Flying RC planes with Tyler Perry

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hey everyone sup everyone here Tyler Perry I don't need to make that everyone everyone we have a bunch of plants lined up and we're gonna fly them with talibur himself so um hopefully we will nail all the endings yes the three maidens some have never flown the remedies and some of them are one you've never flown yes so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens but we will uh everything is ready ready the weather is beautiful it's a little chilly but the weather's perfect yes wind sock nice little cross breeze on the uh Runway but we're ready yes so excited okay guys [Music] thank you [Music] all right foreign s go crazy oh yeah yeah you should see me flying turbines suicide here yeah yeah five minutes nice beautiful wow okay thanks for letting me nice nice nice that's a good land that's a good Landing yeah I'm ready for the radio yeah yeah okay so let's write the next slab sturdy slaps 15 flaps up all right taking off Sofia oh blow that's great you know why that is why so why are they built oh thanks [Music] no boss foreign Landing [Applause] nice beautiful that's good that was good five minutes let's still have five minutes five minutes yeah you can still fly another five minutes amazing good job yeah thank you sir seven first yeah so so this one we thought it's an apex turned out it's a 7x yes this one it's shorter it's shorter than eight like so it's just a sticker on it well yeah so this is amazing and I forgot to add vinyl on one of the missiles so now it looks you cannot rush around me you cannot do this time he has to relax he has to understand yes because I'm gonna tell you what happens the time that we brush I rushed him and it was it was not a good result not a good result it was a catastrophe we will talk about it later guys that's an interesting story and I think after I made this I think you should uh I will you should you should take the take that Swiss up all right oh that's my thumb you should you should mating the Swiss yeah oh well because I tried to Maiden it and the CG was off and I'm just thankful it's in one place it was horrible it was horrible I don't know if you can put some footage for that yes it was really bad but I landed it safely I'm pretty good at yes let me just not say I'm pretty good no you look good my friends no as long as there's no catastrophe in the air yes I can usually get it down all right so that's amazing close up [Music] [Applause] anything this one now guys this one had a long history now when I flew it I had the batteries way up here yeah he moved the batteries way back here so I refused to maintenance he's going to maintenance to see if this is right he's 100 sure this is correct yes I checked I checked the guy contacted everything and I checked the calculator he recalculated we called the original Builder yeah so you wanna check it uh hold on this on the and the accent of the front wheel here that's it you wear the little nose heavy than tell heavy for sure yeah definitely now if I if you get in trouble yeah your out a lot you just yeah I get quiet you like to talk through it I like to get quiet so I can yeah yeah so this is the gear switch all right you need to know where the gear switch is so thank God that happened on the ground I know what's going on what's that because we put towards ads on the bottom yeah so they're pushing it up plus lost it is um like there is no way on the wheel so it wouldn't do this you know so you're still gonna fly yeah yeah okay all right that's great it's awesome so far no no that's awesome it's way better than what so that is because he always knows I've had it yeah okay disaster hold up okay okay good job in a really good land that's all right it's just that with flaps there's so much done with it so it forced me down okay got it so it's too much download yeah we're not done yet uh that was a good day of flying we're gonna just hang this 747 in the hanger in the hanging there call it a day because it's so beautiful all right thank you miles per hour [Music] okay guys let's go 747 let's go good luck my friend thank you [Music] [Applause] 60. nice foreign so weird all right coming from lemon flaps 15. battery flaps 30. 68. yep 64. 50 65. [Laughter] pretty good oh man she flies amazing amazing those four breaks we'd have been in the trees yeah so you know 16 breaks great job dude and CG is on point huh CG is perfect perfect yeah fantastic so I'll be flying this a lot oh I can see that yeah because this was great wow wow beautiful that's when that's when the plane is built right oh yes yeah and the and the electronics are built right everything is tight everything is secured this flies like the A380 and that and that DC 10. oh yes big scale Mass I love it I love it beautiful big sassa's Gonna Fly this way too yeah I hope so beautiful and boa is power's on point amazing yeah I'm surprised with the brakes I thought like hopefully when he touches down it will stop by the end no but it took it took it just like this much yeah but there's no rubber no tires on they're all gone we burned them no no no no no no no I mean I mean yeah oh sheesh yeah they smoked a bit it smoked a bit but we have this ABS on them so they are that's great that's awesome man no great job for you thank you but I mean I never would have owned this thing you know what's crazy though is I think you can fly it nope thank you so much I'm good with my little cute sister I don't think I have two balls to fly this I got the Cessna over there and it was it was small and I was like you know I'm having trouble seeing it I want to build a big big one and he's like yeah so your wife says she's behind the camera she says yeah big so that's awesome man that's great oh yeah this I can fly like this in the A380 I feel like yes it's going to probably get a lot more flight time than it got in in Germany for sure because they flew it only on on events yeah here's Non-Stop and yeah like you need a couple of flights just to get the hang of it you know and then you would just the same way with A380 when I first flew it it was fast it was I was trying to figure it out see how it behaved but this thing is super stable it's amazing super scale looking in the air I'm very impressed very impressed and I mean yeah it's converted to Electric it's electric well let's say this let me let me just start here but so thank you for coming I really appreciate it I appreciate it and uh the whole six AAA thing the movie I'm working on you you I can't tell too much about it but I wanted to do this epic plane battle and we'll see what happens we'll see what happens but but but that's the reason that that uh he's here and to uh just be a really cool guy and your wife who's behind the camera being amazing I'm Glad You Came appreciate that appreciate it my friend so I think now everybody wondering why the hell are we converting everything to Electric do you want to answer that yeah for me it's it's simple in my line of work I'm around noise all day every day all the time tons of questions noise noise doesn't turbines are really really loud and listen lots of people love them I love seeing other