FlyWire Review Icarus IFR device Change 1

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[Music] hey i'm with nick sinopoli he's he runs the icarus company icarus and they produce the view restriction device that you can control using an app on your phone or the little device and that's what this video is going to be about so stick with us hey i'm scott perdue and i've got nixonopoly here from icarus and we're going to talk about the view restriction device that they have and this is actually a preface to a video i did a a flight with it and shot an approach with the video or with the v restriction device and that's the one that i took down and you were going to talk about what i did wrong and why these guys want to take it down we're going to show the video as i did it in its entirety just tell me what i did wrong nick uh well hey thanks scott for uh for having me out here so uh the device is non-rigid and it forms around a baseball cap and there's a couple of straps and the scraps actually go over the top of the bill not the back your head so we just wanted to make sure you've got a tremendous amount of viewers we just want to make sure people knew how to use it properly and didn't pick up any bad tricks and that's reasonable so i did make a mistake i will say that when i tried putting it over the bill it didn't change my peripheral vision at all i think the main main impact would be that it puts a lot of stress on the laminate on the device itself so eventually that will probably fail is the biggest issue that that's correct yeah so uh the polymers first liquid crystal film the stuff that makes it switch is actually five different layers of material so is a susceptible to to delaminating and um we just want to make sure that it doesn't happen uh to to people who are out there flying with it okay well then now we're gonna i'll i'll uh we'll run the video as uh as i shot it and you can see what you think thanks guys thanks nick for coming out and and fixing my perception of it yeah yeah of course any time all right hey i'm scott perdue and like i said today on flywire we're going to talk about instrument flying currency not so much what are the requirements or stuff like that because it basically the requirements are in a nutshell that if you're not in the clouds during the major segments of the approach to include the final then you can't log it uh without a view restriction device and a safety pilot okay so you want to get technical go read it um not really my not really the scope of this particular video but what i want to talk about today is foggles this is what it is you know it's a view restriction device has a little cutout right here so you can see the instruments and everything else is blurred out so that is what we all use or a lot of us use me i can't really use those because uh my eyes have gone south uh presbyopia it's a thing who knew so what i do is i've got these these are actually safety safety glasses that i put my own foggles on because it's got cheaters right there and if i want to read i need cheaters so um that's what this this is what i use for my my safety goggles there's a new thing out there it's called the icarus device and a fellow named nick sinopoli invented it a young man who's just a real lean forward entrepreneur he's a i believe he's mostly a helicopter pilot a little bit of fixed wing but mostly helicopter pilot and this is the device right here he has it's made out of this translucent uh material that has an interesting proper property that if you put a voltage across it it changes the opaqueness okay how much you can see through it so that's the way it comes with no voltage and in various voltages you put across it then it'll change all the way to translucent in other words you can see right through it so that's pretty cool and uh i think this is a really a brilliant idea way better than foggles you can use your regular glasses if you wear glasses or whatever it is you do and then be able to control this the safety pilot can control when you're in the clouds and when you're not and i think that's really an excellent idea so i thought i'd try it out actually i've been meaning to try it out for months uh but uh one thing led to another and i was never able to make it all happen so this is the device and uh we're gonna do a review of it right now we're gonna actually do the most important what i think actually for me what scares me the most about instrument flying and it isn't shooting an approach to men's because i'm already flying and if i need to go around well i just go around a go around should not be a big deal you should train and be experienced in it to uh well it's just not a big deal not to manage your fuel so it's not one of those situations where i gotta make it or i'm gonna crash so um given those situations if you go missed you go missed and you execute your missed approach and you figure out what your next plan is you probably ought to have that in your hip pocket uh anyway so um the worst one is when you're for me is when you're taking off you've been operating on the ground uh looking out and orienting yourself using your eyes and so much of your balance and everything uh your person is tied up to your perception the what gives you the feed from your eyes and if you don't have that then you know the horizon all that stuff it becomes kind of uh rocky so you when you go on your instruments you have to be on your instruments and your whole world co-shrinks to your instruments and i've been i've been in situations where you go from nice vfr flying it's nice and pretty to bam you got to be on instruments right now and it's really hard to