you do that guess we'll start packing my stuff oMG babe I think it's starting thank you in here it goes hello everyone put your hands together for banana blitz [Applause] [Applause] trooper drooper Bungie look where's trooper you caught me I don't know where the heck is a stupid hippo just just go out there and say that he got stuck in the fence again or something whatever never fine springy hey everyone I can't stripper got stuck in the fence again we better go help him come on you stupid thanks work with me let's go save trooper who sell goods ringy yes sounds ledger birdies our help why do you think all star no thing [Music] that's ringing let's go guys he fail hey everyone look Troopers outside everyone I'm sorry I'm late my manitto buddy Oh is crashed haha attention everyone the show will continue momentarily for out to dot finally almost done hello everyone I hope you're enjoying the show so far I have an important announcement the other tickets I gave you before you sat down might have a star on it if your ticket has a star on it you can stay after the show and meet the banana flicks oh my god mom I won't eject it sweetie how many stars Oh Angie babe we have stars we get to meet the banana flakes oh my gosh Carl we have stars our tickets to see your talents hey where you going you need to be back soon I can't believe this is the last time people are actually gonna get to meet the flicks hey um excuse me yes sir what is it hi uh well my name is puppet what do you want sir the show's gonna start soon oh oh sorry sorry listen my little brother is a huge fan of the show like he was like kind of embarrassing sometimes but but he loves it but we didn't get a star on our ticket I was just wondering if maybe you could let us see them oh well I mean it is our last show wait what you can't cancel this he loves it sorry sir there's nothing I can do but what I can do is maybe let you guys meet them just leave us me oh my god really thank you it's so awesome he's gonna be so excited thanks again bye-bye alright guys it's time for the wheel of ending whoa hey BB what's the real ending oh it's at this big wheel and they spin it at the end of each show and whatever it lands on that's what they do it close it it always lands on slicks bash who really fiscal go ahead reverse spin it it'll probably be your last time are you ready yeah just spin the wheel already spoon Linux Mint come on [Applause] well flips badges are you guys ready Rock only got like yes will it do it thanks for coming everyone no flex is enjoyed your visit ok everyone with stars on their tickets can make their way to the entrance only John babe Oh guess it's over come on guys you gotta go hold on guys huh since this was a special day for mr. beebe here I know that you guys see the bananas let's just this once oh my gosh thank you really this is the best day ever oh my god yeah happy birthday buddy puppy you did this thank you no problem well whatever make it faster yes um can I have my phone back miss I gotta call work [Music] oh hello miss um do you know where your manager is I'm sorry sir oh well that's fine I mean maybe you can help me out here I have an incredibly talented cupcake and I just was wondering if I'm sorry it's complicated um he's really talented and I don't know I think she'd be amazing here I'm sorry sir we don't just take random people oh well I wouldn't do that sir come on come on Carly okay Danny sir wait oh my god babe we have the banana flicks all to ourselves yeah let's go god oh my god snorky oh my god oh my god being : John you're my favorite hey trooper we gotta meet a nerd what if we explore the whole warehouse yes come on no one's watching us you can go like get behind the scenes you know let's go right behind you baby hey where are they going somewhere to be stupid you can go say hi to him now yay coffee Oh coming oh hi snorky I'm your biggest fan here my favorite I love elephants Wow hi purple thing pets drooper oh well uh hi drooper and then there's bingo wait where's Fleagle which one's Fleagle again the pig the pink one let me just hear that's kind of weird maybe we should look for him yep what yeah let's go look for him maybe Philly girls playing hide-and-seek I don't know maybe come on it'll be fun let's go okay it's taking your father so long I wouldn't call him that pop it I know you don't like him come on it's he's a good guy that's one way of saying it I'll go see oh my god babe look oh oh oh my god it's another set babe it's one of those boxes where you saw it through the middle become fourth oh cool Danny but should I touch it do it please don't stop closer babe tennis table you're too much I can't believe I'm touching this what's on this side [Music] I heard hmm yes baby whoa nice paint job entered what a weird Pig one do you want to see your magic trick hey I don't see why not oh yeah babe step in here Oh in the box yeah in here do it baby come on unless you're scared scared I'm not scared Vic what alright been in well go on babe okay here let me help you yeah well tight oh my god hey this is so cool legal doing a magic trick for you yeah B this is a super cool little tight butt whoa oMG how cool is this it's cool alright