At Tyler Perry's RC hangar in Atlanta

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hi everyone I hope we're doing great uh hopefully there is not so much Echo because I am in a massive hanger right now and as you can tell I am not in my workshop I am currently in Atlanta at Tyler Berry's private RC hanger and I know Tyler 401 now he is a ballot he's not just about it he is an RC ballot and I think he's been flying model airplanes for over 20 years the reason I'm here is because of his new movie he's making new movie called six Triple Eight and I am here to build something for that movie and that's as far as I can talk about that because obviously I don't want to spoil it but luckily we have some side projects most of them are just doing some repairs on his existing models and we are also going to be building a massive assassin citation that's the exact one I've built two years ago and this one is going to be double the size which means going to be almost a 5 meters wingspan and we are going to be using the exact same methods this means we are bringing molds for this massive thing and so I thought I'll make a short video for you guys and bring you along with me show you some of his airplanes and show you what I'm working on unfortunately Tyler is very busy so he's not here at the moment but hopefully we might catch him later here and maybe catch him on the runway flying and plane or something and then maybe show you some of his amazing Landings he's really good anyways let me show you around so we start with obvious I'm sure you guys noticed this in the background that's the A380 she found the new home not hanging on walls she had 100 flights already and still sending route and he's got this massive Hawk this thing is amazing it has a turbine and he's been trying to convert this to Electric but so far there is no EDF that can fly this thing so they will be sitting here for now this here is the 747 f400 version Atlantic this airplane is I'm sure you guys seen it Fly it's a very famous plane and this thing used to be running on turbines and what we're doing right now is we are converting it to Electric I am installing edfs on that these are the 150 millimeters uh edfs that the S130 HST from shubla of course and a button thrust tubes and the intake as well this intake and thrust tube are 3D printed out of carbon fiber filament this stuff is really good we are converting it to Electric retracts as well because it had those air retracts so we are converting everything to electron plus every other plane in here is going to be electron and Jetty as well with boating systems in each plane and of course inside is a mess for now but we're gonna sort all that and I want to make a beautiful carbon board in here with the central box 400 cortex Pro gyro and all these new and cool stuff and hopefully we will have this ready maybe in a week hopefully we can show you the main flight of this one and this one right here is the Falcon 8x such a beauty also working on voting edfs and electric and all that stuff cutting big hatches and all that and this right here you guys recognize this one I built this one as well this is the citation M2 she is still also in a good shape and flies great and those are the molds for the citation that we printed everything here is 3D printed and the molds are ready we just waxed them and maybe cast them this thing is four meters long it's massive and this is the printers that we're using I think it prints one cubic meter build volume which is amazing and now I'm printing some thrust tubes for the Falcon this is carbon fiber filament really cool stuff so now I'm gonna continue working on this me and my friend will he's been helping me around in here and I'm Gonna Keep the camera rolling as much as I can and I hope you guys enjoy all right [Music] thank you all right it's back together and I did not fully film so much of the installation of this stuff I was really busy and focused at it the adfs are installed and they look amazing the ACs are installed here these are 400 amps escs and I cut two openings for them for some air to go in I also installed an AirSpeed sensor in here so we can hit the speed and here's from inside everything is done right I would say all this carbon fiber this is just three millimeters wood and a Caster layer of carbon fiber on it this is the central box 400 cortex Pro gyro two electron controllers and we have some Telemetry like GBS and speed sensor and all that stuff so now we will take it outside drive it a bit on Tyler's private runway in his backyard first of all we want to try those adfs at full power and the most important thing we want to check the brakes and hopefully they are good enough foreign no smoke in the bricks yeah we need more brakes on it for sure yep unfortunately the brakes were not enough so we will have to wait to upgrade all the wheels and then we will be comfortable enough to fly it and you know be sure that it will stop before the end of the runway because at the end of the runway there is a down drop on the grass so we will damage something if we crossed our own way and unfortunately there is no main in Flight in this video but it will be in the next one for sure plus fly in some other planes as well so it would be just a flying video with Tyler and the next one so stay tuned so one week later we have all the mains with brakes 16 wheels all have brakes now I think it's ready for the main [Music] [Music] thank you great all right it's time to do this we will cast the side now and see how it goes [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign look at this this looks so good I'm so happy with the results I think we did a great job casting this me and will if I would do this alone I wouldn't get this good results because you know racing with the epoxy and adding the Fabrics the layers of it it's it's really hard to do it alone and so we did a great job on this one this is of course just one half would not guess the other side yet and so if you look right there These are 3D printed stuff for this one so we start with this one this is the engineer cell it's fully printed out of carbon fiber filament and I changed the whole design because usually I you know print molds and cases out of carbon fiber but Tyler said let's try to print the whole Nestle it would be heavier than the traditional composite but I think for the size of this plane hopefully the extra weight won't be a problem I'm not worried about the strength this is really strong stuff and of course there will be wooden brackets also I will reinforce with carbon going inside attach directly to this bracket in here attached to the ADF this is a Thrust tube super light and see how thin this is just one millimeter and this stuff is really strong really strong and the ADF sits in here and that's the intake look at this it's beautiful of course it needs some sanding in here but this looks so good also we are not just printing the Nestles we are printing the wings yes this is all based on the original design uh but this time of course I made the inside part of it printable and you can see here these are the supports inside the skin and this is as well just two millimeter one millimeter thickness wall which is also light I wouldn't call it light if I want to compare it to Composites it's not light compared it's around double the weight but still the wings are going to be massive so I don't think that the extra weight will be a problem this is it for the landing gears and I designed this bracket here for the Electronica 50s retracts to sit in here this is around 50 millimeters thick it's really strong like this material is really I'm so impressed with this material the carbon fiber filament and maybe we need to enforce this just maybe top and bottom with some wood just to attach the retract to it and of course there's a small step in here for the second bar to stick on it and we would of course add those carbon fiber tubes they will go all the way across the wing and there are three of them so uh unfortunately I am leaving soon and this means of course we cannot finish this project in in two weeks and that means they will continue printing these parts the only composite part is going to be just the fuselage and the rest is going to be 3D printed and this means they will continue printing these parts and maybe they can assemble the wings because I made everything simple just clicks together then it says as well but we'll see what they can do alone and I will be back in here for sure maybe when we finish this project when we fly it and hopefully we'll make a video about that but unfortunately uh I think you guys won't see so much of this project until it's finished this is here another plane we've been walking on we cut the hatch just like the A380 as the Ouija board you know my style I love to I love carbon so every board is carbon Center box 320 Vortex Pro gyro we love this stuff this one had only one flap and these planes struggle a bit on slowing down When approaching and so we cut a second flap and added a Servo run the wire all the way there and now we have full flaps on that and this will definitely slow it down enough for good touchdown I will make sure to film the mini flight of this one for you guys it's together for left and right so I hope you guys enjoyed that stay tuned for the next one it's gonna be also from here but from outside we will be flying planes hopefully me and Tyler so maybe we get to see him in front of the camera for at least a minute and you guys get to see some of his planes flying and I will also fly something so yeah stay tuned for that anyways thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Ramy RC
Views: 826,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RC 747, RC a380, Rc falcon 8x, boeing, airbus, falcon jets, ramy rc, rc jets, large model planes
Id: bh4SFI2Qk1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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