make that transition from vfr looking outside to concentrating on a very narrow area and and that is my life in other words i have to stay straight up and level uh i have to concentrate on that so um that transition from in the low altitude regime from you know vfr takeoff to i'm on instruments is uh is kind of scary to me and that's one thing that this actually you can train for so this is the on button here and then i can control uh control it so here's translucent and i can see it see through it there's two different uh settings on the translucent part so it kind of kind of going through the clouds or it's the visibility just slightly uh uh bad or i'd go all the way to uh now i can't see through it at all so it's pretty cool and that's kind of how how it works and operate with it with this little thing right here that has a battery on it and it's got this pigtail you're going to see me make comment about the pigtail nick hope you're listening but uh anyway um we're gonna we're gonna check this out on a on a take off and it's that vfr transition into uh bam i'm in the clouds and that's one thing you cannot do effectively with foggles i just don't see any way around it you know it's like is your safety pilot going to kind of hand them and force them onto your face at 300 feet or 200 feet whatever it is that's dangerous it's not a smart idea so this actually enables that uh be able to to do that kind of training and the other thing is is shooting the approach so we're going to do uh we're going to do a full uphold i'm not may not show that because that's kind of boring but we're going to do a full uphold in an ils fly the ils down and uh then we're gonna break out around men's maybe just slightly above men's and we're gonna go ahead and land okay so that is the profile with this and um let's look at it now so now just a tutorial on how this works this turns power to it and then this button i'll be damn that cool that is cool so we are going to turn it off for a second what i want to do is i want to do a low altitude takeoff and you know my low cloud takeoff and uh it's clear that way a little bit of cloud this way but we're gonna go that way and about two or three about 300 feet yep i want you to give me uh ifr i turn the battery off just for delay so that's that's on and off and this is yeah clouds or no clouds right and there's two two differences you know so you can go either full cloud or you know partial reduced you know etc so you want full cloud at about a couple hundred feet about 300 300 okay so we're at about uh eight about 1200 i guess that would work okay i'm going to call forward approach i don't think you can hear him yes sir bonanza 533 charlie at borland ifr to mike echo zulu three five i am number one and i'm ready okay so 533 charlie has cleared runway heading radar vectors to uh cooso one loose transition indirect initially three thousand feet expect five thousand and ten minutes talk on 3597 and squawk seven zero six 10 minutes or call back 33 charlie thank you all right so you turn the battery on i have never used this before okay can you see through it right now uh not really okay i can see through it now all right cool all right so i need to get this going i forgot to turn this on finals clear mixture pro throttle to go flaps that count flap said trim set i'm ready you ready yep what i don't have is i don't have a squawk seven zero six six and i don't have the talk which is 35.97 okay what did you say about flaps i didn't understand you i checked to make sure everything's i touch everything i want it to be okay flap set for takeoff i'm not gonna use flaps cal flap set they're open and trim set to is zero neutral borland traffic uh red and white and ads are taken active three five at the straight out departure board okay temperature's good pressure's good here we go air speed's good [Music] 110 woo into the clouds notch is big enough to see what i'm looking at [Music] departure bonanza 533 charlie is airborne passing 1600 uh hit radar sorry heading 3-5-0 climbing to 3 000. 291 33 charlie with the flash turn right heading one three zero maintain four thousand vectors one three zero four thousand four three three charlie all right so observation number one is is this little notch that i'm supposed to see stuff with because it makes me have to hold my head kind of crooked because it's not quite organized for this airplane but other than that it's uh i can't see outside there's nothing there all right so that was the uh the takeoff i think it all worked out really well um i i really like the translucent nature of this what i didn't like what i wasn't fond of was um this cutout nick has this uh he tries to cut them out depending on the airplane you fly but the problem is is the for me i'm not looking right and i've got that g3x and honestly the g3x is actually offset a little bit to the left because the way i designed the panel i wanted to have the analog instruments so for doing aerobatics up at the top and that forced me to move the g3x slightly to the left and that makes my eye right there my left eye right there and uh my right eye used to be my great eye but it's not anymore it's my left eye and that was a problem for me so i had to kind of move it up and turn it around and kind of move it off to the side so i can actually see through it because you can't so that's a good thing you can't see through it but you need to be able to see the instruments like you're like you would normally in the weather so i'm thinking that a rectangular cutout maybe with uh curved uh inner uh corners might work out better and it might be a cheaper standard i don't know as uh i'm not speaking