now you me oh okay what turn around and count to three okay [Applause] baby baby okay I'm not looking from this baby me out of you Oh relax entered it's just a magic trick I'm not peeking 1 2 3 1 2 3 [Music] [Music] that was a great magic trick we should do another sometime those you should have done that she's me ma'am are you the manager yes I am okay good good sir why are you back here you're not supposed to be here employees only well soon to be employee what do you want well this is Carl hey sir can you just hurry up what do you want I need to leave oh it's just my cupcake is really talented and it'd be amazing if you can get him a spot in your show sir I'm sorry the show is won't just just watch ready what just happened thank you thank you very much wasn't that amazing so can you be in the show episode of the banana flicks actually sir well one I'm not just gonna let him be in the show also the show is cancelled wait what yep it's canceled so he can't be on it why I don't know sir go ask the other manager oh there's another one just go anywhere by here cuz I I need to leave okay I'm sick of people okay thank you for all your help okay leave please okay bye god I think this was a good decision yeah I think I was I don't got to work with those losers ever again yeah I think it worked out pretty good can't wait to get out of here alright I'm gonna go okay bye never see you again man this job sucks alright yeah yes someday I'm excited babe oh where am I huh stupid place for my party yes so lame in there I had to get some fresh air huh lefty where are you punk you know you're cute what are you doing um I'm calling work what are you doing I just want her to see where you were you're calling work oh yeah baby are you still there Shh oh my god are you cheating on me what no no I know what give me this hey wait hi who is this I'm Bethany who are you hmm Bethany huh duh hey what are you doing what are you doing I thought we were thing the Laura we were never a thing oh my god I can't believe you traitor listen I didn't mean no you did mean it and seriously on my son's birthday or son no my son I thought we were never a thing yeah well I know you're up to no good pop it go away GUI no stay away from my family jerk oh so you the jerk come on guys stop oh you're gonna get it you don't talk to my son like that you can't tell me what to do we are done after my husband died I thought you were the one but you're not I it's baby's birthday the most special day of the year for him and you ruined it you never cared about us you only care about yourself you know what fine fine whatever I'm going to the car get the kids let's go uh how about we get in the car and you walk home traitor oh my god the kids I forgot about the kids oh yeah puppet you were supposed to stay in there I'm sorry mom it's just that guys so stupid tell me about it maybe gets ran over on the way to our car oh my gosh this place is so cool Monte oh whoa the prop room looks the POW sign thirties keyboard this place is awesome yeah it actually is now I wonder where Fleagle is hiding come on let's go okay [Music] [Applause] baby yeah what is it is that blood no no maybe it's jelly yeah maybe all right well let's go yeah kids oh [Music] okay yeah mom where'd the flexes go I don't know weren't they all just right here I thought so there's baby Thank You door no no come on let's go all right well nothing else I guess I can get going yeah this dump [Music] sherbert what you want not talking huh can't wait to leave this piece of crap and you guys pieces of trash I'm sorry am i offending you I'm sorry I hit it every single minute of working with you jerks glad this place is gonna shut down hopefully you guys have it goodbye a loser why are you still here you know what refreshing isn't it you still here dripper yeah sleep man dude seriously what do you want a lollipop froth oh yeah what you doing with that tried to tell me I'm sweet it stinks I knew I knew you're not oh hey hey this will hurt a lot [Music] [Applause] we all knew that you were a piece of trash for you come on Fleagle where are you Oh can't tire now dude yeah yeah me too fleas should be around here somewhere yep yeah hmm was that it looks like an ear touch it what why Anna okay fine maybe it's a clue from Fleagle yeah maybe it was it oh my gosh you're bleeding don't trust me children who are you why are you hiding are you playing hide and seek - what no listen where are your parents oh no I forgot about my parents I just went off and look for Fleagle baby they're probably worried with some boys you need to find your parents right now this place is dangerous we're closing as soon as we get out of here closing what do you mean my boy sorry they have no choice it's too close for good no no you can't do that oh I'm sorry no the banana flicks is my whole childhood what about snorky don't give me all right Oh kid sir you'll be fine now listen you guys need to run where is everyone that's the problem that's the problem after us who's after us banana flicks no way the programming screwed up responsible for it you guys need to go find your parents and get out of here will you find you wait mister why are they upset just they