people fly them but I I don't want this to have the noise and the thing that really sold me is that we were trying to get two of them ready to fly and it took a total of 20 hours before we could get all the maintenance after it had been sitting for a while oh yeah and I don't have that kind of time when I get time I just want to come out and fly only God will give me a hobby where I'm looking up to this guy so I want to come out plug the batteries in and go and it's quiet and also you know I have a lot of acreage here and there's a lot of Wildlife and and every time we take off the birds start freaking out so yeah and that kind of thing thing would just really you know the few the few burn all the other stuff is just I like I like electric yeah and also like if anything happened any crash anything like cool would burn everything that's the biggest that's the another part of what is the biggest part of it because if you have an accident God forbid and it goes down in some of these Woods you know it's it's acres and acres and Acres of thousands and millions of trees rather so if it goes down and trying to get to it I just don't want that definitely and batteries have definitely like less chance of burning okay let's fire you know yeah I've had my share of crashes with the light pole and I've had one final fire that was a minor so okay yeah and that wasn't my fault the crash no no no no no no none of that is your fault no it was my fault I tell you when I first started flying though I had this old guy who uh owned a hobby store and I would go in and because the reason this out started for me oh yeah I would love to know how you started all this about 20 years ago now I was uh in the park running and I didn't have a hobby everybody else had a hobby I said I need something to take my mind off all this stress and I saw a guy flying a little formally playing like wow that looks really cool I stopped and looked I said I'm gonna do that okay so we're we're uh I'm in the park I'm watching them fly I'm like okay great I'm gonna try that so I went to the store I bought one yeah went to store the next day bought another man I never bought another I crashed something I go back in the old guy at the counter says boy you got more money than since so you say here take this simulator home and learn and that's right that's what I started to learn but I tell you what happened though Remy I started I got so into it every I was traveling on tour everywhere when I was buying planes yeah sending them home into storage I've seen pictures yeah so when I finished building this place and looked at all the planes I was like oh my God this is way too many it's too many people so I gave I gave a lot of them away to our guys flight test flight test yeah they got some of them yeah and gave a lot of weight to a lot of kids who have never flown before because it's so nice of you so nice of you but you know what I found about the community is the kindness some of the nicest people yeah and and it's such a community that it's just like it's really communal it's like we're all in this together and we all cheer for each other so it's just it's an awesome hobby it is it is I mean my opinion is the best hobby ever yeah yeah I always say that most expensive Hobby definitely I don't I've never been a person to do drugs I don't over indulge in alcohol but but this hobby is more expensive than cocaine that is that is true but at least you have your brain and your faculties in you to keep your job but yeah it's very expensive if you want to talk about uh the what a jerk what a jerk you are what a jerk you are yeah let's talk about so he's blaming me okay so I got this he is the ballot he's shot he's supposed to check everything I've got this beautiful and you're right you're right as a pilot as a licensed pilot you are supposed to check everything so right so I got this beautiful RC plane uh the Falcon 2000 Falcon 2000 from Laurence yeah and in France and um we were ready to fly it was beautifully stunning I'm like okay great we're gonna go fly it but I was rushing him you can't rush Remy never ever ever rush around me he is like Okay so I step back we I checked the ailerons and I'm like great okay then I checked them too then he checks the ailerons nope it's something yeah we're doing this to the wings and it's going the opposite right direction he's like the Gyro's saying that something's wrong just turn it off thank you well that was the song here's what we do we take off and unfortunately this is all videos so I know you guys this is this is really sad yeah and the only reason I'm sharing this is because of the ending but anyway takes take off Ayla runs reverse and I'm trying to go this way and I hit there and been ready to take off he was devastated oh yeah I have crashed enough planes that I understand that number one it's the risk of the hobby definitely and number two uh I I can rebuild it yes but when I crash this he's like put that in the trash in the trash can you can I can I show the picture of Your Dragon the Walk of Shame thingy this is what a jerky is I wake up I wake up and there is a picture that says the Walk of Shame with me pulling the wagon the definition so so awful okay maybe I'll show with okay no no no you showed me the pictures so I said listen we're going to rebuild this he's like I'm not rebuilding this that needs to go in the trash so I'm like fine I'll do it so I start taping up pieces and putting it together and taping it all together he's like what are you doing what are you doing yeah yeah and yeah then we carbon fiber inside and he's like Tyler this is Frank falkenstein and I sent it to my Painter Mike who is uh he works at the studio and amazing and and now I can you can show him what it looks like brand new and we get to redo the flight it looks like it's brand new and you check the ailerons so Remy is here and we have been flying and I've enjoyed having you here in America for the first time first time in America and may I just say guys to everybody out there who's been watching this guy thank you for all the support I've been supporting him as well all these years that I've since I found him because he's really brilliant he's a genius I hope he doesn't cut this out of video because I really want you to know it no but you never know where people come from and what they've been through and what they've endured and he has endured a great deal to be where he is now and I'm extremely proud of you I know your mom your family everybody's proud of you so keep going your wife's proud of you yeah so keep going thank you I appreciate it and really again appreciate you having me here absolutely absolutely absolutely all right [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] install morning 27. I've never had this many successful flights yes yes all right so thank you for watching guys bye see you in the next one see you soon bye bye
Channel: Ramy RC
Views: 2,206,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Perry RC collection, Ramy rc, Rc plane collection, Flying giant rc planes, jets, rc
Id: hmyi5khnzd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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