for nick but i will say that that's that was a bit uh awkward and the other thing that was awkward for me was this pigtail hanging right here it didn't really want to hang here it hung right in my my vision and actually right here on the right side and where i could see so that was a bit of a problem yeah this makes me feel like my left eye is i really need to cut it back i guess you could use scissors or something it looks like a parallel entry no this is going to be a teardrop so it knows to do that itself huh yeah it should do it all by itself [Music] and november 57 kilo areas of moderate precipitation extending along the route of flight beginning in about uh nine or you turn it off at minimums uh yeah maybe just below or just above minimums okay what are what are minimums 1502 it's right there and you're going to see the markers on here as well yeah i can only see through my right eye that's what's going on maybe you need to shift that thing yeah shift it to your left it looks like yeah that's much better i wonder i was feeling like i was blind cold teardrops is that cool or what that is cool and november uh five seven kilo just being all right we're on the left tank an hour and a half ago in that area after uh 12 o'clock and about one five miles an aircraft that was departing to the northwest reported some uh lights rime icing from eight thousand to niner thousand friendly uh 445 report cancellation of ifr pigtail is a bit annoying yeah it needs a little clip or something on it happy six one player hey you'll even have fun we can go down to 3 000 feet i have that selected for the altitude select november five three three charlie report cancellation of ifr in the air this frequency or on the ground with flight service change to advisory frequency approved three three charlie changed the advisory frequency approved and i will uh report back with you and cancel with you just have one number 182 shutdown forward center one two three point nine or two localizer we're on the localizer there's the glide path so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to intercept the glide pads here gears down flap's going to approach i use about i have to manually set the approach but it's easy to do i don't like using full flaps [Music] all right two and a half miles to ellis in 1331 memphis center climbing looks like we had a bit of a sheer there we lost 10 knots in the nose yep yeah [Music] 533 charlie is on the straight end for 2-7 on the ils passing ellis so about five and a half miles from the runway two eight thousand two five two memphis under roger russell similar two niner eight three just approach altitude i'm gonna go ahead and set six thousand we'll cancel out for at this time thanks for the service many three four and a half miles to go three seven six roger i for cancellation received bfr have a good day are we in a big flat area yep okay the bumps kind of slacked off a little bit yeah we got even with the top of the ridge and they slacked off mina traffic bonanza 33 charlie is three miles straight into seven mina memphis bonanza five three three charlie cancel ifr this time memphis bonanza 533 charlie can't sli far this time november 533 charlie roger ifr cancellation received welcome vfr and have a good day 33 charlie good day all right 100 feet above minimums mana traffic bonanza 33 charlie's one mile straight in for two seven minutes here's down flaps i'm going to go to fall that we need him 27 knots on the nose and overall i i like it i think i think it works really well and it integrates the safety pilot into the equation too so he can manage he or she can manage when you can see and when you can't and literally really you cannot see there's no cheating you know and your cutout vision here is way below the glare shield so there's no even well i can pick paint you know i can cheat and you know one look is worth a thousand uh cross checks so uh kind of situation but i think it worked out really well you might like it try it out i think it's an excellent training device way better than these foggles and like i said at the very outset the cool thing is that i can practice the imc situation that i'm most concerned about and i think that's a good thing so anyway i'll leave a link below to nick's website the and you can check it out for yourself and if you're at oshkosh or sun and fun uh check them out and uh it might be a really good thing for you to buy and he's got helicopter versions like i said he's a helicopter guy and every one of those apparently is a little bit different so he's really into the cutouts to uh to accommodate uh each different helicopter and its particular avionics i think he can get better more generalized for a ga i didn't tell him that so uh this is probably the first time he's going to hear that from me uh i don't know maybe it's the first time you've heard that comment anyway but i really like the device and i think you might too so check it out thanks for watching and we'll see you next time on flywheel
Channel: FlyWire- scott perdue
Views: 3,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FlyWire Review, Icarus IFR device, flywire, Flywire, flywire online, flywire youtube, scott perdue, beechcraft bonanza, general aviation, Aviation, F33C, F33 Bonanza, A36 Bonanza, V35 Bonanza, Aerobatic Bonanza, Aerobatics, Acrobatics, Flying, pilot vlog, flight training, flying vlog, cockpit, airplane audio, cfi, pilot life, bonanza, private pilot, commercial pilot, airline pilot, ATP, pilot, atc, travel, travel by plane, flying an airplane
Id: u2lvQXf5gc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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