learned that the show's being canceled I'm happy about it now go go thing goes here ginko did that to you yes now hurry there was you two you stopped me bingo please I created you we spoke to us please let's do this you know what take me please don't hurt the kids you're right this was my fault I deserve it just make things so much easier see dreams [Music] alright Carl this is the other managers room yay [Music] oh my god and I head out me alone Yugi Bo stay back Phoebe Phoebe where are you Theo oh my god oh my god oh my god are you okay what happened he asked me a foreigner to see a magic [Music] listen come with us we're gonna stop whatever is happening come on do be safe with us yeah [Music] so can't we fit but [Music] so sorry [Music] all right I think that's the last of it finally I can go home bye old building miss you oh my god are you okay yeah I'm fine Oh what happened the Flex is there evil I tell you wait sorry what you talk to me let me go talk to me gotta go warn the others that's not alike please we just wanna have fun that too much to ask and close us down did you what no no I didn't know I did you sound afraid even get away from me [Music] stop what stop you'll stop it tear needles [Music] stop please what you start the show but sue said so send why that's my mom whoa Blue Boy oh my god lovely the heck happens everything was red dude what are you talking about I think he fainted no he's really creepy was all red I still snore key and and that set that smiley face up on my door was like there's like creepy and have like teeth and stuff and then tralala was written oh we gotta go hey my my mom guys oh we're so glad you're okay because mom you won't believe what happen yeah guys go baby I'm so glad you're okay we saw stuff too I don't know what's happening but we need to stop it yeah well guys we gotta get on you really find us do it for me oh my god [Music] oh my god pile of dead bodies I'm scared I'm gonna go home nice just don't just don't look it's kind of hard not to look something is going on here I don't know what it is this isn't okay they're chasing us that's what's happening banana flicks you're chasing us wait seriously hey stop it they always called us got all these people stop this now mom wait no I'm gonna stop this hi guys hey kids put on your HAP happiest spaces because the bananas look show is about to begin [Music] it looks like we got some more friends yes we go looks like we have had more friends Snookie will you put them in their seats hey how come you're not lucky nuts up snort but thank you don't interrupt the show please thank you how he told you this show was fun now we must come to close with a wail of ending [Music] it's time to spin the wheel please please don't know it looks like we landed on banana split we're gonna heard that you been employed what - my name's wouldn't let's show it sort of me hello alright fellas I can't watch three-two-one would you like to rip the lid off nooky suit yourself see it's Alaska happens when you rip a main artery you die from the blood loss or front vowel too much fun now who's next [Music] what you doing there snore the kid wouldn't have fun oh come on snore fine seems like someone didn't update your system snark guess I'll do it for you ha ha you're so funny what's maybe this is Natalie I never thought I'd see a robot fight you may have knocked out Fleagle but there's still two more of us it's a snork sisters you kids are shooting for it show come on snork save us Shalala my friend I just want to have fun [Music] [Applause] you know what that's why you're my favorite here's the best character [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right but some of it forward for crushing my son's dream [Music] oh dude your mom's insane well I wouldn't know I got punched I heard the kids alright oh that was amazing honey we have to go we have to get you guys out of here we can't leave him here sorry honey I can't do anything but he's don't like them it's different honey you smoke he's dead [Music] you have read through so heart yet do anything self it was a hero so I know here's everything alright hey buddy I'm sorry your birthday was really upsetting no it's okay you guys brought me here see my dream I know it wasn't as I expected it's so pretty awesome I'm so sorry coral take Bonnie Jesus Freak with Chucky so long okay oh god those horrible even online much for weeks Oh guys oh my god are you all right listen Laurel I did some thinking I was wrong you're meant for me and I'm meant for you and I know that now you know it should be a thing where we know right you know that idea yeah okay hey wait for me don't wake me you're sorry Lefty don't call me that call me dad but you're not my dad too [Applause] [Applause] bingo [Applause] I have no idea where the guy went hello where is everyone
Channel: FNaF Flix
Views: 5,604,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf flix, plush, plushtuber, slyp1e, travis plush productions, five nights at froakies, the banana flix, the banana splits, the banana splits horror movie, drooper, bin
Id: fElHNXtm3kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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